Mohammed Nihad Nafea Journal-1

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American University in Baghdad

UNI – 101
Dr. Muslih Irwani
Mohammed Nihad Nafea
My Journal
My journey here in AUIB has been very exciting and filled with learning experiences. I
have learned that I should have people with different perspective around me so that I can see life
in more than one way. As I knew more students, I realized that young students are getting
smarter and more considerate than how we used to be 10 years ago. They are coming out as
leaders, debaters and most importantly, Innovators. During my first semester I have learned
expository writing and that helped me with this journal that I am writing now. I learned about the
basics of business as this is what I enrolled in AUIB for.

I came to AUIB seeking another bachelor’s degree in Business Administration as my first

one was in Pharmacy and then I got into pharmaceutical sales business and now I am looking to
get promoted to management positions and that’s why I decided to take my BBA and then I am
going to take my MBA from AUIB hopefully. This experience here will benefit me
academically, professionally, and personally as I have a long-term goal to take my PhD and
joining the teaching staff in AUIB, and I would like to hold a management position in a
respectable company in the not so far future, and I would like to be an effective communicator
with people being able to give positivity and motivation to others.

I very much enjoyed the first semester as much as I am enjoying this semester, the main
two courses that I am hoping to get benefit from are (principles of management, and
Management of information systems) sine I have and entrepreneurial idea to set up my own shop
which will be modifying cars to turn them into smart cars being able to interact with the owner in
a totally new and innovative way and MIS – 101 is giving a very good insight about how I can
implement software to grow my business and to reach to more customers and suppliers.

I am finding it very easy to interact with people here, whether they are students,
professors, or staff members. This great and forgiving environment gives people motive to
communicate more and getting to know each other more which in turn will make people accept
one another and embrace the diversity in backgrounds and personalities. I have heard a lot of
great stories about America, Lebanon and other places that I have never heard before and they
were very fun and interesting.

I would like to know more about how corporates and organizations are being managed
and what are the characteristics of a successful leader that leads a big and successful
organization, and does he make people follow his vision. I am not actually finding anything
difficult except for some time management issues due to me putting too much work on my self.

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