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OCT are . ole dl. trlb utor.

fo r K4 0 In UK an d Europe

year our K4Q. antenna

become the la~est selling
CB antenna in the world!

1. It's more 2. It's made 3. It's proven best!

expensive ••• •.. Here's what the leading
U.S.A. CB publications said.
£32·50 suggested retail
vat included
CB TIMES: " ... it's not often that a product bursts onto the mar-
kel scene, dominates and improves CS'Ing for everyone. American
Antenna and the K40 are dOing it-repeated tests showed the K40
could oul-perform the major compeMlve brands,Ii
And when you RADIO ELECTRONICS: " The results of our tests showed
pay more, that, in three different positions of the monitoring receiver, the
you expect more! model K40 equaled or out-performed the competitive antenna.
Apparently, American Antenna s advertising IS not merely Madison
Avenue showmanship."
The K40 is guaranteed to 95% of the trials, the K40 ou l-performed the existing mobile anten-
transmit further or receive nas. We had to try one for ourselves,
clearer than any antenna it ". , , in every case, the K40 either equaled or out-performed its
replaces, We know It will, competitor,
We've tested it with 771 " No ifs, ands, or buts! The K40 Antenna from American! Antenna would have to
CS'ers just like you for one be just about the best anl ~und .
year. CB MAGAZINE: " Introduced in October, 1977, the K40 quickly became the
top seller and in mid 1978, became the number one selling antenna in the nation."
You can fit your K40 to any ••• Here's what CB'ers all
mounting surface. It will fit across the U.S.A. said.
any vehicle you 'll ever own !
That includes c hoppers, dune ANTENNA SPECIALISTS: " ... truck driver and Ce'er for
buggies , gutters, mirror 10 years ... 50% further than my M4 10 'Big Momma',"
mounts, luggage racks, trunks, -4.H. Colielt 207 McFee, 8eslrop, LA
hatchbacks, through roofs, AVANTI: " I'm an electronic technician with a Second Class
semis, pick ups and RV's. FCC license , , . I was able to transmit 70 % further and tune
the SWR 75% tower than my Avanti ,"
MORE QUALITY: -H.R. Ceslro, VRa MOftserrBnlB {)-67. 58""'". Puerto Rico
It's not imported. It's not
PAL: ", 20% better in transmission and
made In Taiwan, Korea or
reception than my 5/ 8 wave Pal Firestik."
Japan, It's American made in
-JohnA. 8lIm, SOK 44 6, ZelienokJle. PA
an American town. It's made
with better materials that SHAKESPEARE: " . , . I've been a CS'er for
cost more and by professIon- three years and the K40 Is the best I've ever
al people we pay more. And had. Better in reception and transmission than
we deSigned it my Shakespeare,"
in the U.S.A. -H. Bachert Jr.. 15 KInQ Rd.. Park Rk1r;e, NJ
HUSTLER: " Compared to my Hustler XSLT-
• Including option- 4, the K40 can consistently transmit 40%
al mounts at extra further and the reception was better. The K40 is
cost. the perfect way to complete a CS system."
-Jerome R. Brown. 7800 S L¥!der, Burbank. It

••• This
is so
pu receive a
.r. •
, ~.


Introduction .. .... .... .. .. .... ... 2

Club Spot. .... .. ........ .. ...... 4
this Month's Competition ........ 5
Int.. rfer.. nc.. - Th .. Facts? • • ••• • •• 6
Spring W.... kend In Paris . ...... .. 9
Confessions of a CB Enthusiast •• • 10
Best of British .... .. .. .. .... ..... 11
RIg - Stalk.. r ST 9F !>X....... 24
Reade", Write ................... 26
Rufnek ..... ..... ... .. . .... ...... 29
Installing R.. mot.. CB ...... .. ..... 30
INTERFERENCE Breaker Profile .................. 33
Fact or Fiction? • • • . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • 6
Round Up .......... .. ........... 34
DX QSL Int.. matlonal Club Spot • ••• 36
934MHz R.. p "' .. .. ........... 39
A R.. port on Em .. rg.. ncy Units •••• 42
ClBTA Associate M.. mb.. "'hlp ••• • • 46


By F. C. Judd ••• ••• •• • •••• ••• •• • • 39
Aerial Supplies IRed ditch) lId __ ____ , • , , , , , , 20
AKO lId __.. ____ __________ ...... .. ..... 15
Allr. Manufacturing Cam piny ...... •• . ..... 15
AM Telecommunications ............ • .. .. . . 3
An,1 Mldl"d Co, ........... .. __ .. ___ ... 17
Bury Eleclronlcs . . ... . . ... . . . • ... • ... , .. 16
Cat'.hl'ker"" , . _, _. . __" ... , _, _.. "", 21
CIBTA _.. _. _____, . , _, _, , , .. , , .. .. , , _.. 45
CI ... lfled'" .. . .. .... , . . . , " __ , __ 4B
Frillmlll Ind Pardoe Ltd ..... . . . . ....... , . • 22
Gamma Aerial Products ................ . .. 14
GUIX Electronics ............. . .. .. ... . .. 16
K4 0 . .................... . lulde fronl Clver
Lallr Litho ltd ............ t . •. Iulde rear can,
OCT IntemlUonal lid . ............. . Rear elVer
RIG TEST • ' Simply CB .'., .. " ... . , ______ " _"" ,, _,, 27
Stalk... ST-9F DX •••••••••• • ••. • ••• 24
, . Skyl.b CB __ . , . ___ , , , , , , , .. .. , , , _. ___ .. 20
"Tarren Products Ltd .... .' ....••.. • • • . ..... 21
T"te ~ , _. ___ .. . ! ,."" _",., ..... _. _.. 16
Truckl ..!. , , .... _, _. __ . ____ , • _, , • , , _, , , 29

-CB Radio Magazine

W~, IcKOltiftcid ~d; KaYtH,

J. ...uu.DfI WI UoMHOT ( _HI TIll IIH Of
t<T1>IOtO '1'0 ~. nq en. Of 5UOI 01: ~.
-- ...

~~ ,
• •••••••• • • • •• / . Q'>Wo
.... : ........... '-"'10_ .......
.... ~. . ...... ' ~ulcn.' .
Les Wallam Manufacturing .. It , • • • • • • • • • • , . , 17
Weslward Electranlcs ...... . ... . .. . ....... 22·
Z"fth Electro,lcs __ , ,',' _, _", : .. ______ _. 23
-". . . """ . . ..--I>y,
' p . . . . . . . •

dd\nCx UM on ......... 01·S61 snl omalUftAI. _ _ _ CAI'....... Of~ ..... .. ........... .. ... ... .... ... ...
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f . Co """'- nflC, fOIO", ..... C><. II'Ill

This month's cover photograph ,is of
the new model London Fire Brigade
tender and was taken by Colin Downs.
The fire brigade has suffered badly
from CB interference, see article
starting on page 6.

C8 Radio March 83 1
A higher price
to pay
Quite often th e phone in our office As a consequence, your local Agony Columnist has already been
rings and the caller turns out to be a friendly CB store Is quite likely to be in appointed and is currently sharing the
breaker with the question, "How much business this time next year. This is to desk with our new make-up artist and
is your cheapest rig, mate?" Not only your advantage as well becaus, If he they are all competing for space on
is the ca ll er misguided about our func- isn't there, he can't honour you guar- the radiator so they can air their
tion but he's just as misguided about antee. Also, it Is only the CB speCialist smalls.
his quest for cheap equipment. who stocks a wide range of acces- I jest (I hope). I'd really like to wish
For a multitude of reasons, rig sories and has any real knowledge Sue Sharp every success and I'm sure
prices have been falling dramatically and can advise you on the subject. A she'll do an excellent job. I'm staying
over the last year but the decline in higher retail price will also normally on with the firm as resident Male
price is now at last halting. reflect a higher quality set. So the old Chauvinist Pig.
It would be fair to say that prices adage of you don't get anything for /
have dropped mainly because CB did nothing stili applies (even to CB).
not immediately take off In the UK as Jogle 83
most manufacturers and importers Over the Easter holiday, a spon-
had predicted. Many manufacturing
Behind the scenes sored run is taking place from John 0'
compan ies in the Far East saw the Fifty years ago It would have been Groats to Lands End. Thanks to the
legalization of CB In Britain as a way unthinkable. Forty years ago it would efforts of CIBTA, the CB Trade Associ-
of recapturing some of the lost ground have been impossible. Thirty years ation, the whole run will be organized
that the slump in the American market ago it would have been unlikely. and monitored by CB. To make life
had caused. Today, In 1983, the unthinkable, easy for the organizers, we are pub-
Impossible and unlikely have all hap- lishing details of the ru n in next
Over reaction pened: a woman has been made Edl· month's magazine in the hope that
tor of CB Radio Magazine. From next breakers will avoid the CB channe ls
The traditional importers of goods month, the Contents Page Is going to that are allocated to the run. Please
from the Far East like Fidelity, change dramatically. 'Baking for brea- warn your club or friends that this is
Amstrad, Binatone, Rotel and many kers,' 'The place of the CB widow In happening and get April's magazine
more, Including retail chains who society' and other such riveting for details.
ordered their 'own brands', like Dixons articles will start cropping up. An PCC
and Halfords, had all over reacted. So
had many of the smaller companies
who had imported illegal equipment
and then 'came clean' on 2 November,
A high percentage of the sets, not-
ably what hadn't sold over the Christ-
mas of 1981, went below the £40
retail price barrier for the first time. By
the middle of 1982, the £20 price bar-
rier had also been broken. The entire
trade began to panic. Importers began
to dump sets onto wholesalers who in
turn dumped them onto retailers who
in the fight to compete with each
other cut their profit margins to the
bone. The resulting bankruptcies
were a sham e but e ntirely predictable.
Another disturbing trend also began
to emerge. Some of the less·scrupu·
lous factories in the Far East began
buying up su rplu s stocks of compo-
nents and cobbling together rogue
sets which were as effective as two
baked bean tins connected with a
long piece of string.

You do only get Competition winners with a Thorobred!' P. C. Bishop was

what you pay for one of hundreds who entered this
We have pleasure in announcing competition and got the correct
As I previously said, rig prices have the winner of the Gold·Plated Z27 answers but, in the opinion of the
started to go up again and this is competition, which was donated by judges, ca me up with the best slogan.
mainly due to the fact that supplies of OCT International. The winning entry The winner of our two-part competi-
dumped or rogue sets are at last was submitted by P. C. Bishop, of San- tion was D. Griffiths (Scout Leader),
drying up. Also, many of the more far- derstead, Surrey, who's crossword who is now the proud owner of a Mid-
Sighted bUSinessmen have realized answers were all correct and who's land Base Station. Sheriff, as he is
that there is a long-term future In CB slogan was 'You don't have to shout If known , was the first person with cor-
in th is country. you want to get out, just get ahead rect answers and a good slogan.

CB Radio March 83
In times of distress, accidents, breakdowns, should invest in one for it has so many
emergencies . . . communication is the key benefits because
to receiving quick and efficient aid. All too 1) The unit can be used to summon help.
often public communication systems are 2) No installation costs or unsightly holes. "A must for every motorist;"
either out of order or nowhere in sight. 3) Comes complete for car use with
Editor. CB Radio Magazine
With an Alert Mobile Transceiver, when magnetic mount for antenna and cigarette
the need to summon help arises, you have lighter jack plug power supply.
instant , two-way communication. This 4) Auxiliary power pack for use with the
compact, solid-state unit can be set up in car in the event of electrical breakdown or
seconds and is the only one capable of for total portable operation.
being operated either from the vehicle's 5) Unit can be used to obtain up-to-date
power supply or independently from its traffic and weather reports, as well as route
own battery packs. Versatile - with full 4 directions.
watts power output you can transmit up to 6) With two units, car-to-car Self Adhesive with Extending
15 miles depending on the surrounding communic ation is easily obtained. Ideal for Spring. Hurry. while stocks last!
terrain. travelling with friends.
For ease of mind, instant communication, <fA must for every motorist• ..
versatility. the AMT is a must for every
motorist . Editor
£49. 95
1.00. VAT + II,9J pAf'


The MAXCOM 7E comes complete
I 2-Way Solid-State Transceiver
2 Leatherette Case and Battery Pack (Batteries not
( -:;:0:-Am-;el~tZ ~ -;;o:e~a~1;; ;':P:ach,
Tolplls Lane. Watford. Herts. WDI 8QR
3 Telescopic Magnetic Antenna Tel, (0923) 721144
4 12V Power Lead with Cigarette Lighter Plug Please rush me (Qty ) Alert Mobile
SCarry-strap Transceivers at £49.95 each + £2 .95 each postage
6 Protective Case for travel and storage and packaging plus my free gift (one per unit-
Also included Owner's Manual and Warranty purchased).
Home OJJice

Phone No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
The Editor of CD Radio Magazine:
"Thi s product is so unique and vital that it
1 enclose my cheque/poslal order for
is the first and to date only transceiver that
£ or charge my Access/Barclaycard.
we are prepared to endorse. Every motorist I am over 18 years of age.
(Signed) .--;:;:'7--::--.,.-,,-- - - - -
Please allow 28 days for delivery.
wards a kidney machine and given a
Round Robin CB Group complete CB station to a local remand
Would you please Inform all the centre. Not bad, considering our aver-
breakers In the Medway area through age attendance of 50-60 people.
your Club Page that the Medway Dave Holloway (Midas) (Secretary)
Breakers Club has now been reformed Eynsham, Oxford
and Is now known as thE! Round Robin
CB Radio Group. Its sole object Is to
raise funds to provide CB equipment Lime Tango DX Group
for any disabled breaker In the Med- Our club, the Lima Tango OX Group,
way towns. started earlier this year, with member-
For all OSL'ers, a PO Box Is at their ship growing all the time, from up and
disposal, use of which costs £3.00 per down the country not just locally. We
year. A s.a.e. will bring full particulars: even have a number of overseas mem-
PO Box SX 26, SIttingbourne, Kent bers, too. Mosi months we hold 'a competition
ME97MX. Membership Is £2.00. This Includes for those members using the PO Box,
Andy Capp (Hon. Sec.) your Station number, membership e.g., furthest copy, most aSL cards,
Sittingbourne, Kent card, use of PO Box If required, etc. From time to time locally we hold
sample of OSL cards, pen with club events such as car treasure hunts,
MEDX International name, key fob with club OTH, car camps, etc.
sticker and other Items as they New members always welcome.
DX'lng Club become available. We also have our Roy (1-LT-001)
We are based In Medway towns In own club rubber stamp at an extra President and Founder
Kent. We started on 12 January as a £S.OO for those who want It. Lowestoft, Suffolk
small group of 10 people who like
DX'lng. We read your magazine and
saw the article 'Tell Us About Your
Club', so here you are. We OSL 100%
anywhere and would like to hear from
other clubs who have just started and
the old ones too.
I. Underwood (MEDX IU30)
Gillingham, Kent
PS We meet every second and
fourth Wednesday of every month at
the Admiral Elliot PH, Crown Street,
Gillingham, Kent.

West Oxfordshlre Breakers

After holding meetings for almost .
two years, we have decided to tell a
magazl~e of our existence. Yours Is
the lucky one.
Our membership numbers some
160 and we meet at the Red Lion,
Eynsham, Oxfordshlre (next to church)
each Monday evening at 8.00pm. A
Junior Club meets from 6.30-7.4Spm.
Steakers of any denomination wishing
to join or Just visit are welcome.
Our recent treasure hunt allowed
the winner (Fred Bassett) to go home
with half a lamb aiter enjoying the
evening's barbecue and our weekly
raffle has a mobile rig as the minimum The South Hem charity by collection and a pram race
prize, although recently we have given and we have a sponsored walk taking
away base station rigs, a weekend for Breakers Club place In the near future.
two in Scotland and two weekends for The South Herts Breakers Club has Club membership Is £2.00 per Indi-
two in Paris. We hope to include other been running for Just over six months vidual or £S.OO per family. Junior prizes in future, including and we have now moved to a new membership (under 16) Is £1.00 per
some trips to Le Mans in 1983. venue. This Is Aberford Hall, Aberford year.
During the last few months, we have Road, Boreham Wood, Herts. We meet We are a family club and, as such,
managed to make a profit from our every Thursday evening at 20.00hrs. try to cater for all age groups and also
events which means that we have (8 o'clock). Visitors pay SOp or 3Sp on promote the proper and correct use of
been able to send £2S0 to the South production of any CB club member- CB by all our members.
Atlantic Fund. We have ~Iso helped to ' ship card. At present we do not have a Gnome (A. P. Harris)
wards the pub's donation of £SOO to bar but tea, coffee, etc., Is served. Social Secretary
the blind, donated a rig for raffling to- We have raised nearly £200 for Boreham Wood, Herts.

4 CI Radio MIIrch 13
Throughout this month's magazine, you'll see this 'Best of British'
design, which is used on the pages featuriDg British manufacturers and
goods. To get this special feature off to a good start, Zl!INITH l!ILl!IC-
nomcs, of Hailsham, have provided March's competition prizes. A ZX4
microphone and Zenith Speech Processor will wing their way to the
sender of this month's wittiest competition entry.
The photograph was taken on a CB rally by our photographer and it has
sat waiting at the back of a drawer since but we think it's about time it got
the publicity it deserves. We want you to tell us what you think the police-
man is saying to the two breakers who are looking so intently at him.. Bear
in mind that the policeman is working on a Saturday (probably his day
of!), it is cold and he is surrounded by loud and protesting breakers - so
he's not too happy. Keep the answers clean but fanny!

The judges (whose decision is final) will choose the one they think is
the fu.nniest and most appropriate comment. The winner will be notified
as soon as the result is known and this result will be published in the first
available edition of the magazine.
Send your answer (on a postcard, please) to March Competition, CB
Badio Magazine, Tudor Works, Beaconsfield Road, Hayes, Middlesex UB4
on by as March, 1983.
C8 Radio MIIIrch 83 5
'["'~ F 1\(" IS.
Whatever motives the Government
Is accused of in selecting the frequen-
cies and mode for British CB, it has
always been loud In Its assertatlon
that the decision was based on
causing the minimum of interference
to other radio spectrum users. Indivi-
dual arguments aside, this Is a sen-
sible and essential precaution, as no
one would wan.t to cause or see wide-
spread disturbance to services or Fig. 1. Comparative Interference figures, 1981 and 198!2
even minor disruption to emergency
services. Loud noises from the Gov- CB lntcrfe~nce
ernment aside, how much interter complaints to
ence is being caused to other users? Total number CB Intcrfe~nce domestic radio
complaints coniplalnts and TV
The official vlcw
The Home Office view is, quite Jan-Dec 81 70,000' 44,966 43,864
simply, that Illegal CB is at the root of
interference complaints - be it Illegal 1 Dec 81- 70,000' 41,340 46,000 approx.
frequencies or legal frequencies used" 31 Hov 82
with illegal accessories. This is not an (Total for 1982
unexpected opinion, as the authori-
ties are duty bound to prove and def- not ~ available)
end their decision on CB - but look at "TIlls "su" I. rounded up
the figures for interference com-
plaints. In 1981, when almost all CB
was Illegal, the figure was 44,966. A
year ·Iater, It stands at 48,340 - an Independent Landing System locall- both forms of CB. The Committee is
Increase of nearly 3,500. If AM CB is zerNQR band and the fifth harmonic now campaigning to get out of 27MHz
declining in use, as every1hing sug- into the top end of the VHF R/T band. completely, particulariy as It is con-
gests, then all of the increase - and They were aiso concerned that wide- cerned that the British Government
then somel - is from legal CB or, at spread use of CB would mean that will eventually adopt FCC frequencies
least, CB on legal frequencies. users in the ciose vicinity of airports through CEPT recommendations. How-
Therefore, the Government's aim of and Similar areas would inadvertently ever, It has no evidence at the
reducing Interference with the intro- cause interference by being close to moment that the paging 'communlly'
duction of legal CB really hasn't radio and communications installa- is affected by CB and is finding It diffi-
worked. Whatever the cause, the num- tions, without realizing the dangers cult to subst'lntlate any Claims that
ber of interference complaints is involved. The CAA's publication, 'Air- CB affects the majority of paging sys-
worse than before legalization. In fact, way,' went as far as saying: tems. In the opinion of a spokesman
many breakers feel that in giving a "It seems clear-that CB interference, from one of the major paging com-
legal service with such ineffective even from a legai27MHz (FM) service, panies, the biggest and most persis-
restrictions, the Government Is almost is going to definitely occur on VHF R/T tent source of Interference comes
encouraging the breaking of licence to some degree". from British Telecom Itself and simi.l ar
restrictions. If FM CB was used totally The CAA went on to explain that licensed users but the Home Office
legally, It would be much less likely to they anticipated the good design of has shown Itself reluctant to act when
cause interference but this I.n't the the iLS system and airborne controi cases are reported to it.
case as breakers are dissatisfied with equipment would reduce the chance The same spokesman said, with
the service they have and are ultim- of interference from FM CB. some feeling, that the Government
ateiy causing exactly the ......... ffect The CAA were certainiy prepared to has deliberately set different radio
as If they were using AM. deal with such a problem and, as such, user groups against each other and
wouid have been better equipped to has made a scapegoat out of citizens'
deal with It when It arose. Happily this band by repeatedly highlighting prob-
Who's Interfering hasn't been necessary. In practice, lems caused (or suspected of being
with whom? neither legai nor Illegal CB has caused) by CB. .
According to Home Office statistics, caused any real problem to the Auth- Hospitals and other emergency
95-97'*; of CB interference complaints ority - much to their relief. organizations using 27M Hz for paging
concern domestic radio and tele- have been steadily moving off 27MHz
vision. (The Home Office is not to frequencies such as 35MHz for '
involved 'or concerned with break-In Selective paging some time now, although they have
on hi-fi or video equipment). The The Seiectlve Paging Committee had sporadic interference from all
remaining fe~ per cent are based on . has prepared more than one report ali forms· of CB. This has caused a prohi-
complaints from other services, Inclu- the implications of CB radio and inter- bition of staff using CB equipment in
ding emergency organizations. ference to paging. Companies and some hospital areas or residential
individuals using paging devices get medical care homes . .
varying degrees of interference which.
The CIvil Aviation Authority are not always direclly traceable to a
The CAA has always been strongly particular cause - particularly not to Ambulance services
opposed to any 27MHz CB, not AM or FM CB. However, the Selective The reports from ambulance forces
because It objects to CB in principle · Paging Committee has been worried vary from minimal to severe at times.
but because the fourth harmonic of about CB for some years since many For instance, the London Ambulance
27 M Hz falls at the bottom end of the paging systems share 27MHz with Service has very few problems with

6 CB Radio March 83
either illegal or legal CB, although
what Interference they do get Is usu- Rg. 2. Number- of CB prosecutions
ally from AM CB but some other ser- \~..,..
vices, like Manchester, have greater
problems, especially from illegal CB.
Humber of
The pollee Humber of successful
prosecutions prosecutions
Police forces are very reluctant to
give any Information on their telecom-
munications systems, although we· Jan-Dec 81 179 858
have reported in the past on serious Jan-Dec 81 1,300 "'A similar proportion
Interference to mobile RIT In the lon-
don area. No force was prepared to
to 1981"
comment officially, although some I.e., 97%
officers spoke 'off the record' and said
that they are worried by the level of

The fire brigades

ember, 1961 onwards. Investigations frequencies ' but the 'wally' element,
The fire brigades seem to be suf- showed that the third harmonic of unfortunately, aren't moved by this
fering worst out of all the servlces.- channel 16 was the exact frequency argument and there is little that can
although It Is difficult to make com- used by Kent Fire Brigade for mobile be done about the breaker who Is
pariSons without full information from is
communication. The interference so . advertently parked near a hill-top
the police. severe that It Is a constant night and relay site (particularly as any service
A .Communications Officer at a day problem and at times completely Isn't keen to announce the location of
County brigade, who also sits on the blocks transmissions from vehicles such ~Ites).
Communications Committee of the out on emergency calls. The brigade The Kent Fire Brigade Service Is
Federation of British Fire Officers, mounted a large publicity campaign . ' having to completely change fre-
com men ted on the situation both nat- Involving local radio and breakers' . quency. an expensive business espe-
Ionally and In his own county, Kent. clubs In an attempt to show how seri- cially as they will have to change yet
Many brigades experienced prob- ous the problem was. again In the future to fall in with nat-
lems, to a greater or lesser degree, Kent, In common with other brig- Ional frequency changes.
before legalization, which In many ades, has sent officers out to CB clubs london and Manchester Fire Brig-
cases has increased with legalization. to explain the position which has, on ades have also reported a high level
Kent, Itself, suffered a small amount the whole, met with success. Clubs of Interference but mainly from AM
of pre-legal CB interference which may encourage members and other CB. Although Individual cases are
Increased tremendously from 2 Nov- breakers on channel to avoid certain reported, where possible, to British


C8 Radio March 83 7
f["'~ fl\{J IS
Telecom, this is having no discernible
effect. London can change frequency
but this Is time consuming and obvi-
ously not to be undertaken In an

What now?
It can be seen that there are prob-
lems associated with CB-caused
interference. Depending on the organ-
ization, interference is non existent or
constant, from AM or FM or both, fro m
Fig. 3. The Home OffIce Speaks
legal 4 watts to burners. We are not
condoning breaking the Wireless
Telegraphy restrictions - whatever
our own personal opinions may be -
but it can't be escaped from that in " .•• It Is Important to remember that the (8 licence obliges users
making the decision it did and in a
half-hearted manner, the Government to operate their apparatus In such a way that It does not cause undue
has done nothing to help the situa- Interference to other radio services."
tion it was most worried about. It must " •.. The use of FM Instead of AM will cause less Interference to
be said that at the end of the day there home entertainment equipment by direct break-ln."
Is more interference generally to ser-
" •.. The choice of channel frequencies will reduce Interference to
vices af\d n.let up on badly hit ser-
vices than when legalization was other services which also use the 27 MHz band."
introduced nearly 18 month s ago - " .. • The lower permitted levels of spurious radiation will reduce
and no indication of things getting any Interference to many other types of services Including police, fire,
better. ambulance and aircraft communications."
Th e Government Is hoping to start
dealing with interference from multi- " ... Tests have shown that at 27MHz an FM transmitter of 4 watts
mode or AM sets by introducing the output power with a simple Inexpensive antenna of the type speci-
Telecommunications Bill. This wlil fied will give adequate range with minimum Interference to other
give the police and authorities wider services."
investigative powers, stop shop- " ••• The (8 users, by keeping within the conditions of, the lic-
keepers selling un licensable equip-
ment, make it an offence to be In pos- ence, will greatly reduce the probability of Interference to services
session of illegal transmitters and will such as aeronautical, Including Instrument landing systems, police,
Increase penalties on conviction. But ambulance. and fire service communications and TV reception."
as the Communications Officer at " ••• The precise choice of frequencies was necessary to Improve
Kent Fire Brigade says, "They can't
handle the legislation that they have the protection to aeronautical Instrument landing systems from
already". spurious radiation from (8 transmitters."
One parting shot. Lf the Government " ..• I'M (8 transmlllion Is considerably less likely than 8n AM
is rea liy that concerned about Interfer- traifsmlsslon of the same power to cause Interference by direct
ence and is currently spending £8 mil- break-In to home entertainment equipment. TWenty-seven mega-
lion a year on dealing with It then
1. Why was the situation with Kent
hertz FM service was better In this respect than a comparable 27MHz
Fire Brigade ailowed to happen? AM service by a factor of several times."
Surely help should have been forth- " •.• TWenty-seven megahertz AM Is not the harmless activity many
coming before legalization instead of people allege. Some problems of Interference will occur with the
g,udglngly afterwards?
"2. Why is CB giv.en such a baq image
use of the authorized system but by the restriction to FM on care--
when, according to so me services, fully chosen frequencies with equipment which meets the UK speci-
mini-cab transmitters cause more fication, these will be far fewer than those currently being caused by
interference than CB and some areas the use of Illegal AM (8."
of amateur radio hre plagued by unlic- " ••. It Is quite clear an FM set which meets the Home OffIce speci-
ensed operators, breaking of licence
restrictions and repeater jamming? fication will cause substantially less disruption to other users of the
3. Why is Illegal CB, which the Gov- radio spectrum than would an AM set to a less stringent specifica-
ernment is said to be so against, tion such as that at present In force In the USA."
aliowed to proliferate and interfere " ••• AM will not be legalized because of the high level of Interfel"
with legai CB and other services?
I can't help but feel at times that e'lce It Is capable of causing to other services."
they might as well have legalized AM
CB on FCC frequencies in the first
place and have done with itl

8 (8 Radio March 83
A lUxury coach with on-board bar,
video, air conditioning and hostess •
service will collect you from either
Birmingham or London (your choice)
.on Friday morning to commence your
memorable weekend break in Paris.
You will arrive In Paris the same day,
where your hotel Is centrally located
within sight of the Eiffel Tower. Each
bedroom In the hotel has its own
bathroom (our price of £55.00 per
person includes Continental
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evening is free for you to enjoy the
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has to offer.
On Saturday morning a full tour of
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remainder of the day and evening Is V·LOCATED HOTEL
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.On Sun(;fay morning yOl,Jr lUxury coach PARIS IN SPRINGTlME
will take you to the historic and
beautiful Palace of Versailles for a
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approximately 45 minutes from Paris) Depart Birmingham (near Bull Ring)
you will commence your Journey 7.30a.m.
home. or
London (Kings Cross Coach
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THIS ENTIRE TRIP COSTS JUST Arrive Paris 6.00p.m .

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Depart Hotel approx. 9.00a.m. tor visit
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A £10.00 supplement Is chargeable for a single room . All
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of our prices are based on two people sharing a twin Birmingham midnight

Please reserve me _ _ _ _ _ _ ploces for this Spring Weekend In Porls ot £55.00 (single room supplement £10.00).
Name ________________ ~ _________________________________

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Viscount Travel. Terminal Building, Southend Airport, Southend, Essex Tel: (0702) 48601

! ~ Radio March 83 9
confessions Goodbye
Here we are again, a freezing win- need arise in the future but in view of two good points and it's a pity all the
ter with the spring probably just as the high cost of the first rigs, with the 'behind the scenes' talent is being
_cold and the 01' CB rig still getting average price being In excess of forced Into other publications, like
used to help the odd fellow breaker £200, space to transmit shou ldn't be a gardening magazines . .. (1-4 for a rho-
out of the odd snowdrift or two and major problem Inltlallyllt Is suggested dodendron?) ... and the like. True, the
there's probably more to cornel I was that on 934MHz channe ls 1 and 20 be CB boom never came but only the
speaking to a REACT monitor rec- used for repeater operations - no, it businessman wishing to make a killing
ently and he underlined a thought or doesn't mean that it's a cheap echo thought In those terms. As you could
two I had during this cold spell. If chamberl Briefly, amateur radio enth-. see from our monthly News Review
you're In trouble (but stili roadworthy) uslasts (,hams') have been using rep- pages, the newspapers were always
don't think that calling out on channel eaters for years and their use helps ready to print sensationalized accounts
9 will result In a free breakdown ser- mobile users get increased range of a non-story but the possible distant
vice with a mobile crane, complete from their equipment. It involves the connection with citizens' band radio
with flashing amber lights and a use of a 'base' transmitter/receiver at made it a story and that old maxim Is
REACT logo painted on the side some high vantage point which rec- true ... never let the facts spall the
coming to your aid. Although It seems eives the Incoming signal on, say, storyl CB's first birthday passed with
a nice Idea, It is not the case. A moni- cha nnel l and It then re-transmlts the hardly any media coverage. I don't
tor will certainly do his/her best to signal received on channel 1 to chan- remember being' kept awake a few
help in any way possible - but they nel 20. Naturally, at the moment there months back with the dancing In the
can only do so by calling on th e ex/s- are no 934MHz repeaters around the streets ce lebrating CB's first year. No,
ting rescue services of Rolice, AA or country yet but, in view of this future It was left to the specialist press to
RAC, etc. or even a local garage. The use, it would seem sensible to prepare give an unbiased view - those that
monitor is not there to leap into his for it now - repeaters work best the were still there, that Is. Looking back
own vehicle and come to your assis- further apart the transmit/receive fre- over the year, I loathed the inane com-
tance (although many do help in every quencies are - hence the suggestion ments uninformed adults would lapse
way they can). By far the best bet is to to use channels 1 and 20. This now Into when they knew I was interested
call out on channel 19 - the 'mobile' leaves us 18 channels to use from 2 to In CB - things like "1-4 for a rubber
breaking channel. There Is every pos- 19. There isn't the need for 'specialist' duck"(I) or maybe "1 -4, 1-4, who's that
sibility that a fellow breaker will be channels like 14 and 19 on our exis- knockin' my front door shoutin' for a
closer to you and possibly give Imme- ting UK 27MHz system - but there IS a copy .. ." It almost made reading girlie
diate assistance. If there doesn't need for a calling cha nnel- and since books a worthwhile alternative (apolo-
seem much activity on the channel, no one has come up with a better idea, gies to those feminists aglOngst us). if
you can always try 14, as some mobile it seems that channel 14 will become you've stuck with CB since legaliza-
breakers (and I'm onel) 'copy the mall' the general 'breaking' chan nel. At tion or even before, you've proved
In town and then forget to change up present there are so few rigs around, yourself and deserve to be called a
to channel 19 when hitting the open It's not a realistic suggestion to hope 'breake~ . For those of you who've just
roadl There Is also the 'knock-on' that monitoring organizations will be joined our merry band with a CB pres-
effect I mentioned last month of town able to offer their assistance on this ent from Santa, stick around, as you'll
and city breakers modulating on 19 new UHF band - but again, channel 9 be amazed how much enjoyment can
and treating any request to clear the seems favourite as the prospective be had from a miserly £ 10.00 a yearl
mobile breaking channel with a few emergency/assistan ce channel. After (Psst - that Is the licence fee - you
choice expletives - not forgetting the all, if you're in a jam an d you've DID get one, didn't you?).
old chestnut, "I've paid for 40 chan- already pushed the panic button sev- l've just goTSnew rig in the car. So
nels and not 39." etc.1 eral times .. . It's a bit much to remem- now I'm driving around with three aer-
Got your 934MHz rig yet? Nope, ber if you're in a 934-rigged vehicle Ials. Before you think the CB bug has
neither have I - IS there anyone out what on earth the monitored cha nnel bitten too hard, I should explain that
there? I had a quick phone call with isl To sum up, on 934MHz It's sug- one of the aerials is for the broadcast
Jeff Smith of Reftec, who told me that gested the following be adopted as radio (You remember Radio I?
934 rigs are being delivered to whole- working practice: Channels 01 and 20 Surelyl) the second is for my trusty CB
salers for distribution around now, so - repeater operations; chan nel 09 - but the third twig and the cause of my
it s houldn't be too long before the odd emergency and assistance use; chan- elation Is that this latest piece of radio
one or two appear on the s.helf of your nel 14 - Initial contact (or 'breaking' gubbins Is so that I can make and rec-
local CB dealer. One thing that hasn't channel) . .. If you've any suggestions, eive telephone calls to anyone in the
been established has been the chan- drop me a note care of CB Radio Mag- UK. My boss Is making me mobile, so
nel operating proceduresl What's the azine and I'll pass on your comments no longer wi ll I be able to be 'desk-
breaking channel? Is there any moni- to those concernedl bound' and the wide, open road awaits
toring and if'there Is ... Is It sti li on You've probably read elsewhere - with the result I'm not going to be
channel 9? Don't forget that at pres- that lots of CB magazines are closing able to devote all the time I'd like to
ent, 934MHz rigs are limited to 20 down and are to be no more. CB Gaz- CB radio. I hope you find the hobby
channels (not the 40 we've grown to ette, 10-4 Action, CB News, CB World, less fraught than I did Inltially, so a big
love and hate). There's bound to be Wh at CB?, Breaker and a few others, 10-10 from 01' Vid eostar and remem-
some Initial contusion until the system all will be missed this year . . . certainly ber, If you're fed up with th e turkeys
sorts itself out - there IS a provision to some more than others (no namesl). on channel, remember there's still
add a further 20 channels shou ld the Every magazine had at least one or 934MHzI Goodbye.

10 CB Radio March B3
As you will see by flipping through the pages
of CB Radio Magazine this month, a lot of the
pages have a corner design with 'Best of British'
on. This special feature has been produced to high-
light some of the small British companies who have
honoured theircommitment to British CB and are produ-
cing rig, antennas and accessories within this country to a
high specification.
Many of these companies have had a hard time during the
Far Eastern onslaught of low price and poor quality. Since the
majority of these British goods are made with British components
and labour and have involved research and development. they
have not always been able to compete with the cut prices that have
filled some shop windows. Now this situation has sorted itself out a little,
these British companies are now at the forefront with a range of products
for the old and new breaker.

Gamma Aeriai Products

Gamma Ae ria l Product-s has been In
business for some con siderable time
as manufacturers of amateur radio
antennas. The company sta rte d manu·
facturing CB products in 1981 and
has had enormou s popularity with its
products. especially the GAP 27 Y,-
wave antenna, which has be come a
household name among CB users.
Tbeir Jatest products include a revolu-
tionary ground plane kit. the 'Ringo
Plane', and a loft aerial, 'Lofty',
John a nd his wife, Jennife-r, run the
company from their 6,500sq. ft. fac-
tory in Lye, Which is totally dedicated
to th e ir ae rial product s. The factory
has its own tool room , machined parts
shop and plastiC injection moulding
See advertisement for further details.

Fr:::::lna~!::~~~s~ ~I!~:nds.
this engineering company has' been
established for over 30 years and. .:.:
until fairly recently, concentrated on ~~
sub-contracti ng work of engineering :.:.
components for industry. }
Freeman and Pardo e hat manufac- .:.;
tured a range of home base ant ennas (:::
that hafve quickly gained adgood reTPu- '.:'.'
tation or performance an price. he
most current in the range Is the Thun- ::::
derpole II. An updated version of the :,,:

~~~£F;;~~~"n'~~~epr~~~n~~r~ol \ ~~~ !I
performance to MPT 1320. a superior
. rubber duck antenna (not of the 'clip
on' variety, which introduces two
The Thunderpole has a new ribbed /' loading coils, one in the rig and one on
coi l design whic h is fully weather pro- ....: the ant enna and degrades the set's
tected and Is doubly wound to maxi- ?~ performance by mismatch). a PL259
mize performance. The price of the .. socket so the set can be used with an
Thunderpole II is £25.00. It is also ':" external antenna and car mounting
guaranteed. ~:~: brackets for greater versatility. A lea-
:::: ther carrying case is available for the
':;;:;:::::::::::::::::;:;::;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:;:;:::::::::::::;:;:::::::::::;: Westward PT.
The PT can be used as a high perfor-
:::: Westward Electronics mance portable. a mobile set or home
·,t The Westward PT rig was designed base as it can also Ul?e car battery or
;::: by taking all th e disadvantages of cur- mains power.
:::: rently-avallable portable units and The Westward PT costs £129.95
t fr~~~~~ing them, say Westward Elec- (inc. VAT) with the leather case £25.30
(inc. VAT). Packing and posting is
,:,: So the PT features a rechargeable, £2.88;' It Is available directly from
:::: high-capacity 12V battery pack, full Westward Electronics.

CB Radio Marc!; 83 11
selective ceramic filters. Precise
channel selection is digitally con-
trolled by a phase-locked loop synth-
esizer using only one crystal for
improved stability. You will be able to
judge for yourself the effectiveness of
these features when we Issue a full
test report on the Magpie next month.
The receiver section can be adjusted
to the user's requirements using four
rotary controls; mike gain; RF gain,
squelch and volume and to help allevi-
ate installation problems the mike
socket has been located on the right-
hand side of the transpeiver.

Limited edition
Magpie Electronics Ltd., of Andover, search for either a free or a busy chan- Magpie Electronics Ltd. was formed
Hampshire have, for the. last six nel, dependent upon the position of a soieiy for the production of the Auto-
months, been preparing their new Bri- three-way switch on the fascia panel. scan CB set, although under the name
tish product for the market. Entitled Other switches give the user control of Solid State Electronics, the two dir-
the Magpie Autoscan 5000, this new over PA, channel 9 and attenuator fac- ectors, R. Friedlander, M.Sc. and J. R.
transceiver has many unique features. Ilities. Frampton, T.Eng.(C.I.E.), have been
The first and most significant of these occupied with the design of specialist
features, as can be observed from the Bright blue industrial and military instruments
photograph, is the method of channel such as satellite receivers and fibre-
selection. "Rather than using the nor- The usual red or green LED channel optic systems for several years.
mal large and often clumsy rotary indicator has been replaced by a-high- The construction work on the Auto-
mechanical switch, Magpie have quality blue vacuum fluoresce nt dis- scan 5000 Is sub-contracted to sev-
employed an electronic system, oper- play which is easier to see in bright eral small British companies who each
ated by either of two sets of controi sunlight. The brightness of the display take on one particular stage of the
buttons mounted on the top edge of is aiso automatically set by a 'mag;ic production. The circuit board, for
the microphone and on the trans- eye' photoelectriC cell situated adja- example, is put together on the Isle of
ceiver's fascia panel. Pressing one of cent to the display. Signal and RF Wight. Production numbers will, there-
the minus buttons lowers the channel power levels are monitored by the fore, be kept to a minimum. Mall order
number and pressing one of the plus usual illuminated meter. will be the only method of distribution
buttons raises the channel number, The all-metal front panel and attrac- and enquiries shouid be made to:
either in single increments or, If the tive mechanical design reflect the
button is held in, until the desired quality of mechanics and compon~nts
channel is reached. When the trans- within the unit, which has been des- Mogplc Elcctn>nla Ud.
ceiver is first switched on it auto- igned and manufactured in Britain. In PO lox 35
matically goes to channel 14, as it will particular. the receiver section has Andover
also do if the two buttons are pressed been so designed as to ensure high Monti.
simultaneously. The Autoscari 5000 immunity from adjacent channel inter- $PIG lILG
aiso scans through all 40 channels in terence and bleed over using extremely Tcl, (0lI64) 66361

111 CI Radio March 13

Skylab CB
For a change, not located in the
West Midlands but in Bingley, West
Yorkshire, Skylab CB has a range of
three accessories.
The FM Superkrunch is probably
the most well-known Skylab product
and Is a further development of an
earlier product, the Kg Kruncher (not,
as a colleague of mine commented, a
dog biscuit). Much acclaimed amongst
breakers for getting ' rid of that
annoying hi ss that can accompany FM
transmissions, the Superkrunch costs
The Skylab Supersound is a speech
processor witnecho, echo delay and
Integral reverb facilities. The Super-
gain is a RF pre-amp for FM CB and
can be turned up to 36dB gain. It is
particularly good for enhancing those
very faint signals .
•:::;:::::;:::::::::::;:::::::::::;:::::::;:::::::::::;::;:=:::.::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.::;::::.:::.::::.:::.:::.:::::::':'::';:":::':::::":':':::':;::::::':':'::::::';.::,:::',,:::::::::;:;:.:::.:::'::.::'::":':::':::::;:;:;:.:.::;. :'::::::;:;:::::;::::::::::::.:':::::::::::::'::

Well established as a CB shop in
Berkshire, Catswhisker's also markets
the cat call, a selective cal ling device.'
The cat call Is marketed in matched
pairs and uses digital encoding,
The system is based on five differ-
ent colour codes and gives up to nine
lettered codes on the standard unit.
Installation and operation Is simple.
The cat call unit is very small and fits
inside the majority of rigs. Operation
is by pressing the required station call
button. If the required station is
switched on (and within range) the
unit will automatically call back and
buzz through the loudspeaker to con-
firm receipt. The called breaker will
know he has been contacted as his
se t will buzz constantly. This is useful
if the breaker is not near his set at the
Wilh 3,200 permutations in any
area, it could be the answer to chan-
nel overcrowding.

[llli ~i:~~r~~;~~:e~i:~:~!:~7~:'~
;.:, sion of the popular di-pole antenna,
:::: which they deSigned, manufacture
;;:; and distribute. The rang e isn't limited

iiil ~~~n~:~f~~~i~~~:d~::o~eA:~~~~~~~
1 r 'Serving the

This company is located In the CB-

fertile West Midlands and manufac-
: ;:~ ~:1!:;~E,~: ~ ,: :~': i
CB. .:::.
One of the most popu lar CB base :;:;:
station antennas is the Silver Arrow \:
tures antennas as well as a rang e of from Aerial Supplies. Designed and :.:
equipment that utilizes the tube that tuned specifically for British FM CB, ::::
they produce. the SWR tunes to 1.4:1 for best perlor- ....
The company now has garden mance. The antenna comes with co m- }
swings and a
selection of climbing prehensive fitting and installation ~ .~:.'
frames available for energetic child- in structions.

CB Radio March B3
GA P Sky Breaker

GA P Sky Leader
5/8 Wave

GAP 21Mhz
1/2 Wave

GAP 27Mhz
5/8 Wave

Gamma Aerial Products


14 CB Radio March 83
:.:. ::'

BlacklineSeries .... .. ; ;...
; , : ; ; .,.; ; ;.. , ' : ;. .::.. , .; .. :;.

High Quality TVI Filters High Quality Signal Boosters

TUNE NOTCH FILTER The TNF 2 1savailabletuned to CAR RADIO FM BOOSTER #~"lIiiili:"''''''-
fTNF 2) anyone of the following fre-
This booster greatly Improves
th e reception of VHF/ FM car
The answer
this Individually tuned filter
provides the highest possible 145Mhz, 70.2Mhz, 29M hz,
rejection on both inner and 27Mhz, 21Mhz, 14.2Mhz,
radios (mono or slerol and fits
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braid and should be used 10.1Mhz,6:SMhz, 7.1 Mhz. reception
when Ihe frequency of Ihe in' 3.5Mh,. £7 . 95 CB VAMPLIFIER
terfacing signal is known. IPlease stale frequency re- A new product combining our
2) qulred when ordering. established CB pre'amp and
vampire into one unit with CB SIGNAL BOOSTER
A low noise high Quality, dual·

switching facilities and varl· gale F.E.T. pre-amp giv ng in
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75 ohm • the ultimate control of Inter·
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distribution systems etc. •
A low noise high quality dual· Manufactured in the
fHPF 1) This Is tor the suppression of • gate F.E.T. pre-amp givIng In UK to the highest
this Is a standard high pass radio Interference bourne • excess of 24dbs gain.
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and will provide 70db of re- very low Insertion loss. (partic- :II MTA Fn .... r·AMP
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checkedl· £6.75 Video Recorde"l. £6.75 & POST/PACKING


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VSWR: Betler than 1.5: 1

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Centre fed Y2'wave dipole also available £16.99


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C8 Radio March 83 15
Broadband Filter... •. . ........ . .... . . .. . .. .. 210.50
Microphone Preamp with Roger Bleep . .. . 210.00
Direction Finder Equipment ... .. .. .. ... ... . tll.00
Echo Chamber . . . enhanced modulation .. . t4U5
25W Linear Amplifier ... . . .. ... ........... . . 214.00
60W Linear Amplifier .... . .. . . .. .. . . . . . ..... t33.00
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All prices plus VAT

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Telephone enquiries to (0952) 581738 Ext 11

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* WORKS INDEPENDENTLY OF SIGNAL o Antennas for all frequencies from 27-500MHz v
o 'REVCONE' 16 element broadband fixed 0
~ station antenna, 50-500MHz, ideal for scanners ~
IF DESIRED v £24.95 v
* FITS NEATLY INSIDE RIG o 27MHz CB mobile antenna on top quality mag 0
Now available lor the lollowlng rigs: Audio Line 340,
341, Barracuda HP940, Cobra 21 X FM, Colt 295, Cyber-
o mount Inc. 3Y2 m. coax £26.95 0
net Beta 1000, 2000, 3000, DNT M40FM, Fidelity ~ 27MHz CB mobile antenna on foiding body 0
v mount £12.95 0
CB2000M, Maxcom 4E, 6E, 16E, 20E, 21 E, Midland
2001, 3001 , 4001 , Oscar 1, Radlomoblle 201 , 202, o- as above on gutter or boot lip mount £16.95 0
Rotel RVC220, RVC230, RVC240, Unlace 100, 200,
York JCB861, JCB863.
·Quick release feature on mobile antennas -
add £1.80 to price
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ORDER YOURS NOW v robust design £24.95 v
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£12_95 Inc. p&p

X UR76 coax 20p per metre PL259 35p X
v All CB antenna. comply with HO specification. All v
oo 0
State model 01 rig parts sold separately: the above Is just a selection
when ordering Irom the REVCO range. Sae lor lull list 0
o Also available from GAR EX: the SX-200-N ' 0
Bury Electronics o scanner: the one made for the British market 0
Home Farm House o £299.00 0
Lower Bra"es
Banbury, Oxon
g PRICES INCLUDE UK pip .nd 1 S'" VAT g
Tel: Bra"es 432 (S Phon_ (0298) «180884 . C.II .... by .ppolntment only ()

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16 CB Radio March 83
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M c\(lul:It\lrD'( Suppliers to the trade

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3. British made products
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for the acclaimed
Tarren Supply Unit
• We also distribute
Altai - Thunderpole®
V H F M ohilcamJ 8as(
Harvard - Academy
~ 7 M H l M(lhite ~
Maxcom - Uniace
High performance antennae Audio Line
Modulator OX Ariel range of antennas
Latest a ntenn a in th e Les Wallen range. the Modulato rDX has
been prove n to outperform many illegal antennae. But "Contact Ariel Midland
Modul ator OX is lega l. so now you do n' t have to break the law
to DX .
for your local retailer"

27MHz Mobiles
Due to expansion, Siegma
20 .000 ow ners ofthe s~ antenn ae ca n' t be wrong. It's even been Electronics will be
co pied and imitated to add to the fl attery. But only the ge nuine moving shortly.
a nte nn a bears the name Modulator and carries with it th e Watch this space for further details
guarantee of satisfactiol1 and perfo rmance .

Modulator Base
The high perfo rmance o riginal Modula tor antenna. Its va lue
. fo r mo ney design fea tures a low angle of radiation together
Ariel Midland Co .
wi th ve rsatile co mpo nents and fittings for optimum efficiency. Unit 4, Brockhill Works
Redditch, Worcestershire
VHF Mobile and Base Tel: (052·7) 62310/62319
Six dB ga in over 114 wave makes these 5/Bwave antennae rea l
winn ers for 2 metre. ma rine . YHF a nd PMR High Band use. Telex: 335540
Trade outlets still available
934MHz Colinear
Low in price a nd high in pe rformance but specially made to in certain areas.
o rde r o nly. Prices a re ava ilable o n applica tio n. Ring Steve or Graham
for further information

CB RadIo March B3 17
A1fra Manufacturing
This Plymouth-based company pro-
duces the Power Puncher antenna for
British FM CB. This base station
antenna is suitable for either pole or
loft mounting with the ground planes
crossed or window sill mounting with .... less steel whips and are connected by
parallel ground planes. :;;; a standard 'IiIin. UNF X 24 TPI thread.
The loading coil Is protected from ;;;; Car Installations can be gutter, wing or
temperature and weather extremes by t roof mounted, by mag mount or perm-
a heat shrink caSing and the assembly :::: anent fitting. The antenna has a whip
is manufactured from solid impact ;;;; assembly which can be quickly
The Power Puncher comes with ::. .:::.. re~~tvhe~,'f~eS~f~~n~~:7nPt':.'~i~~blle
Modulator range meet UK require-
mounting accessories, co mprehen- :
. ments. The first, with a coli length of
sive Instructions and Is adjusted to
give the maxi mum SWR coverage. :::: 6in., costs £12.35 and the second,
Alfra, as you can guess from its =;:: with a coil length of 14in., costs

~ ::~~~:~~f{g;¥,tf~F:~i
name, is a manufacturing company
and is currently working on antennas
for the 934MHz band, particularly
beam antennas.
:::;:::;:;:;:::;:;:;:::;:;:;:::;:::::::;:;:;:;:;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::.;.;.:.::::::::::::::;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::: guaranteed for one year. A full range
.... of spares is also available. The com-
. pany has done comprehensive tests
to satisfy Itself of .the performance and
value of its goods.
Also available from Les Warren '
Manufacturing Is a wide range of high-
penormance marine, amateur, private
mobile radio and radio telephone

I iii leetel
.... The Tectel range of accessories is
;;;:: manufactured by unemployed young-
:;:;: sters at a unique training centre in the

.:.: Production work is divided between

~:. .:~. .:~
three sections which operate under
the Telford Opportunities Centre roof.
The electronics are deSigned, built
and assembled by trainees at the Tel-
;:;;; ' ford Information Technology Training
Vamplifler Is a CB signal booster and ;;;:: Centre (ITEC), the boxes are con-
AKD RF variable attenuator combination ;:;:; structed by thel, colleagues at the
Armstrong Kirkwood Developments set, with LED Indicators, automatic RF ;;;;. Telford Training Workshops and the ·
manufactures and markets a range of switching and band pass filter. ;;;: finishes are put together by adult wor-
electronic accessories which utilize The calculator-size direction finder ::=: kers at Telford Disabled Skills Ltd.
miniature circuitry mounted ' within enables absolute pin pointing of an ;:':. ITEC manager, Alan Hullyer, said
copper, aluminium or plastic tubing. aerial radiating 27MHz CB tran smis- ::;:. "We want to help the youngsters use
This range of accessories covers Sig- sions. Th e unit is supplied with a mini- ;:::. their experience to set up small busl-
nal boosters, high pass filters, notch ature ae rial, giving a 50-metre range. :;:;: nesses In this and related fields or to
filters and braid breakers, at prices A full-sized directional aerial enables }: find relevant Jobs with local Indus-
from £6.61 to £ 14.40. general OF'ing over a much greater ::::: tries.
AKD has also re ce ntly produced the distance. .;;;; "It Is a very small-scale outfit but

~! ; ~~e::e ~~~a~~~~u~ b~~~~~~~~~~t:~~':

CB Vamplifler at £25.95 and the Preci- All AKD products are made in Britain
sion Direction Finder at £45.00. The an.d backed by a two-year guarantee.

18 CI Radio March 13
3ft. away) Is on a gooseneck with the
PTT button located on a replacement
gear lever knob (which is available in
III: black or tan). The ZX4 costs £25.82
.... electronics Industry to back up its new Although basically a deSign' com-
:::: products. pany, Zenith h.~ndles all its own manu-
:::: Currently Zenith produces two facturing on Its own premises.
Tarrcn Products Ltd. :::: accessories. The Zenith speech pro-
This company has been In existence ~:~: cesser is an offshoot from the com-
for a year and was formed With :::: pany's audio work and costs £32.95 (a
Government backing from an ITT com- price which has been stable since
pany which was closing down. The dir- June t 981). The company can also
ectors of the ITT company went on to proudly boast that in that time It has
form Tarren and to produce two CB had no returns or complaints. This Is
power supplies of 30VA and 70VA. put down to very strict quality control
Each has a t 3.8V dc stabilized output. at every stage of production, not just a
The company has been so con- final visual inspection at despB.tch.
cerned about the quality of power The ZX4 Is Zenith's most recent

supplies and ratings given to them product. This microphone system has

~~~~~!,~;~~;J~; ;1~::~1~r i:i;:::":~£:~~: :.1.1.1

tute and both comply with the Elec-

~~~lrEi:~~!~~~\::~~:~n~:~(~~il~~~ I: 1

- f®il@@~1fni1 Products Ltd .


Garex Electronics
This Hertfordshire family company
has 20 years' experience in mobile
radio and Is the main distributor for :;::::::::::;::;:::::::::::::;:;:;:::;:::::;:::;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::;::::;=::::::::::;::;:;:::::::::::::::;::::;:::::::::::;;;:;::::;:;::::::;:::;:;:;:::;:::::::::;:;;;::;;:;:;:::::;:::::::;:::;:::::;;;::;::::.
another British family company, Rev- .•.: :•.:•.:.
co Electronics Ltd.
Bury 'Electronics
Revco antennas, covering 27-500MHz, .. The Auto-Squelch from Bury Elec-
feature a folding whip and call deSign :::: tronics is a small (30 X 20 X 15mm.)
which can be used with a range of :::: electronic module which fits inside

most CB sets and monitors the rec-
eived signal. Requiring no adjustment
IIII during operation, it filters out the
Top quality materials are used, prod- ;::: harsh FM 'fizz' and unwanted single
uclng an ·antenna for' years of satisfac- .... sideband transmissions.

::~o~:~:~'~ue~~er b~~~t ft~at~;:~en~ .J '

The Auto-Squelch works independ-
ently of signal strength and noise
levels and won't interfere with weak,
marking or scratching vehicle paint ::;: readable signals. Once fitted, the
work. The Revco optional quick- :::: squelch on the set is turned off and

~~~~~~y. ~~~~~ ~II a~~~n a;:i;:~:st~~

the Auto-S.q uelch comes into action
automatically. If the transceiver squelch
a Taperlock base mounting, a devel- ....
opment of the popular snap-in mount
Is required, the device will turn Itself
off as the squelch is adjusted.
Fitting is not a difficult operation
Garex Electronics is the main ser- \ and in many cases is just a matter of
vice and sales agent for the SX-200 ~~.~~ six connections. The range of rigs suit-
scanning monitor, the only VHF/UHF
scanner designed for. the British mar-
I able for fitting with the Auto-Sque lch
is listed in Bury Electronics's advert-
isement in this feature.

CB Radio ~rch 83

Pre-tuned home base legal
antenna. Pre-tuned radiator for
FM. SWR better than 1.3: 1.
Power handling 500W. Requ-
ires 1 pole for moun-
ting. Additional strengtheners
to ground plane radials for
improved stability in high winds.
Main mast held not by one but
three locking screws.
Best and strongest legal
base station aerial on the mar-
ket today .

,. Ministry of Defence tests prove that received
sound is better with an echo facility, so Skylab
designed a circuit and put it into Supersound-
speech processor input with echo, echo delay and
integral reverb - all independently adjustable.
... Get more out of your ng .- enhance the quality
~i~of your modulation. ~.

Nt: .... Supergain - this high quality RF pre ·amp
for FM rigs can be turned up to 36 dB gainl Ideal
for serious OXing - brings out those normally
undetectable signals.
21MHz V2-WaVe
This omni-directional base sta-
tion aerial is a Y2-wave. base-
fed, vertical radiator. Ground
Plus FM SuperKru nch - the genuine original planes help to broaden the
noise and hiss elim inator. SuperKrunch actually bandwidth and achieve a low
listens to the audio output of your rig and if it SWR across the band. The
hears noise, SuperKrunch makes sure that you 12in. bracket provides two
don ' t. SuperKrunch lets only modulation through
to you . Simple connections - works with ph9nes points of antenna support. This
or speaker - protected agains't reversed polarity. bracket fits masts up to 1 V,i n.
Only £34.50 inc. p. & p. Money back If not in diameter.
futty satisfied.
8 Wldney Houle. Bromsgrove Road,
Reddltch B97 4SP
Sky lab 2C Keighley Road, Crossflatts. Bingley, W . Yorks.
Tel: Reddltch 62620 and 60107

CB Radio March 83
~ llr~~~~rfn)) Products Ltd.

The Best Unit because:-

Two year Guarantee
11(ht"'$OH~ UtPIJ(
~. High quality Components and Manufacture
Ensures Constant Output
British Design. British Built

Equipped with Circuitry to ensure the

Safety and Protection of your Rig
This Unit stays coot even with Constant Use

THUPPL CB POWER A:~:NS::R~D:~~:RD::~:~~:L~SE :~:A~~A~~T~U;~;~RW::C~U:~~~p


TELEX 869107 TELECOM G. LANCS. TEL. 0254-75073 p.of.. f.."'OU . :~
.:. :'. ....... :'" .::. ..
..... .:. :" i~ ..................•...•.••....••....•

Catswhlskefs CB
Stores for all your CB
. ,,,,,
including the fabulous
cat call ~elective
calling system

This month's special offer: I

aD-channel FM rigS ... £45.00
aD-channel FM rigs I
fitted with . cat call ..... £79.95
Phone Reading 5891 .93
for all sales enquiries.

We will despafch anywhere

in the UK

TEL: (0734) 589193

CB Radio March 83 111

leader of the fastest
selling hi gh·
performance legal
base statio n a ntenna.

• The highest star-rated

anten na for Performance.
SWA Adju stment,
Insta llation and Value.

• Exciting new ribbed

coi l des ign with
doubly encapsulated
windings for m axi mum
performance and all ·
weather protection.

Saucy Nancy does it • Tests indicate performance matc hing that of an illegal
5dB home base antenna.

anywhere with a • Ba se loaded coil on a single radiating element 1.5m long-

pre-tuned and requiri ng no SWR adjustment.

WESTWARD PTI • Precision-machined alloy base with 3 angled ground planes,

each 2.67m long. with cross braci ng and designed for
max imum performance.

COMPLETE WITH: • Power 500W - Frequency 27Mhz - SWR 1:1.5 or less.

;~/';l,i~• • Intemal maint enance-
• Pol e mounting base 1 1f. ins. dia.
rechargeable battery.
to three working days' • Price just £25.00 incl. VAT plus carriage £3.95 and each
on high power. antenna is individually guaranteed.

• Intemal protected 13,8V

I power
supply, .+ well CMSIrucf&:l.lfI5ib~
• Intemal battery char- 8nd-'e<telltnf~tt:!Jii
ger(fullycharged In5 hours), 8 _ witll fM_ /xnVslfletif
is prP-1IJntd'411111S hoNcmzENS
• Quick-release car moun- BANomiJ9"Zi~.5epfem"'r'B2
ting bracket. describM tMfarrtasfr<- ",
• Pl259 aerial socket. rub-
ber duck antenna. shoul-
der strap. mains lead. etc ,
• 4-watt. 40ch, UK spec,
for use as hame base. mob- Tything Road
Arden Forest Indu strial Estate
Ile and portable, ALCESTER
W ark s, B49 6ES,
further details. sae
Westward Electronics Phone: 107891762 673
The Mill House, Tuckenhay, Totnes, Devon TQ9 7EL
Tel. Harbertonford 336 or 370 I Cl Freeman & Pardoe 1982

CB Radio March 83
This 'Best of British'
special feature has
highlighted some of the many
British companies making
excellent CB equipment and

Of course, not every
• Safer driving. Easy installation company has been included•
• Suitable for all modes If you have bought a British
'PRICE £28.00 (RRP) INC VAT product which you think
SPEECH - PROCESSOR deserves a mention then write
FM SSB AM to us with details for
• Boost your 'talk power' • Increase ' range' inclusion in a similar feature
• Improve 'speech clarity'
in a few months' time.
South East CB Supplies Esserys CB Supplies
189 South East Road 66 t-I,'''iIh Street
Shollng Barn!:otaple, Devon
Southampton Tel: 02713331
Tel: SOUlhpmpton 447907 LONDON
cee Wholesale Zulu One - 4
20c Salsdon Road 132 Leytonstone Road
South Croydon Stratford. E1 5
Tel: 01·680 4503 Tet: 01 ·555 8045
Mr. Peter Mills
(Distribution Manager)
A dealership available In th e Northern Area

STOCKISTS: Farnborough
Farnborough tommunlcalfons
Tel: 518009
Bournemouth Hallsham
Skywav8s CB Services
Tel: 302080
Brighton Inrange lid, I
Station Road Tel:' 715709
Tel: 5631n
Burgess HIli Ho".
O. F. Browne
Guy Austin
Tel: 3407 Brighton
T9f: 417120
Christc hurc h
Molor Mouth CB 1r;leworth
Tel: 486207 MoOrtln Audio Systems
T1.11: 01-560 6343
City C8 Centre lewes
112 Pitfleld Aucord CB Bar
London, Nt Tel: 4334
Tel: 01 -739 9991 orfolk
Channel 4 Thetford CB Supplies
lItord "~ I: 0842 61645
Tel: 4782728 Norwich
Crowborough B. A. Yeomans
Archers OJ.Y. Motoring q5 North Walsham Road
Plus 4 t$ 46294
Tel: 4864 RS8 fll ng
Eastbourne C;alswhisker's CB
Soulhdown Radio Supplies '€I I: 589193
Tel: 63935 1 \VorthllJg
Enfield G wfi.1 _
Enfield Communications Tel: 34897
Ponders End, Enlleld S. A. S. Accessories .
Tel: 8057772 Tel: 211737

21 Station Road " t ustrial Estate
Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 2EW
Tel: (0323) 847106

C8 Radio March 83
socket on the rear panel.

Transmitter test
Test equipment available:
The -,;::.....--4~.1) Two Racal 90S1 slgnai generators.
• Racal 9009 modulation meter.
Racai 9301 mil II-voltmeter.
Racal 9917 and 9024 frequency
Marconi TF 2501 RF power meter.
Bird 43 RF power meter with load.
Marconi TF S93 AF power meter.
Marconi TF 2337 distortion meter.
Levell TG 66B audio generator.
This month's rig test features, by Solartron CD 1400 scope.
popular request, a set that has rather Constnlction IE DS 50/2 power supply.
more than the UK FM 40 cha nnels. Keithley 130 digital vo ltmeter.
The construction Is the familiar two-
The Stalke r ST9-F DX has 40 UK piece (top and bottom) cover plus Hewlett Packard spectrum analyser.
channels, a set of 'low' channels star- chassis and front panel. The casing is Power output
ting at 26.965MHz a nd a set of 'high' made of hard ~ we a rlng, scratc h~re s l s­
channeis beginning at 27.4t5MHz. tant black stove enamel paint with a Thi s test is done to check the power
The British FM channeis will only work crackle finish . The front panel is a output of the rig conforms to Home
on FM and cannot be operated on AM plastic moulding finished in chrome. Office specification MPT 1320 and
or SSB. This gives a total of SO plus 40 with two inset escutcheons, one black that the rig will give the user sufficient
FM, SO AM, SO LSB and SO USB. with white lettering, the other wood- power output for normal uses over a
(Word of warning, the clarifier, grain finish with white lettering. The reasonable variation of power supply
intended for tuning in SSB signals, other controls on the front panel are voltages in both hig h and low settings.
works on ail modes, including UK FM. well laid out and can be split into two
Operators would have to be careful of sections. The controls from left to Power output .nd Attl:nUltion
thisl) right on the top black escutcheon are Men. 10,.,. 11.'" 14.'"
Eventuaily we deci ded to test the High 4.0W 4.2W 4.2W
noise blanker/noise limiter and on/off
FM side as normal and get our eng- switch, two band select SWitches,
ineer to cast his experienced eye over black illuminated poundage meter, The results of this test show that
the 'other bits'. On giving the other three mode indicators and, finally, the this rig exceeds at normal operating
modes a general check, he said the channel indicator, which Is standard voltage the maxi mum power output
set "performed very closely to the red, seven-segment LED display. Bes- permissible by MPT 1320. There Is no
quoted figures in the handbook" on id e the chan nel indicator there are low power position available nor Is a
AM and SSB. also two LED indicato rs, th e lirst one 10dB attenuator supplied with the rig
The set is made In Taiwan and is dis- indicating the mode seiected and the as required by MPT 1320.
tributed In this country from Roger D second one is the transmit Indicator.
in Nottingham. The contro ls from left to right on the Tempe,.tu ... It.lbliity
bottom escutcheon are on/off 8{1d vol- These checks are done to ensure
ume, squelch, mode switch, c'arifler that th e rig stays on the correct frequ-
Microphone and RF gain control. The channel ency for a reasonable change in envir~
The microphone supplied with this change switch is located half-way on mental temperature (4S· F to 6S· F).
rig is a very neat pear shape which Is between the two escutcheons on the
the first of this kind we have come right-hand side. Temperature sUblllty
across. The microphone also has a Int ernally, the construction of the rig
microphone gain control which purely Is good, all components are marked, '-"'P.
ott CHtO cmo
affects the output tevel from the mic- floating wires have been kept to a min- be 27.601250 27.791 '50 27.991260
rophone and is not to be confused imum and th e good iayout should 4S"F 27.601208 27.791204 27.991208
with a power microphone. 66"F 27.601 t58 27.791156 27.991158
make servicing no problem. One point
For connection to the rig it uses the worth highlighting which is not found
screw-ring, lockable four-pin plug. on many other rigs is the sel. ca ll It ca n be seen from the table that
th e temperature stability is consis-
tant, only drifting a maximum of 92Hz
frqtTl the correct freq uency, which is a
good result.
~u l.tion
We do this test to check the ability
of the rig's modulation circuit to give a
gobtd modulation level over a varying
range of input levels.

, .....,
0 .2kHz:
0. 1kHz:
2"mV 0 .5kHI. 0 .9kHl 0 .45kHz:
abmv 12kHI. 2.0kHz: 10kHz
2~mv 2.1kHl 3.2kHI. 2.4kHl
6(.;mV 2.7kHz 3.5kHz 2.5kHI.
260mV 3.0kHI. 3.6kHz 2.5kHI.

Th $ above results show the moduJa~

tion I,evel is good, up to 25mV, Once
25~,V has been reached , the modula~
ti. ' exceeds the level (2.5kcs devia-
tion) specified In MPT 1320, there-
fore... If shouted into or a power mike
used, the rig would most certainly

CB RadIo March B3
cause bleed-over due to over modula-

Receiver test
Audio d1.toftIon
To do this test, the loud speaker Is
replaced by a Marconi TF 893 AF
power meter with a Marcont TF 2337
distortion factor meter connected
across It.

Mt.JU~ Olltortlon
I watt 151M. dlslortlon
2 Wins 121tb dlslortlon
3 walls 29CM1 distortIon

The results of this test seem to

reflect the results of most of the rigs
we have tested to date, which were
RADIO BACK PAN EL VIEW IIUt6I1A1t •• ...,.Ulltt. . 1VJOO
average. • . . ..2lttt.
Squolch ' - I
The range of the squelch with the
RF gain at maximum, the threshold
sst) L........ G.1I"VI.. ' Gdll
was measured at 1.1 mV and fully ts.HIIH II ....... "" ... Ii wtI1 01 ...,;Iio
muted at .6mV. The test was repeated
with the RF gain control at minimum,
• AM: Lm
"""o....v 10< ,oa•.
tI·H/IH . ............. . ......,ol_
the threshold was then measured at , ..: ...... _
•• _ _ Ii_..
G.I "v I...oI_
20dl "·HI.'N
.3mV and fully muted 300mV sensltl· AMIISt • d, ..... , KtoI'.
110 III .J.I ItH.
,,,, ••J.o II:H •• 1IO . . . l,II:H,
vlty, thus, by using the RF gain control MOff ...... 10"..
In conjunction with the squelch con· -~­
....... ".!teI....
,.• . f _
Moo. "'onOOdl .
, .. : .55 II: HU.,M .... sst; '!"'H.
trol, all unwanted signals should be AM 0!'C1 $$I A' 0 .... (:001001 IldlonMio 10< ""0 ....... ......, .KlU ....

squelched out. .......... oIc o ... eo."oI IAGCt, L......... 10 '" .,........ ....
SPECIFICATIONS .................. I.... 1011
Racatvcr ICn.ttMty ...... 5OO.000"V.
/I.4InMlo: _ _ ........ G.5t1Y•

O(H("Il ~ NoM" ..., ..
This test Is done to check the ability 0.-1"',,,_ "''''''•• ,,...... .... NoI_sse.

01 ...... ' 10. 'Ilf". f(I/I.M. IIOI.S8. 80USI " .111:1'1 ••
11l.MS 10 )1,U51r1U1, !FM. AM. USI. lSI)

~Ou_~ 4 ...11. _ 1 1 1 ........
oltha rig to pullin weak or distant sta· .... 2J.eGI161O n ... I:I!oMH, ,n., ....... sse XII) .. JCIDD H.
tlons. F_'__ ""* LaIotcl ~tU .......:tonI.... .... AM )00'020lIl11'1.
'Io! _ .. :wIOOH••
t" ..
u-. ....... •,0'10 .. , .....
0tI0< ...... ' _ _ ,,_ 0 .0111.
-10· CIO·!oO"C
• _
; ........ 111 ..

''* >PO.... _ _ •
Scnlltivtty I'I.,..Jft '''''' : ... _ ..,'" _ ... ,oII!;
1OdB"ulellng a.BuV ,..."'11 0IIII .......""'.
2adB qulellng 1.luV IUV oc """"~ ... lUV ........ II.JV .......
3QdB qulellng 3.auV 1_' ...... """""••_1.
T•....,.su NoIIFM lui! _ " l/I. ......1.........
&II. ' 2 ........ ( ....,... ~ 3/1.
The above results were average and __ ~.- G.u.. ....._
~ : ......
........ 1"-
not quite as good as some of the bet-
·ter legal FM rigs that we have tested. ......
J-tIlrIWl.2·tIU"IHI •• tIt4-IO) · ull: . • "t. . . I11........... I',. .... ~•

S meter re.dlng
This test Is done to check the callb' ---
al ....-.h..... . III.... _~Jl_
..... tItIo'_""*-
....-.-. .................. "F _
____ -...oItNI ........
, ,, u .." ..._- --,. ",-..'"
. ,~

..-.. --
.... , ' .IOUlJOCW

"•n ".u.. .. ..".It

---- -- - ..- -
f.,1I •

. ,~

nJltl .. ,,~

ration (sensitivity) of the rig's signal lED dIIoIoV: ~'l(""""'" trW

""""""'. · 21.'...
.. .. .. 1''''''
" . , ..II.'"
n ... ,,,, ".I'"
'M ".-J, ft

.- -
.. ..."..., " ~I."
strength meter. ""'1:11 1>.0"

~I"":II 11.. ,1

".," .. n ._
". -
n",I'" ~ II.m ""Ift II.)Iti

....•• n"':11 ..

-...... .... .
"a "'-1"
101:11 n_ ..
f'. ''''

."... "». ".," . >I.,..

~ 21,1"
5 Meter Rudlng
.....,.. n.ll't 21.0,.

TJIAHlIoIInlJl tI.).,
..... "", 1> " "I '"
....•"" ,,-
1 f'.III'" }"O$ " . t l ft .U:II fUlti
n.'. .....
sst. 12 ....... , ..... ,,~

"V sse, ,... ........."". __ ili00i·11''. "U llft

3 !!,f)la n l'S lI~Iti

" ... •" ""'I' ,,-

~ IIU'" J>~' II....

5 OW '''' ........ . ..... _ ....... -35 ... n.J<I:II ll"'l't

lun ,,-
7 8.l'iuV "' .. "'.......
_III .. ··u ..
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II.""" n .,1'l 1''''

• " ""':11 ,,-

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10 • • fl"I "

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3O,V 1"1." ' "
:MXIO H ••
• Jf."'l't ,,~

"* ,,- f,,,t.

With the RF gain control turned to

maximum, the results showed a 30mV
signal coming down the aerial was
needed to Indicate a 91b. (59) signal
on the meter. This reading Is a bit low by receiving a signal on channel 20
but Is compensated by the fact that then Introduce a second transmitted
the receiver Is not as good as normal signal, first on channel 19 then 20 to
FM rigs. check the filter band width then on
channels 1 and 40 to check for rec-
J>N, ..Joetlon
eiver desence.
The AM rejection measurement Adjacent eMnnel Rejection
taken from this rig gave a result of CIt.
29dB - this reading Is about average 20mV "'' mV" CHI.
for mld-prlce-range FM rigs. The only As can be seen, these were rather
thing Is that the rig could be suscept- disappointing results. This rig could
Ible to high level Interference, I.e., car suffer very badly from bl eedover and
~nition systems and alternators. desence as the best reading we could
get was 20mV (whereas previous rigs
Adjaant ""'nnel rejection tested have been as good as 300mV).
This test Is done to check the rig's The higher this figure, the greater the
resistance to bleed-over by other sta- rig's resistance to interference from
tions near by. We take a measurement local breakers on other channels.

C8 Radio March 13
Dear Sirs, Enough of trading .. , now to the the Society is now "all for CB". This
The long letter In January's Issue public ... Dear Mum and Dad, brothers was certain ly not the case a year ago,
regarding the use of Channel 9 was and sisters, there are a minute bundle when advertisers in RadCom were
most Interesting and It Is unfortunate of morons out there bucketmouthing told that no copy would be accepted
that the writer did not care to have his and swearing to your loved ones and for CB equipment and if submitted
name puQlished. generally messing up decent brea- would be deleted. It Is Interesting to
As Chairman of a REACT team, obvi- kers' conversations. These 'brats', as note that the firms who advertise in
ously I am biased when It comes to . we call them, probably don't know RadCom do not advertise CB equip-
discussion about monitoring but I what an AM'rig was or that the brea- ment in any of the ham radio journals I
would like to point out to the writer kers who used AM/SSB were and sti ll take nor do they advertise In the CB
that the new monitoring guide pub- are a very respectable bunch of press. Mind you, if they asked the
lished by REACT (U K) covers all the people. The Brats have bought rigs for average CB man to pay the prices the
points he raised and a great many £19.00 a time (cheaper than a car hams have to pay for their equipment,
more. No other monitoring organiza- radio) and descended as low as they they would be wasting their time. I am
tion goes to the trouble of ed"u catlng can get. aware that ham equipment is multi-
its monitors to the same level or goes Now If the old boys from the AM mode and multi-band in many cases
to the same trouble to co-operate with days can't stand it, surely it's about but, is selling to a worldwide market
both national and local Government time they stuck together. Get your and at what appears to be inflated
and emergency services to find out tape recorders going, get names and prices in this countrY.
what THEY want from us. handles and report them or sort them From all reports, the attitude of the
A comment In the same Issue of CB out one way or another. Why should RSGB, even to its own members, is
Radio Magazine suggested that these wailies kill it for you. If It wasn't one of disdain. I think the G6+3 and
during 1963 only one organization for the AM boys, we would not have G6+3 hams are considered to be very
would emerge with consistency In the FM and everyone whose a radio fan slightly superior to the CB man. What
monitoring field and surely a group should know the AM boys put a lot of a difference a 12 words per minute
with nearly 300 active teams through- time and effort into getting CB In the Morse exam can make, in many cases
out the UK is well on the way towards first place. the only exam a lot of the older mem-
that goal? The retail trade has taken a slump In bers have had to pass. These people
However, it Is also necessary to the south, dozens of shops have been seem to have forgotten the spirit of
ensure that Channel 9 Is legally pro- forced to close Indirectly by these enquiry which attracted them into
tected and policed by the Radio Inter- morons. ' \ ham radio so many years ago. Many of
ference Service and this will only It will take time to c lean up CB but the new members of the RSGB are
come about through pressure from with your help we can and will. probably ex-CB and came into ham
both monitoring groups and ordinary Yours sincerely, radio via CB and many a youngster will
individual breakers. There Is a great H. J. Owen, M.D. follow via the family CB, etc., just as I
potential for community use of CB and Surrey Sussex Electronics was drawn into it via a home-made
an..extension of advice and assistance Dorking, Surrey crystal set 60 years ago.
on Channel 9 (not necessarily This letter fs e vivid description of what Is wrong We all deplore the wallies and
restricted to pure emergencies) but with both sides of CB - trade end public. To say that bucketmouths, also the channel
AM breakers naver swore on channel would be an
this requires co-operation from altpar- exaggeration but I a9ree that things on FM are
squatter who says, "This is our cha n-
ties, particularly in a crowded area def{nltely worse. f stili regret the day when rig nel, we have been using it for the last
stJch as Nottingham with a high level prices fell below £50.00.-Ed. 1 Y2 hours". We only have 49 channels!
of Illegal sideband use stili present. Not everyone wants to sl t the RAE and
There are a lot of new breakers on Dear Sir, many cannot afford the expensive
the air because of Christmas presents I would like you to print this letter to gear the radio ham apparently finds so
and It Is essential thai the sensible, thank all clubs and individuals who necessary. Some of the old timers
responsible breakers stay on the air, sent eyeball and QSL cards for 'Uttle referred to must have memories of
educate the newcomers and return Buddy', 'Joey' or 'Paul'. As you will very uncomplicated gear made with
some form of sanity to the airwaves. know, this was reported as a hoax but their own hands.
Steve Buxton (Chairman) we received a letter from Natcolcibar Come on, RSGB, there are a lot of
REACT Nottingham (East) stating that this young boy died. very nice people in CB. They don't all
Mlillonifru Ind moroni Since then, we have got a young girl want to jam the repeaters and use bad
Dear Sirs, called Mandy, whose handle Is language.
We, Surrey Sussex Electronics, as a 'Daddy's Girl' (she Is both mentally Name and addre ss supplied
firmly-establlshed company, have always and physically handicapped) to accept
believed in fair trading, wholesale and all the cards and gifts sent by brea- Dear Sir,
retail, but alas, a lot of larger whole- kers throughout the UK fo r the record With reference to your article on the
sale companies think that undercut- books as was arranged for the little assumed "Death of Channel 9" In your
ting Joe Bloggs down the road is the boy. October issue. I presume that you , as
thing to get trade going. Some co m- I trust all the good buddies who don- .Vv'~11 as the majority of other maga-
panies have actually sold at or below ated anything will be In agreement zines who have criticized monitoring
cost price to beat matey down the with this. teams, consider yourse lves to be nat-
road. The public, bless their hearts, We shall be writing to the 'buddies' ional magazines. If this is the case,
have had a right old buying spree whose addresses we have in the near why do you only do your surveys in
because these large wholesalers, future. London? Aren't the circulations of
mainly those who imported vast quan- 10-' 0 for now. these magazines wide enough to
tities of FM rigs, had a fright when the E. Riddock (The Crab) (Secretary) make enough profit to trav el to other
market went quiet for a couple of Forefront Breakers parts of the country?
weeks and decided amongst them- Alloa, Clackmannan I can't speak for the rest of the
selves that CB was at an end (What country but in South Wales everything
rubblshl) and then promptly unloaded Dear Sir, is run smooth ly. I am Deputy Director
thousands of FM rigs at half the nor- Referring to the article in November for THAMES Wales and with us
mal going trade price. We didn't get CB Radio Magazine concerning the THAMES and REACT work hand in
caught but many did. RSGB, I am very surprised to see that hand. If one monitor picks up a call but

CI Radio MaKh 13
loses It, the other will do a 10-5. We do not stay as monitors. extended to Wednesday aft ernoon t o
not try to grab each othe~s calls. We, There is one oth e r thing that I would cover the Pop e's visit. During thi s
as monitors, are there to help people like to me ntion abo ut all the fu ss that time, we all lived on tea and sand-
not to go glory hun ting. everyone makes because of monitors wiches and gave up our holiday time
Our iob Is difficult enough as it Is, Signing on and off. There are a number to hel p people. We didn't ask for
trying to get through the sidebands of reasons for th is, the most important recognition at the time but I cannot sit
and the bleed over, wit hout it being in my opinion is for people to know back a ny longe r and take a ll the criti-
made more difficult by idiots who that there Is someone there. In this cism that's throw n at us wit hout com-
abuse th e channe l. It surprises me area, especiall y, there are many black me nting on the good work that a ll the
that we have any monitors left when spots. The country roads are sur- monitors in South Wales do. There are
we have to put up with bucketmouths, rounded by trees and often dip s.d- many really dedicated people amongst
etc. So we don't need your criticis m as denly. Imagine an invalid broken down them and they could do wit hout all th is
well. We do the Job as well as we can in th is situation. He can't get through hassle.
under th e circumsta nces and we have on 14 and has no answer on 09; he I hope, after reading this, that you
hel ped many grateful breakers. The would have to sit there unti l someone now real ize that if you r article on lon-
monitors we have, both THAMES and came along, which cou ld take hours. If don was accurate, that you ca nnot
REACT, are dedicated to he lping he stays on 09, th ere may be a moni- assume that it is the same all over t he
people. Th ey have to be dedicated to tor not far away that signs on, so he country. I only hope that the articles
put up with the a buse a nd criticism. can call again and get he lp. Without that you and others have written in the
We do occasionall y get people com- this Signing on and off that both moni- past have not dete rre d people from
plaining that they couldn't get a moni- toring teams have, he wo uld not kn ow joining monitoring t eams. We need all
tor on 09 but, unfortunately, we have that there was anyo ne on that could the monitors we ca n get, if we eve r
not as yet acquired a full 24-hour ser- copy him, so he probably wouldn't hope to run a full 24-hour service. It
vice. There just doesn't seem to be bother trying to call again. We have would make a pl easant change to
enough breakers around wi lling to had this situation, so we k now how have someone show a little gratitude
give up a small amount of thei r time to important it is to let people know we in an article, after all, we are vo lun-
help others. When I have asked those are there. teers doing our best. We don't have to
who have comp lained to join us, they My wife and I do not sign on or off as sit there waiting for someone to ca ll
always say they haven't got time. So our set is on from 7.00am to 11 .00pm for help.
my answer to them Is that there are but although we are In a good spot, Yours sincerely,
too many people like them, that's why even we have some black spots that G. T. McKie (DW2)
they didn't have a monitor on. we ca nnot copy. Llane lli, Dyted
In our area, neither team minds who To get back to the diffe re nt moni- When you consider the size of Orea t 8rftaln. you
will understand that Is Impossible to go everywhere
a breaker joins wit h, whether it's toring teams, THAMES a nd REACT got when research Ing art/cles. I can assure you. our
THAMES or REACT, as lo ng as they toget her t o run an information chan- picture of the London monitoring scene wes eccu'
monitor. We do not stand for people nel on 03 for holidaymakers wanting rate.-Ed.
JOining us iust to mess about on 09. If information on road and traffic condi-
they do not monitor properly or abide tions throughout South Wa les. It was
by our monitoring procedures, they do started on Saturday morning and

• •••••••••••••••••••
•• • •
In November's edition of CB Radio Magazine, we •• 100% CB •
carried an advertisement from Biltons, of 377 Edg- ••
ware Road, London, W2. This advertisement fea-
tured a range of CB equipment available through
mail order.
For expert and sound advice ••
This advertisement was placed with the adverti-
sing department in the usual manner and complied
with our acceptance terms. However, it has become
•• •• •
.Vast range of legal FM sets stock. In
evident through readers' enquiries that goods have
not been supplied and we have been unable to con- • Plus full range of CB accessories

tact them by letter or telephone.
The matter is now in the hands of Paddington
•• Fitting service
Green Police Station. A police raid has found empty
premises and some unopened mail, although some •• ••
cheques have been cashed at a bank local to the
Bilton address.
Readers who have ordered goods and have sent
•• • •
cheques with their order should contact: •• •
Det. Sgt. Hurley
Paddington Green Police Station
37 Station Rd. Rlckmansworth

Hertfordshlre ••
Edgware Road 70634
London, W2
Tel: 01-725 4171
The magazine has forwarded any information we
8.3OIm-7.00 pm Mo•.•S••. , 10.00 .m.....OO pm SIUI.
had to Det. Sgt. Hurley to help police investigations . •• •
Unfortunately, we can take no responsibility for
any debts or fraud on behalf of Biltons or the indivi-
duals who placed the advertisement.
.• 0""...... Know how to fumYouOn! •

CI Radio March 13 117
_ ~lTr"," II «I" 1iIII _'fl ....
•• liMO( 'l'IfI>IIr""'T ! '(ou'~1 fI,11,.6
/IGI4 'flo UliJolfl. t.eM,"" r... tIIO .... fU
........ ~CII rr ,,,, ...,. 'II> ~Hj"''' '
<:1111_14, .."...,,_ 111""""'",,,,,,. "flCIf
AIIIII ~1IfEr f'5oI$1~IIS I'D_ I

CI Radio March 13
EASTER 1983 - APRIL 3rd & 4th, 1983
Truckfest Convoy
Amongst the unique attractions to be staged during the
Trade Stands
Trade stands will be drawn from all areas of the
Radio's Trucking
Truckfest, there will also be an attempt to establish a
solid two mile convoy, made up entirely of Trucks. All
Trucking market "- bodywork and trailers. accessories
and components, carriage wor1c:, refrigerated trailers.
Celebrity to Open
Trucks and Truckers participating will receive 8
TRUCKFEST '83 plaque for their Truck grills.
tyre manufacturers and of course garage equipment. in
addition to Truck manufacturers .
We are especially pleased to welcome Sheila Tracey
to the TRUCK FEST '83 and to officially open the
Test Rides
One complete runway will be reserved purely for Test
As well as Trade stands and Test rides. attractions will
event on Sunday. 3rd April at 2.00 p.m.
Gates open daily at 11.00 a.m.
Rides. Two miles In which drivers will be able to ride in also include entertainment with a definate Motoring
the latest trucks available on the market today. Test ride flavour. There will also be entertainment for the whole
booking staff will operate a booking system for each family including Marching Bands, Celebrities and of
manufacturer participating . The Test ride runway will be course a Fun Fair.
professionally supervised and marshalled to ensure total
safety throughout. Make sure you Test Ride a new
Truck, at TRUCK FEST '83.
Best Ke pt Tru c k
Competition -
Sponsored by

CB Trophy and valuable

Cash Prizes.

RADIO Do you have a Truck

that would win 7

TRUCKFEST '83Organized by
Live Promotions
The MllI Stone , St. Thomas' Road
Spalding, Lines .
(0775) 68661-2

Bring the Family

Admission £2.50
..........- -. .~SENIOR CITIZENS - FREE· IBringGrannyandGrandadl

CB Radio March B3 29
As you will have read in last month's magazine, there is now a selection, if somewhat limited,
of remote CB rigs. These use a 'black box' which houses all the works and a microphone·unit
which features the controls. Their big advantage is that they give the user a greater amount
of flexibility in Ibcating the rig - especially useful if interior space is limited or the rig doesn't
fit in with the design of the dashboard too well. A set installed away from the engine and
electrical equipment will be less prone to crackle and static and won't act as a shop window
for the itchy fingered.
However, fitting remote CB seems a bit more intimidating, although in principle it's the
same as installing an ordinary rig but wit~ longer wires. There are particular individual prob-
lems, though, so we're following up last month's article with a 'nuts and bolts' feature on fit-
ting remote CB in a car boot.

Equipment needed: a microphone extension lead by luggage, spare tyres, leaky boot lid, other loose
compatible with your set, an electric drill, suitable objects, heat from the exhaust, heating or air condi-
drill bits (or Velcro and suitable adhesive or fi xing - tioning ducts and take care not to put the set where
see last month), a centre punch if available and ham- there is any danger of drilling into the petrol tank or
mer, wire snippers, a soldering Iron, solder, cable pipes or wiring. Just back of the rear seat partition Is
ties If available and a helpful friend. usually suitable.
1. Look at your car and decide: 2. Use the mounting brackets or bolt holes on tHe
a) Where you want to locate the antenna. (Back To transceiver case to mark the position of the moun-
Basics last month gives advice on antenna location). ting holes. Cut small holes in the carpet where you
For ease of Installation It's simplest to boot or back intend to drill, otherwise the carpet threads will wind
wing mount it with either a mag mount or permanent up around the drill bit.
installation, as this causes least problems with con- 3. If you are using a centre punch, punch the
necting the antenna to the transceiver. If you locate marked area to prevent the drill from wandering or
the antenna at the front of the car, you may need to slipping. Refer to the manufacturer's handbook and
extend the coaxial cable to reach the boot. mounting e'quipment for appropriate drill sizes,
b) The best place in the boot for the transceiver. 4, Fasten the transceiver firm ly with the screws
There are several points to bear in mind when deci· and washers supplied and attach the extension
ding this. Don't put the set where it can be harmed cable for the microphone,

This shows the route thot the various w ires

should follow for Installing remote CD In Q
cor boot.


30 CB Radio March B3'

Fitting the

The set
Installed In
the boot

5. Now the difficult bitl To route the microphone it is the best way of dealing with long cable runs. If It
cable through the car may mean taking the back proves impractical then run the cable where It won't
seat out If there Isn't a convenient gap to pass the be damaged, placing the connector under a seat
cable through. In most British cars the seat itself will where it won't be kicked. For the sake of neatness
lift out and this might be enough but the back rest and unbroken ankles, fix the cable against the trans-
will probably be bolted in place or retained by missio n tunnel or the edge where the floor meets
catches. If it Is necessary, remove the back rest and the door with strong tape, Velcro or ribbon cable
route the cable through a suitable opening. Lay the ties.
cable where it cannot be pinched by the seat when it 7. If necessary, remove the front kick panel to
is replaced. This might mean drilling or punching a route the cable from the floor to the dashboard. If
large diameter hole through the bulkhead to pass you have surplus cable, don't cut It. YO.u'li never
the cabl .. through. reconnect all the different Internal wires and,
6. For normal Installations, many breakers take besides, you may change cars one day. Take up the
the easy way out and run any coax, etc., loose ly slack either behind the rear seat or front kick panel
through the car. The proper way is to run the cable or, second best, on the dashboard parcel shelf.
under the door sills to prevent the cable becoming Don't coil the cable top tightly. In time one of the
worn and the diagram shows how this is done. wires inside the cable might break and It could take
Unfortunately, this isn't so easy with remote loca- a lot of time and money to locat.e a sim ple break In-
tions as the cable is thicker and there Will be a large side the microphone extension cable.
connection where the extension cable is joined but

CB Radio March 83 31
,I nsi;allina the driver's feet. If drilling holes to screw in a mike
cli p holder, check to see what damage you might be
doing to the dashboard wiring or use Velcro tabs. A

Re'l IIoi;e CB magnetic holder may not take the weight of a heavy
mike unit, so try it out somewhere safe so it doesn't
go crashing onto the floor in mid conversation.
11. Connect the antenna according to the manu-
facturer's instructions and following the usual rules
of antenna installation. If the antenna is located at
the front of the vehicle, the coaxial cable may need
extending and should be brought back to the trans-
8. The Blnatone Breaker Phone has a connector ceiver by the same route as the microphone cable
bracket which locates the handset socket on the and power leads.
end of the cable at a convenient place on the dash- 12. Replace the carpet or floor covering, sills and
board. This Is a good Idea, as the connection is bulky rear seats, if removed.
and unwieldy to move about, especially as it can 13. Connect the microphone and adjust for SWR.
bang against the dash or gear lever causing damage Because the meter will be connected to the rig in
to the connect!)r. Secure any dangling loops of the boot, you'll need a friend to key the mike whilst
cable under the dash, using t ies or Velcro. If your set you take a reading.
doesn't have a connector bracket, it might be a good 14. Some sets have facilities for extension
idea to find some way of achieving the same effect- speakers, relay switches for utilizing the car's nidio
with perhaps a home-made metal U-shaped bracket or stereo system speakers and PA. See manufactu-
to hold the socket in place. rer's instructions for fitting - but remember, you'll
9. Disconnect the battery ground cable. Connect have to run cable or wire the length of the car againl
the power leads from the set following the manufac-
turer's instructions. You will almost definitely have
to extend the leads that come with ,the transceiver.
Use black and red wire of similar quality and gauge
(available from electrica l and some motor accessory
shops) and route it along the car the same way as
the microphone extension cable. Reconnect
10. Install microphone clip or cradle for handset.
Remember that the microphone weighs more than a
standard mike and get a good fixing for It. Choose a
location high enough to keep the cord away from

Cor door sills removed to allow for the cables and wires to be run
through the car.


Cab;le~__~~~~~ Connector
The tl"'ng of a U ~ shQped 'socket' to hold connector for


32 CI Radio March 13
Breaker Profile 4
The originator of that rather start- basically crude pieces of equipment
ling headline, Don Gale, doesn't really and that in novations In design and
fit Into the accepted Image of a CB'er- performance must follow, even If It
something he wryly acknowledges only begins with mpvlng the micro-
when non-CS'ers com ment on a very phone location. He also minks that It
successful, middle-aged, business- Is the responsibility of the manufac-
man using' a 'toy', turers to offer their ·eventual custo-
Although Don's Involvement with mers a set which Is well designed and
British CB goes back to legalization, manufactured and value for money.
over 8 year ago, he Is no stranger to In Don's opinion, much of CB's cur-
CB since his career has taken him all rent problems stem from the Govern-
over the world and he has used CB In ment's initial reluctance to introduce
whichever country he has been (as It and its subsequen t lack of Interest
long as they predominantly use Eng- In maintaining the system. H<\: also
IIshl). His career has spanned many echoes many other breakers' opinions Don, himself, has limited but speci-
aspects of broadcasting, Including the that the Government has shown Itself alized use of CB. Travelling from Cam-
BBC and managing TV and radio sta- to be only Interested In the Income berley, in Surrey, to Central London
tions abroad and he Is now heading from CB, rather than any positive and back each day can cause a lot of
the European division of one of the moves to foster It. headaches for the driver as traffic
major American film and television Don, hlmsel!, has a York 863, which delays and roadworks can turn the
producels and distributors. His pro- he bought at legalization. The fact it journey Into a nightmare. Don Is one
fessional broadcasting experience can now be bought for £50 when he of an informal collection of breakers
and familiarity with other CB systems paid £100, he sees as symptomatic of who- travel regularly on the M3, who
has made him slightly more critica l the Image of CB. Although many sets swap travel Information and chat to
(both technically as well as practi- were overpriced In the beginning, relieve the boredom of the drive. They
cally) of British CB than the average prices have discouragingly dropped to are usually found on chan nel 39 but
consumer. "toy level" In Dan's words. In his check channel 19 for Information,
opinion, marketing has also been delays and members of the group who
responsible for this, as many com- have j ust started their journey.
Manufacturer support panies who know nothing about CB Often some of th e group meet at the
have sold equipment when they end of the motorway for a cup of cof-
When asked for his assessment of should have left it to companies able fee and to say hello before finishing
CB In this country, he says he Is 'wor- to offer the technical back-up. Many their journey Into London. Don partic-
ried' about It. Although he takes his new CS'ers have to rely on shops and ularly enjoys the camaraderie of this
hat off to AM CB'ers for demanding dealers to recommend suitable sets group and, as he pOints out, It doesn't
CB and their determined lobbying of but even going to what a,Epears to be matter I! you drive a Mini, a lorry or s
the authorities, he Is dubious about a re puta61e dealer Isn't always the Rolls-Royce, everyone I. equal on CB.
the choice of 27MHz. But, as Don answer as It Is difficult to get an objec- The group Includes a plumber, a cou-
says, now we've got It, we must look tive comparison of equipment. rier service operator, an author and 8
towards getting the best out of It - and security systems employee. I! It wasn't
not living In the past. He firmly for this friendship and the trave"nfor-
believes that th e future of CB Badly overcrowded mation he gets on his journey across
depends on the users themselves, the country, the current state of CB
with support from manufacturers and If Don Is worried about the technical would probably make Don give it up,
the specialist CB magazines. aspects of CB, he Is alarmed at the especially if, he said with feeling, his
This support from manufacturers public Image CB has. He Immediately only experience of CB had been In
(and Importers and retailers further blames the press for some of this for built-up areas.
along the line), Don feels, Is crucial to rarely reporting on the positive sides Having seen CB operate In South
the development of CB. "British CB of CB but he follows this criticism of Africa, where the Government threa-
has not really advanced since the day the press by some harsh comments tened to discontinue CB after It deg-
It was Introduced as a bastardized AM on breakers themselves, since the enerated and was used extensively by
set with added chrome and double the behaviour of some has generated this prostitutes, he feals there Is a serious
price." He sees the market eventually bad Image. Don feels that If CB Is to risk that the Government In this
splitting Into two distinct areas, both become a mass open communication country could do the same - espeCi-
needing particular products and both network then standards of use and ally If the revenue from licences drops
needing full consideration from manu- courtesy will have to Improve, other- substantially. His experience with
facturers. The first area will be those wise sincere potential users will be American CB leads him to say that I!
who can and will afford the top of the discouraged and CB will degenerala British CB was 50% as good, he wou ld
range equipment and the second Into an electronic soapbox for Idiots. be happy. As Don points out, American
those than can afford the cheaper He also blames areas of high popula- CB has authority support as well as
equipment but have the same right to tion for the majority of abuse, as too user, which Is necessary for CB to
use and enjoy the system. Don many people try to use a badly-over- work properly - something a lot of Bri-
believes that British CB sets are stili crowded system. tish breakers would agree wlthl

C8 Radio March 83 33
New licensing procedufC trunked common base stations. (A
system whereby a group of users
_ %
for amateurs share a common pool of radio cha'n- QIII'

The Home Office has Informed us nels and a common base station tran- ;:;::
that application procedures for ama- sceiver). The Home Office Radio Reg - !'"
teur radio licences are being simpli-
fied to speed up the Issuing process
and to save the trouble and cost of
handling original documents such as
to make the best use of It, has'malle It ., ?

birth certificates. available for trunking. (,

From 1 January, applicants wlil not Three groups of channels are avall- :)
have to provide proof of age, althoug h able. Three users who, In the view of '..
they will stili have to be over 14 years the Home Office, seem likely to make ,:.:.:...::
old. The new application form requires the best use of the facilities, will each
applicants to sign a declaration that be allocated a group with three Initial .,.:
all the Information provided Is correct. chan nels but with room for Improve- "" :::~
If any of the information Is subse- ment. Further room for expansion In :::!
quently proved to be not true, the lic- this area will be possible when the .,.,
ence will be revoked. ig~rilne TV service closes down in . ':::
The nationality requirement Is also ::.]
being dropped so that suitably-quali-
fied foreign nationals will be able to
AI~p ~~:I~~~nUary
apply. Also being dropped are , the
Class C and Class D licences which
were Issued to overseas amateurs this year, political '::\1
operating In this country. In future, matters concerning broadcasting were ::::,
overseas applicants will be Issued looked after by Mr. Timothy Raison, ::::

~~~E1r~~:~~\~~~~~ ~~:I~~~~~n?~~: ,:I~!

either Class A or B licences with their
own call signs prefixed by either G4 or
G6. .' '.,:.:. .i.,';. .
year, Mr. Raison has now been moved
Trunked common to the Department of Overseas Devel-
opment. His former position with the ,.,.
base stations
For the first time In the UK, frequen-
cies are to be made available for ~Om~i~~~~~s,h~~. ~~~ig~~d~\I~:t~:'
a.c., M.P. and Mr. David Mellor, M.P. :'":":':" "::...',

934MHz contact column Kn uckles Is prepared to travel to

8:,:,,:::::::::::::::::::::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::",,:::,::,,:«':::0::'::'::::::::::;:::::::::::::::<'::::'::::::::<':::::::::::'::::::::::::::'::::::::,:::::::: ::::;:::::::.:".:,,~,,~:::::::::;
thorpe. Staged over 3 and 4 April, the
show will feature a professlonally-sup-
ervlsed test ride track for potential
:::;i purchasers and drivers, trade and
meet other breakers, particularly In
We know there's not many of you the Dartford and Eltham areas. :::: accessory stands. entertainments and
out there yet but we're persevering If you would like to be Included In "'I: competitions -Including the CB Radio
with listing 934MHz breakers, so that ,:, Magazine Best \<ept Truck Award.
the 934MHz Contact Column, write to
breakers with sets can find other IIke-
minded CB'ers. No transceiver Is a lot
the magazine with details. We won't
publish addresses or phone numbers
...:.:. W~~I: f~~;;'y, ~:':"eW :~n:~~a~~Of~S~
of good If you can't talk to anyone but you might find someone In your . slonal drivers and haullers and a fun
elsel area waiting to ta lk to you. :,:l fair should keep the kids quiet whilst
First In the column Is Next month we hope to feature a
,:,' truckers In the family try out the latest
934MHz breaker profile. ",,' In trucks on the two-mile test strip.

~ :~r~ng~g:n+~~~skf:;~ C~I~~Oy~rr,.i~~h!~
.lick (Unit 77)
CI.IpMm Common, London '.,.:.•
Jack (also a 27MHz breaker known hope that drivers wil l turn up In their
as Western House), has reported only
one copy so far - but that one was 40
:.,; o~~s~~~~'4J~~· the show will Include
", Sheila Tracey, of Radio 2, who regu-
miles. Jack Is' home base only, using a
co-li near twig with 3dB gain. He Is a
CB ~~~; larly features a Trucking Hour on her
71-year-old radio enthusiast, so give 934/81 ::: ~ programml!, Sheila will be officially
him a call If you can. ':'l opening the show at 2.00pm on Sun-
Second In the list Is :\:1 .\Jay, 3 April. CB Radio Magazine staff
:::j will also be in attendance to report on
Knuckles ::.. :l._ the show and !o present the prize for
Sevenoaks lrel In Kent the Best Kept Truck. See you th/lrel

34 CB Radio March 83
CB Aid for leicester
Greville Janne r, M.P., first became
5 Digit LED for numbers stored and/or sent
pllts alpha operaling Information
actively Involved In the world of CB ;,.; Called Light
radio when he conducted a CB sur- )
gery in his constituency during August .:.:
last year. Local breakers were asked :::: Dim /Bright Key Enter/Key
to call Mr. Janner to air their views or :.:: Standby Indicator I
ask his advice. Th e surgery was a / SSB Mode Indicator
resounding success and as a result ,....
Mr. Janner has realized the great ben-
eflts of OB as a method of communica-
::::: Group Mock Indicalors
ting with the outside world, especially
to those who are disabled or handi· t:

caf~:~eclslon was made to set up a \:

local organization to raise money for :::::
the distribution of CB sets to the dis· ",,:

~~;? T~~~ Ishg~~~cbu~~~~ f~~ t~~~~e!~~ ;:

cannot afford the high cost of a tele' .....
ihhe"~~:,~dsd~~oli~~a~~~~~r ~r~~~~~:. ii
tion has now been called, presented ::::
the first of these CB sets on the Mon· ····
day before Christmas to a former :::::
councillor who suffers from an acute '
heart condition and has been advised ""
to maintain some form of emergency :~:: Memory Storage Positions 1. 2. 3

~Z~:~l~~~~~~~~~h~~~~~n~~~~~:~~ 'Illi
that CB'er~ are getting in return for
Numerical Informalion Entry Keys 0-9
payment ofthe £ 10 licence fee, In par' ':':
tlcular the .need to control the misuse ::::
of channel 9 and the use of foul langu· m: On / Off Power
SBE Select A Call sequence. Operation Is via a touch,
sensitive, backlit keyboard and all the
As we have mentioned many times user has to do Is to dial In the correct
before In CB Radio Magazine, selec- five-figure number and press the send
tive c&lIIng devices are valuable a ,key. Alternatively, code numbers may
psset to users of any two-way radio
j system but more specifically to those
be stored In the unit's bullt'ln memory
i·· that suffer from over crowding, such and recalled on demand. The Select A
Call also features 'group call', which
;:::, as CB radio. allows up to 100 users to be called
:::'1 The Select A Call AF6 Is a user· with one code number and at around
:::: installed, user-programmable, micro- £60.00 + VAT makes a useful addition
.... processor-based personal communic- to your CB rig . Further details from
::::! ations selective signalling transcoder
::':i . (to give It Its full title). In simple terms, Rcvco 'Electronl.. Ltd,
:",1 It Is a computer·control.led device that Poundwcll Street
;,;, allows radio users to break through Modbury
:::: crowded frequencies in seconds, South Devon
:::: every time, by sending out a five·tone PLli ORQ
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ :::::::::::::!::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~: ::::::::::::::::?:.::::::::::::~;:;~:;:;:::;:::::::::::::::;:;:::::::::::::::::;:::::::;:;:;:;:::::;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::;:;:::;:;:::;:::::;:;:::;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:::;:
Sponsored modulation where sponsor forms are also avail-
able. The Breakaways are hoping that
Jim Andrews, whose CB handle Is thi s event will qualify for entry into the
Vaquero, Is preparing himself for a Guinness Book of Records.
sponsored 200hr. modulation to take
place from Saturday, 2 April, com·. ,;:; ;;':;';;;;;;';;;;';;;';;;;;';:;;;;;;':;:;';:;;;;;";"":,,,:,:,;,;,:,;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;
menclng at a.OOam. Jim is a member
of the Breakaways CB Club in Kidder· "" Cybemet Easl-Com
minster, Worcestershlre and will ::::

~~~~f.bci~mm~~"s~~~:~~~I~t~~I~. ~~s~ i:i We must apologize to Goodmans

Loudspeakers Ltd. for stating that
money raised by this event will be their Cybernet Easl' Com can be used

~~~~~~ t~~~:;:,;~~~:ri~~~!UC:n~s :~:

Flying Doctors Appeal. The equipment
I as a walkle·talkle, with Its own tele·
.•.:;'.•.,;!;. ~ coplc antenna. The Easl'Com is
Inten'ded solery lei, use wfffi flie mag'
'for this event has been supplied by ;,;:; Imount antenna supplied using the 12-
West Midland CB, Klddermlnster, from volt dc car adaptor.

C8 Radio March a3 35
Long, short, fat, thin, large, small - I Quite a lot of clubs use Sundown people were asking Lucille to design
love them all. QSL cards, of course. cards as l helr club card. famous them their own personal QSL ·cards.
What else could I mean? Although I do examples are: NAC, Stavanger, Nor- Not only CB'ers but Licensed Radio
11ke to collect just about any QSL way; Mission Control SSB Club, Pasa- Amateurs, too. What started out as a
'Cards, I do have preferences. Topping dena, Texas; KIT, New York; Super hobby very soon mushroomed Into a
my list of favourites Is the Collectors Stinky, West Germany. Ano.t her popu- full-time business which can now
series. The best known of these Col- lar conception Is the 'series' cards. A boas) of over 900 custom-designed,
lectors series as far as the UK Is con- good example Is 'New Zealand Native no two alike, Sundown Series QSL
cerned is the Dirty Doodler series. Bird Series' which I featured a few cards.
Rather unfortunately, Sundown cards months back. Mike and Lucille maintain a com-
appear to be still pretty much an Also very popular are two parters plete roster of all card holders which
unknown quantity, so I Intend to try and four parters but perhaps Sun- Is supplied In the membership pack-
and rectify the situation as from NOWI down's greatest Innovation is the age of The Sundown Collectors Club.
Why this state of affairs exists Is a bit Photo Series cards. Originally done In More of the club later. For a reason-
of a mystery really. Possibly the only black 'n' white only, a full colour ver- able fee, the roster Is available to non-
reason I can think of Is quite simply a sion, known as 'Rainbow Photo Series' club members via Mlck, 'Connecticut
lack of 'UK awareness'. Call It publicity Is now available. Several other QSL Crumb Snatchers Unit No.1,' PO Box
If you like. A UK representative may card manu facturers have copied this 8062, East Hartford, Conn. 06108,
well help to get Sundown cards estab- Idea and climbed aboard the band- USA. Mlck Is Sundown's East Coast
lished over here. We'll just have to wagon but as yet none' have come Representative and Is In complete
walt and see how the situation dev- anywhere near the quality of Sun- charge of the Sundown roster.
elops. As far as I know, there are only down's Photo Series cards. My fav-
three Sundown card holders In the ourite card In this series Is that of
UK. Of theBe three, I can only name Larry Kobberman - 'Mr. Tallcorn,' \SH KAUJU
two: Brian Warnaby, ''The Jackal," Rainbow Photo Series 2-81. Larry, by
Card No. 883-81 and Philip Fletcher, the way, is a tremendous QSL'er and a
"Wax Wing," Card No. 945-82. Two real gentleman - one of the best.
really beautiful cards and very fine So, anyway, that's the stage set.
examples of the quality of Sundown Now for the full Sundown cards prod-
cards. Indeed, Card No. 945-82 " Wax uctlonllt all began back In 1975 when
Wing" is not only one of the best Sun- Lucille Blce was studying art and des-
down cards I've ever seen but Is Ign at North Idaho College In Coeur
simply one of the finest QSL cards In D'Alene, Idaho. A friend of the Blces
the whole of my card collection. I'm (Lucille 'Sundown' and Mike 'Snowgoose1
really pleased to have It and would asked Lucille to design him a QSL
encourage all QSL collectors to add It card, wh ich she did, with the result
.10 their collection. that Sundown Card No. I, 'Compass
Although Dirty Doodler and Sun- Man,' came into being. It was
down cards are often spoken of In the Compass Man who got Mike and
same breath, there is really no slmi ~ Lucille Interested In CB (both Mike s"d
larity between them. The only parallel Lucille, Incidentally, hold Advanced
as far as I am concerned Is that Class Licen ses In Amateur Radio) and
between them, they constitute the before very long, Sundown Card No. 2,
world's greatest QSL cards. . 'Snowgoose and Sundown' was des~
Dirty Doodler cards, as we all know, Igned and printed up. The superb
are brilliantly drawn and In the main of quality, freshness of ideas and
a comical nature. Sundown cards con- approach to card design of these
tain much more variety within their QSL's was such that within a very
ranks. sport space of time, more and more

36 CI Radio Man:h 13
Under consideration at the moment certificate, membership card, embroid-
Is a series which will appeal to sports- ered patch, an assortment of Sun~
men and sportswomen the world over. down cards and applications to other
P!ovlsionally entitled 'Sundown Fur, clubs. Membership Is $8.00 for two
Fin and Feather Sportsman's Photo members (two of everything) or $6.00
Series', It could well be another Sun- per single member. Rubber stamps
down triumph but, as I said, merely an are available at $2.00 each with extra
Idea at the moment. Should the series patches available at $3.00 each. .
progress any further, I'll pass on the Sundown Collectors Club cards,
details. personalized with members' names,
OK. so much for the Sundown story, addresses, etc., are available at
now for the cruncherl The cost of $46.15 plus postage.
being a Sundown Card holder. Since .1 almost forgot to mention that ros-
there Is always a lapse of some six ters for the Photo Series are also
weeks between writing this article and available to non members.
"s being published - plus the Inevit- The roster for the Black 'n' White QSO of the Month
able delay In post from the States - I Photo Series Is handled by Donald W.
would suggest that anyone Interested Hodous, "Bllnco," of 13041 Webster Phewl I received a very Impressive
In having a Sundown card should Rpad, Strongsville, Ohio 44136, USA. list of aso's from lan, India Mike 01,
write to Mike and Lucille for up-to- The Rainbow Series Is under the con- The President of India Mike OX aSL
date Information. The address is Sun- trol of John Weber, "Honesdale Club. They're all good, It'a difficult to
down aSL Cards, Star Route Box ·251, Hunter," Box 458, Honesdale, Penn. know which ones to pull outl What I've
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869, USA. Any 18431, USA. For more Info on these done, therefore, Is to reprint thoae
prices quoted are for 1,000 cards, Inc- rosters, drop a line to the above two which have a particular appeal to me.
luding artwork and printing. Unless characters (a couple of IRC's appreci- The India Mike 01 Station Is quite a
requested, a second side Is Included ated) and request details. nice set up. Nothing brilliant or out of
on all cards, i.e., "HI Station ... nice well, that's just about all I can tell this world but, nevertheless, quite
talking to you, etc:' nice. InCidentally, I'm noticing more
The only problem I can see with and more operators using a Nato
ordering Sundown cards Is going to 2000 radio. Will they eventually take
be the problem of delivery or, more over the ever faithful Cobra 148 In the
accurately, the problem of delivery popularity stakes? Time will tell.
time. Due to the enormous distance TRX: Nato 2000
. Involved between us and Sundown, ANT: I',,-wave omnl-dlrectlonal
this Is -unavoidable. However, don't PWR: CP 100 (100 watts PEP)
despair. Mike and Lucille will airmail MIC: Ham Master 4200
100 aSL's on to card holders ahead of 9 OCT 82: 1325 GMT 27.515 LSB
their regular order. A good_service and WMF: Op max
worth a thought from prospective Sun- OTH: Vatican City
downers. At least you will get 100 ' S9: R5
cards to hold you over until your regu- 17 OCT 82: 1540 GMT 27.645 LSB
lar order arrives via sea mai', which 129 WW 003-0p GE2A
can be anytyhere from 6-12 weeks OTH: Budapest, Hungary
_ depending upon volume. Cost of this S9: R5 with ORM
air mail 8~rvrce to western Europe 27 OCT 82: 1115 GMT 27.915 USB
(that's us, folksl) Is $3.50. CP1 Op?
Last but not least, there Is the Sun- OTH: Guallarela, S. Africa
down Collectors Club (1 ,000 members S9: R5
plus at the moment). There Is also a 18 NOV 82: 1640 GMT 27.955 USB
Photo Series Club and a Rainbow Unit 444 Op. Imro
Photo Series Club but I won~ concern aTH: Paramaribo, Suriname, S. Amerlca
myself with these at the moment Inc- 83-9 R4-5 with aSB
luded In the membership package Is a Theae are just a small part of the
very Impressive lIatlngs sent to me by
Ian. Sorry I can't reprint them all but to
do so would take up just about all the
space allocated to me and I've got to
fight my genial, ever-se-frlendly Editor
for thatl




C8 Rlldlo MIIrch 83 37
you about Sundown cards. I don't
know why I've never featured them
before, In retrospect I wish I had but
w~at the· heck, "All good things come
to those who walt"l
One last word on the subject, apart
@m Brian, Card 883 and Philip, Card
9'45, ace there any other UK Sun-
downers? If so, I would truly appreci-
ate a card from you.
Seeing as I'm basically a bone Idle,
lazy, so and so, the foHowlng review of
the Berliner Bear Club gives me great
pleasure; the reason being Is that I
haven't wrote Itll'm always requesting
club members to tell me tlfelr own per'
Sonal vlew~ and thoughts on glubs
which ttrey are IIIembllrs of. Why I do
this Is that, hopefully, I can combine
several points of view and eventually 73's to 0
come up with a fairly true and honest
appraisal of clubs.
y u my friend
Regrettably up till now, I've had a
very poor response but at long last a
club member has taken the time out to
give us the benefit of his experience.
BB214 Ross, of Yorkshire, has very So there you have It, an unbiased and the Dorset Knights OX Group.
kindly put pen to paper and given me report on Berliner Bear Club. In the I've had quite a few letters recently
his honest appraisal of Berliner Bear current atmosphere of rip·off clubs, asking me what frequencies I transmit
Club. _ Berliner Bear has a nice, honest-to- on. A hard question to answer, due to
Full AD Is Berliner Bear QSL Swap goodness sound about It. I especially the fact that, generally speaking; I
Club, Postbox 2923, 6750 Kalser- like the Idea of Inge Milson being In never w~e a standby frequency. I'm a
slautern, West Germany. Club Presi- regular touch with the Club QTH. Not bit of a butterfly in this respect, flitting
dent Is Knut Mittelstadt. Membership many clubs can boast this sort of set from frequency to frequency. As a
fee Is 20 of your signed and dated up and It's to their credit that BB can. guideline, though, forget FM: I don't
QSL cards plus $18.00 or sterling All In all, Berliner Bear seems a nice possess a legal rig and. in fact, I've
equivalent. outfit to get Involved with. never even used ~n FM rig yet (I'll get
This, more or less, Is Ross's report: For more details, please contact Inge me bum smacked if HO read thisl). I
"The club package I rate first class. "Flowerglrl" Milson, 17 Cherry Ave- rarely use AM , much preferring to
For my £7.00 plus 20 cards I received : nue, Malton, Yorkshire Y017 ODE. operate on the upper side. My favour-
1. Membership card and BB Unit No.; My sincere thanks to BB214 Ross Ite frequencies are between 27.415
2. 10 card and certificate; 3. Club ros- for his report but I haven't finished and 27.605 and If I'm really pushed,
ter; 4. Club badge; 5. Club pen; 6. A with him yet. Ross Is one of the best yes, I may just sit long enough on
German record ; 7. 20 QSL's from exponents I know of mobile OX'lng. 27.555 USB to get a bit of a QSO
other members; 8. 20 BB QSL cards; One of his recent contacts was a nice going.
9. QSL Club app. forms; 10. BB Club three parter: Ross, WOC 04 Martin I like to talk to local stations. I n fact,
stickers; 11 . Tourist information. and John the Unit 71 In New Jersey. A I prefer "Why aye, man" to "My friend"
"I paid a further £2.00 and received nice little tip from Ross for all mobile any day of the week. So there you
an extra 100 BB cards. All In all, I OX'ers to take note of Is as follows: have it, any Sunday afternoon give a
thought It was good value for money. "Make sure the rig has a good metal listen between 405 and 605 USB and
The roster I didn't rate and I have yet mounting - metal to metal. I pulled the you may just hear The Unit 25 given
to contact a German station who has fitted radio out of my car In order to what for, especially if you happen to
heard of the BB Club, so I think that, get a better mounting for my rig. That linger around 27.555. I can't promise
as yet, international recognition may plus a good antenna and you're In to be there but if you do hear me,
be poor. Stili, time will tell. As It hap- business. If you can't hear It, you' ll come on in, I'll love to hear you,
pens, though, I have been on the never speak to it." OK, that just about wraps It up again
phone recently to another BB Mem- Nice one, Ross - thanks. for another month. Get that rip-off club
ber, Peter, who tells me he has had his To finish off with, a rather nice, Info to Richard Outlaw Int. 09 as soon
first International QSO with another unusual QSL card. As It happens, II's as possible and let me hear about
BB Member. The station In question the first one of Its kind I've ever seen. your specials 050'5,
operates out of Spain. It's hard to know what to call this card, Till next month, take care, look after
'" have spoken with Inge "Flowergirl" iI's not a two parter but just a single yourself and good OX'ing.
Mllso.'I (BB UK Rep.) on FM on three or card divided Into two. Perhaps the Ta tao
four occasions and she tells me that best thing to do· Is just to let you look Charlie Hotel Unit 25.
the clUb Is growing at a steady rate at It lind make your own mind up as to OX news, views, QSL swaps, gossip
with quite a few members based in what to ca ll It. Either Wa::!, I like it very and QSO of the Month to Charlie
Scotland. She speaks to Knut about much. My compliments to Its co· Hotel, c/o 3 West Street, Sunderland,
every three weeks on the phone." owners, Anglo-American Sidebanders Tyne and Wear SR3 1 EU .

38 ca. Radio March 83

Part 1 by F. C. Judd

Wishful thinking maybe but a very definite pes- visual line-ef-sight distance but can be extended
sibility, if and enly if the Heme Office weuld grant very censiderably by using very high antennas. In
permissien fer such a facility and allecate the requi - terms ef visual distance the higher ene is abeve
site number ef channels that weuld be required fer a greund the further ene can see. The same applies to'
planned repeater statien system to' be put IntO' eper- VHF and UHF radiO' and a transmitting antenna at a
atien. We already have the techne/egy. height ef abeut 150ft. abeve greund has a radiO' dis-
Whilst a 934MH z CB band can previde statien-te- tance In the regien ef 30 er even 40 miles dep-
statien greund ranges equal to' and in many ending en frequency, transmlfted pewer and the
Instances gr~at er than these ebtainable en 27MHz, nature ef the surreundlng area. Using emni-dlrec-
the use ef a repeater statien can easily deuble er tienal antennas, receptlen and. transmlssien can be
even treble average greund range especially fer . achieved ever a mere er less circular area with a
mebile eperatien. RadiO' amateurs in almest every radius equal to' the radiO' distance ebtalnable. Fer
ceuntry ef the werld have leng since preved the example, a mebile statien at say 20-25 miles frem
value ef VHF and UHF repeater statiens and in the the repeater can make centact with anether statien
UK alene 'there are abeut 160 VHF and/er UHF at mere er less the same dist.ance In the completely
repeaters Itt present in centlnueus eperatien, day eppesite dlrectien frem the repeater thus estab-
and night. Wit h. the exceptien ef the meuntain lishing a tetal cemmunlcatlen range ef seme 40-50
regiens ef Scetiand and Wales, it is quite pessible to' miles. This weuld net nermally be pesslble by direct
drive frem virtually any ene part ef the ceuntry to' path transmissien with cemmenly used emnl-dlrec-
anether en main trunk reads er by-reads and .rarely tienal antennas at lew heights as weuld be en a
' be eut ef range ef a repeatef statien. One VH F meblle statlen.
' repeater preperly sited can previde ceverage fer a The diagram (Fig. 1) sheuld help clarify the system
whele ceunty allewing meblle er fixed statiens, further. We have three mebile statiens and ene ped-
etherwise eut ef range ef each ether, to' make cen- estrian with a lew pewer hand-held set. Each are eut
tact. There is eften a benus tee when trepespheric ef range ef each ether fer making direct centact.
cendltlens are geed and it is net unusual during Hewever the repeater statien with Its very high
these perieds fer statiens, fixed er meblle, to' make antennas can easily receive either ef the feur sta-
centact threugh a repeater 100 miles er mere dis- tiens. We will assume th'at meblle '1 Is transmitting.
tant. Aside frem radiO' amateurs, many ether services His received carrier is used to' activate a relay (COR)
alsO' use repeater statiens to' previde greater VHF er er (carrier eperated relay). A pair ef centacts en this
UHF cemmunicatien ranges and the idea "Is, ef are used to' switch en the repeater transmitter (TX)
ceurse, extended to' the use ef satellite repeaters which allews the audiO' signals frem the receiver to'
which permit VHF/UHF centact between different be re -transmitted. Since the repeater transmitting
parts ef the werld. antenna Is alsO' very high, the relayed er repeated
signals frem mebile 1 can be received quite well by
How a repeater station functions the ether three statiens. When ene statlen has fin-
ished transmitting anether can ceme in en the
A repeater statlen is a dual system which receives repeater and talk to' the ethers in the net.
signals and then re-transmits them. It therefere cen-
slsts ef a sensitive receiver and a transmitter each The general technology
pennected to' its ewn antenna. A Signal picked by the of a repeater station
receiver en ene frequency Is demedulated, passed
threugh to' the transmitter and sent eut again en A repeater statien Is nermally designed to' be quite
anether frequency. A repeater statien therefere autematlc In eperatlen and is in effect switched e~
requires twO' frequency channels which are nermally and eff by the stat lens using it. A legic system Is
separated by a determined ameunt depending en incerperated to' ensure that enly signals Intended to'
the frequency band ef eperatien (to' be dealt with gO' threugh the repeater are accepted and that any
later). signals tee weak to' be readable are rejected.
The range ceverage ef a repeater depends almest Activatien ef a repeater is accempllshed by an
entirely en the height its antennas (transm itting and audiO' tene ef very shert duratien sent by the statlen
receiving) are abeve greund. At VHF and UHF when its eperater presses the micrephene butten to'
(934MHz) radiO' distance is semewhat greater than transmit. The 'tene burst', as it Is called, cemes frem

C8 Radio March 83 39
a small but simple circuit built Into the CB set. It course, much more sophisticated than Fig. 2 might
lasts only for a second or so but when received by Imply. For Instance, special precautions must be
the repeater receiver sets a timer circuit Into opera- taken to prevent the re-transmltted signals from
tion. This determines the time allowed for you to being picked up by Its own receiver which could
transmit, usually a minute or two, so that no one easily happen because of the close proxim ity of the
operator may occupy the repeater for long periods antennas and the relatively small difference
to the annoyance of others. At the end of the tlFged between the two frequencies used, one for recep-
period, your audio signals are cut off and those lis- tion and one for transmitting. The difference could
tening are usually made aware of this by a series of be as little as a few hundred kilohertz depending on
tone bleeps. Only when you cease to transmit, I.e., -the frequency band. For example, on the 2-metre
return you r set to tlie receive condition, will the amateur radio band a repeater OUTPUT (transmit- _
repeater revert to Its 'access' condition. The next ting) may be on 145.600MHz whilst the INPUT (rec-
station In line can then transmit and re-actlvate the eiving) will be 600kHz down from this or at
-,repeater as before. 145.000MHz. On the 432MHz amateur band the
A simplified arrangement of a repeater system Is transmit and receive frequencies of a repeater are
shown In Fig. 2. Signals to go through the repeater separated by 1.6MHz. At 934MHz (CB band) the fre-
lire received by the antenna RX. The carrier oper- quency separation for a repeater would need to be
Ilted relay (COR) switches on the repeater transmit- at least 2MHz which means that the existing band of
ter section via TX Sw (transmitter switch). The 'timer' 934.025-934.975 would be of no use. The band
·Is activated and simultaneously allows the received required to accommodate 20 repeater channels
-and now demodulated (audio) signal through for re- (two frequencies per repeater) and 20 simplex chan-
transmission via the antenna TX. nels, making a total of 60 channels with the present
- The full circuitry for a repeater station is, of 50kHz spacing, would be 934.025-936.975MHz.

f19. 1.
How Q ,.~ dorton con provide contaetfor Q number of stottons mobl. (or fixed) but otherwfse out of direct communkatlon range with &och oth., (see text).


.z • 1

, mobile
1 3


.....R.-_ ___ _

mobile RX TX hand

40 CB ItIIdlo March 83
Rx .. antennas .. Tx
...... r1

audio link

cor f+- timer ~ tx=sw

Rg, 2,
The basic principle of a rep&oter system (Set fext for detollMt explanation).

This provides a total bandwidth of 2,950MHz and a ized voice to give a prefix such as GCB - together
2MH z spacing between a repeater input and output with two letters for location, e,g., London North as
channel, Le" receiver and transmitter. GCBLN, Manchester as GCBMC and so on, The
One olher requirement of a repeater station is a modulation level of the Identifying call, whether In
means of identification and this is normally accom- Morse code or synthetic voice, Is set at a low level
plished with a call sign sent automatically every 15 so as not to Interfere with a normal voice transmis-
minutes or so by the repeater transmitter whether It sion being made at the time,
is in use or not. With amateur radio repeaters the When a user has finished transmission and 'drops'
identification call consists of the prefix GB3 fol- repeater access, It is usual to have a 'go ahead' sig-
lowed by two letters, the latter being chosen to rep- nal to alert the next station to transmit. Again logic
resent as close as possible the name of the location circuitry can ' be used to automatically send, as In
or area covered, For example, one of the London amateur radio, the letter 'K' In MOfS'e'cotIe-orfoT CB
repeaters might be GB3LN (London North), The call radio the 'K' In synthetic voice.
sign Is sent In Morse code as an audio tone signal
and generated by logic circl6itry, For CB radio use it Next month - Plan for a national 934MHz repeater
should be possible to use an electronically-synthes- system,

Next month in CB Radio Magazine:

The Campaign for the Legalization of CB Radio
by Major Sir Patrick Wall
A Look at the Telecoms Bill - Friend or Foe?
Disabled CB
Power Supplies - Still a Shocking Experience?

CI Radio March 13 41

For once it seems we aren't lapsing years behind , of communication after an accident or crisis and are
America with CB and CB accessories, as the release particularly aimed at people who would not usually
of emergency or compact CB systems in this use CB or would want to put a permanent installa-
country has followed quickly on the heels of their tion in their car.
American re lease. Cybernet and Maxcom also present their sets as
These units go under a variety of names but all conveniently compact CB systems for leisure or
II/ork on exactly the same principle. The CB unit it- hobby activities.
self is an en larged walkie-talkie with a variety of dif-
ferent functions and controls with integral micro- In an emergency
phone and speaker. Power comes from either the
power lead which is connected to the battery via a It's certainly worth considering one of these units
cigarette-lighter plug or, in some cases, batteries as any extra help in an emergency is welcome but
which fit inside the unit. fhe antenna' Is telescopic bear these pOints in mind
and fits Into a mag mount base which is placed on
the car when needed. Some sets also have an
* If you can reach a telephone then use a phone
rather than CB.
antenna socket on the CB unit itself. Hey presto,
Instant CB.
* Range will be limited because of the less effi-
cient telescopic antenna and mag mount.
Many of the units are marketed as emergency
units or handy for traffic information and they are
* Locate the unit where it will actually be of some
help in an accident or emergency. Effectively this
Intended to be stowed In a car or boot as a method means the unit is best put under a seat or on a par-

42 CI RlIdlo March 13
f l[ • I. . ;1
(J " I'



_com 7£ Alert
Mobile Tnnsccher Ho..... reI 50S Cybcmct Ea,Hom
Midland Rudy Itescue
Power output • g' 4W 4W 4W 4W
a..nncls •• < 40 40 3 (9; 14,30) 40
Power source: '" Car battery (power lead and
cigarette·lighter plug provided)
Car battery (power lead and
cigarette-lighter plug provided)
Car battery (power lead and
cigarette-lighter plug provided)
Car batt"ry (power lead and
cigarette-:ighter plug provided)
or batteries - or batteries
Features Channel select, TX light, Channel select, TX light, Squelch, volume, channel Channel select, LED display,
volume. 'squelch, power ana volume. squelch, power and select -switch, battery warning power and signal meter,
antenna sockefs and sockets antenna sockets and socket for light, power and antenna volume, local/distant range
for direct antenna connection direct antenna connection. sockets. Socket for direct switch, attenuator switch,
'V1 'Recharge' socket antenna connection. 'Recharge' antenna and power sockets
• Telescopic antenna which fits
into a mag mount base
Instructions Clear and concise instructions
,. on using the equipment. Can
be clearly understood by non- helpful in
, explaining CB, its conventIons,
limitations and how to get best
Corrytng case Black moulded plastic with Black plastic briefcase-type Red plastic briefcase-type with Black moulded plastic, no carry
carry handle and secure with snap fasteners and carry carry ' handle. Snap fasteners handle. Secure fastenings
fastenings strap
Countly of manlif.!cture Kar'e a Korea Hong Kong Japan
PrIce £49.95 £49.95 Not available £49.95

COmments Robust set and case. Channels Robust set. Comes with strong Less robust unit. Not 40 Hanging loop on back of rig.
9 and 19 highlighted on select leatherette case 'for unit and channSls but the three could Robust set and case. Antenna
switch. Case has easy carrying strap. Loop for be sufficient, depending on will not fit directly to unit. Easy
instructions for installation hanging unit up purpose, On set we had, we installation instructions inside
inside lid couldn't get a tight antenna case lid
connection with mag mount or

- C· unit itself. Instructions inside
case lid and space for AA/RAC
cel shelf, as reaching the boot may not be possible, being kept for emergency situations, you might feel
especially if you are Injured. that 40 channels would give you the maximum
* The unit draws current from the battery. If the
battery Is not charging or you think yoO will need
chance of finding someone else on channel near
[,your lights for a long time without the engine run- Out of the four sets we looked at, only the Cyber-
ning then don't use the unit continually. net Easi-Com didn't allow for the connection of the
,* If your unit uses batteries and you leave it with
the batteries in then use the dry-cell ty'p e or check
antenna Into the unit itself. As the Cybernet doesn't
have a battery facility, this is not likely to be a prob-
regularly for leakage. lem. Telescopic antennas are unwieldy for use
* CB transmissions are influenced by all sorts of
factors, including terrain, weather and atmospheric
inside the car so would only be suitable for use on
the rig outside.
conditions. CB cannot be relied upon to reach a cer- It's important that any instructions with the set are
tain range and consequently cannot be guaranteed clear and concise, because if the set is being used
to provide help. in an emergency, the user is likely to be in a panic
and hurried. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself
Other uses with its use before the accident happens. This is par-
ticularly the case for someone who isn't a CB enthu-
Emergencies aside, these units are very suitable siast and familiar witt! the principles of CB
for people not wanting to Inslall CB equipment per- Installation.
manently in their vehicle, those that don't use CB a
lot or as high-quality walkie-talkies for leisure or
sporting activities. Construdlon
These sets have come down in price considerably If your set is going to get rattled around in the
in common with most other CB equipment and can boot or interior of a car then choose a set that is. of
be purchased for about £50. Although this is not robust construction - and that goes for the case, too.
cheap compared to the cut-price sets available from All the cases and sets we've seen are designed for
some shops, it does include a,complete kit and Isn't rugged use but remember that any CB consists of
expensive for a versatile 'second' set. electronic components which aren't meant to be
bounced around too vigorously. .•
Choosing a set
All of the sets available have a maximum power
output of a nominal 4 watts, so this isn't an influ- These sets are probably not the ideal first CB for
encing factor. They are all also powered by a 12V any breaker but they are good value for the pur-
power supply and come with a cigarette-lighter plug poses for which they are intended: a standby in an
as standard. However, you might want a set that can emergency; for someone who expects to get only
be powered by batteries as this gives great flexibi- occasional uSe from a CB or for hobbles and sports.
lity and mobility, especially if the set is used for a Prices have dropped, making them better value,
hobby or sport. although against the bottom-of-the-range rig price
Only one of the sets, the Harvard SOS unit, they aren't the cheapest available but in purchasing
doesn't have the full 40 channels. Depending on a compact unit you are buying mobility and flexibi-
your requirements, this might be sufficient but if it is lity rather than a standard mobile rig.

CI Radio March 13
Breaker le4 Breakers Paradise :~hLuC!kl"
112 Markaton Lano 84 Wolllnllton Stroot
~ Numberg
Bodworth, Warka •. Luton, Bcoda 82 Ea.t Avenue
Tol. 311'01 II (01182, 338211 Haye., Mlddx

Patchway Cars
Gloucoator Road
~\""'~C.B. Seabright Supplies
Seabrlghta View
37 Station Road
Patchway, Brlatol Rlckma".worth Galley End, Cholmaford
(0272, 8114331 Rlckmanaworth 70834 Tol.78748

Tridentstar Ltd.
Unit 30, Contury Stroot
11 Hoo Stroot
Rusty CB Centre
Davld.on Road
Shofflold London, E17 Llchlleld
(OltUl, 442488 01-112011831 Llchllold 117411

Shadow Communications
21111 High Stroot
CB SIores ~
211 Chatham Street
W.ltham Cro •• , Hert. Unit 43, Station Road Roadlng
Tol.288118 C.o loahlll, Birmingham (0734, 118111113

CTVR38 Oxford Streot

G"'ntham, Linea.
Batchet Shack
Unit 8, 8 Bella Arcade
Nowbury, Berka
(01311, 314111
243 Calodonlan Road

Northampton Elec Globe Wholesale Hobby Communications

47 Quoon Eloanor Road 188 Brooker Road Hobby Hou.e, 114 London Road
Northampton Waltham Abbay Milton Common, Oxon
Northampton 87888

Skyriders AM & T Black Knights Grotto

Lowlleld Gardena
11117 Hartford Road AM Houao, lIa Olda Approach
Enfield, Mlddx Hoddo.don
Tolplta Lano, Wattord, Horta Hodde.don 411181
01 -8011 8400

407 Lordahlp Lano
James Group Ltd.
Tudor Worka
Hayoa, Mlddx
01-1181 11778
Gamma Aerial Products
Crabbe Street
Lye 811tt 32

Radio Telephone Centre CAPITAL CITY CB

34 Buckstone Terrace
Scunthorpe CB Centre
148/1411 Mancheator Road 4 Ferry Road
Swlndon, Wllta Edinburgh, Scotland Scunthorpe
(07113, 34138 (031 4411, 4711 Scunthorpe 842744

Pama and Co.

Pame Hou •• North Herts Wholesale MicroComms
433 Wllmalow Road, Withington 8 Melbourn Street, Royaton 372/ 374 G.orga Stre.t
Mancheatar M20 IIAF Harta SG8 7DZ AB1 1 EQ
(081 4411, 81118 (0783, 4221111

RADIOMOBILE Wallace Telecommunications

Goodwood Worka
Gr •• neoat Hou •• Llanelli CB Centre
North Circular Road 21 Station Road, Llanelli
London, NW2 Francl. Straet, London, SW1
01-8282873 Dried, Wal . .
01 -4112 3333
The chance to


When you become an Associate Member of CiBTA
Yes, every new Associate Member who joins CiBTA before 1 May, 1983 will automatically
qualify for entry into our Free Draw. The winner of this draw will receive two specially-tuned
Sel. Call rigs.

What is CiBTA?
CiBTA is the CB Trade Association which is interested in a secure future for CB.

Why should I join?

You should join CiBTA because it is actively campaigning for more CB channels.
You should join CiBTA because CiBTA wants less wallies on CB.
You should join CiBTA because it is powerful enough to make the Government listen to its '
You should join CiBTA to make your voice heard.

And that's not all •••

CiBTA's membership encompasses some of the most influential CB dealers in the UK and
these companies will be offering you, the Associate Membership, in return for your
commitment to CiBTA, some regular CB special offers that will make your eyes pop out.


+ •


I hereby apply for my lifetime Associate Membership of CiBTA and enclose the one-otT fee of £5.00.

Name . . .. . .... •.. .. . .. .. . . . . ... ....... .. . ..... . . ..... . . . .. . .. . .... . .. . .... . .. .. ... .. .. ... . . ... . . ..

Address . . . .... ..... . . .. . . . . . . . . ... ... .• . . . . ... ..... . .. . . . . . . . ... . . ... . ..... .. . . .... . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ...... ... .. ... .. ...... ...... ... .... ... ... .


Please allow 28 days for the processing of your application form and the return of your membership certificate.
elBTA, PO Box 6, Hay•• , Middlesex UB4 OSS

46 CB Radio MIIrch 83


135 High Stre.t
Signal Aerials
The Corner Shop 21111 High Road
Ponders End
Kingston, Morayahlr. 01-8011 7772 Broxbourne, Herta
10343' 87403 Hodd.sdon 84718

Patrick McNulty Int' Comm Agencies The Nappy Factory CB

24 Belmore Street. Ennlskillen 207 Ayle.bury Road. Bi.rton
Ayle.bury. Bucks 74 Low.r Stra.t. Hillmorton
Co. Fermanagh. N. Ireland Rugby. Warks
10385, 22423 10298, 22088

New Str •• t
11 Parada
1 St. Jam.s Road
L.dbury. Herts
aarnet, Herta Orav•• end, Kent
10531,4878 01-4411 3478 10474, 87171


Parndon Mill
44-48 Orimshaw Park
111 Bridg. Str •• t
10279, 418817 10254, 118098 Andovwr, Hant.

CB Radlb Distributors Ltd. Auto Save Car Radio

Unit 2 QFS and CB Centre 11 Windsor T.rrac.
Oov.rnm.nt Industrial Estat. 112d High Str•• t Sund.rland
Union Mills. lsi. of Man BIII.ricay. Ess." Tyn. & "
851140 22200 10783' 1183112

Electromec Engineering Ca. LId. Johnston Communications Silver Streak CB Sales

Claremont Hou • • 83 Bar clay Str•• t 83a Roman Bank
Northampton Ston.hav.n. Scotland Sk.lln .... Line ••
10804, 810000 1011811, 84818 107114,8101114

Elektronika Ltd.
2311a Welling borough Road
The Motorists Shop
207 L.nthall
-C B Corner
111 Trinity Str••t. Oainsboroullh
Northampton Gray., E••• x Lines. DN21 1 HS
10804, 317811 33428 Oainsborough 81111111

Autosound Services
1 Portland Place
Billericay CB
112d High Straat
N' & K Blake
17 Wood Mark.t
Donc ••ter DN1 3DW Billericay. E. . . .
Kelso, Border.
BIII.ricay 22200 10573, 24217

CB RadIo March 83 47
10 pence per word (no minimum or maximum). Display boxes £13 per 20mm. depth
(maximum 50 words per 20mm. depth). Payment must be sent i n advance with order, along
with your name and address.

IIfDO 'K' tone letter generators. Transmit a 't<' or HAVlYOU lust Joined a OX or aSL club and found all ,
your Inilial alter each transmission (J, a, Y you've gol was a lump of rubber for your slamp?
PLASTIC MEMBERSHIP excepted). Comos microchip circuitry on PCB. Don't be upsetl We can let you have the base and
Approx. 114ln. sq. Full wiring inatructions supplied. handle to put It on. Just send £2.25 (Inc. P&p) to
CARDS Swltchable - 'K' or your Initial - off - sIngle bleep. Base and Handle, 10 Tolcarne Road, Newquay,
CLUllCARD ~ EXACTL Y LIKE A £9.75 Inclusive. Also available: Multi-leiter genera-
tor. PCB, appro)!. 3V.ln. X lYoln. Combinations of
CornwaU TR7 2NO.

UMtoH JACkS for your OSL contecta, 3 V.ln. x 2In.,

CREDIT CARD any 2 lellers and In some cases 3 are avallabla.
I I1.\ X 1>1.1': I Swltchable to off only. £12.50 Inclusive. Cheque! aell-adheslve, plastic coated, 100 flegs for £3.50
xu U!'nm s.rn. .IH.IIMpt, ......t.ritIl PO to Brldo Electron ics, 9 Nevll1e Drive, Coalvltle, Inclusive. Cheques/PO's, KM Enterprises, 191
Prlnt.ll any ooIOlir
Lelcs. LE6 3DX. Joyners Field, Harlow, Easex CM18 700.
~GwLY1.5 .. ,.. INCLUDING
SItIUTS a World for the cheapest prices on the
.~\2.9 "'" ".
PDSOMAUZED QIL'., 1,000 £13.75. Handlecards,
..... .. ..
.OR DUION. 'ROOF. SUU' south coast. Ring or write for free price list. 2 Mar- 1,000 £8.70. OX logs (sae samplas). M. Hope, 69
FREE SAMPLES & " ~ ,~ " ket Way, Portsmouth. Tel: Portsmouth 732234. Derwent Street, Consel! DH6 8LT.
ORDER FOAM 'Zt phone 0344 - 84455
01 "'fI(tt ro O". ........... DP,....n..Ri1sr.~_
CB PLL DATA DO YOU OSL? Our OSl rubber stamps are a must
for all QSLJDX'ers, Also personalized and club
stamps. For brochure, see to M&M Rubber Stamps,
BOOK-NEW INTL EDITION 10 Tolcarne Road, Newquay TR7 2NO or tel.
(06373) 3559.
How they work & how to modify them.
QSl CMDS swapped 1-4- 1 (overseas send 2 IRC's).
Any amount, 100%. Blackdog, GBODC1 , Mech- Complete specs on every PLL device ttANOLE 1AJ'£L badges profeaalonally engraved and
anIcs Institute, 89 Derwent Street, Blackh lll, Con- Including all U.K. chips . Easy non- by return of post. £1 .50 cash wIth order. Aylmer-
aett, Co. Durh am DHB 8lT, England, UK. technloal readingl Kelly~ C, 2 Pickwick Road, Corsham, Wills. SN13
9BJ .
.lLsx-toO scan ning receiver, AM/FM, 32,000 chan-
nelS. As featured In Nov. 62 CB Radio Magazine.
"SCREWDRIVER RAYIM( DtSf'LAY for PVC Club cards, club stIckers,
Little used, perfect condition. £170. 01-554 0622
EXPERT'S" GUIDE printed patch badges, PVC club card wallets, T-
shirts, club eyeball badges printed to order plus
The bible 01 DIY CB repalrsl Each book slogan badges and stickers. Raymac Display, Nat-
OSl'S AND handtecards. Wide range designs. Per- $16 or £10 Incl. Air P&P (Cash. Bank IOnal Works, Bath Road, HOt,lnslow. 01-570 9116.
sonal printing service. Sample pack 50 of each and Draft. VISA/MC). Free catalogue 01 N1D GMAT demand, Anglo American Side banders
details send £3.00. Chris, 406 Beaconvlew Road, unusual CB specialities with order.
West Bromwlch, West Mlds B71 3PH. have now made their OX Manual available to all
ALWAYS ~ MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE CB'ers, Copies for £1 .50 Inc. p&p from Anglo Ameri-
a HANDLE Directory. Heve your handle printed free
In your local CB Handle Directory for easier copies.
C.B. CITY INTERNATIONAL can, CoronatIon House, Tolearne Road, Newquay,
Send sae to AJM Agencies, PO Box 76, Swansea P.O. 80x 31500. Ph.....lx. AZ 850411 U.S.A.
SAl lXL Clubs welcome.
IltUIIEIt STAMPS, Personalize your OSL Special des-
P'J'IAMtO 11f1' CB loft aerial. Designed for mulmum GPA 271'. £17.95. Sliver Rod £19.75
igns no problem. Handle and mount £2.20 (state performance at minimum coat. Superb AM/FM!
81%8). Discounts for quantity. Two-day service. RIng Hamaster Leson 4200 £24.75
for quote. Stampreo ltd., 42-44 Princes Road, Hult.
SSe, e.g., delighted sldebander copied 7 States In Hamaster Lespn 4500 £32.25
one afternoon. Supplied complete with full Instruc- 25W burners £16.00
(0462) 46134. tions for Just £5 Inc. pip. Why pay more? Send now
for prompt dispatch. D. Knox, 20 Pullan Avenue, RG8 43p/m. RG58 14p/m
HY44JH 5, AM/FM!SSB, L/M/H, 5kHz shift, boxed- Rama pe5 £18.50. Rama.PC3.£14_00
Eccleahlll, Bradford BD2 3RT.
as new £120. Blnatone 'Route 66', 40-channel FM, Full range: antennas, Sremls, speakers,
£20 ono. Breml BRS31, atablllzed power supply, PIUOM .. tlED kEY rings, In black leather with gold
lettering. Ideal to send with your OSl or for club
p/packs, masts, mikes, meters, connec·
13.8V-SA, £10. Sreml BRL31 , 25W linear amplifier,
£12 . Procon '/I-wave antenna £ 15 or will take £160 members. Up to eight worda £25.00 for 100 key tors, etc.
for the lot. Egham (Surrey) 35273 eve nings. C. rings. Sae for sample ring to Key Rings, 10 TOI- RlnS 01~3411t46 after 7_00",.. Mon.~s.t.
Wright. earne Road, Newquay, Cornwall TR7 2NO.

PERSONAL _ _ __ _ __ _FREQUENCY _ _ _ __ _ I
UNIT No._ __ _ _ _ __ _ ;SALUTATION I
CLUB NAME UNION JACK (OR OTHER) PHONE No. _ _ ~ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ I
I enclose 'a cheque or PO payable to Loser ~Itho
ltd. lor £ ~
._ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ I
as payment lor_ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ I
•sae fOl
single and multi-colour price Ij st I
and samples. . I ~ I
~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ I
,I Send your order and payment to; I
ruPOR WORKS . .' I
I lklleuo proof Is required we reserve the right to design anddespolch vourbrdefwl'~1 notice ond con accept I
no respomlb lllty fOf your copy 9f'fOfS and/or YOU! dislike 01 design and/or Ioyoul nor onv other error howsoeV8f I
I caused. Please oflow 28-AO days' delivery from mcalpl at order.
--------- -------------------------------------------~

48 C8 Radio March 83
CQ - DX - QSL The easier you make it for us,
the cheaper we make it for you
Full process colour QSL
or eyeball cards

500 for only £44.50 VAT

1 000 for only £56.50 p & p
Ful l colour 2'12 II 3% (credit card size)


500 for only £56.50 ~~T & Full colour 5'12 x 3% (post card size)
1,000 for only £68.50 p & p with standard QSL post card back

Approval of design before p rinting £10
WHAT YOU GET Change of colours on design £3
This price includes us designing your cord to suit your Colou r photograph instead of d rawing £8
name. handle. club or even b usiness, print ing In fu ll col- (From negative supplied by you)
our. VAT. postage and pocking within the UK. ALTERNATIVE ARTWORK
If you already hove 0 QSL cord that you like then send us one
• AnythIng else will cost you more • clean and unused and one Indicat ing the colour and changes
(no extra charge).

<<<<See coupon opposite

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