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REVISION HISTORY | ORF | Issue | Rev. | Pages 7 | | errectiviry HO. Na | Ho |vgea CHANGE DesenPTOn ___omonuron | "SCE 082) 00 | Initial release -transition to ISO | ROSEMARIED. | 2 Additional details in the flowchart “sot rdprosesure (see changenin™ | ROSEMARIE. | D&C. 8 COPY HOLDER: REVIEWERS: / p2-81 [_] PBDD-86 Name Division/Position | Si Date CO p1-s2 LEGAL - B7 Henry M Gelacio WOQNMR Bah, [Charish M Paria STOD/IDQNR Joh A-B3 PA- BS Oo [Evangeline C, Bueno] LTID/DGt a (2 stoo-84 [[] otners: [Emelta A Mayol PBDD/DOMR: LA ee CZ ut-ss [Wier T. Andoy | Legal Dw/DOMR ane . m0 PREPARED BY RECOMMENDING|APPROVAL BY | APPROVED BY Al sume! | pel saeco JANICEIA. UMALI RODO! . VINLUAN om » ABELLA Process Documenter — IO Champion bub [2he-ke | Mel “tu Date Signed | Date Signed Date Signed a __ PROPRIETARY NOTICE 7 a | THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DAR NORTH COTABATO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY QMR 2.0 3.0 ‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DAR NORTH COTA Dee. Wo. “QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROCEDURE ALALAP-O4 OBJECTIVE 4.1 Tobe able to provide and render effective procedure in document processing, 1.2 To be able to give proper action for documents received and identify person responsible for providing the appropriate service required. 1.3. To provide a procedure for the documentation and recording of all documents received by the legal division SCOPE 2.1 This system procedure covers all documents received and/or submitted to the Legal Division for appropriate actions and/or assistance, including those assistance rendered to walk-in clients. ACRONYMS/DEFINITION OF TERMS 3.1. Agrarian Dispute- refers to any controversy relating to tenurial arrangements, whether leasehold, tenancy, stewardship or otherwise, over lands devoted to agriculture, including disputes concerning farmworkers association or representation of persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing or seeking to arrange terms or indications of such tenurial arrangements. 32 Agrarian Justice Delivery - refers to one of the components of DAR consisting of the DARAB and BALA for adjudication and representation. 3.3 Awarded Land (AL) -. This refers to an agricultural land distributed through an agrarian reform program of the State. This includes landholdings covered by Certificates of Landownership Award (CLOAs) and Emancipation Patents (EPs). 3.4. ALAS - Agrarian Legal Assistance and Allied Services 3.5 ALICase- Agrarian Law Implementation 3.6 ARB - Agrarian Reform Beneficiary with CLOA Title 3.7 BARC-- Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee 3.8 BALA - Bureau of Agrarian Legal Assistance te: 06 VEC 2016 3.9 DARMO — Department of Agrarian Reform Municipal Office _ 3.10 CARL — Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law 3.11 CARP — Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program ~ PROPRIETARY NOTICE USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY OMR QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROCEDURE an ALALAP-O1 | jenwe.No; Ot | Rev.tie: 00 3.12 CLOA- Certificate of Land Ownership Award 3.13 Control Number — refers to a serial number assigned to a particular case folder for identification and reference. 3.14 DARAB — Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication BoarD. 3.15 Docket Book - refers to the logbook which contain the list/register of all cases filed/received by the Division; the cases are assigned with docket/control numbers for identification. 3.16 Docket Number -refers to a serial number given/assigned to a case duly filed and registered in a docket book for identification and reference; usually recorded in chronological order 3.17 Incoming Communications(IC) logbook — Incoming Logbook. This refers to a document logbook where all received documents in the division will be recorded, documented and assigned a control number for references. 3.18 IR- Investigation Report 3.19 LCMS — Legal Cases Monitoring System 3.20 MARPO — Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer | 3.21 Major Final Output (MFO)-. This refers to the basis of deliverables/output set by the division to attain BE ecavtmentafRorwian Reform 3.22 RARAD — Regional Agrarian Reform Adjudicator 3.23 PARAD — Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudicator Issued by 3.24 PARPO Il - Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer Il mk 3.25 PDPC - Provincial Data Processing Center 3.26 Transfer Awarded Land (TAL) -. This refers to those Awarded Lands which have already been transferred. 3.27 RMS - Record Management System 4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 4.1 DARMC No, 12, Series of 2009 pee 06 vec 204 | 4.2 R.A. 6857as amended by R.A. 9700 (6 PROPRIETARY NOTICE | THis DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO O4R NORTH COTABATO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY QMR, SS T= GMSDC F-02 Rev 00 Ty bee. No | _ALALAP-O1 | ‘issue. No. Oo | ew.No 00 PageNo: 4of 13 | 4.3 RA 1199 as amended RA 3844 44 RA9285 4.5 2009 Revised DARAB Rules and Procedures SAR vccermenastarninefow 46 Legal Case Monitoring System (LCMS) CONTROLLED cop, 308d by ESTHE Orie 4.7 DAR -Legal Information System (DAR-LIS) 4.8 Administrative Order No. 4, series of 2009 4.9 Administrative Order No. 5, series of 2011 4.10 Administrative Order No. 6, series of 2016 4.41. Administrative Order No. 7, series of 2016 | MASTER COPY 5.0 RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY 5.1 CHIEF, LEGAL DIVISION 06 DEC 2016) 5.1.1 Responsible for the supervision of all pertinent activities of the legal division 5.1.2 Assigns the case to ARPO Ii/Legal Officer for assessment, validation and Interview of prospective clients. 5.1.3 Closely monitors the reports and findings of the Legal Staff for their proper representation in judicial and quasi-judicial cases in the Regular Courts and PARAD/RARAD Office. 5.1.4 Supervises and checks the reports and pleadings submitted by Legal Staff, for the approval and proper submission and filing, 5.1.5 Monitors the development of the case thru the LCMS. 5.1.6 Evaluates! verifies pertinent documents for issuance of clearance, recommendations and investigation/ inspection reports, 5.2 ARPO Il/Legal Officer 5.2.1 Upon assignment of case, he/she assesses, evaluates and validates the party seeking the legal service or assistance if he/she is qualified for PROPRIETARY NOTICE a ‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DAR NORTH COTABATO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY QMR. — = eee a 5.3 5.4 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROCEDURE ey Fev, No. 00 PageNo: Sof 13 i a legal service and submits recommendations by filling up the appropriate Basic forms. 5.2.2. Determines what assistance! service (mediation, representation in quasi- judicial andior judicial cases, investigation/inspection and resolution of issues in the implementation of agrarian laws) is required by the client and identifies the required documents needed for processing/filing of case. 5.2.3 Conducts investigation/inspection to gather necessary documents in support of the case and validation of information gathered for the preparation of appropriate pleadings, reports as the case may be. 5.2.4 Files the initiatory pleadings and the sub represent the clients during the conduct of asi-judigial and judicial cases. MASTER COPY RECEIVING CLERK bere: _O6 Vev 2016 5.3.1 Receives incoming documents and checks the completeriess of applications, as may be required. In case of walk-in clients, he/she conducts the preliminary interview to identify the service needed by the client 5.3.2 Logs the incoming and outgoing documents in the appropriate logbooks and encodes them in the record monitoring system. Outgoing documents released are acknowledge enis_by affixing Encodes the certifications/reco! inate Btipent documents as may be needed LCMS POINT PERSON 5.4.1 Upon receipt of the tocume FOtficer, prepares the case folder and the monitoring sheet. He/she then encodes logs the case folder in the Docket Book and assigns the appropriate docket/control number for the said case folder. 5.4.2 He/she encodes the case folder in the LCMS as well as updates the status of the Cases until the termination of the case. 5.4.3 Maintains the records of the cases and other pertinent documents to individual folder. “PROPRIETARY NOTICE ‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DAR NORTH COTABATO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN RMISSION BY GMR, ~GMS-BCF-02 Rev.00 | ALA-LAP-01__| Teove.Nos 04 Doe. No. ALA-LAP-01 oa] 5.5 RECORDS OFFICER 5.5.1. Responsible for maintaining all records in the Division, except those documents included in the case folders. 5.5.2 Responsible for releasing copies of documents/records of the Division. MASTER COPY ae 06 DEC WB: AR arate = 7 PROPRIETARY NOTICE ‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DAR NORTH COTABATO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE 1S EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY QMR ee GMS-DCF-O2Rav.00 ee Wa __ALA-LAP-01 ‘sue. No: 4 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROCEDURE ev. No. 00 Reform __ 6.06.0 FLOWCHART Comnuncaters optcaton ciedance Apotcaton Log documents to Incoming Procedure ‘epbo0k Ge) T Y Documents are terarded tothe Chet ofthe Legal wien es MASTER Copy evaluates anc Date hit, Leal erates and ate-_ 0.6 DEC 2016 eae (eer aunts. (nto bc) TT Legal officer assigned * Records Officer determines the nature. Legal Lor 1 ofthe case nt eernngsfrowah Memo Lettersrephos Fies ae = documents to ‘Focward to Chiet for Focward to Recowing appropriate ‘econmendaton Crk fr releose of ‘oder ioraek designated a =. Eno — - ~~ PROPRIETARY NOTICE ‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DAR NORTH COTABATO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY OMR = —— AMEE Rav 1 Prepares Basie Information Sheet q Forwards document | to LEMS point person a Preparation of Case Folder ae ALALAP.O1 | mene. 01 | Rev. No. 00 Pageno: 8 of 13 ase Fol or Bocumont & Prose on a Represent | __,f Js} | oteran Lt | cies Prpsedire on , ova ———— Cases re cede on + | ol | apes i suDiclaL caves Sait rosea on |__,[ REFERRAL a Gees : Saxe: 06 DEC 2016 | Procedure to L__fveonren _, |] Pears’ Medan Caer Lo PROPRIETARY NOTICE [ THiS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO BAR NORTH COTABATO, ANY OISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY QMR. | AMEE Rav BT | & | QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROCEDURE, arty | Be ALA-LAP.01 | ZN (sue.No: Ot Rev. No, 00 PageNo: Gof 13 | 7.0 _| _| f r 1 | INPUTS No. PROCESSIACTIVITY | RESPONSIBLE OUTPUT(S) | —— a on - tt Documents 7 1.0 | Receiving Clerk receives the | Recei ing Clerk |” Immediately (Incoming, documents and checks the | | received and Petition/Pleadings/ completeness; properly Clearance ° documents oe Cesrromentn Aa bn Rform checked | Application/ CONTRA Gocuments: | | Contracts) | Z | | Client Basic li F wabiein’ ch thal Re | 7 4B 4.1 | In case of walk-in clients, the eceiving \courately Information Sheet | client is interviewed using the Clerk/ Client filled-up Client Basic Information and | _Inteview | Assessment Form provided. (5 Sheet and || minutes) Monitoring | | Sheet | Documents 1.2 | Documents are then classified Receiving clerk | our | | | as communications, complaints/ ‘ ie | petitions, or clearance aan isd applications. (5 minutes) | | Seedments: | | 13 if the document is for Land Transfer Transactions, refer to| | Procedure on Issuance of DAR | + | | Clearance. | vate:_06 | Documents with | 1.4 | Communications and | | classifcation documents for actions are then | Receiving Clerk comer logged and assigned with cana control number. (10 minutes). || mo | | | | | | | Documents are then forwarded Documents ‘Appropriately "8 io the Chief of the Legal Receiving Clerk | duly | receen and ‘Division for evaluation and evaluated ldbeunent assessment. (3 minutes) | | and | cL Low |_assessed _| ——— PROPRIETARY NOTICE — ‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DAR NORTH COTABATO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY QMR. a GMS-DOF-0P Rev 00 T MASTER COPY! & QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROCEDURE ee ALAPOL ZN Ot | et Rev. No. _ oo vane : Page No: 10013 | "| 2.0 | The Chief of the Legal Division] Chief Legal | - - then evaluates the documents | Division | | whether for information/ records, | | keeping. or for action | | Controlled 24 Controlled Documents for | | [document for Records: | | | records | | | | @. Documents for information Records Officer | Properly | | and records keeping are then | Filed/posted | forwarded to the Records | document | Officer for posting and/or | | | dissemination as the case may | | | | be. i | | | | | Records Officer) Duly | (8. The Records Officer then Encoded | [enters the document in the | controlled | | Record Management Syste document | | (15 minutes) | | | | Records Officer | Properly Filed | |e. The Records Officer then’ | controlled __|__files the documents. (3 minutes), | document _| 3.0 Controlled Documents for Action: a. Documents for action are Legalofficer | Documents Sra for | assigned to the Legal Officer for evaluated by | joctimert. fer further evaluation. lo | action | | | | | b. The Legal Officer assigned to | | the document then determines | Legal officer Nature of the | the nature. (10 minutes) (documents | determined - ©. Legal Officer prepares the | Data Information Basic Information —_and)Legal Officer Duly Filled-up | sbessment form needed for | Information and | Q6 DEC 2016 —pROREEERT NHS THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DAR NORTH COTABATO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY QMR. : —<— ~ OME ERIE Rav ITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROCEDURE Wer ALA-LAP.O1 asus, No a1 Rev. No, PageNo: 110813 | Data Information d. Then the filled-up form with| Legal Officer | Forwarded and Assessment the attached documents _is | | immediately Form forwarded to the MFO Point | complete | Person of the LCMS for | documents | particular case e. For letters, queries_and Duly replies, the Legal _ Officer evaluated | assigned shall evaluate the letters/ | £lf the subject is for immediate | | response for @ specific query or Careful case, a__memorandum _is | prepared initiated by the office, through | the Chief for the approval_o | PARPO I | g. The memorandum will_be ‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DAR NORTH COTABATO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR one OSTEO | “PROPRIETARY NOTICE | | logged to the Outaaing Loqbook | Duly logged | | (OC) for proper documentation memo in the | | of released document. oC | | h. For letters or replies, the | | Legal Officer assigned shall act | | on the letter. | |g The LO shall forward_the | ic leased fo Duly || PARPO IT office _for | forwarded || handling” “of _mail_through focument for | courier. release and | ‘mail Information — ai .0 | The Point Person for the LCMS’> MFO Point | Accurately Assessment Form | [receives the documents and) Person assigned ‘willidoournent | assigns the proper docket _ Control Icontrol number. Then he logs | number and the case in the docket/logbook Docketed (10 minutes) Number | Filled-up | Information and MASTER COPY | accessment i" Form with document) USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY QMR. OMS-DCEO? Rev 60 - Doc We QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROGEDURE oe ALACLAP-04 tesue.No Ot Rev. No. oo ‘Page No. 12 of 13 Control Docket’ [4.1 | He/she prepares the Case) MFO Point Properly | Number | Folder, attaching the’ = Person =| prepared documents and the filled up | Case Folder | | form/s (Basic Information and | Assessment Form, Monitoring | Sheet) and other pertinent | | | | | documents submitted | | | | | | | | | | | | Case Folder 4.2 Case Folders are assigned with FQ point Case folder | docket/control numbers “person —_| with assigned | according to the procedure to | | docket | be followed. (15 minutes) | | number 1 | | | | Timely | | a. The CF is then entered in the encoded and | | _LCMS and updated as needed updates | (10 minutes) Case in | tems | | | b. Retained documents, filed | Case files and recorded kept 8.0 FORMS/RECORDS: 8.1 Basic Information and Assessment Form 8.1.1 ALA-LAF-01 Rev.00 Client Interview Sheet 8.1.2 ALA-LAF-02 Rev.00 Case Monitoring Sheet | Pate:_96 VEC 2016 8.1.3 ALA-LAF-03 Rev.00 ALI Case | 8.1.4 ALA-LAF-04 Rev.00 Quasi-Judicial 8.1.5 ALA-LAF-05 Rev.00 Mediation (DARPO) 8.1.6 ALA-LAF-06 Rev.00 Mediation (DARMO) 8.1.7 ALA-LAF-11 Rev.00 Judicial Case _ PROPRIETARY NOTICE 1 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DAR NORTH COTABATO. ANY DISCLOSURE OR | USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY QM AMSACERS Ba an Boe. Noe QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROGEDURE | ALA-LAP.01 tssue.No: Ot Revo: 00 | Page No. 13 of 13 | 8.2 Land Transfer Forms: 8.2.1 ALA-LAF-07 Rev.00 Bailbond/Property Bond 8.2.2 ALA-LAF-08 Rev.00 Deed of Sale & Deed of Donation 8.2.3 ALA-LAF-08 Rev.00 EJS/Sole Adjudication 8.2.3 ALA-LAF-10 Rev.00 Loan | 8.2.4 ALA-LAF-12 Rev.00 DAR Clearance Verification Slip ELECTRONIC RECORD 8.3 Records Monitoring System (Incoming Communications) 8.4 Legal Case Monitoring System i MASTER COPY [he 06 DEC 2016 —~ PROPRIETARY NOTICE — ‘THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO DAR NORTH COTABATO, ANY DISCLOSURE OR USE IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED EXCEPT UPON WRITTEN PERMISSION BY MR. ~ — T ~ GRE BGF-02 Rev.60

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