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Personal Values and Past Experiences

Determine the standards

by which we judge the
success of goals

Influence the
priority of our
Influence needs and wants
behaviours Value

Influence the goals that

Motivate we set and how they
actions are achieved

Values tend to be:

Qualities that an individual or family believes to be desirable and important in life.
Values are peoples feeling’s or attitudes about things that are important to them. Values tend to be abstract,
not concrete. That is they cannot be touched, smelt or tasted. Values tend to develop as a result of
experiences. This can include education, honesty, freedom, health and happiness. Identifying values
involves asking yourself what is important to you.
Values Activity
Personal Beauty Excitement Honesty Recreation
Values Beauty in nature Fairness Independence Religious faith
Caring for others Fame Intelligence Respect
Comfort Family Love Safety
Community Financial security Money Security
involvement Fairness New experiences Sense of humour
Courage Freedom Physical Socioeconomic status
Creativity doing Friends Attractiveness Success
what’s right education Happiness Popularity\Peace Trust
Efficiency Having fun Recognition youth
Employment Health

Family A fulfilling life Companionship Freedom to express Politeness

Values Appreciation of worth Cooperation oneself in the family Satisfaction with what
of each family \ Equality between Intellectual one has
member males/females stimulation Responsibility
A sense of family Family harmony Love Respect for self and
accomplishment Family pride Meaningful life others
A stimulating, active Financial security Mental and emotional
life forgiveness health
Balance between
work and leisure

to the example pf values listed above
Select 10 personal values that you consider important write them below and then number them in priority order.

A fulfilling life Appreciation of Fairness Money Safety

worth of each
family member
Balance work and Love Family Physical Seriocomic status

1. Family
2. A fulfilling life
3. Fairness
4. Money
5. Safety
6. Balance work and leisure
7. Seriocomic status
8. Love
9. Appreciation of worth of each family member
10. Physical
Select 4 values that your family would consider important and list them below
Balance work and leisure Love Appreciation of worth of Family
each family member

Factors that influence resource management

Factors that influence resource management for a person who is homeless

 Gender – whilst there is emergency housing for men and women there is more support available for women.
This balance is due to the increased needs for women facing domestic violence
 Age – a significant number of youths find themselves homeless. This may be due to substance abuse and /
or family breakdown. Specific services have been created for young people in this situation.
 Socioeconomic status – most homeless people do not have an income die to unemployment. They can also
find it difficult to provide identification such as a birth certificate or licence. This perpetuates their situation
and limits their access to formal support.
 Culture/ethnicity – culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) homeless people may experience language
barriers and be fearful of government agencies and welfare groups this can prevent them from accessing
relevant resources and information
 Disability – mental health issues can be a significant source of disability for the homeless. As a cause or
result of homelessness, mental health can compound the difficulties involved in accessing resources by
creating barriers in communication. Physical or intellectual disabilities can impact on a homeless person’s
ability to move around and to read and interpret information which may affect their ability to travel to
certain places to obtain services

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