Marisol Lerona BSIT-206 Answer The Question Below

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Marisol Lerona BSIT-206

Answer the question below:

What type of communication is appropriate for each of the situations? Then,
justify your answer
Situation 1
Mr. Fukuda works as a train traffic controller in one of the busiest railways in
Japan. One (1) afternoon, he noticed that Train A should slow down immediately
and change its track to avoid collision with Train B. He tried to radio the train
operator but all he got was static noise.

In this situation, verbal communication will be the justifiable choice.
Although radio-ing the train operator is also considered verbal in this situation, a
face to face will be the best choice. However, if they are in short distance, non-
verbal communication through gesture and body movement will be a choice.
They can easily have communication through gesture since the traffic enforcers
are known in hand gesture as drivers will never understand them when they
shout so the best way that they did is to have hand gesture. Example when they
say stop, they will have a sign that you need to stop without them saying or
shouting that you must stop.
Situation 2
Melvin, after waiting for more than a year, decided to man-up and profess his
feelings to Nicole. He is baffled on how he will say it to her.

It’s really hard to speak our hearts out in this situation, there are times
where our mouth will be numb when our anxiety took up our system up. So, the
best way to elaborate more on his feelings to Nicole is through written
communication because it will be the best way to confess his feeling. He doesn’t
mess up like in directly saying. When we write, we can deliver the thoughts more
than we speak. There’s a right time to confess his feelings to Nicole in personal.
When he’s ready and have the courage to tell the truth, it will be easier for him to
confess to his loved one.

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