Blend Rundown

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 Basil 3
o The Oil of Renewal
 “…brings strength to the heart and relaxation to the mind… also excellent for
states of nervousness, anxiousness, and despair…It brings rejuvenation of vital
forces after long periods of burnout and exhaustion…may strengthen the
adrenals…It gives hope and optimism to the tired soul.”
 Lime 5
o The Oil of Zest for Life
 “…imbues the should with a zest for life…instils courage and cheer in the heart…
cleanses the heart, especially when there has been an accumulation of
emotional toxins…revitalized the heart space, giving room for light and joy.”
 Spearmint 3
o The Oil of Confident Speech
 “…can help individuals access their inner light and convey that light to the
 Lemon 5
o The Oil of Focus
 “…improve one’s focus…calms fears while restoring confidence in the self…
inspires a natural playfulness and buoyancy in the heart…assists in releasing
feelings of despair and hopelessness by restoring feelings of joy and happiness.”
 Bergamot 12
o The Oil of Self-Acceptance
 “…relieves feelings of despair, self-judgement, and low self-esteem. Bergamot
invites individuals to see life with more optimism…Bergamot teaches individuals
to let go of self-judgement by learning to love themselves unconditionally.”
 Ylang Ylang 4
o The Oil of the Inner Child
 “…reconnects an individual with the inner child and the pure simple ways of the
heart… is also a powerful remedy for releasing emotional trauma from the
past…assists individuals in releasing bottled-up emotions such as anger and
sadness… “
 Geranium 4
o The Oil of Love and Trust
 “…facilitates trust, especially when an individual has lost trust in others due to
difficult life circumstances…fosters receptivity to human love and connection.”
 Clove 2
o The Oil of Boundaries
 “…supports individuals in letting go of victim mentality…assists individuals in
letting go of patterns of self-betrayal…It builds up appropriate boundaries and
 Grapefruit 6
o The Oil of Honoring the Body
 “…Teaches true respect and appreciation for one’s physical body. It supports
individuals who struggle to honor their body and are caught in patterns of
 Frankincense 7
o The Oil of Truth
 “…reveals deception and false truths. It invites individuals to let go of lower
vibrations, lies, deceptions, and negativity… assists in pulling the “scales of
darkness” from the eyes, the barriers from the mind, and the walls from the
 Petitgrain 2
o The Oil of Ancestry
 “…illuminates patterns and tendencies of unconsciously repeating family
mistakes…encourages a new, healthier connection between individuals and
their families.”
 Clary sage 3
o The Oil of Clarity and Vision
 “…assists individuals in changing their perceptions…dispels darkness and
illusion…assists in opening creative channels and clearing creative blocks.”
 Citrus bliss 5
o The oil of creativity
 “…returns motivation and drive when it is lacking…is a wonderful combination
of oils for addressing lethargy, discouragement, despondency, or a low will to
live…inspires creativity…fills the heart with creativity and joy.”

Juniper Berry 5

Vetiver 10

Aborvite 2

Wintergreen 3

Birch 4

Temples, 3rd eye, heart & solar plexus

back between shoulder blades and over right shoulder and into the right ear started burning a bit.

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