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The Red Scorpions Chapter

"Strength in Purity"

The chapter conforms to the standard Codex pattern of ten companies. First company being Veterans and
Terminators, 2-4th company are battle companies. 5th-7th are Tactical companies. 8th is an Assault
company. 9th is a Devastator company. 10th is a reduced strength Scout company.
The Captains of each company of the Red Scorpions are known by the honorary title of 'Commander'. The
Chapter Master is traditionally called the 'Lord High Commander'. As a matter f tradition, the Chapter's
second-in-command is always the Master of the Apothecary.

Remarkably, the Red Scorpions shows very little in the way of geneseed corruption, a fact they are rightly
proud of and have gone to great lengths to ensure continues for another five thousand years. The Red
Scorpions have a fanatical belief in their own purity, and this has led to the Chapter's isolationism. They
believe that geneseed corruption weaken the Chapter and as the protectors of Humanity, in turn this
weakens the Imperium. Protecting the Chapter's purity is their core belief.

The Red Scorpions beliefs remain something of a mystery. They do not seem to venerate any Primarch
above any other, preferring instead to venerate only the Emperor. They revere Roboute Guilleman as the
author of the Codex Astartes, and this has been taken to indicate that the Red Scorpions may be a successor
of the Ultramarines, but there is little evidence to support this, and without detailed comparative
investigation in to the Chapters geneseed, no evidence can be gathered.

The Red Scorpions are strict adherents to the Codex Astartes, although their Chaplain's have their own
interpretation of the text. As they see it, they do not deviate from the Codex in any way. Those Chapters
that deviate are suspect in the Red Scorpions' eyes. As a Chapter they are extremely xenophobic, hating all
aliens and all deviation from the pure human form. They will not serve alongside abhumans, and have little
liking for other fighting forces, which they view as inferior and untrustworthy.

Chapter Colours
The Chapter's armour is a very dark charcoal grey. They always have a mustard yellow/sandy yellow broad
helmet stripe. Other trim such as shoulder pad edging, chest eagles and a knee-pad can also be in the same
yellow and varies between individuals. the shoulder pads are black. The left shoulder bears the Chapter
symbol of a red scorpion in a white circle. the right shoulder bears squad markings, etc.

Minor Divergence: Pius
Advantage: Purity above All
The Chapter believes its geneseed to be pure and untainted and regard any genetic deviation as dangerous
heresy. They have little liking for other Chapters which have become tainted such as the Space Wolves and
Blood Angels. Every Red Scorpion battle brother is constantly screened for mutation and corruption . The
Chapter's Apothecary enforce this screening to the point of fanaticism and regularly deploy its members to
monitor the troops in battle and be immediately on hand to recover the Chapters valuable progenoid glands.
Any Red Scorpion Tactical or Veteran squad may upgrade its Sergeant to an Apothecary for +25 points.

Drawbacks: Have Pride in your Colours.

The Red Scorpions shun the use of camouflage and its attendant tactics such as covert operations, stealth
and infiltration. These are the tactics of cowardice and have no place amongst the honoured ranks of the
Red Scorpions. No Red Scorpions may use the Infiltrator or Scouts special rules. Red Scorpions Scout
squads must deploy just like any other units.
In addition, Scout squads become a 0-1 choice for a Red Scorpions army. Scout Bike squadrons also
become a 0-1 choice.
Red Scorpions Tactical Squad..........90 pts Options:
Sergeant 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+
Apothecary 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+
Space 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Unit Composition Special Rules: May include up to five additional
-4 Space Marines -And They Shall Know No Fear Space Marines ...+16 pts per model
-1 Sergeant -Combat Squads
-Combat Tactics If the squad numbers ten models,
Unit Type: one marine may replace his boltgun
-Infantry with one of the following:
Dedicated Transport: -flamer
Wargear: -May select a Rhino or a Razorback. -meltagun...............................+5 pts
-Power Armour If the squad numbers ten models, it -plasma gun..........................+10 pts
-Bolt Pistol may take a Drop Pod.
-Frag and Krak Grenades If the squad numbers ten models
-Boltgun one marine may replace his boltgun
with one of the following:
Upgrade: -heavy bolter, multi-melta or
-The Sergeant may be upgraded to an Apothecary for +25 pts. missile
The Apothecary has power armour, a bolt pistol, frag and krak -plasma cannon......................+5 pts
grenades and a narthecium. -lascannon............................+10 pts

The Space Marine Sergeant may take: The Sergeant may replace his boltgun and/or bolt pistol with:
-Melta bombs..........................+5 pts -chainsword: free/ -storm bolter:+10 pts/ -Power wpn +15 pts
-teleport homer......................+15 pts -combi: +10 pts/ -plasma pistol:+15 pts/ -Power fist: +25 pts

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