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Module Test 6

Vocabulary 3 Collocations for argument

Choose the correct options in italics to complete
1 Verbs for argument and opinion
the text.
Complete the text with the correct form of the
words in the box.
conclude contribute derive facilitate identify involve Law reform
Very few will 1 repel/reject/refuse the argument
that law reform is a necessary part of any country’s
Police embarrassment legal system because, as social values change,
some things that were once illegal are now
It seems that police have accidentally considered acceptable and vice versa.
1 a bank robbery by ignoring Many governments have 2 promised/propelled/
the warnings of local people who said they proposed many new laws pertaining to cybercrime,
heard the sound of digging underground. They which is now commonplace thanks to digital
are now hoping to 2 the four technology and social media. Nevertheless, there are
men 3 as soon as possible in a 3 convincing/conceding/conniving arguments on all
bid to recover public opinion. This incident is 4 shades/sides/symbols, which makes it difficult for
yet another in a series of blunders which have those who 5 supply/support/suppose the argument
4 to the lowest level of public for changes to the law to get new laws. However,
respect for the police ever. The government states every pro and con needs to be analysed and
that this failure does not 5 from assessed to ensure that the arguments are not
a general lack of funding and 6 6 faulty/flawed/flared and that the 7 lanes/levels/
that it is instead due to poor training. The police lines of each argument are reasonable.
are now considering strike action.
/6 4 Using there and it
Complete the text with it or there.
2 Academic words
Choose the correct options in italics to complete 1 has become obvious that cybercrime
the sentences. is continually on the rise and the recent estimate
of global losses due to this type of crime is
1 Releasing prisoners early debatably/integrally/
approximately €750 billion a year. 2 is a
reasonably leads to a sudden increase in street
vast underground market for stolen personal and
crime in the following six first months.
financial data and conventional law enforcement
2 He has idealistically/rationally/fundamentally
methods around the world just cannot keep up
broken the law by hacking into someone else’s
with the speed with which it is expanding. 3
is clearly a need for a total rethink. 4 has
3 Some experts are inconsistently/idealistically/debata
been proposed by some that stiffer sentences for
bly concerned with reforming criminals but some
cyber criminals are needed. However, since 5
individuals will never respond positively to therapy
are so many people involved in numerous scams
or treatment.
worldwide, national laws may not be adequate.
4 Education is an idealistic/integral/inconsistent part
Unfortunately, 6 is probably reasonable to
of the plan to prevent criminals from reoffending.
assume that this kind of crime will continue to rise
5 That judge’s personal views are totally inconsist
some years to come.
ent/appropriate/practical with the law that he is
charged with upholding. /6
6 If changes are to be made within the judicial
system, they need to be in the form of
appropriate/perceived/practical and not just
idealistic solutions.

Expert IELTS 7.5 Teacher’s Online Materials © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Photocopiable
Module Test 6

Language development 7 Cleft sentences

Complete the second sentence using the word
5 Link ideas
in capitals so that it means the same as the first
Choose the correct options in italics to complete
the text.
1 I admired him because of his ability to solve
problems quickly. IT
Debatable ethics? I admired.
1 Similarly/Whereas/Conversely Billy thinks it’s okay 2 We need more police officers patrolling the
streets. WHAT
to get pirate copies of new films, he draws the line at
stealing money from people’s personal bank accounts.
the streets.
2 Likewise/Conversely/Although he would never 3 I want a chance to prove that I can do the job.
consider hacking into people’s private computers. WHAT
3 Despite/Similarly/Conversely he believes that to prove
large multinationals are fair game and he frequently that I can do the job.
tries to hack into companies which he thinks are not 4 The robber stole my laptop and mobile phone. IT
being upfront about their environmental policies or the robber
are breaking the law. 4 Whereas/While/Similarly he stole.
would think nothing of stealing money from large 5 I learned to ride horses on holiday in Argentina. IT
investment banks whom he sees as public enemy I learned to
number one. 5 Although/Despite/Whereas all these ride horses.
6 He found the idea of travelling really appealing.
actions are illegal, do you in some way applaud
what he’s doing? 6 While/Similarly/Likewise people
the idea
like to think of themselves as ethical, law-abiding of travelling.
citizens, there are some crimes which seem to be less 7 They didn’t enjoy the hotel where they were
serious than others. So, 7 although/while/despite his staying. WHAT
questionable activities, do you regard him as a hero? the hotel
where they were staying.
/7 8 They were proud of the way he had handled the
situation. IT
6 Both, neither, either they were
Complete the text with both, either or neither.
proud of.
‘We 1 invest now or just allow billions of 9 She hated the amount of violence in the film.
dollars to be stolen by cyber criminals, the Police WHAT
Chief warned this morning. The authorities have the amount
2 the expertise nor the technology, 3 of violence.
of which are vital to fight cybercrime effectively.
Governments realise that they need to recruit
4 more IT experts and financially savvy TOTAL /50
employees. Unfortunately, limited resources mean
that 5 health or education will suffer if more
money is spent on policing or neither will receive
the amount of money needed to function properly.
6 way, the issues are broadly similar. More
money spent in one area leads to a shortage of funds
in another area. 7 governments and personal
households have to balance the budget. 8
has the perfect solution and 9 of them have
to do the best they can in the circumstances.

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