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Unit 7 Civics and geography

1 Vocabulary: natural disasters

a Work in pairs. Answer the questions about the natural disasters in the box.


1. Š‹…Šƒ”‡…ƒ—•‡†„›‡š–”‡‡™‡ƒ–Š‡”ǫ 3. Š‹…Š…ƒ„‡ƒƒ†‡ǫ

2. Š‹…Šƒ”‡…ƒ—•‡†„›…Šƒ‰‡•‹–Š‡‡ƒ”–Šǯ•…”—•–ǫ 4. Š‹…Šƒ–—”ƒŽ†‹•ƒ•–‡”•‘……—”‹›‘—”ƒ”‡ƒǫ

2 Reading

a Work in pairs. Take the earthquake quiz.

1. When was the first recorded earthquake?

a. 1831 BC b. 780 BC c. AD 1612
2. What causes earthquakes?
a. extreme weather c. movement of the
b. gravity earth’s crust
3. How big was the largest earthquake ever recorded?
a. 9.2 b. 9.5 c. 10.0
4. What is the most accurate measure of earthquakes?
a. the Richter Scale c. the Geiger Counter
b. the Moment Magnitude Scale
5. What is a tsunami?
a. high waves caused by a hurricane
b. an underwater earthquake
c. high waves after an underwater earthquake
6. What should you do during an earthquake? Mark ✓ or ✗.

drop to the ground go outside hold on to something stand near a building

get under a desk or table cover your head use an elevator stand in the open

b Check your answers.


c Find this information in the texts on pages 116 and 121.


Unit 7

3 Grammar review: speculation and deduction

a Complete the sentences from the texts on pages 116 and 121.
1. ‡‘™–Š‹• „‡–Š‡ϐ‹”•–‡ƒ”–Š“—ƒ‡ǡǥ
2. ƒ”–Š“—ƒ‡• ƒŽ•‘„‡…ƒ—•‡†„›˜‘Ž…ƒ‹…ƒ…–‹˜‹–›ǡŽƒ†•Ž‹†‡•ƒ†Žƒ”‰‡‡š’Ž‘•‹‘•Ǥ
3. Ž–Š‘—‰ŠƒͳͲǦ’Ž—•‡ƒ”–Š“—ƒ‡ ‘……—”‘‡†ƒ›ǥ
4. Š‡› „‡”‡ˆ‡””‹‰–‘–Š‡‘‡–ƒ‰‹–—†‡…ƒŽ‡Ǥ
5. – ƒŽ•‘…ƒ—•‡ƒ–•—ƒ‹Ǥ

b Match the verbs above with the meanings.

1. Š‹•˜‡”„‡ƒ••‘‡–Š‹‰‹•…‡”–ƒ‹ǣ Ǥ
2Ǥ Š‡•‡˜‡”„•‡ƒ•‘‡–Š‹‰‹•’‘••‹„Ž‡ǣ ǡ ǡ Ǥ
3Ǥ Š‹•˜‡”„‡ƒ••‘‡–Š‹‰‹•…‡”–ƒ‹Ž›‘––”—‡ǣ Ǥ

c Work in pairs. Say what the pictures must, may, might, could or can’t be.

4 Everyday English: speculating and coming to conclusions

a 2.8 Listen. Who are Luke and Jayshree discussing?

b 2.8 Listen again and complete the phrases.

1. – „‡‹…‘Ž‡Ǥ 5. –Šƒ• ‹…‘Ž‡Ǥ

2. †‘—„– ‹…‘Ž‡Ǥ 6. –…ƒǯ– „‡‹…‘Ž‡Ǥ
3. Š‡‹–ǯ• ‡–ŠǤ 7. ǯ ‹–ǯ•‹…‘Ž‡Ǥ
4. Š‡”‡ǯ• ‹–ǯ•‡–ŠǤ 8. –ǯ•†‡ϐ‹‹–‡Ž› Ǥ

c Copy the table and add the phrases in 3a and 4b.

Certain Probable Possible Improbable Impossible

ǯ…‡”–ƒ‹ǥ „‡–ǥ –ǯ•’‘••‹„Ž‡ǥ –ǯ•—Ž‹‡Ž›ǥ –ǯ•†‡ϐ‹‹–‡Ž›

–ǯ•Ž‹‡Ž›ǥ Š‡”‡ǯ•ƒ…Šƒ…‡ǥ ǯ†„‡•—”’”‹•‡†‹ˆǥ ‘–ǥ

d Work in pairs. Turn to page 125.

Lesson 1

It must have been

Talk about the weather
Speculate about the past

1 Vocabulary: weather

a Work in pairs. Complete the prompts.


1. Š”‡‡™‡ƒ–Š‡”…‘†‹–‹‘•–Šƒ–”‡†—…‡˜‹•‹„‹Ž‹–›ǣ ǡ ǡ Ǥ
2. Š”‡‡–›’‡•‘ˆˆ”‡‡œ‹‰’”‡…‹’‹–ƒ–‹‘ǣ ǡ ǡ Ǥ
3. Š”‡‡‹†•‘ˆ™‹†ǣ ǡ ǡ Ǥ
4. ™‘…‘‘’Š‡‘‡ƒ†—”‹‰ƒ•–‘”ǣ ǡ Ǥ

b Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

1. ‘™Š‹…Š‘—•…ƒ›‘—ƒ††Ȃ›–‘ƒ‡–Š‡ƒ†Œ‡…–‹˜‡ˆ‘”ǫ
2. Šƒ–ǯ•–Š‡™‡ƒ–Š‡”Ž‹‡–‘†ƒ›ǫŠƒ–ǯ•‹–—•—ƒŽŽ›Ž‹‡‹†‹ˆˆ‡”‡–•‡ƒ•‘•‹›‘—”ƒ”‡ƒǫ

2 Reading

a Read the chat and underline the places they mention on the map.

jaygal: hi lucia! is ben back from brazil yet?

loocha: no, l8er today. it must have been gr8 cos he hasn’t
been in touch
jaygal: what do u think the weather was like?
loocha: it must have been pretty rainy @ this time of year
jaygal: do u think there was a hurricane?
loocha: no, there couldn’t have been a hurricane – they’re rare in brazil Salvador
jaygal: do u know where he was going?
Rio de
loocha: he must have gone to iguazu falls because that’s Janeiro
The Amazon
where they were landing, but after that I don’t know
jaygal: he must have gone to rio, right? everyone goes to rio The Pantanal Sao Paulo
loocha: he might not have gone there. his dad wanted to see the
amazon and his mom wanted to go to the pantanal swamplands, Iguazu Falls
so they might not have had time to go to rio as well
jaygal: yeah, I guess brazil is a pretty big country
loocha: brb. phone. ben! call u later. bfn!

b Read again. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. ‡‹•‘•–‹ŽŽ˜ƒ…ƒ–‹‘‹”ƒœ‹ŽǤ Ȁ  4. Š‡”‡™ƒ•ƒŠ—””‹…ƒ‡Ǥ Ȁ
2. —…‹ƒ”‡…‡‹˜‡†ƒ’‘•–…ƒ”†ˆ”‘‡Ǥ Ȁ  5. ‡†‡ϐ‹‹–‡Ž›†‹†ǯ–‰‘–‘‹‘Ǥ Ȁ
3. –’”‘„ƒ„Ž›”ƒ‹‡†‘Š‹•˜ƒ…ƒ–‹‘Ǥ Ȁ  6. ‡…ƒŽŽ•™Š‹Ž‡–Š‡›ǯ”‡…Šƒ––‹‰Ǥ Ȁ

Unit 7

3 Grammar: He must have gone to Rio.

a Underline these sentences in the chat session.
‡—•‡ƒmodal + have + past participle–‘ƒ‡
1. Š”‡‡–Š‹‰•–Šƒ–—…‹ƒ‹••—”‡ƒ„‘—–‡ǯ• †‡†—…–‹‘•ƒ†•’‡…—Žƒ–‹‘•ƒ„‘—––Š‡’ƒ•–ǣ
‘–•‘ˆ•–—†‡–•ˆƒ‹Ž‡†–Š‡‡šƒǤ –must have
2. ‘‡–Š‹‰—…‹ƒ‹••—”‡†‹†ǯ–Šƒ’’‡Ǥ been†‹ˆϐ‹…—Ž–Ǥ –couldn’t have been‡ƒ•›Ǥ
3. ‘‡–Š‹‰—…‹ƒ‹•ǯ–•—”‡Šƒ’’‡‡†Ǥ

b Rewrite the sentences about Ben’s vacation.

1. Š‡”‡ǯ•‘™ƒ›‹–•‘™‡†‹”ƒœ‹ŽǤ
2. ‡”Šƒ’•–Š‡”‡™ƒ•ƒ•–‘”Ǥ
3. –™ƒ•†‡ϐ‹‹–‡Ž›Š—‹†Ǥ
4. ƒ›„‡Š‡…”‘••‡†–Š‡„‘”†‡”‹–‘”‰‡–‹ƒǤ

4 Speaking

a Work in pairs. Speculate about what must, might and couldn’t have happened during the family’s day at
the beach.

b Write at least six sentences. Include a reason for each speculation or deduction you make.

Lesson 2

I left it late.
Express regrets

Vote for Fatma Hande for

Class President!
This week is the election for class Sam Amos is your friend, but
president, who will also function as more than that, Sam is the
person you can trust to fight
chairperson at student council
for your rights. Sam is
meetings. Fatma Hande is the most responsible and hardworking
experienced candidate and a proven leader. and he will always be there
She has been a class representative for for you as class president.
two years and she was council secretary So come on voters, make sure
this year. Now the campaign is over and you elect the best person to
it’s time to vote for Fatma! represent our class.
P.S. Check out my facebook page and
follow me on t witter ;-) Vote for Sam!

1 Vocabulary: elections

a Complete the table with words in the flyers.

Verb …ƒ’ƒ‹‰ Ž‡ƒ†

Noun ˜‘–‡ Ž‡ƒ† ”‡’”‡•‡–ƒ–‹‘
Person ‡Ž‡…–‘” …ƒ’ƒ‹‰‡”

b Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

1. Šƒ–ˆ‘—”’‘•‹–‹‘•‘–Š‡•…Š‘‘Ž…‘—…‹Žƒ”‡‡–‹‘‡†‹–Š‡–‡š–ǫ
2. Š‹…ŠϐŽ›‡”†‘›‘—’”‡ˆ‡”ǫŠ‘™‘—Ž†›‘—˜‘–‡ˆ‘”ƒ†™Š›ǫ
3. ‘‡•›‘—”•…Š‘‘ŽŠƒ˜‡ƒ•–—†‡–…‘—…‹Ž‘”…Žƒ••’”‡•‹†‡–•ǫ

2 Listening

a 2.9 Listen. Who won the election?

b 2.9 Listen again. Find at least three reasons why the other candidate lost.

c Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

1. Šƒ–…ƒ›‘—†‘™Š‡ƒˆ”‹‡†‹•—’•‡–ƒ„‘—–•‘‡–Š‹‰ƒ†…ƒǯ––Š‹ƒ„‘—–ƒ›–Š‹‰‡Ž•‡ǫ
2. ƒ›‘—”‹•–ƒ‡•Š‡Ž’›‘—Ž‡ƒ”–Š‹‰•ǫ

Unit 7

3 Grammar: I wish I hadn’t gone on vacation.

a 2.9 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1.  ™‹•Š Šƒ†•–ƒ”–‡† Ǥ 4. ˆ‘Ž› Šƒ† ‘”‡’‘•–‡”•Ǥ
2. •Š‘—Ž†Šƒ˜‡–ƒŽ‡† Ǥ 5. ™‹•Š Šƒ†ǯ–‰‘‡ ˆ‘”›
3. …‘—Ž†Šƒ˜‡„‡‡ Ǥ  „‹”–Š†ƒ›Ǥ

b What do the sentences describe?

1. Šƒ–ƒ™ƒ–•‹–Š‡ˆ—–—”‡Ǥ 2. Šƒ–ƒ”‡‰”‡–•ƒ„‘—––Š‡’ƒ•–Ǥ

c What verb form do we use after if only and wish? What do we use after should and could?

d Write about your regrets. Use the topics in the box for ideas.


1. ™‹•Š Šƒ†ǥ 3. ˆ‘Ž› Šƒ†ǥ 5. •Š‘—Ž†Šƒ˜‡ǥ

2. ™‹•Š Šƒ†ǯ–ǥ 4. ˆ‘Ž› Šƒ†ǯ–ǥ 6. •Š‘—Ž†ǯ–Šƒ˜‡ǥ

4 Pronunciation: sentence stress

a 2.10 Look at the regrets. Mark the two most stressed words in each sentence. Then listen and check.
1. ™‹•Š Šƒ†ǯ–‡ƒ–‡ƒŽŽ–Šƒ–…Š‘…‘Žƒ–‡Ǥ 3. ˆ‘Ž› Šƒ†Ž‹•–‡‡†–‘›‘Ǥ
2. •Š‘—Ž†Šƒ˜‡‡ƒ–‡‘”‡˜‡‰‡–ƒ„Ž‡•Ǥ

b Work in pairs. Compare your regrets in 3 and ask for more information. Be careful to stress the right words.

5 Writing

a Read this chat session between Beth and Sam. Underline Beth’s three regrets.

bethart: I feel awful, sam!

samos: why? what happened?
bethart: I copied luke’s math homework and he got into trouble
samos: why did you copy from him?
bethart: I stayed up late watching tv and I didn’t have time to do it
samos: so why didn’t u ask nicole to help?
bethart: she was mad at me 4 using her paints
samos: u should write to luke. say you’re sorry and tell him what u plan to do
about it
bethart: good idea! thx, sam. ttyl

b Work in pairs. What would you do if you were Beth?

c Write an e-mail to Luke. Use no more than 100 words and include this information.


Lesson 3

How did you get



Lake Ronson

Lake Mitchell

Parking lot /river



1 Vocabulary: maps 2 Listening

a Complete the map legend. a 2.11 Listen and mark where Sam is on the
’‹…‹…ƒ”‡ƒ•–”‡ƒ”‡•‡”˜‘‹”•™ƒ’ 2.11
b Listen again and trace his route on the
map. What two routes can he take to get back
b Find these things on the map. to where he started?

c Work in pairs. Have you ever gotten lost? What
did you do?

Unit 7

3 Grammar: If only you’d followed the map!

a 2.12 Listen and complete the sentences.

1. ‘— Š‘‡ƒ‰‡•ƒ‰‘Ǥ
2. ˆ›‘— –Š‡ƒ’ǡ›‘— ‰‘––‡Ž‘•–Ǥ
3. Š‡›‘— ‡’––Š‡™ƒ–‡”–‘›‘—”Ž‡ˆ––Š‡™Š‘Ž‡–‹‡Ǥ
4. ‘—•Š‘—Ž† Ž‡ˆ–™Š‡›‘—‰‘––‘–Š‡™‘‘†•Ǥ
5. ˆ‘Ž› –Š‡ƒ’‘”‡…Ž‘•‡Ž›ǡ›‘— ”‡ƒŽ‹œ‡†›‘—”

b What do the sentences express? What verb forms are used?

1. ƒ†˜‹…‡ 2. …”‹–‹…‹• 3. ”‡‰”‡–•

c Work in pairs. Criticize the actions with should have and if only.

ͳ ʹ

I played video games for five hours I watched a movie until late last
straight and forgot to do my homework. night, so I slept in this morning and
got to school late.

͵ Ͷ

I ate too much birthday cake and I didn’t help my dad clean the
now I feel really sick. yard and now he’s mad at me.

d Tell your partner about three regrets, real or invented. Criticize your partner’s actions.


4 Speaking
  –—†‡–ǣ–—”–‘’ƒ‰‡ͳ͸͸Ǥ –—†‡–ǣ–—”–‘’ƒ‰‡ͳʹͳǤ

Fight for your rights!

Activities 1 Awesome article: the CRC

1 Awesome article

a Read the article quickly. What are

the two main themes?
squash bullying
children’s rights
b Read the article and choose the best
endings to the sentences.
1. Mat stopped playing squash
at school because…
Mat Wong is 12 years old and
a. some boys made fun of him
he’s from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
b. he wasn’t very good He loves squash, and his hero is
2. The anti-bullying program in Nicol David, a Malaysian woman who
Malaysia… has dominated world squash for years now.
a. is partly run by UNICEF
Mat used to look forward to Saturday mornings, when he
would play squash with his friends at a school club. But then
b. works only on emotional things started to change. “The older boys laughed at me,
bullying because I wasn’t very good,” says Mat. Hurt and ashamed,
3. The best way to stop bullies… Mat now only plays with his family.
a. is to fight back or run There are stories like Mat’s from all around the world, but
b. is to avoid showing fear or in Malaysia something is being done about it. The United
aggression Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), which began in 1954, is
working with the Ministry of Education on an anti-bullying
4. The anti-bullying program is
program that aims to stop emotional and physical bullying
aimed at…
in schools. The program teaches victims how to respond to
a. teachers, parents and victims bullying in positive and constructive ways—staying calm and
b. teachers, parents and all reacting neither aggressively nor submissively often works.
schoolkids The program also shows teachers, parents and students how
5. The CRC applies to… to create an environment safe from bullying.
a. 18-year-olds in 54 countries Bullying violates children’s right to be protected from all
forms of physical and mental harm, as stated in the United
b. children in more than 190 Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The
countries convention aims to protect the rights of people under the age
c Work in pairs. Write definitions for of 18, and it has 54 articles or rules. It has been signed by
these words. over 190 countries since coming into effect in 1990.
1. hurt and ashamed (para. 1) Children’s rights include:
2. bullying (para. 2) • The right to be protected against
3. harm (para. 3) discrimination.
• The right to a name and
d Work in groups. Make a convention
of students’ rights for your school.
• The right to receive an education.
Include 10 rights. Compare your list
with those of other groups. • The right not to do work that
affects their health or education.

Unit 7

2 Awesome places: Your town


1 Awesome places: Your town

a Work in pairs. Describe what you can

see in the town.
b Look at the picture and read the
description. Find two mistakes in
the description.
c Work in pairs. You’re going to
write a similar text about your
city or neighborhood. Brainstorm
information to include.

weather natural features


d Write your text. Use no more

than 150 words. Then check
your partner’s text and suggest
improvements and corrections.
e Write a final draft. Read other
texts. Find two facts that you didn’t
include and report them to the class.

My town, Richmond
Richmond is a small city of about 50,000 people. It has a mild climate, and it rains in December and January,
but it rarely snows. The summers are warm, but it never gets too hot. Downtown there is a park with the Rich
River running through it. Residents and tourists like to go walking there or swimming in the river.
Richmond is kind of small, but it has all the facilities of a city. There is a shopping mall with a multiplex, there’s
a sports stadium for the local soccer team, a museum with exhibits of local history and a large public library.
There are also two universities, one private and one public, a gym and two large schools—one elementary
school and one junior and senior high school.
Richmond is a q
quiet cityy with veryy little crime. The police
p station is located near the park.


Learning English in the 21st Century

Using diagrams

1968 Mexico Average height of boys and girls

1972 Munich

Trash in the school yard 1976 Montreal Boys

8 2 1980 Moscow
1984 Los Angeles

1988 Seoul
1992 Barcelona
1996 Atlanta

plastic glass 2000 Sydney

paper rubber 2004 Athens
2008 Beijing

2012 London

2016 Rio de Janeiro

a Name the diagrams.


b Answer the questions about the information in the charts.

1. Š‹…Š‹•–Š‡‘•–’‘’—Žƒ”•—„Œ‡…–ƒ––Š‡•…Š‘‘Žǫ ‘™ƒ›•–—†‡–•™‡”‡•—”˜‡›‡†ǫ
2. Šƒ–‹ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘‹••Š‘™‹–Š‡–ƒ„Ž‡ǫ
3. Šƒ–ǯ•–Š‡‘•–…‘‘–”ƒ•Š‹–Š‡•…Š‘‘Ž›ƒ”†ǫ
4. Š‘‹•–ƒŽŽ‡”‘ƒ˜‡”ƒ‰‡ƒ–ƒ‰‡ͳ͵ǡ„‘›•‘”‰‹”Ž•ǫ

c Which type of diagram would be best for this information?

1. ‘—™ƒ––‘•Š‘™™Šƒ–’‡”…‡–ƒ‰‡‘ˆ–Š‡…Žƒ••‹•ƒŽ‡ƒ†™Šƒ–’‡”…‡–ƒ‰‡‹•ˆ‡ƒŽ‡Ǥ
2. ‘—™ƒ––‘•Š‘™›‘—”…Žƒ••ƒ–‡•ǯ’”‡ˆ‡”‡…‡ˆ‘”ˆ‘—”•Š‘™•Ǥ
3. ‘—™ƒ––‘•Š‘™Š‘™—…Š”ƒ‹ˆƒŽŽ–Š‡”‡‹•‹›‘—”Š‘‡–‘™‘”•–ƒ–‡‹‡ƒ…Š‘–Š‘ˆ–Š‡›‡ƒ”Ǥ
4. ‘—™ƒ––‘•Š‘™Š‘™—…Š›‘—”ƒŽŽ‘™ƒ…‡Šƒ•…Šƒ‰‡†ˆ”‘™Š‡›‘—™‡”‡ƒ…Š‹Ž†—–‹Ž–‘†ƒ›Ǥ

d Work in pairs. Do you agree? Choose one set of information above or another, research it using QuizBox or the
Internet. Record your results on a diagram using Word or Tiki-Toki. Then present your diagram and explain it.

Portfolio Unit 7

Treasure hunt

Come through the door at the

northeast of the classroom.
Turn left and walk toward
the other door. Turn right
toward the round table in
the southwest corner near the
window. When you get to the
round table, walk clockwise
around the table and then walk
north toward the two tables
in an L-shape. Look under
the first table. The treasure
is stuck under the southeast
corner of the table.

a Identify the items on the map of the classroom.


b Read the directions. Mark where the treasure is with an ✗.

c Work in pairs. Did you mark the same place? How did you find it?

d Work in groups of three.


e Work with a student from another group. Swap your maps and instructions, and find the treasure on
the map. Then ask and answer.
1. ‹†›‘—ϐ‹†–Š‡–”‡ƒ•—”‡‡ƒ•‹Ž›ǫ
2. Šƒ–™ƒ•…Ž‡ƒ”‘”—…Ž‡ƒ”ƒ„‘—––Š‡ƒ’ƒ†‹•–”—…–‹‘•ǫ

f Change your map and instructions to make them clearer if necessary and add them to your digital portfolio.


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