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Subject TRIMESTRE Teacher Grade

Bryan Barajas Quintero 8th



- Write your name with clear handwriting on the answer sheet.

- Miss / crossed answers Will NOT be valid. - MUST NOT use any corrector pen.
- Two answers marked for the same question Will NOT be valid
- All the questions MUST be answered in the “ANSWER SHEET”, so be sure that you mark correctly all of them.
- Each question has a score of 0.2.
- You are not allowed to use any electronic device

Read the article then answer the questions 5. This technology could help to
from 1 to 5. A. End the pandemic.
People with COVID-19 have many symptoms. B. Make people sick.
Pink eyes are one of the symptoms. Scientists C. Detect new COVID cases.
know more than two million different kinds of D. Accelerate people’s heartbeats.
pink color. They know which color is usual for
people with COVID-19. Scientists in one Choose the correct verb to fill the gap in the
German company make a special app. This app sentence 6 to 10.
can detect COVID-19.
It is very easy to use. You install the app on your 6. I _____ to eat cheese.
smartphone. You take a picture of one of your A. Like. B. Color.
eyes. Then you must wait three to five minutes. C. Fill. D. Discover.
The app sends you a message. It tells you if you
have COVID-19 or not. The app also checks 7. I _____ eating soup.
your temperature, heartbeat, and eye A. Construct B. Climb.
infection. It helps to get the correct result. The C. Hate D. Ring
result is correct in 95% of cases.
Difficult words: symptom (something that tells 8. My friend Lucia _____ to dance.
you that you have a disease), detect (to find), A. Walk. B. Likes.
case (one situation or one example of C. Like. D. Eat.
something), heartbeat (a single pulsation of
the heart). 9. The people who pay to be in the stadium are
Source: excited to _____ the football
1.What is the article talking about? A. Play. B. Clear.
A. A new color. B. A way to visit Germany. C. Work. D. Watch.
C. An App. D. A new food.
10. I am finally a doctor, I _____ my diploma last
2. A good name for the article could be. week.
A. A new German car. A. Get. B. Got.
B. The symptom. C. Find. D. Search.
C. This app checks your temperature. ____________________________________
D. An app that detects COVID. Read the article then answer the questions from
11 to 15.
3. Witch symptom was mentioned in the article? In Peru, a dog was searching for food in a canal
A. Pain. B. Pink eye. in the countryside. She got lost, but then found
C. Red nose. D. Cold. a hole. However, it was only big enough for her
head. The dog got trapped in the hole. Her
4. The results are correct in _______ of cases: head was on one side and the body on the
A. 95% B. 19% other side. People gave her water while they
C. 100% D. 0% worked out a rescue plan. They dug a hole big
enough for her to escape through. She walked
away without any injuries. People hope that 19. - Did you talk to your boss? - Yes, I ___
the dog will now find a comfortable home. A. Talked. B. Did.
Difficult words: search (look for), trapped C. Was. D. Were.
(stuck, unable to move), injury (damage on
your body).
20. He___ twenty minutes for the bus
A. Waits. B. Waited.
11. What is the article talking about?
A. A puppy rescue. C. Was waits. D. Waiting.
B. A Peruvian food.
C. A comfortable home. 21. - _____ they fix their bicycles? -Yes, they
D. An adventure. _____
A. Did / did. B. Were / did.
12. A good name for the article could be. C. Did / fixed. D. Was / Done.
A. A ship sinks.
B. People help dog. 22. Where ____ you go to school when you were
C. Urban gardens. young?
D. An app that detects COVID. A. Did. B. Does.
C. Were. D. Done.
13. Was the dog a female or male?
A. Male. Look at the verb in (brackets), then choose the
B. Female. correct future form (will or going to) to fill the
C. Dog. gap in the sentence.
D. The article doesn’t say anything about it.
23. I _______ (be) a doctor when I leave
14. How was the dog saved? university.
A. They gave the dog some water. A. will become. B. will be.
B. They brought the fire department. C. am going to be. D. Will going.
C. They called the animal patrol.
24. Hurry up! The train _____ (leave) in 20
D. They dug a bigger hole. minutes.
A. Is going to leave. B. Will leave.
15. Did the dog get a new home? C. Will be leaving. D. Going to leave.
A. Yes, someone took it home.
B. No, the dog walked away. 25. The meeting ________ (start) at 10.30 am.
C. People is looking for a new home for it. Please be there on time.
D. The article doesn’t say anything about it. A. Will start. B. Will be starts.
C. Is going to start. D. Going to start.
Answer the questions 16 to 18 below to score
your knowledge of simple past grammar. Read each statement and select the correct
answer according to your countable and
16. My classmate and I _____ our teacher a uncountable nouns knowledge:
question about the test.
A. Ask. B. Asked. 26. Countable nouns are always things that you
C. Was asking. D. Asking. can.
A. Touch.
17. John wanted to ____ work yesterday but he B. Count.
was sick. C. See.
A. Go to. B. Went.
27. We use “the” with plural countable nouns
C. Go. D. Gone
A. Always.
B. Never.
18. They ____ to the park because they were C. Sometimes.
very tired.
A. No walk. B. Not walk. 28. The nouns hair, noise, and time are
C. Didn’t walk. D. Don’t walk. A. Countable.
B. Uncountable. B. Shouldn’t.
C. Both. 38. It’s a very dangerous area; tourists_ go there.
29. “I’ve got______ money.” Which term does A. Should.
not fit? B. Shouldn’t.
A. Some.
B. A little. 39. Do you think I_ apply for a new job?
C. A. A. Should.
30. The words tip, book and job are all. B. Shouldn’t.
A. Countable.
B. Uncountable. 40. When someone does you a favor, you_say
C. Both. thank you.
source: A. Should.
Choose the correct answer about definite B. Shouldn’t.
Give advice choosing the correct expression in
31. What do you like to eat for______breakfast? each question:
I like_______toasts.
A. No article; no article 41. We are often late for school.
B. The; a A. You should get up earlier.
C. An; the B. You should eat faster.
C. You should run after the bus.
32. I bought ______book for him._____book is
about space. 42. My friends laugh at me because I don’t have
A. No article; the expensive clothes.
B. The; a A. You should burn your clothes.
C. A; the B. You should look at the clothes’ store.
worksheets/grammar/articles/test-articles-definite-and-indefinite- C. You shouldn’t worry about that.

Choose a suitable answer for the following 43. My mother has got a terrible headache.
questions 33 to 34 that includes countable and A. She should laugh at herself.
uncountable questions: B. She should take medicine.
C. She shouldn’t go to the doctor.
33. I have two sisters.
A. How much sisters do you have? 44. I don’t understand how to give advice in
B. How many sisters do you have? english.
C. Do you have enough sisters? A. You should study harder.
B. You should leave it like that.
34. The CD player costs 80 dollars. C. You should look for your brother.
A. Do you have a lot of CD players?
B. How many CD players cost 80 dollars? 45. My brother gets very bad marks at school.
C. How much does the CD player cost? A. He should sing better.
source: B. He should worry about it.
worksheets/grammar/questions-interrogative/questions-answers- C. I should do all his homework.
46. We’re going to write a Maths’ test tomorrow.
Complete the sentences using should, shouldn’t. A. I should practice a lot for it.
35. You have a great job; you____change it. B. My mother should copy all the answers for me.
A. Should. C. My classmates should help me with my test.
B. Shouldn’t.
47. My sister can’t swim and she wants to go to
36. You ___ drink so much coffee; it’s bad for Greece next summer.
your blood pressure. A. She should take some swimming classes.
A. Should. B. I should bring her more food.
B. Shouldn’t. C. My mother should say no to that trip.

37. It’s an incredible film; you__watch it. 48. I always feel tired.
A. Should. A. I should do more exercise.
B. I should sleep late tonight.
C. I should rest for 8 hours.

49. My friends love eating and they’re very fat.

A. They should eat better and exercise daily.
B. They should cry.
C. They should eat more sweets.

50. I want to buy some new clothes, but I don't

have any money.
A. You should be in debt with the clothing stores.
B. You should save money.
C. You should reap your old clothes apart.

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