Presentación de Proyecto en Idioma Ingles

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FICHA 2175963


2. Ingrese al objeto de aprendizaje The Market Thing: “FIVE TIPS FOR
SUCCESFUL PROJECT” que se encuentra en la actividad de Proyecto 14:
“Valorar el modelo de comercialización de productos o servicios”. Observe el video
que se encuentra en la sección “Let’s listen”, Responda las preguntas, escogiendo T
para verdadero o F para falso. Tome capturas de pantalla en las respuestas dadas,
incluyendo al resultado final.

3. Lea el documento contenido en la sección “Let’s read” y complete las preguntas de

comprensión del texto. No olvide tomar capturas de pantalla en las respuestas dadas.
4. En la sección “Vocabulary”, encuentre las palabras en la sopa de letras y
tome captura de pantalla de todas las palabras encontradas.

This work seeks to use the information provided by the Sena, and the other sources that are analyzed,
to have a clearer idea of how market research can be implemented in the research training project
refers to the study of the demand for natural coconut oil for the cosmetics area, the main raw
material (coco nucifera) is a fruit of greater importance for the tropical and subtropical regions of the
world, it is composed of: smooth epidermis, a mesocarp, endocarp and copra or almond that
accommodates the coconut water. The finished product (vegetable oil), “also known as coconut
butter, contains about 90% of saturated acids from the pulp, most of which are short-chain, which
makes the oil easily digestible. Coconut oil offers a variety of health benefits and can be used in
cooking, as well as for skin and hair care.” The dwarf palm is a fruit used by the industry to make
drinks. “The coconut is a fruit recently qualified as a functional food, it has vitamins that are used in
cosmetology. Its properties are so many, in the cosmetic industry it is used as an antiseptic that
prevents infections. In addition, its fats showed tension in the pH balance of the skin, as proven in
scientific studies, it gives the skin tone, protection, softness and youth thanks to its restructuring
action. At the same time, it softens the dermal layers and leaves the skin not only clean, but also
perfect in all its aspects. On the other hand, the hybrid palm tree is a cross between the giant palm
trees and the dwarf palm tree is a popular cooking oil in America. Today the coconut is a staple food
for most of the world for its milk. It is pale yellowish in color and has a more intense aroma.


Currently in the Bonaverence market there are products made from coconut, but they hold chemicals
obtained from unnatural products, wasting their nutritional value, through this work we will find the
processes that represent a strategic guide to know who the current and potential customers are. This
will help us make more specific decisions and generate a business plan for our company project and
achieve focus on the objective. Among the reasons why we carry out this market study is to find:
achieve customer satisfaction and needs, knowing first of all their tastes, social status, education and
occupation, and other aspects such as analyzing the environment in which it moves our product

The current project will work based on the following hypothesis

"The internet has become a form of employment for society, which demonstrates a
opportunity for graphic agencies to offer their services 85% virtual 20%
face-to-face, taking advantage of teleworking, and thus by reducing expenses
maintenance give customers a more economical and competitive service


For the elaboration of the present investigation, it is remarkable to contemplate that the
company handles a product within the gastronomic market. Therefore, it is necessary
take legal aspects as a basis, which correspond to the handling of food
In the legislation of the Colombian Republic of the constitution of the year 1991, the article
65. Establishes a hygiene treatment in food handling, in companies
belonging to the agricultural area, livestock, among others.
According to decree 3075 of the year 1997, it determines, criteria for storage,
transportation, distribution and marketing of food for human consumption.
Along the same lines, there is an institution in charge of drug surveillance and
food, INVIMA and the territorial directorates of Health, these carry out inspection,
control and monitoring of companies that handle this type of product to guarantee
compliance with criteria regarding health in all aspects of the process
and marketing

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