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Adviento, Mia Czarina C.

BS Nursing II – C

Pedia Lecture

Activity 1: Analytical Comprehension

Physical growth and development are heavily influenced by genetic factors. Researchers
have made significant progress in the field of genetics in the decade or so after the human
genome was mapped, particularly in the area of the links between nutrition, our genes, and
wellness/disease. Genetics has an impact on our health and well-being in a variety of ways,
including visual experiences, food, epigenetics, sleeplessness, and national health. Chemical
and physical qualities that are active in directing the operations of every bodily cell structure
are determined by certain genes engaged in growth and development. The genes and chemicals
involved have an impact on the development of the child.

While, Environmental Factors Affecting Human Development all aspects of human

development are intertwined and influenced by the surrounding environment. The way humans
behave, think, engage with one another, grow, and process emotions is influenced by their
home, community, physical, and school settings. The mother's use of drugs or alcohol, viral or
bacterial infections, and direct traumatic harm to the fetus are all examples. The quality of the
air a child breathes, as well as the nutritional worth of the food he or she consumes. Child
abuse and neglect are examples of situations that can lead to disease, accident, or harm.

So, genetics and the environment both have an impact on a person's development. This
is encapsulated in the concept of nature vs. nurture. Scientists have questioned which of these
attributes has a bigger impact on many aspects of personal development because they are
linked. When factors like poverty are taken into account, it's evident that the environment's
impact is a threat to people's growth and development.

At certain times and for certain developments, genetic influences dominate, whereas at
other times, environmental influences are more powerful which emphasizes the fact that
genetic and environmental forces are always working together (Sigelman and Rider, 2009).

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