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Grade 9

Unit 1

1. A)

1) Identify and name the micro-organisms in the above diagrams. A B C

2) Name two products based on microbial activity.
3) What is the name given for the environmental condition that most of the living organisms
cannot survive but microorganisms can?
4) Write 2 examples for such environment.
5) Use word antibiotics
6) Name an antibiotic used to destroy fungi
B) Following diagram show some steps of production of yoghurt in school laboratory.

1) What is the temperature range should be maintained in thermometer in step II?

2) Name the substance that should be removed after cooling the mixture.
3) Name the substances added in step III and IV.
4) Explain the reason of adding yoghurt into the mixture.
5) What would be the temperature of the milk in the above situation?
6) How long should the mixture be kept in the refrigerator?
7) Write two factors needed for the growth of microbes.
8) Define the following terms. a. Putrefaction b. Fermentation
9) Name a disease cause due to a protozoan.

Mrs. Hasna Abdeen MSc. BSc. PGDE 1

2. A) The diagram given below is a structure of a human eye.

1) What is the part labeled as 'C' in the diagram?

2) Name the letters that indicate the parts carried out the following functions.
a. Controls the amount of light enters the eye.
b. Carries impulses about the images formed on the retina to the brain.
3) What is the name of the place that makes more clear image of an eye?
4) Name the letters of two transparent parts of the eye that travel the light through them.
B) Hypermetropia and myopia are two eye defects and cataract in the eye and glaucoma are two
diseases associate with the eye.
1) The diagram given below is to demonstrate a remedy for a dye defect. This activity shows that,
though the long distance objects can be seen clearly, short distance cannot be seen clearly. But
this can be corrected by using lenses.

a. Which lens out of P and Q can be considered as the eye lens?

b. State the nature of the image formed on the screen. Is it upright or inverted?
c. What is the eye defect demonstrated by the above activity?
d. State the type of lens used above as the remedy, is it convex lens or a concave lens
2) State the name of eye disease related to the given information.
a. The objects are seen blurred due to reduction of the transparency of the eye lens.
b. Reduce the visual range gradually of the eye and leads for blindness.
3) State a good habit that can be followed to maintain the eye healthy.
C) The ear is the organ that sensitive for perception of sounds.
1) State a function of ear except the perception of senses of sound.
2) State the parts of the ear that perform each function given below.
a. Receive senses relevant to the sound by vibrating correspondent to the sound wave.
b. Direct the sound into the external auditory canal.
c. Carrying impulses of the senses of sound to the particular area of the brain

Mrs. Hasna Abdeen MSc. BSc. PGDE 2

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