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Salvador, Anne Hazel R.

Sir Redden Dumali
I. Definition of Literature

II. Why do we need to study Literature

III. Examples of Pre-Colonial Literature

IV. Hinilawod Epic (My Story Trail)

V. The conquest by the sword of the cross

VI. The Development of Mestizo

VII. Description of Filipino Life During Spanish Conquest

VIII. Spanish Literary Contribution: Major Contribution dates, Literature

IX. Philippine Poetry(Gabu)

X. Philippine Poetry(The KingFisher)


 Literature is from the Latin word “Litera” means

“Letter”.Literature is based on people experiences that is

written on the book, also literature can be classified to

whether it is fiction or non-fiction. Also Literature has many

kind like Novels, Poem, Short Stories etc. Lierature is a work

of art, it’s a creation of the world wherein the reader not just

to read it but also to reflect the issues we have in our

societies also literature is just a mirror on showing thoughts,

facts, feeling etc. it also expresses the people point of view,

thoughts,feelings in their everyday life.


 The reason why we need to study literature is for us to learn

more about our ancestors contribution in our country, and we

can share the different views of the writers who wrote the

different kinds of literary works such as poem, short stories,

novels, We need to study literature for us to appreciate our

lierary heritage, through the study of our literature we can

trace the rich heritage of ideas that is handed down to us by

our ancestor.


 Made up of one or more measured lines with rhymes and may consis of 4
to 12 syllables


 Heto na ang magkapatid, nag-uunahang pumanhik.

Sagot: Mga paa
 Dalawang batong itim, malayo ang nararating.
Sagot: Mga mata

Salawikain& Sawikain

 Including Epigrams/Maxims/Proverbs
 Short poems that have been customarily been used and served as laws or
rules on good behavior by our ancestor

Example of Salawikain

 Kung ano ang puno, siya ang bunga.

 Kung may tinanim, may aanihin.

Example of sawikain

 Kumukulo ang dugo= Galit

Example of Maxims

 Pag hindi ukol, hindi bukol

Bulong (Chants)

 Used in witchcraft or enchantments


 Sa hinaba haba ng prusisyon, sa simbahan din pala ang tuloy


 Used in teasing or to comment on a person’s acutations.


 Walang mahirap na gawa ‘pag dinaan sa tiyaga.

Nothing’s hard to do if you pursue it through perseverance.
 Huwag kang magtiwala sa ‘di mo kakilala.
Never trust someone you don’t know. / Never trust a stranger .

 A quatrain with seven syllables each with the same rhyme at the end of
each line


“Tahak ng tingin, tulak

Ng sulyak,yakap,lapat
Ng titig sa balikat
Hatak pa, kindat, hakat”

 Traditional poetry of the Hanunoo Mangyans of Oriental Mindoro which is

normally inscribed on bamboo using a pre-colonial syllabic writing system
called the Surat Mangyan.


 Derived from the philippin folk literature, which is the traditionsl oral
literature of the Filipino people.

Folk song

 A form of folk lyrics which expresses the peole’s hopes,aspirations, and



Kundiman Mambayu

Harana Subli
Hinilawod ( My story Trail )


ALUNSINA is the goddess of the eastern sky and daughter of KAPTAN the king of the

DATU PAUBARI is the mighty ruler of Hinalawod. Their union brought forth three sons


The first woman to catch the fancy of of the first born son named LABAW DONGGON
is the maiden from Handug whose name is ANGOY GINBITINAN. Labaw Dongon
would need to subdue the MONSTER MANALINTAD to win the heart of this maiden.
Their union eventually brought to life ASO MANGGA.

The second woman who caught the attention and admiration of Labaw Dongon is
ABYANG DURUNUUN from Tarambang Buyok. In order to win the heart of this woman
Labaw Dongon fought a giant with a hundred arms named SIKAY PADALOGDOG.
They had a son named ABYANG BARANUGON.

MALITONG YAWA SINAGMALING DIWATA for a place called Gadlum is the Bride of
the Saragnayan who is considered as the YOUNG BRIDE . Saragnayan and Labaw
Dongon fought hard and in the end Labaw Dongon was defeated and IMPRISONED


The two sons of Labaw Dongon ABYANG BARANUGON, and fought Saragnayan to
free their father. Eventually they won the battle against Saragnayan and was able to
free Labaw Dongon.


Humadapnon also sought revenge to what happened his elder brother Labaw Dongon.
He sought the help of BUYONG MATANAYON who is one of the great swordsman of
Mount Matiuala.

On their way to the fortress of Saragnayan they met a beautiful sorceress in the name
of PIGANUN. Humadapnon was so much enchanted by the beauty of this sorceress
and was eventually imprisoned. Luckily he was able to be freed and escape thru the use
of ODOR OF GINGER by his friend.
Later he performed a heroic deed to the people of Piniling tubig by
________________________. He was rewarded by the great DATU PINAUMBAW by
allowing him to marry his beautiful daughter _________________.

During the wedding feast Humadapnon learned about the beautiful goddess of Greed
_____________________. To win the heart of of the Goddess, he would need to defeat
one of her suitor in a duel in the person of a great warrior named BUYONG
MAKABIGTING. They fought and Humadapnon won the battle and married the


The youngest of the three sons Dumalapdap went to seek his own fortunes in a place
called Burutlakan-ka-adlaw, where he met a beautiful maiden called LUBAY LUBYOK.
In his company is the great wrestler MADYA-AS. With the help of the great wrestler,
Dumalapdap was able to subdue the the two-headed monster BALANAKON who
guarded a narrow ridge leading to the place where the maiden lived. He also defeated a
bat like creature called UYUTANG. This battle was so intense that many people
believed that it was responsible for the formation of the island of BUGLAS (Negros)
and the the island of PANAY. After the struggles Dumalapdap married the maiden and
returned to their kingdom.


Datu Paubari was so happy in seeing his three sons with their wives he organized a
FEAST to honor them and according to legend the three brothers went separate ways,
and started a new race of great men and warriors.

The Development of the Mestizo

The Spanish domination in 1565. Because of the colonization of the Philippines, Our
country was a former home of the viceroyalty. Early Spanish settlers were explorers,
soldiers, government officials, religious millionaires and other. Those who were born in
Spain and Mexico are called Peninsularez (Spanish migrants living In the colony) or
Criollo. The successor generation is called Insurales (Spaniards or Hisponies) that is
born from the island. The Indigenous population, but they aren’t given the privilege to
owner a land. Social Intercourse between merchants, indigenous resulted in a new
ethnic group.

These groups were called Mestizos. The Spanish complemented a boost to advise to
knot the various races together in order to stop rebellion. At is needed to encourage the
public instruction in all ways possible to establish in Manila a college of Medicine,
surgery, pharmacy to break down the barriers that divide. The purpose of the Spaniards
of the country, the Chinese and the Filipinos admitted the perfect equality as cadets of
the Military cops.

The Mexicans Mestizos heritage knw as Americanos also arrived in the Philippines
during the Spanish colonial period. The Philippines statistics does not accout for the
racial background or ancestry of an individual. The official population of all typo of
Filipinos mestizos that reside inside and outside of the Philippines remains unknown.

Description of Filipinos Life during Spanish Conguest

When the Spanish ruled us, they accomplished a littile in our country. They introduce
Catholeceism and build a wall city in Manila, but they are disappointed because they
cant send spice or gold. They were able to control the coastal area of the Northern and
Central island, but not the southern island, where Islam Indigenous tribe were able to
repel Spanish incurision. They introduced the idea of land holding to native people.
There are many natives who came to live on the land owned by the Spanish, or who are
close to the Spanish and they become tenant. The life of natives in the time od Spanish,
Manila was the heart of Spaniards in the Philippines. They lived in the Walled City of
Intramuros. The Philippines is managed or governed by the Viceroy of new Spain in a
current in Mexico but still ruled by Catholic Church. They accepted Christianity turn both
to conciliate, the population and bind together. All of the people, the power people from
Spain is abide inside the walls. Those who is outside the wall is the different people
from differen country with different culture, and tradition.
What went to the Philippines in similar to happened to the America. They assimilate the
land and build a hug plantation what made me rich. The Indigenous is mixed up with
some of the Spaniards, osme of them is devasiate by them yet both groups adopted
Other groups deny, that’s why the Spaniards burned the villages, destroyed their plants,
raped the women, abusebut the Igorot were never conquered by the Spaniards. The
Spanish were not that harsh to the local peoplein the Philippines but they did make an
effort to stamp out tradition and custom. Many people is uncovered by the Spaniards.

Spanish Literary Contribution: Major Contribution dates, Literature

Before the Spanish invasion to the Philippines, the Filipinos had no surnames.
The native Filipino parents were acquainted in naming their sons and daughters
according to their physical characteristics, qualities, or to some coincidental
events. For instance,

The Filipino language, derived from the Tagalog language, which is the national
language today, was even a Spanish influence. The Filipino vocabulary came

There was a union between the Church and the State during the Spanish era, so
the constitution or the body of law of the colony was mainly Catholic in
orientation. The Philippine government, aside from being ruled by the friars and
the governor-general from Spain, was dominated by male servants. This
patriarchy has continued to exist nowadays even though women are already
allowed to have a government seat but to sum up all the positions in the
government, women are only less in number.    

Furthermore, different uprising of the native Filipinos have strengthened their

motivation to defend the land and plans for progress without fear against the
colonizers including the later sets of invaders --the Americans and Japanese. On
the negative side, these cultures have given ways for exploitation, monopoly of
power, patriarchy, negative positioning of women in the society, and the feeling
of inferiority over other people.    

No matter how good or bad the Philippine history is with the Spaniards, the
important thing is that the Filipinos were able to progress themselves and have
reached to what they are today.  
by Carlos Angeles

The battering restlessness of the sea

Insists a tidal fury upon the beach

At Gabu, and its pure consistency

Havocs the wasteland hard within its reach.

Brutal the daylong bashing of its heart

Against the seascape where, for miles around,

Farther than sight itself, the rock-stones part

And drop into the elemental wound.

The waste of centuries is grey and dead

And neutral where the sea has beached its brine,

Where the split salt of its heart lies spread

Among the dark habiliments of Time.

The vital splendor misses.  For here

At Gabu where the ageless tide recurs

All things forfeited are most loved and dear.

It is the sea pursues a habit of shores.

Carlos Angeles was born on 25 May 1921 in Tacloban, Leyte. He finished his
undergraduate in the University of the Philippines and his work has been included in
poetru anthologies in the United States. His poetrycollection, Stun of Jewels, won the
Republic Cultural Heritage Award in literature back in 1964, he also the Don Carlos
Palanea Memorical Awards in poetry in the same year. He is an active member of many
Filipino- American press clubs in the US, where he currently resides. His poem "Gabu"
in said to be one of the most well loved Filipino poems written in english. In 1964, the
same year that poetry was first considered in the Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for
Literature, Angeles’ collection of poems, A Stun of Jewels(Manila: Alberto S. Florentino,
1963), received first prize in the prestigious contest. Comprised of 47 poems and
dedicated to Angeles wife, A Stun of Jewelsalso won the Republic Cultural Heritage
Award for Literature.Angeles has been living in the USA since 1978. Married to
Concepcion Reynoso, he has seven children and 18 grandchildren, all residing in the
States. -Carlos Angeles is the most good writer in the year 1964 and up. Gabu in my life
is .Its almost have the same in my life. In every problem that came up to me, it makes
me more stronger. I used the problem as my inspiration in my life, because the problem
is the way to find out how strong you are. Problem is the part of your being human, all
the problem has a solution.

By Marjorie M. Evasco 
This is how I desire god on this island
With you today: basic and blue
As the sea that softens our feet with salt
And brings the living wave to our mouths
Playing with sounds of a primary language.
“God is blue,” sang the poet Juan Ramon Jimenez,
Drunk with desiring, his hair, eyebrows,
Eyelashes turned blue as the kingfisher’s wings.
It is this bird that greets us as we come
Round the eastern bend of this island;
Tells us the hairbreadth boundary between us
Is transient in the air, permeable to the blue
Of tropic skies and mountain gentian.
Where we sit on this rock covered with seaweeds,
I suddenly feel the blueness embrace us,
This rock, this island, this changed air,
The distance between us and the Self
We have longed to be. A bolt of burning blue
Lights in my brain, gives the answer
We’ve pursued this whole day:
Seawaves sing it, the kingfisher flies in it,
This island is rooted in it. Desiring
God is transparent blue – the color
Which makes our souls visible.

Marjorie Evasco is an award- winning Filipino poet, born in Maribojoc, Bohol on

September 21, 1953. She writes in two languages: English and Cebuano-Visayan and
is a supporter of women's rights, especially of women writers. Marjorie Evasco is one of
the most exciting talents in English and Cebuano writing to emerge from the Philippines
in the last three decades. She was born 1953 in Maribojoc, Bohol in the Central
Visayas, the Philippines, and grew up in Tagbilaran City. Born into a family of teachers
who were “always talking English”, she was brought up and educated as a Roman
Catholic and her formative years in school were spent under the tutelage of German
and Belgian nuns. She completed her B.A. from Divine Word College-Tagbilaran (now
“Holy Name” University), took an M.A. in Creative Writing at Silliman University, and a
Doctorate of Arts in Language and Literature (DALL) at De La Salle University, Manila.
How does God exist in my life, we all know that our religion is very close to God. This is
part of being a Catholic. God is always existing in my life, sometimes I can't say the
word, but in my heart God ia always here. And God is my saviour in all time, God is
always there when I'm needed involved or i need someonw to talk. He is always by my
side. He guiding me in every step of my life. Im proud to be a catholic and im so proud
of having a him in my life, with all of my heart.

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