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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Mandy Xu Date: 2/11/2022

Group Size: 24 Allotted Time: 30 mins Grade Level: 3rd grade

Subject or Topic: Community: Who makes up a community?

Common Core/PA Standard(s):
Standard - 8.4.3.A
Identify the elements of culture and ethnicity.

Learning Targets/Objectives:
● SWBAT explain and understand how members of the community share a common
● SWBAT explains that people who make up a community are all different (age,
appearance, language, clothes, where they come from, etc.)
Assessment Approaches: Evidence:
Pre-test: Google form 1. Students will display their knowledge
1. Essential questions: “What community and understanding by sharing aloud
are you a part of?” what community they are a part of.
2. Daisy Chain Will allow another student to think to
themselves what makes up a
community and maybe help out others
who may not know.
2. This daisy chain template is like a
little profile of themselves they will
fill out. Students are able to display a
self-portrait along with a community
that they are a part of.

Assessment Scale:
Daisy Chain
● Students will all complete one of the daisy chain papers, students will independently
complete 3 parts to the daisy chain (“The community I am a part of, What make me
different is, and the self-portrait”)
○ 3/3 on the daisy chain correctly: Advanced
○ ⅔ stages placed correctly on the wheel: Proficient
○ < 1/3 stages placed correctly on the wheel: Basic
Subject Matter/Content:
● Communities are all around us
● Individuals who make up our community in the classroom
● Individuals in our community who make up our community in the United States
● Communities and their citizens
● Citizens that the law they have to follow
Key Vocabulary:
● Community- A place where people live, work, and play together
● Diversity- Variety, to have different kinds
● Values- Wanted goals by an individual or group
● Teach students that members in a community share similar interests but all are made up
of differences.

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
Concept Map: Student-Teacher will write “Community” on the board with a circle around it.
● Student-teacher will draw a branch out of the center circle to begin a map of an
example that the student-teacher is a part of and circle it
○ Branch out- Student teachers in John S. Clarke
● Student teachers will give an example of a community that they are a part of to give an
example to the students.
○ Sports teams
○ Clubs
○ Grade
○ School
Opening Question: “Now think of a community that you are a part of and give an example of a
community that you are a part of. Turn and talk to your neighbors.”
● Allow students to talk for about 5 mins about the different types of communities they
are a part of.
Student-teacher will introduce the word values
“Values are a set of goals wanted or shared by a group of individuals. So for example who
plays on a sports team or is a part of any clubs at school.”
Student teachers will
Students share out
● Call on some students to share about some of the communities that they are a part of.
● Student-teacher will write on the board of the concept map as each student is sharing
● Students
Development/Teaching Approaches
Concept map:
● Student-teacher will write the definition of communities above
○ Community: A place where people live, work, and play together
● Ask the class what things in a community they share?
“Where you live, your neighbors can be a part of your community. Who makes up those
communities? Friends, Family?”
● Begin by having students think about the different types of communities that they are a
part of.
● Student-teacher will have the students turn and talk to their neighbors about

Instruction/Teacher Model
Examples: Demonstrating different communities around you
“A community is a group of people who have similar interests as you, for example”
1. Your school John S Clarke
2. Sports Teams
3. Clubs
4. Family
5. Your neighborhood

Community example: John S. Clarke Elementary School

● “Why do you all go to school?”
● “Why do you think you all go to John S. Clarke Elementary school?
● “What are some ways our school community connects us?”
Student-teacher will transition into the story that ties along with the lesson. Student-teacher
will interpret the
Book: “All are Welcome” by Alexa Penfold and Suzanne Kaufman
● Book Preview: Show the book cover to the students
● Student Teacher will walk around the room and show the cover and the back of the
● Student-teacher will read the book aloud to the class
● Student-teacher will ask students to look at the page
○ Page 1-2 Splash Page: Have students observe the photo from the book, who are
the individuals that make up the community in the classroom

Have students build the connections that our community at school consists of different types of
The community around us is made up of all different types of people
● Ages
● Genders
● Interest
● Hair Color, Skin,
● Language you speak
● Etc.

Transition to art, Mosaic

● Relate to the students in our school community
Mosaic- A picture that is formed together by all little different sorts of shapes or colors
● Student-teacher will pull up pictures of rip art on the smartboard
● Student-teacher will explain how each individual piece of paper that makes up the art is
different colors and different sizes but it all makes up one picture.
● Student-teacher will refer back to the book, “All these different kinds in the story all
look different but you can clearly tell that these students are in the classroom
community and they make up the whole class.
“Do we see how all these little pieces make up a whole picture? Notice how these individuals
do not look identical or the same. Although they are all different they still make up one

Student-teacher will present the daisy chain activity, and the student will create a daisy chain
that links up altogether to create one long daisy chain.
● Student-teacher will get a volunteer to hand out the daisy chain papers
● Directions will be read aloud before students start
“Before you start I would like you to answer the first two questions. The first question is: What
community are you a part of? and the next one is Something that makes me different is. Once
you are finished please raise your hand so I can come around to check before you start on your
● Students will be the first to complete the written portion paper
● Students will get approval from the student-teacher to move on to the next activity and
they will draw a self-portrait of themselves.
● After students complete the font, they will be asked to cut out their frames.
● Students will then select a different color of construction paper to glue on the back of
their daisy chain.
● Student-teacher will collect all of the daisy chains at the end of the day
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
● Relating the daisy chain to our classroom
● Having the students look back on their daisy chain
● Ask students how the different colors of hoops create one purpose?
● Could the daisy chain hang all together to hold up on its own?
● Is each of the daisy chains all alike?
“Each of these Daisy chains represents a member of our community.” I was able to the

Follow all IEPs
Student K is a life skills student who attends our class during science and social studies. They
will not be given the pre-assessment due to the student’s absence in the class as they would not
be tested at the post-assessment either. Student K will still follow along iht the story and the
discussion. I had asked Student K to help me hold the book on the last page. Also, the student
will complete a daisy chain where they will draw a self-portrait and connect it to a part of the

Book- “All are Welcome” by Alexa PPenfld and Suzanne Kaufman
Daisy Chain:
Markers or crayons

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

The point of this assessment was for students to be able to recognize the community
around them and that all parts of the community are different but we share similar values. I really
enjoyed having the discussion with students when they were able to realize and interpret that
although they all share a common community (our 3rd-grade classroom), outside of that they all
were different. I got into a discussion with them talking about value, what does it mean to have
values? I really wanted to emphasize this because I want students to realize that everything we
do holds a purpose because it is something that we value. in our own everyday lives.

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

For this lesson, I think I should have presented pictures on the board of examples of
communities. Although we had a discussion, I felt that maybe before teaching them what a
community is I could have started off by having them just analyze some pictures of a community
to help them make a better connection. Rather than me explaining to them right away and having
them give me examples of their own community, I should have presented some visuals on the
smartboard where they would have created their own hypothesis and began our discussion from
there. Also, I think this would’ve helped Student K more because sometimes it is hard for him to
participate in the discussion we have in class. I think this is something I really need to work on is
being more accommodating for life skills students.

Personal Reflection Questions

“How could I have collected more evidence of their understanding of the community?”
“Did I do enough to present to them the importance of the community?”
“Were the students able to interpret and understand the community they are a part of?”

Additional reflection/thoughts
This day I didn’t have too much planned due to this being the day they took their
pre-assessment first. I gave them about 20 minutes before the lesson to make their assessment
and I tried to make their assessment fun and evening with different pictures. I gave the
assessment on google forms which was a very poor choice because I had realized that some
students clicked through or just typed I don’t know. Something that I have noticed is that when
it comes to assessment over electronics students tend not to do as well or they finish a lot

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