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Patient Name : Mr/ Bandar Ayed Al Sample Date : 06/11/19 11:54

Shahrani Report Date : 07/11/19 11:43

Acc. No. : 4219715089
Contract. : Walkin KSA Patient Ref. No. :
Patient No. : 1106809757
Branch : Jeddah Falsteen Age : 22 Y Patient Sex : Male

Stool Examination
Service / Test Result Ref. Range

Colour Brown Brown

Blood Absent Absent

Mucous Absent Absent

Consistancy Formed Formed

W.B.Cs / HPF Absent 0-5

R.B.Cs / HPF Absent 0-5
wet mount Not Detected Negative

Concentration Negative Negative

Permanent stain Negative Negative

Comments Parasites: Naked eye : Absent

Protozoa: Vegetative : Absent
Cysts: Absent
Helminthes :
Larva : Absent
Ova : Absent
Reviewed By:

Dr. Osama Ahmed Soltan

Head of microbiology unit

Verified By : Osama Ahmed Soltan

PrintedBy: itsal call Page 1 Of 1 Printed Date: 19:42 20/12/20

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