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Unidad 8.

El ultimo ejercicio

El punto que falta hay que hacer un video con las rutinas

HI. My name is Carlos …

I wake at 7:30

I take a shower at 8:15

I have breakfast at 8:30 

I go to work by car

I have lunch at noon

I finish work at 5:30

I get home at 6:00

I have dinner at 7:00

I watche TV for a while 

I go to bed before 10:00

I sleep for 8 hours. I need to rest well to be energetic the next day.  

Unidad 9

Es una biografia tuya. La escribes y la tradueces y ya.

My name is Tania Torres, I was born on July 10,

1978, I am from Cartagena, I have lived here all my
life, I really like the beaches and enjoy the beauty of
the city, I studied Systems Engineering at the
Technological University of Bolivar and I am
currently a computer science teacher. I work in the
municipality of Villanueva Bolivar. I like to teach, I
am a very happy and friendly person, I have two
beautiful children Tania Sofia and Johann.

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