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BTEC Level 3 Diploma Art & Design Practice

Student Self-Assessment & Final Evaluation

As Assignment Title “Stage 01”

Unit No & Title Unit 1

Student Name & Group (Rachel Bone) Carlisle College, Group 106/1a

Tutor Name Alf Phillips & Joanne Shand.

Assessment Date Monday 07th March 2022

Grade your own performance – Just colour in the grade you feel you worked at
Assessment Criteria (What we assess) Evidence you are presenting and where R S G E
we will find it.

AC1: Informing ideas The best quality work that matches this
criterion can be find on my portfolio, sheets
Use skills for informing ideas, interpreting the like the Posca test from the Embellishment &
brief and developing ideas and outcomes as they Pattern and the artist sheets for Predator &
progress Prey can be found on there respective pages
along with a few others. But generally, you
would find examples in my notebook or blog
where I keep all my secondary research or in
any of my sketchbooks where I practice life
drawing, test materials/techniques and
much more.

AC2: Problem solving You can find my problem-solving skills

almost anywhere but the best places to look
Show problem solving throughout by engaging are in my square sketchbook for Predator &
with the brief and its requirements including Prey, where you’ll find me solving problems
ideas generation, experimentation, testing and about my materials, techniques, and the
reflection on the meaning, purpose function of structure of the entire piece. You can also
find my initial ideas and their progression in
your work.
my notebook as well as find plenty of mind
maps on my desk and on my blog.

AC3: Technical skill The most common place you’ll find my

practise of skills and testing of new ones is in
Show technical skills throughout by exploiting any of my sketchbooks, from the small A5
the potential of media, materials, techniques and workshop sketchbooks to the A3 one. But if
processes. In early stages of the project, this you’re looking for the best quality versions, I
might be when investigating material would suggest the few pages from my
sketchbooks that I’ve put onto my portfolio.
opportunities. Later it would be in the outcomes
or their presentation.
AC4: Professional practice The best two places to look for this criterion
is in my daily planner for the Predator &
Show how you apply professionalism to your Prey project where you’ll find a breakdown
assignment through technical practice, project of what I did everyday as well as my
management and working safely. notebook/workshop sketchbook where
you’ll find health and safety notes on almost
every workshop.

AC5: Communication You can find communication nearly

everywhere, in my workbooks and on my
Show skills in communicating the meaning, blog. But the best example is once again my
purpose and function of work, including sketchbook from my Predator and Prey
development, outcomes and presentation, in project, that book is covered in my opinions
order to engage the audience. and others (through the choices questions)
and if you’re looking for quality pictures of
my finished pieces you just look on my
Portfolio or see the originals on my desk

Your Evaluation Comments– focus on Unit1 RESEARCH

COMPARE & CONTRAST how the value of different RESEARCH information (reading / questioning /
investigative drawing / photography / etc) and comment on the impact the information had on the
work you produced since December. (200 words)

Generally, research is a huge part of any project, it informs and guides many aspects of the final
piece. But when it comes the Predator & Prey project, which I started this January, certain types of
research held more weight than others. The most effective type of research for this project was
investigative drawing. In this category I place my artist sheets, the visual investigation sheets of
bugs and all the material, technique, and design pages from my sketchbook. I believe these pieces of
work informed my project the most because the artist sheets gave me the art style I would work in, I
clearly tried to emulate Caroline Leaf’s art style with the large nose and eyes, the round head, and
oval shaped body. The visual investigation sheets guided me on how to draw beetle bodies and
practice their form before simplifying it into the image you see on the work and the pages from my
sketchbook helped me to pick which materials to use as well as allow me to practice and choose a
design before creating the final piece. The second most valued research I did was the websites and
videos I investigated; I also include the google book version of The Metamorphosis in this category.
This category gave me the subject of my final piece, Gregor’s transformation, without the video of
the play, the book and the websites that let me understand further, this transformation wouldn’t be
the core of my project. This research also helped me to pick the color scheme, which type of beetle
to draw and suggested that silhouettes would be a great way to represent the story. The third
research category which helped me to inform my ideas was questioning, more precisely
questionnaires. These admittedly quick questionnaires helped me to make decisions and settle on
designs. These research categories honestly did a lot for this project and without them the final
piece wouldn’t be the same.

Discuss at least 5 of the different sources you used from 1) Tullie House or other gallery 2) shop 3)
gallery 4) Any Books 5) Websites and Youtube 6) Video 7) Magazines 8) People that you questioned to
help you develop skills and knowledge for the 2 projects. (200 words)

Type of source Grade What was good about this source What impact this had on my work
for and ideas

YouTube 5/5 In my opinion this source is This source has helped me quite a
extremely useful, you can find few times, it has taught me new
tutorials about any technique or skill’s like, paper flower making,
material you want to use, it can given me the ability to watch my
provide you with information from chosen artists work for free like
experts in that field, it contains Caroline Leaf’s animations or
inspirational videos which could Steven Berkoff’s version of The
influence your work or go over a Metamorphosis as well as
topic you’ve seen before in a new provided me with influences like
way, and unlike a normal one to one Ten Hundred. All of which has had
conversation or lecture, you can great influence on my work, I
pause to take notes or turn on based my project on Berkoff’s play
closed captions (if that’s an option) and after making a hand full of
to help you understand better. paper flowers my whole project
shifted into creating a piece made
from paper flowers.

Websites 4/5 This is an amazing source that I have This source helped me to discover
used frequently through projects. different types of beetles, and
This source can provide you with which one best suited my project,
almost any type of information, you explained the meanings of flowers
can find written tutorials about any so I didn’t accidently put a flower
material or technique, they can that represents death in my
provide you with countless images recovery themed project, as well
of your artist and their work, it can as allowed me the possibility to
help you dive in deep about a topic research my artist and their work,
and you can gather millions of for example I originally didn’t
opinions about anything. know that the play I based my
Predator & Prey project on was
created by Steven Berkoff.

Books 3/5 This is a really good source. books I haven’t used this source full
can help you research specific topics potential I’ve only used it as
intensely, provide you with inspiration for my Predator and
examples of that topic, like a range prey project, because I
of different pieces made in the same investigated both the book and
style or show you the collection of play version of The
one artist works. Some books can be Metamorphosis, both of which
matter of fact while others are more influenced my ideas, however the
personal. Books can even inspire play in more present. But that
your project or the others collection doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate
of work. how useful this type of source is.

People I 2/5 This is a good source; this can help Currently I have not used this
questioned you make decisions. It can get you source to it’s potential because
(questionnaires) critiques about your work and how I’ve only been using it to get advice
to improve it or if you’re and to help me make decisions
interviewing a professional you can about my work, however I can see
get brilliant advice about what how this source can improve my
you’re doing, and they can teach you work if I was more active about
more about the topic or skill you are using it.
looking into.

Tullie House 1/5 This is a very good source it can help This source in both projects has
you get ideas for your project, or it helped me with my visual
can help you with visual investigation, for Embellishment &
investigation because you can see pattern I was able to look at a
the animal or object in front of you. range of different birds and slowly
breakdown different wing
structures, which helped me to
create my Phoenix wings. There
are probably more things this
source could help me with but
currently it hasn’t helped a lot.

Explain how the research informed your creative activities for your 3 projects – what worked, what
didn’t? (75 words)

Researching Caroline Leaf had the biggest influence on my project, it gave me a style to work in, but it
didn’t dictate my options, in fact her style gave me two visual choices to make, I could create silhouetted
characters or more detailed versions. However that isn’t the only artist who influenced me, Steven
Berkoff’s play inspired me to keep the designs of the room and characters simple because his influences
of Brechtian and Artaud theater focus on the intense power of simplicity. Plus it enforced the idea of
silhouette because it was a part of is play.

Explain how you developed and focused on specific technical skills through the term (Refer to what
helped and what didn’t) (75 words)

Throughout this year the main skill I have focused on developing is my drawing skill, specifically my skill
of drawing with pencil. When I started, I was using too light of pencil the create my pieces and I would
neglect the heavier leaded pencils because I didn’t understand their purpose, but as the year has gone
on I’ve become use to working with my 6H for sketching and my 7B, 10B, and 12B for outline and
detailing, I still make some mistakes when using these tools but compared to when I started I would say
I’ve made quite the improvement.

Explain how you organized your time and projects, focusing on how you reviewed projects and
planned the activities. (Refer to what helped and what didn’t) (75 words)

During most of the year I was bad with my planning, I would use tutorial sheets as my daily planner and
write loose ideas of what I needed to do somewhere in my notebook, this was completely unhelpful
because I would lose track of things and forget what to do. But for the most recent project I kept a daily
planner of what I did every day, which also held reminders and tick lists. This stopped me losing things
and reminded me about things I needed or wanted to do during the project, the only thing I want to
introduce to my planning for FMP is a calendar so I can keep track of time better.

Explain the professional and studio behavior you developed through the term (this is about focus in
studio and professional behavior) (75 words)

Through the year I developed good working habits like keeping 2 jars of water on my table along with
lots of paper towels when painting (this can be for any type of paint from acrylics to posca). I also now
keep a daily planner, so I know what to do every day instead of guessing or searching for the answer. I
also listen to music when I’m not writing, this normally stops me from getting distracted by other people.

Explain how you developed your review and reflective practice skills through the term (Refer to what
helped and what didn’t) (100 words)

Before this course the only reflection and review I would do of my work would be an evaluation at the
end of the project, by then I usually forgot what had happened during the project making the evaluation
process insanely difficult. But during this course I’ve learnt how to constantly annotate my work with
what I do and don’t like, meaning things get covered in post it notes or scrap paper. I also started doing
reviews during my Predator & Prey project where I talk about how and why the idea has change and
what I will do going forward, in one of the reviews I also covered the workshops, what I did and didn’t
like and if I was or wasn’t taking anything from them.

Candidate Learner statement of authenticity

I confirm that the attached portfolio is all my own work and does not include any work
completed by anyone other than myself.

Student Signature R.Bone Deadline for Monday 07th March 2022


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