Malvolio Daydreaming in The Garden!: Twelfth Night Act 2 Scene

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Night Malvolio daydreaming in the

Act 2 Scene garden!

Malvolio is taking a walk in the garden daydreaming about Olivia loving him and what
that would be like. Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and Fabian are hiding and listening to him. In
the gaps, where it's marked with a # , write down what you think they might say at that

It's luck; it's all down to luck. Maria once told me that Olivia did admire me, and I have heard
her myself say that if she were to marry someone, then it would be someone like me. Besides,
she treats me with more respect than anyone else. I mean, what am I to make of that?!

Why, to be Count Malvolio!

I can think of a similar instance. The Lady of the Strachy married a servant, so it's not unheard

Just imagine it! Having been married to Olivia for three months, ordering my servants about as I
stand there dressed in my velvet dressing gown, having come straight from bed, where I have
left Olivia sleeping...

I would look at my servants coldly, and remind them of their place. Then I would ask them to
find Sir Toby, my kinsman.

Seven of them quickly run around looking for him. In the meantime I stand there frowning,
winding up my watch, playing with my ... some rich jewel or other. Toby approaches and bows
to me...

I extend him my hand and look at him scornfully and disdainfully. I would then say to him: "Sir
Toby, since I have been so lucky to have married your niece, I feel I have the right to speak to
you. You must stop all this drunkenness.

And, Sir Toby, you must get rid of that idiot friend of yours, that Sir Andrew Aguecheek.

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(At this point Malvolio spots the letter lying on the ground and picks it up. He is very
Hello, what have we here?

This is Lady Olivia's handwriting. These are her "c"s, her "u"s and her "t"s ... and so she makes
her great Ps! (reading the front of the envelope) "To the unknown beloved: this, and my good
wishes." Yes, this is definitely her handwriting, and the letter is sealed with her ring. But who is
she writing to? Let's have a look! (He opens the letter)

"Jove knows I love
But who?
Lips, do not move
No man must know."
Oh if this should be me!!
"I may command where I adore
but I must be silent.
M O A I does rule my life"
Hmm. M, O, A, I - what does this mean?

"I may command where I adore" Well, she can command me! I am her servant - she is my lady.
This is obviously what she means! But what do these letters mean? If only I could make them fit
my name!

M. Hmm. M for Malvolio - of course! But the next letter doesn't fit. It should be an A but it's an
O. And then it ends with an I.

But each of these letters is in my name. Hang on, here is some prose. (He starts reading the bulk
of the letter) "If this letter falls into your hands, revolve. In my stars I am above you, but do not
be afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness
thrust upon them. Your luck is about to change - embrace it! To make sure you get used to the
idea of being a great man, get rid of your humble attitude and become proud. Be argumentative
with Sir Toby, surly with the servants, talk about politics and be distinctive in your appearance.
Remember who praised your yellow stockings and your cross gartering. If you choose to accept
it, you are fortunate. If this doesn't interest you, then carry on being a servant."
Amazing! This is incredible! I will be proud. I will talk about politics. I will humiliate Sir Toby.
I will be exactly what Olivia commands me to be in this letter. She loves me! She did praise my
yellow stockings recently. This just shows how much she loves me! O I thank my lucky stars! I
feel so happy! Hang on, here is a PS: "You cannot choose but know who I am. If you value my
love, show it by your smiles. When you are with me, let me see you continually smiling." O thank
you God! I will smile. I will do everything exactly as she commands me!

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