Hamster: The Effect of Deferoxamine On Bleomycin-Induced Lung Fibrosis in The

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The Effect of Deferoxamine on Bleomycin-induced Lung

Fibrosis in the Hamster1- 3


SUMMARY Bleomycin Is a commonly used antineoplastic compound that can produce a dose-
Bleomycin, an antineoplastic com- and time-dependent pneumonitis and fibrosis In humans. The mechanism of bleomycin-induced
pound consisting of a mixture of cyto- fibrosis is not known. However, current data suggest that the production of oxygen radicals by way
toxic glycopeptides, is used therapeuti- of a terrous ion-molecular oxygen mechanism might be related to the pulmonary fibrosis. Therefore,
cally against a variety of squamous cell we evaluated the possibility that parenterally admlnlnstered deteroxamlne, an Iron chelatlng com-
carcinomas and lymphomas and may pound, could modulate the morphologic and biochemical estimates of bleomycin-induced lung fibro-
produce pulmonary toxicity (1, 2). Ini- sis In hamsters. Deteroxamine pretreatment and dally injection for 21 days after intratracheally ad-
tially, lung disease manifests itself as a ministered bleomycin resulted in a 33% reduction In lung collagen accumulation compared with
pneumonitis, which in some patients that after bleomycin treatment alone. However, fibrosis was stili present In the bleomycin-deteroxamlne
progresses to interstitial fibrosis (2-4). group; the animals showed a 142 and 150% Increase in lung collagen compared with that in saline-
and deteroxamine-treated control animals, respectively. Morphologic estimates of the severity of
Intratracheally administered bleomycin
fibrosis In the bleomycln-deferoxamlne treatment group were reduced when compared with the
is widely used to produce an animal bleomycin treatment group alone, but was Increased compared with saline- and saline-deteroxamine-
model for the development of pulmo- treated control animals. These data indicate that deteroxamine treatment reduces the severity of
nary fibrosis (5, 6). The cytotoxicity of bleomycin-Induced pulmonary fibrosis In hamsters. The mechanism might be by the prevention
bleomycin has been found to be related of iron-catalyzed, free-radical formation. AM REV RESPIR DIS 1985; 131:000-000
to its ability to induce intracellular
chain breakage of DNA by way of a fer-
rous ion-molecular oxygen mechanism ing 90 to 100 g were used (Engle Laborato- intraperitoneally) via tracheostomies accord-
(7). Furthermore, studies that analyzed ries, Farmersburg, IN). They were housed 5 ing to established techniques (5, 6). After in-
the reaction products of bleomycin and per cage and fed laboratory chow and water tratracheal treatment, saline or deferoxamine
DNA in the presence of iron and O2 ad libitum. Bleomycin sulfate (Blenoxanel!!l) administration was continued twice daily until
demonstrated the production of su- was donated by Bristol Laboratory (Division the animals were killed.
peroxide radicals, hydroxyl radicals, and of Bristol-Myers Co., Syracuse, NY). Defer- Twenty-one days after the intratracheal
the presence of iron-catalyzed lipid oxamine mesylate (Desferall!!l) was purchased treatment, hamsters were weighed, anesthe-
peroxidation (8-11). Although the pul- from CIBA Pharmaceutical Co. (Division of tized with sodium pentobarbital (60 to 70
monary fibrosis caused by bleomycin CIBA-Geigy Corp., Summit, NJ). mg/kg given intraperitoneally), and killed
by exsanguination. The thoracic cavity was
has been investigated biochemically and Experimental Protocol opened, and the lungs were perfused free of
morphologically (5, 12-14), its mecha- Four groups of animals were compared in this blood in situ with saline (4° C), as described
nism has not been established. It is as- study: (1) a control group (saline group) (n=5) previously (6). The trachea was then cannu-
sumed that lipid peroxidation might be in which animals were administered a single lated, and lung and heart were removed en
related to the pulmonary fibrosis, but injection intratracheally of 0.33 ml sterile sa- bloc. The right main-stem bronchus was iso-
involvement of the immune and inflam- line and received 0.05 ml of sterile saline in- lated and ligated, and the right lung was re-
matory systems have also been sug- tramuscularly twice daily, (2) a deferoxamine moved for collagen determination. The left
gested (14-16). Therefore, it might be (DF) group (n = 5) in which animals were ad- lung was then reexpanded with 10070 neutral
possible that iron could participate in ministered a single injection intratracheally buffered formalin and fixed overnight at 25.0
bleomycin-induced lung injury by cata- of 0.33 ml sterile saline, and received 5.0 mg cm H 2 0 pressure. The lung was sectioned at
lyzing oxygen radical formation and of deferoxamine in 0.05 ml sterile saline
intramuscularly, twice daily (3) a bleomycin-
lipid peroxidation. deferoxamine (Bleo-DF) group (n=15) in (Received in originalform July 24, 1984 and in re-
In order to evaluate the possible role which animals received a single injection vised form October 30, 1984)
of ferric ion in bleomycin-induced pul- intratracheally of 1 U bleomycin sulfate in 0.33 I From the Division of Pulmonary and Critical
monary fibrosis, we studied the effects ml sterile saline and received 5.0 mg of Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, Univer-
of deferoxamine, a ferric ion chelator, deferoxamine in 0.05 mg sterile saline in- sity of Alabama in Birmingham, and the Veterans
on the severity of bleomycin-induced tramuscularly twice daily, and (4) a bleomy- Administration Medical Center, Birmingham, Al-
lung injury in hamsters. Our results cin (Bleo) group (n = 15) in which animals re- abama.
ceived a single injection intratracheally of 1 2 Supported by Training Grant No. HL-07553-
showed that deferoxamine treatment
U bleomycin sulfate in 0.33 ml sterile saline 01 from the National Institutes of Health, the Re-
significantly decreases the morphologic search Service of the Veterans Administration, and
and biochemical evidence of bleomycin- and received 0.05 ml of sterile saline intramus-
by a grant from the American Lung Association.
cularly twice daily. Each group was pretreated
induced pulmonary fibrosis. with either saline or deferoxamine for 5 days.
3 Requests for reprints should be addressed to

David B. Chandler, Ph.D., Division of Pulmonary

Intratracheally administered bleomycin or sa- and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medi-
Methods line was then administered under sodium pen- cine, 323 Lyons-Harrison Research, University of
Forty male Golden Syrian hamsters weigh- tobarbital anesthesia (60 to 70 mg/kg given Alabama in Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294.

5-/Am intervals and stained with hematoxylin- anism by which deferoxamine is func-
eosin. The severity of fibrosis in these sec- tioning. However, the ability of iron to
tions was graded using a modification of pub- serve as a redox reagent in the metabo-
lished criteria (17): none (0), no evidence of lism of oxygen (24, 25), and the mecha-
fibrosis; mild (1 + ), focal regions of fibrosis c
involving less than 100/0 of lung; moderate ~-- nism of iron-catalyzed hydroxyl radical
uo §'"
(2+), more extensive fibrosis involving 20 to c, formation by the reaction of ferric ion
40% of lung; severe (3 + ), widespread fibro- "'"
g'E (Fe III) and superoxide ion has been well
sis involving 40 to 60% of lung; extensive u established and is described by the Fen-
(4+), fibrosis involving greater than 60% of ton reaction (24-27). Recently, deferox-
lung. All morphologic studies were made amine has been shown to effectively pre-
blindly by one of us (JDF) without knowl- vent the formation of iron-catalyzed
edge of the treatment. hydroxyl radicals from superoxide an-
Fig. 1. The effects of deferoxamine or saline treat-
ment on total lung collagen in hamsters given bleomy-
ion radical (28) and associated lipid
Collagen Determination peroxidation (29), wherein ferric ion is
cin. Each value represents the mean ± SEM of 5
Collagen determination was performed on the hamsters for the saline and deferoxamine groups and believed to be required as an initiation
right lung using a colormetric assay for 6 hamsters for the Bleo-DF and Bleo groups. ANOVA factor (30).
hydroxyproline as described previously (18). between experimental groups: p < 0.001; p < 0.05 be- The possible reduction in hydroxyl
Briefly, Type I skin collagen was extracted, tween saline and Bleo; OF and Blea; and Bleo and
purified, and used as a control. An aliquot Bleo-DF groups.
radical formation by deferoxamine as
of right lung from each animal was hydro- proposed previously might have an ad-
lyzed in 6 N HCI for 16 h at 120 0 C and as- ditional effect other than prevention of
sayed in triplicate for hydroxyproline. Hy- lipid peroxidation. Recent evidence has
droxyproline constituted approximately
Histologically, changes observed with also shown that hydroxyl radical scav-
12.5% of the purified Type I skin collagen; bleomycin injury in this study were simi- engers inhibit lymphocyte mitogenesis
therefore, an estimate of lung collagen was lar to those reported previously with this (31). This mechanism could be impor-
made by multiplying mean hydroxyproline agent (14). The severity of fibrotic le- tant because the lymphocyte appears to
weight by 8 (18). From these measurements, sions in the lung after treatments ex- modulate the proliferation of fibro-
total lung collagen was calculated. hibited significant differences between blasts, and collagen synthesis and secre-
groups (p < 0.001). As seen in table 1, tion by fibroblasts (15, 32, 33). In the
Statistical Analysis the grade of histologic lesion was signif-
The data are expressed as the mean ± stan- present study the lesions in the Bleo-OF
icantly (p < 0.05) increased in the Bleo group appeared more diffuse and to have
dard error of the mean (SEM). Differences (+ 3.1) and Bleo-OF groups (+ 1.2) when
between the treatment groups were tested a decreased amount of mononuclear
compared with the saline group. In ad- cells than did those in the Bleo group.
using a one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA). The Scheffe test was used to de- dition, the Bleo group exhibited signifi- Therefore, the ability of deferoxamine
termine the p value for multiple comparisons. cant elevation in lesion grade compared to decrease hydroxyl radical formation
The level of significance was taken to be p with that in the OF group. Furthermore, might decrease lymphocyte proliferation
< 0.05. the grade of histologic lesions in the and, secondarily, reduce collagen accu-
Bleo group was significantly elevated mulation after bleomycin treatment.
Results above that in the Bleo-OF group. In addition to its effects on hydroxyl
The effects of intratracheal administra- radical generation, deferoxamine has
tion of bleomycin on percent of initial Discussion
been reported to modulate fibroblast
body weight showed significant differ- The use of bleomycin in the study of proliferation and collagen synthesis.
ences between treatment groups (p < pulmonary fibrosis has been well Oeferoxamine has been shown to de-
0.001). The body weight of the Bleo documented (19-22). The exact mecha- crease the in vitro proliferation of lung
group decreased significantly to 95.0% nism by which bleomycin induces lung fibroblasts and to inhibit prolyl hydrox-
of their initial body weight when com- fibrosis is not understood. It is known ylase activity in fibroblasts cultured for
pared with either the saline group that bleomycin can generate reactive ox- 24 days (34). However, in an earlier study,
(120.8%) or the OF group (120.60/0). No ygen species such as superoxide radicals
other comparisons showed any differ- and hydroxyl radicals (8-10). Bleomycin
ences. was also found to increase lipid peroxi-
Collagen accumulation per lung after dation in liver and lung microsomal
bleomycin treatment with and without fractions (23). Whether the generation THE EFFECT OF DEFEROXAMINE OR
deferoxamine treatment is shown in fig- of superoxide or hydroxyl radicals and SEVERITY OF BLEOMYCIN-INDUCED FIBROSIS
ure 1. The lung collagen after treatments lipid peroxidation contributes to the
showed significant differences between pathogenesis of bleomycin-induced pul- Treatment Grade

groups (p < 0.001). Furthermore, the monary fibrosis is not known. Saline 0.0 ± 0.0·
Bleo group without deferoxamine re- In the present study, we examined the Bleo 3.1 ± 0.4t:t:§
sulted in a significant increase in lung effect of deferoxamine, a ferric ion che- Bleo-DF 1.2 ± 0.2t
OF 0.4 ± 0.2
collagen (col) (9.54 mg col/lung) when lator, on bleomycin-induced collagen
compared with either the saline group accumulation. It was found that defer- • Mean ± SEM of 3 hamsters for the saline group, 6 ham-
sters in the bleomycin group, 6 in the bleomycin-deferoxamine
(4.48 mg col/lung), the OF group (4.22 oxamine treatment reduced the amount group, and 4 in the deferoxamine group. ANOVA between ex-
mg col/lung), or the Bleo-OF group (6.35 of collagen accumulation per lung and perimental groups: p < 0.001.
mg col/lung). No difference between lesion severity after bleomycin injury. t p < 0.05 when compared with saline group.
the saline and OF, saline and Bleo-OF, The data from this study do not allow * p < 0.05 when compared with deferoxamine group.
§ p < 0.05 when compared with bleomycin-deferoxamine
or OF and Bleo-OF groups were seen. the determination of the specific mech- group.

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