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Guidance for MCOSMOS installations

Guidance for MCOSMOS installations

Date: 2010-08-23 Document version: 2.20

This document guides about:

 the use of the MCOSMOS installation CD
 the differences between MCOSMOS installations <=v3.0  >v3.0
 the use of the CTL wizard "Mitutoyo MCOSMOS CD ("
 the execution of different MCOSMOS installation scenarios

1 General information ................................................................. 2
1.1 Important notes ................................................................................... 2
1.2 Data compatibility between MCOSMOS versions ............................ 2
2 Minimum system requirements ............................................... 3
2.1 Operation Systems ............................................................................. 3
2.1.1 64bit support ........................................................................................... 3
2.2 Minimum Hardware requirements ..................................................... 3
3 Differences to MCOSMOS v3.0 installations .......................... 3
4 How to use the CTL wizard "Mitutoyo MCOSMOS CD
(".......................................................................................... 4
4.1 Button "MCOSMOS installation..." .................................................... 5
4.2 Button "CMM driver installation..." .................................................... 5
4.3 Button "User administration installation..." ...................................... 5
4.4 Button "Dongle setup..." .................................................................... 5
4.5 Button "Explore CD..." ........................................................................ 5
4.6 Button "Installation guidance..." ....................................................... 5
5 Main installation scenarios ...................................................... 6
5.1 How to install only MCOSMOS software ........................................... 6
5.2 How to install MCOSMOS to work with a CMM ................................ 6
5.3 How to install MCOSMOS with user administration......................... 6

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Guidance for MCOSMOS installations

1 General information
A complete MCOSMOS system consists of 3 different installation components:
 Installation of MCOSMOS software (including the installation of the WIBU-
KEY dongle software if it does not yet exist).
 Installation of CMM device drivers.
 Installation of user administration software.
It is necessary to install these components separately. The single components are
independent from each other. This means, there is no required installation order.
To install the components it is recommended to use the CTL wizard "Mitutoyo
MCOSMOS CD (". It is normally started automatically after the MCOSMOS
installation CD is inserted (check file autorun.inf on the CD).

1.1 Important notes

 During a running installation it is not allowed to reboot or switch off the PC.
 During a running installation there may be some longer periods of internal
working (no user access possible).
 To cancel a running installation it is only allowed to use the corresponding
"Cancel" button.
 The installation directories of the following installations need to have full
access for all users:
 MCOSMOS installation
 User administration installation.
This is not done during the installation itself.

1.2 Data compatibility between MCOSMOS versions

MCOSMOS uses data (e.g. part programs, CAT models, etc.) which are stored in user
defined part directories.
Generally, these data can be accessed by any MCOSMOS version, but there are the
following important restrictions:

Data created/changed by can be used with cannot be used with 1)

COSMOS v2.x all following MCOSMOS COSMOS v1.5
MCOSMOS v3.0 up to MCOSMOS >= v3.2 COSMOS v2.4 and less
Edition 10
MCOSMOS v3.0 since MCOSMOS >= v3.2 COSMOS v2.4 and less,
Edition 11 up to Edition 18 MCOSMOS v3.0 up to
Edition 10
MCOSMOS v3.0 since MCOSMOS >= v3.2 COSMOS v2.4 and less,
Edition 19 MCOSMOS v3.0 up to
Edition 18
MCOSMOS >= v3.2 MCOSMOS >= v3.2 COSMOS v2.4 and less,

This means, it cannot be guaranteed, that the data can be used correctly with the older
version, especially part programs may not run any more.

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Guidance for MCOSMOS installations

 Updated ACIS kernel (3rd party product)

 New or changed data structures

2 Minimum system requirements

2.1 Operation Systems
The following operation systems are supported:
 Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
 Windows Vista Business Service Pack 2 (32bit)
 Windows 7 (32bit)

2.1.1 64bit support

MCOSMOS is a 32bit application, but since MCOSMOS v3.3.R2 it can also be used on
a 64bit operation system like Windows 7.
This is true, after the required 64bit machine drivers are installed.
 Please check on DVD in folder \Machine:
FILEVERSION of machine.exe is at least 4.0.20010.2.

2.2 Minimum Hardware requirements

The minimum hardware requirements also depend on the installed software
components of MCOSMOS (e.g. GEOPAK, CAT1000).
For detailed information about the hardware requirements, please refer to
 "CTL Germany Info 0251 - Hardware requirements for MCOSMOS
which is on the CD under \README\

3 Differences to MCOSMOS v3.0 installations

Since MCOSMOS v3.1, the user administration is not a fixed part of MCOSMOS
anymore. MCOSMOS now uses the user administration of MeasurLink v6.2 (ML
Security for MCOSMOS).
As a consequence, the user administration of MeasurLink v6.2 is not part of the
MCOSMOS software installation as MCOSMOS now can also run without user
This means, after the MCOSMOS software is installed:
 All MCOSMOS functions are available
 No users and user rights are available (MCOSMOS functions cannot be
managed by user rights)

This is also valid, if an existing MCOSMOS v3.0 is updated. Users and user
rights, which were used in MCOSMOS v3.0 are ignored, until the new user
administration is installed once.

For more detailed information about the possibilities to install the user administration
of MeasurLink v6.2, please refer to
 "ui_measurlink62_with_MCOSMOS32.pdf"

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Guidance for MCOSMOS installations

which is placed on the CD under \README\ (will be replaced by

“ui_measurlink73_with_MCOSMOS35.pdf” soon).

4 How to use the CTL wizard "Mitutoyo MCOSMOS

CD ("
After the MCOSMOS installation CD is inserted, normally the CTL wizard is displayed:

If not, navigate to the root of the CD by the Explorer and execute "MInstall.Exe".

With the CTL wizard it is possible:

 to start the single installation components,
 to explore the CD,
 to open this guidance
by clicking the corresponding buttons.

As long as any installation component is running, it is not possible to start another one.
If trying, the following message is displayed (example):

In the following chapters, the meaning of all buttons is explained.

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Guidance for MCOSMOS installations

4.1 Button "MCOSMOS installation..."

Click the button to install or update the MCOSMOS software.
Before clicking the button, select the language, used in the upcoming MSI installation
This is also the default language of the installed MCOSMOS software.
What is installed:
 WIBU-KEY dongle software, if it does not yet exist,
 MCOSMOS software components (e.g. PartManager, GEOPAK, CAT1000,
What is not installed:
 CMM device drivers to access a CMM,
 User administration to run MCOSMOS with users and user rights.

4.2 Button "CMM driver installation..."

Click the button to install or update the needed CMM device drivers.
What is installed:
 The selected device driver (e.g. UD1, UC) to access the used CMM.
Corresponding executable file on CD:

4.3 Button "User administration installation..."

Currently this button is not available.
To install the user administration, please refer to chapter “5.3 How to install
MCOSMOS with user administration”.

The user administration installation can be done at any time.

4.4 Button "Dongle setup..."

Click the button to update an installed WIBU-KEY dongle software to the version
provided on the CD.
What is updated:
 WIBU-KEY dongle software
Corresponding executable file on CD:

4.5 Button "Explore CD..."

Click the button to start the Microsoft Windows Explorer to browse the content of the
complete CD.

4.6 Button "Installation guidance..."

Use the button to open this PDF document. The PDF document is only opened, if the
suffix ".PDF" is linked with a PDF reader software (e.g. Acrobat PDF reader).

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Guidance for MCOSMOS installations

Location and name of the PDF file on CD:

 \README\HelpForMCOSMOSInstallation.pdf
Clicking the button "Explore CD..." to browse for other PDF files in the folder \README
and to open them.

5 Main installation scenarios

This chapter describes the main MCOSMOS installation scenarios.

5.1 How to install only MCOSMOS software

To install only MCOSMOS software, simply click the button "MCOSMOS installation...".
If none of the other installation components are performed at least once, the following
possibilities to work with MCOSMOS are given:
 All MCOSMOS functions are available.
 Offline programming of part programs possible
 No physical connection to a CMM possible.
 No users and user rights are available (MCOSMOS functions cannot be
managed by user rights).

5.2 How to install MCOSMOS to work with a CMM

This is the main task of a MCOSMOS installation.
In this case it is at least necessary to install:
 MCOSMOS software (click button "MCOSMOS installation...").
 The machine driver which is needed for the connected CMM (click button
"CMM driver installation...").
in this order. This is necessary, because the "CMM driver installation" needs the
installation path of the installed MCOSMOS.

If user administration is needed in addition, please refer to the next chapter.

The machine driver needs to be installed only once. This means, if an update of
MCOSMOS is available (new Edition), just MCOSMOS needs to be updated (button
"MCOSMOS installation..."), as the machine drivers normally remain unchanged in a
new Edition.

5.3 How to install MCOSMOS with user administration

To install the user administration, it is necessary to install MeasurLink 7.3, which is also
placed on the MCOSMOS DVD.
Please click the button "Explore CD...".
On the DVD you find the following folder:
 \MeasurLink73
This is the content of a regular MeasurLink 7.3 CD.
Select “setup.exe” from one of the following sub folders:
\64-Bit for 64-Bit OS
\32-Bit for 32-Bit OS

During the installation of MeasurLink 7.3, follow the wizard dialogues and select at
least the following:

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Guidance for MCOSMOS installations

 Real Time Professional,

 MeasurLink Security,
 MeasurLink used with MCOSMOS

Attention! Although this is a full MeasurLink installation, it can only be used for the
user administration (MeasurLink Security), which is not dongle protected and needs no
authorization code.

Afterwards MCOSMOS can manage users and user rights in a similar way as in

If an update of MCOSMOS is available (new Edition), it is only necessary to update

MCOSMOS (button "MCOSMOS installation...").

It is also possible, to install MeasurLink 7.3 from the separate MeasurLink CD to get
the user administration.

For more detailed information please refer to

 "ui_measurlink73_with_MCOSMOS35.pdf" (currently in progress)
which will be placed on the CD under \README\ soon.

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Guidance for MCOSMOS installations

6 History
6.1 Document version 2.10, changes up to 2012-04-13
New chapter “2.1.1 64bit support”.
Enhanced chapters: “3 Differences to MCOSMOS v3.0 installations” and “5.3 How to
install MCOSMOS with user administration”.
Here, the new document "ui_measurlink62_with_MCOSMOS32.pdf" is mentioned.

6.2 Document version 2.20, changes 2013-09-12

Chapter 4.3 and 5.3 adapted to MeasurLink 7.3

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