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Borja, Mark Joseph 12 December 2021

21st CL – 11 Midship Mrs. Priscilla Estanislao

The Story of Carancal

Thinking through the Literature

1. Who was the protagonist of the story?

Carancal is the protagonist of the story. He is the son of the couple who had long been
married, but had no child.

2.What was the prayer of the couple? Was it granted?

The couple's wish is to have a child. They went to church every Sunday and begged God
to give them a son. They even questioned of their town's witches as to why God would
not bless them with a child.

3. How was Carancal different from the other children?

Carancal is no longer than a span when he was born. He is a very small child but has an
exceptional strength. Carancal also eats a lot, he eats more food than his stomach can
hold. When Carancal was four-feet tall, his daily requirements were a cavan of rice and
twenty-five pounds of meat and fish.

4.Why did the couple sent Carancal away?

Carancal was sent away by the couple because they could no longer afford his daily food
requirements. They became poorer and poorer until they were as poor as rats. The couple
attempted to kill Carancal but were unsuccessful. That is why they chose to send
Carancal away to live on his own and work.
5.. Who were the three friends of Carancal?

The three friends of Carancal are Bugtongpalasan, Tunkodbola, Macabuhalbundok. All

of them wrestled with Carancal.

6. What made Carancal rich? Did he go back to his parents?

Carancal's three friends became kings after their respective father-in-law died. Carancal
went out one day to see his parents and the people who lived with them. Each of his
friends gave him a gift and a large amount of money. Yes, Carancal returned to his
parents, and this time they did not drive him away because he was wealthy. Carancal
lived once more with his parents.

7. What was the moral lesson of the story?

The moral lesson of the story is to be independent and do not always rely on your parents.
When the time comes, you must visit your parents to care for them as they grow older to
give back what they gave you. Another moral lesson I learned from the story is to help
others along the way no matter what their status or who they are because, as they say,
there is strength in numbers.

8. Describe the structure of the story and the arrangement of the plot.

The structure and the arrangement of the story is well-organized as the timeline of the
story is easily understandable. It begins with the story's background, then moves on to the
exposition and other story elements. It was so well-organized that I could easily
understand what was happening in the story. The plot and storyline are structured in the
manner of a hero's journey.
9. What do you think is the author’s purpose in writing the story?

In my opinion, the author's intention is to inform us about the reality of life, and that each
of us should learn how to live on our own and become self-sufficient. Because, in today's
world, adults continue to live with their parents and rely on them so heavily that they
become a burden on their parents' shoulders.

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