CB 7.5 Module Test 9

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Module Test 9

Vocabulary 3 Collocations for success and talent 2

Complete the sentences with the words in the
1 Vocabulary related to talent
Complete the text with the words in the box.
accomplished expressive innovative inspirational
achievement capability commitment coordination
tenacious single-minded
investment motivation
1 Even as a renowned and
There is no doubt that Usain Bolt’s greatest pianist, Grigor found it difficult to get a job in
1 was breaking the world record an orchestra.
in both the 100 and 200 metres sprint running 2 She has such a(n) face that she
events. What is the magic formula it that gives cannot hide her feelings easily.
ultra-successful sportspeople the 2 3 Nelson Mandela became one of the most
to succeed? Many experts claim that the key element people of our time.
is making the 3 to persist and 4 The company is looking for
overcome any setbacks no matter what. This requires thinkers who come up with amazing ideas.
high levels of 4 even when you 5 Gemma has always been in her
feel like giving up. A good coach whose excellent pursuit of an acting career. It has finally paid off
5 skills allow the sportsperson with a leading role in major new film.
to focus on the end result at all times is also an 6 His persistence was an indication of his
invaluable 6 . character, which led him to be
/6 the youngest person to climb K2.
2 Collocations for success and talent 1 /6
Complete the sentences with a word from each 4 Replace things
box. Replace the words in italics with a word from
broad concerted desired driving pivotal transferable the box to complete the text. There is one extra
effort force outcome role skills spectrum advantages of apprentice employees employers
entrepreneur facet of policies problems
1 The team made a to win
the competition but only came in second. One 1 thing about working for yourself is that there
2 Good sports coaches may have a is no one to share the burden with. While many
of knowledge and 2 working people have wanted to leave and set up
expertise. their own business they have discovered that 3 bad
3 My first training coach actually played a things are solely their responsibility, which can be
in my Olympic success. very disconcerting. Whereas companies make and
4 We achieved the through implement 4 things to support their employees,
sheer hard work and dedication. there is no one for the lonely 5 business person who
5 To be honest, my wife is and has been the has to make it up as he goes alone. Hiring the right
behind my success in people can be tricky without experience and enough
the sport. funding. Taking on an 6 inexperienced person might
6 Many training regimes provide save money in the long run but it can be time-
, which athletes can use consuming as they learn the ropes. Although there
to move into a completely different type of sport. are many 7 good things about being your own boss,
/6 it is not for the faint-hearted.

Expert IELTS 7.5 Teacher’s Online Materials © Pearson Education Limited 2017 Photocopiable
Module Test 9

Language development 7 Estimation and indication

Choose the correct options in italics to complete
5 Explain how something works
the text.
Complete the text with one word in each gap.

How wind turbines work Taekwondo

There are three main sections to a wind turbine: the Taekwondo, which is derived from the Korean
turbine, the gearbox and the generator. words for ‘foot’, ‘fist’ and ‘way of, is a
A wind turbine is 1 which can 1 type / kinds of martial art that has evolved by
2 used to generate electricity and combining different 2 type / kinds of martial art
looks rather like a giant child’s windmill. The large that existed 3 around / approximate 2,000 years
curved rotor blades on the front of the wind turbine are ago in Korea and surrounding countries. As a
3 to catch the energy from the wind to technique of unarmed combat for self-defence,
turn the drive shaft 4 supports them. it involves punching, jumping kicks, blocks
The gearbox is the part 5 converts 4 more or less / and so on. It improves a person’s
the slow speed of the blades 6 a flexibility, balance, coordination and mental
higher speed in order to power the electricity generator. acuity while also enhancing their self-discipline.
This generator is 7 is used to turn It therefore acts like a full-body workout plus
the energy into electrical energy. Then there is the therapy 5 and so on / more or less to relieve stress
anemometer, 8 is what people improve overall well-being. It is not surprising
9 to check the measurements then that there are 6 approximate / about 20
10 the wind speed. million practitioners of the sport worldwide.

/10 /6
6 Describe what something looks like TOTAL /50
Complete the sentences with the words in the
comprises elongated height incorporates made
magnified resembles scale shaped

1 The device is of an innovative

material which is ultra-thin, flexible and
2 The new house four bedrooms,
two bathrooms, a large dining room and kitchen/
3 The ancient structure is ten metres wide and 100
metres in .
4 It’s important that the model is built to
, otherwise we can’t see how the
new town will look in reality.
5 The new naval museum building is
like a boat.
6 The details of the leaf structure have been
one hundred times so we can
study them.
7 The modern concert hall some
of the traditional designs of the region.
8 The picture has been to create
the illusion of the beach being wider than it is.
9 The inside of the palace a
medieval church rather than a traditional palace.

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