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Aker Kvaerner

PROJECT No. 410900

(Formerly Project No. 315500)




General And Process Design Criteria

Concentrator and Infrastructure

Metals E & C Division OWNER APPROVAL : D. Baily
12657 Alcosta Blvd., Suite 200 DATE : 10/18/2000
San Ramon, California 94583


A 06/28/00 GRS BB/SR SR/DCG/FL Issued for Approval (partial) (Proj. No 315500)
B 08/04/00 GRS BR DCG/FL Issued for Approval (Proj. No 315500)
0 10/17/00 GRS TE DCG/BR/SC/FL Issued for Construction (Proj. No 315500)
1 05/01/01 GRS TE DCG/BR/FL Revised as Noted (Proj. No 315500)
2 06/29/04 Revised as Noted
Aker Kvaerner Project C-479
Design Criteria N°GD-01
Concentrator & Infrastructure
Rev. 5


1.0 GENERAL .............................................................................................................4

2.0 MEASUREMENT UNITS AND SYMBOLS............................................................8

3.0 SITE DATA..........................................................................................................11

4.0 PRODUCTION SUMMARY .................................................................................13

5.0 CHARACTERISTICS OF FEED MATERIALS ....................................................15

6.0 CONCENTRATOR ..............................................................................................16

7.0 REAGENTS AND GRINDING MEDIA.................................................................52

Lime Slaking Mill ......................................................................................................65

8.0 UTILITIES............................................................................................................65

9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL .............................................................................................74

This current revision (rev.5) issued by Aker Kvaerner Santiago is an updated version of
document Nº GD-01 rev. 2 developed by Aker Kvaerner-San Ramon in order to
reactivate the project.

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Design Criteria N°GD-01
Concentrator & Infrastructure
Rev. 5


1.1 Introduction

This process design criteria contains relevant data for the engineering,
design and specification of the process requirements for the Silver, Zinc
and Lead Concentrator and Utilities for the San Cristobal Project. This
document defines essentially the concentrator process design criteria and
will be the source document for the project. Where duplication of data
exists with other specific documents, this will be considered the source

1.2 References
The following references are used to identify the origin of each criterion.
A Criteria provided by MSC Bolivia

B Standard industry practice

C Aker Kvaerner recommendation

D Vendor originated criteria

E Criteria from process calculations by Aker Kvaerner and


F Engineering handbook data

G Assumed data

H Laboratory Testing

H1 Report “Hazen Research Inc. Laboratory Test Studies

Using Materials from the San Cristobal Deposit”, 1998

H2 Report “A. R. MacPherson Consultants Ltd., Grinding

Circuit Study on Ore Types from the San Cristobal
Silver/Zinc/Lead Project (Bolivia)”, 1998

H3 Report “A. R. MacPherson Consultants Ltd., Grinding

test Results for the San Cristobal Property of ASC
Bolivia Limited per Kvaerner based on Small Scale
Tests at Lakefield Research Ltd. and Hazen Research,
Inc.”, 1999

H5 Report “Informe Final Proyecto 105109, Autogenous

and Semi-Autogenous Pilot Testwork Program, San

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Design Criteria N°GD-01
Concentrator & Infrastructure
Rev. 5

Cristobal Project, Bolivia”, January 1999 by CIMM

Tecnologias Y Servicios S.A.
H6 RDI (Mineral Resources Development, Inc.) Laboratory
Test Studies Using Materials from the San Cristobal
Deposit, 1999.
H9 Volume 3, Feasibility study page 5 5

H10 Volume 3, Feasibility study page 5

H12 Report “Flocculant Screening, Gravity Sedimentation,

Vacuum Filtration, Pressure Filtration and Pulp Rheology
Studies, Conducted for Kvaerner Metals, San Cristobal
Project, prepared by Pocock Industrial, Inc.”, January

H13 Report “Flocculant Screening And Gravity Sedimentation

Studies conducted for Resource Development Inc., San
Cristobal Project”, by Pocock Industrial, Inc., April 1999.

J Basic Engineering, prepared by SNC-Lavalin

K Basic Engineering, 350% Primary Grind Recirculating

Load, prepared by SNC-Lavalin, 05/03/00

KP Knight Piesold; memo from B. Flint to Mike Shaw;

Subject: Design Criteria and Other Issues; Date: March
24, 1999

L Basic Engineering, Process Design Criteria, prepared by

SNC-Lavalin, 07/13/00. Includes 4th lead and zinc
cleaner circuits and bulk concentrate production.

M Report “Apex Silver Mines Corporation San Cristobal

Project Industrial/Construction Water Supply Delivery
System Services”, prepared by Knight Piesold, April 7,

N Knight Piesold Water Treatment Plant drawings; “San

Cristobal Project, Potosi, Bolivia, Potable Water
Treatment Plant; Issued For Construction June 2000”.
Drawings received by Kvaerner on June 14, 2000.
O Memo from D. Bailey to Tom Turk, July 7, 2000,
“Preliminary water analysis RW well”.
P E-mail from Jaye Pickarts of Knight Piesold to Dennis
Bailey of ASC, “Temperatures”, July 24, 2000.

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Concentrator & Infrastructure
Rev. 5

Q Report “Tailing Storage Evaluation”, by Knight Piesold

Consulting, February 2001
R Report “Report On Water Supply Investigations”
prepared by Knight Piesold Consulting, October 2000

S Apex Silvermines Corporation internal review and

operating cost calculation, August 2004 . 4

T MSC Operation internal review, Evaluations and 5


1.3 Definition of Design Value Terms

Annual rate: Flow rate for one calendar year.

Daily rate: Flow rate for 24 hour day.

Hourly Rate: Flow rate for 1 hour.

Operating Days: The number of plant operating days per calendar

year is 360 days

Operating Hours: The number of plant operating hours per year is

8640 hours

Availability Factor: An availability factor of unity represents the capability

of, and requirement for, any facility being on line
8640 hours per year. An availability factor of less
than unity reflects the fraction of the total annual time
that the facility is “available” for operating.

Nominal Values: The values listed in the nominal column depict the
steady-state average tonnage or flowrate for that
piece of equipment, necessary to achieve the annual
tonnage at the specified availability.

Average Rate Per Day = 40 000 tons per

Nominal Hourly Rate = Nominal Daily
Rate / (24hours
x avail. Factor)
= 40,000 / (24
x 0.92) = 1 812

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Concentrator & Infrastructure
Rev. 5

Design Values: The design values for the primary grinding, flotation,
concentrate regrinding and concentrate thickening
continuous processes are based on the design feed
grade for zinc and lead. The design feed grade 4
produces the maximum mass flow rates that these
unit operations must process. The processing
equipment mass flows and design parameters are
based on this flow rate.

The zinc scavenger tailing (final tailing) design

values are based on the nominal feed grade for
zinc and lead. The nominal feed grade results in a 4
larger zinc scavenger tailing mass flow rate than
does the maximum feed grade condition The tailing
processing equipment mass flows and design
parameters are based on this greater mass flow rate.

The mass flows for batch operations depict mass

flows based on the actual operating times for each of
the unit operations within the batch operation. Batch
process mass flows, such as mass flows for reagent
mixing and concentrate filtering, depict the maximum
mass flow for each piece of equipment that occurs
during a batch type operation.

Design values given as a range are used in

calculations to determine minimum and maximum
operating conditions. The calculated values are used
to determine the condition that determines the final
design parameters for equipment, such as slurry
pump and slurry pipeline sizes.

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Design Criteria N°GD-01
Concentrator & Infrastructure
Rev. 5


The Modernized Metric System of measurement used in this project are in accordance
with (USA) IEEE/ASTM SI10-1997, Standard Practice for Use of the International System
of Units (SI). U.S. customary units of measurement are identified in parenthesis after the
metric unit. A period, not comma, is used as the decimal marker. A small space (with no
comma) is used to separate groups of three integers.

The reference conditions for gas volume are 0°C and 101.325 kPa, corresponding with a
molar (ideal) gas volume of 22.414 m3/(kg⋅mol). This is shown as “m3 (normal)” or
abbreviated to (non-SI) “m3(N).” The unit “t” rather than Mg, is used for 1 000 kg mass.

Some Common Conversion Factors for Metric and English Measurement Systems:

Quantity SI Symbol x Conversion = US


Area mm2 0.00155 in2

m2 10.8 ft2
Concentration g/t 1 wt ppm
Concentration cm3/m3 1 vol
Density kg/m3 0.0624 lbm/ft3
Energy, work kJ 0.000278 kWh
Flowrate (vol basis) m3/s 127 000 ft3/h
L/s 15.9 gpm
Length mm 0.0394 in
m 3.28 ft
km 0.621 mi
Mass g 0.0322 oz
kg 2.20 lb
t 1.10 ton
Power kW 1.34 hp
Pressure kPa 0.145 psi
kPa 7.52 mm Hg
Specific Volume m3/kg 16.0 ft3/lbm
o o
Temperature (absolute) K 9/5 R
Temperature (traditional) C 9/5oC + 32 o
Throughput tonne/d or t/d 1.10 ton
(mass basis)
Viscosity (dynamic) Pa•s 1000 cP
Viscosity (kinematic) m2/s 10.8 ft2/s
Volume m3 35.3 ft3
m3 264 gal

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Concentrator & Infrastructure
Rev. 5

Abbreviations of Other Terms:

Term Abbreviation
Celsius (Centigrade) C
centipoise cP
cubic meter m3
cubic meters per hour m3/h
day d
degrees deg, o
diameter dia
dissolved dis
flow m3/h
gram g
grams per tonne g/t
height to diameter ratio H:D
horsepower hp
hour h
inside diameter ID
Kelvin K
kilopascal kPa
kilopascal (gage pressure) kPa (gage) or kPag
kilowatt kW
kilowatt-hour kWh
lead Pb
meshes (screen wires) per mesh
linear inch (Tyler, unless noted)
micromhos (conductivity) umhos
microns (micrometers = 10-6 meters) µm
minute min
miliequivalents meq/L
miligrams per liter mg/L
mole mol
normal cubic meters m3(N)
number no
operate(ing) op
overflow o’flow
parts per million by weight ppm
parts per million by volume ppmv
power factor PF
revolutions per minute rpm
silver Ag
sodium cyanide NaCN
specific gravity sp gr
standard std.
standby stby
temperature temp
tonnes per cubic meter t/m3
tonnes per day t/d
tonnes per hour t/h

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Concentrator & Infrastructure
Rev. 5

tonnes per year t/y

total dissolved solids TDS
total suspended solids TSS
underflow u’flow
variable frequency drive vfd
volume vol
water gauge wg
weight wt
year y
zinc Zn
zinc oxide ZnO

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Design Criteria N°GD-01
Concentrator & Infrastructure

Nominal Design Reference


3.1 Location

The San Cristobal Project is located in the San Cristobal district of Nor Lipez
province in the Potosi Department in southern Bolivia, approximately 500 km
south of La Paz and 90 km southwest of the town of Uyuni. The coordinates
of the site are 76o 27′ 02″ N latitude and 68o 63′ 74″ E longitude.

3.2 Elevation

Project mean elevation is approximately 3900 m above sea level.

Specific elevations in meters are as follows:
Mine, m 4 200 4 200 KP
Concentrator, m 3 860 3 860 KP
Tailing Impoundment, m 3 760 3 760 KP

3.3 Temperature (dry bulb)

Average Annual High, oC 18.0 18.0 KP 1

Average Annual Low, oC -4.6 -4.6 KP 1

High for Cooling Calculations, oC 21.6 30 KP

Low for Insulation Calculations, oC -10.3 -20 KP

3.4 Barometric Pressure

Mean, kPa (absolute) 61.4 61.4 KP

3.5 Precipitation
Annual Average Rainfall, mm 215 2157 KP
Design 24 h Rainfall for 50 y event, mm 73 KP
Annual Average Snowfall, mm trace trace KP

3.6 Evaporation

Average Evaporation Rate

Std. Pan, mm/y 1 820 1 820 KP
Lake, mm/y 1 275 1 275 KP

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Concentrator & Infrastructure

Nominal Design Reference

3.7 Wind

Mean velocity, km/h 8.5 8.5 KP

Maximum velocity, km/h 87 120 KP
Prevailing Direction NNW NNW KP

3.8 Seismic

Uniform Building Code Zone 3(modified) 3(modified) KP

Use a seismic zone factor, Z = 0.25 for the plant site seismic design. A,S 4
Soil profile Type (Table 16-J of UBC) = Sc , very dense soil and rock,
based on Mesured shear wave velocity profiles .
Seismic Coefficient (Table 16-Q of UBC), Ca = 0.29 with Z = 0.25 and soil
Profile Type = Sc .
Near-Source factor (Table 16-S of UBC), Na =1.0 (closest distance to
know active seismic sources > 10 km).
Near-Source factor (Table 16-T of UBC), Nv =1.0 (closest distance to
know active seismic sources > 10 km).

3.9 Electrical Storms

Frequency of Electrical Storms per year 60 60 KP

3.10 Electrical Power A

Source grid
Frequency – Hz 50
Primary Power Distribution 11 kV, 3 phase
low resistance grounded WYE
Medium Voltage Power Distribution 3.3 kV 3 phase
low resistance grounded WYE
Low Voltage Power Distribution 400 / 231 V, 3 phase
Solidly grounded WYE
Control Power 115 V, 1 phase
Solidly grounded

Motors under 0.37 kW 220 volt, 1phase

Motors from 0.37 kW to 110 kW 380 volt, 3 phase
Motors over 110 kW 3000 volt, 3 phase
Other loads under 2000 watts 220 volt, 1 phase
Other loads equal to or over 2000 watts 380 volt, 3 phase

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Design Criteria N°GD-01
Concentrator & Infrastructure

Nominal Design Reference


The overall material balance and process design calculations for the concentrator are
based on a nominal throughput of 40 000 t/d (dry) of ore, or a nominal throughput of 1 812
t/h based on 92 percent availability.

4.1 Metallurgical Parameters

Ore Feed Grades

Pb, wt% 0.58 0.972 J
Zn, wt% 1.67 2.64 J

NOTE: Design grades are year 2007 grades times 1.20 A 4

Lead Circuit Metallurgical Balance Parameters

Lead concentrate grade

Lead, % 65.0 72.1 J
Zinc, % 6.3 7.0 J
Lead concentrate metal recovery
Lead, % 75.4 80.0 J
Zinc, % 2.3 2.6 J

Zinc Circuit Metallurgical Balance Parameters

Zinc concentrate grade

Lead, % 0.90 1.0 J
Zinc, % 58.0 59.1 J
Zinc concentrate metal recovery
Lead, % 4.1 4.2 J
Zinc, % 91.1 92.0 J

4.2 Annual Production Parameters

Annual Ore Tonnage, t/y (dry) 14 400 000 14 400 000 J

Concentrate Production
Pb concentrate, t/y (dry) 96 883 155 305 E
Zn concentrate, t/y (dry) 377 719 591 789 E
Metal Production
Pb in Pb concentrate, t/y (dry) 62 974 111 974 E
Zn in Zn concentrate, t/y (dry) 219 077 349 747 E

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Concentrator & Infrastructure

Nominal Design Reference

Tailings Production
Tailings, t/y (dry) 13 925 397 13 652 907 E
%Pb 0.13 0.16 J
%Zn 0.10 0.15 J

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Concentrator & Infrastructure

Nominal Design Reference


5.1 Ore Classification

Ore Blend (life of mine)

Intrusive, % 53 70 J
Sedimentary, % 47 30 J

5.2 Physical Properties

Specific gravity, average, w/w 2.79 2.70 – 2.90 H2
Bulk density, t/m3 1.47 1.47 – 1.59 H2
For volume calc., t/m3 1.47 H2
For weight calc., t/m3 1.75 C
Ore moisture content, wt % 3.0 2.0 – 5.0 J

Run of mine size distribution

Max lump size, m 1 1 J
Cum % retained on 500 mm 42.9 42.9 J
Cum % retained on 300 mm 61.1 61.1 J

Max lump size, m 1 1 J
Cum % retained on 500 mm 30.7 30.7 J
Cum % retained on 300 mm 50.4 50.4 J

Abrasion Index
Maximum 0.153 0.153 J
Minimum 0.026 0.026 J
Blended 0.102 0.102 J

Angle of repose, deg 37 37 J

Draw down angle, deg 50 55 J,A

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Design Criteria N°GD-01
Concentrator & Infrastructure

Nominal Design Reference


6.1 Operating Schedule

6.1.1 Crushing

Availability 75 75 C

Plant operating schedule

Days per year, d 360 360 A
Days per week, d 7 7 A
Shifts per day, no 3 3 A
Hours per shift, h 8 8 A
Hours per year, h 6 480 6 480 E

6.1.2 Concentrator and Tailings Disposal

Availability, % 92 92 C

Plant operating schedule

Days per year, d 360 360 A
Days per week, d 7 7 A
Shifts per day, no 3 3 A
Hours per shift, h 8 8 A
Hours per year, h 7 949 7 949 E

6.2 Stockpiling, Crushing and Conveying

ROM ore stockpile

Number of piles 5 5 A 1

Total capacity, t 100 000 100 000 J

Capacity per pile, t Variable Variable J
Volume per pile, m3 Variable Variable J
Reclaim method Loader Loader J
Loader 994 994 A 3

Number of loaders 3 3 J
Mine haul trucks capacity, t 190 190 A

Primary crusher design details 4

Crusher type Gyratory S
Size, in, (mm) 54 x 77 54 x 77 J
(1 370 x 1 956) E
Number 1 1 J

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Concentrator & Infrastructure

Nominal Design Reference

Feeding method Front end loader or Truck 4

(pocket design for two Trucks) J
Feed Hopper capacity, t 380 A
Discharg surge bin capacity, t 200 A 4
Feed size maximum, mm 1 000 1 000 J
Crusher design capacity t/h (dry) 2 222 2 425 J,D
Crusher open side setting, mm 178 178 D
Crusher design factor 1.0 1.0 J
Dry crushed ore bulk density
Volume calculations, t/m3 1.47 H2 1

Weight calculations, t/m3 1.75 H2,E 1

Crusher under size feeder

Type belt C
Capacity, t/h (dry) 2 222 2 425 E
Design factor 1.0 1.1 J
Primary Crusher Transfer Conveyor
Capacity, t/h (dry) 2 425 A 5
Capacity @ 5% moisture, t/h 2 553 E 5
Overland conveyor
Capacity, t/h (dry) 2 425 A 5
Capacity @ 5% moisture, t/h 2 553 E
(Capacity, t/h (dry) --Future) 3 333 J
(Capacity @ 5% moisture, t/h –Future) 3 500 E,A 5

Primary Crusher Estimated Product Size Distribution D,E

Mesh Size, (mm) % Passing

305 100
229 88
152 75
102 58
76 44
51 31
25 17
19 14
13 10

6.3 Coarse Ore Storage and Reclaim

Coarse ore storage

Stockpile live capacity, days 1.5 1.5 C
Stockpile live capacity, t 60 000 60 000 A 5
Angle of repose, deg 37 37 J

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Nominal Design Reference

Angle of draw down, deg 50 55 A 5

Stockpile total capacity, t 224 000 224 000 E 5
Stockpile diameter, m 114 114 A,E
Stockpile height, m 43 43 A 5

Number of reclaim tunnels 1 C
Number of reclaim belt feeders 3 C
Reclaim feeder type V.S. hydraulic drive - belt A
Reclaim rate to concentrator, t/h (dry) 1 812 1 812 J
Belt feeder reclaim capacity ea, t/h (dry) 906 1 377 A
Belt feeder capacity ea, t/h (wet) 934 1450 E
Minimum, t/h (dry) 600 C
Belt feeder design factor 1.15 C
SAG mill feed conveyor
Conveyor capacity new feed, t/h (dry) 1 812 1 812 E
Conveyor capacity including pebbles,
t/h (dry) 1 993 2 265 E
Conveyor capacity including pebbles,
t/h (wet) 2 069 2 410 E

SAG mill feed conveyor design factor 1.20 C

6.4 Primary Grinding Circuit

Circuit feed rate - new ore, dry, t/h 1 812 1 812 E

Design factor 1.0 J

6.4.1 SAG Mill Circuit

SAG mill feed new, t/h (dry) 1 812 1 812 J

Pebble recycle, t/h (dry) 181 453 E
SAG mill feed total, t/h (dry) 1 993 2 265 E
SAG mill design
Availability, % 92 92 J
Number 1 1 J
New feed rate, t/h (dry) 1 812 1 812 J
F80, mm 49 - 78 150 J
P80, microns 750 700 – 1200 J
SAG mill work index, kWh/t 7.58 7.58 J
SAG spec power, kW 10 728 10 728 J
Safety factor, % 20 20 A
SAG power required, kW 12 874 12 874 J
( SAG power required, hp 17 264 17 264 ) J
SAG motor installed, kW
actual name plate design 13 050 13 050 J
( SAG motor installed, hp 17 500 17 500 ) J

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Concentrator & Infrastructure

Nominal Design Reference

Motor type Wrap-around Wrap-around A

SAG mill dia, ft (nominal) 36 36 J
SAG mill dia, m (nominal) 11 11 E
SAG mill length, ft (nominal) 19 19 J
SAG mill length, m (nominal) 5.79 5.79 E
Discharge, % solids 75 50 – 75 J,A
Discharge solids, t/h (dry) 1 993 2 265 J
Discharge slurry, m3/h 1 485 2 700 J, E 1

Discharge slurry, sp gr 1.79 1.476 J, E 1

Grate aperture, mm 19 19 D
Trommel aperture, mm 15 x 45 D
Bearing lubrication cooling water, m3/h 55.2 D
Motor cooling water, m3/h 328 D
Cycloconverter cooling water, m3/h 15.2 D
Maximum cold side temp., oC 20 D

6.4.2 Pebble Recycle

Pebble recycle, wt % nom. plant feed 10 25 J

Pebble recycle moisture, wt % 10 10 J
Pebble recycle, t/h (dry) 181 453 E
Pebble reycle, t/h (wet) 201 503 E
Pebble recycle conveyor design factor 1.15 C
Pebble crusher power, kWh/t 1.0 1.0 J
Pebble crusher motor, kW 450 450 J
Pebble crusher type Short Head Cone A

6.4.3 Ball Mills

Number 2 2 J
F80, microns 750 750 – 1 200 J
P80, microns 104 104 J
Ball work index, kWh/t 11.21 – 13.48 13.48 J
Spec power, kW/mill 7 218 7 218 J
Required power, kW/mill 7 579 7 579 J
( Required power, hp/mill 10 164 10 164 ) J
Motor installed, kW/mill
actual name plate design 7830 7830 J
( Motor installed, hp/mill 10 500 10 500 ) J 4
Motor type Wrap-around Wrap-around A
Ball mill dia, ft (nominal) 22 22 J
Ball mill dia, m (nominal) 6.7 6.7 E
Ball mill length, ft (nominal) 31.5 31.5 J
Ball mill length, m (nominal) 9.6 9.6 E
Discharge, % solids 68 68 J
Discharge, t/h/mill (dry) 3 171 3 184 K

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Nominal Design Reference

% Circ. load 350 351 K

Discharge slurry, m3/h/mill 2 630 3 121 E 1

Discharge slurry, sp gr 1.77 1.77 K

Trommel aperture, mm 15 x 60 D,J
Bearing lubrication cooling water, m3/h 38.5 D
Motor cooling water, m3/h 202 D
Cycloconverter cooling water, m3/h 15.2 D
Maximum cold side temp., oC 20 D

6.4.4 Classification

Type gMAX26H3182 Krebs C,D 5

Single Stage Single Stage
Number clusters per Mill 1 1 C,D 5
Cluster feed solids, t/h/cluster (dry) 4 077 4 090 K
Cluster feed solids, % solids 56 50 – 58 K,C
Cluster feed, sp gr 1.56 1.47 – 1.59 K
Cyc. feed sump water supply, m3/h 1 413 2 291 K,E
Cyc. feed sump retention time, min 1.00 K
Cyc. feed sump volume, m 175 C 1

Cyc. feed sump (l x h x w), m 7x5x5 E 1

Number of operating pumps 2 2 J

Number stand-by 1 1 A 5
Pump type horz cent horz cent J
Pump design factor 1.1 C
Pressure at cyclone inlet, kPag 95 95 K
Number operating cyclones
per ball mill 8 9 D,K 5
Number stand-by cyclones
per ball mill 3 2 D,K 5
Cyclone size, mm 660 660 J
Cyclone u’flow solids, t/h (dry) 3 171 3 184 K
Cyclone u’flow, m3/h 2 628 2 780 K,E
Cyclone u’flow, sp gr 1.77 1.77 E
Cyclone u’flow, % solids 68 68 J
Cyclone o’flow Solids, t/h (dry) 906 906 J
Cyclone o’flow, m3/h 2 041 2 438 K,E
Cyclone o’flow, sp gr 1.28 1.28 E
Cyclone o’flow, % solids 34.5 30 – 38 K,C
Cyclone feed pump gland seal booster pump 2
Number, op/stby 1/0 B
Type horizontal centrifugal closed impeller B
Capacity, m3/h 15.9 17.9 E,D

NOTE: Cyclone feed pump box design is based on SAG Mill

discharge plus both ball mill discharges.

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Design Criteria N°GD-01
Concentrator & Infrastructure

Nominal Design Reference

6.5 Flotation Circuit

6.5.1 Flash Flotation

Number of rows 2 2 J

Flash flotation feed per row

Feed rate, t/h (dry) 906 1 205 C,D
Solids flow design factor 1.33 C
Feed rate, m3/h 752 1 001 E
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.8 2.8 E
Slurry density, % solids 60 60 E
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.63 1.63 E
pH 8.5 8.0 – 10.0 H1

Flash flotation concentrate per row

Solids flow, t/h (dry) 6.29 6.29 E,C
Grade, Pb, wt% 35 35 – 50 H
Pb recovery, % of Pb in new feed 25 20 – 40 H
Solids specific gravity, w/w 4.98 4.98 E
Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 30 30 C
Launder, % solids 24.2 21.2 – 25.2 E
Slurry specific gravity (launder), w/w 1.21 1.21 E 1
Slurry flow (launder), m3/h 21.0 61 E

Flash flotation tailing per row

Upper discharge port to primary grind cyclone feed pump box
Flow, m3/h 187 249 E
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.8 2.8 E
Slurry density, % solids 47.8 47.8 D, E
Slurry specific gravity 1.44 1.44 E
Bottom discharge port to ball mill
Flow, m3/h 518 1 233 E 1

Solids specific gravity, 2.8 2.8 E

Slurry density, % solids 68 68 J
Slurry specific gravity 1.77 1.77 E
Circuit details per row
Cell size, m3 52 52 J
Plant flotation time, min 3 2 E
No. of flotation cells per grinding line 1 1 J
Required air per cell, m3(N)/h 1 224 1 224 D
Required air pressure, kPag 55 55 D

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Nominal Design Reference

6.5.2 Lead Rougher Flotation

*Design flows assume flash flotation in operation and closed circuit

concentrate cleaning
Number of rows 2 2 J
Rougher flotation feed per row
New solids feed rate, t/h (dry) 906 906 J,E
Total solids feed rate, t/h (dry) 945 975 J,E
Feed rate, m3/h 2270 2450 J,E 1
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.82 2.7 – 2.9 J,C 1
Slurry density, % solids 31.8 30 – 35 J,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.26 1.23 – 1.30 E
pH 8.5 8.0 – 9.0 H6
Rougher concentrate per row
Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) 44 53 J,E 1
Grade, Pb, wt% 12 14 J
Grade, Zn, wt% 4.7 5.5 J
Section recovery, Pb, wt% 75 83.5 J
Section recovery, Zn, wt% 12.3 20 J 1
Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.53 3.20 – 3.60 J,C 1
Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 25 24 – 26 J,C
Launder, % solids 22 21 – 23 E,C
Slurry specific gravity (launder), w/w 1.19 1.17 – 1.20 E 1
Slurry flow rate (launder), m /h 155 198 J,E 1
Rougher tailing per row
Flow, m3/h 2 098 2 278 J,E 1
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.82 2.7 – 2.9 J,C 1
Slurry density, % solids 32.5 30 – 34 J,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.27 1.23 – 1.29 E 1
Circuit details per row
Laboratory flotation time, min 10 H6
Flotation time scale-up factor 1.5 B,C
Plant flotation time, min 15 E
Flotation air holdup, % 20 F
Cell size, m3 130 J
Cell type Tank J
Number of rows per grinding line 1 J
Number of cells per row 5 J
Cell configuration 1,2,2 1,2,2 J
Actual retention time (no recycle flows), min 16.2 D
Froth launder slope, deg 12 J
*Flotation cell no. design basis: Nominal mill feed tonnage and nominal
feed grades
Concentrate method tank pump J

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Nominal Design Reference

Total number combined circuits,

op/stby 3/3 3/3 A 4
Conc. froth factor for pump, launder 2.0 2.0 B,C
Conc. pump design factor for power 1.10 C
Tailings method gravity K

6.5.3 Lead Rougher Scavenger Flotation

*Design flows assume flash flotation in operation and closed circuit
concentrate cleaning
Number of rows 2 2 J
Scavenger flotation feed per row
Feed rate, t/h (dry) 902 922 J,E
Feed rate, m3/h 2 124 2 275 J,E 1
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.82 2.7 – 2.9 J,C
Slurry density, % solids 32.5 30 – 34 J,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.27 1.23 – 1.29 E 1

pH 8.5 8.0 – 9.0 H6

Scavenger concentrate per row
Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) 6 22 J, E 1
Grade, Pb, wt% 1.1 1.3 J
Grade, Zn, wt% 3.2 3.5 J
Section recovery, Pb, wt% 5.0 12 J
Section recovery, Zn, wt% 1.3 1.5 J
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.92 2.8 – 3.0 J,E
Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 20 19 – 21 J,C
Launder, % solids 14.2 14 – 18 E,C
Slurry specific gravity (launder), w/w 1.10 1.10– 1.14 E 1

Slurry flow rate (launder), m3/h 38.4 120 E

Scavenger tailing per row
Flow, m3/h 2 098 2 177 J,E 1
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.82 2.7 – 2.9 J,C
Slurry density, % solids 33 30 – 34 J,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.27 1.23– 1.29 E

Circuit details per row

Laboratory flotation time, min 5 H6
Flotation time scale-up factor 1.5 B,C
Plant flotation time, min 7.5 E
Flotation air holdup, % 20 F
Cell size, m3 130 J
Cell type Tank J
Number of rows per grinding line 1 J
Number of cells per row 3 J
Cell configuration 1,2 1,2 J
Actual retention time (no recycle flows), min 10.2 D
Froth launder slope, deg 12 J

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Nominal Design Reference

*Flotation cell no. design basis: Nominal mill feed tonnage and
nominal grade.
Transport per row 1
Concentrate method tank pump C
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J,C
Concentrate sump retention time, min 1.5 K,E
Conc. froth factor for pump, launder 2.0 2.0 B,C
Conc. pump design factor for power 1.10 C
Tailings method pump box & pump J
Tailing pump type horz. cent. J
Number, op/stby 2/1 2/1 J,A 4
Tailings sump retention time, min 2.5 J,E
Tailings pump design factor 1.10 B,C

6.5.4 Lead First Cleaner Flotation

*Design flows assume flash flotation in operation and closed circuit

concentrate cleaning
Number of rows 1 1 J
First cleaner flotation feed
Feed rate, t/h (dry) 86 188 J,E
Feed rate, m3/h 477 936 E 1
Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.44 3.1 – 3.5 J,C 1

Slurry density, % solids 17.9 16 – 20 J,C

Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.15 1.12 – 1.17 E 1

pH 9.0 8.5 – 9.5 H6

First cleaner concentrate

Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) 23 47 J,E
Grade, Pb, wt% 37.7 44.6 J
Grade, Zn, wt% 6.7 8.0 J
Section recovery, Pb, wt% 77.7 75.0 J 1

Section recovery, Zn, wt% 32.0 20.0 J

Solids specific gravity, w/w 4.7 4.3 – 4.7 J,C 1
Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 30 29 – 31 J,C
Launder, % solids 22 22 – 24 E,C
Slurry specific gravity (launder), w/w 1.20 1.20 – 1.23 E
Slurry flow rate (launder), m3/h 82.0 111 E 1
First cleaner tailing
Flow rate, m3/h 416 817 J,E
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.95 2.9 – 3.0 J,C
Slurry density, % solids 16 14 – 18 J,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.12 1.0 – 1.14 E 1
Circuit details
Laboratory flotation time, min 7 H6

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Nominal Design Reference

Flotation time scale-up factor 1.5 B,C

Plant flotation time, min 10.5 E
Flotation air holdup, % 20 F
Cell size, m3 28.4 J
Cell type conventional J
Number of rows 1 J
Number of cells per row 6 J
Cell configuration 1,2,3 1,2,3 J
Actual retention time (no recycle flows), min 16.7 D
Froth launder slope, deg 12 J
*Rougher flotation sections use a common cleaner circuit.
*Flotation cell no. design basis: Nominal mill feed tonnage, maximum
mill feed grade, maximum cleaner section recovery, and maximum
concentrate grades.
Concentrate method tank pump J
Number, op/stby 1/1 2/0 J
Conc. froth factor for pump, launder 2.0 2.0 B, C
Conc. pump design factor for power 1.10 C
Tailings method pump C 1
Tailing pump type horz. cent. J 1
Number, op/stby 2/0 2/0 J
Tailings sump retention time, min 2.5 J,E 1
Tailings pump design factor 1.10 B,C 1

6.5.5 Lead Second Cleaner Flotation

*Design flows assume flash flotation in operation and closed circuit

concentrate cleaning
Number of rows 1 1 J
Second cleaner flotation feed
Feed rate, t/h (dry) 28 81.4 J,E 1
Feed rate, m3/h 121 315 J,C
Solids specific gravity, w/w 4.61 4.3 – 4.7 J,C 1
Slurry density, % solids 22.5 20 - 24 E
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.21 1.18–1.23 E
pH 10 9.5 – 10.5 H6
Second cleaner concentrate
Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) 17 45 J, E
Grade, Pb, wt% 51.3 52 J, E
Grade, Zn, wt% 6.7 8.0 J, E
Section recovery, Pb, wt% 75.0 75.0 J
Section recovery, Zn, wt% 59.4 30 J, E
Solids specific gravity, w/w 5.27 4.5– 5.4 C
Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 33 32 – 34 J,C

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Nominal Design Reference

Launder, % solids 24.5 24 – 26 E,C

Slurry specific gravity (launder), w/w 1.25 1.24 – 1.28 E 1
Slurry flow rate (launder), m3/h 56.0 119 E
Second cleaner tailing
Flow, m3/h 83 213 E
Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.11 2.9 – 3.3 C 1

Slurry density, % solids 11.7 1 – 15 C 1

Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.09 1.07 – 1.12 E 1

Circuit details
Laboratory flotation time, min 5 H6
Flotation time scale-up factor 1.5 B,C
Plant flotation time, min 7.5 E
Flotation air holdup, % 20 F
Cell size, m 8.5 J
Cell type conventional J
Number of rows 1 J
Number of cells per row 4 J
Configuration 2,2 2,2 J
Actual retention time (no recycle flows), min 15.6 D
Froth launder slope, deg 12 J
*Rougher flotation sections use a common cleaner circuit.
*Flotation cell no. design basis: Nominal mill feed tonnage, maximum
mill feed grade, maximum cleaner section recovery and maximum
concentrate grades.
Concentrate method tank pump J
Number, op/stby 1/1 2/0 J
Conc. froth factor for pump, launder 2.0 B,C
Conc. pump design factor for power 1.10 C
Tailings method gravity J

6.5.6 Lead Third Cleaner Flotation

*Design flows assume flash flotation in operation and closed circuit

concentrate cleaning.
Number of rows 1 1 J 1
Third cleaner flotation feed
Feed rate, t/h (dry) 17 66 J,E 1
Feed rate, m3/h 56 202 E 1

Solids specific gravity, w/w 5.27 5.0 – 5.4 J,C 1

Slurry density, % solids 24.5 24 – 26 E,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.25 1.23 – 1.27 E 1

pH 10 9.5 – 10.5 H6
Third cleaner concentrate
Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) 12 40 J,E 1
Grade, Pb, wt% 65 60 J

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Nominal Design Reference

Grade, Zn, wt% 6.3 2.2 J
Section recovery, Pb, wt% 89.7 70 J
Section recovery, Zn, wt% 66.4 40 J 1

Solids specific gravity, w/w 5.27 5.0 – 5.4 J,C 1

Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 36.0 35 – 37 J,C
Launder, % solids 23.7 23 – 26 E,C
Slurry specific gravity (launder), w/w 1.25 1.24 – 1.28 E
Slurry flow rate (launder), m /h 41.1 71.0 E
Third cleaner tailing
Flow, m3/h 33 121 J,E 1
Solids specific gravity, w/w 4.38 4.1 – 4.5 J,C
Slurry density, % solids 18.7 18 – 22 J,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.17 1.16 – 1.21 E
Circuit details
Laboratory flotation time, min 3 H6
Flotation time scale-up factor 1.5 B,C
Plant flotation time, min 4.5 E
Flotation air holdup, % 20 F
Cell size, m3 2.8 J
Cell type conventional J
Number of rows 1 J
Number of cells per row 4 J
Configuration 2,2 2,2 J
Actual retention time (no recycle flows), min 7.4 D
Froth launder slope, deg 12 J
*Rougher flotation sections use a common cleaner circuit.
*Flotation cell no. design basis: Nominal mill feed tonnage, maximum
mill feed grade, maximum cleaner section recovery and maximum
concentrate grades.
Concentrate method tank pump J
Number op/stby 1/1 2/0 J
Conc. froth factor for pump, launder 2.0 B,C
Conc. pump design factor for power 1.10 C
Tailings method gravity J

6.5.7 Lead Fourth Cleaner Flotation

*Design flows assume flash flotation in operation and closed

circuit concentrate cleaning 1
Number of rows 1 1 J
Cell type column J
Flotation column
Column diameter, m 3.66 D
Column height, m 9.75 D
Air flow rate, m3/h 574 765 D 5

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Nominal Design Reference

Wash water, m3/h 2.8 2.8 D

Superficial feed rate, g Pb/min/cm3 4.8 D
Superficial feed velocity, cm/sec 0.51 D

Fourth cleaner flotation feed

Feed is lead second and/or third cleaner flotation concentrates J
Feed rate, t/h (dry) 17 40.6 J,E 1

Feed rate, m3/h 56 108 E 1

Solids specific gravity, w/w 5.83 5.5 – 5.9 J,C 1

Slurry density, % solids 24.5 24 – 30 E,C 1

Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.24 1.23 – 1.26 E

pH 10 9.5 – 10.5 H6

Fourth cleaner concentrate

Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) 12 20 J,E
Grade, Pb, wt% 65 72 J
Grade, Zn, wt% 6.3 3.2 J, E
Section recovery, Pb, wt% 60 E
Section recovery, Zn, wt% 60 E
Solids specific gravity, w/w 6.39 6.2 – 6.6 C, E
Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 36.0 35 – 37 J,C
Launder, % solids 30 28 – 32 E,C
Slurry specific gravity (launder), w/w 1.34 1.31 – 1.37 E
Slurry flow rate (launder), m3/h 41.1 47 E 1

Fourth cleaner tailing

Flow, m3/h 33 68 J,E
Solids specific gravity, w/w 5.14 4.9 – 5.3 C, E
Slurry density, % solids 19.8 16 – 20 E
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.19 1.15 – 1.19 E

Concentrate method gravity J
Conc. froth factor for launder 2.0 B,C
Tailings method pump J
Tailings pump type horz. cent., vfd J
Number, op/stby 1/1 2/0 J
Tailings pump design factor 1.10 B,C

6.5.8 Zinc Flotation Conditioning 3

Number of rows 2 2 J
Number of tanks per row 1 1 J
Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) per row 904 908 J,E
Flow rate per row, m3/h 2 148 2 215 E

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Nominal Design Reference

Slurry density, % solids 32.8 31 - 33 J,C

Solids specific gravity 2.82 2.7 – 2.9 J,C
Slurry specific gravity 1.27 1.24 – 1.28 E
Conditioning residence time per row, min 6.5 6.3 J
pH 10.5 10 – 11 H6

6.5.9 Zinc Rougher Flotation

Number of rows 2 2 J
Rougher flotation feed per row
New feed rate, t/h (dry) 904 908 J,E,
Total feed rate, t/h (dry) 1 009 1 020 J,E 1

Flow rate, m3/h 2 698 2 889 E 1

Solids specific gravity, 2.82 2.70 – 2.90 J,C 1

Slurry density, % solids 28.4 27 – 30 J,C 1

Slurry specific gravity, 1.22 1.20 – 1.24 E
pH 10.5 10 – 11 H6

Rougher concentrate per row

Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) 106 150 J,E
Grade, Zn, wt% 15 17 J
Grade, Pb, wt% 0.6 0.9 J
Section recovery, Zn, wt% 91.2 97.0 J
Section recovery, Pb, wt% 36.6 43.8 J
Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.13 2.9 – 3.2 J,C 1
Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 25 20 – 30 J,C
Launder, % solids 23.5 22 – 24 E,C
Slurry specific gravity (launder), w/w 1.19 1.17 – 1.20 E
Slurry flow rate, m3/h 381 537 E 1

Rougher tailing per row

Flow, m3/h 2 346 2 382 J,E 1

Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.77 2.7 – 2.9 J,C 1

Slurry density, % solids 29.1 28 – 30 J,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.23 1.21 – 1.24 E
Circuit details per row
Laboratory flotation time, min 10 H6
Flotation time scale-up factor 1.5 B,C
Plant flotation time, min 15 E
Flotation air holdup, % 20 F
Cell size, tank, m3 130 J
Cell type tank J
Number of rows per grinding line 1 J
Number of cells per row 6 J
Configuration 1,1,2,2 1,1,2,2 J
Actual retention time (no recycle flows), min 18.3 D

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Nominal Design Reference

Froth launder slope, deg 12 J

*Flotation cell no. design basis: Nominal mill feed tonnage and
nominal feed grade.
Transport per row
Concentrate method tank pump J
Total number, op/stby 2/2 2/2 J,A 4
Conc. froth factor for pump, launder 2.0 2.0 B,C
Conc. pump design factor for power 1.10 C
Tailings method gravity J

6.5.10 Zinc Rougher Scavenger Flotation

Number of rows 2 2 J
Scavenger flotation feed per row
Feed rate, t/h (dry) 903 867 J,E 1
Feed rate, m3/h 2 346 2 381 E 1
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.79 2.70 – 2.90 J,C 1
Slurry density, % solids 29.1 27 – 31 J,C 1

Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.23 1.20 – 1.25 E 1

pH 10.5 10 – 11 H6

Scavenger concentrate per row

Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) 25 12.4 J,C 1

Grade, Zn, wt% 2.5 3.5 J

Grade, Pb, wt% 0.2 0.3 J
Section recovery, Zn, wt% 39 55 J
Section recovery, Pb, wt% 4.8 6.8
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.79 2.7 – 2.9 J,C
Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 20 19 – 21 J,C
Launder, % solids 18 17 - 19 E,C
Slurry specific gravity (launder), w/w 1.13 1.12 – 1.15 E 1

Slurry flow rate (launder), m3/h 123 73.5 E 1

Scavenger tailing per row

Flow rate, m3/h 2 237 2 329 J,E 1
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.77 2.7 – 2.9 J,C
Slurry density, % solids 30 29 – 31 J,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.24 1.22 – 1.25 E
Circuit details per row
Laboratory flotation time, min 5 H6
Flotation time scale-up factor 1.5 B,C
Plant flotation time, min 7.5 E
Flotation air holdup, % 20 F
Cell size, tank, m3 130 J
Cell type tank J
Number of rows per grinding line 1 J

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Nominal Design Reference

Number of cells per row 3 J

Configuration 1,2 1,2 J
Actual retention time (no recycle flows), min 11.9 D
Froth launder slope, deg 12 J
*Flotation cell no. design basis: Nominal mill feed tonnage and
nominal feed grades.
Transport per row
Concentrate method tank pump J
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J,A 4
Conc. froth factor for pump, launder 2.0 2.0 B,C
Conc. pump design factor for power 1.10 C
Tailings method gravity to thickener J
Tailings froth factor 1.0 1.0 B,C

6.5.11 Zinc First Cleaner Flotation

Number of rows 2 2 J
First cleaner flotation feed per row
Feed rate, t/h (dry) 160 205 J,E 1

Flow rate, m3/h 652 889 E 1

Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.1 2.9 – 3.2 J,C 1

Density, % solids 21.3 19 – 23 J,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.17 1.14 – 1.19 E 1

pH 10.5 10 – 11 H6

First cleaner concentrate per row

Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) 84 95 J,E
Grade, Zn, wt% 30 30 J
Grade, Pb, wt% 0.8 1.1 J 1
Section recovery, Zn, wt% 95.7 93.0 J 1
Section recovery, Pb, wt% 62.8 40 J 1

Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.30 3.1 – 3.4 J,C 1

Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 30 29 – 31 J,C
Launder, % solids 27.6 25 – 29 E
Slurry specific gravity (launder), 1.24 1.20 – 1.26 E
Slurry flow rate (launder), m3/h 247 286 E 1

First cleaner tailing per row

Flow rate, m3/h 430 639 J,E 1
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.80 2.7 – 2.9 J,C
Slurry density, % solids 15.56 14 – 18 J
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.11 1.10 – 1.13 E
Circuit details per row
Laboratory flotation time, min 7 H6
Flotation time scale-up factor 1.5 B,C
Plant flotation time per row, min 10.5 E

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Nominal Design Reference

Flotation air holdup, % 20 F

Cell size, m3 42.6 J
Cell type conventional J
Number of rows per grinding line 2 J
Number of cells per row 5 J
Configuration 1,2,2 1,2,2 J
Actual retention time (no recycle flows), min 16.6 D
Froth launder slope, deg 12 J
*Flotation cell no. design basis: Nominal mill feed tonnage, maximum
mill feed grade, maximum cleaner section recovery, and
maximum concentrate grades .

Transport per row

Concentrate method tank pump J
Number, op/stby 2/1 2/0 J
Conc. froth factor for pump, launder 2.0 2.0 B,C
Conc. pump design factor for power 1.10 C
Tailings pump type, drive horz. cent K 1

Number, op/stby 1/0 1/0 J,C

Tailings sump retention time, min 1.5 K,E
Tailings pump design factor 1.10 B,C

6.5.12 Zinc Second Cleaner Flotation

Number of rows 2 2 J
Second cleaner flotation feed per row
Feed rate, t/h (dry) 105 113 J,E
Flow rate, m3/h 326 346 E 1
Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.30 3.2 – 3.5 J,C
Slurry density, % solids 26.6 21 – 25 J,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.23 1.17 – 1.22 E 1

pH 10.5 10 – 11 H6
Second cleaner concentrate per row
Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) 46 58 J,E 1

Grade, Zn, wt% 49 50 J

Grade, Pb, wt% 1.0 0.92 J 1

Section recovery, Zn, wt% 67 85 J 1

Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.71 3.6 − 3.9 J,C 1

Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 33 32 – 34 J,C
Launder, % solids 27.5 25 – 29 E,C 1

Slurry specific gravity (launder), w/w 1.25 1.22 – 1.27 E 1

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Nominal Design Reference

Slurry flow rate (launder), m3/h 134 175 E 1

Second cleaner tailings per row

Flow, m3/h 219 244 J,E
Solids specific gravity, w/w 2.99 2.9 – 3.1 J,C
Slurry density, % solids 18.9 18 - 22 E,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.14 1.13 – 1.18 E 1

Circuit details per row

Laboratory flotation time, min 5 H6
Flotation time scale-up factor 1.5 B,C
Plant flotation time, min 7.5 E
Flotation air holdup, % 20 F
Cell size, m3 14.2 J
Cell type conventional J
Number of rows per grinding line 2 J
Number of cells per row 6 J
Configuration 1,2,3 1,2,3 J
Actual retention time (no recycle flows), min 10.4 D
Froth launder slope, deg 12 J
*Flotation cell no. design basis: Nominal mill feed tonnage, maximum
mill feed grades, maximum cleaner section recovery and maximum
concentrate grades.
Transport per row
Concentrate method tank pump J
Number, op/stby 1/1 2/0 J
Conc. froth factor for pump, launder 2.0 2.0 B,C
Conc. pump design factor for power 1.10 C
Tailings Method gravity J
Conc. froth factor for pump, launder 2.0 2.0 B,C

6.5.13 Zinc Third Cleaner Flotation

Number of rows 2 2 J
Third cleaner flotation feed per row
Feed rate, t/h (dry) 46 57.8 J,E
Flow rate, m3/h 134 175 E 1

Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.71 3.6−3.9 J,C 1

Slurry density, % solids 27.5 26 - 29 J,C 1

Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.25 1.22 – 1.27 E 1

pH 10.5 10−11 H6

Third cleaner concentrate per row

Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) 23 39.2 J,E
Grade, Zn, wt% 58 59.15 J,E
Grade, Pb, wt% 0.9 0.82 J,E 1

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Nominal Design Reference

Section recovery, Zn, wt% 59.2 80.0 J,E
Section recovery, Pb, wt% 45.0 60.0 J,E
Solids specific gravity,w/w 3.84 3.6 – 3.9 J,C 1

Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 36 35 - 37 J,C
Launder, % solids 30 29 - 31 E,C
Slurry specific gravity (launder), w/w 1.29 1.27 – 1.30 E
Slurry volume (launder), m3/h 59.7 101 E 1

Third cleaner tailing per row

Flow, m3/h 87 95.5 J,E 1
Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.35 3.3 – 3.5 J,C
Slurry density, % solids 17.2 14 - 18 J,C 1
Slurry specific gravity. w/w 1.14 1.11 – 1.15 E

Circuit details per row

Laboratory flotation time, min 3 H6
Flotation time scale-up factor 1.5 B,C
Plant flotation time, min 4.5 E
Flotation air holdup, % 20 F
Cell size, m 8.4 J
Cell type conventional J
Number of rows per grinding line 1 J
Number of cells per row 3 J
Configuration 1,2 1,2 J
Actual retention time (no recycle flows), min 11.6 D
Froth launder slope, deg 12 J
*Flotation cell no. design basis: Nominal mill feed tonnage, maximum mill
feed grades, maximum cleaner section recovery and maximum concentrate
Transport per row
Concentrate method tank pump J
Number, op/stby 1/1 2/0 J
Conc. froth factor for pump, launder 2.0 2.0 B,C
Conc. pump design factor for power 1.10 C
Tailings Method gravity J

6.5.14 Zinc Fourth Cleaner Flotation

Number of rows 2 2 J
Cell type column J
Flotation column, ea
Column diameter, m 3.66 D
Column height, m 9.75 D
Air flow rate, m3/h 574 765 D 5

Wash water, m3/h 17 51 D

Superficial feed rate, g Zn/min/cm3 7.6 D

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Nominal Design Reference

Superficial feed velocity, cm/sec 0.56 D

Fourth cleaner flotation feed per row

Feed is zinc second and/or third cleaner flotation concentrates J
Feed rate, t/h (dry) 46 57.8 J,E
Flow rate, m3/h 134 175 E 1

Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.71 3.6−3.9 J,C 1

Slurry density, % solids 27.5 25 - 29 J,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.25 1.22 – 1.27 E 1

pH 10.5 10−11 H6

Fourth cleaner concentrate per row

Solids flow rate, t/h (dry) 23 39.2 J
Grade, Zn, wt% 58 59.15 J
Grade, Pb, wt% 0.9 1.0 J
Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.84 3.7 – 4.0 J,C 1

Slurry density
Froth lip, % solids 36 35 - 37 J,C
Launder, % solids 30 29 - 31 E,C
Slurry specific gravity (launder), w/w 1.29 1.27 – 1.30 E
Slurry volume (launder), m3/h 59.7 100 E

Fourth cleaner tailing per row

Flow, m3/h 87 129 J,E
Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.35 3.3 – 3.5 J,C
Slurry density, % solids 17.2 14 - 18 J,C
Slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.14 1.11 – 1.15 E 1

Transport per row

Concentrate method tank pump J
Number, op/stby 1/1 2/0 J
Conc. froth factor for pump, launder 2.0 2.0 B,C
Conc. pump design factor for power 1.25 C
Tailings method pump J
Tailings pump type horz. cent. horz. cent. J
Total operating 1/1 2/0 J
Tailings pump design factor 1.10 B,C

6.6 Regrind Circuits

6.6.1 Lead Regrind Circuit

Regrind mill
*Design flows assume flash flotation inoperation and closed circuit
concentrate cleaning
Type Vertimill Vertimill J

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Nominal Design Reference

Number of mills 1 1 J
Feed size, 80% passing microns 44 44 J
Product size, 100% passing, microns 44 44 J
80% passing, microns 25 25 J
New feed to regrind circuit, t/h (dry) 88 136 J,E
*Regrind capacity per mill,
new feed, t/h (dry) 88 150 D
Work index, kWh/t 16 16 J
Connected power, (each mill) kW 933 933 D
Feed density, % solids 50 45 − 55 E,C
Makeup ball size, mm 25 25 J
Regrind circuit circulating load, % 100 150 J,C

Regrind cyclones
Type gMAX10-3139 Krebs D 5
Number of clusters 1 1 J
Number of cyclones
per cluster, op/stby 5/8 9/4 D 5
Feed flow, no flash float, m3/h 524 824 J
Feed density, % solids 33 30 – 35 J,C
Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.44 3.1 – 3.5 J,C 1

Feed slurry specific gravity. w/w 1.31 1.26 – 1.34 J,C 1

Cyclone underflow flow, m3/h 115 179 E

Cyclone underflow, % solids 65 62 – 68 J,C
Cyclone underflow
solids specific gravity, w/w 3.44 3.1– 3.5 J,C
Cyclone underflow slurry
specific gravity. w/w 1.85 1.72 – 1.94 J,C 1

Cyclone overflow flow, m3/h 401 627 E

Cyclone overflow, % solids 19 17 – 21 E,C
Cyclone overflow 1
solids specific gravity, w/w 3.44 3.1– 3.5 J,C
Cyclone overflow
slurry specific gravity, , w/w 1.16 1.13 – 1.18 J,C
Cyclone diameter, mm 254 254 D
Cyclone feed pressure, kPa 159 159 D
Cyclone feed pumps & sump (each circuit)
Type horz cent J
Number total plant, operating/standby 1/1 1/1 J
Drive variable speed J
Number of sumps per mill 1 1 J
Pump froth factor 1.3 1.3 J
Pump design factor 1.10 C
Sump froth factor 2.0 2.0 C
Sump retention time, min 2.5 J

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Nominal Design Reference

*Note: Regrind maximum grinding capacity is calculated by the vendor

for the given Design Criteria specifications of feed size, product size,
and grinding work index. New feed rates above the indicated
maximum may result in a regrind circuit product more coarse than the
product size as reported in this Process Design Criteria.

6.6.2 Zinc Regrind

Regrind mill
Type Vertimill Vertimill J
Number of mills 2 2 J
Feed size, 80% passing microns 90 90 J
Product size, 100% passing ,microns 44 44 J
80% passing, microns 25 30 J
New feed to each
regrind circuit, t/h (dry) 103 161 J,E
*Regrind capacity per mill,
new feed, t/h (dry) 103 103 D
Work index, kWh/t 16 16 J
Connected power, (each mill) kW 933 933 D
Feed density, % solids 50 45 – 55 E,C
Makeup ball size, mm 25 25 J
Regrind circuit circulating load, % 100 150 J,C
Regrind cyclones (for each regrind circuit)
Type gMAX10-3139 Krebs D
Number of clusters 1 1 J
Number of cyclones
per cluster, op/stby 9/6 13/2 E;D 5
Feed flow, m3/h 587 1 052 E
Feed density, % solids 34 30 – 36 J,C
Solids specific gravity, w/w 3.1 2.9 – 3.2 J,C 1

Feed slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.30 1.24 – 1.33 J,C 1

Cyclone underflow flow, m3/h 135 239 E
Cyclone underflow, % solids 65 62 – 68 J,C
Cyclone underflow
solids specific gravity, , w/w 3.1 2.9 – 3.2 J,C 1
Cyclone underflow
slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.79 1.68 – 1.88 J,C 1

Cyclone overflow flow, m3/h 440 920 E

Cyclone overflow, % solids 20 18 – 22 E,C
Cyclone overflow
solids specific gravity, , w/w 3.1 2.9 – 3.2 J,C 1
Cyclone overflow
slurry specific gravity, w/w 1.19 1.13 – 1.18 J,C 1

Cyclone diameter, mm 254 254 D

Cyclone feed pressure, kPa 181 181 D
Cyclone feed pump & sump (each circuit)
Pump type horz cent J

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Nominal Design Reference

Number of pumps, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J

Drive variable speed J
Number of sumps per mill 1 1 J
Pump froth factor 1.3 1.3 C
Pump design factor 1.10 C
Sump froth factor 2.0 2.0 J
Sump retention time, min/sump 1.5 J

*Note: Regrind maximum grinding capacity is calculated by the vendor

for the given Design Criteria specifications of feed size, product size,
and grinding work index. New feed rates above the indicated
maximum may result in a regrind circuit product more coarse than the
product size as reported in this Process Design Criteria.

6.7 Concentrate Handling and Dewatering

6.7.1 Lead Concentrate Thickener

Feed criteria
Total concentrate, t/d (dry) 267 431 J
Specific gravity solids 6.39 6.2 – 6.6 J,C 1
Feed density, % solids 30.0 28 – 32 J,C 1

Size distribution
100% passing, microns 44 44 J
80% passing, microns 25 25 J
Flocculant addition, g/t 4.3 E
Thickener details
Number 1 J
Operating 1 1 E
Type conventional J
Method bridge support J
Area required, m2/t/d 0.15 0.15 J
Design factor 1.5 1.5 J
Calculated area required, m2 60.1 97 J
Diameter, m 15 E
Underflow density, % solids 65 60 – 70 B,C
Underflow pumps
Number, op/std-by 3/1 3/1 E 5
Pump capacity, m3/h 18.0 20.7 E 1
Pump type horz. cent. J
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
Overflow pumps
Number, op/std-by 1/1 1/1 J
Pump type, drive horz. cent., vfd J

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Nominal Design Reference

Pump capacity, m3/h 90 145.2 E

Design factor 1.10 1.10 C

Overflow tank
Overflow tank holding time, min 5 J
H:D ratio 1:1 C
Tank volume, m3 6.5 E
Tank diameter, m 2.2 E
Tank height, m 2.2 E

6.7.2 Lead Concentrate Filtration

Filter feed tank
Feed rate, t/d (dry) 267 430 E
Feed rate, m3/h 9 14.1 E
Density, % solids 65 60 – 70 J,C
Design capacity, h 17 11 J
Effective volume, % of total 100 100 C
H:D Ratio 1.2:1 1.2:1 C
Tank volume, m3 165 E 1

Tank diameter, m 5.56 E

Tank height, m 7.35 E
Filter feed pump
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J
Pump type, drive horz. cent., vfd J
Pump Capacity, t/h 156 E
Pump Capacity, m3/h 81 E
Slurry S.G. 2.0 1.9 – 2.2 E
Discharge Pressure, Kpag 551 551 D

Design Factor 1.10 C

Filters Type Pressure Filter J
Number Installed 1 J
Number Operating, Unit 1 J
Filtration Rate, m3/ t/d (Dry) 0.435 0.435 H
Feed Rate, t/d (Dry) 267 431 J
Concentrate Washing Required Yes J
Wash Water Source R.O. Unit J
Number Of Chambers 20 20 D
Chamber Volume, m3 0.055 0.055 D
Chamber Volume To Wash Water 1:1 D
Volume Ratio
Compressed Air Flow, m3(N)/min 17 D

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Nominal Design Reference

Compressed air pressure, kPag 800 D

Cloth wash water flow, m3/h 173 D
Cloth wash water pressure, kPag 200 D
Cake wash water flow, m3/h 41.2 E
Cake wash water pressure, kPag 600 D
Total cycle time/filter, min 9.5 D
Filtration, min 2.5 D
Membrane pressing, min 0.5 D
Washing, min 2 D
Air-through blow, min 2 D
Service, min 2.5 D
Cake moisture, wt% 8 8 – 12 J,C
Cake bulk density, t/m3
For volume calc., t/m3 3.2 J
For weight calc., t/m 4.0 J
Cloth life, cycles 5 000 C
No. filter cloths/filter 40 D
Lead filter filtrate tank
Number installed 1 1 J
Capacity, filter cycle volumes 1.5 C
Height to diameter ratio 1:1 C
Tank volume, m3 17.3 E 1

Tank diameter, m 2.58 E

Tank height, m 3.66 E
Lead filtrate transfer pump
Number installed, op/stby 1/1 1/1 C
Pump type horizontal centrifugal J
Pumping rate one filtrate tank volume in C
design basis vendor recommended filtration +
cake wash + air blow time (7 min.)
Pumping rate, m3/h 40.5 44.6 E
Pump design factor 1.10 C
Lead filter cloth wash water tank
Number installed 1 1 J
Capacity design basis 1 hour of wash water consumption C
Tank volume, m3 3.9 E 1

Tank diameter, m 1.69 E

Tank height, m 2.13 E 1
Lead filter cloth wash water pump
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J
Pump type horizontal centrifugal J
Water consumption 0.480 0.720 D
per filter cycle, m3
Pump capacity, m3/h 115 190 D 1

Pump discharge 200 D

pressure minimum, kPag
Pump design factor 1.10 C

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Nominal Design Reference

Lead pressure filter air receiver

Air volume supplied by receiver 0.5 times vendor air C
requirement per
filter cycle
Maximum allowable pressure drop, kPa 68.95 C
Air volume per cycle, m3(N) 34 D
Air receiver volume, m3 18.1 C
Air receiver length to diameter ratio 10:1 C
Air receiver diameter, m 1.32 E
Air receiver length, m 13.2 E

6.7.3 Zinc Concentrate Thickener

Feed criteria
Total concentrate, t/d (dry) 1 053 1 640 E
Specific gravity solids, 3.84 3.7 – 4.0 J,C 1

Feed density, % solids 21.9 20 – 25 J,C

Size distribution
100% passing, microns 44 44 J
80% passing, microns 25 25 J
Flocculant addition, g/t 8.5 E
Thickener details
Number 1 J
Operating 1 J
Type conventional J
Method bridge support J
Area required, m2/t/d 0.15 0.15 J
Design Factor 1.5 1.5 J
Calculated area required, m2 237 369 J
Diameter, m 25 E
Underflow density, % solids 65 60 – 70 J,C
Underflow pump(s)
Number, op/stby 3/1 3/1 E 5

Pump type, drive horz. cent., vfd J

Pump capacity, m3/h 67.7 74.5 E
Design factor 1.10 C
Overflow pump(s)
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J
Pump type horz. cent J
Pump capacity, m3/h 525 578 E
Design Factor 1.10 C
Overflow tank
Holding time, min 5 J
H:D Ratio 1:1 1:1 C
Tank volume, m3 46.8 E 1

Tank diameter, m 3.94 E

Tank height, m 4.27 E

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Nominal Design Reference

6.7.4 Zinc Concentrate Filtration

Filter feed tank

Feed rate, t/d dry 1 053 1 640 E
Feed rate, m3/h 38.4 59.8 E
Density, % solids 65 60 – 70 J,C
Viscosity, cP TBA
Design capacity, h 18 11.5 J
Effective volume, % of total 100 100 C
H:D Ratio 1.2:1 1.2:1 C
Tank volume, m3 691 E
Tank diameter, m 9.02 E
Tank height, m 11.58 E
Filter feed pump
Number, op/stby 2/1 2/1 E 5
Pump capacity, t/h 319 E
Pump capacity, m3/h 179 E
Slurry S.G. 1.91 1.8– 2.1 E,C
Discharge pressure, kPag 551 551 D
Design factor 1.10 C
Type Pressure filter J
Number installed 2 J
Number operating, unit 2 J
Filtration rate, m3/t/d (dry) 0.593 0.59 H
Feed rate ea, t/d (dry) 526 821 J
Concentrate washing required yes J
Wash water source R.O. unit J
Number of chambers ea 60 60 D
Chamber volume, m3 0.055 0.055 D
Chamber volume to wash water
volume ratio 1:1 D
Compressed air flow ea, m3(N)/min 51 D
Compressed air pressure, kPag 800 D
Cloth wash water flow ea, m3/h 560 D
Cloth wash water pressure, kPag 200 D
Cake wash water flow, m3/h 66 E
Cake wash water pressure, kPag 600 D
Total cycle time/filter, min 10.5 D
Filtration, min 2.5 D
Membrane Pressing, min 0.5 D
Washing, min 1.5 D
Air-through Blow, min 2.5 D
Service, min 3.5 D
Cake moisture, wt% 8 8 – 12 J,C

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Nominal Design Reference

Cake bulk density, t/m3

For volume calc., t/m3 2.5 J
For weight calc., t/m3 3.1 J
Cloth life, cycles 5 000 H14
No. filter cloths/filter 120 D
Zinc filter filtrate tank
Number installed 1 1 J
Capacity design basis 40 min. of maximum C
wash water consmumption
Height to diameter ratio 1:1 C
Tank volume, m3 55.7 E 1

Tank diameter, m 4.30 E

Tank height, m 4.27 E
Zinc filtrate transfer pump
Number installed, op/stby 1/1 1/1 C
Pump type horizontal centrifugal J
Pumping rate one filtrate tank volume in C
design basis vendor recommended filtration +
cake wash + air blow time (6.5 min)
Pumping rate, m3/h 111 122 E
Pump design factor 1.10 C
Zinc filter cloth wash water tank
Number installed 1 1 J
Capacity design basis 40 min. of maximum C
wash water consump
Tank volume, m3 29.07 E 1

Tank diameter, m 3.32 E

Tank height, m 3.65 E
Zinc filter cloth wash water pump
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J
Number of filters in wash cycle at one
Time 1 1 C
Pump type horizontal centrifugal J
Water consumption 1.44 2.16 D
per filter cycle, m3
Pump capacity per pump, m3/h 345 570 D 1

Pump discharge 200 D

pressure minimum, kPa
Pump design factor 1.10 D
Zinc pressure filter air receiver
Number 2 J
Air volume supplied by receiver (each) 0.33 times vendor air C
requirement per
filter cycle
Maximum allowable pressure drop, kPag 68.95 C
Air volume per cycle, m (N) 128 D
Air receiver volume, m3 45 E

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Nominal Design Reference

Air receiver length to diameter ratio 10:1 C

Air receiver diameter, m 1.79 E
Air receiver length, m 17.9 E

6.7.5 Bulk Concentrate Thickener

*The bulk concentrate thickener design criteria is identical to the lead

concentrate thickener design criteria.
Feed criteria
Total concentrate, t/d (dry) 267 431 J
Specific gravity solids 6.39 6.2 – 6.6 J,C 1

Feed density, % solids 30.0 28 – 32 J,C 1

Size distribution
100% passing, microns 44 44 J
80% passing, microns 25 25 J
Flocculant addition, g/t 4.3 E
Thickener details
Number 1 J
Operating 1 1 E
Type conventional J
Method. bridge support J
Area required, m2/t/d 0.15 0.15 J
Design factor 1.5 1.5 J
Calculated area required, m2 60.1 97 J
Diameter, m 15 E
Underflow density, % solids 65 60 – 70 B,C
Underflow pumps
Number, op/std-by 3/1 3/1 J 5
Pump type, drive horz. cent. vfd J
Pump capacity, t/h 156 E
Pump capacity, m3/h 20.7 E 1

Design factor 1.10 C

Overflow by gravity to Pb J
concentrate thickener
overflow tank
6.7.6 Bulk Concentrate Filtration

* Bulk concentrate filter design criteria is identical to the lead concentrate

filter design criteria.

Filter feed tank

Feed rate, t/d (dry) 267 430 E
Feed rate, m3/h 9 14.1 E
Density, % solids 65 60 – 70 J,C
Viscosity, cP TBA
Design capacity, h 17 11 J

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Nominal Design Reference

Effective volume, % of total 100 100 C

H:D Ratio 1.2:1 1.2:1 C
Tank volume, m3 167 E
Tank diameter, m 5.56 E
Tank height, m 7.35 E
Filter feed pump
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J
Pump capacity, t/h 156 E
pump capacity, m3/h 81 E
slurry s.g. 2.0 1.9 – 2.2 E
discharge pressure, kpag 551 551 D
design factor 1.10 C
filters type pressure filter J
number installed 1 J
number operating, unit 1 J
Filtration rate, m3/t/d (dry) 0.435 0.435 H
Feed rate, t/d (dry) 267 431 J
Concentrate washing required yes J
Wash water source R.O. unit J
Number of chambers 20 20 D
(Frame Expandable to 32 plates) T 5
Filtration rate, m3/t/d (dry) 0.435 0.435 H
Feed rate, t/d (dry) 267 431 J
Concentrate washing required yes J
Wash water source R.O. unit J
Number of chambers 20 20 D
Chamber volume, m3 0.055 0.055 D
Chamber volume to wash water
volume ratio 1:1 D
Compressed air flow, m3(N)/min 17 D
Compressed air pressure, kPag 800 D
Filtration rate, m3/t/d (dry) 0.435 0.435 H
Feed rate, t/d (dry) 267 431 J
Concentrate washing required yes J
Wash water source R.O. unit J
Number of chambers 20 20 D
Chamber volume, m3 0.055 0.055 D
Chamber volume to wash water 1:1 D
volume ratio
Compressed air flow, m3(N)/min 17 D
Compressed air pressure, kPag 800 D
Cloth wash water flow, m3/h 173 D
Cloth wash water pressure, kPag 200 D
Cake wash water flow, m3/h TBA D
Cake wash water pressure, kPag 600 D
Total cycle time/filter, min 9.5 D
Filtration, minutes 2.5 D

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Nominal Design Reference

Membrane pressing, min 0.5 D

Washing, min 2 D
Air-through blow, min 2 D
Service, min 2.5 D
Cake moisture, wt% 8 8 – 12 J,C
Cake bulk density, t/m3
For volume calc., t/m3 3.2 J
For weight calc., t/m3 4.0 J
Cloth life, cycles 5 000 C
No. filter cloths/filter 40 D
1 Bulk filter filtrate tank

Capacity, filter cycle volumes 1.5 C 1

Height to diameter ratio 1:1 C
Tank volume, m3 17.3 E 1
Tank diameter, m 2.58 E
Tank height, m 3.66 E 1

Bulk filter cloth wash water tank

Lead filter wash water tank used to supply bulk filter cloth wash
Bulk filter cloth wash water pump
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J
Pump type horizontal centrifugal J
Water consumption 0.480 0.720 D
per filter cycle, m3
Pump capacity, m3/h 115 190 D 1

Pump discharge 200 D

pressure minimum, kPag
Pump design factor 1.10 C
Bulk pressure filter air receiver
Air volume supplied by receiver 0.5 times vendor air C
requirement per
filter cycle
Maximum allowable pressure drop, kPa 68.95 C
Air volume per cycle, m3(N) 34 D
Air receiver volume, m3 18.1 C
Air receiver length to diameter ratio 10:1 C
Air receiver diameter, m 1.32 E
Air receiver length, m 13.2 E 2
Bulk concentrate filter area clean-up transfer pump
Number, op/stby 1/0 B
Type horiz. cent. Rubber lined B
Capacity, m3/h 50 E

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Nominal Design Reference

6.8 Concentrate Storage and Loadout

The lead, zinc, and bulk concentrates are conveyed to their respective

Bulk densities
“Arze, Recine y Asociados”, (ARA) Study
Lead concentrate, t/m3 3.21 J
Zinc concentrate, t/m3 2.48 J
“Pocock” filtration test work
Lead concentrate, t/m3 3.123 J
Zinc concentrate, t/m3 2.315 J
Using 25% swell factor for compressed cake
Lead concentrate, t/m3 3.184 J
Zinc concentrate, t/m3 2.472 J
Storage volume
Bulk concentrate, t/m3 3.2 J
Lead concentrate, t/m3 3.2 J
Zinc concentrate, t/m3 2.5 J
Bulk densities for structural calculations
Bulk concentrate, t/m3 4.0 J
Lead concentrate, t/m3 4.0 J
Zinc concentrate, t/m3 3.1 J
Angle of repose
Bulk concentrate, deg 40 J
Lead concentrate, deg 40 J
Zinc concentrate, deg 40 J
Average daily tonnage
Lead concentrate, t/d 300 J
Zinc concentrate, t/d 1 150 J
Total, t/d 1 450 J
Maximum average daily tonnage
Lead concentrate, t/d 376 J
Zinc concentrate, t/d 1 382 J
Total, t/d 1 768 J
Maximum daily tonnage
Lead concentrate, t/d 509 J
Zinc concentrate, t/d 1 939 J
Total, t/d 2 020 J

Shipping container capacities 2

Lead, t 21 A 3
Bulk, t 21 A 3
Zinc, t 21 A 3

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Nominal Design Reference

Sipping Container Empty weigth

Lead, t 2 A 4

Bulk, t 2 A 4

Zinc, t 2 A 4

Lead surge bin 2

Capacity, number of filter cycles 5 C
Capacity, t 21 J 5

Bulk surge bin 2

Capacity, number of filter cycles 5 C
Capacity, t 21 J

Zinc surge bin 2

Capacity, number of filter cycles 10 C
Capacity, t 90 J 5

Lead shipping conveyor 2

Number 1 B
Type belt conveyor B
Shipping container loading time, min 5 B
Shipping container capacity, t 21 A 3
Design factor 1.2 C

Bulk shipping conveyor 2

Number 1 B
Type belt conveyor B
Shipping container loading time, min 5 B
Shipping container capacity, t 21 A 3
Design factor 1.2 C
Zinc shipping conveyor 2
Number 1 B
Type belt conveyor B
Shipping container loading time, min 5 B
Shipping container capacity, t 21 A 3
Design factor 1.2 C

Concentrate shipping unloading bridge crane 2

Number 1 B
Capacity, t 25 A

Concentrate shipping loading bridge crane 2

Number 1 B
Capacity, t 25 E 3

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Nominal Design Reference

Empty Pb shipping container conveyor

Number 1 B
Capacity, number of empty containers TBD

Empty Bulk shipping container conveyor 2

Number 1 B
Capacity, number of empty containers TBD

Empty Zn shipping container conveyor 2

Number 1 B
Capacity, number of empty containers TBD

Loaded Pb shipping conveyor 2

Number 1 B
Capacity, number of full containers TBD

Loaded Bulk shipping conveyor 2

Number 1 B
Capacity, number of full containers TBD

Loaded Zn shipping conveyor 2

Number 1 B
Capacity, number of full containers TBD

Concentrate transport to port train A

6.9 Tailings Disposal and Water Reclaim

6.9.1 Zn Scavenger Tailings Thickener

Total tailings, t/d (dry) 38 724 37 999 E
Specific gravity solids 2.74 2.7 – 2.8 JE 1

Feed density, wt% solids 29.6 25 – 35 J,C

Flocculant addition rate, g/t 60 64 S 4
Thickener details 2
Number 1 E
Operating 1 E
Type high capacity A
Diameter, m 55 D 5
Unit area (total tailings), m2/t/d 0.055 0.055 H13,J 4

Underflow pump
Number, op/stby 2/1 2/1 J
Pump type, drive horz. cent., vfd J
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
Final tailing gathering box sump pump

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Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J

Pump type vertical sump J
Design factor 1.10 C
Final tailing gathering box retention time, min 1.5 C
Tailing pipeline single line out Q

containment system
6.9.2 Tailings Deposition

Tailing slurry physical properties

Density, % solids 55 50 – 60 J,C
Tailing size distribution,
wt% finer than 105 microns 80 H9
wt% finer than 50 microns 55 H9

Slurry rheology at 55 wt% solids: H12

Shear Rate viscosity,
25 sec 449
50 sec-1 259
100 sec 149
150 sec-1 108
200 sec-1 86
500 sec 42
1000 sec-1 24
Deposition method multi spigot l Q

Tailing impoundment lining system No A

Water within tailings, m3/h 1 408 1 145 – 1758 E
Run-off into basin, m3/h 10 Q 1

Precipitation into basin, m3/y 896 000 Q 1

Total inflow, m3/h 1 608 1353 – 1958 E

Tailing terminal density in basin, % solids 75 75 J
Residual water in tailings, m3/h 573 586 E

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Nominal Design Reference

6.10 Sample Collection and Sampling

Specific samples are collected and analyzed by on-line XRF and these analyses are
used as the basis for process control of the flotation circuit. Specific samples are
collected on a shift basis and are used to calculate the concentrator metallurgical
balance. Samples of concentrate filter cake are analyzed for moisture to ensure that the
products are within tranportable moisture limits. Refer to the table below.

Stream Description Purpose Flow, m3/h

Lead Rougher Feed – Line 1 XRF, Met 6.8
Lead Rougher Feed – Line 2 XRF, Met 6.8
Lead Scavenger Tail XRF, Met 6.8
Lead Rougher Concentrate XRF, Met 9.3
Lead 1st Cleaner Tail XRF, Met 9.3
Lead 3rd Cleaner Tail XRF, Met 5.10
Lead 3rd Cleaner Concentrate XRF, Met 6.8
Lead 4th Cleaner Tail XRF, Met 6.8
Lead 4th Cleaner Concentrate XRF, Met 6.8
Lead Concentrate Filter Cake Met, Moisture
Zinc Scavenger Tail – Line 1 XRF, Met 6.8
Zinc Scavenger Tail – Line 2 XRF, Met 6.8
Zinc Rougher Concentrate – Line 1 XRF, Met 12.5
Zinc Rougher Concentrate – Line 2 XRF, Met 12.5
Zinc 1st Cleaner Tail – Line 1 XRF, Met 10.3
Zinc 1st Cleaner Tail – Line 2 XRF, Met 10.3
Zinc 3rd Cleaner Tail – Line 1 XRF, Met 4.8
Zinc 3rd Cleaner Tail – Line2 XRF, Met 4.8
Zinc 3rd Cleaner Concentrate – Line 1 XRF, Met 6.4
Zinc 3rd Cleaner Concentrate – Line 2 XRF, Met 6.4
Zinc 4th Cleaner Tail – Line 1 XRF, Met 6.8
Zinc 4th Cleaner Tail – Line 2 XRF, Met 6.8
Zinc 4th Cleaner Concentrate – Line 1 XRF, Met 6.8
Zinc 4th Cleaner Concentrate – Line 2 XRF, Met 6.8
Zinc Filter Cake Met, Moisture
Bulk Concentrate XRF, Met 6.8
Bulk Filter Cake Met, Moisture
Lead Flash Concentrate-Lines1, 2 XRF, Met 6.8 5

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Nominal Design Reference


7.1 Reagents

7.1.1 Lime

Total consumption, kg/t ore 2.12 5.88 J

Total consumption, t/d (dry) 84.8 235 E
Specific gravity 2.29 2.29 J
Bulk density, kg/m3 1140 880 J
Delivery pneumatic truck A
Neumatic Truck capacity, t TBA
Silo capacity, t 730 730 E, A 5
Silo capacity, m3 640 640 E
On-site storage, d 8.6 3.1 E, A
Silo diameter, m 8 8 E
Silo height, m 7 7 E
Silo discharge cone angle, deg 60 60 E
Transfer rate to storage silo, min 40 40 E 5

Lime Slaking
Lime Slaking SAG mill
Consumption, kg/t ore 1.7 5.0 J
Consumption, t/d 68 200 J
Milk of lime physical properties
Density, % solids 15 10 – 20 E
Specific gravity 1.12 1.12 E
Milk Of lime storage Tank
Number 1 1 E
Agitated Yes E
Closed Top Yes E
Holding capacity, m3 236 E,A 5
H:D ratio 1.3
Storage capacity, h 13.6 4.6 E
Avalability 92 92 E 5

Circulating pump horz cent E

Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 E
Circulating ratio 4:1 4:1 E
Design factor 1.1

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Nominal Design Reference

Lime Slaking Flotation and Others

Consumption, kg/t ore 0.42 0.88 J
Consumption, t/d 16.8 35.2 J
Milk of lime physical properties
Density, % solids 15 10 – 20 E
Specific gravity 1.12 1.12 E
Milk Of lime Storage Tank
Number 1 1 J
Agitated Yes J
Closed Top Yes J
Holding capacity, h 55.3 26.4 J 5
Capacity, m3 236 E 5
H:D ratio 1.2:1 1.2:1 C
Avalability 92 92 E 5

Circulating pump horz cent E 5

Pump capacity, m3/h 142 E 1

Number, op/stby 1/1
Circulating ratio 4:1 4:1 E
Design factor 1.10 C

Slaking Mill
Type Vertimill Vertmill J
Number of mills 1 1 J
Feed to Mill 5

Feed rate, t/h (dry) 12 12 D 5

Vertimill, lime Slaking, model VT-150-LS D 5
Vertimill power, kW 74.6 D 5
Vertimill power, HP 100 D 5
Feed size, 80% passing, mm 25 25 A 1
Product size, 90% passing, microns 45 D
Grinding slurry density, % solids 15 15 - 20 J,C
Makeup ball size, mm 25 D
MOL distruibution density, % solids 15 15 J
Daily Operation time, h 12 20
Availability, % 88 92 E 5

Recycle pump capacity, m3/h TBA D

Slaked lime transfer pump box
Sump retention time, min 3.7 1.5 C
Slaked lime transfer pump
Number 1/1 1/1 J
Type Hor-Cent Hor-Cent J
Transfer pump capacity TBA E 5

Design factor 1.10 1.10 J

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Milk of lime physical properties

Density, % solids 15 10 – 20 E
Specific gravity 1.12 1.12 E
Physical properties of pebble lime
Type Burnt lime Burnt lime J
CaO, wt% 76 76 D 1
Bulk density, kg/m3 1 140 880 J
Angle of repose, degrees 50 50 D
P80, mm 25 25 J 1

7.1.2 Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol (MIBC)

Consumption, g/t ore 30 175 S
Consumption, kg/d 1 200 7 000 E 5
Delivery iso tank container A
On-site storage, d 30 5 E
On-site storage, t 36 36 J 5
Delivery method. iso tank container A 5
Capacity iso tank container, L 20 800 A 5
Distribution strength solution, % 100 100 B
Delivery transfer pump
Number, op/stby 1/0 1/0 J
Type Horz-Cent Horz-Cent J
Transfer time, h 1 1 C
Pump capacity, m3/h 31 E 5
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
Storage tank
Number of storage tanks 1 1 J
Agitated no J
Closed top yes J
Total capacity, h 30 5 J
Capacity, m3 45 E 5
H:D ratio 1:1 1:1 C
Metering pumps
Number 1 per addition point J
w/2 uninstalled spares
Number per line 1 11 11 J
Number per line 2 8 8 J
Type diaphragm TBA
Capacity (each), L/min 0 − 0.5 0 – 0.5 E
Physical properties of MIBC
Form Liquid D
Density, kg/m3 803 D
Viscosity, cP at 20oC 6.4 D

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7.1.3 AF 238 (sec. butyl dithiophosphate)

Consumption, g/t ore 150 225 J

Consumption, kg/d 6 000 9 000 E
On-site storage, days 30 20 E
On-site storage, t TBA A 5

Distribution strength solution, % 100 100 B

Method Iso Tank container A 5
Capacity iso tank container, L 20 800 D 5
Delivery transfer pump
Number, op/stby 1/0 1/0 J
Type Horz-Cent Horz-Cent J
Transfer time, min 40 E 5
Pump capacity, m /h 31 E 5
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
Circulation pump
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J
Type Horz-Cent Horz-Cent J
Pump capacity, m3/h 3.56 E
Circulation ratio 4:1 4:1 C
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
Storage tank
Number 1 1 J
Agitated no J
Closed top yes J
Total holding capacity, d 8.4 5.6 J 5

Capacity, m3 45 E 5
H:D ratio 1:1 1:1 C
Metering pumps
Number 1 per addition point J
Total number of pumps 18 18 J
Type diaphragm C
Capacity (each), L/min 0–2 0–2 E
Physical properties of AF238
Form Liquid D
Density, kg/m3 1 120 D
Viscosity, cP at 0°C (Brookfield) 45 D 1
Viscosity, cP at 30oC (Brookfield) 12 D 1

7.1.4 Potassium amyl xanthate (PAX)

Consumption, g/t ore 10 25 H6

Consumption, kg/d 400 1 000 J
Method drum drum TBA

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Nominal Design Reference

Quantity, kg 250 250 TBA

Storage dry, days 30 12 J
Distribution strength, wt% 15 15 J
Storage solution, h 30 12 J
Solution specific gravity 1.05 1.05 D
Mixing method circulation C
Mixing tank
Number 1 1 J
Agitated no J
Viscosity @ 15% sol., 20oC, cP 3 D 1
Total capacity. m3 2.9 2.9 J
Batches per day 1 3 E
H:D ratio 1:1 C
Circulation pumps
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J
Type horz-cent horz-cent J
Pump capacity, m3/h 4.5 4.5 C
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
Delivery transfer pump
Number, op/stby 1/0 1/0 J
Type Horz-Cent Horz-Cent J
Transfer time, h 0.5 C
Pump capacity. m3/h 6.49 E 1
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
Storage tank
Number 1 1 J
Agitated yes J
Total Holding Capacity, d 1.6 0.7 E 5
Capacity, m3 4.2 4.2 E 5
Closed top yes J
H:D Ratio 1.2:1 1.2:1 C
Metering method to process valve & timer C 1

Physical properties of PAX

Form Solid pellet D
Bulk density, kg/m3 660 D
7.1.5 Sodium Iso Propil Xanthate (SIPX) S

Consumption, g/t ore 10 25 H6

Consumption, kg/d 400 1 000 J
Method drum drum TBA
Quantity, kg 250 250 TBA
Storage dry, days 30 12 J
Distribution strength, wt% 15 15 J

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Nominal Design Reference

Storage solution, h 30 12 J
Solution specific gravity 1.05 1.05 D
Mixing method circulation C 1

Mixing tank
Number 1 1 J
Agitated no J
Viscosity @ 15% sol., 20oC, cP 3 D 1
Total capacity. m 2.9 2.9 J
Batches per day 1 3 E
H:D ratio 1:1 C
Circulation pumps
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J
Type horz-cent horz-cent J
Pump capacity, m3/h 4.5 4.5 C
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
Delivery transfer pump
Number, op/stby 1/0 1/0 J
Type Horz-Cent Horz-Cent J
Transfer time, h 0.5 C
Pump capacity. m /h 6.49 E
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
Storage tank
Number 1 1 J
Agitated yes J
Total holding capacity, d 1.6 0.7 E 5
Capacity, m 4.2 4.2 E 5
Closed top yes J
H:D Ratio 1.2:1 1.2:1 C
Metering method to process valve & timer C 1

Physical properties of SIPX

Form Solid pellet D
Bulk density, kg/m3 660 D

7.1.6 Zinc oxide

Consumption, g/t ore 149 200 H6

Consumption, kg/d 5 960 8 000 E
Delivery method Bags (1 t) D 1

On-site storage bulk, days 30 22 E

Physical properties of zinc oxide
Form Solid Powder D
Purity, wt% 98 D
Specific gravity 5.6 D
Bulk density, kg/m3 250 – 690 D

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7.1.7 Sodium cyanide

Consumption, g/t ore 183 245 H6

Consumption, kg/d 7 320 9 800 E
Delivery box bags (1 t) D 1

On-site storage bulk, d 30 22 E

Physical properties of sodium cyanide
Form granular or flake D
Purity, wt% 98 D
Specific gravity 1.6 D
Bulk density, kg/m3 750 – 950 D

7.1.8 Zinc cyanide

Mix procedure:Add water to mix tank, followed by zinc oxide. D

Mix vigorously for 15 minutes. Add sodium cyanide to slurry and
continue to mix vigorously for an additional 15 minutes.
Transfer to agitated feed tank. Continue to mix.

Consumption, L/t of ore 2.16 3.34 J

Consumption, m3/d 86.4 134 J
Total batches per day 1.5 2 C
Total batch mixing time, h 6.5 6.5 E
Water transfer time, h 1 1 C
ZnO transfer time, h 2 2 C
ZnO mix time, h 0.25 0.25 C
NaCN transfer time, h 2 2 C
ZnO + NaCN mix time, h 0.25 0.25 C
Transfer time to storage, h 1 1 C
Mass amount mixing per 1 000kg referance (accounting for purity)
Water, kg 867 867 E
ZnO, kg 60 60 E
NaCN, kg 73 73 E
Mass amount mixing per actual batch (accounting for purity)
Water, kg 57 800 57 800 E
ZnO, kg 4 000 4 000 E
NaCN, kg 4 900 4 900 E
Specific gravity of mixed solution 1.03 1.03 E
ZnO batch feeder
Number 1 1 J
Type Screw Screw J
Weight control Scale Scale C
Design factor 1.25 1.25 C

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Nominal Design Reference

NaCN batch feeder

Number 1 1 J
Type Screw Screw J
Weight control Scale Scale C
Design factor 1.25 1.25 C
Mixing tank
Number 1 1 J
Agitated yes J
Closed top yes J
Viscosity @ 20oC 3 D
Total capacity 2 batches C
Total capacity, m3 86 E 1
H:D Ratio 1.2:1 1.2:1 C
Transfer pump
Number, op/stby 1/0 1/0 J
Type horz-cent horz-cent J
Pump capacity, m3/h 75.1 E
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
Storage tank
Number 1 1 J
Agitated yes J
Closed top yes J
Viscosity @ 20oC 3 G
Holding capacity, h 57 37 J
Capacity, m3 244 E
H:D Ratio 1.2:1 1.2:1 C
Circulation pump
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J
Type horz-cent horz-cent J
Pump capacity, m3/h 28.2 E
Circulation ratio 4:1 4:1 C
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
SAG mill metering valve & timer C 1

Lead regrind metering valve & timer C 1

7.1.9 Copper sulfate (pentahydrate)

Consumption, g/t ore 265 400 H6

Consumption, kg/d 10 600 16 000 E
Delivery bags (1 t) bags (1 t) D 1

On-site storage bulk, d 30 20 J

Mixed batches per day 1.3 2.0 C
Distribution strength solution % 10 10 B
Total batch mixing time, min 360 360 C
Water transfer time, min 60 60 C
Copper sulfate transfer time, min 210 210 C

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Nominal Design Reference

Mixing time, h 30 30 C
Transfer time, h 60 60 C
Specific gravity of solution 1.109 1.109 F
Mixing tank
Number 1 1 J
Agitated yes J
Closed top no J
Viscosity @10% sol., 20 oC, cP 3 D
Total capacity 2 batches per day C
Capacity, m3 72 E
H:D Ratio 1:1 1:1 C
Transfer pump
Number, op/stby 1/0 1/0 J
Type horz-cent horz-cent J
Pump capacity, m3/h 72 E
Design Factor 1.10 1.10 C
Storage tank
Number 1 1 J
Agitated yes J
Closed top no J
Total Capacity, h 56 37 J
Capacity, m3 244 E
H:D Ratio 1.2:1 1.2:1 C
Circulation pump
Number, op/stby 1/1 1/1 J
Type horz-cent horz-cent J
Pump capacity, m3/h 38.6 E
Circulation ratio 4:1 4:1 C
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
Metering method to process valve & timer C 1

Physical properties of copper sulfate pentahydrate

Type pentahydrate H6
Form granular D
Purity, wt% Cu 25 D
Specific gravity 2.28 F
Bulk density
For volume calc., kg/m3 1 200 F
For weight calc., kg/m3 1 350 F

7.1.10 Sodium silicate

Consumption, g/t ore 275 415 H6

(100% Na2SiO3), kg/d 11 000 16 600 H6,E
Delivery method bags (1 t) bags (1 t) D 1
Delivery form powder powder D
Distribution strength solution% SiO2 10 10 C 1

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Nominal Design Reference

Distribuiton solution specific gravity 1.09 D

On-site storage, d 30 20 J
Mixed batches per day 1.3 2 C
Total mixing, h 8.9 C 1

Water transfer to mix tank, h 1 C

Sodium silicate transfer to mix tank, h 5.67 C 1

Mixing time, h 1 C 1
Mixed solution transfer to storage, h 1.25 1.25 C 1
Mixing tank
Number 1 1 J
Agitated yes J
Closed top no J
Viscosity @10% sol., 20oC, cP 1 D
Capacity, m3 86 C
H:D Ratio 1.2:1 1.2:1 C
Storage tank
Number 1 1 C
Agitated no C
Closed top yes J
Total Capacity, h 42 28 C
3 1
Capacity, m 135 E

H:D Ratio 1:1 1:1 C

Transfer pump
Number, op/stby 1/0 1/0 J
Type horz-cent horz-cent J
Pump capacity, m3/h 70
Design Factor 1.10 1.10 C
Metering pumps
Number per addition point 1 J
Total 3 J
Type positive displacement C
Capacity, L/m 38 – 115 38 – 115 E
Physical properties of sodium siicate (delivered)
Type hydrous powder D
SiO2 to Na2O ratio 2:1 D 1
Density, kg/m3 977 D 1

7.1.11 AF65

Consumption, g/t ore 7.5 C

Consumption, kg/d 300 E
Delivery tote D 1
On-site storage, days 30 J
Distribution strength solution, % 100 100 J
Delivery transfer pump

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Nominal Design Reference

Number, op/stby 1/0 1/0 C

Type horz-cent horz-cent C
Pump capacity, m3/h 3.8 E
Transfer time, h 1 1 C
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C

Storage tanks
Number of storage tanks 1 1 C
Agitated no C
Capacity. m3 7.7 E 1

H:D Ratio 1:1 C

Metering pumps
Number 1 per additon point C
Number per Line 1 1 1 C
Number per Line 2 1 1 C
Type diaphram TBA
Capacity (each), L/min 0 – 0.5 0 – 0.5 C
Physical properties of AF65
Type Polyglycol D
Form Liquid D
Density, kg/m3 1 009 D
Viscosity, cP at 25°C 71 D

7.1.12 Flocculant

Type, Medium to high molecular wt. anionic polyacrylamide H12
Consumption, g/t ore 63 68.7 H12 1
Consumption, kg/d 2 500 2 750 S 4

Tailings thickener consumption, g/t 60 60 - 65 J 1

Lead thickener consumption, g/t 0.5 0.7 J

Zinc thickener consumption, g/t 2.0 2.3 J
Bulk thickener consumption, g/t 0.5 0.7 G
Delivery Bags (1 t) TBA
On-site storage, bulk, d 30 25 E
Mix tank
Number 2 2 J
Agitated yes J
Closed top no J
Total capacity, min 90 30 C
Capacity, m3 (each) 84 E
H:D Ratio 1.2:1 1.2:1 C
Storage tank
Number 2 2 J
Agitated yes J

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Nominal Design Reference

Closed top no J
Total capacity, min 120
Capacity, m3 (each) 129 E
H:D Ratio 1.1:1 1.1:1 C
Transfer pumps
Number, op/stby 2/0 2/0 C
Type horz-cent horz-cent C
Pump capacity, m3/h 500 E
Transfer time, min 10 10 C
Design factor 1.10 1.10 C
Preparation strength solution, wt % 0.25 0.25 B
Distribution strength solution, wt % 0.05 0.05 B
Final dilution at thickener feed well, v/v 5:1 B
Metering pumps
Number per addition point 2 2 J
Number operating/standby, ea point 1/1 1/1 J
Total number of flocculant pumps 6 6 J
Type positive displacement C
Capacity Pb flocc. pump, L/min 0 – 10 0 – 10 E
Capacity Zn flocc. pump, L/min 0 – 30 0 – 30 E
Capacity bulk flocc. pump, L/min 0 – 30 0 – 10 E
Capacity tailing flocc. pump, L/min 0 – 1000 0 – 1000 E
Physical properties of flocculant
Form dry powder D
Bulk density, kg/m3 750 D
Viscosity in cP @ 25oC for 0.25% solution
Shear rate (sec-1) 5.11 599 D
Shear rate (sec-1), 170 45 D
Shear rate (sec-1), 511 30 D

7.1.13 Spare

The spare reagent system is identical to the PAX handling and


7.2 Crushing and Grinding Media

7.2.1 Crushing Media

Primary crusher
Liner consumption, g/t 5 7 J
Delivery Truck Truck J
On-site liner storage 1 set 1 set J
Pebble crusher
Liner consumption, g/t 1 G 1
Delivery Truck Truck J
On-site liner storage 1 set 1 set J

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7.2.2 Grinding Media

SAG mill charge

Ball size, mm 125 125 J
Ball consumption, g/t 311 500 J
Ball consumption, t/d 12.4 20 E
Delivery Truck J
Storage method Ball storage bin J
On-site storage, d 30 19 J
Bulk density, kg/m3 4 500 4 500 F
SAG mill liner
Liner consumption, g/t 62 75 J
Delivery Truck Truck J
On-site storage 1 set 1 set J
Ball mill charge
Ball size, mm 65 65 S 4
Ball consumption, g/t 720 720 A 1

Ball consumption, t/d 28.8 28.8 S 4

Delivery Truck J
Storage method ball storage bin J
On-site storage, d 30 16 J
Bulk density, kg/m3 4 500 4 500 F
Ball size, mm 50 50 J
Ball consumption, g/t 380 500 J
Ball consumption, t/d 15.2 20 J
Delivery Truck Truck J
Storage method ball storage bin J
On-site storage, h 30 16 J
Ball mill liner
Liner consumption, g/t 30 82 A 1
Delivery Truck Truck J
On-site storage 1 set 1 set J
Lead regrind mill charge
Ball size, mm 25 25 T
Ball consumption, g/t 2.53 9 A 1

Ball consumption, t/d 0.10 0.10 S 4

Bulk density, kg/m3 4 500 4 500 F
Delivery Truck Truck J
Storage method Ball storage bin J
On-site storage, d 30 30 J
Zinc regrind mill charge
Ball size, mm 25 25 J 1
Ball consumption, g/t 10.5 13 A
Ball consumption, t/d 0.52 0.52 E
Bulk density, kg/m3 4 500 4 500 F
Delivery Truck Truck J

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Storage method Ball storage bin J

On-site storage, d 30 30 J
Lead regrind mill liners
Liner consumption, g/t 1.35 A
Delivery Truck Truck J
Storage 1 set 1 set J
Zinc regrind mill liners
Liner consumption, g/t 10.5 A
Delivery Truck Truck J
Storage 1 set 1 set J
Lime Slaking Mill
Liner consumption, g/t 0.49 S
Ball size, mm 25 T
8.1 Water Systems

8.1.1 Raw Water

All raw water will be supplied by pipeline from a raw water well to a
storage pond supplied by owner.
Raw water reservoirs
Number 1 A
Capacity, d 3 A
Capacity m3 (live) 163 000 A
Raw water consumption, m /h 1 559 4 191 E 1
Raw water supply pressure
at process water tank atmosphere C
Temperature at well head, oC 15 P

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Raw water analysis R 1

Parameter Unit Average Low High

Lab pH 6.868 6.8 6.97

Lab Conductivity Micro mho/cm 4093 3740 4310
Total Suspended mg/L U U U
Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 3066 2970 3242
Bicarbonate mg/L 972 861 1055
Carbonate mg/L U
Calcium mg/L 325 325 483
Chloride mg/L 602.3 540 637
Magnesium mg/L 114.0 63.1 140
Potassium mg/L 32.925 27.5 35.1
Sulfate mg/L 769.9 690 849
Sodium mg/L 412.2 374 437
Total Hardness mg/L as 1261 737 1508
Nitrate + Nitrate mg/L as N 0.36 0.36 0.36
Lithium mg/L 1.35 1.3 1.45
Aluminium mg/L 0.049 0.008 0.09
Chromium Total mg/L 0.315 0.315 0.315
Chromium Disolved mg/L U U U
Manganese mg/L 0.1181 0.11 0.13
Iron mg/L 0.15025 0.02 0.511
Coboalt mg/L 0.0005 0.005 0.005
Nickle mg/L 0.0074 0.0074 0.0074
Copper mg/L 0.0082 0.0044 0.012
Zinc mg/L 0.0309 0.0309 0.0309
Arsenic mg/L 0.00925 0.004 0.02
Selenium mg/L 0.0147 0.0147 0.0147
Barium mg/L NR
Boron mg/L 1.7925 1.62 1.86
Silica mg/L 83.53 80.5 87.3
Silver mg/L NR NR NR
Cadmium mg/L U U U
Antimony mg/L 0.0002 0.002 0.002
Lead mg/L 0.00325 0.0005 0.006

NR - Not Recorded
U - Undetected

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8.1.2 Fire Water

Fire water system gravity to ring main C 1

from fire water tank
Fire water supply pump
Type horizontal centrifugal C 1
Capacity, m3/h 67.3 C 1

Fire water tank

Number 1 J
Fire water tank capacity, m3 570 E 1
Fire water tank capacity, h 2 C
Fire water tank height to diameter ratio 1:1 C

8.1.3 Industrial Water

IW delivery point raw water pond E
IW storage tank capacity, m3 265 M
IW estimated consumption, m3/d 133 158 E, M
Temperature, oC 15 P

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IW water analysis R 1

Parameter Unit Average Low High

Lab pH 8.08 7.7 9.1

Lab Conductivity micro mho/cm 2482 1870 2990
Total Suspended mg/L 24.00 24 36
Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 2003 1110 2970
Bicarbonate mg/L 226 113 407
Carbonate mg/L 33.00 33 33
Calcium mg/L 168.3 87.1 200
Chloride mg/L 642.5 360 950
Magnesium mg/L 48.65 23.5 63.1
Potassium mg/L 39.73 22.9 54.4
Sulfate mg/L 403 230 560
Sodium mg/L 332 224 534
Total Hardness mg/L as CaCO3 621 314 739
Nitrate + Nitrate mg/L as N 0.92 0.64 0.89
Lithium mg/L 1.00 0.62 1.66
Aluminium mg/L 0.09 0.03 0.2
Chromium Total mg/L NR NR NR
Chromium Disolved mg/L U NR NR
Manganese mg/L 20.53 0.011 58.6
Iron mg/L 0.15 0.1 0.24
Coboalt mg/L U U U
Nickle mg/L U U U
Copper mg/L 0.00 0.001 0.012
Zinc mg/L 0.53 0.01 1.07
Arsenic mg/L 0.01 0.003 0.011
Selenium mg/L U U U
Barium mg/L 0.03 0.021 0.039
Boron mg/L 2.44 1.87 2.94
Silica mg/L 46.20 2.8 63.5
Silver mg/L U U U
Cadmium mg/L U U U
Antimony mg/L U U U
Lead mg/L U U U

NR - Not Recorded
U - Undetected

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8.1.4 Process Water

Storage tank
Number 1 1 J
Agitated no J
Closed top no J
Process water tank retention time
at nominal consumption rate, min 15 C 1
H:D Ratio 1.1:1 1.1:1 C
Capacity, m3 2193 E
Process water pumps
Number, op/stb 2/1 2/1 C
Type horizontal centrifugal
Capacity, ea, m3/h 1 125 J
Process water delivery pressure, kPag 300 J

8.1.5 Potable Water

Industrial well water will be by Reverse Osmosis for use as potable

See above analysis for feed water quality to the potable water
treatment unit operation.
Required feed flow, m3/h 13.1 E
Temperature, oC 5 19 N
Pressure, kPag 414 431 N
Required product flow, m3/h 5.91 C
Water requirement per person, m3/d 0.28 C
Number of people to supply 500 G
Potable water tank
Number 1 1 J
Volume, m3 391 J
Potable water tank dimensions, m 8 dia X 8 high J

Potable distribution water pump(s)

Number, op/stby 1/0 1/0 J
Pump discharge pressure, kPag 414 N
Pump capacity, m3/h 5.91 16 N
Chlorine concentration at point of use
furthest from treatment plant, ppm 3 C
Safety shower, m3/h per shower @ 276 kPag 16.6 D

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8.1.6 Reverse Osmosis Water

Raw water will be treated by Reverse Osmosis for specialty plant uses
including filter cake washing. See above analysis for feed water quality
to the Reverse Osmosis unit operation.

Required product flow, m3/h 71.8 92.8 E

Temperature, oC 15 G
Pressure, kPag 1 875 D 1

pH 5.88 – 7.0 D
Ca, mg/L 0.83 D
Mg, mg/L 0.27 D
Na, mg/L 25.13 D
K, mg/L 0.47 D
F, mg/L 0.0 D
HCO3, mg/L <0.8 D
SO4, mg/L 2.04 D
Cl, mg/L <50 D
SiO2, mg/L 0.36 D

Cake wash water tank

Number 1 1 J
Capacity 60 min, Pb and Zn filters operating C
Capacity, m3 53 E
H:D Ratio 1:1 1:1 C

8.1.7 Concentrator Equipment Cooling System

The system uses water (process fluid)
circulating in a closed loop to remove
heat from process equipment. The
process fluid is pumped to the
equipment in the loop and heat is
transferred from the equipment to the
circulating process fluid via heat
exchangers supplied with the
equipment. The hot circulating
process fluid passes through the
process fluid side of a heat exchanger.
Cold water acts as the cooling fluid on
the cold side of the heat exchanger and
heat is transferred to the cooling fluid.
Cold process fluid reports to a storage
tank from which it is pumped to the

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equipment to repeat the heat transfer

process. The warmed cooling fluid
reports to the process water tank.

Equipment cooling process fluid requirements

SAG mill
Bearing demand, m3/h 55.2 D
Motor demand, m3/h 328 D
Cycloconverter, m /h 15.2 D
Cold process fluid temperature, oC 20 20 D
Return temperature, oC 35 37 D
Ball mill no. 1
Bearing demand, m3/h 38.5 D
Motor demand, m3/h 202 D
Cycloconverter, m /h 15.2 D
Cold process fluid temperature, oC 20 20 D
Return temperature, oC 35 37 D
Ball mill no. 2
Bearing demand, m3/h 38.5 D
Motor demand, m3/h 202 D
Cycloconverter, m /h 15.2 D
Cold water temperature, oC 20 20 D
Return temperature, oC 35 37 D
Plant air compressor
Demand, m3/h 21.6 25.9 D
Delivery temperature, oC 20 20 D
Return temperature, C 37 37 D
Instrument air compressor
Demand, m3/h 5.4 6.5 D
Delivery temperature, oC 20 20 D
Return temperature, oC 37 37 D
Cooling process fluid storage tank
Number 1 1 J
Capacity, min 30 C
Capacity, m3 590 E
H:D ratio 1:1 1:1 C
Heat exchanger
Type plate and frame C
Number, op/stndby 1/1 1/1 D
Process fluid water C
Process fluid flow, m3/h 1000 1157 E, D
Cooling fluid water C
Cooling fluid flow, m3/h 1100 1210 E, D
Process fluid inlet temperature, oC 35 37 E, D
Process fluid outlet temperature, oC 20 20 E, D
Cooling fluid inlet temperature, C 15 20 P, C
Cooling fluid outlet temperature, oC 35 37 E, D

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8.1.8 Gland Seal Water System

Low pressure system
Water source industrial well water C
Pressure, kPa 496 E 1
Gland seal water tank capacity, min 60 min. @ nominal E
Gland seal water tank capacity, m3 74.2 E
Gland seal water tank diameter, m 4.58 E
Gland seal water tank height, m 4.88 E
Gland seal water pump
Number, op/stndby 1/1 1/1 C
Type horiz. cent. J
Pump capacity, m3/h 74.7 94.2 E
Design factor 1.10 C
High pressure system
Water source Tapped from low pressure C
gland seal line
Pressure, kPa 903 E 1
Gland seal water pump
Number, op/stndby 1/1 1/1 C
Type horz. cent. C
Pump capacity, m3/h 27.2 32.6 E 1
Design factor 1.10 C
Cyclone feed pump system
Water source industrial well water C
Pressure, kPa 496 E
Gland seal water tank capacity, min 60 min. @ nominal E

8.2 Air Systems

8.2.1 Plant Air Supply

Compressor type rotary screw D

Number, op/stb 3/1 3/1 E
Total required flow, m3(N)/h 7 291 11 450 E
Typical air temperature, oC 30 D
Plant air receivers
Plant air receiver capacity, m3 7.57 J 1

Pb filter receiver capacity see section 6.7.2 C

Zn filter no. 1 receiver capacity see section 6.7.5 C
Zn filter no. 2 receiver capacity see section 6.7.5 C
Bulk filter receiver capacity see section 6.7.5 C
Allowable pressure drop, kPa see section 6.7.2 & 5 C

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Plant air properties

Condition oil-free J
Pressure, kPag 758 D

8.2.2 Instrument Air Supply

Compressor type rotary screw D

Number, op/stb 1/0 1/0 J
Total required flow, m (N)/h 757 757 C
Dryer type heatless dessicant J
Instrument air properties
Dew point, oC (at 862 kPa g) -40 D
Condition oil-free J
Pressure, kPag 760 C
Typical air temperature, oC 30 D

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9.1 Dust control - process

Primary crusher discharge dust suppression

Type water spray J 1

Overland conveyor transfer point dust suppression

Type water spray J 1

Reclaim area dust collector

Capacity, m3(N)/h 6 985 D

Capacity, Am3/h 7 500 D 1

Inlet dust loading, g/m3(N) 11 23 C 1

Outlet dust loading, g/m3(A) 5.0 C 1

Air to cloth ratio, Am3/h per m2 cloth 95.3 D

Maximum allowable
pressure drop, mm wg 152 D

Sodium cyanide wet scrubber C

Type wet venture scrubber C
Capacity, m3(N)/h 1 274 D 1

Scrubber water flow, m3/h 0.577 2.89 E,D
Maximum allowable
pressure drop, mm wg 508 D

Pebble lime receiving hopper dust collector

Capacity, m3(N)/h 36 900 D

Capacity, Am3/h 21 700 D 1

Inlet dust loading, g/m3(N) 10 26 C

Outlet dust loading, g/m3(N) 5 C

Air to cloth ratio, Am3/h per m2 cloth 91.4 D 1

Maximum allowable
pressure drop, mm wg 150 D 1

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9.2 Dust supression - roads

Dust supression for the mine roads and plant site roads are required.

9.3 Containment

9.3.1 Reagent mixing area

Reagent mixing area containment areas are based upon

a percentage of the storage tank volume. Reagent
containment is limited to containment of minor spills and
leaks, except for the zinc cyanide mixing and storage
area. The zinc cyanide mixing and storage area
containment is specified to hold the volume of the
storage tank.

Milk of lime, minimum vol % 10 10 C

Methyl isobutyl carbinol, minimum vol % 10 10 C
Sec. butyl dithophosphate, minimum vol % 10 10 C
Potassium amyl xanthate, minimum vol % 10 10 C
Zinc cyanide, minimum vol % 100 100 C
Copper sulfate, minimum vol % 10 10 C
Sodium silicate, minimum vol % 10 10 C
Aero Froth 65, minimum vol % 10 10 C
Flocculant, minimum vol % 5 5 C
Spare collector, minimum vol % 10 10 C

9.3.2 Thickener areas

Lead concentrates thickener sedimentation and storm

runoff pond J
Zinc concentrate thickener sedimentation and storm
runoff pond J
Zinc scavenger tailing thickener J
sedimentation and storm
runoff pond
9.3.3 Concentrator area
Concentrator area is sloped and graded to allow surface
water to report to a sedimentation and storm run off
pond J

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