Homework Unit 1 - 1D Listening

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1 ( 1.1) Write down the 20 telephone numbers that you hear.

Try to write them correctly in separate blocks. Write the answers as numbers (not words.)
Listen and write down the names in the numbered space.
1. ................................................................... 11. ...................................................................
2. ................................................................... 12. ...................................................................
3. ................................................................... 13. ...................................................................
4. ................................................................... 14. ...................................................................
5. ................................................................... 15. ...................................................................
6. ................................................................... 16. ...................................................................
7. ................................................................... 17. ...................................................................
8. ................................................................... 18. ...................................................................
9. ................................................................... 19. ...................................................................
10. ................................................................... 20. ...................................................................

2 ( 1.2) Listen to a man spelling the names of some streets, road, avenue and drive.
Listen and write down the names in the numbered space.
The names will be spelled but the words STREET, ROAD, AVENUE and DRIVE won’t be spelled.

1. ...................................................................
2. ...................................................................
3. ...................................................................
4. ...................................................................
5. ...................................................................
6. ...................................................................
7. ...................................................................
8. ...................................................................

3 ( 1.3) Listen to a man spelling the names of 20 people at the natural speed.
Write down the 20 people’s names that you hear.
Listen and write down the names in the numbered space.
1 Mr. ............... 11 Dave ...............
2 Mrs. ............... 12 Dr. ...............
3 Mr. ............... 13 Miss ...............
4 Miss ............... 14 Mr. ...............
5 Mr. ............... 15 Miss ...............
6 Mr. ............... 16 Mr. ...............
7 Jane ............... 17 Clare ...............
8 Miss ............... 18 Dr. ...............
9 ............... 19 Miss ...............
10 Mark ............... 20 Mr. ...............

4 ( 1.4) Listen and cirlce the answers you hear.

1 What is the woman’s surname?
2 What is her address?
a 14 Abbot Road
b 40 Abbot’s Road
c 14 Abbot’s Road
3 What is her work phone number?
a 01206 879879
b 01206 765456
c 01026 765456
4 What is her nationality?
a British
b Britain
c Britney
5 What is her job?
a student
b mechanic
c musician
6 how old is she?
a twenty
b twenty-three
c twenty-two

5 ( 1.5) Listen to an interview and fill in the notes with the man’s personal information.

Surname: 1. ......................................................
Initials 2. ......................................................
Address: 3. ..........Kent Road, Bath
Presents: a watch, 2 batteries and a camera
Postcode: 4. ......................................................
Credit card number: 5. ......................................................
Job: 6. ......................................................
Email address: 7. ......................................................

6 ( 1.6) Listen and complete the conversation.

JANE: Hi, Helen! How’s (1)........................?

HELEN: Fine, thanks — (2)......................?
JANE: Just fine. (3).................... are you off to?
HELEN: To the library. I’ve got a history exam next week and need to start studying. Ugh.
JANE: Oh, no. Well, I’ll see you later then. (4)......................!
HELEN: Thanks. (5)...........................

7 ( 1.7) You will hear five short conversations. There is one question for each conversation.
Listen and cirlce the answers you hear.

1 What is Holly doing at home now?

2 When will Richard’s family go on holiday?

3 What’s the weather like in the mountains?

4 What will the weather be like in London today?

5 What’s the weather like at the beach now?


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