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ae * a 1am a mere creation of the society Bounded by the walls of the law 1 go to school to earn a degree And eventually work for the country 1am a product of my parent’s care A result of nurturement and discipline make friends and create bonds ‘And eventually lose some as I move on 1am buta simple man Someone who follows traditions ‘A person who is scared of the unknown And pursues standard norms Without noticing I turn a blind eye On the power of the society And how it’s controlling me Am I just a mere creation? A product of socialization? A follower of norms? Who really am I? Submitted by Julius Daniel M. Gutierrez Jam an active human being Who can make his own choices And dictate his own destiny While being respectful and kind Jam capable of making change In this subjugating society And overcome the hands Of the growing oppressor Jama reflexive being Who possesses wings That enables me to fly And soar to a better future But my wings has limits And lam held responsible For my actions are powerful ‘And can greatly affect others. SAS 1 TFI WINGS OF REFLEXIVITY BY JULIUS GUTIERREZ The abstract drawing that | created portrays one of the most prominent ideas that encompasses all the lessons from the course - the reflexive and agentic power of a human being. From the moment we are born, we become members of a particular culture. We are raised by our families and guardians, allowing us to learn what is necessary through learning. As we continue to grow, we mature and develop our principles and beliefs. Society and its agents then dictate what we can and cannot do. At our homes, we learn about Filipino values and manners. At school, we learn about religion, academics, and career. When we become adults, we become part of the workforce and then start contributing to the society. Based on these, a normalizing power can be seen in every aspect of our lives wherein we are subjected to follow disciplinary practices that are embedded in our knowledge. Culture and society obligate us to follow the norms and traditions. Biology, in the eyes of some people, dictate what men and women should and should not do. Citizenship enforces us to abide by the laws and to be a good member of the society. Current media affects our thoughts on body image, sexual orientation, and on dating. Filipino values plant onto our minds the concept of ‘pakikipagkapwa’ and filial piety Even the present time influences our perceptions on career and work. However, we are not passive constructions of the society. This is because we possess reflexivity and agency which enables us to have an active role in making and remaking culture. We possess the ability to make a change based on our actions, thoughts, and feelings. We can make our own decisions despite what others and the society thinks and dictates. As can be seen on the drawing, we possess wings which enables us to overcome the hands of the subjugator and its normalizing power. But this does not equal complete freedom and recklessness. With agency, we are still made responsible for our choices and decisions. That is why we must fly wisely with our wings and think carefully before we act.

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