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CLASS 5 – Unit 1D “Belief and Commitment” (pages 10 & 11) (10/04)

CONSIGNAS CLASE 5 – Unit 1D “Belief and Commitment” (pages 10 & 11)


*amazement: asombro *pace: marchar

*apartheid: separación *path: camino
*attentive: atento, cortés *pride: orgullo
*attorney: abogado *quarry: mina, cantera
*back and forth: ida y vuelta, adelante y *raise: elevar
atrás *cheer: animar, alentar *release: liberación
*conundrum: enigma, misterio *restless: intranquilo
*fist: puño *roar: gritar, rugir
*former: anterior *stand still: quedarse quieto
*gather: reunir *striking: chocante, notable
*grief: dolor, duelo *struggle: lucha
*grow up: crecer *supported: apoyado, respaldado
*haggard: demacrada *though: aunque
*halt: detener *trial: juicio
*kidnap: secuestrar *uneasy: inquieta
*lessen: aliviar, reducir *weight: peso
*midst: medio *welfare: bienestar
*whether: si

Exercise 2 (page 10) – The extract is from a book Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson
Mandela. Read the extract again and discuss the questions.

Exercise 3 (page 10) – WORD ANALISIS. Answer the questions, referring

closely to the extracts.


the underlined sentences in the extract and answer the questions.


We use the PAST PERFECT SIMPLE to describe completed events that happened before another event in
the past (often with time expressions such as by the time, when, before, after and until). [She has
already learned how read and write by the time she started school.]


• To describe ongoing activities leading up to a more recent past event.
[They had been walking for hours when they saw the house in the distance.]
• To give background information about an event.
[She was concerned because he hadn’t been sleeping well recently.]
• To emphasize the duration of an activity.
[We’d been dancing for hours and we were tired.]

A.- Choose the correct sentence endings.

1) By the time he reached the prison gates,
a. a large crowd had already gathered to greet him.
b. a large crowd had already been gathering to greet him.
2) When the visitors arrived at the island,
a. they had travelled for many days.
b. they had been travelling for many days.

3) His head ached and his eyes were sore because,

a. he had studied since five o’clock in the morning.
b. he had been studying since five o’clock in the morning.

4) Until I read Mandela’s autobiography,

a. I hadn’t realized that he had spent twenty-seven years in prison.
b. I hadn’t been realizing that he had spent twenty-seven years in prison.

5) We heard about the riot,

a) after we had left the building.
b) after we had been leaving the building.

6) They were angry because,

a) they had waited for many hours.
b) they had been waiting for many hours.

B.- Complete the sentences. Use the PAST PERFECT SIMPLE or PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS form of
the verbs below.

*not finish *work *look for *swim *climb *not expect *shop

1. She …………………………………. For thirty minutes before she realized that she couldn’t see
the shore. 2. He ………………………………………..… the speech before the crowd began to
cheer. 3. By the time we reached the top of the mountain, we …………………….………….. over
300 metres. 4. She …………………………… many people to come until she arrived and the
room was full. 5. He was extremely tired because he ……………………..……. hard all day.
6. How long ……………………………. (you) the book before you found it?
7. We ………………………… for hours by the time we found the gift we wanted to buy.

Exercise 5 (page 11) – Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in
brackets. Use the past simple, past perfect or past perfect continuous. If
both the past perfect simple and continuous are possible, explain the
difference in meaning.

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