ICT-2123-2012S Visual Graphic Design (NC II) P1: Week 11-20

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ICT-2123-2012S Visual Graphic

Design(NC II)P1
Week 11-20
By: Jayie

Checkered square icon locks transparency while the brush icon locks the
image, the arrow icon locks the position of the layer and the lock icon locks all
options. - Layer Locking Options

Utilizing a shading wheel is a decent method to increase a superior

comprehension of the connection between hues. Taking a gander in the
driver's seat, you'll see that legitimately opposite every added substance
essential (red, green, blue) is its supplement: red/cyan, green/red, and
- Color Wheel

Parameter shows the current shape and size of the brush. To change the
shape and size of the brush
- Brush

Sets the transparency of color you apply. As you paint over an area, the
opacity does not exceed the set level no matter how many times you move
the pointer over the area, until you release the mouse button. If you stroke
over the area again, you apply additional color, equivalent to the set opacity.
Opacity of 100 percent is opaque.
- Opacity

A large portion of the noticeable range of shading can be reproduced by

blending red, green, and blue (RGB) light in differing sums. These three hues
are regularly called the added substance primaries, since when included, they
produce white light. Where two hues cover, they make cyan, red, or yellow, or
subtractive primaries.
- RGB Model

Contains many of the tools you will be working with in Photoshop. This
contains tools for working with images in Photoshop.
- Tools Bar

The human eye sees shading as far as three qualities—tone, immersion, and
brilliance (HSB). - HSB Color
Photoshop is the leading _________ image editing program. - Professional

Is the quality or virtue of the shading. Now and then called chroma, it alludes
to the measure of dark in extent to the tint, and is estimated as a rate from 0
(dim) to 100 (completely soaked). On a shading wheel, immersion increments
from the inside to the edge. - Saturation

Alludes to the shading reflected from or transmitted through an article. It is

estimated as an area on a shading wheel, communicated as a degree
somewhere in the range of 0 and 360. By and large, tint is characterized by the
name of the shading, for example, red, orange, or green. - Hue

Limited to 8 bit, 256 colors. Used for large areas of uniform color. Lossless
compression. 2/3rds compression: 96kb =64kb. Can assign one color as
transparent, can also use animation. - GIF

Allows you to show or hide certain parts of the layer with the use of
paintbrush. - Layer Mask

Sets the method for blending the color you paint with the underlying existing
pixels. Available modes change with the currently selected tool. Paint modes
are similar to layer blending modes. - Mode

Located at the top right section of the layer panel, this menu allows you to
select multiple layer options. Some of them are displayed as icons at the
bottom of the Layers palette too. - Layer Options Menu

A shortcut icon to delete a layer or a group of layers. You can drag the layers
to the trash to get it deleted or select the layers and click on the trash icon
too. - Delete Layer

Two diverse shading models are utilized to change shading in Photoshop

Elements. The HSB (tint, immersion, and brilliance) model depends in transit
the human eye sees shading. The RGB (red, green, and blue) model depends
in transit PC screens and different gadgets, for example, scanners and
computerized cameras show and catch shading. The shading wheel is another
device that causes you comprehend the connections between hues.
Photoshop Elements offers four picture modes that characterize the quantity
of hues showed in a picture: RGB, bitmap, grayscale, and ordered shading. -
Understanding color
The brilliance worth is the relative softness or haziness of the shading. It is
normally estimated as a rate from 0 (dark) to 100 (white). - Brightness

Choose a particular blending mode from the drop-down menu to use special
effects. - Layer Blending Mode

Consists of nine menus: File, Edit, Image, Layer, Select, Filter, View, Window,
and Help. - Menu Bar

Allows you to organize document with multiple layers where you can group
different layers into a folder. - New Group

It refers to the brightest part on an image. - Highlight

Which tool allows you to just click on the area you want to erase and it erases
all those with the same color? - Magic Eraser Tool

Which tool deletes whatever data any place you snap and drag? - Eraser Tool

Which tool is used to fix scratches and specs on picture? - Healing Brush

Which tool works by setting an example point and duplicates it to the region
being correct. This device is perfect for modifying flaws that influence an
enormous region of the skin? - Clone Stamp Tool

This allows you to smoothen edges. - Feathering

It refers to the darkest part of the image. - Shadows

Which tool is incredible for obscuring sharp edges and removing any detail,
this is helpful for making pleasant smooth edges on body units, or enhanced
with Photoshop body parts? - Blur Tool

Which tool is used to make example plan in the picture? - Pattern Stamp

Which tool evacuates the skin imperfection via consequently testing around
the zone being modified and after that coordinating and mixing the surface,
shading and lighting of the inspected zone to the region being corrected. It is
perfect to expel little imperfections. - Spot Healing Brush Tool

It sets the rate at which color is applied as you move the pointer over an area.
- Flow

It sets the transparency of color you apply. - Opacity

It is utilized to make the picture darker with each stroke; this is useful for
obscuring zone of bodywork, and making shadows. - Burn Tool

The Pencil draws lines with a gentler edge - False

Which tool makes obscured edges all the sharper and expands detail? -
Sharpen Tool

This tool is used for creating strokes  of color with smooth edges and is  ideal
for making soft body parts from scratch. - Brush Tool

Which tool is used to delete the foundation of a picture?  - Background

Eraser Tool

It sets the method for blending the color you paint with the underlying
existing pixels. Available modes change with the currently selected tool. -

Which tool works like the recuperating brush device, just it works with
example? - Patch Tool

The Brush draws free structure lines with a hard edge. - False

_______ images are lines and curves generated by mathematical formulas. -


The _______ is one of the most powerful features in Photoshop. - Pen Tool

_________ are non-destructive layers, providing more flexibility when working

with images as they don’t permanently delete information in an image. -
Adjustment Layers
A _______ is a line that follows the path. - Stroke

A _______ adds a solid color or pattern to the space surrounded by the path. -

The _______ Tool lets you draw freehand, similar to the Brush Tool. - Freeform

The _______ Tool makes it easy to draw curves without needing to play with the
handlebars as you do with the main Pen Tool. - Curvature Pen

The _____ tool lets you select a shape from a library of available shapes, such
as arrows, check marks, footprints, and stars. - Custom Shape

In Photoshop, you can use the Vector Shape tools to create an object for
placement on your image. - True

Vectors are great for graphic design work, including designing logos and
icons. - True

What is the keyboard key on selecting pen tool? - P

What is the keyboard key on selecting shape tool? - U

What is the keyboard key on selecting direction tool? - A

What is the keyboard key on selecting Horizontal Text Tool? - T

What is the keyboard key on selecting Move Tool? - V

What is the shortcut or control to set into transform the image? - Ctrl+T

What is the keyboard key on selecting brush tool? - B

What is the command key to select the whole object or image? - Ctrl+A
The Vector Shape tools include the Rectangle tool, the Rounded Rectangle
tool, the Ellipse tool, the Polygon tool, the Line tool, and the Custom Shape
tool. - True

Photoshop is primarily designed for vector images. - False

It deletes whatever data any place you snap and drag. In the event that you
are on a layer, the data you will delete is straightforward. In the event that you
are on a foundation layer, and you included a few subtleties, you can utilize
the eraser device to evacuate included subtleties. - Eraser Tool

Tool that lets you select a consistently colored area. - Magic Wand

Creates a new layer that can be used as other layers in the document - New
Fill of Adjustment Layer

The eye shows that the selected layer is visible. Click on or off to see or hide a
layer. - Layer Visibility

Is where we create new layers, delete existing layers, rename layers, move
layers around, turn layers on and off in the document, add layer masks and
layer effects. - Layer Panel

Allows you to add various visual effects to the selected layer. - Layer Styles

Photoshop’s native file format - PSD

Lets you specify the transparency of the document by tying in some values or
dragging the slider - Fill/Opacity

It works by setting an example point and duplicates it to the region being

correct. This device is perfect for modifying flaws that influence an enormous
region of the skin. - Clone Stamp Tool

It works like the recuperating brush device, just it works with example. -
Healing Brush Tool

It evacuates the skin imperfection via consequently testing around the zone
being modified and after that coordinating and mixing the surface, shading
and lighting of the inspected zone to the region being corrected. It is perfect
to expel little imperfections. - Spot Healing Brush Tool

The best platform for photographic images; textures and gradations.  Very
small file size: 96kb=32kb. - JPEG

The background is technically not a layer, however, it can be edited. It is the

bottom most portion of the image. - Background

Sets the rate at which color is applied as you move the pointer over an area.
As you paint over an area, while holding down the mouse button, the amount
of color builds up based on the flow rate, up to the opacity setting. For
example, if you set the opacity to 33% and the flow to 33%, each time you
move over an area, its color moves 33% toward the brush color. The total will
not exceed 33% opacity unless you release the mouse button and stroke over
the area again. - Flow

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