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Neni Nurkhamidah, M.Pd Imam Santosa

NIDN : 0317118803 NIDN : 0306098704





has been examined and approved in Jakarta to be a Research Proposal on:

Thursday, 27 January 2022

Acknowledged by, Approved by,

Head of English Department Research

Neni Nurkhamidah, M.Pd Imam Santosa, M.Pd

NIDN 0317118803 NIDN 0306098704


First of all I want to thank God who has given me health to work on this Research

Proposal. From the sincere of the writer’s deepest heart, she realized that if there were no

support and motivation from people around him, he could not finish this research proposal.

Therefore, she would like to express his gratitude and give his best appreciation to:

1. Imam Santosa M.Pd as the supervisor who help the author a lot in work process

2. Neni Nurkhamidah M.Pd as the Head of English Departement

3. The author’s parents Lusie Erlita as Mother of author, Toni Maulana & Yustina as

grandparents who always provide prayers and support.

4. The author’s family members her beloved sister Adella, Trisha and Silla

5. The author’s friends ‘Siluman Luar Biasa’ and ‘Anak Sulung’ group who always

provide motivation which sometimes helps the writer.

Hopefully, this paper can be useful to the readers, specially to the writer. Also, the author

realized that this paper is far from being perfect. It is a pleasure for him to receive

constructive criticism and suggestion from anyone who read this research proposal.

Jakarta,27 January 2022

Reynita Nadhifa

Table of Contents

USULAN PENELITIAN...............................................................................................................................i
UNIVERSITAS MEDIA NUSANTARA CITRA JAKARTA....................................................................i
LEMBAR PENGESAHAN USULAN PENELITIAN.................................................................................i
RESEARCH PROPOSAL APPROVAL SHEET........................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I..................................................................................................................................................2
A. Background of the study.......................................................................................................................2
2. Justification of The Importance............................................................................................................4
3. Research Problem..................................................................................................................................6
4. Research Gap........................................................................................................................................6
B. Limitations.............................................................................................................................................7
C. Research Questions...............................................................................................................................7
D. Research Objectives..............................................................................................................................8
E. Research Benefits.................................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER II.................................................................................................................................................9
A. Literature Review.................................................................................................................................9
2. Digital Literacy in Learning Activity.................................................................................................11
3. Teacher Competencies........................................................................................................................13
4. Teacher Competency of Digital Literacy...........................................................................................14
5. The Concept of Digital Literacy.........................................................................................................15
6. Level Digital Literacy.........................................................................................................................18
7. The Improvement the level of digital literacy....................................................................................20
B. Previous Study....................................................................................................................................21
C. Conceptual Framework......................................................................................................................22
CHAPTER III.............................................................................................................................................24
A. Research Design.................................................................................................................................24
B. Research Time and Location..............................................................................................................24
C. Research Subject.................................................................................................................................24
D. Research Instruments..........................................................................................................................25
E. Data Collection Technique.................................................................................................................25
F. Data Analysis Technique....................................................................................................................26
G. Data Validity Test Plan.......................................................................................................................26


The development of the technological era requires everyone to be more innovative. The

development of this technology also affects the education sector, especially the literacy skills

of teachers. Currently, the digital literacy competence of teachers is very crucial to support

the learning process. Teachers with digital literacy skills will be seen as more, and teachers

who are professional. This study aims to see how far the level of digital literacy skills for

English teachers at Bogor High School is. The importance of increasing digital literacy skills

is also the goal of this research, which is to find out what programs can improve the digital

literacy skills of English teachers in Bogor. This research was conducted using a qualitative

method with descriptive analysis as the approach.

Keywords : Digital Literacy, English Teacher, Competence of Digital Literacy


A. Background of the study

1. Topic

Technological developments during the digital age expose everyone to a situations

that require the use of the ever-evolving technical, cognitive, and sociological skills are

necessary in order to work effectively in a digital environment. Previously, the use of

information technology was limited to socializing through social media and looking for

various information needs on the internet, but now the digital world has really become the

main learning media (Bashori, 2020). Technological developments give an impact on the

education sector. Various digital teaching resources termed as e-resources are available in

abundance on the internet (Komang Sujendra Diputra, 2020). The digital era provides a

variety of information on the internet, both verified and unverified.

Currently, digital literacy competence is needed by teachers in the teaching and

learning process so that teachers have a critical attitude in responding to information.

Basically, teacher competence is divided into four parts, namely pedagogic competence,

personality competence, social competence, and professional competence (Janawi, 2018).

These four competencies become the main standards and indicators for assessing teacher

competency mastery. However, in this digital era, these four competencies cannot be

separated from the influence of technology (Kholid, 2020). He also state that the digital

learning process can be done anytime and anywhere, media and learning resources can vary,

students can also access various learning resources and various sources. Also (S Ramadhan,

2019) stated that Media literacy is one of the basic skills individuals must possess in the 21st

century and has become a central and inseparable part of life.

Digital literacy is the ability to use information and communication technology to

find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, which requires cognitive and technical

skills and Glitser also argues that digital literacy is the ability to obtain, understand, and use

information from various sources in digital form (Gilster, 1997). Traditionally, "literacy" can

be interpreted as the ability to read and write. literacy is not only related to reading and

writing, but also the entire ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate,

calculate, and use printed and written materials that are linked to various contexts. (Hobbs,

2010) stated Digital literacy is a constellation of knowledge, skills, and competencies needed

to thrive in a culture dominated by technology. Others said digital literacy is related to

functional skills related to knowledge and effective use of digital technology, the ability to

analyze and evaluate digital information, know how to act safely and appropriately in

cyberspace, and understand how, when, why, and with or with whom technology is used

(Harjono, 2018).

Teachers play an important role in learning activities coupled with the current era of

technology, thus requiring them to have digital literacy competencies. Especially the English

teacher because English is the language chosen as the main language in all existing

technologies. Eighty percent of the information stored electronically in the world is in

English and, of the estimated 200 million Internet users, about thirty-six percent

communicates in English (Banatul Murtafi’ah, 2019), thus requiring adjustments in English

subjects. he also stated that English teachers should embrace a new role, advocating digital

literacy in their teaching. English teachers, especially those who teach high school students

The development of the digital era affects all aspects, including aspects of education.

Various digital teaching resources termed as e-resources are available in abundance on the

internet (Komang Sujendra Diputra, 2020). Moreover, (Andi Asari, 2019) stated in this

millennial era, the use of digital media is increasingly massive, students and teachers are

active users. Digital literacy is an important thing. Currently the cultivation of digital literacy

has been included in the school curriculum. The awareness of embedding digital literacy in

the school curriculum has increased (Banatul Murtafi’ah, 2019). So that digital literacy

becomes a learning activity in schools.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher carried out this research to

complement the existing research. With the results of this study, we can find out the extent of

the literacy skills of teachers, especially English teachers at the high school level and fill in

the gaps in previous research studies with different variables so that they can update

knowledge about teacher digital literacy, and fill in by collaborating elements from digital

literacy with digital literacy levels to see how capable the teachers are in using digital


2. Justification of The Importance

This research need to do as information material and to map the problems faced by

teachers in order to adapt to the digital era and the development of information technology.

Previous research (S Ramadhan, 2019) shows that most teachers have used digital media to

help the learning process. However, the digital media used are still limited and not diverse.

Digital literacy is not only about understanding digital technology and how to operate it (ESHET-

ALKALAI, Digital Literacy: A Conceptual Framework for Survival Skills in Digital Era,

2004) stated it also includes a large variety of complex cognitive, motor, sociological, and

emotional skills, which users need in order to function effectively in digital environments. The

current digital technology aims to improve the quality of education, thus requiring digitally

competent teachers to facilitate the use of ICT in education. (M Mubasher Hassan, 2021)

Teachers must be able to create a student-centered learning environment and foster creativity,

meta- cognition, meta-literacy, collaboration and communication in learners.

The superficial use of ICT in teaching will not produce the necessary learning outcomes, but

the integration of ICT in pedagogy is important to improve the teaching and learning process

this is important because the teacher is a facilitator for students. (Komang Sujendra Diputra,

2020) found conditions that are less than ideal occur in SD 1 Sulanyah and SDN 2 Sulanyah,

where the digital literacy of teachers is still weak.

In fact, in the learning process using digital media, teachers must have the

competence to choose teaching materials from various sources, using the latest learning tools

to create interesting, creative, efficient and innovative learning processes and use various

media to create fun learning. Previous research (Andi Asari, 2019) argues that it is important

to implement digital literacy learning in the school environment. He also thinks that the

inability of students and teachers to interpret digital literacy has an impact on attitudes and

character. Today technology is a necessity for everyone. So people must have insight into

technology. In the face of very fast technological developments, digital literacy is the key and

the main foundation that must be possessed. Digital literacy is the most basic and most

crucial thing in facing current technological developments (KEMENDIKBUD, 2021).

Therefore the development of existing technology requires the world of education to also

attach importance to digital literacy. Mastery of digital literacy in the context of learning can

streamline, facilitate, and strengthen educational processes and outcomes. In this context,

mastery of digital literacy enables learners to improve cognitive, affective, and psychomotor

competencies through better, faster, easier, and more enjoyable learning activities in a digital

learning environment (Harjono, 2018).

Based on this explanation from previous studies, this research is very important in the

current era of technological development and the results of this study can be the basis for

teachers as information and reflection so that educators know or are 'literate' digital literacy

3. Research Problem

The inability of teachers in digital literacy will have implications for the slow

development of the transformation of education in a more advanced direction. In learning

English, teachers need wider sources of information so digital literacy is very important for

English teachers. Based on the phenomena and problems that occur, this study intends to look

at the digital literacy competence of English teachers and based on the background that has

been explained, the researchers formulate a problem formulations to be studied, there are

a. Level of competencies of high school teachers in Bogor towards digital literacy.

b. The program that can improve the level of digital literacy of teacher

4. Research Gap

As previously discussed, digital literacy is something that is very important and very

much needed in today's digital era. This condition requires teachers to be literate in the use of

information technology to carry out their duties as educators and teachers. The researcher

also believes that many previous researchers discussed the same thing. But according to

(Andi Asari, 2019) there are still few researchers who discuss this digital literacy. Assuming

that research on digital literacy competence in the school environment is still relatively small

(Andi Asari, 2019). The research made by (Atmazaki, 2019) also discusses the same thing

but they focus their research on teacher education students.

Another researchers discussed about the implementation of the digital literacy of

teacher in junior high school. (Bambang Widi Pratolo, 2020) English teachers are expected to

be able to present digital literacy in their learning. The results of the study show that there are

technological limitations, student backgrounds, time constraints and budget constraints are

considered to be obstacles in the application of digital literacy and the teacher shows a

positive attitude by considering the syllabus as the core, understanding the position of the

teacher, developing effective learning, using multiple literacy and improving four language

skills. In addition, (S Ramadhan, 2019) research found that the results showed that most

teachers had used digital media to help the learning process. However, the digital media used

are still limited and not diverse. he also advised teachers to be able to keep up with the times

by utilizing digital media in learning, both to obtain material so that the use of learning

media, as well as to support the learning methods used.

In this study, researchers will use the subjects of high school English teachers in

Bogor to update their research with previous research studies. This research is to expand the

eight components of digital literacy from the future lab with digital literacy competency

levels to find out how competent teachers are with digital literacy. With different subjects and

variables will make this research different from previous research. In addition, to see how far

their competence is towards digital literacy, high school English teachers in Bogor,

researchers combine elements of digital literacy with digital literacy levels so that it becomes

the difference between this study and previous research.

B. Limitations

The discussion about digital literacy competence is very broad and will be connected with

other information. Therefore, in this study, researcher only discuss digital literacy

competencies for English teachers at high schools in Bogor. To be more specific, this

research will find out the extent of the digital literacy competence of teachers and what

programs can improve the level of digital literacy competence teachers in schools, specially

English language teacher in Bogor.

C. Research Questions

Basicaly the research questions conducted based on the research problem. Therefore

the research questions of this research are :

a. How far is the competence of high school teachers in Bogor towards digital


b. How to improve the level of digital literacy of teacher

D. Research Objectives

The purpose of this research basically are;

a. To find out how far the competence of teachers to digital literacy,

b. To know what the program that can improve the competency of digital literacy

Especially high school teachers in Bogor. In addition, this research also aims to

provide awareness for teachers so that they understand the importance of digital literacy in

learning in this era. It is hoped that the awareness of the teachers will later help increase their

potential and abilities and provide innovation towards a better education.

E. Research Benefits

This research will provide benefits for many people such as students, students, other

researchers, especially for teachers. This research will help students and other researchers as

their reading material and reference in understanding digital literacy. More than that, this

discussion about teacher competence in digital literacy will really help teachers as a reflection

and innovation for them to be digital literacy.


A. Literature Review

1. Digital Literacy and The Importance

The development of the internet is a manifestation of digital literacy, namely the use

of technology, information and communication devices in accessing, composing, and

distributing information. Literacy can be defined as understanding and skill in writing,

reading, arithmetic, and other disciplines. Digital literacy is needed in the use of technology.

This is also one of the components in the learning and academic environment, namely digital

literacy. The application of digital literacy can make people much wiser in using and

accessing technology. In the field of technology, especially information and communication,

digital literacy is related to the ability of its users . Digital literacy is the ability to understand

and use information from various sources, which can be accessed via computers (Gilster,

1997). The ability to use technology wisely to create positive interactions and

communication. User skills in digital literacy include the ability to find, work on, evaluate,

use, create and utilize them wisely, intelligently, carefully and precisely according to their

use. According to UNESCO, digital literacy is closely related to life skills. This ability does

not only involve technology, but the ability to learn, think critically, be creative, and be

innovative for digital competence (Nancy Law, 2018).

Digital literacy is the knowledge and ability to use digital technology. The ability to

find, create and use information. Digital literacy is a necessary skill. This skill is a

multimedia communication skill that includes the ability to write, the ability to use language,

images and sounds (Hobbs, 2010). Therefore, digital literacy competence needs to be

developed in education so that it can be a bridge to the digital divide and students are digital

literate. Further developments (Bawden, 2001) put forward a new understanding of digital

literacy which was developed based on the concept of computer literacy and information

literacy, literacy rooted in computer literacy and information literacy. In his new concept,

Bawden builds a digital literacy conceptualization which consists of four main components,

namely underpinning, background knowledge, central competencies, attitudes and

perspectives (Bawden, 2001, p. 29).

However (Walton) assumes that information and digital literacy is not only a set of

competencies 'and' rises to behavior but also a high-level intellectual and metacognitive

approach'. Also (ESHET-ALKALAI, Digital Literacy: A Conceptual Framework for Survival

Skills in Digital Era, 2004, p. 1 ) assumes that digital literacy is not just the ability to use

technology but also includes a wide range of complex cognitive, motor, sociological, and

emotional skills that users need to function effectively in a digital environment. He also

argues that a teacher's digital literacy ability can be a measure of quality for educators as well

as the quality of the students.

The implication of this digital world is the birth of solid individuals knowledge and

insight, as well as producing individuals with the term digital native, namely the generation

that lives in the digital era where the internet is an integral part of life (Komang Sujendra

Diputra, 2020) .Digital literacy is an important thing needed to be able to participate in the

modern world. Likewise in the world of education such as various digital teaching resources

termed e-resources available in abundance on the internet (Komang Sujendra Diputra, 2020).

The digital era provides a variety of information on the internet. Moreover, (Kholid, 2020)

stated the integration of information technology into the learning process has become a

necessity that must be done in order to accommodate the demands of the curriculum and the

dynamics of the times. Therefore, digital literacy is very important in education, one of which

is to improve the individual's ability to be more critical in thinking and understanding


2. Digital Literacy in Learning Activity

The role of literacy in learning is very much needed. Understanding literacy itself is a

person's ability to process and understand information when doing the reading and writing

process. In addition to the ability to read and write, literacy also includes the ability to

recognize and understand ideas conveyed visually in the form of videos and images. As well

as in the world of education. Digital literacy is one of the important roles in learning. With

digital literacy, it is hoped that students will be smarter in interacting in the digital world and

be able to analyze every news that exists rationally, not sentimentally. Today's generation is

exposed to all kinds of digital technologies that allow them to communicate in a way that

combines these four language skills while creating new ones (Oktavian Mantiri, 2019). He

also stated, as educators, we need to evaluate the way we view and measure literacy.

Basically (Oktavian Mantiri, 2019, p. 1) assumes that digitally literate people can use

strategic technologies to find and evaluate information, connect and collaborate with others,

produce and share original content, and use the Internet and technological tools to achieve

many academic, professional and personal goals. He also stated one of the best ways to create

digital literacy is through the use of Information and Communications technology (Oktavian

Mantiri, 2019, p. 1303) it means that teacher teachers can integrate technology into their

lesson plans in ways that add value.

In learning activities using digital literacy software, educators can provide students

with more personalized learning, enabling them to work at their own pace and be responsible

for their own learning. Students who are directly involved in the learning process, develop

important learning skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, team building, and being

effective communicators (Oktavian Mantiri, 2019, p. 1304). The implementation of digital

literacy in schools is an important thing. (Hamidah, 2021) The application of digital literacy

in English needs to know the level of proficiency of students both in English and in the use of

technology after that their level of proficiency will be identified, then determining the

learning objectives of subjects related to digital literacy skills must be the main goal because

the goal is to develop their abilities both in English and in the use of technology.

Digital literacy in the classroom is usually used to select several media and materials

that can be taken from videos or websites to teach content and language skills so teachers

need to consider what technology will be used in learning activities. Therefore (Hamidah,

2021, p. 97) assume that the importance of digital literacy cannot be separated from the daily

classroom. By developing digital literacy in English lessons many opportunities will arise to

expand English language mastery outside the classroom. (Hamidah, 2021, p. 97) Because

students are able to maintain digital literacy, they may have the ability to create and

communicate with others through online platforms. Related to this in language acquisition,

students are expected to master language skills, namely Speaking, listening, reading and

writing skills.

Therefore, digital literacy has important role in each skill. In speaking activities, still

from the same researcher (Hamidah, 2021) said that for speaking class digital literacy be

implemented when students are asked to create a recorded audio file which is stored online so

that others can listen and download the audio. That way students will be enthusiastic about

learning. For learning activities for listening skills, teachers can take advantage of the

YouTube platform, assigning students to listen to podcasts.

Moreover, teacher can implemented the use of digital literacy for online text and for

writing skill teacher can asked students to write an online story or make some blog as an

assignment. However the use of digital literacy is not only needed in learning English. But it

is also an obligation at all levels of education so that the millennial generation already has

digital literacy skills.

3. Teacher Competencies

Teachers are the pillars of education. Therefore, the success of education in a country

is strongly influenced by the strategic role of teachers. Therefore, the competence of teachers

must continue to be improved along with the times. Teachers have a very heavy task load, not

only responsible to their students, but also to the state. Teachers even have a central role in

efforts to realize the goals of national education. Teacher competence is one of the factors

that influence the achievement of learning and education goals in schools.

Previously, (Novauli., 2015) stated that Teacher competence can be defined as the

unanimity of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are displayed in the form of intelligent and

responsible behavior that a teacher has in carrying out his profession. Hence, it is clear that a

teacher is required to have competence or ability in the knowledge he has, the ability to

master subjects, the ability to interact socially both with fellow students and with fellow

teachers and principals, even with the wider community.

In our own country, there are four competencies that a teacher must have. According

to the law (Undang-undang RI) no. 14;2005 about teacher and lecturers the competences are

and the explanation based on (Janawi, 2018) :

a. Pedagogic Competence

Is the ability of teachers in learning management which includes understanding

the insight or foundation of scientific education so that they have academic and

intellectual expertise.

b. Personality Competence

Is a personal ability that reflects a steady, stable, mature, wise, and authoritative

personality, becomes an example for students and has noble character.

c. Sociality Competence

Is the ability of teachers as social beings in interacting with other people. This

competence relates to the ability of teachers as members of society and social beings

d. Professionality Competence

Is the teacher's ability to master the material broad and deep lessons as well as the

abilities that teachers must have with regard to aspects In delivering learning, teachers have

roles and duties as sources of material that are never dry in managing the learning process.

In recent years, the quality of education has changed significantly along with the

progress of this century. As a teacher who educates and teaches this generation, of course,

you must always improve your competence so that you are not out of date and able to answer

the needs of students. therefore the competence of a teacher is very important so that teachers

are required to have these competencies in order to produce successful students later

4. Teacher Competency of Digital Literacy

The development of technological advances which also affects the world of education

affects the competence of teachers. At present, teachers must not only have personality

competencies, pedagogic competencies, social competencies and professional competencies

but also have educational innovations. (Rohmah, 2019) Teachers will be very lame, in other

words, unbalanced if they cannot align their competencies with technological advances.

Teachers cannot access information via the internet, open e-books, and create learning media

through technology. Teachers who are digitally blind will be left behind, teachers who can

survive are teachers who master technology, digital literacy, and ICT. The emergence of

digital learning can provide a more diverse, creative, participatory, and holistic experience.

Digital transformation is deemed necessary for educational transformation (Rohmah, 2019, p.

119). With digital transformation, the quality of education will lead to a good system. Besides

that, it can also support the effectiveness and efficiency of education.

The teacher is a person who plays an important role in the implementation of

education. The teacher is face to face with the students in the class who will be responsible

for the success of the learning objectives. Therefore, schools need to prepare competent

teachers according to the needs in this technological era. Digital literacy is one of the

competencies that is quite important in meeting current needs. Strengthening digital literacy

is carried out to prepare professional teachers according to educational needs. The main

requirement for teachers in digitizing the education system is the ability of teachers to access

information, access data, utilize, disseminate information and create new innovations in

education through information technology (Andi Asari, 2019).

Therefore, it is hoped that there will be no more teachers who can't do it use the

internet, cannot access electronic books and various information, or use the internet to create

innovative learning media. Digital literacy for teachers is an ability to use information and

communication technology to obtain, read, understand, utilize, assess, create, and disseminate

new knowledge to assist teachers in carrying out their duties effectively and efficiently.

5. The Concept of Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is not only about knowledge and understanding that enables critical,

creative, discerning and safe practices when engaging with digital technologies but also

digital literacy is about much more than having access to or being able to use a computer

which include the components of digital literacy.

With this component explains that understanding digital literacy is not only about the

use of digital technology but also about cultural and social issues, critical thinking and being

creative all make up part of a broad set of practices that students need to wrap around their

use of any tool and need to develop in order to participate effectively in any kind of culture

(Sarah Payton, 2010).

a. Functional Skills

Is a basic understanding that will later be used as a basis for navigating the teacher in

the use of a technology when in the classroom. (Sarah Payton, 2010) said that teacher often

feel anxious, Some teachers feel that their own functional skills are not as developed as their

students. In fact, basically the functional skills is only about knowing and using digital

technology effectively. Sometimes technology sounds complicated it can actually be very

simple if the teacher has a basic understanding

b. Creativity

Creativity is about knowing how technology is used to create knowledge and innovate

processes and products. Creativity with digital technology can take different forms. Concept

of digital competence creative requirements using digital technology as a skill (Selcuk, 2019).

This component not only encourages creativity electronically. It will also develop their

reading and writing skills as they formulate and progress further with projects that they

benefit from studying. for example story telling

c. Critical Thinking and Evaluation

At a deeper level, teachers should be able to think critically about the sources and

digital tools that they find and rely on so they can teach students how to think critically and

able to determine a reputable website from one that is untrustworthy, biased, dangerous or

outdated. They should be able to guide students toward attaining these same skills.

d. Cultural and Social Understanding

Teachers should have sensitivity to the varying cultural contexts that students bring

both to the classroom and to digital technologies. They should know how to use technology

in order to differentiate their approaches.

e. Collaboration

A digitally literate teacher will use digital tools to connect and collaborate with other

teachers, whether on their team or across the world, as they develop professionally and

coordinate on projects.

f. The Ability to Find and Select Information

Teachers should know how to navigate search engines in order to return relevant,

respectable and safe results that represent a broad spectrum of perspectives.

g. Effective Communication

Teachers should be able to communicate on digital technologies in a manner that is

appropriate for each platform.

h. E-Safety

Teachers should understand digital and online safety. They should know how to teach

the habits of a digital citizen and look out for their students online in a manner that still gives

students independence.

6. Level Digital Literacy

As the explanation Digital literacy is an individual's awareness, attitude and ability to use

digital tools and facilities appropriately to identify, access, manage, integrate, evaluate,

analyze and synthesize digital resources, build new knowledge, create media expressions, and

communicate with others, in the context of certain life situations, to enable constructive

social action, quoted by (Martin, 2019).

Based on existing explanations and definitions regarding the notion of digital literacy, it

can also be interpreted that literacy can be seen as something that can be imagined at three

levels, we can approach digital literacy in the same vein, seeing it as the first operative at the

technical level, mastery of digital competencies, second at the technical level. thought level.

use, contextual application of digital tools, and third, at the level of critical reflection,

understanding of the transformative human and social impact of digital action. This level is

conducted by (Martin, Infromation IT & Literacy: enabling learning in the 21st century,


a. Digital Competence ( Lvl.1 )

This level is the basis of expertise and ability to use digital technology. The basis of this

system is digital competence covering a wide range of topics and skill level

differentiation. In this level the competencies covered can include finding information on

the web, word processing and document preparation, electronic communication

b. Digital Usage ( Lvl.2 )

This is the next stage of digital competence. The successful use of digital competencies

and the proper application of digital competencies in a professional context will result in

digital use. In generating digital use, users make use of relevant digital competencies and

elements specific to their profession, domain, or other life context. Digital uses are shaped

by the requirements of the situation: they are focused on solving a problem, completing a

task, or achieving some other outcome in a professional, disciplinary or other context, and

are thus uniquely shaped by the particular skill set of the individual, without which they

could not succeed.

c. Digital Transformation ( Lvl.3 )

This is the final stage to be reached when developed digital uses enable innovation and

creativity, and stimulate significant changes in professional or knowledge domains or

personal and social contexts. The requirements for transformation are critical reflection of

the individual or group; Reflective action is required at all literacy levels, becoming more

critical at higher levels.

7. The Improvement the level of digital literacy

"A great nation is characterized by a literate society, which has a high civilization and is

actively advancing the world community " (Effendy, 2019). Quoted from the official website

of the Ministry of Education and Culture said that the literacy culture in Indonesia is still very

low.Moreover, a long with the rapid development of technology, especially in the use of the

internet, of course this encourages changes in all fields, not least in the world of literacy.

Maybe previously we only knew that literacy was the ability to read and write. But now the

notion of literacy has expanded widely and literacy itself has been divided into several types,

one of which is digital literacy. With the ability in digital literacy, people are expected not

only to have traditional reading and writing skills, but also to have communication skills and

analytical skills that involve digital media in finding and using the information obtained

wisely, to support their daily lives.

This digital literacy does not only include the ability to find and read information from

digital media, but also requires a critical thinking process to evaluate, use and utilize

information obtained from various digital sources correctly, carefully, ethically and

responsibly. It is important to improve the level of digital literacy with all its benefits such as

increasing the individual's ability to be more critical in thinking and understanding

information improve individual verbal abilities and also can improve individual focus and

concentration. Increase the individual's ability to read.

People might be ask what efforts can be done to improve digital literacy. First by holding

training and digital literacy activities in the community. There are many examples of this

activity. For example, introducing official applications to read books for free and legally on

smartphones. And secondly, with counseling and socialization that can be provided, among

others, how to surf the internet correctly, tips to avoid hoax information/news, how to find

credible information on news portals, ethics in using the internet and many more.

As (Sarah Payton, 2010) said that some teacher feels worried and anxious about their

skills in using the technology for digital literacy. Therefore, teacher need some program such

as training, facilitate and counseling to improve their level of digital literacy.

B. Previous Study

Research on digital literacy competence in teachers is still very rarely done. This is in line

with the opinion from (Andi Asari, 2019) research on digital literacy competencies in the

school environment is still relatively small. In the research conducte by Komang and

colleagues , the focus is on the implications of digital literacy which can be in the form of

negative and positive impacts from its use. They discussed how the literacy movement should

be carried out in schools. They found that less than ideal conditions occurred in SD N 1

Sulanyah and SD N 2 Sulanyah, where the digital literacy of teachers was still weak

(Komang Sujendra Diputra, 2020).

Moreover, study about the implication and the importance of digital literacy in learning

activity conducted by (Kholid, 2020) found that the implementation of online learning

(online) most teachers only use wa group (WAG) facilities even though more accommodating

and interactive online-based learning facilities are available such as zoom meetings, google

meet or google classroom or other online learning media applications that make it easier for

teachers and students to interact during the learning process. It means that teacher only use

unvariative sources and the knowledge of their ability to use digital technology still lack.

Continuing to (Andi Asari, 2019) the importance of digital literacy competency learning

programs among teachers and students that have a positive impact on understanding and

skills in using digital media, especially for educational media. With this program makes a

good contribution to teachers and students in competency digital literacy. The importance of

conducting programs to improve digital literacy skills can really help teachers. (Komang

Sujendra Diputra, 2020) the Activity Program has succeeded in increasing the digital literacy

of partner teachers, where the evaluation results show that more than 70% of partner teachers

are able to search for digital information, the technology-based learning media produced are

in the "good" category.

Based on the relevant studies, the researcher decided to use English teacher in Bogor to

improve their level skills of competency digital literacy.

C. Conceptual Framework

This study conducted with the problem that occurred in English Teacher in Bogor. Their

ability to use digital literacy is become a problem of this research. As (Harjono, 2018) said,

Teachers are also required to master ICT in accordance with the interests and objectives of

their responsibilities in certain scientific fields. The use of digital technology, for example in

the form of multimedia learning in this context, is very necessary to improve the quality of

the process and the achievement of learning outcomes.

Therefore, teacher as the main role of the learning objectives is really need digital literacy

competence in this era. The importance of competency digital literacy been very much

discussed. (Bambang Widi Pratolo, 2020) there is an explosive development in digital tools

and million pieces of information because the grow of technology. Digital literacy, a new

concept of literacy has offered to process the information in meaningful ways.

This will be very useful for teacher to help them. By improving their level of digital

literacy teachers will be considered successful in embracing opportunities and responsibilities

for their profession. By asking a question researcher will identify the level skills of digital

literacy with the eight components from (Sarah Payton, 2010) there are : 1.)
Functional Skills,
Creativity, 3.)
Evaluation and Critical Thinking, 4.)
Cultural and Social Understanding, 5.)

Collaboration, 6)
The Ability to find select information , 7.)
Effective Communication, 8.)

safety. Then, researcher combined thus component with three level skills of digital literacy

First is Competence, Usage and Transformation.


A. Research Design

This research was prepared using a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis as the

approach. This study will provide an overview of how the digital literacy competence of

teachers is. As well as an overview of how to improve their digital literacy competence.

(Sugiyono, 2014) is a method that serves to describe or provide an overview of an object

under study through data or samples that have been collected as they are without conducting

an analysis to make conclusion that apply to the public. In other words, this approach is used

to investigate and understand an event or problem that has occurred by collecting various

kinds of information which is then processed to obtain a solution so that the problems

revealed can be resolved.

B. Research Time and Location

This research will be conducted in the city of Bogor with the participants of English

teachers in schools in the city of Bogor. According to data from the Ministry of Education

and Culture, there are 146 schools spread across the city of Bogor, both private and public

schools. Researchers will use some of the existing schools.

The research carried out from March to April 2022. During the 2 months of the study, the

data collection process will be carried out by filling out a questionnaire consisting of 8

sessions. The 8 sessions questions are based on components and levels of digital literacy.

Questionnaire questions will be closed-ended questions with a choice of agree and disagree

C. Research Subject

As a gap of this research. The researcher will use English language teacher of senior high

school in Bogor as the participants. The researcher will select several schools to ask their

English teacher to participate in filling out the questionnaire. School selection will be selected

based on the quality of the school.

D. Research Instruments

The research instrument used in this research in the form of a questionnaire or

questionnaire made by the researcher himself. (Sugiyono, 2014) stated that a research

instrument is a tool data collectors used to measure the observed natural and social

phenomena. Thus, the use of research instruments is to find complete information about a

problem, natural or social phenomenon.

In this research, the researcher uses questionnaire to collect the data, because by using

questionnaire, the answer will be well coordinated. The question will consist of Close-ended

question with the option :

Strongly Agree : SA
Agree :A
Disagree : DA
Strongly Disagree : SD

Close ended questions are questionnaires or survey questions that ask respondents to

choose from a narrow predefined set of responses (Creswell, 2009). By using this instrument

researcher will find the level of teacher competence in digital literacy.

E. Data Collection Technique

In a process of gaining the data, data will be collected as the questionnaire form. First of

all the researcher will looking for the school to asking permission for English language

teacher to participate in filling the questionare. Researcher will use snowball sampling

technique to find another participant as the action of collecting data. According to (Sugiyono,

2014) snowball sampling in the population based on this pattern is done by determining the

first sample. The next sample is determined based on information from the first sample, until

third is determined based on information from second sample, and so on so that number of

samples get bigger, as if there was a snowball effect.

F. Data Analysis Technique

The data that has been collected will be entered into a table that is in accordance with the

concept of digital literacy. Then, the researcher will identify and analyzing each answer to the

level of teacher ability in digital literacy competencies with digital literacy level skills.

Questions Answer Components Level

of digital literacy Of digital literacy

G. Data Validity Test Plan

To ensure the validity of the data has been collected, every question in the questionnsire

on this reseach intruments has been confirmed by the expert. In addition, the sample used is a

sampling snowball technique also to find the validty on this research the researcher use

Tringulation data. Accordingly, Data triangulation isthe uses two or more methods for the

verification of the findings and results in the research . Data triangulation is also called cross

examination because it double or triple checks the results obtained from the research. (Tom

O'Donoghue, 2003)

In this study, the researchers used the eight previously described elements and the digital

literacy level to find out how much digital literacy is for English teachers in Bogor.

Researchers will collaborate with these eight elements with digital literacy levels which will

be used as a theoretical framework for this research.


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