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Feng Shui Lucky Objects 96

By len7288

When it comes to that elusive stuff called luck,

every culture has its own traditions, but it is
remarkable how often these cultural traditions
overlap. In this article you will read those well
known and easily available objects that are
believed to be lucky by the Chinese. You may
find that your own particular culture has the
same or similar beliefs, but what sets the
Chinese apart is knowing where to place these
lucky objects so as to benefit most from their
good vibrations.

How To Benefit from The Lucky

Laughing Buddha

Lucky objects are symbol of good fortune, good

health and positive aspirations. You should
display them prominently so that their symbolism
will be impressed on your mind. These
impressions will inspire in you positive thoughts
that lead to actions that will help you to attain
your goals. Different objects are used for specific
goals. Certain objects are considered to be
lucky, only if they are placed in the right spot,
where the right spot is, depends on the type and
purpose of the object. The following are some of
the most popular lucky objects and where to
place them; these items are available in Chinese


The dragon is a symbol of authority, it can be strategically placed in an office to symbolize the authority
and power of the chief executive. Place your dragon on the dragon wall (you're left when you face the
door) but be sure it does not appear to be heading toward the door or a window.


The phoenix is a symbol of renewal. It is well placed in the front section of the house, just be sure the
bird is not "flying toward the door."

TIGER 5/25/2011
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Tigers represent bravery and strength. They can be placed in a den or an office. A tiger should not
have its mouth open or look as if it is "ready to pounce."


The horse symbolizes power and movement. It is often used by people who would like to travel. There
is a special feng shui technique in placing a horse that is said to aid an application for visa or
emigration. A horse painting or sculpture can be placed on, or near an executive's desk to reinforce his
image as a powerful and dynamic man, but it should not be headed toward the door or a window.


Elephants should always have their trunks turned

upward, as if trumpeting, this meant to herald
good news. They can be placed in the entrance
hall, but not directly facing the door.

Fortune Frog
A turtles symbolizes longevity and constancy.
They can be placed in the rooms of the elderly,
but as they are slow moving creatures, they are not recommended for an office or workplace.
Sometimes several small turtles are placed in a circle, preferably on a circular table. This symbolizes


These cute cats are very popular lucky objects. Although originally Japanese, they are presently the
craze in Hong Kong Money cats can be seen hanging from the rear vision mirrors of most Hong Kong
taxis. The more expensive models in restaurants, shops and private homes. They are meant to be
white, with a gold and black spots on their fur that look like coins, but there are now some plain gold
versions available. They can be placed facing the door or on a fortune table. If you have a live cat with
this coloring, take good care of it, it may attract money into your house.


Fortune Frogs are great conversation pieces. Some are very large and quite garish in color. The frog
(actually a three-legged toad) holds a coin in its mouth and has strings of coins around its feet. It should
be placed facing the door to catch the money of passers-by. In a store it can be on or near the cash
register, facing the direction of the door.


Natural Quartz Crystals are very much in use by modern geomancers because if the piezo electric
energy they generate. A crystal ball, a cluster or terminator, if well-placed, can diffuse its good energy
throughout a room and can neutralize some type of yin chi. Sometimes multi-faceted, man-made,
crystal balls are used in feng shui, but these are only capable of refracting light; unlike natural quartz,
they do notgenerate energy. In order for them to be beneficial, they must be placed or hung where
there is natural sunlight, or a good incandescent light source.


In China, gold is not sold in ounces, but in taels. A Taels is slightly heavier than an ounce and has a
particular shape. Imitation tael made of shiny golden metal or plastic are considered to be symbols of
prosperity, they are usually placed on a fortune table.


This jolly fellow is a symbol of prosperity, joy, and the proliferation of the family. He is usually
prominently placed in the living room, dining room or family hall.


One of the most interesting ways of attracting luck is to have a fortune table. An ideal location is a
corner that is well-protected by solid walls on either side, has no beam or light directly overhead, and is
furthest from the door. 5/25/2011
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Some of the items that can be placed on your
fortune tables are, quartz crystal balls or clusters;
a fortune frogs; a money cat; golden taels; a
small dish of chocolate gold coins, or other round
gold candies (which can be eaten and replaced

A live plant can be placed on or beside your

fortune table. It should not have spikey leaves or
thorns. If it wilts, replace it with a fresh one.

An open-mouthed earthenware jar with a few

coins inside can be placed next to your table, this
is said to attract money.

A prosperity painting should be on the wall

behind your fortune table. Prosperity paintings
can be; lucky calligraphy or poems; scenes of
farmers harvesting golden grain; fishermen
netting abundant fish; fresh food and fruits; or
beautiful houses and gardens.

A fortune table accumulates wealth by stabilizing

the chi, therefore, do not place on it or near it, Money Cat
any item that either moves or depicts movement,
e.g, galloping horses; flying birds; cars and conveyances; mobile sculptures; fish tanks; etc.


An aquarium is considered lucky and can bring prosperity into the house, if it is properly positioned.
Fish can also absorb negative chi, particularly the blackmole (blackmoor) variety, which are very
sensitive. If you have blackmoles in your tank, and they die easily, check the water temperature, the
aerator and the type of fish food. If all there are correct, but the fish are still dying, their death can then
be considered as an indication that the house has negative energy.

In Hongkong, when locals move into new premises, they install near the front door, a fish tank
containing six or eight blackmoles and one gold fish. The blackmoles absorb negative vibrations that
are inherent in the place, or left behind by previous tenants, dead fish are immediately replaced, and
the process continues until all the bad luck is absorbed.

Locate your aquarium in areas of your house or room that require activity. That would generally be
defined as the left(dragon) wall and the front wall. Do not place your aquarium on the right (tiger) wall,
or on the rear wall, as these should be steady.

The shape of your Aquarium:

Round, cylindrical, hexagonal or rectangular shapes are suitable for an aquarium. It is better not to use
square or triangular tanks, as these shapes represent earth and fire which are inimical to the water
element. Your aquarium should be aerated to enhance its capacity to activate chi.

Color and number of fish:

A predominance of black, gold, or silver is good. Limit the number of red fish, as red conflicts with the
water element. The number of fish in the aquarium is also considered. When the purpose is to enhance
prosperity, you can have, 1, 6, 8, or 9 fish. Avoid having 2, 5, 7, or 10.

Your geomancer should consider the energy grid of the house and calculate the influence of the annual
moving stars before recommending the positioning of your aquarium.


Feng Shui consultants often place a clock in an area of the house that has good chi, so that the
movement of the clocks hands or pendulum will stimulate the chi and let it circulate throughout the
house. If you are unable to get expert advice, it is acceptable to place a clock on the left (dragon wall or
on the front wall of the room, it should not be placed facing the main door. 5/25/2011
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Clocks remind us that "time is running out," this is the reason why Chinese people don't use them as a
gift item. Clocks come in all shapes and sizes, the best shapes are round, oval, hexagonal, and

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