Assignment 3: You Design The Research: Part I: Brainstorming and Study Design

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ASB 301: Global History of Health

Remember to save file as your: LastnameFirstname_Assignment3

Assignment 3: You Design the Research


Instructions: Download, fill-in, and turn in this form. Be sure to complete both Part I and
Part II, use complete sentences, and maintain this document’s 1-inch margins, single-
spacing, and 12pt font. Note that formatting and spelling/grammar are worth 10 points.

Part I: Brainstorming and Study Design

Instructions: By now you should have watched the assignment introduction video, read
the provided reading on your chosen infectious disease from Assignment 2, and
reviewed your Assignment 2 answer sheet (Note: Do not worry if your Assignment 2
has not yet been graded. You should use your original answers to complete Assignment
3.) Now you’re ready to design your research study. Answer the questions below in
complete sentences.

(1) List three pieces of information from the provided reading that bring new insights to
your conclusions drawn from your historical research in Assignment 2. Describe how
each piece of information altered your previous ideas about the disease. Be sure to
note the page number where you found the new information so you can refer back to
it later if necessary.
Information #1: The smallpox vaccine was being widely used by the early 1800s (p.206). When I
read Livingstone and Livingtone (1865), I hadn’t realized the smallpox vaccine was already in use
at the time of their expeditions to Africa where the Makololo people told them about the numerous
smallpox deaths among their group.

Information #1 and how this information altered your pervious ideas: (4 points)
<<insert answer here>>

Information #2 and how this information altered your pervious ideas: (4 points)
<<insert answer here>>

Information #3 and how this information altered your pervious ideas: (4 points)
<<insert answer here>>

(2) What new questions related to the global history of health does this information raise
for you? Write three questions, one related to each piece of information described
Question #1: When did the smallpox vaccine developed in Europe in the early 19 th century first
become available in Africa?

Question #1: (6 points)

<<insert answer here>>

ASB 301: Global History of Health
Remember to save file as your: LastnameFirstname_Assignment3

Question #2: (6 points)

<<insert answer here>>

Question #3: (6 points)

<<insert answer here>>

(3) Design a study to investigate one of your three questions above. Be sure your
questions above related to the global history of health of the disease.
To help with your study design, answer the following questions:

First, which question did you choose?

<<insert question here>>

(a) What geographic area(s) will be the focus of your research and why? (2 points)
<<insert answer here>>

(b) What types of evidence (e.g., paleopathological, ancient DNA, historical

documents, etc.) will you need to examine and why? (2 points)
<<insert answer here>>

(c) What types of experts (e.g., archaeologists, paleopathologists, historians, etc.)

will you collaborate with to obtain this evidence and why? (2 points)

<<insert answer here>>

(d) How will you compare these different types of evidence? (3 points)

<<insert answer here>>

(e) What social and political factors will you consider? (3 points)

<<insert answer here>>

(f) What environmental factors will you consider? (3 points)

<<insert answer here>>

(g) What results do you anticipate? (5 points)

ASB 301: Global History of Health
Remember to save file as your: LastnameFirstname_Assignment3

<<insert answer here>>

Part II: Summary Proposal (40 points)

Instructions: In the space below, summarize your answers above in the form of a brief
proposal (2-3 paragraphs) to your colleagues on your research team. Be sure to
address each of the seven points from Part I.3 (a-g) above (5 points each) and use
complete sentences. As you write the proposal, pretend you are demonstrating to your
research team why they should consider conducting the study you designed. (5 points)

Your assignment does not need to include a bibliography. The only sources you should
need are the historical documents you describe above or the provided course materials.
These can be cited using in-text citations in the (Author, pub year) format: (Livingstone
and Livingstone, 1865)

Formatting: (5 points)
Maintain this document’s 1-inch margins, single-spacing, and 12pt font throughout

Spelling/Grammar: (5 points)
0-1 errors = 5 points, 2-3 errors = 4 points, 4-5 errors = 3 points, 6-7 errors = 2 points,
8-9 errors = 1 point, 10+ errors = 0

<<insert summary proposal here>>

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