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Preguntas de repaso

1. A supply chain includes only the organizations directly involved in supplying

components needed for manufacturing. F
2. For any supply chain there is only one source of revenue The customer
3. There are major barriers to an increased focus on sustainability listed in the
textbook insufficient return of investment
4. The Harvard article: sourcing, manufacturing, distribution and consumption
5. All stages of an enterprise are involved, either directly or indirectly, in
fulfilling a costumer request. True
6. All supply chain activities within a firm belong to one of the three macro
processes CRM- ISCM- SRM. True
7. A key issue facing Toyota is
Select one:
a. developing an internet marketing system.
b. whether to specialize in a particular market.
c. design of its global production and distribution network.
d. how to implement model changes.
e. All of these
8. Based on the chapter sustainability and the supply chain: Walmart started
its focus on sutainability as a defensive move given the beating it was taking
from environmental activist? True
9. When a customer purchases a movie online from a company such as
amazon, which of the following is not part of the typical supply chain
operation amazons accounting department
10. Which of the following is not a stage within a typical supply chain?
A) Customers
B) Retailers
C) Wholesalers/Distributors
D) Manufacturers
E) All of the above are stages within a typical supply chain.
11. The phenomenal success of 7-Eleven Japan is attributed to
A) being in the right place at the right time.
B) its supply chain design and management ability.
C) having 9000 locations.
D) serving fresh food.
E) none of the above
12. Supply chain macro process include wich of the following. Crm- iscm- srm
13. A supply chain has many stages. It would NOT typically involve this stage.
A) Customer's trip to retailer
B) Retailers
C) Manufacturers
D) Raw materials suppliers
14. The time horizon of the supply chain desing phase decisions are typically
for short term daily or weekly
15. Which sequence of stages is typical for product flow in a supply chain?
A) Supplier → Manufacturer → Distributor
B) Retailer → Distributor → Customer
C) Manufacturer → Retailer → Distributor
D) Supplier → Customer → Retailer
16. The uncertainty of customer demand for a product is the demand
17. A company's competitive strategy
A) defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through its
products and services.
B) specifies the portfolio of new products that it will try to develop.
C) specifies how the market will be segmented and how the product will be
positioned, priced, and promoted.
D) determines the nature of procurement and transportation of materials as
well as manufacture and distribution of the product.
E) determines how it will obtain and maintain the appropriate set of skills
and abilities to meet customer needs
18. Which of the following is not a key to the success or failure of a company?
A) The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together to
form a coordinated overall strategy.
B) The competitive strategy and all functional strategies operate
independently of each other.
C) The different functions in a company must appropriately structure their
processes and resources to be able to execute strategies successfully.
D) Each functional strategy must support other functional strategies and
help a firm reach its competitive strategy goal.
E) All of the above are keys to success
19. Which of the following are basic steps to achieving strategic fit?
A) Understanding the customer and supply uncertainty.
B) Understanding the supply chain capabilities.
C) Achieving strategic fit.
D) All of the above are basic steps to achieving strategic fit.
E) None of the above are a basic step to achieving strategic fit
20. The factors driving an increased focus on sustainability can be divided into
three distinct categories. Which of the following is not one of these
categories  Increasing revenue for sustainability initiatives
21. The uncertainty that exists due to the portion of demand that the supply
chain is required to meet is the
A) rate of strategic uncertainty.
B) demand uncertainty.
C) implied demand uncertainty.
D) average forecast error.
22. Which of the following customer needs will cause implied uncertainty of
demand to increase?
A) Product margin
B) Lead time decreases
C) Average stockout rate
D) Average forced season end markdown
23. The first step in achieving strategic fit between competitive and supply
chain strategies is to
A) understand the supply chain and map it on the responsiveness spectrum.
B) understand customers and supply chain uncertainty.
C) match supply chain responsiveness with the implied uncertainty of
D) ensure that all functional strategies within the supply chain support the
supply chain's level of responsiveness.
24. A supply chain could be more accurately described as a supply network or
supply web. True

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