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Nama : Putri Galih Ning Gusti

Nim : 1020503119
Jurusan : BSI
Kelas :D

1. The definition of literature is piece of writing that are valued as works of art,
especially novels, plays and poem1. It means that literature as a noun, an
object or the thing. “Literature is referred to as entirety of written expression
with the restriction that not every written document can be categorized as
literature in the more exact sense of the word”( Klaler, 2004: 1 ). Literature as
a creature of written expression with some rules it means that not all the
creature as a literature.

2. It can be said that literature has many different functions. There are many
different types of literature, such as prose, theatre or poetry, and each example
of these will have been written to fulfil a specific function.

reader can make a literature as addiction of himself.

3. Literary theory, critism and survey

a. Literary theory
. Theory can help us learn to see ourselves and our world in
valuable new ways to strengthen our ability to think logically
creatively and with a good deal of insight2. Theory as a method

Hornby, A s, 2003. Oxford dictionary. United kingdom: oxford university press. Hal 783
Tyson lois., critical theory today ( New York: Taylor and France group, 2006 ) hlm 5
to learn and strengthen our ability to think logically and

b. Literary criticism
Critical theory include the terms of practical understanding and
the terms of personal understanding of themselves. Won’t all
those abstract concepts ( if I can even understand any of
them)3. Critical theory as an abstract concept even when we
understood of them all.

c. Literary survey
Literary survey is a documentation of a comprehensive to the
published or unpublished

4. Some problems of definitions in literature according Terry Eagleton

What is literature ?

You can define it as ‘imaginative’ writing in sense fiction – writing is not

literally true. The distinction about ‘fact’ and ’fiction’ is questionable one. It has been
argued. In English late 16th and 17th the word ‘novel’ has been used both true and
fictional events and news report is factualLiterature is definable a fictional or not but,
uses language in a particular ways. In the Russian critic roman’s work we can said
that literature represents in organized violence in committed on ordinary speech.
Literature deviates systematically from everyday speech. Some command sentence
sometimes has abstractable meaning and it is not literary.

5. The elementary of the short story

Tyson lois., critical theory today ( New York: Taylor and France group, 2006 ), hlm 1
a. Tokoh : Sali, tetangga, pa lurah, polisi, juru tulis, dan istri Sali
b. Alur : maju.
c. Point of view : orang ke-3 serba tahu, penulis menceritakan sifat dan
karakter seluruh tokoh dalam cerita tersenut seacara jelas.
d. Theme : - Penyikapan yang berlebihan terhadap sesuatu
- Pencarian keadilan
Tempat : Rumah Sali, kantor lurah dan kantor polisi

6. Struktur dan analisis isi

A. “perarakan jenazah”

Dalam puisi ini terdapat beberapa isotopi diantaranya isotopi kesedihan ,

kematian, gerak, dan alam. Dari isotopi tersebut barulah kita dapat memahami arti
dari puisi tersebut yaitu suasana kesedihan dalam sebuah perarakan jenazah.

B. “ Shall I compare thee to a summers day?” Sonnet 18 a poem by William


This poetry tells about comparison. The author compares someone to a

summers day. The author said she is more beautiful than summer day.

C. “Dewa Telah Mati” karya Subagyo Sastrowardoyo

Puisi ini terdiri dari beberapa symbol, yaitu pengibaratan sesuatu

dengan sesuatu yang sepadan dengannya. Puisi ini menceritakan tentang
sebuah hal yang kontras diamana seorang pertapa ke rawa mesum. "She
walks in beauty, like the night" karya Lord Byron
This poetry compared someone to the night. She said she more
beautiful than the night. The author not only described the beauty of physical,
but also the beauty of outside. She compared her with something that
comparable. She compared her eyes, her hair, and her heart also.

D. “ To the virgin, To make much of time” karya Robert Herricks

This poetry is for the virgin, means the person who still young and no
married yet ( she does not have family yet ). Because still young and not
married, she had more time to do something..

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