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Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Student’s Name: _Kenneth Nuenez_____________Student's Date of Birth:_10/9/2010_____

Undergraduate Teacher:_Christian Mangerian____ Lab Day/Time:_Tuesday 7-8pm__________

1. Introductory Paragraph:
Kenny is 10.11 years old boy that that takes pride in showing off his skills and pleasing others.
Kenny, as well loved to try and make me laugh and make it an enjoyable time for myself. Kenny
currently is attending the Challenger Sports program lab once per week in Park Center. Kenny
has been diagnosed with developmental delays and social delays. Kenny enjoys physical
education but has difficulties staying on task and needs to be redirected many times. He will
often start to make undistinguishable sounds during an activity and will need to be reminded that
those are in the gymnasium with us and we don’t want to bother them. If asked to do perform a
task Kenny typically quickly directed his attention to us and we would have to repeat what was
being asked of him. Kenny has a fitness plan that we will use to work on improving his
motivation to work harder in activities he takes part in and develop his cardiovascular ability.
Kenny has a heavy set stature and weight for his age, however, he is a very cheerful and
enjoyable to be around. We collaborate and work together on skills in the Rock-Climbing
gymnasium focusing on different sport skills for each class. Kenny was assessed using the Test
of Gross Motor Development III (TGMD-III) which measures both locomotor and object control
skills. Kenny was tested on these skills and activities on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, between
the times of 7-8pm. I had Kenny perform different activities that incorporated all of the
different movements and skills being assessed.

2. Present Level of Performance:

In terms of Kenneth’s cognitive abilities, he is often making remarks about times he
played the sport we are working on before and how he disliked or liked what he did.
When performing activities that involve different actions and body parts, and he will
relate it to TV shows he likes. He can comprehend and understand majority of the
activities or skills that I explain to him and is often eager to get started with activities.
Kenneth takes feedback well and will apply it almost immediately so that he can achieve
the task.
Kenneth’s affective abilities has many qualities that lead him to be successful in the
gymnasium. He listens well to instruction to activities related to topics he likes, and will
get back on task once redirected. He cooperates and helps pick up equipment, even
sometimes without being told to do so. One area that Kenneth could improve on in terms
of the affective domain is being aware of his surroundings and how his actions may affect

others. He is very vocal at times in the sense where he will make bird noises, lifting his
shirt or making remarks that don’t need to be vocalized and may hurt someone’s feelings.
Currently to work on that, we have been enforcing a wait time until he has stopped and
told “That is not appropriate”.
Kenneth’s psychomotor skills are impressive in many areas. He can roll, catch and kick
very well. He is able to perform all skills just is currently lacking in some finer
movements. Since his want to better his skills he listens closely when feedback is given
on how to improve or correctly perform a skill. Although his locomotor skills aren’t as
developed, I have been incorporating them into many of the activities and he gets more
practice working on them. The TGMD3 scores are all very different. He fluctuates in
locomotor skills but stays consistent in psychomotor. His total score 54/86 and his best
skill is catching, and the one that needs to most improvement is hopping.
In terms of fitness, it is evident thatKenneth gets fatigued fairly easy. Throughout the
different lab sessions, we have been playing different games that work on a lot of
cardiovascular endurance due to the fact that that was one of the goals his mother had
specified at the beginning of the semester. When playing, Kenneth often needs to/wants
to take water breaks during activities. He at times struggle to push himself in activities
that involve a lot of cardio endurance and will find a way to not need to move as much.
He consistently works to the best of his ability, Kenneth is very dedicated, and when he
participates, he gives it his all.

3. Long Term Goals and Short Term Objectives:

Based on your assessment and the above description of your student's present level of
performance, plan what you think is important for your student to learn by the end of this
semester. Write this plan in the form of long term goals and two short term objectives. If
your student is at least twelve years old, remember to plan for the student's transition
from school to adulthood as you write these goals and objectives. Ask yourself what
skills, knowledge and attitudes does the student need to learn in lab in order to be
physically active as an adult?

Write long term goals, one in each domain listed below. Under each long term goal, write
two short term objectives as intermediate steps that will lead to attaining the long term
goal. Write the objectives in measurable terms, including a situation, task and criterion
for each objective. Organize the goals and objectives under the following headings.

A. Cognitive Goal: By the end of the year, Kenneth will be able to demonstrate a
general understanding of each sport covered and how to apply thew learned skills
into other sports

1. Short term objective: At the end of the lesson, Kenneth will be able to
list the cues for the focused skill used without assistance at least three out of five

2. Short term objective: Throughout the lesson, Kenneth will be able to

give 2 examples of other sports that a skill could be used in.

B. Affective Goal: By the end of the year, Kenneth will be able to demonstrate
cooperation and responsibility following directions when given and helping the
teacher with equipment without being asked to do so, at least four out of five
1. Short term objective: Throughout the lesson, Kenneth will
demonstrate cooperation by focusing on what the teacher is saying and following
direction, taking only two or less reminders

2. Short term objective: Throughout the lesson, Kenneth will

demonstrate responsibility by assisting the teacher candidate clean up the
equipment at least three out of five times

C. Psychomotor Goal: By the end of the year, Kenneth will be able to perform
different locomotor skills and dribbling with proper form, at least four out of five
1. Short term objective: Throughout the lesson, Kenneth will
demonstrate each skilled learned with proper technique at least three of five times.

2. Short term objective: By the end of the lesson, Kenneth will be able to
strike a stationary ball two of five times.

D. Fitness: By the end of the year, Kenneth will be able to participate in multiple
activities that involve moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, only taking one
breaks or less throughout.
1. Short term objective: By the end of the lesson, Kenneth will
participate in various exercises and activities that involve muscular endurance,
taking only three breaks or less

2. Short term objective: By the end of the lesson, Kenneth will

participate in various exercises and activities that involve cardiovascular
endurance, only taking three breaks or less

4. Health Considerations
The health considerations that should be taken into effect for Kenneth are a more routine fitness
and physical activity plan. There is a focus that needs to be put on increasing his endurance and
cardiovascular capabilities.

5. Behavioral Considerations
Kenneth can become unfocussed easily during class. Having an observable schedule and visual
aid will help him stay involved with his tasks and not the other students’. I would like Kenneth to
improve the way he acts around other students. Like to think before speaking if it isn’t going to
be a nice comment or building his social skills to work with other students. I would also like to
improve his time on task, I can help him do this by giving him the option to pick between two
activities, so it is something he wants to do

6. Teaching Strategies
I will have Kenneth start the lesson in the same spot every lab time, having them start in the
same spot gives him a routine that he is able to expect each time. Kenneth will be working
cooperatively with different students each lab to develop social skills. Doing this not only allow
him to develop his social skills, but it will allow Kenneth to apply more practical in game sport
skills. A third strategy I will use is work on helping build a great knowledge of the sport we are
focusing on by asking many check for understanding questions and seeing of he understands how
to apply this game to his own life.

7. Evaluation Plan
For the psychomotor domain, I can tell if Kenneth improved by comparing the pre and post test
results from the TGMD3 and if his score went up then the program was effective. For cognitive I
hope to see how well Kenneth can tell me what he is doing/cues when throwing a ball or
performing a different skill. Lastly, if Kenneth is thoroughly working himself throughout each
lab and break a sweat by the end.

8. Services to be Provided:
Physical education instruction once each week at SUNY Cortland Adapted Physical Education
Lab for one semester starting September 2021 and ending December 2021.

9. APE Placement Decision Model

I believe Kenneth should be involved in his General PE class as he will improve his social skills
with other students in that setting. I do recommend with extra help from an aid or the PE teacher
APE is not necessary.

The IEP must be complete and provide accurate descriptions that are well-written and free of
spelling and grammatical errors.

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