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Personal Best

Personal Best


Do your personal best with English!

Personal Best is a 6-level General English course for today’s busy adults, Series Editor Jim Scrivener
Level 2

American English
developed with Jim Scrivener, internationally renowned teacher trainer and
presenter. Jim’s focus on PRACTICE as the key to improvement is reflected
throughout the contemporary course package. The course features a video Student’s Book
webshow called Learning Curve and a wealth of extra activities and resources Louis Rogers
on the Richmond Learning Platform.

Practice makes perfect! For students

Level 2
Personal Best puts practice at the heart of ◾ Student’s Book + Workbook
learning and gives you the tools you need ◾ Richmond Learning Platform access
to do your personal best.
For teachers
◾ Teacher’s Book + interleaved Student’s Book
Build your language ◾ Richmond Learning Platform access
◾ Teacher’s Resource Book with photocopiable
The language lessons give equal weight to grammar activities and tests
and vocabulary learning and are supported by ◾ Digital Book for Interactive Whiteboard use
comprehensive Grammar Practice, Vocabulary Practice,
◾ Complete assessment package
and Communication Practice sections.

Student’s Book
Build your skills ◾ Practice language and skills
◾ Assign, test, and track progress
The skills lessons develop and practice reading,
◾ Download full range of teaching resources
writing, listening, and speaking through Text Builder,
◾ Access ready-made print and interactive tests
Conversation Builder, Listening Builder, and Skills
features. Each unit builds towards a structured speaking
◾ Create new tests with Richmond Test Manager
or writing task.

Listening and speaking skills are

Learning developed through fully integrated video
lessons. The Learning Curve webshow hosts
bring you a selection of documentaries,
interviews, and personal video diaries in
every unit.

Common European Framework

A2 B1 B1+ B2 9 789929 783973

Student’s Book
Level 2
Series Editor
Jim Scrivener
Louis Rogers


1 Education, education! ▪▪ simple past: ▪▪ intonation in ▪▪ school subjets READING Learning

questions questions and education ▪▪ an article about ▪▪ making suggestions
1A School days p4 ▪▪ verb patterns: verb ▪▪ 'd like and like ▪▪ resolutions different education ▪▪ sounding sympathetic
1B Lifelong learning p6 + to infinitive experiences
▪▪ understanding words PERSONAL BEST
1C Change your life p8
that you don't know ▪▪ describing and
1D What's the problem? p10 ▪▪ because and so responding to

2 People ▪▪ comparative ▪▪ -er endings ▪▪ adjectives to Learning

adjectives ▪▪ superlative describe places ▪▪ a video about changing ▪▪ writing a description
2A First dates p12 ▪▪ superlative adjectives ▪▪ describing
our appearance of a person
2B You look so different! p14 adjectives appearance ▪▪ listening for detailed ▪▪ clauses with when
▪▪ personality
2C The yearbook p16 information (1) PERSONAL BEST
adjectives ▪▪ weak forms
2D Someone that I admire p18 ▪▪ a description of
someone you admire

1 and 2 REVIEW and PRACTICE p20

3 On the move ▪▪ have to/don't ▪▪ have to/has to ▪▪ travel and READING Learning
have to ▪▪ sentence stress transportation ▪▪ an article about the ▪▪ arriving at a hotel
3A Getting to work p22 ▪▪ be going to, future ▪▪ vacation unusual way Jordan ▪▪ checking information
3B Looking for Elizabeth time expressions activities Axani found a travel
Gallagher p24
▪▪ reading for detail ▪▪ a conversation at a
3C Road trip p26 ▪▪ adverbs of probability hotel reception
3D At a hotel p28

4 Enjoy yourself! ▪▪ present perfect ▪▪ sentence stress ▪▪ entertainment Learning

with ever and ▪▪ vowels ▪▪ opinion ▪▪ a video about books ▪▪ writing and replying to
4A Going out p30 never adjectives an invitation
that have become
4B The book was better! ▪▪ present perfect ▪▪ articles: a/an, the, or
p32 movies
and simple past ▪▪ listening for detailed no article
4C A famous voice p34
information (2)
4D Would you like to come? p36 PERSONAL BEST
▪▪ linking consonants
▪▪ an invitation to a party
and vowels and a reply

3 and 4 REVIEW and PRACTICE p38



5 All about me ▪▪ simple present ▪▪ final -s/-es ▪▪ personality READING Learning

and adverbs and sound adjectives ▪▪ a text about Andrew ▪▪ showing interest
5A The only friends you need p40 expressions of ▪▪ -ng sound ▪▪ hobbies and Jackson's parties at ▪▪ telling a personal story
frecuency socializing the White House
5B 21st century hobbies p42
▪▪ present continuous ▪▪ useful verbs ▪▪ approaching a text PERSONAL BEST
5C Famous families p44 and simple present ▪▪ sequencers (after, ▪▪ talking about a personal
5D Me in three objects p46
later, then) story

6 Stories and pictures ▪▪ simple past and time ▪▪ -ed endings ▪▪ -ed/-ing Learning
expressions ▪▪ question adjectives ▪▪ a video about our ▪▪ making notes
6A That's me in the photo! p48 ▪▪ question forms intonation ▪▪ life stages
hobbies and how we ▪▪ expressing reasons and
6B Party like it's 1829 p50 socialize results (so, because,
6C Behind the camera p52 ▪▪ listening for the main that's why)
6D That reminds me of... p54 PERSONAL BEST
▪▪ contractions
▪▪ a blog post about
personal objects

5 and 6 REVIEW and PRACTICE p56

7 Keep on traveling ▪▪ comparatives, ▪▪ sentence stress ▪▪ useful READING Learning

superlatives, (not) ▪▪ was/were adjectives ▪▪ a text about how ▪▪ dealing with difficulties
7A Tourist or traveler? p58 as... as ▪▪ vacation boredom can ▪▪ telephone language
7B Staycation or vacation? p60 ▪▪ past continuous activities improve creativity
and simple past ▪▪ skimming a text PERSONAL BEST
7C A traveler's tale p62
▪▪ pronoun referencing ▪▪ making arrangements
7D Travel problems p64
by phone

8 The working world ▪▪ will, may and ▪▪ want/won't ▪▪ jobs Learning

might for ▪▪ going to and ▪▪ phrases about ▪▪ a video about ▪▪ writing a narrative
8A The future of work p66 predictions want to work ▪▪ adverbs of manner
the popularity of
8B I'm so bored! ▪▪ be going to and
p68 staycations
present continuous ▪▪ identifying key points
8C The secret boss p70 for plans and ▪▪ a story about a travel
▪▪ sentence stress
8D Can I leave a message? p72 arrangements problem

7 and 8 REVIEW and PRACTICE p74

Grammar practice p76  Vocabulary practice p92  Communication practice p107  Irregular verbs p119

Workbook p121


1 Education, education!
LANGUAGE past of be and simple past: questions  ■  school subjects and education

1A  School days

1 Do you have these types of schools in your country? In pairs, discuss the ages when you start and
finish each type of school.
We start nursery school when we’re two and finish when we’re four.
• nursery school • elementary school (primary school)
• kindergarten • middle school
• preschool • high school (secondary school)

2 A Read the text. Do South Korean students study more or less than students in your country?
Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 What is a Hagwon?
2 What do South Korean high school students say you can do if you sleep for three hours?
3 What do they say you can do if you sleep for six hours?
4 What lessons do elementary school students have?
5 What is Hanja?

3 Find five school subjects in the text.

School system in

South Korea
Nursery school and kindergarten (ages 0–6)
Students can start going to school from a very young age.
Playing games is an important part of lessons.

Education is very important Elementary school (ages 6–12)

in South Korea. School days
As well as subjects like geography and math, students have
are long – students are often
lessons about how to be practical, how to enjoy life, and
in school for eight hours.
how to have good morals.
A lot of parents also send
their students to a Hagwon, a
private school where they have
Middle school (ages 12–15)
extra lessons before or after At this age, students start learning to write Hanja, the
their normal school. Teachers Chinese characters that are used in the Korean language.
give a lot of homework, too. All these hours, weeks, and years of
study decide if students do well on their exams and can go to a good High school (ages 15–18)
college, which is very important in South Korean society. High school There are different types of high schools, for example,
students in their last year have a saying: sleep three hours and go to science high schools, foreign language high schools, and
a top college. Sleep six hours and forget about college. art high schools.

Go to Vocabulary practice: school subjects and education, page 92

4 A 1.3   Listen to Ji-hoon. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 He started nursery school when he was two years old.
2 He went to a Hagwon in middle school.
3 He was good at English.
4 He went to an arts high school.
5 He went to the library after school.
6 He didn’t go to college.

past of be and simple past: questions  ■  school subjects and education LANGUAGE 7A
B 1.3 Listen again and complete the questions.
1 When you school? 4 you good at English?
2 you school? 5 you a lot of homework?
3 What your best subject? 6 you into college?

5 Look at the questions in 4B and complete the rules. Then read the Grammar box.
1 For the verb be, we make past questions with (question word) + / + subject.
2 For other verbs, we make past questions with (question word) + + subject + infinitive.

Grammar past: questions

Past of be: Simple past:

Were you a good student? Did you enjoy school?
Was English your favorite subject? Did your school have a swimming pool?
Who was your teacher? What subjects did you study in high school?
What were your worst subjects? Where did you go to college?

Go to Grammar practice: past: questions, page 76

6 A 1.5   Pronunciation: intonation in questions Listen to the questions. Do they have
rising ⤴or falling ⤵intonation at the end?
1 Did you enjoy school? 4 Where did you go to college?
2 Were you a good student? 5 What was your favorite subject?
3 Did you study music in school? 6 Why did you study Russian?
Match the beginnings of rules a–b with the endings.
a We use rising intonation for … questions with a question word.
b We use falling intonation for … questions with a yes/no answer.

7 1.5   Say the questions from 6A. Listen, check, and repeat.
8 Complete the questions with did, was, or were. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1 What subjects you study in high school?
2 What your favorite subject?
3 there a lot of homework?
4 What subjects you good and bad at?
5 When you start and finish high school?
6 you do well on your exams in school?
Go to Communication practice: Student A page 107, Student B page 113
9 A Look at the sentences. Decide what questions you need to ask.
1 Did you do homework before school?

Find a classmate who … Name:

1 did homework before school.
2 studied until ten in the evening.
3 was the best student in his/her class in school.
4 had classes on Saturdays.
5 was very good at math.
6 played sports for his/her school.
7 learned a musical instrument in school.
8 didn’t enjoy school.

Ask different classmates the questions. Try to find someone different for each sentence. Give more
information when you answer the questions.
A  Did you play sports for your school?    B  Yes, I did. I was on the school basketball team!

Personal Best Find someone who went to school in another town or city. Ask him/her five questions about his/her school. 5
71 SKILLS READING understanding words that you don’t know  ■  because and so

1B  Lifelong learning

1 A Look at the skills. Check ( ) the ones that you can do now. Cross out (X) the ones that you can’t do.
• drive a car   • speak German   • sail a boat  
• ride a bike   • play a musical instrument   • create a website
Discuss how you learned to do each skill in pairs.
I took driving lessons when I was eighteen.

2 Read the introduction to each section in the text. Match the headings with the sections.
Adult learning   Homeschooling   Self-study

3 Work in groups of three. Each person reads one of the interviews. Close your books and tell your
group about the person in the interview.
I read about Ana. Her parents homeschooled her because …

Skill understanding words that you don’t know

When you read a text, don’t worry if there are words you don’t understand. First, read the whole
text to understand the main idea. Then look at the new words. Ask yourself these questions:
• Are they verbs, nouns, or adjectives?
• Do they look similar to words in your language?
• Does the topic or sentence help you understand the meaning?

4 A Read the Skill box and look at the sentences from the text. Are the bold words verbs, nouns,
or adjectives?
1 Some of the world’s most successful people had parents who chose homeschooling.
2 I didn’t enjoy it at first because I missed my friends.
3 He cofounded WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging app, with Brian Acton.
4 Do you have any advice for people who want to teach themselves something?
In pairs, discuss what you think the words mean. Use the text to help you. Check in a
dictionary to see if you are right.

Text builder because and so

We use because to give a reason:

I didn’t enjoy it at first because I missed my friends.
We use so to give a result:
The lessons were really easy for me, so my parents decided to teach me at home.

5 A Read the Text builder. Underline more reasons and results with because and so in the text.
Match the two parts of the sentences and include because or so to complete them.
1 I found math difficult a  I wanted to earn a lot of money!
2 My grandfather is getting a part-time degree b  he didn’t go to college when he was younger.
3 There are lots of self-study videos online c  I went to night school to take extra classes.
4 I wanted to be a lawyer when I was younger d  I left my job to teach them.
5 I wanted to homeschool my children e  it’s really easy to learn a new skill.

6 Discuss the questions about homeschooling, self-study, and adult learning in pairs.
1 What are the good and bad things about homeschooling?
2 Are you learning something by yourself right now, or would you like to? What
activity or subject is it?
3 Would you like to go back to school when you’re older? Why/Why not?

understanding words that you don’t know  ■  because and so READING SKILLS 7D

In the U.S., about 2.5 million young people have their classes at
home. Some of the world’s most successful people had parents who
homeschooled them: the scientist Michael Faraday, the rock group
the Jonas Brothers, and Soichiro Honda, who started Honda cars.

Ana, why did you have classes at home?

In elementary school, classes were really easy for me – I helped the teacher! So my
parents decided to teach me at home.
Did your mother or father teach you?
My mother taught me math and science, and my father taught me geography, history,
and politics.
Did you like learning at home?
I didn’t enjoy it at first because I missed my friends. But I really enjoyed studying with
my two brothers.
Ana, 25, researcher

A lot of successful people learn their skills themselves. David
Karp, who started the photo blog website Tumblr, taught
himself to program. Jan Koum is another programmer who
learned through self-study. He cofounded WhatsApp, the world’s
most popular messaging app, with Brian Acton.

Ralph, why did you become interested in programming?

I loved making things and solving puzzles when I was a child. With programming, you
can do both.
Did you learn programming in school?
No! I went to school in the 1980s. They only had one computer in the whole school, so
I taught myself to program from books.
Do you have any advice for people who want to teach themselves something?
It can be hard without a teacher, so you need to love the subject that you’re learning.
Ralph, 45, businessman

A lot of people go back to school later in life. In 2007,
singer Shakira took a college course on the history of western
civilization. Basketball star Shaquille O’Neal left college to play
in the NBA. He went back to school in 2000, and by 2012, he
was Dr. O’Neal. Next on his list? Law school.

Eva, when did you leave school?

I left school at 16. I got married and had four children. I worked part time.
Why did you start to study again?
I started going to night school because I wanted to learn a foreign language.
I chose French.
When did you go to college?
When I retired, I went to college to study French. I graduated when I was 73!

Eva, 73, retired secretary

Personal Best Describe what type of student you are. Do you find learning new things easy? 77
71 LANGUAGE verb patterns: verb + infinitive  ■ resolutions

1C  Change your life

1 A Read the introduction to the text. Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year?
Did you keep it? Discuss in pairs.
Complete the text with the phrases in the box.

get in shape save money improve your diet get a new job be more organized

This app encourages you to 1 . If you
join a gym and scan the code on the machines, it records all the
exercise that you get. It also helps you plan your exercise goals.

On January 1st every year, You can get bored eating the same food every day. You tell Allrecipes
millions of us make New Year’s what’s in your cabinets and fridge, and it gives you some new and
resolutions – things that we healthy recipes. It’s a great way to 2 .
want to change in our lives.
But only 8% of us are TOSHL FINANCE
successful! Here are some top This app teaches people to 3 . It shows
apps that can help you keep you how you spend your money and gives you ideas about how to
your resolutions. save.

This is a great planning app for students who want to
4 . It organizes your study plans and gives
you to-do lists. It can help you get good grades and pass exams.

This app can encourage you to 5 . If you
see a job you like, you can contact the company. They see your profile
but not your name, so you can keep it a secret from your manager!

2 In pairs, look at the apps again. Tell your partner which apps you think are good for you and why.
I think Allrecipes is a good app for me. I usually eat the same food every day.

Go to Vocabulary practice: resolutions, page 93

3 A 1.7   Listen to people talking about the changes they want to make. Match the people with
the apps from the text.
1 Megan 3 Tatyana 5 Raymond 
2 Zafar 4 María

B 1.7   Listen again. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

need (×2) ’m planning want ’d like hope

1 I to learn how to cook some new things.

2 I to save money for my vacation.
3 I to get a new job this year.
4 I to lose six kilos before the summer.
5 I to go to college next year, so I to get good grades and pass my exams.

verb patterns: verb + infinitive  ■ resolutions LANGUAGE 1C
4 Complete the rule. Then read the Grammar box.
After verbs like want, need, hope, and plan, we can use an .

Grammar verb patterns: verb + infinitive

I want to improve my diet. I’m planning to save more money this year.
I need to get more exercise every week. I’d like to get a new job.
Look! ’d like is the contracted form of would like. It means want, not like.
I’d like to join a gym this year. BUT I like going to the gym.

Go to Grammar practice: verb patterns: verb + infinitive, page 77

5 A 1.9   Pronunciation: ’d like and like Listen and repeat.
I’d like   I would like I like
you’d like you would like you like
we’d like we would like we like

B 1.10   Say the sentences. Listen, check, and repeat.

1 I’d like to speak French. 4 We like playing sports.
2 I like speaking French. 5 They’d like to go on vacation.
3 We’d like to play more sports. 6 They like going on vacation.

6 A Match the two parts to make complete sentences. Some items have more than one possible answer.
1 I didn’t get any exercise last week. I need a  to make some new friends.
2 I want to get a job in another country, so I need b  to start a new hobby.
3 I’m living in a new city. I hope c  to improve my English.
4 I have a test next week. I’m planning d  to go to the gym this week.
5 I have a lot of free time. I’d like e  to improve my skills.
6 I want to get a better job, but I need f  to study every evening.
Which of the sentences are true for you? Tell your partner.
I need to improve my English because I want to work in Canada one day.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 107, Student B page 113

7 A Think of one idea for each option. Write your answers in the shapes.
• a person that you’re planning to visit next week
• a place where you hope to go on vacation one day
• a language that you’d like to learn
• a person that you want to speak to today
• a place where you’d like to live one day
• something that you’re planning to buy this year

Show your partner your answers. Ask each other questions about them and explain
why you wrote them.
A  Why did you write “Barcelona”?
B  Because I’d like to live in Barcelona one day. I think it’s a really cool city.

Personal Best Plan a new app to help people change their lives. What does your app do? Think of a name for it. 99
SKILLS SPEAKING making suggestions  ■  sounding sympathetic

1D  What’s the problem?

Curve 1 A Match problems 1–5 with pictures a–e.
1 I’m stressed at work. 4 My exams aren’t going well.
2 I’m always tired. 5 I’m having problems with my
3 I’m homesick, and I miss my family. boyfriend/girlfriend.

a b c d e

Do you sometimes have these problems? Discuss in pairs.
I don’t sleep well, and I’m always tired.

2 1.11 Watch or listen to the first part of Learning Curve. What’s Marc’s
problem? Choose the correct option.
a He didn’t finish his final exam.
b He arrived late for his exam.
c He thinks he failed his exam.

3 1.11 Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Marc studied hard for this exam.
2 He has two jobs.
3 He’s stressed, and he’s always tired.
4 His sister sent him some candy for good luck.

4 A Look at Penny’s text message to Marc. What two suggestions does she make? How
does Marc respond?

Complete the sentences to make two more suggestions for Marc.
1 Why don’t you …
2 How about …

Conversation builder making suggestions

Making suggestions: Responding to suggestions:

Why don’t you talk with your family now? I’m not sure I should.
What/How about visiting your parents later That’s a (really) good idea.
this month?
Can you take some time off work?
Let’s do something quiet tonight.

making suggestions  ■  sounding sympathetic SPEAKING SKILLS
5 Read the Conversation builder. In pairs, make suggestions for the problems in Exercise 1,
and respond.

6 1.12 Watch or listen to the second part of the show. Which

problem from exercise 1 does Penny have? What two suggestions
does Ethan make?

7 1.12 Watch or listen again and complete the extracts with the
words in the box.

awful sorry shame no

Penny My parents can’t come to New York on holiday until next spring.
Ethan Oh, I’m 1 to hear that.

Penny I’m homesick!
Ethan Oh 2 ! Poor you!

Marc I couldn’t remember the answer to one of the math problems. I was too tired.
Penny That’s a 3 .

Marc I was so tired I fell asleep on the train. I almost missed my exam!
Penny How 4 !

Skill sounding sympathetic

If someone has bad news or feels unhappy, we can show that we are sympathetic.
⤵ ⤵ ⤵
• Use falling intonation: That’s a shame!  How terrible!  Poor you!
⤵ ⤵
• Say you’re sorry to hear his/her news: Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that.
• Show you understand that the situation is bad/difficult: I’m sure it’s difficult to (be so far away
from your family).

8 A 1.13 Read the Skill box. Listen and repeat the expressions of sympathy when you hear
the beeps.

In pairs, take turns saying sentences 1–6 and respond with sympathy. Use intonation
to sound sympathetic.
1 I don’t sleep well because my neighbors are very noisy.
2 I can never find the time to study because I have two jobs.
3 My girlfriend/boyfriend isn’t speaking to me.
4 I missed my nine o’clock class again, and the teacher wants to speak to me.
5 I have a $2,000 credit card bill!
6 I didn’t get into college last year.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 107, Student B page 113

9 A PREPARE   Think of three problems you sometimes have or had in the past. Use the
following ideas and your own ideas.
• problems at work/with education • problems with your friends
• problems with your family or partner • problems with money
B PRACTICE   In pairs, take turns describing your problems. Show sympathy, make
suggestions, and respond to the suggestions. Use a variety of phrases.

C PERSONAL BEST   Repeat the activity with a different partner. Did they use different
phrases from the Conversation builder? Did they sound sympathetic? Who made the
best suggestions?

Personal Best Write a short conversation between two friends about a problem one of them has. 11

2 People
LANGUAGE comparative adjectives  ■  adjectives to describe places

2A  First dates

1 A Make pairs of opposite adjectives. Use them to describe the places in the pictures.
empty   unfriendly   safe   light   crowded   friendly   dark   dangerous

a b c d e

Use the adjectives to talk about places in your town or city.
The subway is always really crowded.
The downtown area is safe during the day, but it can be dangerous at night.

Go to Vocabulary practice: adjectives to describe places, page 93

2 Read the definition of a first date.
Choose three good places for a first first date: a meeting, usually at a restaurant, movie theater, etc.,
date from the ideas below. Discuss with a new person when you’re looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend
in pairs.

a movie theater your house a club

a restaurant a café a shopping mall a bowling alley

3 Read the text. Which three places are a bad idea for a first date? Which three places are a good idea?

Where NOT to go on a first date

You have a date with someone special, and you don’t know where to go. Don’t make the mistake of choosing
the wrong place. Here are three places not to go!
1 A movie theater
Do you want to sit in a dark room in silence during your first date? No? Then don’t go to the movies! How about going
to the park instead? Nothing is more important than conversation on a first date, and a walk in the park gives you lots
of time to talk and have fun together. It’s more romantic than a movie theater, and it’s also cheaper. In fact, it’s free!
2 A club
Music, dancing, beautiful people … a date at a club sounds great! Or maybe not. It’s impossible to
talk, and a lot of people don’t feel comfortable on a crowded dance floor. Why not go bowling?
A bowling alley is quieter and more relaxed than a club, and it’s cheaper!
3 An expensive restaurant
It’s a popular first date, but a meal in an expensive restaurant is often a bad idea. It can be hard to relax
and be yourself in a restaurant, especially if it’s pretty quiet. It’s better to meet in a café for a cup of coffee
or lunch. It’s more comfortable than a restaurant, and if things aren’t going well, it’s also easier to escape!

Our final piece of advice: don’t be late. There’s nothing worse than a late date!

comparative adjectives  ■  adjectives to describe places LANGUAGE 2A
4 Complete the sentences with words from the text.
1 It’s than a movie theater.
2 A bowling alley is and than a club.
3 It’s to meet in a café.
4 It’s also to escape!
5 There’s nothing than a late date!

5 Look at the sentences in exercise 4 and complete the grammar rules. Then read the Grammar box.
1 To make the comparative form of a short adjective, for example, cheap, we add .
2 To make the comparative form of a long adjective, for example, comfortable, we put
before it.
3 The comparative forms of good and bad are and .

Grammar comparative adjectives

Short adjectives (one syllable or Long adjectives: Irregular adjectives:

two syllables ending -y): Nothing is more important than A café is better than a restaurant.
It’s cheaper than a movie theater. conversation. A date in a movie theater is worse
It’s harder to relax in a restaurant. A bowling alley is more relaxed than in a park.
It’s easier to escape. than a club.

Go to Grammar practice: comparative adjectives, page 78

6 A 2.3   Pronunciation: -er endings Listen and repeat the adjectives and comparatives.
big – bigger   noisy – noisier   cheap – cheaper   empty – emptier

B 2.4   Say the sentences. Listen, check, and repeat.

1 Bangkok is cheaper than Singapore.
2 Tokyo is safer than Los Angeles.
3 Winters are darker in Iceland than in Sweden.
4 Zurich is quieter than Rome.
5 The market is friendlier than the shopping center.
6 The bus is busier than the train.

7 A 2.5   George and Lola are discussing

restaurants for a first date. Match the adjectives
with each restaurant. Listen and check.

cheap   crowded   expensive   good (food)  

quiet   romantic   relaxed

Compare Mimi’s and Luigi’s in pairs.
Mimi’s Luigi’s
Mimi’s is more romantic than Luigi’s.

Communication practice: Student A page 108, Student B page 114

8 In pairs, think of places in your town or city. Discuss where to go and what to do for the
special occasions below.
A I think Pizza Palace is a good place for a second date.
B I’m not sure. I think a café like Coffee House is better because you can relax there.

a second date a friend’s 30th birthday your grandmother’s birthday

your niece’s second birthday a big family get-together

a school reunion other ideas

Personal Best Write ten comparative sentences about cities in your country. 13
SKILLS LISTENING listening for detailed information (1)  ■  weak forms  ■  describing appearance

2B  You look so different!

Curve 1 Match the words in the box with pictures a–c.
straight hair beard red hair glasses curly hair elderly middle-aged blond hair bald young

a b c

Go to Vocabulary practice: describing appearance, page 94

In pairs, think of people you know and describe their appearance.
A My father has a beard.   B My friend Amanda has blond hair. She’s tall and slim.

3 2.7   Watch or listen to the first part of Learning Curve. Choose the correct definition
of “disguise”.
a A disguise is something that helps you look younger.
b A disguise is something that changes the color of your hair.
c A disguise is something that makes you look like a different person.

Skill listening for detailed information (1)

It is often necessary to understand what someone says in detail.

• Read the questions before you listen and think about the possible answers.
• Listen for words that introduce the information that you need. For example,
if you need the name of a movie, listen for the word “film” or “movie”.
• Wait until the speaker has finished speaking before you answer the question.

4 A 2.7   Read the Skill box and questions 1–6 below. Watch or listen again. Complete the
1 Ethan mentions a movie called The Master of .
2 In the movie, the actor Dana Carvey becomes an overweight , character.
3 In another scene, Dana is a middle-aged woman with hair.
4 Dark lines on an actor’s face can make him or her look .
5 Lucia Pittalis can make her eyes look smaller or her lips look .
6 A wig can make your hair look or .
B Do you know any movies where someone has a disguise? Tell your partner about the movie.
listening for detailed information (1)  ■  weak forms  ■  describing appearance LISTENING SKILLS
5 2.8   Watch or listen to the second part of the show. Match the things that the people
change in their makeovers with the names below. You can use one word more than once.

beard eyes hair mustache

1 Ginny 2 Ron 3 Malika

6 2.8   Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Ginny wants straight hair.
2 She wants her lips to look bigger.
3 Ron wants a makeover because he has a new job.
4 After his makeover, he feels lighter.
5 Malika usually has long, curly hair.
6 Malika thinks she looks taller after her makeover.
7 Her boyfriend talked a lot when he saw her.
8 Ginny thinks she looks younger after her makeover.

Discuss the questions in pairs.
1 How important is your appearance to you? (1 = not important, 10 = very important)
2 How much time and money do you spend on your appearance each week?
3 Do you want to look different? If so, what do you want to change?

Listening builder weak forms

In English, we don’t usually stress words like articles and prepositions. These words
sound shorter and weaker than important words like nouns, verbs, and adjectives:
One of the best makeup artists in the world is Kevin Yagher.
I have an interview for a new job later, in an art gallery.

8 A Read the Listening builder. Read the sentences and underline the words which you think
have weak forms.
1 The people in the movie were very young.
2 His character was an elderly man with a long white beard.
3 She puts a lot of makeup on their faces.
4 I like your hair. I think the color looks great.
5 The name of her character was Emma.
6 My brother has a long beard and a mustache.

B 2.9   Listen and check.

9 A Look at the photos of two makeovers. In pairs,

describe the photos from “before” and “after” the
B In pairs, answer the questions.
1 How does the man/woman look different now?
2 Do they look better or worse after their makeovers
in your opinion? Why?

Personal Best
Challenge! Imagine you had a makeover. Describe your new appearance. 15
27 LANGUAGE superlative adjectives  ■  personality adjectives

2C  The yearbook

1 Look at the adjectives in the box. Think of someone you know for each one. Tell your partner.
smart lazy shy polite popular kind funny

My nephew is very smart. He’s studying math in college.

Go to Vocabulary practice: personality adjectives, page 95

2 A Look at the pictures. Which famous person can you see? Read the text quickly.
Which other famous people does it mention and why?
Read the text again. Which of these things can you find in a yearbook? What else does
a yearbook include?
• personal stories about people in the school
• exam results
• photos of students
• students’ e-mail addresses
• students’ plans for the future

3 Match the awards with the celebrities. There are three extra awards.
a the worst dancer
1 Renée Zellweger b the most beautiful girl
2 Michael Jackson c the nicest personality
3 Jack Nicholson d the laziest student
e the shyest classmate
f the best actor

“The best athlete” … “The nicest personality”… “The worst dancer.” Welcome to the yearbook,
an important tradition in the U.S. and other countries. A yearbook is like a photo album, with
photos of all the students in one year in a high school or college. Students write about sports
teams and clubs, they remember funny stories about their classmates and teachers, and they
write about their future plans.
A yearbook also includes awards. These can be for the friendliest
teacher, the laziest student, the funniest laugh, and so on. In high
school, Renée Zellweger was “The most beautiful girl,”
Jack Nicholson was “The best actor,” and Michael Jackson
was “The shyest classmate.” Here’s a surprising one – in
his school, “The least likely to be successful” was …
Tom Cruise!
Some people say that high school and college are the
happiest days of our lives. And, for millions of students, the
yearbook is an important way of remembering that time.

4 Look at the adjectives in exercise 3 and answer the questions. Then read the
Grammar box.
1 What letters do we add to a short adjective to make the superlative form?
2 What word do we use before long adjectives?
3 What is the superlative form of good and bad? and
4 What word comes before all superlative forms?

superlative adjectives  ■  personality adjectives LANGUAGE 2C
Grammar superlative adjectives

Short adjectives (one syllable or Long adjectives: Irregular adjectives:

two syllables ending -y): She’s the most popular girl in He’s the best dancer in the school.
She’s the nicest person in our class. the school. This is the worst photo of me.
High school and college are the Our teacher is the most interesting
happiest days of our lives. person that I know.

Go to Grammar practice: superlative adjectives, page 79

5 A 2.12   Pronunciation: superlative adjectives Listen and repeat the superlatives.
the nicest   the funniest   the most popular   the most relaxed

B 2.13   Say the sentences. Listen, check, and repeat.

1 You’re the kindest person that I know. 3 She has the most beautiful voice.
2 He’s the laziest person in the office. 4 It’s the most exciting movie of the year.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 108, Student B page 114

6 Complete the text about Ashrita Furman with the superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.
popular high strange heavy tall fast

The most world records on the planet

The Guinness Book of World Records is one of the 1 books on Earth. If you
have a copy, you will probably notice the name Ashrita Furman. This is because Ashrita
has 2 number of world records on the planet – more than 200! And his
records are also some of the 3 records in the book. Here are a few:
The 4 shoes in the world
In November 2010, Ashrita walked around London in shoes that weighed 146.5 kg.
The 5 object balanced on the nose
In August 2015, Ashrita balanced a 15.95 m. pole on his nose in New York.
The 6 mile with a milk bottle on the head
In February 2004, in Indonesia, Ashrita ran a mile in 7 minutes, 47 seconds, balancing
a milk bottle on his head.

7 A Write sentences that are true for you.

The kindest person that I know is my friend María.
The (kind) person that I know is … The (interesting) show on TV at the
The (old) person in my family is … moment is …
The (lazy) person that I know is … The (beautiful) place in my country is …
The (funny) person on TV is … The (expensive) place in my town is …
The (good) movie of the year so far is …
Ask and answer questions about your answers to exercise 7A in pairs.
Who’s the kindest person that you know?

8 A In groups, create your own class awards. Discuss and choose an award for each student.
Use the ideas in the boxes and your own ideas.
funny kind nice big good at
friendly happy good at laugh beautiful smile good sports
English hair clothes

I think Eduardo always wears really cool clothes. Let’s give him an award for the best clothes.
Share your awards with the class.
We’d like to give Elena the award for “the friendliest student”.

Personal Best Write ten superlative sentences about people and places that you know. 17
27 SKILLS WRITING writing a description of a person  ■  clauses with when

2D  Someone that I admire

1 Is there someone that you admire? It could be a friend, a family member, or someone
famous. Why do you admire him or her? Discuss in pairs.
I admire my aunt. She’s a surgeon, and she saves people’s lives. It’s a really difficult and
important job.

2 A Read Hannah’s description. Who does she admire and why?

Read the description again and answer the questions.
1 What does Michaela look like?
2 What happened when she was three years old?
3 When did she move to the Dutch National Ballet?
4 Who does Michaela help?
5 What difficult situation did Hannah have?


Michaela DePrince is a ballet dancer from Sierra Leone. She’s unusual

in the world of ballet because there aren’t many ballerinas from her
country. She is slim and confident and has a beautiful smile. 1 [Photos: SB10D-01
From a young age, Michaela’s life was extremely difficult. When she
was three years old, she lost both her parents in the civil war in Sierra
Leone. But she survived her difficult past, and today she’s one of the most
talented young ballet stars in the world. She became the youngest dancer
at the Dance Theatre of Harlem in New York when she was just seventeen
SB10D-02 – Two photos of ballerina Michaela
and, in 2013, she moved to the Dutch National Ballet. 2
de Prince, in different poses]
I admire Michaela because she’s a very strong and brave person. As well
as ballet dancing, she spends a lot of time helping young people who
have problems in their lives. 3 When I didn’t get the grades that
I needed to study medicine in college, Michaela’s story inspired me, and I
didn’t give up.
By Hannah Lee

Skill writing a description of a person

When you write a description of a person, organize your ideas into paragraphs, for example:
Paragraph 1: where the person is from, his/her job, appearance, and personality
Ed Sheeran is a singer and musician from England. He has red hair and blue eyes, and is very popular.
Paragraph 2: information about his/her life and achievements
He was born in 1991 in Yorkshire. When he was a child, he learned to play the guitar. He made his
first record when he was thirteen. Today, he is popular all over the world.
Paragraph 3: why you admire him/her
I admire him because he writes beautiful and honest songs, and he’s very talented.

3 Read the Skill box. Complete 1–3 in the description of Michaela DePrince with sentences a–c.
a She shows that there is always hope for a better future.
b In 2016, she danced in Beyoncé’s visual album, Lemonade.
c For a ballerina, she’s not very tall.

writing a description of a person  ■  clauses with when WRITING SKILLS 7D
4 Organize the sentences about Lionel Messi into
three paragraphs.
a He played his first game for Barcelona when he
was seventeen and quickly became one of their
most important players.
b When Lionel was a young boy, he began playing
soccer. FC Barcelona soon noticed him and,
when he was thirteen, he moved to Spain.
c He’s 1.7 m. tall and has dark brown hair.
d Lionel Messi is not only a fantastic soccer player,
but he’s also a great person.
e He’s generous and kind, and he does a lot to
help children’s charities.
f Lionel Messi is a soccer player from Argentina.
He plays for FC Barcelona in Spain and for his
national team, Argentina.

Text builder clauses with when

We use a clause with when to talk about two things that happened in the past:
When she was three years old, she lost both her parents.
She became the youngest dancer at the Dance Theatre of Harlem when she was just seventeen.
We use the clause with when for the action that happened or started first:
When she arrived in the U.S., she joined the Dance Theatre of Harlem.

5 A Read the Text builder. Choose the correct option to complete the rules.
1 When a clause with when comes before the main clause, we use / don’t use a comma.
2 When a clause with when comes after the main clause, we use / don’t use a comma.
Join the two sentences with a clause with when. Write two versions for each sentence.
He was eighteen. At that time, he moved to Australia.
When he was eighteen, he moved to Australia.
He moved to Australia when he was eighteen.
1 She finished college. After that, she became a photographer.
2 His mother died. After that, he went to live with his aunt.
3 I was a student. At that time, I met my wife.
4 I had a problem at work. That’s when my best friend gave me some good advice.
5 She was thirty. At that time, she had her first baby.
6 He retired. He learned to play the guitar.

6 A PREPARE   Make notes about a person that you admire. Think about these questions:
• What does he/she do? What does he/she look like? What is he/she like?
• What do you know about his/her life and achievements?
• Why do you admire him/her?
B PRACTICE   Write a description. Use the heading A person that I admire.
Paragraph 1: Describe the person.
Paragraph 2: Describe the most important events of his/her life.
Paragraph 3: Describe why you admire the person.
C PERSONAL BEST   Read your partner’s description. Correct any mistakes and give suggestions
for improvement.

Personal Best
Challenge! Think of a famous person who is unusual in his/her profession. Write some facts about him/her. 19
11 and
and 2

Grammar 3 Complete the questions in the dialogue.

1 Cross out (X) the sentence that is NOT correct.
1 a Where did you go last weekend?
b Where went you last weekend?
c Where were you last weekend?
2 a Were you study English in elementary school?
b Did you study English in elementary school?
c Were you happy in elementary school?
3 a He wanted finish the job.
b He agreed to finish the job.
1 Q Congratulations! H l d
c He decided to finish the job.
i t y ?
4 a We’re planning to go away this weekend.
b We would like to go away this weekend. A It took me just over two weeks.
c We need going away this weekend. 2 Q H m d y c ?
5 a My sister’s older than me.
A I caught 142.
b I’m younger than her.
c She’s more old than me. 3 Q W d y f t  ?
6 a This question’s more easy than the others. A I found them in New York City.
b This question’s easier than the others.
c This question’s the easiest. 4 Q H m d y s  ?
7 a This hotel’s the most expensive in the town. A I spent about $200.
b This hotel’s the more expensive in the town.
5 Q H f d y w  ?
c It’s also the most comfortable.
8 a Who’s the better player in the world? A I walked about 200 km.
b Who’s the best player in the world? 6 Q So it was a healthy activity. D y
c Who’s the most popular player in the world? l any weight?
2 Make comparative sentences with the adjectives in A Yes, I did. I lost about five kilos.
parentheses. 7 Q W d y p i  ?
1 John’s 20 and Sophie’s 21. (young)
A I played it for my work. I work for a tech company in
2 Flight A’s $400 and Flight B’s $300. (expensive)
8 Q W y a Pokémon fan as a child?
3 The cheetah has a top speed of 95 km. an hour, A Yes, I was. I played it in 1996 on my Game Boy.
and the lion about 80 km. an hour. (fast)

4 A mile’s about 1,500 m., and a kilometer is 1,000 m. (long)

5 A bike’s lighter than a car. (heavy)
1 Circle the word that is different.
6 The Nile’s 6,800 km., and the Yangtze’s 6,500 km. (short) 1 chemistry physics history biology
2 take get into pass fail
7 My mother’s 70. My father’s 68. (old) 3 get in shape get a job lose weight get exercise
4 short slim empty tall
8 Player A’s number 1 in the world. 5 crowded dark dangerous kind
Player B’s number 25. (good)
6 curly young gray straight
7 lazy nice polite brave
8 school college gym kindergarten

and 2

2 Match definitions 1–8 with adjectives a–h.

1 between 45 and 60 a funny
Personal Best
2 too heavy b elderly
on son 2A
3 not dangerous c safe Less 1A Les
4 over 80 d in shape
5 spends money on others e overweight List five
6 has little or no hair f middle-aged
five school
five adjectives
Name to
subjects. five
7 makes people laugh g bald places.
8 healthy and gets regular exercise h generous

3 Put the words in the correct columns. on

Less 1A Les
son 2A
overweight nursery curly college 
straight kindergarten lazy unfriendly  Write two Write three
Write two
school long ugly brown Write
two simple
about sentences
using about your
comparing two
the verb
be, one parents using
Places of learning Types of hair Other adjectives towns or
school days.
one the present
negative. simple.

on B
on A
Less 1B Less 2C

List five
Write a adjectives to
Write a yes/no
with describe
question using
you love.
because. people’s
4 Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
on 2C
lazy funny blond tall cheerful on
Less 1C Lessson 2
Les C
long young short
twoList three
Jack How’s your new colleague? Name five questions you
Write a question about you and
Victoria She’s really 1  . Always telling jokes! things you carry can ask the first
your family with
using need to.
Jack Do I know her? What does she look like?
with you. time you meet
Victoria She’s 2  and slim. Only about 1 m. 55.
Jack With 3  hair?
Victoria Not at all. She has short hair.
son 1D son 2D
C Les
Jack Brown?
 o. 4
Victoria N  , actually. What about your new Give two
List five
Think of five
boss? Write three
expressions expressions
Jack  he’s OK. She’s 5
S  – only about thirty. sentences using
for making for
to closing
She’s pretty 6  – about 1 m. 70. She’s his, her, their.
suggestions. informal
7 email.
 – you know, she smiles a lot. She
works long hours. Not like the 8  
manager we had before. on
LLeesssson 11D
D Les
son 2D

Give two
Write a
expressions to
Think of three Write one
sentence with
say you don’t
expressions sentence with
when to link two
understand on
for sounding but and one
events in the
the telephone.
sympathetic. with or.


3 On the move
LANGUAGE have to/don’t have to  ■  travel and transportation

3A  Getting to work

1 A What forms of transportation can you see in pictures a–d? What other forms of transportation can you think of?
a b c d

How do you usually travel to these places? Tell a partner.
• your work or place of study • your English class • the supermarket
A  I always go to my English class by bus.   B  Really? I drive.

Go to Vocabulary practice: travel and transportation, page 96

2 A Read the introduction to the text. Complete the three definitions with the correct words.
1 (verb): to travel to work 3 (noun): people who are traveling
2 (noun): the trip to work to work
Read the rest of the text. Which forms of transportation does it mention?

THE WORLD’S hris Roberts is a doctor with Australia’s Royal Flying
Doctor Service. He spends about 90 minutes every
day on a plane, and he often has to fly to some
of the most remote places in Australia – places where
there are no airports. “I love flying to work,” he says,
“but we have to look out for kangaroos when we land,
Do you have a long trip to especially at night”.

work? Do you have to sit in nger Bojesen is a journalist in Copenhagen, Denmark.
traffic for hours or fight with Her trip to work is a 30-minute bike ride. In Copenhagen,
thousands of other commuters 45% of people go to work by bike. There are bike lanes
for a place on the subway? It and special traffic lights for bicyclists, so they don’t have to
doesn’t have to be stressful to wait with all the cars and buses. And it’s very safe. “I love
commute. Here are three of the
my commute,” says Inger. “It’s really fast, and it’s free!”

world’s coolest commutes. ohn Douglas is an engineer at a power plant on
beautiful Lake Manapouri in New Zealand. There are
no roads to the power plant, so John has to drive to
the ferry, and then he and his coworkers have to travel
across the lake by boat. It’s called the “Z” boat because
“zzzz” is the sound of workers sleeping during the trip!
“It’s a great way to start the day,” says John.

3 Read the text again. Who do you think says the following about his/her commute: Chris, Inger, or John?
1 It’s a really quiet commute, and the scenery is beautiful.
2 Sometimes I see some interesting animals during my trip.
3 I love getting some exercise on my way to work.
4 I take two different forms of transportation to get to work.
5 I can also go to work by car or bus if I want.
6 I travel at different times of the day.

have to/don’t have to  ■  travel and transportation LANGUAGE 3A
4 A Complete the sentences and question with words from the text.
1 We look out for kangaroos when we land.
2 Bicyclists wait with all the cars.
3 John drive to the ferry.
4 you sit in traffic for hours?
Choose the correct option. Then look at the examples in the Grammar box and check.
After have to or has to, we use the base / -ing form of the verb.

Grammar have to/don’t have to

We use have to/has to to say that We use don’t have to/doesn’t have to to
something is necessary: say that something isn’t necessary:
We have to go there by plane. You don’t have to go to work by car.
She has to drive to work. It doesn’t have to be stressful to commute.
Do you have to take the train to work?

Go to Grammar practice: have to/don’t have to, page 80

5 A 3.3   Pronunciation: have to/has to Listen and repeat.
1 I don’t have to go by boat. 3 He has to go by bike.
2 Do you have to work today? 4 She has to get up early.

B 3.4   Say the sentences. Listen, check, and repeat.

1 You have to go to work by subway. 4 He doesn’t have to go to school on Sundays.
2 We don’t have to work today. 5 Do you have to go home by bus?
3 She has to wear a uniform. 6 Does she have to drive to work?

6 A Look at the signs and complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the box with have to/don’t have to.
pay   turn off   leave

1 You your phone. 2 You to go in. 3 You your dog outside.

In pairs, explain what the signs mean. Use have to and don’t have to.
a b c

day part
0th birth th
Sara’s 3 5
March 1
. at
7:30 p.m ion
No prese

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 108, Student B page 114

7 A Ask and answer questions about your partner’s commute to work or place of study.
How do you get to work? I have to drive because there are no buses.

Work with a different partner. Tell him/her about your first partner’s trip.
Ana works at the airport. She goes there by subway. It’s usually very busy, and she has to stand.

Personal Best Write a paragraph about your favorite form of transportation and why you like it. 23
37 SKILLS READING reading for detail  ■  adverbs of probability

3B  Looking for Elizabeth Gallagher

1 A Imagine you can go on a trip to anywhere in the world for three weeks. Write down the
countries you’d like to visit.
In pairs, compare your lists. Say one thing you’d like to do in each country.

2 Read the text about Jordan Axani and Elizabeth Gallagher. What was unusual about their trip?
Skill reading for detail

When you read a text, first look at the pictures and title, and then skim the text to understand the main ideas.
After that, read the questions carefully. Underline any key words. Find the part of the text with the
information you need, and read it slowly and carefully. The questions may repeat key words from the
text, or they may express the ideas in a slightly different way.

3 Read the Skill box. Answer the questions.

1 When did Jordan and his girlfriend’s relationship end?
2 What did Jordan do about their vacation when their relationship ended?
3 What happened when Jordan placed an ad on Reddit?
4 How was Jordan and Elizabeth’s relationship at the end of the trip?
5 What did Jordan do after the trip?

4 Match the questions to the paragraphs. Then write the answers.

1 How old is Jordan? 2
2 How long was the around-the-world trip?
3 How many people responded to Jordan’s ad?
4 Where did Jordan and Elizabeth spend New Year’s Day?
5 Which city was Jordan and Elizabeth’s favorite?

5 Read the Text builder. Complete the chart with the adverbs in the box.
Text builder adverbs of probability

We use adverbs of probability to say how certain we feel about something.

Maybe and perhaps usually come at the beginning of a sentence:
Maybe one day there will be a movie about their adventures.
Other adverbs of probability usually come before the main verb, but after the verb be:
Things definitely felt a little strange at first.  Prague was possibly their favorite place.

definitely   maybe   perhaps   possibly   probably   certainly

It’s certain It’s almost certain It’s not certain

6 A Look at the list of activities below. Check ( ) the ones you’d definitely like to do, put a
question mark (?) next to the ones you’d possibly like to do, and a cross (X) next to the ones
you definitely wouldn’t like to do.
ride an elephant fly in a helicopter learn an instrument
climb a volcano appear on TV run a marathon
write a book learn a new skill do a parachute jump
Compare your ideas in pairs.
A I’d definitely like to ride an elephant. B Really? I definitely wouldn’t want to do that! I’d like to climb a volcano.

reading for detail  ■  adverbs of probability READING SKILLS 7D

LOOKING FOR 2 That’s exactly what happened to 28-year-old

Jordan Axani from Canada. He reserved a three-

week-long vacation with his girlfriend, but their
relationship ended a month before the vacation
started. Jordan didn’t want to cancel his vacation
but he didn’t want to go alone. The airline told

Jordan that it was impossible to change the
names on the tickets, so he decided to find a
woman with a Canadian passport and with
the same name as his ex-girlfriend: Elizabeth
1 It’s like a story in a movie: a couple plans
3 Jordan placed an ad on the website Reddit, and
a romantic trip around the world, but
about 1,200 women contacted him. Of those
then they break up. The boyfriend doesn’t
1,200 women, eighteen had the name Elizabeth
want to go on the trip by himself, but he
Gallagher and a Canadian passport. Jordan chose
can’t change the names on the tickets.
a 23-year-old student from Nova Scotia to come
He has to go alone … or he has to find
with him on the trip.
another woman with the same name as
his ex-girlfriend. So he starts looking for 4 Jordan and Elizabeth had an amazing trip; they
one … saw some beautiful places and met some great
people. They went to New York, Paris, Venice,
and Bangkok. They spent the New Year in Hong
Kong. Prague was possibly their favorite place.
Did they become friends? Yes, they did. Elizabeth
thought that things definitely felt a little strange
at first, but, after a while, they were like brother
and sister. Elizabeth had a boyfriend back in
Canada, so she and Jordan probably got along
better because of this.
5 So, what’s next for Jordan and Elizabeth?
Elizabeth went back to her life in Nova Scotia.
But Jordan is writing a book and – who knows –
maybe one day, there really will be a Hollywood
movie about their adventures together.

Personal Best Imagine you are Jordan or Elizabeth. Write an e-mail to a friend at home telling him/her about your trip. 25
37 LANGUAGE be going to and future time expressions  ■  vacation activities

3C  Road trip

1 A Complete the questions about vacations with the verbs in the box.
visit   go (×3)   relax   stay

1 Do you prefer to to the beach or to the mountains?

2 Do you prefer to at a hotel or at a campsite?
3 Do you prefer to sightseeing or by the pool?
4 Do you prefer to a castle or shopping for gifts?
Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Go to Vocabulary practice: vacation activities, page 97

2 Read the text. What is the connection between the two pictures?


The best road trip

In the early 1940s, Sullivan Richardson, a journalist from
Detroit, got into his white Chrysler with two friends and
drove 14,000 miles from North America to the very tip of
South America.
It’s one of the greatest car adventures of all time. There
were no roads for a lot of their trip. The three men drove
over mountains and through deserts and jungles. At night,
they camped next to the car. People said the trip was impossible, but
after nine months and one day, they finally reached their destination in Chile. It was the trip
of a lifetime! Now, more than 75 years later, friends Jack Reid and Ben Davis are going to
take a similar trip along the longest road in the world – the Pan-American Highway, but in a
comfortable camper!

3 3.6   Listen to an interview with Jack and Ben. Complete the chart with information about
the trip.

Sullivan Richardson’s trip Jack and Ben’s trip

Starting point Detroit 1

Length of trip nine months 2

Where / stay? camped next to the car 3

Sightseeing? no 4

4 A 3.6   Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 We’re going to from Arizona.
2 We’re not going to all the way to Chile.
3 Where are you going to ?
4 Are you going to the same places as Sullivan?
5 We’re going to a volcano in Guatemala.
6 We’re going to hiking in Costa Rica.
Choose the correct options to complete the rules. Then read the Grammar box and check.
1 We use be going to to talk about the present / future.
2 After be going to, we use the -ing / base form of the verb.

be going to and future time expressions  ■  vacation activities LANGUAGE 3C
Grammar be going to and future time expressions

We use be going to + the base form of the verb to talk about future plans:
I’m going to visit the beaches in Brazil. We’re not / We aren’t going to travel all the way to Chile.
We’re going to drive 14,000 miles. Where are you going to stay?
She’s not / She isn’t going to go by bus. Is your friend going to come with you?
Look! We use future time expressions with be going to.
She’s going to get a new job next year.

Go to Grammar practice: be going to and future time expressions, page 81

5 A 3.8   Pronunciation: sentence stress Listen to the sentences. Listen again and repeat.
1 She’s going to travel by train.
2 We’re not going to go to the beach.
3 Are you going to stay with friends?
B 3.9   Say the sentences. Listen, check, and repeat.
1 I’m going to visit the castle. 4 He’s not going to relax by the pool.
2 You’re not going to come with me. 5 Are you going to visit South America?
3 We’re going to travel by boat. 6 Is she going to stay at a hotel?

6 A Complete the conversation with the verbs in the box and the words in parentheses. Use
be going to.

stay   visit   do   go (×2)   take   come   watch

Nuria Where 1 (you and Tim) on vacation this year?

Mona Cape Town in South Africa.
Nuria Really? I went last year – it’s amazing! What 2
(you) there?
Mona 3 (we) Robben Island, and 4
(we) hiking up Table Mountain. 5 (I) a rugby
game, but 6 (Tim) with me – he’s not interested
in sports. I think 7 (he) some photos of the city.
Nuria It sounds great. Where 8 (you)?
Mona We’re not sure yet. Do you know any good hotels?

Act out the conversation in pairs.

Communication practice: Student A page 109, Student B page 115

7 A In pairs, plan your own “vacation of a lifetime”. Make notes about your plans.
Which country? One place or different places? (forest, city, coast, etc.)
Travel to your destination? (plane, ferry, car, etc.)
Length of stay? (one week, two weeks, one month, etc.)
Accommodations? (hotel, apartment, campsite, etc.)
Places to visit? (museums, castles, stores, etc.)
Activities? (sports, hiking, surfing, etc.)

Work with a different partner. Talk about your vacation plans. Ask him/her for more information.
 e’re going to go to China on vacation. We’re going to stay there for two weeks, and we’re going to
visit a lot of different places.
B That sounds interesting. Which places are you going to visit?

Personal Best You are going to go on a road trip. Write an e-mail to a friend about your plans for the trip. 27
SKILLS SPEAKING arriving at a hotel  ■  checking information

3D  At a hotel
Curve 1 A Look at the reasons why people stay at hotels. Can you think of more?
• You’re on vacation.
• You have a very early flight at an airport.
• You’re on a business trip.
In pairs, discuss the questions.
1 What do you enjoy about staying at hotels?
2 Is there anything that you don’t like about hotels? What?
3 When did you last stay at a hotel? Describe your experience.

2 3.10   Watch or listen to the first part of Learning Curve. Check ( ) the
type of room that Ethan and Penny have.

Standard room Deluxe room


3 3.10   Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 Ethan’s going to reserve a hotel room in New York.

2 He has a meeting there.
3 He reserves a room for three nights.
4 Breakfast is included in the price.
5 There’s a discount for all the rooms.
6 Penny spells her first name for the receptionist.
7 Her room’s on the seventh floor.

Conversation builder arriving at a hotel

Hotel receptionist: Hotel guest:

Welcome to the … Hotel. I reserved a room under/in the name of …
(Are you) Checking in? I have a reservation under/in the name of …
Could you spell your last name, please? Which floor did you say?
Could/Can I have your identification/ID/credit card, please? What’s the WiFi password?
Can you sign this form, please?
Here’s your room key/passport/credit card.

4 A Read the Conversation builder. Order the sentences from 1–9 to make a conversation.
a Here you are. Here’s my passport. f Great. Can I have your credit card, please?
b Sure. g Yes. I reserved a room under the name of
c OK. Here’s your room key. Room number Lucía Espinosa.
1203, on the twelfth floor. h No, the twelfth floor.
d Thank you. Could I have your ID, please? i Welcome to Park Road Hotel. Checking in?
e Thanks. Which floor did you say? The tenth?
B In pairs, act out the conversation. If you want, use your own names and change the other details.
arriving at a hotel  ■  checking information SPEAKING SKILLS
5 3.11   Watch or listen to the second part of the show. Who
enjoyed their stay at the hotel? Who didn’t enjoy it?

6 3.11   Watch or listen again. Choose the correct options to

complete the sentences.
1 Penny says she’d like to check in / check out / change rooms.
2 Penny’s stay was horrible / comfortable / lovely.
3 Ethan paid more than / less than / the same as Penny.
4 The WiFi in Ethan’s room was awful / pretty good / very good.

7 A Read the Skill box. Complete mini-conversations 1–4 with a phrase to check
the information.

Skill checking information

If you aren’t sure if information is correct, you can check it with the person who said it.
You’re going on May 11. Is that correct?  He’s over eighteen. Is that correct?
Did you say one room for one night?  Did you say the fourth floor?
That’s with the discount, right?  Breakfast is at seven, right?

1 A I’d like to reserve a double room for two nights.

B You want a double room. ?
2 A I’d like a standard room for three nights. Arriving on April 19th.
B two nights from April 19th?
3 A The price for a deluxe room is $100 a night.
B The price includes breakfast, ?
4 A There’s a 20 percent discount for advance reservations.
B a 20 percent discount?

B 3.12   Listen and check. Pay attention to the intonation. Then act out the conversations
in pairs.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 109, Student B page 115

8 A PREPARE   In pairs, look at the diagram and discuss what you could say at each stage. You
can make notes.

Receptionist Guest

Greet the guest. Ask if he/she is checking in. Give details of your reservation.

Ask the guest for his/her documents. Give the documents.

Give the guest his/her room Take the key. Ask about breakfast, WiFi,
key and say what floor. and anything else that you want to know.

Give the information. Thank the receptionist.

B PRACTICE Repeat the conversation until you can say it without looking at the diagram or your

notes. Check any information that you’re not sure about.
C PERSONAL BEST Work with another pair. Listen to their conversation. Did they check any

information? What was good about their conversation?

Personal Best
Challenge! Ethan is checking into a hotel in your town/city. Write the conversation. 29

4 Enjoy yourself!
LANGUAGE present perfect with ever and never  ■ entertainment

4A  Going out

1 A Complete the chart with the words about entertainment.
fan   game   play   opera house   actor   club

People Places Events

B In pairs, add more words about entertainment that you know to the chart.
Go to Vocabulary practice: entertainment, page 98

2 A Read the interview. Who is the person in the picture? What is he going to try for the first time?

What happens when a heavy metal fan goes to an opera for
the first time?
Have you ever been to a baseball game? Have you ever acted
in a play? Is there a new experience that you’d like to try? Each
week, we ask a guest to try something new for the first time. Our
guest this week is Steve Bryant, a journalist with the heavy metal
magazine, Metal World. Steve has never been to an opera.

So you’ve never been to an opera, Steve – is that

That’s right. I’ve been to music festivals and rock concerts, but not to
an opera. I’ve walked past the opera house, but I’ve never been inside.

We know you love heavy metal. What other music

do you listen to?
I like a lot of different styles of music, from rock to blues and soul,
and singer-songwriters like Neil Young and Bruce Springsteen.

What are your thoughts about opera music?

I’ve never really listened to it, and I don’t know much about it. So this
is going to be an interesting experience. I don’t know if I’m going to
like it!

Read the interview again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Steve has never been to a music festival. 3  He’s only interested in heavy metal music.
2 Steve has never been inside an opera house. 4  He knows a lot about opera.

3 A Complete the sentences from the interview.

1 you to a baseball game? 3 I past the opera house.
2 Steve never to an opera. 4 I never inside.
B Complete the rules. Then read the Grammar box.
1 We form the present perfect tense with the verb + past participle.
2 We often use the adverb in questions to ask about someone’s experiences.
3 We often use the adverb in negative sentences about experiences.

present perfect with ever and never  ■ entertainment LANGUAGE 7A
Grammar present perfect with ever and never

We use the present perfect to talk about experiences in our lives.

Affirmative: I’ve been to music festivals and rock concerts.
Negative: He hasn’t listened to an opera — He’s never listened to an opera.
Questions: Have they (ever) acted in a play?   Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.
Look! Regular past participles are the same as simple past forms. They end in -ed: acted, walked, listened.
The past participle of go is gone, but we often use been for experiences:
I went to London again last year. I’ve already been three times.

Go to Grammar practice: present perfect with ever and never, page 82

4 A 4.3   Pronunciation: sentence stress Listen and repeat.
1 I’ve been to an opera. 3 I’ve never sung in a band.
2 I haven’t been to a tennis game. 4 Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
B 4.4   Say the sentences. Listen, check, and repeat.
1 Have you ever been to New York? 3 I’ve never had a pet.
2 I’ve acted in a play. 4 I haven’t flown business class.

5 4.5   Listen to part 2 of the interview with Steve. Complete the sentences.
1 I about going to an opera.
2 I a lot of bands.
3 Now I can say that to an opera!
4 Most of my colleagues an opera.

6 A Complete the sentences with the past participles of the verbs in the box.
see   cook   work   fly   fail   go   cry   arrive

1 I’ve during a movie. 5 I’ve Chinese food.

2 I’ve never a Shakespeare play. 6 I’ve never late for my English class.
3 I’ve to a ballet. 7 I’ve as a waiter in a café.
4 I’ve never an exam. 8 I’ve never in a helicopter.
B In pairs, say which sentences are true for you.
A I’ve cooked Chinese food.  B That’s not true for me! I’ve never cooked it.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 109, Student B page 115

7 A In pairs, ask and answer the questions in the questionnaire.
A Have you ever been to a soccer game?   B Yes, I have. How about you?

Are you adventurous? YOUR SCORE

7–8 You’re very
adventurous. Is there
anything you haven’t
Do you like to try new things? How adventurous are you?
Try our questionnaire to find out.
4–6 You’re pretty
HAVE YOU EVER … adventurous, but there’s a
lot more that you can try
1 (go) to a soccer game? 5 (visit) an art gallery? in life.
2 (see) your favorite band in concert? 6 (go) to an opera? 1–3 You haven’t done many
things, but don’t worry!
3 (be) in a carnival? 7 (dance) salsa?
Why not try something new
4 (play) in a band or orchestra? 8 (climb) a mountain? this weekend?

Find your partner’s score and tell the class about him/her.
Sofia is pretty adventurous. She’s been in a carnival, but she’s never climbed a mountain.

Personal Best Write about five things that you have done this year. 31
SKILLS LISTENING listening for detailed information (2)  ■ linking ■  opinion adjectives

4B  The book was better!

Curve 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
terrible sad amazing fun scary strange

1 This is ! 2 This movie is really ! 3 What a picture!

4 Our team is today. 5 This view is ! 6 This book is so .

Think of an example for each of the adjectives in exercise 1. Tell
your partner.
Walking in the forest at night is scary.

Go to Vocabulary practice: opinion adjectives, page 98

3 4.7   Watch or listen to the first part of Learning Curve.
Which sentence isn’t true?
1 Kate knows more about Frankenstein than Simon.
2 There are lots of different Frankenstein movies.
3 The Lord of the Rings movies were created before
the books.

Skill listening for detailed information (2)

It is often necessary to understand what someone says in detail.

• Listen carefully to all the speakers. Sometimes one person corrects another person’s information.
• Listen for people’s names. Often you hear important information about the person immediately
after you hear the name.
• Listen for key nouns and adjectives.

4 A 4.7   Read the Skill box. Then read the sentences below and watch or listen again.
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Kate says Dr. Frankenstein is a monster.
2 The most famous Frankenstein’s monster is from the 1931 movie.
3 In the book, Frankenstein’s monster never speaks.
4 Boris Karloff’s special boots made the monster very tall.
5 There are three The Lord of the Rings books.
6 They made the first movie in 274 days.
7 Some characters are funnier in the movie than in the books.
8 The location of the films was Australia.
B In pairs, discuss Frankenstein and The Lord of the Rings. Have you seen or read them?
If not, would you like to see or read them? What do you think of them?

listening for detailed information (2)  ■ linking ■  opinion adjectives LISTENING SKILLS
5 4.8   Watch or listen to the second part of the show. Choose the correct options to
complete the sentences.

Andy Millie Holly Yiannis

1 Andy thinks is amazing.

a The Lord of the Rings  b the original Mad Max movie   c the third Mad Max movie
2 Millie has seen all the Harry Potter movies .
a 10 times   b 15 times   c 20 times
3 Holly explains that Jane Austen didn’t write , but it has the same story as one of her books.
a Emma  b Clueless  c Pride & Prejudice
4 Yiannis thinks that were the best ones.
a the first James Bond movies   b the first James Bond books   c the later James Bond movies

6 4.8   Watch or listen again. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1 The original Mad Max movie is American.
2 Andy says that Mad Max: Fury Road is a happy movie.
3 In Harry Potter, they play Quidditch in the dining hall.
4 Charlie, Percy, and Bill are Ron Weasley’s younger brothers.
5 The book Emma is about people in a high school.
6 Bridget Jones’s Diary was a movie before it was a book.
7 The first James Bond movies were very different from the books.
8 Ian Fleming was a spy in the James Bond books.

7 A Make notes in the chart about some books you know that are also movies.
Book Opinion of book Movie Opinion of movie

B In pairs, discuss the books and movies.

I love the book The Great Gatsby. It’s beautiful and sad. But I think the 2013 movie is terrible.

Listening builder linking consonants and vowels

When a word ends in a consonant sound and the next word starts with a vowel sound,
we usually link them together:
The Lord of the Rings was a very popular series of books.
I can talk about James Bond all day!

8 4.9   Read the Listening builder. Look at the sentences from the program and mark the links
between words. Then listen and check.
1 Let’s talk about the movie of another book.
2 I thought it was exciting!
3 She’s a big fan of Jane Austen’s books.
4 I’m sure a lot of people agree with us!
5 I’ve read all the books and seen all the movies.

9 A Prepare a one-minute talk about a movie. Use these questions to help you.
• What is the movie about? • Was the location important? • Did the idea for the movie
• Who were the actors? • What’s your opinion of it? come from a book?
B In pairs, give your talks. Ask your partner questions about his/her movie.

Personal Best
Challenge! Choose two films and write a paragraph comparing them. Which movie is better/sadder/more exciting/funnier? 33
47 LANGUAGE present perfect and simple past

4C  A famous voice

1 A Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1 Who is the character on the right?
2 What cartoon series is he from? Have you ever seen it?
3 Who do you think the woman on the left is?
B Read the text and check your answers.

As one of the most famous voices in

the world, Nancy is the voice of
Bart Simpson, from the American
TV cartoon, The Simpsons. Naughty
schoolboy Bart and his family are
some of the world’s most popular TV
characters. Listen to today’s program
to find out more.

2 A 4.10   Listen to the radio program. When did Nancy start playing Bart?

B 4.10   Listen again and answer the questions.

1 Who did Nancy want to play at first?
2 What awards has Nancy won?
3 Has she ever acted in a movie?
4 What did Nancy say about her job on The Simpsons?

3 A Look at the extracts from the program. Underline the present perfect sentences,
and circle the simple past sentences.

Rob When did Nancy start playing Bart?

Chrissie She started playing Bart in 1987.
Rob Has Nancy ever won an award?
Chrissie Yes, she’s won a lot of awards. In 1992, she won an Emmy.

B Answer the questions. Then read the Grammar box.

1 Which two time words does Rob use in the box above?
2 Which tense does he use with these time words?

Grammar present perfect and simple past

Present perfect (talking about experiences in our lives, when we don’t say when something happened):
She’s acted in movies.   I’ve been to New York.   Have you ever won an award?
Simple past (asking for and giving more detail about past events):
She was in Godzilla in 1998.  I went to New York last year. I went with my dad.
When did she win an award?   Did you have a good time there?

Go to Grammar practice: present perfect and simple past, page 83

present perfect and simple past LANGUAGE 4C
4 Match the base forms, simple past forms, and past participles. Which past participles are the
same as the simple past forms?
buy – bought – bought
Base form Simple past Past participle

buy   drink   drive   eat   ate   met   saw   drank   won   eaten   met   read  
fly   meet   read   see   wrote   flew   spoke   wore   worn   written   flown   spoken  
speak   wear   win   write drove   won   read   bought driven   bought   drunk   seen

5 A 4.12   Pronunciation: vowels Listen and repeat the past participles in exercise 4.

B 4.13   Make pairs of past participles with the same vowel sound. Listen, check, and repeat.
won, drunk

6 A Write the conversations in full. Use the present perfect and simple past.

1 2
A you / ever / meet / a famous actor? A you / ever / try / dangerous sport?
B yes B yes
A who / you / meet? A what / you / try?
B I / meet / Salma Hayek / last year. B I / try / rock climbing.
A oh, really? where / you / meet / her? A you / enjoy / it?
B I / meet / her on a flight from Paris to London. B yes, it / be / great!
B In pairs, act out the conversations. Ask more questions to get more information.
Go to Communication practice: Student A page 109, Student B page 115
7 A Check ( ) the sentences that are true for you.
1 I’ve had a big party at my house.
2 I’ve walked out of a movie theater before the end of a movie.
3 I’ve bought clothes online.
4 I’ve stayed awake all night.
5 I’ve tried a dangerous sport.
6 I’ve traveled first class.
7 I’ve sung on stage.
8 I’ve been on TV or in a newspaper.
B Now work in groups. Ask Have you ever questions about the activities. Then ask simple past
questions to find out more.

When …? Who …? How much/many …?

What …? Where …? How …? Did you …?

A Have you ever had a big party at your house?  

B Yes, I have.
A How many people did you invite?

Personal Best Think of an interesting experience you’ve had.  Write a conversation like in exercise 6 to explain what happened. 35
47 SKILLS WRITING writing and replying to an invitation  ■ articles

4D  Would you like to come?

1 Match pictures a–d with the events in the box. What other types of parties can you think of?
a housewarming party   a dinner party   a wedding reception   an office party  

a b

c d

2 Look at the party invitation below. Why are Amy and Will having a party?

Amy and Will

are having a
going-away party
We’d love you to join us as we say
“Goodbye U.S.” and “Hello Australia!”

When: Saturday July 2nd, from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Where: 17 Park Avenue
Children are welcome. No presents please.
RSVP: or 917-555-2392.

3 Now read three replies. Who is going to go to the party? Who can’t go?

Dear Amy and Will, Hi Amy, hi Will, Dear Amy and Will,
Thanks so much for the invitation. Thank you for the invitation. We’d Thanks very much for the invita-
I’m really sorry, but we can’t make love to come to the party, and both tion. I can definitely make it. I’m
it because we’re on vacation then. of the kids would love to come, probably going to be a bit late as
Hope you have a great time, and too! We can’t wait to see you. I’m going to drive back from Boston
good luck in Australia! Keep in Lots of love, that day. Can I bring anything?
touch. We’d love to come and visit Ed and Fiona Food? Something to drink?
you! All the best,
Best wishes, Jim
Kate and Ian xx

writing and replying to an invitation  ■ articles WRITING SKILLS 7D
Skill writing and replying to an invitation

When you write an invitation, say what sort of party it is, where it is, what time it starts, and the date.
Give people your contact details:
We’re having a (going-away) party.
Hope you can come. / Hope you can make it.
Please reply. / RSVP (from the French expression: répondez s’il vous plaît)
When you reply, thank the person who has invited you, and accept or decline the invitation.
If you decline, explain why you can’t come:
I’d love to come.
I’d love to come, but ... / I’m really sorry, but we can’t come.

4 A Read the Skill box. Then read the invitation and replies again, and answer the questions.
1 Which of the phrases do Amy and Will use?
2 Find another phrase to invite someone to a party.
3 Find another phrase for accepting an invitation.
4 Find another phrase for declining an invitation.
Rewrite the replies. Use phrases from the Skill box.

a b

Hi Amy and Will, Amy, Will,

I can’t come. Exam that day. Thanks. See you on the 2nd.

George Jess and Matt

Text builder articles: a/an, the, or no article

We use a/an before singular nouns when we talk about a person or thing for the first time:
Amy and Will are having a going-away party.
We use the if we have already mentioned the person or thing:
We’d love to come to the party.
We use no article when we talk about things in general:
I love parties!

5 Read the Text builder and complete the sentences with a/an, the, or – (no article).

Lucy I moved into 1 new apartment last week, and I’m having 2
housewarming party next Friday. Would you like to come?
Joe I’d love to! What time’s 3 party?
Lucy It’s at eight o’clock. 4 apartment is 12A, Lancaster Street.
Joe Great. Do you like 5 cake?
Lucy Yes! Especially chocolate cake.
Joe Great. I can make 6 orange and chocolate cake for the party.

6 A PREPARE   Choose a type of party from exercise 1 or use your own ideas. Plan the
details of your party.
B PRACTICE Write an invitation to your event. Then exchange it with a partner and write

two replies: one accepting and one declining the invitation. Use information and phrases
from the Skill box and exercise 3 on page 108.
C PERSONAL BEST Read your partner’s replies to your invitation. Do they use phrases

from the Skill box? Do they use articles correctly? Which reply is better and why?

Personal Best Plan the perfect party. Who would you invite and what would you do? 37
31 and
and 4

Grammar 3 Choose the correct options to complete the text.

1 Cross out (X) the sentence that is NOT correct.
Part-time teacher, part-time magician
1 a I have to get up early every morning.
b I have got up early yesterday.
c I got up early yesterday.
2 a You have to drive on the left in the UK.
b I drove on the left when I was in the UK.
c You haven’t to drive on the left in the UK.
3 a What do you going to do next weekend?
b Are you going surfing next weekend?
c What are you going to do next weekend?
4 a How’s she going to get there?
b Who’s she going to go with?
c How long she’s going to stay?
5 a Have you ever drove a Rolls Royce?
b I’ve never driven a Rolls Royce.
c I drove a Rolls Royce ten years ago.
6 a When have you see her? Alan Jordan has two jobs. From Monday to Friday, he teaches in an
b Have you seen a famous person? elementary school where he 1has to / have to teach seven-year-
c When did you see her? olds how to read, write, and count. In the evenings and on the
7 a I went to Poland last year. weekends, he becomes Ali Giordano and performs magic tricks for
b I’ve been to Poland twice. his audience. I asked him about the two jobs.
c I never gone to Poland.
Q Which job do you prefer?
8 a She wrote some famous poems.
A I like both jobs. In both, I 2have to / have stand up in front
b She has wrote some famous poems.
of a large group of people and tell them stories. They
c She has written some famous poems. 3don’t have to / have to listen carefully to me, and I 4have to /

2 Rewrite the sentences with the words in parentheses. has to be careful with my words.
Q 5Have you ever used / Did you ever used magic with
1 It’s necessary for me to get up early. (have to)
your students?
2 You can choose to come or not. (have to) A Of course. Last week, 6I have taught / I taught a complete
math class using playing cards. They 7learned / have learned
3 I don’t plan to get a new job next year. (not / going to) arithmetic and saw magic at the same time.
Q Have you used magic in other lessons?
4 I’m not hungry, so I don’t want dinner. (not / going to) A Yes. For example, two weeks ago 8I taught / I’ve taught my class
some vocabulary. I put words on cards, and the children had to
5 The train always stops at the next station. (going to) find the objects. Some of them 9have appeared / appeared by
magic in surprising places!
6 I went to Paris in 2010 and 2012. (have / twice)

7 I always go on vacation in my own country.

(never / abroad)
1 Circle the word that is different. Explain your answer.
8 She buys lottery tickets and isn’t successful.
1 match opera actor concert
(have / never)
2 boat bike ballet bus
3 boring stupid awful amazing
4 pool campsite hotel apartment
5 hiking exciting surfing sightseeing
6 beach mountains museum artist
7 strange interesting fantastic great
8 train taxi ferry car


2 Match definitions 1–8 with words a–h.

1 really fantastic a ballet
Personal Best
2 tourists like doing this b relax
son 31A son 4
3 a form of classical dancing c campsite Les Les 2A
4 you can do this on the beach d sightseeing
5 you can stay here on vacation e amazing Think of
List five four places
6 really bad f boring Name five
forms of Name you
nationalities. can gojobs.
five to for
7 this transports passengers by sea g terrible transportation. entertainment.
8 the opposite of interesting h ferry

3 Put the words in the correct column.

on 1A
Less 3 Les
son 4
opera subway great plane 
bus play amazing ballet  Write two Write three
game exciting truck cool sentences about sentences
Write a sentence Write a
yourself using about your
with I don’t question with
Positive Forms of Types of the verb be, one parents using
have to. ever.
adjectives transportation entertainment positive, one the present
negative. simple.

on 2C
son 31A
B Less 4 A

Write two Write a

Describeone sentence
Write with
a yes/no
definitely never inusing
question the
with present
possibly. perfect.

4 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

on 1C
Jack How was your weekend? Less 3 on
Victoria I t was 1great / boring / terrible. We went to Miami,
saw a movie, and then had a nice meal. ThinkListofthree
Name five
Name six questions you
Jack What was the movie like? vacation irregular past
things you carry can ask the
participles and first
Victoria It was 2boring / all right / exciting with a fabulous activities.
with you. time you meet
car chase! Unfortunately, the ending was their simple past
3interesting / stupid / amazing.

Jack Really? That’s too bad. And how was the meal?
on D
 e went to a 4boring / cool / scary restaurant.
Victoria W
son 3
1C LLeesssson 42D
It’s very fashionable, so it was expensive, but the
food was good. Write a Giveoftwo
Think two
Jack Sounds great. sentence about
Write three expressions
Victoria It certainly wasn’t 5strange / boring / stupid. It sentencesyou
a place using for
his, to go to
their. informal
someone to
was very crowded with fabulous music. What
this year. email.
about your weekend?
Jack I t was 6all right / amazing / sad. Nothing special.
We went to a concert on Saturday.
son 3 son 4
Victoria How was it? Les 1D Les 2D

Jack 7Great / Terrible / Exciting! I don’t really like Give two

classical music, and it lasted over three hours. It Give three to
expressions Think
say you don’t expressions
sentence withfor
wasn’t even a good orchestra. Luckily, we went to
for checking
understand on accepting
but and onean
this 8strange / boring / amazing club afterwards. information.
the telephone. invitation.
with or.


5 All about me
LANGUAGE simple present and adverbs and expressions of frequency  ■  personality adjectives

5A  The only friends you need

1 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
6 (less important).

honest funny patient nice polite generous

Go to Vocabulary practice: personality adjectives, page 99

2 Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 You need lots of friends to be happy. 3 It is important to have different types of
2 There are four different types of friends. friends in your life.

3 A 5.3   Match the types of friends in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.

The super planner  The party animal  The good listener  The straight talker

Do you have any friends like these? What type of friend are you?

THE FOUR We all know that friends are important … but do we have the "right"
friends? Dr. Adam Greenberg, a psychologist, doesn’t think we need lots
FRIENDS of friends to be happy. Instead, he says it's more important to have
different types of friends. He believes that there are four types of friends,
YOU NEED and they all help us in different ways. So, what are these four friends

1 2 3 4
You share everything with These friends know you very These friends are very These friends are very
these friends and often tell well, and they‘re honest … sociable, and you usually organized, but they‘re
them all your secrets. really honest. They always have a good time when sometimes a little serious. They
They’re patient when you tell you the truth, even you're with them. They’re hardly ever forget important
call them late at night with a when you don’t want to very funny and make you dates, like your birthday!
problem and never complain hear it. But this is because laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
when you tell them the they care about you and your friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
same stories, over and over don’t want you to make a them, too. With friends like but they always find time to
again! mistake and get hurt. these, life is never boring! have coffee with you.

4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Check your answers in the text.
1 Do / Does we have the "right" friends? 4 They don’t / doesn’t want you to make
2 Dr. Greenberg don’t / doesn’t think we need a mistake and get hurt.
lots of friends to be happy. 5 You usually have a good time when you is / are
3 He say / says it's more important to have with them.
different types of friends. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.
simple present and adverbs and expressions of frequency  ■  personality adjectives LANGUAGE 5A
5 A Complete the diagram with the adverbs of frequency in the box. 
hardly ever never often usually

100% 0%

always    1     2    sometimes   3    4

Underline the adverbs of frequency in the text and complete the rule. Then read the Grammar box.
Adverbs of frequency go before / after most verbs, but they go before / after the verb be.

Grammar simple present and adverbs and expressions of frequency

Things that are always true: Routines and habits:

Does Ahmet live in Ankara? No, he lives in Istanbul. How often do you see him? I usually see him on the weekends.
Do you speak Spanish? Yes, I speak a little. How often are you late? I’m never late!
Look! We also use expressions of frequency for regular routines e.g., once a week, every month

Go to Grammar practice: simple present with adverbs and expressions of frequency, page 84

6 A 5.5   Pronunciation: final -s/-es sound Listen and repeat the sentences. Then match the
verb endings in bold with the sounds: /s /, /z /, or /əz /.
1 She likes Italian food. 2 He teaches at the university.   3 My brother knows him.
B 5.6   How do you say the verbs? Listen, check, and repeat.

believes says changes thinks uses wants goes watches hopes

7 A Add adverbs and expressions of frequency to make sentences about your partner.
She usually takes the bus to work. He takes the bus to the university every day.
1 He/She takes the bus to work/college. 4 He/She drinks coffee in the mornings.
2 He/She goes to bed at 11:00 p.m. 5 He/She watches movies in English.
3 He/She is patient. 6 He/She is late for class.
Read your sentences to your partner. He/She will tell you if you are correct.

Go to Communication practice: Student A, page 110; Student B, page 116

8 Read the text about two friends. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
get have not have invite like think


Lots of people 1 I’m really serious, and that I never go out, but that’s not
true! I’m very hard-working, and my job at the bank is difficult, so I 2 much
free time. I play the guitar in a jazz group, and we usually practice two or three times a
I3 cooking, so I often 4 people over to my house for dinner.
My best friend is Luca. He’s the singer in the group, and he’s completely different from
me. He’s a college student and, to be honest, he’s a little lazy and hardly ever
5 to class on time. But he’s funny and generous, and we always
6 a great time when we go out.

9 A Choose a friend and tell your partner his/her name.

In pairs, use the prompts to ask and answer questions about your friends.
1 What / be / he/she / like? 5 How often / you / talk to / him/her?
2 Where / he/she / live? 6 What / you / usually / talk about?
3 What / he/she / do? 7 How often / you / see / him/her?
4 Where / he/she / work/study? 8 Where / you / meet / him/her?

Personal Best Write a description of yourself and of someone you know who is the opposite of you. 41
5 SKILLS LISTENING listening for the main idea  ■ contractions ■  hobbies and socializing

5B  21st century hobbies

Curve 1 Match the activities in the box with pictures a–h.
get together with friends go to concerts bake cupcakes play chess 
go on social media collect records get (some) exercise shop online

a b c d

e f g h

2 In pairs, ask and answer the questions Do you …? and How often do you …? for the activities in exercise 1.
A Do you collect records? B No, I don’t.
A How often do you get some exercise? B I go to the gym once or twice a week.

Go to Vocabulary practice: hobbies and socializing, page 100

Skill listening for the main idea

It is important to understand the main idea when someone is speaking.

• Think about who is speaking and what he/she is talking about.
• Don’t worry if you don’t understand all the words.
• Remember that speakers often talk about the main ideas more than once.

3 5.8   Read the Skill box. Watch or listen to the beginning of a webshow called Learning Curve
and check ( ) the main idea.
1 People have less time for socializing today.
2 Many popular hobbies are now online.
3 Old hobbies are becoming popular again.

4 A 5.8   Watch or listen again. Complete the chart with the online activities Kate mentions.

Traditional activity Online activity

play team sports
take cooking classes
go to a shopping center
go out to meet new people

B In pairs, think of more traditional activities that you can now do online.
listening for the main idea  ■ contractions ■  hobbies and socializing LISTENING SKILLS 5B
5 5.9   Watch or listen to the second part of the show. Choose the correct options to complete
the sentences about the main ideas.

Viktor David Suzie Rebecca

1 Viktor …
a plays chess a lot. b does lots of activities online. c meets up with friends every day.
2 David …
a likes computers. b exercises at home. c prefers exercising at the gym.
3 Suzie …
a downloads lots of music. b prefers to relax at home. c does her hobby with other people.
4 Rebecca …
a does lots of activities online. b doesn’t like meeting new people. c spends lots of time with her family.

6 5.9   Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Viktor plays chess with friends every day. 4 Rebecca makes videos of her cat.
2 David goes to the gym five times a week or more. 5 Kate only likes traditional hobbies,
3 Suzie loves music from the 1980s. like rock climbing.

7 A Ask your classmates the questions in the boxes and write down their answers.
What do you do in your free time? Do you have any online hobbies?

Do you think online hobbies are more popular than traditional hobbies?

8 5.10   In pairs, complete the sentences from the show with the contractions in the box.
Listen and check.

don’t  I’m  he’s that’s what’s can’t

1 your name? 4 You do that online!

2 really enjoying the game. 5 I use it when not at the gym.
3 Computers interest me. 6 Wow, Suzie, amazing!

Listening builder contractions

When people speak, they usually make contractions:

We do not get together with friends. → We don’t get together with friends.
She is not very athletic. → She’s not very athletic. / She isn’t very athletic.
I am ready to go rock climbing. → I’m ready to go rock climbing.

9 5.11   Read the Listening builder. Listen and circle the contractions you hear.
1 We’re / We aren’t / We can’t 4 It’s / It isn’t / It doesn’t
2 He’s / He isn’t / He doesn’t 5 They don’t / They can’t / They aren’t
3 My teacher’s / My teacher’s not / My teacher isn’t 6 I’m / I’m not / I don’t

10 Discuss the questions in pairs.

1 Is it important to have a hobby? Why/Why not? 4 Are your hobbies different now from when you
2 What hobbies are most popular in your country? were a child? If so, how?
3 Do men and women usually like different 5 Can you think of any dangerous hobbies?
hobbies? Would you like to try them? Why/Why not?

Personal Best Write a paragraph about one of your partner's answers in exercise 10. 43
5 LANGUAGE present continuous and simple present  ■  useful verbs

5C  Famous families

1 Who are musicians a–c? In pairs, match them with their relatives: Anaïs, Skip, and Eve. Read the text
and check.


Their faces may look familiar, but if you’re wondering who these
cool young people are, the clue is in their names. Meet the
children—and grandchildren—of some of music’s biggest stars.
Anaïs Gallagher is the daughter of Noel Gallagher, former
guitarist and songwriter with Oasis. In our photo, she’s wearing
a gold hat and already looks like a star! Anaïs, 16, goes to
a school in London and is currently hosting a music and fashion
show on children’s TV. She lives in London with her mom and, in
the future, she wants to be a movie director.
Skip Marley wears his hair in dreadlocks and looks just like his
famous grandfather, Bob. He’s just 20, but he’s also a musician
who sings and plays the guitar, the piano, and the drums.
He lives in Miami, where he’s studying business administration
in college. Right now, he’s recording some new songs and
planning to go on tour.
b Eve Hewson is the daughter of Paul Hewson, better known as
Bono, from the rock band U2. Eve, 25, is an actress and is living
in New York right now, where she’s playing the part of a nurse on
a TV series. Does she miss her hometown of Dublin? Yes, but
her sister and a lot of her friends from home live nearby, and her
parents often visit.
With so much talent—never mind those famous connections—we
can expect to see a lot more of Anaïs, Skip, and Eve in
c the future.

2 Read the text again. Complete the sentences with the correct name: Anaïs, Skip, or Eve.
1 lives in Miami. 4 is living in New York right now.
2 is wearing a white hat in the photo. 5 ’s parents often visit.
3 goes to school in London. 6 is recording some new songs right now.

3 A Underline the verbs in exercise 2. Which verbs are simple present and which are present continuous?
What is the difference between them?
Choose the correct tenses to complete the rules. Then read the Grammar box.
1 We use the simple present / present continuous to talk about actions that are happening now
or actions that are temporary.
2 We use the simple present / present continuous to talk about things that happen regularly
or things that are always true.

Grammar present continuous and simple present

Things that are happening now or are temporary: Things that happen regularly or are always true:
She’s living in Lima right now. He lives in Istanbul.
I’m not wearing my glasses. They don’t wear coats in the summer.
Is she working in Paris today? Do you work as a teacher?

Go to Grammar practice: present continuous and simple present, page 85

present continuous and simple present  ■  useful verbs LANGUAGE 5C
4 A 5.13   Pronunciation: -ng sound Listen and repeat the words. Pay attention to the /ŋ/ sound.
bringing meeting running singing studying song taking young
B 5.14   Practice saying the sentences. Listen, check, and repeat.
1 She’s wearing a long coat. 3 He’s bringing me a strong cup of coffee.
2 She’s carrying a long coat. 4 He’s taking a strong cup of coffee to the meeting.

5 Match the sentences in exercise 4B with pictures a–d.

a b c d

Go to Vocabulary practice: useful verbs, page 101

6 A Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the questions.
1 What clothes do you wear / are you wearing today?
2 Do you have / Are you having a dictionary with you?
3 What do you look forward to / are you looking forward to this year?
4 Do you think / Are you thinking it will rain today?
5 What clothes do you usually wear / are you usually wearing if you go to a party?
6 What do you do / are you doing right now?
In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
Go to Communication practice: Student A, page 110; Student B, page 116

7 5.16   Complete the conversation with the simple present or present continuous forms of
the verbs in the box. Listen and check.

meet work (x2) be do (x2) write not know not join

Ruben Karen!
Karen Hi, Ruben. How 1 you?
Ruben I’m fine, thanks. What 2 you here?
Karen I 3 my sister for lunch at a café.
Ruben Oh, great. What 4 she ?
Karen She 5 at a bank.
Ruben Here downtown?
Karen Not normally, but she 6 at the main office this
week. Hey, why 7 you us for lunch?
Ruben OK, but your sister 8 me.
Karen Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. So, how’s college?
Ruben Good, but I’m really busy. I 9 my senior
project right now, so …

8 Imagine you meet your partner on the street. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1 How are you? 5 How’s your …?
2 What are you doing here? 6 What does he/she do?
3 Where are you working/living right now? 7 What’s he/she like?
4 How’s it going? 8 What’s he/she doing now?

Personal Best Write about someone in your family with the simple present and present continuous. 45
5 SKILLS WRITING making notes  ■  expressing reasons and results

5D  Me in three objects

1 Read the blog and look at the pictures. Discuss the questions in pairs.
1 What can you find out about Sasha, Brady, 3 Who do you think is most similar to you?
and Julio? 4 Is it possible to know what someone is like by
2 Who do you think is the most interesting? looking at the things he/she owns?

MSD COLLEGE REPLIES: You in three objects . . . . Learning for life

my laptop coffee my running shoes

You in three November 5,
objects . . . Sasha
November 5, 16:00 my paints music my backpack

You can discover

a lot about people POSTED:
November 5,
by looking at the
objects that are Brady
important to them. SEE MORE ...
Post photos of three my cat Mexican food movie tickets
things that represent
you, tell us why they
are important, and, POSTED:
introduce yourself to November 6,
the rest of the class! 09:15  

2 Look at the mind map. Who drew it: Sasha, Brady, or Julio? Complete the diagram with the correct
objects. Then read the Skill box.

Skill making notes

Making notes before you write is a good way to plan your work.
• Write as many ideas as you can about the main topics.
• Use diagrams like mind maps to see the ideas more clearly.
• Choose the best ideas and organize them into paragraphs.

making notes  ■  expressing reasons and results WRITING SKILLS 5D
3 A Look at the mind map again. Which idea doesn’t Julio use? How many paragraphs do you
think he'll write?
Read Julio’s blog post in exercise 4 and check your answers to the questions above.

4 5.17   Complete Julio's blog post with the simple present or present continuous form of the verbs
in the box. Listen and check.

not agree love cook work live sit watch  study

First, I chose a photo of Figaro, my cat, because he’s very important to me.
I1 alone right now, so it is good to see a friendly face when I come
home. I 2 animals, especially cats. In the photo, he
3 on the sofa with me. He often sits with me, and we watch movies
I4 at a college in the U.S. now, but I'm from Mexico. That’s why I also
chose Mexican food. I love spicy food, and I often 5 a big meal and
invite all my friends over for dinner. It’s great to get together with friends and,
when I taste the food, I remember my friends and family back home.
I chose some movie tickets, because I work at a local movie theater on the
weekends. I 6 on a degree in film studies, so movies are a really
important part of my life. Some people say I 7 too many movies, but
I8 . I want to be a movie director, and I learn something new from
Julio’s blog every movie I watch.

5 Look at the phrases with the highlighted words in the text. Answer the questions.
1 What type of information comes after because? a reason for something / a result
2 What type of information comes after That’s why and so? a reason for something / a result

Text builder expressing reasons and results

Reasons: I chose a photo of my cat because he’s very important to me.

Results: My cat is very important to me, so I chose a photo of him.
My cat is very important to me. That’s why I chose a photo of him.

6 A Read the Text builder. Complete the sentences with because, so, or That's why!
1 I think it’s really important to stay in shape, I go running every morning.
2 I didn’t choose my cell phone everybody has one, and it’s not very special.
3 I design websites and I’m always connected to the Internet. I chose my laptop.
4 My backpack is important to me it reminds me of my trips to lots of countries.
5 I love art, but I’m too shy to take a picture of one of my paintings. I chose my paints, instead.
Who wrote the sentences: Sasha, Brady, or Julio?

7 A Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Write three true sentences and three false sentences.
1 My favorite is because ... 4 It’s really important to , so I always ...
2 I think is very , so I ... 5 I am right now because ...
3 I’m a very person. That’s why I never ... 6 I'm terrified of . That's why ...
Listen to your partner's sentences. Which sentences do you think are true?

8 A PREPARE   Draw a mind map of some objects that represent you. Then add reasons why the things are
special. Look at your diagram and choose three objects you want to include in your blog post.

B PRACTICE   Write a blog post with the heading Me in three objects. Use your notes from Stage A to help
you organize the paragraphs.

C PERSONAL BEST   Exchange blog posts with your partner. Read his/her work and correct any mistakes.
How could they improve it?

Personal Best Write six sentences with because, so, and That’s why about your friends, family and hobbies. 47

6 Stories and pictures

LANGUAGE simple past and time expressions  ■ -ed/-ing adjectives

6A  That’s me in the photo!

1 A Look at the photos in the text below and say what is happening. What do you call these
types of photos?
Read the text quickly. Match descriptions 1–3 with photos a–c.

The "age of selfies" began in the early

21st century when people started using
smartphones with digital cameras.
We now take over a million selfies every
day! Here are three interesting selfies with
their stories:

Robert Cornelius made the world’s first "selfie" when he experimented with a camera in 1839. He
tried to take a photo of himself, but early cameras worked very slowly, so Robert didn’t move for one
minute and he couldn’t smile. That’s why the final photo wasn’t very exciting!

This terrifying selfie is of Alexander Remnev, from Russia. In May 2014, Alexander traveled to Dubai
with a friend. They weren’t interested in taking normal photos, so they decided to climb the Princess
Tower, which is over 400 m. tall. They opened a door at the top of the building and climbed out …
and they didn’t use any safety equipment. Why did they do it? They said they were bored!

Teenager Jack Surgenor was very excited when he saw Queen Elizabeth II in Northern Ireland on
June 24, 2014. He quickly took a selfie and sent it to all his friends. He was very pleased, but how did
the Queen feel about being in someone else’s photo? We don’t know, but she looked a little annoyed!

a b c

2 Read the text again. Complete the sentences with the names in the box.
Alexander Remnev  Jack Surgenor  Queen Elizabeth II  Robert Cornelius

1 took a very dangerous photo. 3 waited a long time to take the photo.
2 wasn’t happy to be in a photo. 4 took a photo of a famous person.

3 A Write the simple past form of the verbs. Check your answers in the text.
1 begin 3 try 5 travel 7 be /
2 make 4 work 6 decide 8 send
Which verbs are regular and which are irregular?
simple past and time expressions  ■ -ed/-ing adjectives LANGUAGE 6A
4 Underline all the simple past negative sentences and questions in the text. Complete the rules, then
read the Grammar box.
1 To form a negative in the simple past, we normally use + the base form .
2 To form a question in the simple past, we normally use + subject + the base form .
3 The negative of was/were is / and the negative of could is .

Grammar simple past and time expressions

Regular verbs Irregular verbs

Positive: Alexander traveled to Dubai. He took a photo.
Negative: Alexander didn’t travel to Dubai. He didn’t take a photo.
Questions: Why did he travel to Dubai? Why did he take a photo?
Look! Time expressions go at the end or at the beginning of sentences:
Alexander traveled to Dubai in May 2014.  In May 2014, Alexander traveled to Dubai.

Go to Grammar practice: simple past and time expressions, page 86

5 A 6.3   Pronunciation: -ed endings  Listen to three phrases from the text. Say how the -ed
endings are pronounced: /t/, /əd/, or /d/.
1 People started using smartphones.   2 They opened a door.   3 Early cameras worked very slowly.
B 6.4   Say how the -ed endings of the verbs are pronounced: /t/, /d/ or /əd/. Listen, check, and repeat.
climbed decided experimented looked traveled watched

Go to Communication practice: Student A, page 110; Student B, page 116

6 A Choose the correct adjectives to complete the sentences. Check your answers in the text.
1 That’s why the final photo wasn’t very excited / exciting!
2 This terrfied / terrifying selfie is of Alexander Remnev, from Russia.
3 They said they were bored / boring!
4 Teenager Jack Surgenor was very excited / exciting when he saw Queen Elizabeth II.
Look at sentences 1–4 again and answer the questions.
1 Which adjectives describe people’s feelings? ,
2 Which adjectives describe someone/something that causes a feeling? ,
3 How many more -ed and -ing adjectives can you find in the text?

Go to Vocabulary practice: -ed/-ing adjectives, page 102

7 A Complete the questions with the simple past of the verbs in parentheses.
When was the last time you …
1 embarrassed? (feel) 4 something interesting? (eat)
2 terrified? (be) 5 some surprising news? (receive)
3 something tiring? (do) 6 annoyed with your best friend? (get)

In pairs, ask and answer the questions and explain
what happened.

8 Think about a selfie or photo you took. Ask and answer

the questions in pairs.
1 When did you take the photo?
2 Where were you?
3 What did you do?
4 Why did you take the photo?
5 How did you feel?
6 Did you send the photo to anyone?

Personal Best Write down three important dates. Then write sentences explaining what happened and why they are important. 49
6 SKILLS READING approaching a text  ■ sequencers

6B  Party like it’s 1829

1 Describe the picture of a party. Discuss
the questions in pairs.
1 Why do people have parties?
2 What do you usually do when you go
to a party?
3 Do you prefer to organize parties or
to be a guest?
4 What’s the worst thing about parties?

Skill approaching a text

Before you read a text, predict as much information as you can.

• Read the title of the text. Can you guess what it means?
• Look at the pictures. What people, places, and things do they show?
• Read the headings of the different sections. What do you think they are about?

2 A Read the Skill box. Try to predict the answers to the questions about the text on page 51.
1 Who was Andrew Jackson? 3 What did the guests do at the 1829 party?
2 Where did he live? 4 What did the guests do at the 1837 party?
Read the whole text quickly and check your answers to the questions.

3 Read the text in more detail. Look at the sentences and write: 1829 party, 1837 party, or both.
1 There was food at the party. 4 Jackson didn’t stay until the end.
2 Some guests caused damage. 5 Jackson received a strange present.
3 All the guests had a good time. 6 The guests ate in the gardens.

4 Discuss the questions in pairs.

1 Were you surprised by the text? Why/Why not? 3 What kind of person was Andrew Jackson?
2 How would a party at the White House be 4 Would you like to go to a party like one of
different today? Andrew Jackson’s? Why/Why not?

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Check your answers in the text.
after after that later then

1 … they soon pushed their way inside. , the party got out of control.
2 Eight years , a farmer gave the president an enormous cheese.
3 Jackson didn’t know what to do with it; he couldn’t eat it himself, but he had an idea.
4 just two hours, he checked and it was gone.

Text builder sequencers

To say one action happened after another:

I went to the gym and then I went home.   I went to the gym. After that, I went home.
To say one action happened after a period of time:
Two hours later, I cooked dinner.   After two hours, I cooked dinner.

6 Read the Text builder. In pairs, talk about an important party or celebration you went to. Use sequencers
to explain what happened.
• What was the party or celebration? • What did you do?
• How many guests were there? • Did you have a good time?
• What did you eat and drink? • Were there any problems?

approaching a text  ■ sequencers READING SKILLS 6B


Andrew Jackson was president of the United States from 1829 to 1837. He was the first
president from the Democratic party and a very popular politician, but he’s also famous
for some surprising events that took place at the White House. The pictures below show
two memorable parties held there when Jackson was president.


On March 4, 1829, when Jackson became president, Eight years later, a farmer gave the president an enormous
he invited his supporters to visit the White House, and cheese, which weighed over 600 kg. Jackson didn’t know what
thousands of people followed him to his new home. At to do with it; he couldn’t eat it himself, but then he had an
first, the crowd waited in the gardens, but they were very idea. He decided to have another party to celebrate the end of
excited and soon pushed their way inside. After that, the his presidency. In February 1837, thousands of guests arrived
party got out of control. People stood on tables and chairs, and started to eat the only thing on the menu−the cheese.
broke glasses, and some even fell down and hurt themselves. After just two hours, he checked and it was gone. Everyone
Jackson escaped through a window and went to a nearby was very happy, but the expensive carpets in the White House
hotel, but his staff stayed because they were worried about were covered with smelly cheese. This time, Jackson wasn’t
the building. In the end, they put lots of food on tables in worried about the mess. He left the White House two weeks
the gardens and the hungry guests followed them outside to later, and the next president, Martin van Buren, was very
eat the food. The White House was safe … for the moment! annoyed because the building still smelled of cheese!

Personal Best Choose one of the parties from the text. Write a summary of what happened. 51
6 LANGUAGE question forms  ■  life stages

6C  Behind the camera

1 In pairs, order the stages from 1 (birth) to 8 (death).
start a career get engaged die go to college
be born have children finish school get married

Go to Vocabulary practice: life stages, page 103

2 Read the radio guide about Mario Testino. What is his job? Why is he famous?


NOW 8:00PM 9:00PM 10:00PM 10:30PM 11:00PM 12:00PM 12:10AM 4:00AM


1 9:00 p.m. Behind the Camera WEATHER





Mario Testino is one of the greatest photographers of our time. His photos of famous actors and
4 musicians, royal families, and supermodels are known all over the world. But what do we know

about the person behind the camera? On today’s program, host Andrew Stewart discusses
Testino’s life and work with fashion editor, Sarah Mendes.


3 6.7   Listen to the radio program. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 Mario was born in Italy / Peru.
2 He grew up in Lima / New York.
3 After high school, he went to college / traveled around the world.
4 In London, he got a job in a restaurant / hospital.
5 He started his career by photographing models and actors / people he worked with.
6 He became famous when he photographed Madonna / Gianni Versace.
7 He photographed Princess Diana in 1995 / 1997.
8 In 2012, he opened a gallery in London / Lima.

4 6.8   Complete the host's questions with the words in the box. Listen again and check.

does did from is what who

1 Where is he ? 4 did he work with?

2 did he do after he finished high 5 What he doing today?
school? 6 he still live in London?
3 How his career start?

question forms  ■  life stages LANGUAGE 6C
5 Look at exercise 4 again and answer the questions. Then read the Grammar box.
1 Which question doesn’t have a question word?
2 In questions 1–6, which auxiliary verbs are used for:
a the simple present?
b the simple past?
c the present continuous?
3 Which question doesn’t have an auxiliary verb?

Grammar question forms

Most verbs: (question word) + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb

Where do you live? Does your brother live near here? What do we know about Mario Testino?
When did you arrive? Did you see him? How did his career start?
What are you doing? Is Mario working today? What am I doing?
The verb be: (question word) + be + subject
Where is he from? Was he late for work?
Look!  Prepositions don't usually come before the question word: Who did he work with? NOT With who did he work?

Go to Grammar practice: question forms, page 87

6 6.11   Pronunciation: question intonation Listen to two of the questions from the radio
program. Does the intonation go up ⤴ or down ⤵ at the end of the questions?
1 How did his career start? up ⤴ / down ⤵
2 Does he still live in London? up ⤴ / down ⤵

7 A Put the words in parentheses in the correct place in the questions.

1 Was Mario’s father Peru? (from) 4 Did Princess Diana in 1997? (die)
2 Why he take Mario to New York? (did) 5 Does live in New York now? (he)
3 When did move to London? (Mario) 6 What does the radio host play? (song)
B 6.12   Say the questions with the correct intonation. Listen, check, and repeat.
Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Go to Communication practice: Student A, page 111; Student B, page 117

8 In pairs, ask and answer questions with the words.
1 you / busy / 4 where / you / go on
right now? vacation / last year?

2 what time / you / 5 how often / you /

wake up / this morning? take / photographs?

6 which TV series / you /

watch / these days?
3 you / have / a driver's license?

9 Write four sentences about you and your family. Read the sentences to your partner.
He/She should ask questions to find out more information.
A I went to college in São Paulo. B What did you study there?
A My father retired last year. B What was his job?

Personal Best Write five quiz questions about a famous person. 53

6 SKILLS SPEAKING telling a personal story  ■  showing interest

6D  That reminds me of ...

Curve 1 6.13   Look at the pictures. In pairs, predict what happened on Taylor’s first day of work.
Watch or listen to the first part of Learning Curve and check.

2 6.13   Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Watch or listen again and check.
1 Taylor’s new job is in a fitness center. 4 A big car hit her car.
2 She was worried about being late. 5 The man in the car shouted at her.
3 She arrived at work fifteen minutes early. 6 She was embarrassed.

Conversation builder telling a personal story

Starting the story: Involving the listener: Saying how you felt:
Something similar happened to me. You’ll never guess … (who it was / what It was so …  
That reminds me of … happened next / what she said) I felt really …
Let me tell you about …   Can you imagine? At first, I felt ...
But that's not all.

3 6.14   Read the Conversation builder. Match the two parts to make sentences that Taylor used in her
story. Listen, check, and repeat.
1 Let me tell you about a embarrassing.
2 At first, I felt b not all.
3 I felt c my first day.
4 But that’s d great.
5 You’ll never guess e really angry.
6 It was so f who took my parking spot.

4 In pairs, write three phrases that Taylor’s new boss could use to tell the story of what happened.
telling a personal story  ■  showing interest SPEAKING SKILLS 6D
5 A 6.15   In pairs, order phrases a–h from Penny’s story. Watch or listen to the second part
of the show, and check.

a I sent the message to him by mistake!

b My boss had the same name as my friend—Steve Jones.
c He thought it was funny, but can you imagine how I felt?
d Everyone in the office could hear him! It was quite embarrassing.
e Something similar happened to me at my last job.
f You’ll never guess what he said. "I’m glad you think I’m handsome
and amazing, but it isn’t my birthday!"
g I worked at a radio station in London before I moved to New York.
h I sent my good friend Steve an e-mail message for his birthday. It said,
"Happy birthday to my handsome, amazing friend!"

B 6.15   Watch or listen again. How are Taylor and Penny's stories similar?

6 6.16   Listen and repeat the phrases when you hear the beeps. How do Taylor
and Penny show they are interested in each other’s stories?

Skill showing interest

Good listeners show that they are interested in what someone else is saying.
• Use short response expressions, such as Oh, no! Really? etc.
• Ask questions about what happened.
• Use the correct intonation to show you are interested.

7 Read the Skill box. Put the phrases in the correct columns.
What happened?  That’s amazing!  Really?  What did he do then? 
Oh no!  You’re kidding!  That’s awful!  Lucky you!  You poor thing!  Great!

Showing interest or asking

Responding to something positive Responding to something negative
for more information

8 A 6.17   Listen to phrases 1–6. Which speaker sounds more interested: A or B?

1 What happened? 3 Really? 5 You’re joking!
2 That’s amazing! 4 Oh no, that’s awful! 6 Lucky you!
B 6.18   In pairs, say phrases 1–6 to show you are interested. Listen, check, and repeat.

Go to Communication practice: Student A, page 110; Student B, page 116


Choose one of the ideas. Make notes on what happened and how you felt.

your first day at work/ a birthday or a time when you lost a difficult day
school/college celebration something important

B PRACTICE   In pairs, take turns telling your stories. Listen to your partner and show you are interested
by responding to what he/she says or by asking questions.

C PERSONAL BEST   Find another partner and tell your story again. How is your storytelling better this time?

Personal Best How well did you listen to your partner’s story? Write about what happened and how he/she felt. 55

Grammar 3 Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs
in parentheses.
1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 married?

a You are
b Are you
c Is you
2 She
a ‘s liking
Japanese food.
b like
c likes Where 1 (be) Ishita
3 take a message? from?
a I can She 2 (grow up) in
b Can I Mumbai, India and now she
3 (live) in Manipal, in
c Do I can
4 In the summer I . the state of Karnataka, 875 km.
a every day go swimming away.
b go swimming every day What 4 she
c go every day swimming (do)?
5 When here? A few years ago, she 5 (become) India’s first professional
a do you got female surfer and now she 6 (have) a sufing school,
b did you get where she 7 (teach) tourists and local people how to surf.
c are you get
6 We went to Brazil year. How 8 she (start) surfing?
a last When she 9 (go) to college in 2007, she met a German
b past student with a surfboard. At first, she 10 (not can)
c ago believe that people surfed in India, so she asked him about it and
7 The train in the morning. started to learn.
a late is always What 11 she (do) today?
b always is late
She 12 (make) a movie about her story. She hopes it
c is always late
makes more people want to learn how to surf in India.
8 time did you wake up yesterday?
a Which
b When
c What Vocabulary
2 Rewrite the sentences using the tenses in parentheses.
1 I work in a restaurant.
1 Match the adjectives with the definitions.

I worked in a restaurant. (simple past) shy embarrassed patient annoying 

2 I don’t wear dark clothes. confused disappointed lazy generous
I dark clothes. (present continuous)
Someone who …
3 Where do you go to school?
Where to school? (simple past) 1 feels bad because he/she made a mistake.
4 What do you do? 2 doesn’t want to work or try hard.
What ? (present continuous) 3 is happy to give money, help, or his/her
5 Did you take a lot of photos on your trip? time.
a lot of photos on your trip? (simple present) 4 doesn’t mind waiting a long time for
6 I buy bread in the supermarket.
5 doesn’t understand something.
I bread in the supermarket. (simple past)
6 feels sad because something bad
7 doesn’t like meeting lots of new people.
8 makes other people feel a little angry.


2 Circle the word that is different. Explain your answer.

1 wear carry bring funny
Personal Best
2 rude tired honest sociable
son 5A son 6A
3 boring excited interesting disappointing Les Les
4 retire stay in shape grow up finish school
5 tell expect remind nice Describe two Write two
6 yoga Pilates swimming exercise friends using things you
personality did last
7 get up get married get engaged get a divorce adjectives. weekend.
8 hope relax expect look forward to

3 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

Less 5A son 6B
1 Thank you for eating at our restaurant. Please Les
a go back b grow up c come back Describe one Write a
thing you do sentence about
2 She really her mother. They have the same what you did
every month and
eyes. one thing you do yesterday
a looks b looks like c reminds every year. using after.
3 Hayley is really . She spends ten hours a day
in the office.
a hard-working b serious c patient Les
son 5B Less 6C
4 I the meeting to finish at about 3:00.
a wait b expect c look forward to Name five Write two
5 Can you me your name please? hobbies or questions for an
a tell b say c remember activities you interview with
a musician you
6 Raul most weekends with his family. like doing.
a joins b spends c keeps
7 When I was a child, I swimming every Sunday.
a went b did c played Less 5C son 6C
8 My soccer team lost the game. I feel so !
a excited b relaxed c disappointed Write a Think of a
sentence using relative and
4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. the simple present describe two
and present of his/her life
go on lose retire wait remember continuous. stages.
learn have  finish miss  meet

1 Most students high school at the age of son 6D

son 5D Les
eighteen. Les
2 Sonia didn’t the train, but she arrived late.
Write a Give an
3 All my friends social media every day.
sentence about expression to
4 Did Alex to buy some eggs? yourself using start telling a
5 My father is 62, and he wants to next year. because. story.
6 When you are in college, you lots of interesting
7 How often do you your sunglasses?
son 5D son 6D
8 I’m married, but I don’t want to any children. Les Les
9 This year, I want to to play a musical
Write a Give an
instrument. sentence about expression to
10 Can you for me after class? someone you show you are
know using so. interested in a


7 Keep on traveling
LANGUAGE comparatives, superlatives, (not) as … as  ■  useful adjectives

7A  Tourist or traveler? 1

I want to go to different
1 A Look at the title of the quiz. What is the countries, try unusual food,
difference between a "tourist" and a "traveler"? and have an adventure.

Match the speech bubbles with the people in the pictures.

2 Underline all the adjectives in the speech bubbles. 2

I prefer to stay at nice hotels,
visit famous sights, and have
Go to Vocabulary practice: useful adjectives, page 104
a good time.
3 A Take the quiz in pairs. Write down your partner’s answers.
Look at the results on page 116. Are you and your partner similar?

1 What do you usually do on

vacation? 3 Do you use a guidebook?
a Yes, I do. I like to plan my trip 4 Do you ever explore new places
a I try to see the most famous carefully before I go. a No, I don't. Vacations are about
sights in a city or visit the b Never! Reading guidebooks spending time with friends and
big museums. isn’t as good as talking with family.
b I like to go somewhere local people. b Yes, I do. You discover more about
unusual and discover yourself when you're by yourself.
new things.
Are you
2 Do you prefer to stay
downtown or away
from the center of 5 What time of year do
you prefer to travel?
town? a In the summer,
a Downtown can be when the weather
more expensive, but it’s is hot and everyone
the best place to be. is happier.
b I prefer to be farther b The summer is the
away from the worst time! Places
downtown area. It’s aren’t as crowded at
cheaper and quieter. other times of
a b the year.

4 Complete the chart with comparative and superlative adjectives from the quiz. Can you complete the
other forms?
famous cheap happy far good bad


the most

5 Match sentences 1–2 with the correct meanings a–b. Then read the Grammar box.
1 Reading guidebooks isn’t as good as talking with a Reading guidebooks and talking with
local people. to local people are equally good.
2 Reading guidebooks is as good as talking with b Reading guidebooks is worse than
local people. talking with local people.
comparatives, superlatives, (not) as … as  ■  useful adjectives LANGUAGE 7A
Grammar comparatives, superlatives, (not) as … as

Comparatives: Superlatives: (not) as … as:

Your hotel is cheaper than This is the biggest museum The beaches aren’t as
my hotel. in the country. crowded as they are in
The festival is more exciting The castle is the most famous the summer.
than the castle. building in the city.

Go to Grammar practice: comparatives, superlatives, (not) as … as, page 88

6 7.3   Listen to Michelle ask three friends for advice. Check ( ) the advice
they recommend.

roller skates  bus  metro/ subway 
the Eiffel  the  Buttes-Chaumont 
Tower Louvre Park
a restaurant  a picnic  fast food 

7 A 7.4   Pronunciation: sentence stress Listen to four sentences from the conversations
in exercise 6. Underline the stressed words.
1 The metro is the quickest way. 3 The ones downtown are the worst.
2 The restaurants are much more expensive than I thought. 4 It’s as cheap as fast food, but it’s a lot better.
B 7.4   Listen again and repeat.

Go to Communication practice: Student A, page 111; Student B, page 117

8 A Complete the sentences to make recommendations for your town or city.
1 is the most popular tourist attraction.
2 isn’t as famous as , but I prefer it because .
3 is the best way to travel because .
4 is a great place to buy , and it isn’t as expensive as .
5 is the most traditional food, and the best restaurant for it is .
6 is the most interesting place for lunch because .
Compare your recommendations in pairs. Say if you agree or disagree.

9 A Complete the questions with the correct form of the

adjectives in parentheses.
1 In your opinion, is a trip to the city as as a
trip to the beach? (relaxing)
2 Do you think vacations in your country are
than going abroad? (good)
3 Where is place in your country? (hot)
4 Do you think traveling by car is as as traveling
by train? (expensive)
5 Do you think vacations with friends are than
family vacations? (enjoyable)
6 In your opinion, what is thing about a vacation? (bad)
Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Try to give more information.

Personal Best Choose three places and make sentences about them with comparatives, superlatives, and (not) as … as. 59
7 SKILLS LISTENING identifying key points  ■  sentence stress  ■  vacation activities

7B  Staycation or vacation?

Curve 1 Match the activities in the box with the pictures. Which activities do you usually do on vacation?
sunbathe visit a museum go sightseeing buy souvenirs
rent a car eat out go abroad stay at a hotel

a b c d

e f g h

Go to Vocabulary practice: vacation activities, page 101

2 Discuss the questions in pairs.
1 How often do you take a vacation? 4 Who do you usually go with?
2 Do you ever go abroad? Why/Why not? 5 What do you enjoy doing most on vacation?
3 Where do you usually stay? 6 What is the worst thing about a vacation?

3 7.8   Guess the correct definition of a "staycation". Watch or listen to the first part of
Learning Curve and check.
A "staycation" is a vacation where you stay ...
a in your country. b at your own home. c at a friend’s house.

Skill Identifying key points

When people speak, listen for the important things they say.
• They usually emphasize the most important ideas.
• After an important idea, they sometimes give an example or more information.
• Find the key words in the questions and listen very carefully when the speaker talks about them.

4 7.7   Read the Skill box. Watch or listen again and check ( ) the key points Penny mentions.
1 Vacations need a lot of planning.
2 They can be expensive.
3 Hotels are great for relaxing.
4 Travel can be tiring.
5 You don’t have to travel on a staycation. Penny
6 You can go to your favorite places.
7 You can relax at home.
8 You can continue your daily routine.

5 7.8   Watch or listen to the second part of the show.

Check ( ) the type of vacation the people are having.
1 Terry and Carol staycation vacation
2 Ayoku staycation vacation
3 Lisa staycation vacation

identifying key points  ■  sentence stress  ■  vacation activities LISTENING SKILLS 7B
6 7.8   Watch or listen again. Are the sentences Terry and Carol
true (T) or false (F)?
1 Terry and Carol are having a bad time on holiday.
2 They’re in Ireland.
3 They think staycations can be boring.
4 Ayoku has two weeks off work.
5 He wants to spend the time relaxing in his apartment. Ayoku Lisa
6 Last year he went on vacation, but didn’t relax much.
7 Lisa’s cousins have come to visit her in New York.
8 She prefers to show them popular tourist attractions.

7 Discuss the questions about your last vacation in pairs.

Where What did What was the Who did you
did you go? Where did you eat? What did weather like? Did you have go with?
you stay? you do? a good time?

Listening builder sentence stress

English speakers usually stress the most important words in a sentence. You can usually
understand the general idea if you only hear these words.
A staycation is a vacation where you stay at your own home.
You can make time to eat out at your favorite restaurant or drive to the beach.

8 A Read the Listening builder. Look at the words in the sentences 1–5 from the show. Can you
understand the general ideas?
1 hired car came lovely national park!
2 usually stay home often boring.
3 doing all things don’t usually time do.
4 actually stressful everything planned.
5 family visits, take places many tourists
never see.

B 7.9   In pairs, try to complete the sentences with the unstressed words. Listen and check.

9 Discuss the questions in pairs. Give reasons for your answers.

Which is better…

1 sunbathing or going sightseeing? 3 flying or traveling by train?

2 staying at a hotel or going camping? 4 packing a big suitcase or taking a small backpack?

Personal Best Write a paragraph explaining to tourists what there is to do in your town or city. 61
7 LANGUAGE past continuous and simple past

7C  A traveler’s tale

1 A Read the introduction to the text and look at the pictures. Answer the questions in pairs.
1 How long do you think Alastair’s trip took?
2 How many countries do you think he visited?
3 What type of problems do you think he had on the trip?
4 What kind of person do you think Alastair is?
5 Would you like to go on an adventure like this? Why/Why not?
Read the rest of the text and check your answers.

Around the world by bike

In 2001, Alastair Humphreys was
studying to become a teacher, but
he really wanted to do something
different. A few months later, he
surprised his friends and family
by beginning an amazing trip that
took him around the world … on
his bike!

In all, Alastair visited 60 countries and,

throughout the trip, he kept a blog to record
all of his experiences. Although there were
some special moments on the road, there
was also disappointment and disaster.
One disappointment came early. Alastair’s The trip was tough, and Alastair didn’t have
dream was to ride his bike all the way, enough money to stay at nice hotels. While
except for taking ships to cross the oceans. he was riding through Patagonia, he didn’t
Unfortunately, this was impossible. The take a shower for 24 days!
police stopped him while he was traveling However, one of the hardest parts of his
through Egypt, and he had to ride in the trip came when he traveled through Russia
back of a truck. He was angry, but there in the winter. Luckily, a friend joined him, so
was no other way to continue. he wasn’t traveling alone. But it was so cold
The rest of the time, he rode, rode, rode. On that Alistair's beard froze while they were
one occasion, his bike broke down while he traveling through Siberia.
was crossing the Arizona desert. Help came But none of these problems could stop him
from a surprising place. To his amazement, from completing the trip. Four years and
complete strangers bought him a new bike so 75,000 km. later, Alastair finally arrived
that he could continue his incredible journey. back home in the U.K. with lots of stories
to tell.

2 In pairs, answer the questions. Read the text again and check your answers.
1 Why didn’t he ride his bike the whole time? 3 What were his accommodations like?
2 How did he get a new bike? 4 Where did he experience the worst weather?

3 A Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. Check your answers in the text.
1 He the Arizona desert when his bike down.
2 While they their bikes through Siberia, Alastair’s beard .
Look at the sentences again and answer the questions. Then read the Grammar box.
1 Which verbs describe completed actions in the past? ,
2 Which verbs describe actions happening at the time of the completed action? ,

past continuous and simple past LANGUAGE 7C
Grammar past continuous and simple past

Actions in progress at a time in the past: Actions

In 2001, Alastair Humphreys was studying The policestopped
Thepolice him while
stoppedhim hewas
whilehe wastraveling
to become a teacher. Hewas
He wastraveling
travelingthrough Egyptwhen
throughEgypt whenthe policestopped
thepolice stoppedhim.

Go to Grammar practice: past continuous and simple past, page 89

4 A 7.11   Pronunciation: was/were Listen to the sentences and underline the stressed words.
How do you pronounce was and were?
1 I was driving home at 6:00 yesterday evening. 3 It didn’t rain while Anita was staying in Seattle.
2 They were working hard when I got to the office. 4 What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
B Practice saying the sentences in pairs.
5 In pairs, ask and answer the question What were you doing …? in 2014 at 7:30 this
this time
last week
using the time in each of the boxes. Pay attention to how you say morning
was and were. one hour
yesterday last year
6 A Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with evening at 6:00
your own ideas.

1 I was sleeping in bed when … 3 While Barbara was cooking dinner, …

2 They were running in the park when … 4 My boss called me while …

Compare your answers in pairs.
Go to Communication practice: Student A, page 112; Student B, page 118
7 7.12   Choose the correct form of the verbs to complete the conversation. Listen and check.

David Did I ever tell you about how I 1met / was meeting a museum guide in Boston?
Emma No, I don’t think so.
David It was in 2012. While I 2traveled / was traveling around the U.S., I 3waited / was waiting for a train
to New York City, but I was hungry, so I 4went / was going to a café to buy a sandwich. While I 5sat /
was sitting there, a man at another table 6got up / was getting up and 7left / was leaving his wallet.
Emma Oh no! What did you do?
David I 8ran / was running after him and 9gave / was giving him the wallet back. But the funny thing is,
when I 10got / was getting to the platform later, the same man 11waited / was waiting for the train.
Emma Really?
David Yes, and he 12was / was being a museum guide at the Museum of Natural History in New York City.
He 13offered / was offering to show me around to thank me for returning his wallet. The museum was

8 Think about a vacation or travel experience you had. Discuss the questions in pairs.
1 Where and when did you go? 3 What were you doing when the best/worst
2 What were the best/worst moments? moments happened?

Personal Best Describe an important event in your life. Use the simple past and past continuous to explain what happened. 63
7 SKILLS WRITING writing a narrative  ■  adverbs of manner

7D  Travel problems

1 Discuss the questions in pairs.
1 When was the last time you were at an airport? 3 How do you usually feel when you are at an airport?
2 Why were you there? 4 What problems can happen at an airport?

2 7.13   Look at pictures a–f and order them from 1–6. Listen and check.

a b c

d e f

3 7.13   Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Listen again and check.

arrive book buy have open carry receive run see wait

In 2013, Martin Hendon was living in London. One morning, He 8 down the street desperately looking for a
he 1 a quick breakfast, when he 2 a letter new suit, but it was Sunday and the stores were still closed.
from his best friend, Tony. It was an invitation to Tony’s wedding Just then, he recognized a passenger from his plane walking
… in Naples, Italy, in two weeks! So Martin quickly 3
slowly down the street. She 9 a suitcase the same
a flight and 4 a new suit.
color as Martin’s. He asked her politely to open it, and there
The day before the wedding didn’t start well. Martin was Martin’s new suit inside!
5 patiently at the airport when he 6 that
his flight was canceled. He caught a later flight that night and He changed his clothes and took a taxi to the wedding.
arrived in Naples early the next morning, but he was very tired When Martin 10 , he opened the door nervously.
and accidentally took the wrong suitcase. When he 7 Inside, everyone was waiting for the wedding to begin. Tony
it up in his hotel room, he found someone else’s clothes! looked at him and smiled. He was only a few minutes late.

4 Match the paragraphs from exercise 3 with descriptions a–d. Then read the Skill box.
Paragraph 1 a the problem (what happened)
Paragraph 2 b the resolution (how he solved the problem)
Paragraph 3 c the background (who, when, where)
Paragraph 4 d the ending (what happened in the end, how he felt)

Skill writing a narrative

When you write a story, make it easy to follow and interesting.

• Tell the story in chronological order.
• Organize your ideas into four paragraphs (the background, the problem, the resolution, the ending).
• Use adjectives and adverbs to make the text more interesting.

writing a narrative  ■  adverbs of manner WRITING SKILLS 7D
5 A Complete the sentences from Martin’s story. Check your answers in the text.
1 One morning, he was having a breakfast. 2 Martin booked a flight.
Answer the questions about sentences 1 and 2.
1 Which word is an adjective and describes a noun?
2 Which word is an adverb and describes a verb?
3 What letters do we add to most adjectives to make an adverb?

6 Underline seven more adverbs that describe verbs in Martin’s story.

Text builder adverbs of manner

We use adverbs of manner to say how someone does an action:

Martin was waiting patiently at the airport.
Most adjectives: quiet → quietly, slow → slowly
Adjectives ending in -y: happy → happily, angry → angrily
Irregular adverbs: good → well, fast → fast, hard → hard

Look! Adverbs of manner come at the end of the phrase:

He speaks Spanish well. NOT He speaks well Spanish.

7 Read the Text builder. Choose the correct words to complete the first paragraph of another story.
Ana Carvalho is from Goiânia, Brazil, but in She planned to go home to celebrate with
2015, she was living in São Paulo where she her friends and family in Goiânia. Ana was
was studying 1 hard / hardly in college. After her very 4practical / practically, and the night
exams, she was waiting 2nervous / nervously before the flight she packed her suitcase
5careful / carefully, checked to make sure
for the results, but she was also very 3happy /
happily because it was her birthday in two days. she had her passport and tickets, and slept
6good / well.


Match phrases 1–6 with pictures a–f. In pairs, discuss what happened to Ana Carvalho.
Put your ideas into three groups for the next three paragraphs of the narrative.
1 apologize and give her a ticket to Goiânia 4 receive the exam results at her party
2 begin to worry on the plane 5 not hear her correctly
3 realize that the plane is flying to Guyana 6 ask which gate is for Goiânia

a b c

d e f

B PRACTICE   Use your notes to help you write the rest of Ana’s story. Remember to use adverbs.
C PERSONAL BEST   Exchange stories with another pair. Check ( ) three sentences that are well-written.

Personal Best Write five sentences about a vacation experience you had. Use a different adverb in each sentence. 65

8 The working world

LANGUAGE will, may, and might for predictions  ■ jobs

8A The future of work

1 A Look at the title of the text and the picture. What do you think it is about?
In pairs, decide which jobs machines will do in the future and which jobs will always need people.

accountant fashion designer farmer journalist model police officer

receptionist salesperson surgeon tour guide waiter/waitress

Go to Vocabulary practice: jobs, page 105

2 Read the text. Which jobs do experts think that machines will do?
So, should we be worried? The answer is
no. History shows us that as old jobs die,
new jobs replace them. So, what jobs will
exist for us in the future? Here are our top
I’m at the Henn-na Hotel in Japan. A three predictions:
well-dressed Japanese woman welcomes 1 Drone controller
me and asks if I have a reservation. But this Drones will deliver our groceries, remove
is no ordinary receptionist. She is, in fact, a our trash, and may even act as police
robot—one of several at the hotel that can officers. But people will still need to control
carry your bags to your room, and even give these flying devices from the ground.
you travel tips.
2 Vertical farmer
Robots and computers are taking our jobs. Transporting food will probably become
According to experts, ninety years from more expensive, and with crowded cities,
now, machines will replace 70% of today’s there will only be one way to grow food
occupations. Accountants and telephone and vegetables—upward! Supermarkets
salespeople may be the first to lose their will grow all their food above them in
jobs. In restaurants, robots might replace special glass buildings.
waiters and waitresses. Models might also
disappear; fashion designer, Ralph Lauren, is 3 Space tour guide
already experimenting with holographic In the future, people won’t want to travel
models for his clothes. And in the future, around the world on vacation. Space
when you go to the hospital for an operation, tourism will create thousands of jobs for
even the surgeon probably won’t be real. space pilots and tour guides to take tourists
out of this world!

3 Match the two columns to make complete sentences. Check your answers in the text.
1 Ninety years from now, machines will a become more expensive.
2 Accountants and telephone salespeople may b also disappear.
3 Models might c want to travel around the world on vacation.
4 The surgeon probably won’t d replace 70% of today’s occupations.
5 Transporting food will probably e be the first to lose their jobs.
6 People won’t f be real.

4 A Answer the questions about the predictions in exercise 3.

1 Which two sentences are about things that are likely? ,
2 Which two sentences are about things that are possible? ,
3 Which two sentences are about things that are unlikely? ,
Choose the correct words to complete the rule. Then read the Grammar box.
When we use probably, it comes before / after will and before / after won’t.

will, may, and might for predictions  ■ jobs LANGUAGE 8A
Grammar will, may, and might for predictions
Predictions that
that are
are Predictions
Predictions thatthat are
are Predictions
Predictions that
that are
are very
sure/very likely:
sure/very likely: less sure/possible:
less sure/possible: unlikely:
The traffic will
The traffic will be
be very
very bad ItIt might
bad tonight.
tonight. might rain
rain tomorrow.
tomorrow. He won’twon’t
Chelsea winOlympic
win an the FA cup
Goldnext year.
The train may
The train may bebe late.
Look! We can use probably with will and won’t:  I’ll probably fail the exam / I probably won’t pass the exam.

Go to Grammar practice: will, may, and might for predictions, page 90

5 A 8.4   Pronunciation: want/won’t Listen and repeat the sentence from the text. Match the
words in bold with the sounds /a/ and /o/.
In the future, people won’t want to travel around the world on vacation.

B 8.5   How do you say the sentences? Pay attention to want and won’t. Listen, check, and repeat.
1 He might want to look for a new job. 3 My boss will probably want to travel by boat.
2 Robots won’t replace politicians. 4 In the future, you won’t have to go to school.

Go to Communication practice: Student A, page 112; Student B, page 118

6 A Work in pairs and look at the topics below. What do you think will happen in the future?
Make nine predictions.
Students won't go to school. Computers will probably replace teachers.


How will education change?
q Students / go to school/college.
w Computers / replace / teachers.
e Students / study / different subjects.
How will transportATION be different?
r Cars / need / drivers.
t There / be / more traffic.
y We / use / electricity as fuel.

What will the health system be like?

u There / be / more healthcare jobs.
i Robots / replace / doctors.
o We / see the doctor / when we are sick.

B 8.6   Listen to an expert talking about the topics. What predictions does she make? How sure
is she?

7 Did you agree with the expert? Can you think of any other predictions about these topics?
8 In pairs, make predictions about the topics. Say if you agree or disagree with your partner.
the weather tomorrow your next English exam
your country winning the World Cup

the town or city where you live tomorrow at work/school/college

your trip home tonight

Personal Best Write predictions about how five different jobs will change in the future. 67
8 SKILLS READING skimming a text  ■  pronoun referencing

8B  I’m so bored!

1 Look at the title and the pictures on page 69. Which jobs can you see? Discuss the questions in pairs.
1 How often do you feel bored? 3 Do you think boredom is a bad thing? Why/Why not?
2 What jobs do you think are boring? 4 What can you do to stop being bored at work?

Skill skimming a text

When we skim a text, we read it quickly to understand the main ideas.

• Look at the title, pictures, and any headings, and predict what the text is about.
• Read the first sentence in each paragraph carefully. These are "topic sentences" and are usually
a summary of what the paragraph is about.
• Think about the ideas from all the topic sentences to understand the general meaning of the whole text.

2 Read the Skill box. Then read the highlighted topic sentences in the text and check ( ) the best
description of the text.
1 Modern technology makes us feel bored more quickly.
2 People can have better ideas after they do boring activities.
3 Boredom in offices is a serious problem for companies.

3 Answer the questions in pairs. Read the text again and check your answers.
1 What do most people do when Joanna Kerr/New Division
they are bored?
2 Personal
How did the scientists use the plastic cups Best
to test2people’s creativity?
3 What activity did some people do first to make themselves be bored?
4 Who was more creative in the experiment? What ideas did they have?
What does Jack White do to give himself ideas for new songs?
6 What kinds of activities make us more/less creative?

4 Has the text changed your opinion about being bored? Why/Why not?
5 A Look at the extract from the text. Who or what does They refer to?
Some scientists think we’re making a mistake. They believe that boring activities can be good for us.
Read the Text builder. Find pronouns 1−8 in the text and say what they refer to.

Text builder pronoun referencing

We use pronouns and possessive adjectives to avoid repeating nouns:

Sharon had a fantastic idea yesterday. It was really creative.
Carlos always works late. I saw him in the office at 8:00 last night.
My parents earn a lot of money, but I think their jobs are very boring.

6 A Complete the text with the pronouns in the box. What do the
pronouns refer to?

his it he them

Karl Duncker was a German psychologist. 1 is most

famous for developing a way to test creativity. In 2
experiment, he gave students a candle, a book of matches, and
a box of thumbtacks. He asked 3 to stick the candle
to a wall and light 4 without dripping any wax on the

In pairs, try to solve Duncker’s problem. Explain your solution to the class.

skimming a text  ■  pronoun referencing READING SKILLS 8B

We all hate being bored, particularly at work.
In fact, most of us try hard to avoid 1 it and, thanks
to modern technology, there are now hundreds of
ways to keep ourselves entertained. People watch
videos or play games on the way to work, check
their phones when they’re in boring meetings,
and talk with friends or listen to music while they
do dull administrative tasks. But some scientists
think we’re making a mistake. They believe that
boring activities can be good for us, and a recent
psychology experiment tests this idea.
In 2013, Dr. Sandi Mann and Rebekah Cadman did an experiment to test people’s
creativity, i.e., how good we are at coming up with new ideas. 2 Their idea was to
see if boredom had an effect on how creative we are. They gave 140 people some
plastic cups and asked 3 them to think of different ways to use them. However, half of
the people spent 15 minutes doing some very boring activities first. They had to read
telephone numbers from a long list and copy 4 them on a piece of paper.
The results of the experiment were very interesting. The people who did
the boring activities first were much more creative and thought of lots of
ideas. Some people suggested wearing the cups as party hats or filling
5 them with fruit juice and freezing them to make popsicles. Whereas,
the people who didn’t do any boring tasks found it hard to think of many
ways to use the cups.
Dr. Mann says a little boredom can be positive for us. 6 She doesn't think
we should be afraid of "doing nothing." Many very successful people
do "boring" activities in their free time. For example, rock musician Jack
White, repairs furniture. 7 His hobby helps him relax and think of ideas for
new songs. At work, some successful people do similar things to be more
creative, like cleaning out their desk or deleting old e-mails.
However, there are good and bad ways to be bored. You should only do
boring activities for a short time. And you should avoid physical activities
that make you feel tired, as this can make you less creative. So, if you
usually listen to music, read the news, and send messages to friends when
you’re bored at work, why not try doing less? Make yourself a cup of
coffee, organize your paperwork, or look out the window—maybe
8 it will change your life … and you can always tell your boss that you’re
being creative.

Personal Best Write about a time you thought of a creative solution to a problem. 69
8 LANGUAGE be going to and present continuous  ■  phrases about work

8C  The secret boss

1 Look at the two people in the pictures. What is the relationship between them? Read the text and check.

Carla Pine is the managing director of a chain of

Italian restaurants. She works in Vancouver and is
responsible for twenty restaurants in Canada. Next
week, she’s visiting two of her restaurants to find
out what it’s like to be a company employee, but
she’s going to do it in secret! She’s going to dress
like a member of the staff but, because people might
recognize her, she’s going to change her hair color and
makeup, and become … Katie Rose.
She’s going to Toronto and has a busy few days ahead
of her. On Monday and Tuesday, she’s working as a
kitchen assistant with George Nowak.
On Wednesday and Thursday, she’s working as a
waitress in another restaurant in the city with Lucy
Carla Lane
Mendez … and on Friday, she’s going to tell George
and Lucy who she really is! Carla Pine Katie Rose

2 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. Read the text again and check.
1 Carla is visiting one / two / three of her restaurants next week.
2 She is going to change her appearance / opinion / voice so people don’t recognize her.
3 She’s going to see what it’s like to work as a hair stylist / a boss / an employee.
4 On Monday and Tuesday, she’s working as a managing director / waitress / kitchen assistant.
5 On Wednesday and Thursday, she’s working with Lucy Mendez / George Nowak / Katie Rose.

3 Answer the questions about the sentences in exercise 2. Then read the Grammar box.
1 Do the sentences refer to the past, the present, or the future?
2 Which sentences say when and/or where she will do things?
3 Which use the present continuous? Which use be going to?

Grammar be going to and present continuous

Future plans: Future arrangements (with a fixed time and place):

I’m going to take a training course. He’s working in Seattle on Monday.
The company isn’t going to open a new office. What are you doing this evening?
Look! We can also use be going to with arrangements:
He’s going to travel to Seattle on Monday.  What are you going to do this evening?

Go to Grammar practice: be going to and present continuous, page 91

4 A 8.9   Pronunciation: going to and want to Listen to Carla speaking quickly.
How are going to and want to pronounced?
I want to find out what it’s like to work for my company, so I’m going to visit two of my
restaurants … in secret.
B 8.10   In pairs, say the conversation quickly. Listen, check, and repeat.
A What are you going to do tonight?
B I’m going to try that new Chinese restaurant. Do you want to come?
A I can’t. I’m going to work late tonight. I’m free tomorrow, if you want to get together.
B Yes, that’s great. I want to hear all your news!

be going to and present continuous  ■  phrases about work LANGUAGE 8C
5 Check ( ) the things you have done from the box below. Tell your partner when and why.

apply for a job  take a training course  get a promotion  quit a job  write a résumé 

When I was a student, I applied for a job as a DJ. I didn't get it.

Go to Vocabulary practice: phrases about work, page 106

6 A 8.13   Listen to the conversation between Carla, Lucy, and George. Complete the chart.

Name Problems Solutions

George Tucker, Head chef George’s kitchen wasn't clean.

George Nowak,
Head chef
Lucy Mendez,
Mendez,Head waitress
Head waitress

Check your answers in pairs.
George’s kitchen wasn't clean, so Carla is going to …

7 A In pairs, look at the problems and think of the best way to solve them.
1 2 3

Your colleague is going on vacation, Your boss does no work, but You want to buy a house, but your
so you’ll have to use a complicated he wants you to work on the salary is the same as when you
new computer program at work. weekends to finish a project. started work ten years ago!

Tell the rest of the class your plans.
We’re going to take a training course to learn about the new program.

Go to Communication practice: Student A, page 112; Student B, page 118

8 In pairs, ask and answer the question What are you doing …? with the future times in the boxes below.
A What are you doing tonight?
B I’m meeting some friends downtown. We’re going to have dinner together.

tonight next weekend in two weeks next year

tomorrow next summer the day after tomorrow

Personal Best Write about your work plans for the future. 71
8 SKILLS SPEAKING telephone language  ■  dealing with difficulties

8D  Can I leave a message?

Curve 1 Look at the reasons for making telephone calls. Can you think of any more?
call a taxi speak to a colleague call in sick to work ask for technical help
reserve a table at a restaurant make an appointment call a store for information

2 Discuss the questions in pairs.

1 How often do you call people?
2 Who do you usually talk to on the phone?
3 How do you feel when you speak to someone you don’t know on the phone?
4 What problems can you have when you speak in English on the phone?

3 8 .14   Watch or listen to the first part of Learning Curve. Who called these people, and why did they call?

Ethan Receptionist Penny Mo

4 8.14   Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Penny thinks that communication is easier with modern technology.
2 Penny and Ethan have a video conference call with Simon and Kate at 10:00.
3 Ethan makes an appointment with the dentist for 9:50.
4 Mo says it will take ten minutes to fix the Internet connection.
5 Mo says he will bring Penny a telephone to call Simon and Kate.

Conversation builder telephone language

Caller: Person being called:

Hello, this is … Good morning, … How can I help you?
Could I speak to …? Hello, this is … (speaking/calling).
Can you tell him/her that …? I’m afraid he/she’s not available at the moment.
Could you ask him/her to call Can I take a message?
me back, please? I think you have the wrong number.
Thank you, goodbye. Thanks/Thank you for calling.

5 A 8.15   Read the Conversation builder. In pairs, order the conversation from 1–9. Listen and check.

a Thanks for calling.

b Yes, can you ask her to call Fiona when she can?
c Hello, Mo Bensallem speaking.
d Yes, of course.
e Hello, could I speak to Julia, please?
f I’m afraid she’s not at her desk at the moment.
g Sorry, I don’t know. Can I take a message?
h Do you know when she will be back?
i Thank you, goodbye.
Fiona Mo

In pairs, practice saying the conversation. You can change the names and any details.

telephone language  ■  dealing with difficulties SPEAKING SKILLS 8D
6 8.16   Watch or listen to the second part of the show. Does Penny speak to Kate and Simon?

7 8.16   Check ( ) the problems Penny has. Watch or listen again and check.
1 She dials the wrong number.
2 Simon forgot about the conference call.
3 Kate doesn’t answer the phone in time.
4 Charlotte can’t hear Penny very well.
5 Charlotte doesn’t understand English well.
6 Penny forgot to leave her number.

8 8.17   Listen and repeat the phrases when you hear the beeps.
How do the speakers deal with difficulties?

Skill dealing with difficulties

It is sometimes difficult to understand people when they speak,

especially on the telephone.
• Ask the speaker politely to speak louder or repeat what he/she said.
• Ask the speaker to spell any difficult words.
• Repeat what the speaker says to make sure it is correct.
• Stress any words or phrases you want to check.

9 Read the Skill box. Put the phrases in the correct column.
I’m afraid I didn’t catch that. Did you say …? And was that … or …? Sorry, could you speak louder?
Can you spell that for me, please? Could you speak more slowly, please? Could you repeat that, please?

You don’t hear something You need to check or confirm specific information

10 A 8.18   Listen to five conversations and underline the information the speaker wants to check.
1 Sorry, did you say you needed three blue shirts?
2 And you bought the product on June 5, 2010?
3 So your flight is at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday of next week?
4 Sorry, did you say you wanted to reserve a double room for next week?
5 Was that vegetable soup for table 12?

In pairs, repeat questions 1–5. Pay attention to the words you stress.

Go to Communication practice: Student A, page 111; Student B, page 117

11 A PREPARE In pairs, look at the situations below. Decide which role you will play and think about
what you will say.

Situation 1 Situation 2

You have arranged to meet with a colleague. Call to You are going on vacation to Acapulco. Make a hotel
Student A
cancel the meeting. reservation for your trip.
Answer the phone. The person the speaker wants to You are a receptionist at a hotel. Write down details
Student B talk to is not in the office. Take a message. of the reservation. It is very noisy, and you can’t hear
the speaker well.

B PRACTICE   Sit back to back with your partner so you can’t see him/her. Practice the telephone

C PERSONAL BEST   Are you more confident at speaking on the telephone in English? How could you
improve? Change partners and practice the conversations again.

Personal Best
Challenge! Write down one of the conversations from exercise 11. 73

Grammar 3 Choose the correct options to complete the text.

1 Put a (X) by the sentence that is NOT correct.
1 a This hotel is more expensive than Hotel Atlanta.
b This hotel is the most expensive as Hotel Atlanta.
The i-Aid
c Hotel Atlanta isn’t as expensive as this one.
2 a Simon was cutting his finger while cooking.
b Simon cut his finger while he was cooking.
c Simon was cooking when he cut his finger.
3 a I don’t think he’ll win the race.
b He might not win the race.
c He might won’t win the race.
4 a This phone is the smallest in the store.
b This phone is smaller than the others.
c This phone as small as in the store.
In 2009, Canadian Alex Deans 1watched / was
5 a It may be hot tomorrow.
watching a blind person cross the street when he
b It will be probably hot tomorrow. 2had / was having a great idea. He realized that he
c It might be hot tomorrow. could use sound to help blind people know where
6 a What do you do next week? things are, like some animals do.
b What are you doing next week?
Even though he 3still studied / was still studying in
c What are you going to do next week? high school, he 4found / was finding time to
7 a I met Jerry while I was studying in college develop his idea. Four years later, he finished work
in 2010. on the i-Aid, a device that makes it 5easier / easiest
b In 2010, while I was studying in college, I for blind people to move around objects.
met Jerry. In 2013, he won an award for the 6better / best
c I was meeting Jerry in 2010, while I studied invention in Canada and gained a great deal of
in college. interest from tech companies. In fact, the Canadian
8 a She’s not meeting her friend at the theater. Institute for the Blind was very impressed. The blind
b She’s not going to meet her friend at people at the institute immediately started testing
the theater. the device, and the results were very positive.
c She doesn’t meet with her friend tonight. Deans will 7might / probably have to wait a couple
of years to see the i-Aid in stores, but he is just
2 Use the words in parentheses to complete the sentences as 8busy / busier as before. Right now, he 9is
so they mean the same as the first sentence. studying / going to study engineering in college,
1 London isn't as hot as Madrid. and whichever project he’s working on, it 10will /
Madrid London. (hotter) may definitely be just as exciting as the i-Aid.
2 I don't think I will pass the exam.
I the exam. (probably / pass)
3 Kelly is shorter than Nicki. Vocabulary
Kelly Nicki. (as / tall)
4 My phone rang while I was cooking dinner. 1 Match the words in the box with the definitions.
my phone rang. (when)
souvenir modern sunbathe resort
5 He’s arriving at 6:00 p.m.
famous expensive crowded pack
He’s at 6:00 p.m. (going)
6 The store may be closed. 1 to put things in a bag for a trip
The store open. (might) 2 something that reminds you of a vacation
7 I was talking on the phone when I missed my train. 3 known and recognized by many people
I missed my train . (while) 4 to relax in the sun
8 What are you going to do on Saturday? 5 full of people
What on Saturday? (doing) 6 up to date
7 costing a lot of money
8 an area where tourists stay and do activities


2 Circle the word that is different. Explain your answer.

1 lively busy quiet quickly
Personal Best
2 a hotel a table a museum a double room
on son 8A
3 surgeon model firefighter police officer Less 7A Les
4 résumé raise salary promotion
Write two Write two
5 scientist tour guide travel agent flight attendant sentences about predictions
6 ad apply career degree your friends about next
using (not) year.
7 lively polluted crowded ugly as … as.
8 hire abroad eat out pack

3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. on

Less 7A Les
son 8B
tour guide movie director fashion designer Write two
flight attendant soccer coach news reporter sentences Name three
about where pronouns and
1 He’s my favorite , but his clothes are really you live using three possessive
comparatives and adjectives.
uncomfortable. You can’t wear them for long. superlatives.
2 The was happy when the team won. It was a
difficult game, though. They only won by one goal.
son 7B son 8C
3 The will meet you in the main square. It’s very Les Les
busy, so look for this sign.
4 My sister is a . She flew to 50 different foreign Name five Name three
countries last year. things you things an
5 My cousin is a . He knows lots of famous usually do on employee
vacation. usually does.
6 I work as a for my city’s radio station. I talk
about interesting events in the area.
4 Complete the conversation with the verbs in the box. Less 7C son 8C

write get go (x2) start see book Think of

visit quit apply Write what you three plans or
were doing at this arrangements
time yesterday. you have for
Omar Did you 1 the job ad in yesterday’s tomorrow.
Nuria No, I didn’t.
Omar Royal Airlines is looking for new flight son 7C son 8D
attendants. You said you wanted to 2
Les Les
your job. Give three
Write a expressions
Nuria Do you think I should 3 for the job? sentence using you can use if
Omar Yes, it’s perfect for you! Didn’t you want to the simple past someone calls
4 abroad more often? and the past you on the
Nuria Yes, but on vacation. I don’t think you have continuous. telephone.
much time to 5 sightseeing or
6 local attractions.
Omar Not when you’re working, but you’ll probably son 7D Less 8D
get a discount when you 7 flights,
so you can travel more on vacation! Give three
Describe expressions you
Nuria Hmm, maybe. What’s the salary? three things you
Omar It’s fairly low when you 8 work, but can use when you
did yesterday have problems
you might 9 a pay raise after a year or using adverbs understanding
two. I’ll help you 10 a résumé, if you of manner. something.
Nuria OK, I’ll do it!


1A  Past: questions

For the past of be, we form questions with was/were + subject. 1 Complete the past questions with the words in
Were you a good student? parentheses.
Was your school near your home? 1 (be/it) sunny yesterday?
Were the exams very difficult? 2 (you/play) golf with Laura?
Was English your favorite subject? 3 (they/enjoy) the game?
For the simple past, we form questions with did + subject + base form of the verb. 4 (be/Paul) good at golf?
5 (you/like) the golf course?
Did you study Spanish in school?
6 (be/it) busy?
Did your parents go to college?
7 (be/your shoes) comfortable?
Did you have toast for breakfast today?
8 (Paul/stay) with you on
the weekend?
1.4 I / he / she / it you / we / they
2 Write short answers to the questions in exercise 1.
Were Tom and Mía in class
Verb ? Was the class interesting? 1 Yes, .
be 2 Yes, .
Y/N Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t. Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t. 3 Yes, .
? Did you have an English class last week? 4 No, .
Other 5 Yes, .
verbs Y/N Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 6 No, .
7 No, .
We can put question words at the start of the question to ask for more information.
8 No, .
What was your favorite subject?
Where did you study? 3 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
Who was your favorite teacher?
Why did you study history?
When did you finish college?
How was your vacation?
How many students were there in your class?
How much did your dictionary cost?
How long did you stay?
How far did you go?

1 you / a / did / vacation / good / have / ?

2 go / did / where / you / ?

3 on the tour / how many / were / people / ?

4 the / hotels / nice / were / ?

5 have / did / what time / you / dinner in the hotel / ?

6 food / like / the / you / did / ?

7 stay / did / long / how / you / ?

76 Go back to page 5


1C  Verb patterns: verb + infinitive

When we use two verbs together, we need to use the right form for the second verb. 1 Complete the sentences with the infinitive of the verbs
in the box.
We use an infinitive after some verbs. These verbs often (but not always) refer to
plans for the future. check get start run lose make pass talk

1.8 1 I’m learning jewelry.

2 She’s planning classes this fall.
We want go to the movies tonight. 3 Did he agree to you about it?
I hope see you tomorrow. 4 Emilio wants weight.
We’re planning move next year. 5 I need my e-mails.
She’d like visit the U.S. 6 Lisa is planning in shape this summer.
My parents need buy a new car. 7 They decided a marathon.
I intend join a gym. 8 I hope my exams this term.
Other verbs that are followed by an infinitive are: begin, choose, continue, agree, 2 Choose one or both options to complete the sentences.
decide, learn, prefer, offer, start. 1 He really doesn’t like to cook / cooking.
2 I’d like to change / changing my diet.
Look! The verbs begin and start can be followed by an infinitive or the -ing
3 Do you like to play / playing sports?
form. The meaning is the same.
4 She’d love to spend / spending more time with her
I began learning English when I was five. / I began to learn English when I was five.
The bus didn’t come, so we started walking home. / The bus didn’t come, so
5 I like to earn / earning lots of money.
we started to walk home.
6 Would you like to make / making some new friends?
7 He’d love to go / going to college.
The full form of ’d like is would like. It means the same as want, but it is more polite.
I’d like to see your house. 3 Look at Gemma’s New Year resolutions. Then write
Would you like to come on vacation with me? sentences using the verbs in parentheses.
We can also say ’d love/would love + infinitive.
I’d love to go to Australia one day.
Would you like to go to the beach today? Yes, I’d love to!
New Year Resolutions!
Look! We use both an infinitive and the -ing form after like and love. The • learn Portuguese (plan)
meaning is different from ‘d like / ‘d love.
• go to Rio de Janeiro (want)
We like to travel/traveling. We’d like to go to Australia next year.
I love to play/playing soccer. I’d love to play for Real Madrid one day. • join a gym (plan)
• go running three times a
week (want)
• visit my parents more!
• get a new job (intend)
• save money and buy an
apartment (hope)
• meet someone nice (hope)

1 She is planning to

Go back to page 9 77


2A  Comparative adjectives

We use a comparative adjective + than to compare two things or people. 1 Complete the sentences with the comparatives of the
The park is nicer than the bus station. adjectives in parentheses.
Los Angeles is bigger than San Francisco. 1 Do you think a walk on the beach is than
The lasagna here is better than the chicken. going to a bowling alley? (romantic)
2 The second date is usually than the first!
2.2 comparative adj + than (easy)
3 Playing video games is than watching TV.
Adam is older than me. (exciting)
Julie is friendlier than Laura. 4 The apartments here are than those
downtown. (large)
Skiing is more dangerous than walking.
5 Sneakers are than sandals for long walks
up mountains. (good)
Spelling rules for comparative adjectives 6 It’s usually here in the spring than in the
When an adjective is one syllable, we add -er. summer. (wet)
fast ⇨ faster old ⇨ older 7 The movies are than the theater. (cheap)
8 Calling someone the wrong name on a date is
When a one-syllable adjective ends in -e, we add -r. than being a few minutes late. (bad)
nice ⇨ nicer safe ⇨ safer
2 Look at the pictures. Choose the correct words and
When a one-syllable adjective ends in a consonant + vowel + include comparative adjectives to complete the
consonant, we double the final consonant and add -er. sentences.
hot ⇨ hotter big ⇨ bigger
When an adjective ends in consonant + y, we usually change
the y to i and then we add -er.
easy ⇨ easier friendly ⇨ friendlier happy ⇨ happier
BUT shy ⇨ shyer dry ⇨ dryer
1 My hair was a lot / a bit when I was
When an adjective is two or more syllables, we usually use JoeJoe 8kg8kg Chris
Chris 16kg
more + adjective.
dangerous ⇨ more dangerous crowded ⇨ more crowded Joe Joe
8kg 8Chris
kg Chris
16kg 16kg
modern ⇨ more modern
Some comparatives are irregular. Joe Joe
8kg 8Chris
kg Chris
16kg 16kg
good ⇨ better bad ⇨ worse far ⇨ further/farther Mexico
km km
City City Seoul
km km

2 Joe’s suitcase is much / a little than

Mexico City Seoul Seoul
Mexico City
Look! With some two-syllable adjectives, we usually use -er, not more. Chris’s. 8938 km8938 km8867 km 8867 km

quiet ⇨ quieter narrow ⇨ narrower

Mexico City Seoul Seoul
Mexico City
We can also use less + adjective + than to compare things. 8938 km8938 km8867 km8867 km

I’m less stressed on the weekend than during the week. = I’m more relaxed on
the weekend than during the week.

We can add much and a lot before comparatives to show there is a big difference. 3 Mexico City is much / a little from London
We can add a little or a bit before comparatives to show the difference is small. than Seoul.

much, a lot, a little, a bit

big difference:
New York is much bigger than Boston.
Skiing is a lot more dangerous than walking.
small difference:
Today is a little hotter than yesterday.
The café is a bit more crowded than the restaurant.

78 Go back to page 13


2C  Superlative adjectives

We use a superlative adjective to say that something is more than all the others in 1 Complete the sentences with the superlatives of the
a group. adjectives in parentheses.
New York is the biggest city in the U.S. 1 She’s girl that I know. (pretty)
The park is the nicest place in my town. 2 My friend Sam was person in my class.
The lasagna is the best thing on the menu. (popular)
3 My son’s child in the world! (beautiful)
We use the with superlative adjectives.
4 month of the year here is February. (hot)
New York is the biggest city in the U.S. NOT New York is biggest city in the U.S. 5 Singing in a band is thing that I do.
2.11 the + superlative adj 6 When was day of your life? (happy)
Adam is the oldest person in our class. 2 Complete the sentences with the superlatives of the
Julie is the friendliest person that I know. adjectives in the box.

Skiing is the most dangerous sport. romantic smart nice kind expensive noisy
1 piece of jewelry is this necklace. It cost
more than 100 dollars.
Spelling rules for superlative adjectives 2 You’re person that I know. You understand
When an adjective is one syllable, we add -est. things very quickly.
fast ⇨ fastest old ⇨ oldest 3 My sister is person in my family. She helps
older people with their shopping.
When a one-syllable adjective ends in -e, we add -st. 4 place at school was the cafeteria.
nice ⇨ nicest safe ⇨ safest Everybody talked there!
When a one-syllable adjective ends in consonant + vowel + consonant, 5 Mr. and Mrs. Brown are neighbors. They’re
we double the final consonant and add -est. really lovely people and friendly, too.
hot ⇨ hottest big ⇨ biggest 6 Sam often gives his girlfriend Katia flowers. He’s
of all my friends.
When an adjective ends in consonant + y, we usually change the y to i
and then we add -est. 3 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with
easy ⇨ easiest friendly ⇨ friendliest happy ⇨ happiest comparative or superlative adjectives.
BUT shy ⇨ shyest dry ⇨ dryest
big small
Anna Jodi Fumiko
When an adjective is two or more syllables, we use most + adjective.
dangerous ⇨ most dangerous crowded ⇨ most crowded Anna Jodi Fumiko
modern ⇨ most modern
For some two-syllable adjectives we don’t use most.
clever ⇨ cleverest quiet ⇨ quietest narrow ⇨ narrowest 700 students 500 students 1000 students

Some superlatives are irregular. Anna

700 students Jodie
500 students Fumiko
1000 students

good ⇨ best bad ⇨ worst far ⇨ furthest/farthest 1 Anna’s school is than Jodie’s.
2 Jodie’s school is .
3 Fumiko’s school is .
Look! If we use a possessive adjective directly before the superlative, we
don’t include the. good bad
Emily is my best friend. A D A
What’s your most expensive possession? A D A
Michael Jack Matt
Michael Jack Matt
Michael Jack Matt
4 Matt got grades than Jack on his exams.
5 Michael got grades.
6 Jack got grades.

Go back to page 17 79


3A  have to/don’t have to

We use have to + the base form of the verb to say that something is necessary. 1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
We have to wear a uniform in school. 1 I have to / don’t have to drive to work because there
I have to go to work by bus. are no buses or trains near my house.
My brother has to get up at 5:30 every morning. 2 We bought our train tickets online so we have to /
Donna has to call her parents every night. don’t have to buy them at the station.
We use don’t have to + base form to say that something isn’t necessary. 3 Visitors to our office have to / don’t have to sign the
visitors’ book. They can’t go into the building if they
I don’t have to work on Mondays.
don’t sign it.
They don’t have to study today. It’s Sunday.
4 Elena is a waitress and she usually has to / doesn’t
Carlotta doesn’t have to buy a new computer. She got one for her birthday.
have to work on the weekend because it’s a busy time
Simon doesn’t have to cook dinner tonight. He’s at a restaurant.
at the restaurant.
We use have to/don’t have to for situations in the present and in the future. 5 You have to / don’t have to wash those cups. Put them
I have to wear a uniform at work. (present situation) in the dishwasher!
I don’t have to get up early tomorrow. (future situation) 6 We have to / don’t have to walk the dog twice a day
because he needs the exercise.
7 My brother has to / doesn’t have to go far to work. His
3.2 I / you / we / they he / she / it
office is only about a kilometer from his home.
+ I have to work tomorrow. Jack has to take the train to work. 8 My parents have to / don’t have to teach me to drive,
but they’re giving me a lot of lessons at the moment!
– I don’t have to work on Sunday. He doesn’t have to start work
at 7:30. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have
to or don’t have to.
? Do you have to take the train Does he have to wear a uniform?
today? 1 I’m sorry. I can’t talk now. I go!
2 “ you get up early to go to
Y/N Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. work?” “Yes. I get up at five”.
3 Matt get in shape. He already swims, runs,
Look! We use had to/didn’t have to to say that something wasn’t necessary and plays soccer every week.
in the past. 4 You make dinner. I can do it.
I had to visit my aunt every weekend. 5 children go to school when
We didn’t have to play sports after school. they’re five?
6 My sister teach in a school as part of her
degree in education.
7 We stay at home. Do you want to go for
a walk?
8 What train Paul catch in the
3 Look at the job information. Complete the sentences
with have to or don’t have to and the verbs from the box.

a uniform ✘ clothes from the store ✔

clothes at full price ✘ customers ✔
after 6 p.m. ✘ on the weekend ✔
a degree ✘ 18+ ✔

buy have work (x2) wear (x2) be serve

1 You a uniform.
2 You clothes from the store, but you
our clothes at full price. You get 50% off.
3 You customers.
4 You on the weekend, but you
after 6 p.m.
5 You over 18, but you a degree.

80 Go back to page 23


3C  be going to and future time expressions

We use be going to + the base form to talk about future plans. 1 Write sentences. Use be going to.
I’m going to visit friends in Mexico this year. 1 Mark / play / guitar / this evening
He’s going to have pizza for dinner tonight.
We’re not going to stay at a hotel. 2 my parents / go / vacation / tomorrow
What are you going to do this summer?
3 my sister / not run / a marathon / this summer
3.7 I he / she / it you / we / they

I’m going to relax by She’s going to stay We’re going to visit a 4 I / cook / dinner / tonight
the pool. at a campsite. museum.
I’m not going to She’s not/She isn’t My friends aren’t 5 you / go / swimming / this afternoon?
– study this weekend. going to stay at an going to visit me next
apartment. year. 6 we / not use / our car / this year

Am I going to meet Is she going to stay Are they going to eat

your friends later? at a hostel? out tonight? 2 Jamie, Fran, Paola,
and Alfredo are on
Yes, I am. / No, Yes, she is. / No, Yes, they are. / No,
Y/N vacation together.
I’m not. she’s not/she isn’t. they’re not/ they aren’t.
Complete the
conversation with the
Look! When the main verb is go, we do not normally use to go after going. correct form of be
Are you going surfing tomorrow? going to and a verb
Camille is going abroad next year. from the box.
But it is also correct to use to go.
Are you going to go surfing tomorrow?
Camille is going to go abroad next year. read visit play relax not do take (x2) do go

Jamie What 1 you and Alfredo

Future time expressions tomorrow?
We often use the following future time expressions with be going to: Paola In the morning, we 2 sightseeing
in the city. We 3 the castle and go
this morning / afternoon / evening / week / weekend / month shopping. What about you?
/ year / spring / summer / fall / winter / January, etc. Jamie We 4 running, and then we
5 by the pool. In the afternoon, Fran
tomorrow morning / afternoon / evening / night
6 a surfing class, and I 7
next week / month / year / spring / summer / fall / winter /
my book on the beach.
January, etc. 8
Paola  Fran a surfing class
in the morning / afternoon / evening / spring / summer / fall every day?
/ winter / January, etc. Jamie Yes, she is. She really wants to learn.
Paola Don’t you want to?
Look! We say tonight, NOT this night. Jamie No, I just want to relax. I 9 much this
week. Just a bit of running and swimming.
Today is Monday, January 1st. Paola What about volleyball? Alfredo 10
volleyball this evening. Are you interested?
Monday January 1st this week this morning tonight
Jamie Yeah! Thanks!
Tuesday January 2nd tomorrow morning tomorrow night
Wednesday January 3rd 3 Today is Monday, March 10th. Write the time
Thursday January 4th expressions for the days and times.
Friday January 5th 1 the morning of March 11th
Saturday January 6th this weekend 2 March 17–23th
Sunday January 7th 3 March 10–16th
Monday January 8th next Monday next Monday night 4 the evening of March 10th
5 April
6 Saturday, March 15th and Sunday, March 16th

Go back to page 27 81


4A  Present perfect with ever and never

We use the present perfect to talk about experiences in our lives. 1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
I’ve visited China. 1 Lev has / have worked as a professional dancer.
He hasn’t been to Australia. 2 I’ve never / ever been to an opera.
Have you worked in a restaurant? 3 I has / have acted in a few plays.
We often use ever in a question with the present perfect. It emphasizes that we are 4 Have you ever / Have ever you listened to jazz?
talking about “our whole lives up to now”. 5 Tom doesn’t work here. He’s been / moved to a
different company.
Have you ever listened to classical music?
6 We’ve ever / never visited the museum in my town.
Have your parents ever been to a festival?
We often use never to make a negative sentence with the present perfect. It 2 Complete the sentences with the past participles of
emphasizes that we are talking about “our whole lives up to now”. the verbs in parentheses.
I’ve never tried Russian food. 1 I’ve never a foreign language. (study)
He’s never been to Scotland. 2 I’ve in a restaurant, but I’ve never
in a store. (work)
We form the present perfect with the verb have and the past participle of the main verb.
3 Have you ever volleyball? (play)
4 Has your mother-in-law ever with you?
4.2 I / you / we / they he / she / it
+ I’ve visited a lot of castles. He’s been to Vietnam. 5 I’ve never to a classical concert. (be)
6 We’ve never a famous person. (see)
– They haven’t studied Italian. She hasn’t played badminton. 7 We’ve never together. (act)
? Have you stayed in this hotel? Has he worked in London? 8 My sisters haven’t me in New York. (visit)
9 I’ve a lot of Indian food. (cook)
Y/N Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
3 Write short conversations. Use the present perfect.
For regular verbs, the past participle form is the same as the past simple form. It ends
in -ed. See page 76 for the spelling rules for simple past forms ending in -ed.

Look! In the present perfect, we use the past participle -ed form for
negative sentences and questions, as well as affirmative sentences. This is
different from the simple past, where we only use the simple past -ed form for
affirmative sentences. Compare:
Did you visit the National Gallery yesterday?
Have you visited the National Gallery? NOT Have you visit the National Gallery?
I didn’t visit the National Gallery yesterday.
I haven’t visited the National Gallery. NOT I haven’t visit the National Gallery.

Like the simple past, a lot of common verbs have an irregular past participle. For a full
list of irregular verbs, see page 119.

Look! When we talk about experiences, we sometimes use been to instead A you / ever / go / to Peru?
of gone to to say that someone went somewhere and returned.
She’s been to London three times. = (She went and returned.) B no / I / never / go / to South America

A your mom / ever / study / English?

B yes / and / she / study / German, too

A Charlie and Kate / ever / play / rock music?

B no / but / they / play / classical music

82 Go back to page 31


4C  Present perfect and simple past

We use the present perfect to talk about an experience in our lives. We use the 1 Choose the correct words to complete the conversation.
present perfect to introduce a topic and say that it happened. A 1Have you ever been / Did you ever go to Peru?
I’ve met Jennifer Lawrence. B Yes, I have. 2I’ve been / I went with some friends from
I’ve been to New York. college last year.
My sister has started a new job. A Where 3have you been / did you go?
B To Machu Picchu. 4It’s been / It was fantastic.
When we give details about the experience (for example, when something happened,
A I’d love to go there! 5I’ve been / I went to Lima in
what exactly happened, who you were with, or how you felt), we use the simple past.
2010, but not Machu Picchu.
I’ve met Jennifer Lawrence. I met her in a hotel in London. B Machu Picchu is amazing! 6We’ve had / We had a great
I’ve been to New York. I went there in 2005. time.
My sister has seen a shark. She was really scared. A What 7have you done / did you do there?
When we ask for more details about past events, we usually use the simple past, not B 8We’ve been / We went on some incredible hikes.
the present perfect. 2 Complete the conversation with the words in parentheses
Where did you meet Jennifer Lawrence? NOT Where have you met Jennifer using the present perfect or the simple past.
A 1 (you / ever / see) the movie Selma?
When did you go to New York? NOT When have you been to New York?
B Yes. I 2 (see) it in 2015.
How did your sister feel? NOT How has your sister felt?
A 3 (you / like) it?
We often start a conversation with the present perfect. When we give details about B Yes, it 4 (be) great. David Oyelowo
5 (play) Martin Luther King Jr. very well.
the experience, or ask for them, we change to the simple past.
A 6 (he / win) any awards?
B Yes, he 7 (win) some awards.
A 8 (he / be) in other movies?
Situation Form Example B Yes. He 9 (be) in Lincoln. I 10
Question about an experience Present perfect Have you ever been to Spain? (love) that movie!

Answer Present perfect Yes, I have. 3 Write the conversation. Use the present perfect and
the simple past.
Details Simple past I went there two years ago.
Question asking for details Simple past Did you go to Madrid?
Answer Simple past No, I didn’t. But I went to
Valencia and Málaga.

For a full list of irregular verbs, see page 119.

A you / ever / do / karate?

B yes / I / try / it / two years ago

A what / you / think / of it?

B I / really / like / it

A where / you / learn?

B I / take / classes at the sports center

Go back to page 35 83


5A Simple present
We use the simple present to talk about things that are always true. 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
My best friend is from Argentina. He doesn’t like tomatoes. verbs in parentheses.
We also use the simple present to talk about regular routines and habits. 1 I coffee. (not like)
2 they computer games with
I talk to my best friend every day. We go for coffee once a week.
you? (play)
We form negatives and questions with don’t/doesn’t and do/does + the base form 3 Luca work at 6:00 p.m. (finish)
of the verb. 4 We fun together. (have)
5 You my best friend. (not know)
5.4 I / you / we / they he / she / it
6 Robert with you? (work)
+ We live in Istanbul. Carlos lives in Santiago. 7 Constanza is really shy. She in class. (not
– They don’t live in Quebec. Megan doesn’t live in Sydney. speak)
? Do you live in Shanghai? Does she live in Cairo? 8 My mom a lot about her children. (worry)
Y/N Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. 9 you me with this? (can / help)
10 Raul very patient. (not be)
We usually add s to the base form to make the third person singular (he/she/it) form.
2 Rewrite the sentences and questions with the adverbs
Spelling rules for third person singular (he / she / it) of frequency in the correct place.
1 We go for coffee after class. (sometimes)
We usually add -s to the base form. live ⇨ lives
When the base form ends in consonant + y, we change the y to i and then add -es.
2 Do you talk to your best friend every day? (usually)
study ⇨ studies
When the base form ends in -sh, -ch, -x, -s we add -es.
3 My best friend is there for me, day or night. (always)
finish ⇨ finishes watch ⇨ watches
Some verbs are irregular. go ⇨ goes do ⇨ does have ⇨ has 4 How do you talk to your best friend? (often)

Look! The verbs be and can are irregular in the simple present. 5 My roommates are in our apartment. (hardly ever)
I’m a generous person. David can swim well.
You aren’t late today. You can’t use this computer. 6 Lucia works hard. (never)
Are they good friends? Can you help us?
Yes, they are. No, we can’t.
3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences
and questions.
Adverbs and expressions of frequency
1 your / often / friends / do / see / how / you ?
We use adverbs of frequency with the simple present to talk about habits
and routines. 2 usually / drink / doesn’t / Luis / coffee
100% 0%
3 evening / Sandra / every / studies
always usually often sometimes hardly ever never
4 me / friends / to / always / my / listen

We put adverbs of frequency before the main verb.

5 day / we / home / every / at / cook
I always see my friends after classes. NOT Always I see my friends after classes.
But we put them after the verb be. 6 you / dentist / often / the / how / see / do ?
They’re never late. NOT They never are late.
We use How often …? to ask questions about how frequently actions happen. 7 week / bedroom / a / clean / times / I / my / three

How often do you see your friends?

8 often / on / you / how / vacation / go / do ?
We can also use expressions of frequency, such as every day/week/month or once a
week/month/year to talk about regular routines.
We usually use expressions of frequency at the end of sentences.
I meet Julia once a week. NOT I meet once a week Julia.
I talk to her every day. NOT I talk every day to her.

84 Go back to page 41

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5C Present continuous
We use the present continuous to talk about things that are happening now. 1 Write sentences using the present continuous.
My brother is taking a shower right now. 1 My sister / travel / in Asia / right now
Are you reading a good book at the moment?
We also use the present continuous to talk about things that are temporary. 2 Ivan / not work / this week

I’m staying at my parents’ house this semester.

3 What / you / learn about / in your history class?
She isn’t working in the office this month.
We form the present continuous with the verb be + the -ing form of the main verb.
4 They / plan / a trip to Mexico

5.12 I he / she / it you / we / they

5 I / not shout
+ I’m reading a book. Daniel’s sleeping. We’re all wearing
6 you / use / that chair?
I’m not working in the My cousin isn’t staying We aren’t using this

office today. with me this week. room now. 7 she / wear / a scarf?
Am I dreaming? Is she studying French Are you watching TV?
this month? 8 I / not go running / this month
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, she is. / No, she Yes, we are. / No, we
isn’t. aren’t.
2 Complete the sentences with the present continuous
We usually add -ing to the base form to make the -ing form. or the simple present form of the verbs in parentheses.
1 We can’t have a picnic today. It . (rain)
Spelling rules for the -ing form
2 She often her friends here. (meet)
We usually add -ing to the base form. play ⇨ playing talk ⇨ talking 3 Turn that music down! The children . (sleep)
When a verb ends in e, we omit the e before adding -ing. 4 The trains are really busy because everyone
take ⇨ taking live ⇨ living to work right now. (go)
When a verb ends in consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the final 5 It’s amazing how much she her mom.
consonant before adding -ing. sit ⇨ sitting plan ⇨ planning (look like)
6 Can you turn off the TV, please, if you it?
Look! We often use the present continuous with time expressions, such as (not watch)
(right) now, today, this week/month/year, at the moment. 7 He a suit to work, except when he has an
I’m studying economics now. important meeting. (not wear)
Today, they’re not working very much. 8 I can’t talk while I . I’ll call you later. (drive)
3 Complete the text with the present continuous or the
Simple present and present continuous simple present form of the verbs in parentheses.
We use the simple present to talk about things that are always true, and the Ella Richards is the granddaughter of Keith Richards,
present continuous to talk about things that are temporary. who 1 (play) guitar with the Rolling Stones.
Rebecca lives in Mexico City, but this month she’s living in New York. Ella is 18 and a model, and she 2 (appear)
in a series of ads for a fashion company at the moment.
We use the simple present to talk about things that happen regularly and the
She 3 (live) at home, with her mom, dad, and
present continuous to talk about things that are happening now.
younger brother, but this week she 4 (work) in
I usually take the bus to work, but today I’m taking a taxi.
London, and she
However, there are some verbs that describe a state rather than an action. We don’t 5 (stay)
normally use these verbs in the present continuous. at her grandmother’s
Maria hates the new TV series. NOT Maria is hating the new TV series. house. In our photo, she
6 (wear) a black
My teacher doesn’t think it’s correct. NOT My teacher isn’t thinking it’s correct.
I have a rental car at the moment. NOT I’m having a rental car at the moment. dress with flowers, and
she 7 (carry) a
State verbs handbag. She says that when
Feelings like, love, hate, want, prefer, need she’s older, she
8 (want) to be
Thoughts and know, believe, remember, forget, understand, think
opinions a spy!
States be, exist, seem, look like, belong, own, have

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6A Simple past
We use the simple past to talk about completed actions in the past. 1 Complete the sentences with the correct simple past
I bought a new camera yesterday. form of the verbs.
Emma didn’t come to work last week. 1 They to speak Spanish in Colombia. (learn)
Did you see Lucia at the party? 2 you Hannah yesterday? (see)
We form negatives and questions with didn’t and did + the base form of the verb. 3 We this photo from the top of that
building. (take)
6.1 Regular verbs Irregular verbs 4 I to class last week. (not go)
We walked to school yesterday. We took a lot of photos. 5 you the movie? (enjoy)
6 How annoying! Elise her e-mails last night.
– I didn’t study science in college. He didn’t go shopping last week.
(not check)
? Did he use his own camera? Did you meet anyone interesting?
7 Paula you on Monday?
Y/N Yes, he did. No, I didn’t. (call)
8 I in a restaurant five years ago. (work)
We usually add -ed to regular verbs to make the positive form of the simple past.
2 A Write simple past questions.
Spelling rules for regular simple past positive forms
1 what / you / do / yesterday?
We usually add -ed to the verb. play ⇨ played watch ⇨ watched
When a verb ends in e, we add -d. dance ⇨ danced live ⇨ lived 2 your sister / go / on vacation / with you / last year?
When a verb ends in consonant + y, we change the y to i and then we add -ed.
study ⇨ studied 3 when / you / finish / the project?
When a verb ends in consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the final consonant
and then add -ed. stop ⇨ stopped plan ⇨ planned 4 you / have / a smartphone / ten years ago?

Many common verbs have irregular simple past positive forms. 5 when / Mario / take / the photo?
go ⇨ went have ⇨ had take ⇨ took
6 where / be / you / on Monday / at 10:00 a.m.?
Look! The verbs be and can are irregular in the simple past.
I was at the party. We could see the house.
She wasn’t here. He couldn’t come to class. B Match answers a–f with questions 1–6.
Were you happy? Could you speak French when you were younger? a I finished it a few days ago.
Yes, I was. No, I couldn’t. b Yes, I did. It was very expensive.
c I went to a friend’s house and watched
a movie.
Time expressions d I was in my car, driving to work.
We often use time expressions with the simple past to say when an action happened. e No, she didn’t. She stayed at home.
Time expressions can go at the end or at the beginning of sentences. f He took it last month when he was
Last year, the president traveled to Europe. in Poland.
The president traveled to Europe last year.
3 Choose the correct options to complete the
NOT The president traveled last year to Europe.
6.2 Time expressions 1 We didn’t take any photos on / in / at the summer.
2 I bought this phone a few years ago / last / past.
at + times The train arrived at 6 o’clock.
3 We moved to a new apartment on / in / at August.
in + seasons, months, years They traveled in the summer. 4 Did you see Andrés in town yesterday / last day / day
In 2015, we moved to Portugal. ago?
last + night/week/month/year Last night, I saw a good game on TV. 5 The concert started in / on / at 9:00 p.m.
We went there last year. 6 Monica and Julieta went to the movies in / at / on
on + days, dates, the weekend What did you do on Monday? Saturday.
Did you do anything special on July 4th? 7 Did your college course finish in / on / at July 5th?
I went to the movies on the weekend. 8 They met in a café ago / last / past night.
seconds, minutes, hours, days, An hour ago, Kevin was here.
weeks, months, years + ago I saw him three days ago.
yesterday I saw her yesterday.

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6C Question forms
When we ask for specific information, we use a question word, such as who, where, 1 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
when, how, or why. 1 often / gym / how / you / the / go / do / to
Where does Maria live? She lives in Germany. ?
How did they get here? They came by car. 2 go / to / which / did / college / they
Why are you wearing a coat? I’m wearing it because I’m cold. ?
When we ask for a Yes or No answer, we don’t use a question word. 3 weekend / go / where / on / you / the / did
Do you like coffee? Yes, I do.
4 thinking / what / you / about / are
Did the train arrive late? No, it didn’t.
Is Ling Mai from China? Yes, she is.
5 whose / today / it / is / birthday
With most verbs, we use an auxiliary verb. ?
6 to / work / how / get / she / does
6.9 question auxiliary subject main verb
word verb ?
7 who / you / at / are / looking
Where does your brother go to college? ?
remember your elementary 8 for / class / why / late / you / were
Do you
school? ?
How did your sister get her first job?
2 Write questions for the answers.
Did Gustavo see you yesterday? 1 He was born in Belo Horizonte in Brazil.
Which book are you reading right now? Where ?
2 They grew up with their grandparents.
Is Karla looking forward to the trip?
Who ?
3 She met her husband at a party.
With the verb be, we don’t use an auxiliary verb and the subject comes after be. Where ?
4 They have five children.
6.10 question word be subject
How many ?
Where are you from? 5 He retired because of poor health.
Is the meeting in March? Why ?
6 At the moment, he’s working on a new project.
Why was the computer broken?
What ?
Were you at the party?
3 A Put the words from the box in the correct place to
complete the interviewer’s questions.
Look! We usually put prepositions at the end of questions, after the main verb.
Who did she get married to? NOT To who did she get married? you did it to with are
What are you worried about? NOT About what are you worried?
1 Where you from?
2 When you start singing?
We use how in different ways when we ask questions.
3 What type of music do you
How—to ask about the way of doing something listen?
How do you travel to work?
4 Is difficult to write songs?
How often—to ask about frequency 5 In the future, which
How often do you wash your hair? musicians do you hope to
How long—to ask about duration work?
How long is the movie? 6 Do enjoy being famous?
How old—to ask about age B Match answers a–f with questions 1–6.
How old were you when you moved here?
a I love all music—rock and pop, especially.
How much/many—to ask about quantity b I don’t know. I just sing the songs.
How much money do you have? c I was born in Puerto Rico, but I grew up
How + adjective—to ask about a specific quality in New York.
How deep is the swimming pool? d I’m planning on working with Shakira soon.
e Yes, I do. I love it!
f I started singing classes when I was six
years old.

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7A Comparatives, superlatives, (not) as ... as

Comparatives 1 Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative
We use comparative adjectives + than to compare things. form of the adjectives in parentheses.
1 The Torre Latino is the place for a view of Mexico
Helen is taller than Jason.
The train is more expensive than the bus.
City. (good)
2 I can’t believe you’re than me! (old)
We can also use less + adjective + than to compare things.
3 My apartment is from the park than yours. (far)
The train is less crowded than the bus. = The bus is more crowded than the train. 4 I think Tokyo is the city I know. (interesting)
The subway is less expensive than the train. = The subway is cheaper than the train. 5 Is Beijing than Tokyo? (big)
6 Dubai is one of the airports in the world. (busy)
(not) as … as
2 Complete the second sentence with (not) as … as so it means
We use as … as with adjectives to say two things are the same.
the same as the first sentence.
Sofia is as tall as Jasmine. The train is as fast as the bus.
1 Your new apartment is bigger than your old apartment.
We use not as … as with adjectives to say two things are different. Your old apartment is your new apartment.
Sofia isn’t as tall as Helen. = Sofia is less tall than Helen. 2 Moscow is more famous than São Paulo.
The bus isn’t as expensive as the train. = The bus is less expensive than the train. São Paulo is Moscow.
3 The subway and the bus are equally crowded.
Look! After comparatives or (not) as … as, we can use an object pronoun or a
The subway is the bus.
subject pronoun + auxiliary verb.
4 I think this part of town is livelier than downtown.
Marcos is faster than me. / Marcos is faster than I am.
Downtown is this part of town.
Claudia is more relaxed than her. / Claudia is more relaxed than she is.
3 Look at the information. Write three sentences using the
adjectives in the boxes.
We use superlative adjectives to say that something is more than all the others in
a group.
Helen is the tallest in her class. Hotel Romeo Hotel Brooklyn Hotel Cruz
$500 $300 $125
The train is the most expensive way to travel around this city.
We can also use the least + adjective to say something is less than all the others in cheap expensive
a group. 1 Hotel Cruz is hotel.
It's the least dangerous way to travel. = It’s the safest way to travel. 2 Hotel Romeo is hotel.
3 Hotel Brooklyn is Hotel Romeo, but it isn't as
Spelling rules for comparative and superlative adjectives Hotel Cruz.
When an adjective is one syllable, we add -er / -est.
fast ⇨ faster ⇨ fastest
When a one-syllable adjective ends in consonant + vowel + consonant, we double
the final consonant and add -er / -est. hot ⇨ hotter ⇨ hottest
March 1, 10° March 2, 15° March 3, 25°
When an adjective ends in consonant + y, we change the y to i and then add
-er / -est. easy ⇨ easier ⇨ easiest cold hot
When an adjective is two or more syllables, we use more/most + adjective. 4 March 1 was March 2.
comfortable ⇨ more comfortable ⇨ most comfortable 5 March 3 was day.
Some comparatives are irregular. good ⇨ better ⇨ best 6 March 2 was March 3, but it wasn't as
bad ⇨ worse ⇨ worst far ⇨ further/farther ⇨ furthest/farthest March 1.

Comparatives Fish is healthier than meat.
Mumbai Madrid Buenos Aires
I’m much more/less patient than you.
(not) as … as Melissa is as friendly as her sister. busy quiet
It isn’t as warm as it was yesterday.
7 Mumbai is city.
Superlatives This is the fastest car in the world.
8 Buenos Aires is city.
I bought the most/least expensive phone in the store.
9 Madrid isn’t as Mumbai, but it’s
Buenos Aires.

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7C Past continuous
ive We use the past continuous to describe actions in progress at a particular time 1 Complete the conversations with the past continuous
in the past. form of the verbs in parentheses.
ico I was sleeping at 7:00 this morning. 1 A (you / watch) TV just now?
I was working at my desk when the telephone rang. B No, I wasn’t. It was the radio.
We form the past continuous with the simple past of the verb be + the -ing form of 2 A Why didn’t you see Paula and Mark?
) the main verb. B They (walk) the dog.
3 A Why was the boss angry with Nigel?
7.10 I / he / she / it you / we / they B He (not work) fast enough.
y) I was watching TV at 6:00 last night. We were walking home when it 4A Why didn’t you play tennis yesterday?
+ B It (rain) all day.
ans started to rain.
5 A Did you ask Thomas to come to the party?
– It wasn’t raining when I got to work. The players weren’t playing very
B Yes, I talked to him while we
(have) lunch.
ent. Was she working at this office Were you living here at the
when you met her? beginning of the year? 2 Change one verb in each sentence to the past continuous.
Y/N Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t. Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t. 1 We had dinner outside while we stayed in Rome.

2 When Lisa crossed the street, she dropped her phone

Past continuous and simple past and it broke.
We use the simple past to describe completed actions in the past, for example
a series of actions. 3 We had dinner outside when it started to rain.
Yesterday, I woke up, I had breakfast, and then I took a shower.
4 I didn’t listen when the teacher told us about the exam
I woke up. I had breakfast. I took a shower. next week.

We use the past continuous with the simple past to describe an action that was 5 While we sat in the taxi, we checked the address of the
in progress when a completed action happened. hotel.
The action in progress can continue.
I was having breakfast when I heard the new song on the radio. = I continued 3 Choose the correct form of the verbs to complete the text
having breakfast. about a movie of Alastair Humphreys’ new adventure.
I was having breakfast.
Into The Empty Quarter
I heard the new song on the radio.
In September 2012, Alastair Humphreys 1trained / was training
Or the action in progress may stop. for an expedition to the South Pole. Unfortunately, he 2found out
I was sleeping when the telephone rang. = I stopped sleeping. / was finding out that the trip couldn’t take place because there
I was sleeping. wasn’t enough money. So he 3had to / was having to find a new
adventure quickly. One day, he 4looked / was looking through
his adventure books when he 5found / was finding the answer
The telephone rang.
—a book named Arabian Sands about
Wilfred Thesiger’s trip across the
We can also use two past continuous verbs together to show that two actions
Arabian desert in the 1940s.
were happening at the same time.
Alastair immediately 6contacted /
I was cooking while Steve was doing his homework.
was contacting another explorer,
I was cooking. Leon McCarron, and they started
planning how to walk more than
1,600 kilometers across the desert.
Steve was doing his homework. They 7began / were beginning the
trip in November 2012, and were
Look! We often use when and while in sentences with the past continuous. home before the end of the year. But
I broke my leg while I was playing soccer. this time they 8filmed / were filming
I was playing soccer when I broke my leg. all their adventures, too. Into The
While I was playing soccer, I broke my leg. Empty Quarter is their story.

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8A will, may, and might for predictions

We use will and won’t (=will not) + the base form to make predictions about the future. 1 It / probably / rain / tomorrow (will)
We usually use the contraction ’ll after personal pronouns, such as I, he, she, etc. and
after there. 2 You / need / your car (may not)
It’ll be sunny tomorrow. It definitely won’t rain.
There'll be lots of traffic tonight. She won't be here on time. 3 I / don’t think / we / see / you later (will)

We often use probably to say that the prediction is less sure. Probably comes after will
4 We / have time / to go for coffee? (will)
and before won’t.
I’ll probably go to the gym tonight. 5 She / come / to the meeting later (might)
You probably won’t see Karen tomorrow.
We use may and might + the base form to say that a prediction is possible. There is no 6 They / probably / go / on vacation next year (won't)
difference in meaning between may and might.
He may be hungry when he gets home. 7 I / think / there / be / lots of people / at the party (will)
They might not serve any food on the flight.
8 What do you think / happen? (will)
We don't use may or might to make questions.
Will the exam be difficult? NOT Might the exam be difficult?
2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
We can use may and might to reply to questions.
1 They will / might go on vacation to Colombia, but they
Will he get the job? He might. I’m not sure.
don't have much money, so they ’ll / might probably
Will it rain tomorrow? It might, or it might not!
just stay at home.
8.3 will may might 2 I don’t think England will / may win the next World
Cup. I’m sure it will / may be Germany.
+ It’ll rain tomorrow. It may snow tomorrow. It might be windy.
3 I probably won’t / may not go to the movies, but I ’ll /
She won’t pass the exam. Kelly may not come. Jorge might not
may be able to meet you afterward. Can I text you later
– to let you know?
arrive on time.
4 I’m sure you ’ll / might pass your exam. Will / Might
Will she be the next
? they tell you your grade right away?
5 It’s certain that robots will / may become a part of all
Yes, she will. / Yes, she may. / Yes, she might. /
Y/N our lives. Who knows—a robot will / may even become
No, she won’t. No, she may not. No, she might not.
6 I know that you ’ll / might really like Michael. You ’ll /
Look! We often make predictions with I think … or I don’t think … to show it is might meet him this weekend, although I’m not sure
our opinion. because his father’s not well at the moment.
I think he’ll win the race.
3 Complete the predictions with will or won’t and the
I don’t think she’ll lose her job. NOT I think she won't lose her job.
verbs in the box.

buy choose come become exist use

go shopping increase live understand

1 Write sentences using the correct form of will, may, and might. What will the world be like in 2050?
1 The world’s population to more than nine
billion people.
2 Scientists more about diseases and
people longer.
3 Parents the sex of their baby.
4 We oil and gas for electricity. Most of our
energy from solar power.
5 Some islands anymore as sea levels
rise. Some animals extinct.
6 People downtown. Instead, they
everything online.

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8C be going to and present continuous

We use be going to + the base form to talk about future plans. 1 Write sentences using be going to.
What are you going to do tonight? 1 he / buy / some tickets for the soccer game
I’m going to watch a movie on TV.
2 the actor / make / a new TV series / next year
8.7 I he / she / it you / we / they
I’m going to look for a The company’s going We’re going to design 3 they / go / to Spain / on vacation this year?
+ new job. to move to a new a new product.
office. 4 she / not use / an architect
I’m not going to take Hans isn’t going to My friends aren’t going
– the bus tomorrow buy a new car. to visit me next year. 5 where / you / sit?
6 he / ask / his manager about the problem
Am I going to work Is she going to study Are they going to cook
harder next year? politics next year? dinner tonight?
7 I / go / to the gym tonight
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, she is. / No, she Yes, they are. / No, they
isn’t. aren’t.
8 you / drive or take the bus?

Look! When the main verb is go, we usually omit to go.

Are you going (to go) swimming tonight? 2 Look at Kelly’s day planner. Make sentences using the
Maria is going (to go) abroad next year. present continuous.

When we talk about arrangements with a fixed place and time, we often use the
9:00 a.m. new manager (Josie) starts
present continuous.
10:00 a.m. introduce Josie to the team
What are you doing tonight?
1:00 a.m. visit the factory
I’m meeting Charlie and Susie downtown.
1:00 p.m. have lunch with Andy
But it is also correct to use be going to.
2:00 p.m. pick up new sofa!
What are you going to do tonight? 6:30 p.m. go to yoga class canceled
I’m going to meet Charlie and Susie downtown.

Future time expressions 1 Kelly’s new manager, Josie, at 9:00.

We often use future time expressions with be going to and the present continuous. 2 At 10:00, Kelly .
The time expressions usually come at the beginning or at the end of a sentence. 3 Is she at 11:00? No, she isn’t.
4 At 1:00, Kelly and Andy together.
Sandra is going to help us next week.
5 At 2:00, she a new sofa.
Next week, Sandra is going to help us.
6 She her yoga class tonight. It was canceled.
8.8 3 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
next + week/month/year, etc. We’re going to buy a new house next year. 1 Hi, Bob. What on June 18th next year?
In … two days’/five years’ time In three weeks’ time, we’re meeting with our a you are going to do b are you doing
colleagues from Colombia. c do you do
tonight What are you doing tonight? 2 It’s Mom’s 70th birthday and we a big party. You’re
tomorrow I’m not going to do anything exciting tomorrow.
a ’re having b have c ’re going
the day after tomorrow Peter is going to give a presentation at the
3 The whole family there, and lots of Mom’s friends.
conference the day after tomorrow.
a is being b is doing c is going to be
4 I’m sure everyone a good time.
a has b is having c is going to have
5 We want it to be a secret, so we Mom.
a are telling b don’t tell c aren’t going to tell
6I a big birthday cake for the party. Do you know a
good pastry shop?
a ’m going to order b order c ’m order

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1A  School subjects and education

1 1.1   Match the school subjects in the box with pictures 1–15. Listen and check.

art biology chemistry geography history IT (information technology) literature math (mathematics)
foreign languages music PE (physical education) physics science social studies technology

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13

14 15

2 1.2   Match the parts of the phrases. There are usually two or 3 Complete the definitions with words from exercises 1 and 2.
more possible matches. Listen and check. 1 Very young children go to learn in these places. ,
1 pass a nursery school
2 take b kindergarten 2 In this subject, you learn about the past.
3 go to c elementary school 3 In this subject, you read books and plays.
4 do d middle school 4 In this subject, you play different kinds of sports.
5 get into e high school 5 This verb means “get a bad result”.
6 fail f college 6 This is where you can study after you finish high school.
g an exam
h a test 7 This verb means “get a good result”.
i homework 8 In this subject, you learn about different animals and plants.

9 In this subject, you learn how to communicate with people in

different countries.
10 Children go to learn in these places between the ages of 12 and 18.

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1C  Resolutions 2A  Adjectives to describe places

1 1.6   Write the phrases under the headings. Listen and check. 1 2.1   Match the adjectives with the correct pictures. Listen
1 be (more) organized 9 improve your relationship and check.
2 buy (a car) 10 join a gym
a b c d
3 get (more) exercise 11 lose weight
4 earn (more) money 12 make (new) friends
5 get a (new) job 13 meet someone new
6 get in shape 14 run a marathon
7 have an interview 15 save (more) money
8 improve your diet

1 dark 3 empty
2 light 4 crowded

e f g h
health money

5 friendly 7 lovely
6 unfriendly 8 horrible
work and study relationships
i j k l

2 Choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences.

1 I want to get / go in shape this year.
2 My brother improved / saved a lot of money last year and bought
a new house.
3 I want to get / make a new job this year because I don’t like my job.
4 My boyfriend and I don’t make / get much exercise. We’re lazy!
5 If you want to join / lose weight, you need to get some exercise. 9 beautiful 11 safe
6 Kelly is / does very organized. She has a to-do list. 10 ugly 12 dangerous
7 Do you know a good way to see / make new friends?
8 I don’t earn / do much money. I want a new job!
2 Complete the sentences with adjectives from exercise 1.
3 Match the sentences. 1 Why is this restaurant ? Perhaps the food’s not good.
1 I want to improve my relationship a I play soccer and I want to get 2 We love living in this area because it’s for the children to
with my girlfriend. in shape for that. play outside.
2 I want to join a gym. b I didn’t have a boyfriend last year. 3 People are in small towns. They always say “hello”.
3 Last year, I decided to improve c I don’t like answering questions 4 I usually walk to work. There’s a bus, but it’s always and
my diet. about myself. you can’t get a seat.
4 I want to meet someone new d I started eating a lot more fresh 5 The outside of our apartment building is a bit , but it’s not
this year. vegetables. a problem. You can’t see it when you’re inside!
5 I really don’t like having e I didn’t spend much time with 6 My bedroom is my favorite room. It has big windows, and it’s really
interviews. her last year. all day.

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2B  Describing appearance

1 2.6   Complete the diagrams with the words in the box. Listen and check.

curly earrings elderly light gray heavy medium-length mustache slim tall

build height age

1 overweight/ 2 thin/ 3 short 4 5 young 6 middle-aged 7

hair color

8 blond/ 9 black 10 dark 11 brown 12 red 13 white 14

hair style hair on the face

15 bald 16 straight 17 18  wavy

19 beard 20

hair length others

21 long 22 short 23 24 piercing 25 glasses 26

2 Match pictures a–h with the descriptions.
1 This person is elderly. She has wavy gray hair. 6 This person is bald, with a white beard, and mustache.
2 This person has short brown hair. He doesn’t have an earring. He wears glasses.
3 This person is young. She has medium-length red hair. 7 This person has black hair. She has black earrings.
4 This person has medium-length light hair. She wears glasses. 8 This person is middle-aged. He has brown hair and an earring.
5 This person has short blond hair, a beard, and a moustache.
He doesn’t wear glasses.
a b c d

e f g h

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2C  Personality adjectives

1 2.10   Match the adjectives in the box with pictures 1–12. Listen and check.

smart confident funny generous kind popular lazy polite brave cheerful shy talkative

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

2 Choose the correct adjectives to complete the sentences. 3 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1.
1 My brother hates parties because he’s really generous / shy. 1 Alison is very . She always pays for my coffee.
2 Elvira is very talkative / polite in class. The teacher sometimes says, 2 Joe is so . He makes everyone laugh.
“Please be quiet for a moment, Elvira!” 3 I wish I was like my friend. He always gets good grades.
3 Jürgen was really smart / kind to me after I failed my exam. 4 Most people are , although there are some horrible people.
4 Sam is confident / nice when she speaks English. She always wants 5 You’re so ! Are you really going to do a bungee jump?
to practice. 6 Belinda is always , even when things aren’t going well for her.
5 I want to lose weight. I need to be a little less lazy / brave and get
more exercise!
6 I think it’s important to be polite / funny, so I always say “please” and
“thank you”.

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3A  Travel and transportation

1 3.1   Complete expressions 1–18 with the words in the box.

bike boat bus (x2) car ferry foot helicopter motorcycle
plane scooter ship  streetcar  subway  taxi  train  truck  van

1 by 2 by 3 by 4 by 5 by 6 by

7 by 8 on 9 by 10 by 11 by 12 by

13 by 14 by 15 by 16 by 17 by 18 by

2 Write the forms of transportation in the correct columns. 3 Choose the correct phrases to complete the sentences.
1 I prefer to go to work by bike / by bus. The exercise wakes me up.
by water by air on land
2 I’m scared of flying, so I wouldn’t want to go by helicopter /
by motorcycle.
3 I don’t like to take the subway after midnight, so I usually go home
by ship / by taxi if I’m out late.
4 A lot of people travel by ferry / by motorcycle in my city. It’s quicker
and easier than by car.
5 I love traveling by car / by train. You can walk around, if you want!
6 I go to college by subway / by van. I can’t sightsee, but it’s very quick.
7 I’m from France, but I live in Spain. I usually go home to visit my
family by bus / by truck. It’s sometimes slower, but it’s cheaper
than flying.
8 My town is next to a very wide river. There’s no bridge, but you can
go across the river by streetcar / by ferry.

96 Go back to page 22


3C  Vacation activities

1 3.5   Match sentences 1–12 with pictures a–l.
1 They’re going sightseeing. 5 She’s going hiking. 9 She’s staying at an apartment.
2 She’s going surfing. 6 She’s relaxing on the beach. 10 They’re staying at a campsite.
3 They’re going to the beach. 7 He’s relaxing by the pool. 11 She’s staying with friends.
4 They’re going to the mountains. 8 They’re staying at a hotel. 12 They’re visiting a museum/an art gallery.

a b c d

e f g h

i j k l

2 Read about the people. Then choose a vacation activity from the box for them.

a stay at an apartment c go surfing e stay at a campsite g visit a museum/an art gallery

b go hiking d relax by the pool f go sightseeing h stay at a hotel

1 Luís likes walking in different places, like mountains 6 Linus loves visiting cities. He always wants to see a lot of
and forests. different places and take lots of photos.
2 Shelley and Phil like visiting cities, but they don’t like 7 Fabio has three new books to read. He loves hot weather,
staying at hotels. but he doesn’t like the sea.
3 Juan is very athletic, and he loves the ocean. 8 Mina and her family love the country. They like being
4 Hong likes art and history. outside, and they don’t like hotels.
5 Maciek doesn’t like doing housework like cooking and making
the bed. He likes staying at very comfortable places.

Go back to page 26 97


4A  Entertainment
1 4.1   Match the people in the box with pictures 1–6 and the events with pictures 7–12. Listen and check.

actor artist dancer band/musician opera singer player concert game opera play exhibit ballet

1 2 3 7 8 9

4 5 6 10 11 12

2 Complete the chart with words from exercise 1. 3 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1.
1 I love this ’s work. She uses beautiful colors.
person/people event
2 My friend’s are really good. They play rock music.
1 exhibit 3 Do you like ? Or do you prefer modern dance?
band 2 4 How many are there on a soccer team?
3 ballet 5 What’s your favorite Shakespeare ?
6 There’s an art at City Hall.
4 game
7 Did you go to the jazz on Friday night?
actor 5 8 My cousin is an . He’s been on TV a few times.
singer 6
Go back to page 30

4B  Opinion adjectives

1 4.6   Complete the chart with the adjectives in the box. 2 Read the sentences and choose the adjective that’s not possible.
Listen and check. 1 This play is terrible / cool / boring. Can we go home now?
2 I don’t like sad / scary / exciting movies. I prefer action movies.
awesome awful boring amazing exciting interesting
3 I had an amazing time at the party last night. It was all right /
all right terrible sad strange horrible fun fantastic
awesome / fun.
stupid cool great scary
4 New York is a really interesting / exciting / scary city. I’m going to go
Positive OK Negative there again.
5 We had a nice vacation in Chile, but the weather was awful /
horrible / great.
6 I don’t think I like Pedro very much. He’s a bit fun / strange / scary!
7 I went to hear a really fantastic / awesome / terrible singer on the
weekend. She was amazing!
8 The movie was a bit interesting / stupid / strange. I didn’t really like it.

98 Go back to page 32


5A  Personality adjectives
1 5.1 Match sentences 1–8 with pictures a–h. Listen and check.
1 Rosa is very shy. She doesn’t like talking to people she doesn’t know.
2 Michael is very funny. He makes the children laugh.
3 Irene is very patient. She can wait for a long time and doesn’t get angry.
4 Marco always buys me coffee when we go out. He’s really generous.
5 Stefano is very nice. He's always happy to help me when I have a problem. b
6 Jane watches TV all day, and she never cleans the house. I think she’s lazy.
7 Arturo is very polite. He opens the door for us when we visit.
8 Sita always tells the truth about everything. She’s very honest.

2 A 5.2 Match the adjectives in the box below with the definitions in
the chart. Listen and check.
hard-working sociable dishonest serious  c
rude selfish mean impatient

This type of person … adjective opposite

1 only thinks about himself/herself.
2 says and does things that hurt
other people’s feelings.
3 works very hard. d
4 likes going out and meeting new
5 doesn’t like waiting for things.
6 doesn’t laugh very often.
7 isn’t very helpful to others.
8 doesn't tell the truth.

B Write the opposites of the adjectives in the right-hand column.

Look! We say What is he/she like? when we ask about personality.

What is your teacher like?  She’s shy, but she’s very nice.

3 Choose the correct adjectives to complete the sentences. f

1 Children can be very impatient / mean / dishonest. They can say very
bad things and make each other cry.
2 Paul prefers to be with people he knows. He’s very rude / patient / shy.
3 I think Leo’s dishonest / rude / lazy. He plays computer games all day,
and he doesn’t do any work.
4 Marco’s very selfish / impatient / lazy. He drinks all the milk in the
refrigerator and doesn’t care about the rest of us. g
5 Amanda hates waiting for the bus. She’s so impatient / mean / selfish.
6 Anton is really patient / generous / sociable with his time and his money.
He always buys me lunch when we get together.
7 Artur doesn’t smile or laugh very much, and he thinks a lot about things
before making decisions. He’s very hard-working / polite / serious.
8 Sam's really sociable / funny / nice. He always makes us laugh when he
tells us his stories. h
9 Stella is a lazy / dishonest / serious person. She lies to people so they
think she's clever.
10 Those children are very polite / generous / honest. If they break
something, they always tell the teacher.

Go back to page 40 99


5B Hobbies and socializing

1 5.7 Match the two columns in each group to make phrases. Listen and check.

Online activities Socializing

1 download a social media (e.g., Facebook) 11 spend k a club

2 go on b about your opinions 12 get together l out at night
3 blog c music/movies/apps 13 meet m time with the family
4 play d online 14 join n new people
5 shop e video games 15 go o with friends

Sports and games Other hobbies

6 stay f soccer/chess 16 bake p at home

7 play g Pilates 17 learn q a concert/the movies
8 go h in shape 18 relax r an instrument/a language
9 do i the gym/the swimming pool 19 go to s coins/records/stamps
10 go to j running/swimming 20 collect t a cake/cupcakes/bread

2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

meet stay relax spend go join shop go on get together do

1 It’s important to time with your friends and family. 7 I hardly ever social media. I prefer meeting people
2 Why don’t you a tennis club? face-to-face.
3 Karen usually online because she is very busy. 8 Saturday night is a good time to with my friends.
4 I took an English course to new people. 9 You need to be in very good shape to gymnastics.
5 I think swimming is the best way to in shape. 10 Martin running every morning at 6:00.
6 Ned doesn’t have many hobbies. He just at home.

100 Go back to page 42


5C Useful verbs
1 5.15 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. Listen and check.
1 wear / carry 6 miss / lose
It’s a beautiful day. Why are you an umbrella and Here are our tickets. Don't them! I don’t want to
a coat? the beginning of the movie.
2 take / give 7 hope / wait
Could you me to the party, please? Brian says he can I’m for you at the restaurant. I you’re not going
me a ride home. to be late.
3 look / look like 8 win / earn
A: She beautiful in that dress, doesn’t she? He doesn’t very much money as a writer, although he
B: Yes, she her mother. a lot of competitions.
4 look forward to / expect 9 remember / remind
I’m seeing my cousins again. We their flight to I have to to buy some eggs. If I forget, can you please
arrive at any minute. me?
5 say / tell 10 go back / come back
Don’t her about the party. Charlotte that she My parents are from Greece today. They had a fantastic
loves surprises! time. They want to next year!

2 A Choose the correct verb to complete questions 1–8. B Match questions 1–8 with answers a–h.
1 Who do you look like / look in your family? a Yes. We start in October.
2 Are you going back / coming back to college in the fall? b Nothing! I forgot my lunch at home.
3 What did you take / give for lunch today? c I use a small backpack.
4 How do you usually wear / carry your things to class? d Sometimes, but I usually put it in my pocket.
5 Do you always remember / remind to do your homework? e Of course! I’m very honest.
6 Do you ever lose / miss your cell phone? f I want to own my own company.
7 Do you always say / tell your parents the truth? g No, I don’t. Sometimes I forget.
8 Where do you hope / wait to be in 10 years? h My mother. We have the same eyes.

Go back to page 45

7B Vacation activities
1 7.5 Complete the chart with the words in the box to make phrases. Listen and check.

a museum on a guided tour abroad a seat on a train a resort

local attractions sightseeing camping a hotel a flight a double room

go visit stay at reserve/book

2 7.6 Match the sentences. Listen and check.

1 We always sunbathe on the beach. a It’s expensive, but we like to try the local food.
2 I usually buy souvenirs for my family. b The weather looks good.
3 You can rent a car for a week. c That way I don’t forget anything.
4 On vacation, we usually eat out every night. d The local market is the best place to find presents.
5 Let’s have a barbecue on the weekend. e I like relaxing and listening to the ocean.
6 I sometimes pack my suitcase a week before we go. f It’s a good way to see the countryside.

Go back to page 60 101


6A -ed/-ing adjectives
1 6.5 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the -ed or -ing adjectives. Listen and check.

1 amazed / amazing 7 annoyed / annoying

The magic show was I was because Joe
! was playing loud music.
I was . The magician It’s very when
did some incredible tricks. people make a lot of noise.

2 relaxed / relaxing 8 disappointed / disappointing

I had a really I failed my driving test last week.
weekend. I was really .
I felt so I took a nap It’s , but I can take
on Saturday afternoon. the test again.

3 tired / tiring 9 excited / exciting

What a long day! I’m very I got my ticket for the music
now. festival. I’m so !
It’s being a It’s always to go
mother. to a live concert.

4 interested / interesting
10 terrified / terrifying
I’m in Roman I don’t like this. I’m
history. of heights!
Do you have any
I didn’t think cleaning windows
books on the subject? would be so .

5 bored / boring 11 confused / confusing

The class was very These instructions are very
this morning. .
I was so , I fell I’m completely .
asleep! I don’t know what this means.

6 embarrassed / embarrassing 12 surprised / surprising

I was when the Ana received a
computer stopped working. e-mail this morning.
I couldn’t give my presentation. Ana was really
It was very . when she read the e-mail.

2 Choose the correct adjectives to complete the sentences.

1 The class was really interested / interesting, and all the students 5 Horror movies are terrified / terrifying. I never watch them.
enjoyed it. 6 The exam questions were very confused / confusing. I didn’t
2 We were all surprised / surprising when we heard Katya’s news. understand them at all.
3 The photos from the concert were really disappointed / 7 I lost my phone, so I couldn’t take any photos. It was very annoyed /
disappointing. annoying.
4 Are you excited / exciting about moving abroad next year? 8 I was very embarrassed / embarrassing when I arrived late.

102 Go back to page 49


6C Life stages
1 6.6 Match the phrases in the box with the pictures on the timeline. Listen and check.

be born die get engaged graduate from college get your driver's license go to elementary school get a divorce fall in love
retire get married grow up have children finish school go to high school start a career

1 be born 2 3 4 5

10 9 8 7 6

11 12 13 14 15 die

2 Match the two columns to make sentences. 3 Complete the text with the correct form of the life stages verbs.
1 My grandmother was born a my grandfather, also a doctor. 1 My parents worked in lots of different countries, so I
2 She grew up b at the age of 65. with my grandparents in Miami.
3 She went to elementary school c she was 18, in 1961. 2 Luca to his girlfriend last week. The wedding is in May
4 She finished school when d my mother and my uncle. of next year.
5 She went to college e on April 14, 1961. 3 I want to in the summer. Then I can drive to college
6 She started her career f in 1966, after getting engaged. every day.
7 There she met g when she was five. 4 Sandra's parents ten years ago, but they are still
8 They got married h on a farm in Kentucky. friends and see each other often.
9 They had two children− i as a doctor in a hospital. 5 Raul works in that hospital. He says almost 30 babies
10 My grandmother retired j to study medicine. there every day.

Go back to page 52 103


7A Useful adjectives
1 7.1 Match the adjectives in the box with the pictures 1–12. Listen and check.

ancient modern crowded famous busy lively messy polluted quiet ugly uncomfortable unusual

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

2 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Our hotel room was really uncomfortable / quiet. We complained to 7 We loved Vietnam. The streets were really busy / messy with all kinds
the manager. of vehicles and people.
2 Petra is one of the most lively / famous archaeological sites in 8 He went all around the world and all he bought me was an ugly /
the Middle East. ancient key ring.
3 You will love this restaurant; it’s always very lively / crowded. 9 We went for a walk away from downtown and found some
4 We went to the beach for our vacation but the water was really quiet / messy streets.
polluted / messy. 10 We saw some very unusual / uncomfortable animals when we went
5 It’s impossible to get on the buses at rush hour because they are so to Australia.
lively / crowded. 11 There is a new building downtown; it's really lively / modern.
6 If you go to Egypt, don’t miss the ugly / ancient temples in Luxor and 12 The children’s rooms are always unusual / messy when they're on
Aswan. summer vacation.

3 Complete the text with the correct adjectives.

My first trip to a foreign country was in 2015, when I visited Cambodia. My favorite place was Angkor Wat,
which is one of the most 1 archaeological sites in the world. There are hundreds of 2
temples from the 12th century in an area of over 1 km2! It's a very 3 place, but I'm very glad I went.
I went very early in the morning because it gets very 4 later in the day, and the buses get
5 . You can visit the site by yourself, or hire a guide who can show you around and explain
everything. Remember not to wear 6 shoes, because you have to walk a lot!

104 Go back to page 58


8A Jobs
1 8.1 Match the words in the box with the pictures 1–12. Listen and check.

lawyer accountant waiter/waitress receptionist surgeon firefighter

scientist hairdresser journalist model salesperson farmer

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

2 8.2 Match the words to make jobs. Listen and check. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct jobs from exercises 1
1 fashion a guide and 2.
2 movie b designer 1 Whenever I have my hair cut, I always tell the all my
3 soccer c officer problems.
4 police d coach 2 I didn’t know where to go on vacation, but the suggested
5 security e reporter some good places.
6 sales f guard 3 I was worried about the operation, but the said
7 tour g person everything would be fine.
8 news h director 4 I went to buy a new shirt and the was very helpful.
9 travel i attendant 5 The might lose his job. The team has lost ten games now!
10 flight j agent 6 Why don’t you speak to a before you sign this contract?
7 My mother is a . She works for a company that develops
new medicines.
8 Our plane was full, but the was very helpful.
9 The concert was really crowded, and a said I couldn’t
go in.
10 I’m sure the company has financial problems. The looks
very worried!

Go back to page 66 105


8C Phrases about work

1 8.11 Match the phrases with the pictures. Listen and check.

agree on a salary apply for a job get a job offer

get a pay raise get a promotion have an interview
quit a job see a job ad start work write a résumé

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from
exercise 1.
1 2
1 I would like to for the job of assistant manager.
2 I’m very bored at work. I'm going to my job.
3 My husband a pay raise last week, so we’re going to buy
an apartment.
4 It looks like a fabulous new job. When do you work?
5 I a job ad in the paper last week. It looks really interesting!
6 My sister a promotion. Now she is the director. We’re all
very proud of her.
7 All the new jobs will be advertised next month. I need to
a résumé.
8 I three job offers in one week! I’m not sure what to do!
9 She can’t go to the meeting on Tuesday. She an interview 3 4
for a new job.
10 The interview went well and I want the job, but we can’t
a salary.
3 8.12 Match 1–8 with a–h to make expressions. Listen and check.
1 see a interested in a career in ...
2 send b a degree in ...
3 have c a training course
4 take d for an interview at any time
5 be e for a salary between ...
6 look f as an intern 5 6
7 go g a résumé, an application form
8 work h an advertisement, an ad

4 Complete the letter with the words in the box.

degree interview advertisement salary application career

Dear Sir/Madam:
I saw your 1 for the job of Software Engineer,
and I’d like to apply. I am sending you my résumé and an
2 form. 7 8

I have a 3 in Information Technology, and I am

very interested in a 4 in software development.
I am looking for a 5 of between $30,000 and
$35,000 and I can go for an 6 at any time
during the next two weeks.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Chloe Maxwell

9 10
106 Go back to page 71


1A  Student A
Ask Student B simple past questions to complete the text about Fabia’s elementary school. Answer Student B’s questions.
A Where was Fabia’s school? 
B It was one mile from her house.

Finland has one of the best education systems in the world. Read about
Fabia’s time in elementary school.
I didn’t go to nursery school or kindergarten. I started elementary school when I was seven
years old. My school was 1 (where?). I went to school by bus
every day.
I2 school (did / enjoy?)! Classes started at nine o’clock
in the morning. There were fifteen students in my class, and I always sat next to
3 (who?). My teacher’s name was Johannes, and he was our
teacher for six years. My favorite subjects were 4 (what?),
and I still love learning foreign languages now. I hated math, and I was bad at
5 (what subjects?).

1C  Student A Your sentences Student B’s sentences

1 Jenna is studying Spanish. She’s planning … … to save some money every month.
Take turns reading the sentences
with Student B. Student B finishes your 2 Saul wants to be a doctor. He needs … … to spend some time in the U.S. to improve it.
sentences and you finish Student B’s 3 Carlotta eats a lot of junk food. She wants … … to improve their relationship.
sentences. 4 Hans wants to lose weight. He’d like … … to do a course in Asian cooking.
5 Brigit doesn’t like her job. She’s hoping … … to learn to write computer programs.
6 Sasha moved to a new city recently. She’d like … … to get in shape this year.

1D  Student A
1 Read your problems to Student B. Listen to his/her suggestion(s) 2 Listen to Student B’s problems. Sound sympathetic and make
and respond. suggestions to him/her from the list below.
A I left my backpack on the bus this morning! B My boss lives in New York, and she only visits us once a year.
B How terrible! Can you call the Lost and Found? A I’m sure it’s difficult to be so far away from her. How about
A That’s a good idea. asking her to visit twice a year?
•  I left my backpack on the bus this morning! B I’m not sure I should. She’s very busy.
• I have an exam tomorrow, but I don’t know the subject very well. •  take some time off work and visit her
•  I can’t study at home because it’s always noisy. •  watch less television in the evening
•  My roommate never cleans the kitchen. •  ask your boss to visit twice a year
•  My laptop stopped working last night! •  get more practice and take it again
•  turn your phone off


2A  Student A
1 You want to reserve a hotel for your vacation. You have two young 2 You are a travel agent. Answer Student B’s questions
children. Ask Student B questions to find out about the two hotels. about the two hotels.
Which one is better?
A Which hotel is nearer the beach? Sunset Hotel Party Hotel
B The Apex Hotel is nearer the beach. Price $$$ $
Beach 100 meters 600 meters
You’re looking for a hotel that is: Clubs 300 meters 10 meters
APEX HOTEL SEA VIEW HOTEL Stores 50 meters 1 kilometer
near the beach
Number of rooms 60 200
small Comments modern hotel (2015) old hotel (1970)
friendly uncomfortable beds comfortable beds
clean cheap food expensive food
less expensive

2C  Student A
Take turns asking and answer the trivia questions with Student B. You have different questions. Complete the questions with the superlative
of the adjectives in parentheses. Score 1 point for each correct answer. Who can score the most points? The correct answers are in red. Tell Student B
the extra information about the correct answers.
A What is the cleanest city in the world? a) Calgary in Canada, b) Tokyo in Japan, or c) Florence in Italy?

1 What is (clean) city in the world? a) Calgary in Canada  b) Tokyo in Japan  c) Florence in Italy
  In a 2016 survey, Calgary in Canada was the winner of “The Cleanest City” award.

2 Who was (popular) person on Facebook in 2016? a) Daniel Radcliffe  b) Cristiano Ronaldo  c) Meryl Streep
  In 2016, Cristiano Ronaldo had more than 107 million “Likes” on Facebook.

3 How long was (long) pizza in the world? a) 800 meters  b) 1.8 kilometers  c) 80 meters
  In 2016, 250 pizza chefs made a pizza that was 1.8 kilometers long in Naples, Italy. They used 2,000 kilograms of mozzarella cheese.

4 What soccer team has (noisy) fans in the world? a) Arsenal in England  b) Colo Colo in Chile  c) Galatasaray in Turkey
 The noise of Galatasaray fans at their stadium in Istanbul can reach 130 decibels – that’s louder than a jet airplane when it takes off!

5 What is (high) capital city in the world? a) La Paz in Bolivia  b) Addis Ababa in Ethiopia  c) Kathmandu in Nepal
  La Paz in Bolivia is 3,640 meters above sea level. For tourists, it can be hard to breathe, walk, and sleep.


Tiffany is a flight attendant.
1 Ask Student B questions about John’s job, using
1 wear a uniform? Yes
have to. Complete the chart with yes or no.
Then guess what John’s job is. 2 drive at work? No
3 work at night sometimes? Yes
A Does John have to wear a uniform at work?
B No, he doesn’t. 4 travel to other countries? Yes
5 help people? Yes
2 Now answer Student B’s questions about Tiffany.
6 be in shape? Yes
You can only say yes or no.
7 work alone? No
8 speak to a lot of people? Yes


3C  Student A You Student B

1 Where / go? Crete, Greece
1 Ask Student B about his/her vacation plans and complete the chart.
Use be going to. 2 When / go? June 10th

A Where are you going to go?  

3 Who / go with? my family
B  I’m going to go to Lima in Peru. 4 How / travel? boat
5 Where / stay? apartment
2 Now answer Student B’s questions about your vacation plans. Use the
6 What / do? relax by the pool
information in the chart.
go to the beach
play tennis
go surfing
7 When / return? June 24th

3D  Student A
1 You are Karol. You are checking in at the Sea View Hotel. Tell the 2 You are the receptionist at the Castle Hotel. Greet the guest, ask for
receptionist about your reservation, answer his/her questions, and ask his/her reservation information, and give him/her the information
for the missing information. Check anything that you aren’t sure about. he/she asks for.

Your name Karol Lisicki Guest name ?

Type of room Deluxe room Type of room ?
Number of nights 2 Number of nights ?
Discount? ? Discount? NO
Breakfast included? ? Breakfast included? YES
WiFi password ? WiFi password THECASTLE99
Room number and floor ? Room number and floor 357, third floor

B Welcome to the Sea View Hotel. Checking in?  

A  Yes. I reserved a room in the name of ...

4A  Student A 4C  Student A

1 Ask and answer questions with Student B about the people in 1 Ask Student B questions with the prompts. Use the present perfect + ever
the chart. Use the present perfect + ever. for question “a,” and the simple past for question “b”. Then decide if you
A Has Henry ever been to a music festival?  B  Yes, he has. think his/her answer is true.
A Have you ever met a famous person?
Nadia Henry Elena Oliver B Yes, I have.
go to a music festival ✘ ✔ A Who did you meet?
watch a basketball game ✘ ✔ B I met Penélope Cruz.
see the Mona Lisa in Paris ✔ ✘ A I think that’s true.
B No, it’s not true!
travel to another continent ✔ ✘
climb a mountain ✘ ✘ a you / meet a famous person? b  Who / you / meet?
a you / win / a competition? b  What / you / win?
study a foreign language ✘ ✘
a you / buy / flowers for someone? b  Who / you / buy them for?
dance all night ✔ ✘
a you / be / the U.S.? b  Which cities / you / visit?
sing in a band ✔ ✘ a you / see / the same movie several times? b  Which movie / be / it?
a you / eat / sushi? b  What / you think of it?
2 Now imagine that you work for a dating agency. Work with
Student B. Which two of the four people have the most 2 Now answer Student B’s questions. For question “a,” answer Yes, I have.
similar interests? Invent information for each question “b,” if necessary.


5A Student A
1 Look at the activities and ask Student B questions with 2 Answer Student B’s questions using adverbs and expressions
How often … ? Write down his/her answers. of frequency.
1 see the dentist
2 go to the movies always usually sometimes often hardly ever never
3 buy clothes once/twice/three times a day/week/month
4 check your phone every day/week/month
5 exercise
6 eat in a restaurant 3 Tell the class what you found out about your partner.

5C Student A
1 Look at pictures 1–4. Ask Student B questions to guess what is 2 Answer Student B’s questions about pictures 5–8.
A Is the woman in picture 1 going for a walk? B No, she isn’t.

1 2 5 6

3 4 7 8

6A Student A
1 Ask Student B What did you do … ? with the time expressions. Add the correct prepositions, if necessary.
A What did you do in the summer? 
B I studied for my exams, but I got together with friends, too.

the summer yesterday 8:00 this morning last week 2015 two weeks ago

2 Answer Student B’s questions.

6D Student A
1 Read sentences 1–5 to Student B and listen to his/her responses. 2 Listen to Student B’s sentences and respond to show you are
1 I fell down last week and broke my arm. interested.
2 I got a new car for my birthday. B I didn’t get home from work until 10:00 p.m. last night.
3 My brother found a wallet with $100 in it. A You poor thing! What happened?
4 Yesterday was the best day ever!
5 I met someone famous yesterday.


6C Student A
1 Ask Student B questions about your mystery person and
complete the chart. Can you guess who she is?

When / born? 1935

Where / grow up? Mississippi, U.S.
What / first job after finishing school? Salesperson
How many times / get married? Once–to Priscilla
Have / children? Yes, a daughter named Lisa Marie
How / become famous? Made lots of records, including "Jailhouse
Rock" and "Can’t Help Falling in Love"
When / die? 1977

2 Answer your partner’s questions about Elvis Presley. Remember, don’t use his name! Can Student B guess who he is?

7A Student A
1 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in parentheses and guess the answer. Student B will say if you are correct.
1 The animals in the world are … (dangerous) 3 The car in the world is … (fast)

crocodiles sharks snakes Porsche 959 McLaren F1 Bugatti Veyron

2 The sports event was … (popular) 4 The place in the world is … (noisy)

Brazil World Beijing Olympics, Superbowl Times Square, Champs Élysées, Exchange Square,
Cup, 2014 2008 XLVI, 2012 New York Paris Hong Kong

2 Listen to Student B’s sentences. Look at the information and say if 1 The Nile (6,853 km.); the Amazon (6,437 km.); the Yangtze (6,300 km.)
he/she is correct. Give more information using comparatives, 2 Nafea Faa Ipoipo, Paul Gauguin ($300 million); The Card Players, Paul
superlatives, and (not) as … as. Cézanne ($274 million); The Grand Canal, Claude Monet ($35 million)
The Amazon isn’t as long as the Nile, but it’s longer than the 3 Manila, the Philippines (41,014 people/km.2); Cairo, Egypt
Yangtze. (36,618 people/km.2); Buenos Aires, Argentina (13,680 people/km.2)
4 The Beatles (265 million albums); Michael Jackson (175 million albums);
Madonna (166 million albums)

8D Student A
1 You call a company to rent a car for one week. Call Student B 2 You work in a restaurant. Student B will call to reserve a table for tonight.
and use the details below. Speak as quickly as possible! Ask him/her questions and complete the form as accurately as possible.
Name: George Graddoll Customer name:
Car: 5-door Subaru Impreza Telephone number:
Dates: Monday, March 1 (12:00)–Sunday, March 7 (18:00) Number of people:
Credit card: Visa - CD25 5221 BZ55 Xy23 Time:
Special requirements:



1 Read the text about Harold Bride. Prepare Harold Bride was working on
questions for Student B. Use the answers the Titanic when the ship sank
to complete the story. over 100 years ago. He was
1 What / Harold Bride’s job? a1 who sent and
2 What / he / do / on April 14, at 11:40 p.m.? received important information.
3 What / Captain Edward Smith / say? He was on board when the
4 What / water / force into the ocean? ship began its voyage from
5 What / he / send from the radio room? Southampton on April 10, 1912.

2 Answer Student B's questions to help On April 14, at 11:40 p.m., Bride 2 in his room when he heard a
him/her complete the story. terrible noise. He woke up and went straight to the radio room to find out
what was happening. Just after midnight, Captain Edward Smith came in and
said that 3 . He asked Bride to send an emergency signal to any
other ships in the area. The nearest ship to respond was the Carpathia, but,
unfortunately, it didn’t arrive until after the Titanic sank.
While the Titanic was filling up with water, Bride continued to send messages.
However, the equipment eventually stopped working, and Bride went to help
release one of the last lifeboats. But the water forced the 4 into the
freezing ocean.
Bride held onto the damaged lifeboat and, after hours in the water, some
sailors rescued him and took him onto the Carpathia. He was badly hurt, so
he rested for a while, but later he went to the radio room and began to send
5 .

8A Student A
1 Ask Student B questions with will. Check ( ) his/her answers in the chart. 2 Answer Student B’s questions using the
phrases in the box. Give more information.
Do you think … likely possible unlikely impossible
B Do you think you will go on vacation next
you will move in the next five years?
you will get a (new) job soon? A Yes, I think I will. I’ll probably visit my family
you will become famous? in Miami.
you will live abroad in the future?
Yes, I think I will. Yes, I probably will.
you will learn to speak English fluently?
Yes, I may. Yes, I might.
you will do anything exciting this week? I don’t think I will. I probably won’t.
I definitely won’t.

8C Student A
Monday morning
1 Student B has applied for a job in your company. You call afternoon meet with the Marketing team
him/her to set up an interview. Look at your day planner and
Tuesday morning
find a time to schedule the interview.
afternoon visit the factory
B I’m free on Monday afternoon. Can we have the interview then?
Wednesday morning
A I’m sorry, I’m meeting with the marketing team. What about
afternoon meet with the managing director
Monday morning?
Thursday morning
Friday morning fly to Paris
afternoon have lunch with Peter


1A  Student B
Ask Student A simple past questions to complete the text about Fabia’s elementary school. Answer Student A’s questions.
B Did Fabia go to nursery school and kindergarten? 
A No, she didn’t.

Finland has one of the best education systems in the world. Read about
Fabia’s time in elementary school.
I1 (did / go?) to nursery school or kindergarten. I started
elementary school when I was seven years old. My school was one mile from my house. I
went to school 2 (how?) every day. I really enjoyed school!
Classes started at 3 (what time?). There were fifteen students in
my class, and I always sat next to my best friend, Emma. My teacher’s name was
4 (what?), and he was our teacher for six years. My favorite
subjects were English and Swedish, and I still love learning foreign languages now.
I hated 5 (what subject?), and I was bad at art and music.

1C  Student B Your sentences Student A’s sentences

1 Kyle and his girlfriend argue a lot. They need … … to improve her diet.
Take turns reading the sentences
with Student A. Student A finishes 2 Christa is joining a gym. She’s hoping … … to travel through South America.
your sentences and you finish 3 Mahmood is interested in IT. He’d like … … to start running.
Student A’s sentences. 4 Eleni’s English isn’t very good. She’s planning … … to make some new friends.
5 Nathan loves Thai food. He wants … … to get a new job soon.
6 Claire wants to buy a new car. She’s hoping … … to get a place to study medicine in college.

1D  Student B
1 Listen to Student A’s problems. Sound sympathetic and make 2 Read your problems to Student A. Listen to his/her suggestion(s)
suggestions for him/her from the list below. and respond.
A I left my backpack on the bus this morning! B My boss lives in New York, and she only visits us once a year.
B How terrible! Can you call the Lost and Found? A I’m sure it’s difficult to be so far away from her. How about
A That’s a good idea. asking her to visit twice a year?
•  go to the library B I’m not sure I should. She’s very busy.
•  take it to the repair shop •  My boss lives in New York, and she only visits us once a year.
•  call the Lost and Found •  I failed my driving test yesterday.
•  watch some online videos about your subject •  My mother’s in the hospital, but I’m very busy at work.
•  talk to him/her about it •  My friends call me in the evening when I want to study.
•  I often don’t have time to do my homework in the evening.


2A  Student B
1 You are a travel agent. Answer Student A’s questions about the two 2 You want to reserve a hotel for your vacation. You’re going on
hotels. vacation with a big group of friends. Ask Student A questions to find
A Which hotel is nearer the beach? out about the two hotels. Which one is better?
B The Apex Hotel is nearer the beach.
You’re looking for a hotel that is:

Price $$ $$$ near the beach

near the clubs
Beach 200 meters 500 meters
good for shopping
Clubs 30 meters 1 kilometer big
Stores 100 meters 2 kilometers modern
Number of rooms 80 20 comfortable
Comments friendly staff unfriendly staff
dirty rooms clean rooms
on a busy street safe, quiet location

2C  Student B
Take turns asking and answering the trivia questions with Student A. You both have different questions. Complete the questions with the
superlative of the adjectives in parentheses. Score 1 point for each correct answer. Who can score the most points? The correct answers
are in red. Tell Student A the extra information about the correct answers.
A What is the happiest country in the world? a) Brazil, b) Australia or c) Denmark?

1 According to a UN report, what is (happy) country in the world?  a) Brazil  b) Australia  c) Denmark
  With a population of 5.6 million, Denmark reached Number 1 in the “World Happiness Report” in 2016.

2 Which was (expensive) film of these three?  a) Pirates of the Caribbean 4  b) Titanic  c) Jurassic World
  Pirates of the Caribbean 4 cost $378.5 million in 2011. It didn’t get good reviews, but it earned more than $1 billion.

3 How big is (big) spider in the world?  a) 30 centimeters wide  b) 1 meter wide  c) 10 centimeters wide
  The Goliath Birdeater tarantula lives in the rainforests of South America and is the size of a dinner plate!

4 Which is (cheap) car in the world?  a) Lamborghini Aventador  b) Tata Nano  c) Volkswagen Golf
  The Tata Nano is made in India. It cost $2,000 in 2009.

5 How tall was (tall) man in the world?  a) 3.24 meters  b) 2.43 meters  c) 2.72 meters
  Robert Wadlow was born in 1918 in the U.S. In 1940, he was 2.72 meters tall.


John is a truck driver.
1 Answer Student A’s questions about John’s job. You can only say
1 wear a uniform? No
yes or no.
A Does John have to wear a uniform at work? 2 drive at work? Yes
B No, he doesn’t. 3 work at night sometimes? Yes
4 travel to other countries? Yes
2 Now ask Student A questions about Tiffany’s job, using have to.
Complete the chart with yes or no. Then guess what Tiffany’s 5 help people? No
job is. 6 be in shape? No
7 work alone? Yes
8 speak to a lot of people? No


3C  Student B Student A You

1 Where / go? Lima, Peru
1 Answer Student A’s questions about your vacation plans. Use the
information in the chart. 2 When / go? January 16th
3 Who / go with? my partner
A Where are you going to go?  
B  I’m going to go to Lima in Peru. 4 How / travel? plane
5 Where / stay? hotel
2 Now ask Student A about his/her vacation plans and complete the
6 What / do? try local food
chart. Use be going to.
visit the museums
go shopping
watch a soccer game
7 When / return? January 30th

3D  Student B
1 You are the receptionist at the Sea View Hotel. Greet the guest, ask 2 You are Wendy. You are checking in at the Castle Hotel. Tell the
for his/her reservation information, and give him/her the information receptionist about your reservation, answer his/her questions, and
he/she asks for. ask for the missing information. Check anything that you’re not sure
Guest name ? about.
Type of room ? Your name Wendy Zhao
Number of nights ? Type of room Standard room
Discount? YES Number of nights 3
Breakfast included? NO Discount? ?
WiFi password seaviewhotel2000 Breakfast included? ?
Room number and floor 105, first floor WiFi password ?
Room number and floor ?
B Welcome to the Sea View Hotel. Checking in?  
A  Yes. I reserved a room in the name of ...

4A  Student B 4C  Student B

1 Ask and answer questions with Student A about the people in 1 Answer Student A’s questions. For question “a,” answer Yes, I have.
the chart. Use the present perfect + ever. Invent information for each question “b” if necessary.
B Has Nadia ever been to a music festival? A  No, she hasn’t.
2 Now ask Student A questions with the prompts. Use the present perfect
Nadia Henry Elena Oliver + ever for question “a,” and the simple past for question “b.” Then decide if
you think his/her answer is true.
go to a music festival ✔ ✘
A Have you ever lost something important?
watch a basketball game ✔ ✔
B Yes, I have.
see the Mona Lisa in Paris ✘ ✔
A What did you lose?
travel to another continent ✘ ✔ B I lost my credit card.
climb a mountain ✔ ✔ A I think that’s true.
study a foreign language ✔ ✔ B No, it’s not true!
dance all night ✔ ✔ a you / lost something important? b  What / you / lose?
sing in a band ✘ ✔ a you / fly / in a helicopter? b  Where / you / go?
a you / see / a lion? b  Where / you / see it?
2 Now imagine that you work for a dating agency. Work with a you / go / the UK? b  Which cities / you / visit?
Student A. Which two of the four people have the most similar a you / read / the same book several times? b  Which book / be / it?
interests? a you / eat / curry? b  What / you think of it?


5A Student B
1 Answer Student A’s questions using the frequency adverbs and 3 Look at the activities and ask Student A questions with
expressions. How often … ? Write down his/her answers.
1 download music
always usually sometimes often hardly ever never
2 send an e-mail
once/twice/three times a day/week/month
3 get angry
every day/week/month
4 cook dinner
5 read a newspaper
2 Tell the class what you found out about your partner. 6 dance

5C Student B
1 Answer Student A’s questions about pictures 1–4. 2 Look at pictures 5–8. Ask Student A questions to guess what is
A Is the woman in picture 5 going for a walk?  B No, she isn’t. happening.

1 2 5 6

3 4 7 8

6A Student B 7A Quiz results

For each answer A, score 0 points. For each answer B, score 1
1 Answer Student A’s questions.
2 Ask Student A What did you do … ? with the time expressions. Add the correct 0–1 points = tourist. You’re happiest sunbathing on a beach.
prepositions, if necessary. 2–3 points = traveler. You like to do something more unusual
on vacation.
December 31 an hour ago the weekend February Friday night last month 4–5 points = adventurer. The best vacation for you is six
months in the jungle!
B What did you do last year on December 31?
A I went to a street party with my friends and danced until midnight.

6D Student B
2 Read sentences 1–5 to Student A and listen to his/her responses.
1 Listen to Student A’s sentences and respond to show you 1 I have a new job.
are interested. 2 My car didn’t start this morning.
A I didn’t get home from work until 10:00 p.m. last night. 3 My sister wants to get married on a beach next year.
B You poor thing! What happened? 4 I had a terrible day yesterday.
5 I won a trip to India in a contest.


6C Student B
1 Answer your partner’s questions about Marilyn Monroe.
Remember, don’t use her name! Can Student A
guess who she is?

When / born? 1926

Where / grow up? California, U.S.
What / first job after finishing school? Factory worker
How many times / get married? Three times–to James Dougherty, Joe DiMaggio,
and Arthur Miller
Have / children? No
How / become famous? She made lots of movies, including Gentlemen
Prefer Blondes and How to Marry a Millionaire
When / die? 1962

2 Ask Student A questions about your mystery person and complete the chart. Can you guess who he is?

7A Student B
1 Listen to Student A’s sentences. Look at the information and say if 1 snakes (50,000 deaths/year); crocodiles (10,000 deaths/year); sharks (20
he/she is correct. Give more information using comparatives, deaths/year)
superlatives, and (not) as … as. 2 Brazil World Cup, 2014 (700 million viewers); Beijing Olympics, 2008 (600
Crocodiles aren’t as dangerous as snakes, but they’re more million viewers); Superbowl XLVI, 2012 (110 million viewers)
dangerous than sharks. 3 Bugatti Veyron (415 km./h); McLaren F1 (408 km./h); Porsche 959 (317 km./h)
4 Times Square, New York (80 decibels); Champs Élysées, Paris (79 decibels);
Exchange Square, Hong Kong (78 decibels)
2 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in parentheses and guess the answer. Student A will say if you are correct.
1 The river in the world is … (long) 3 The city in the world is … (crowded)

Buenos Aires, Manila,

Amazon River Yangtze River Nile River Argentina The Philippines Cairo, Egypt

2 The painting ever sold is … (expensive) 4 The musical artist is … (successful)

The Grand Nafea Faa The Card

Canal, Claude Ipoipo, Paul Players, Paul
Monet Gauguin Cézanne Madonna Michael Jackson The Beatles

8D Student B
1 You work for a rental car company. Student A will call to rent 2 You call a restaurant to reserve a table for tonight. Call Student A and
a car. Ask him/her questions and complete the form as accurately use the details below. Speak as quickly as possible!
as possible.
Name: Lysandra Apostolakis
Customer name: Phone number: 202-555-0110
Credit card: Time: 7:00 (but may be late)
Type of car: People: 8 adults, 4 children, 1 baby (need highchair for baby)
Pick up date and time:
Number of days:



1 Read the text about Harold Bride. Answer Harold Bride was working on the
Student A’s questions to help him/her Titanic when the ship sank over
complete the story. 100 years ago. He was a radio
operator who sent and received
2 Make questions for Student A. Use the
important information. He was
answers to complete the story.
on board when the ship began
1 When / the Titanic / begin / its voyage? its voyage from Southampton on
2 Why / he / go / to the radio room? 1 .
3 What / name of the nearest ship?
4 What / happen / while / Bride / send / On April 14 at 11:40 p.m., Bride was sleeping in his room when he heard a
the messages? terrible noise. He woke up and went straight to the radio room to 2 .
5 What / Bride / hold onto / in the water?
Just after midnight, Captain Edward Smith came in and said that the ship was
sinking. He asked Bride to send an emergency signal to any other ships in the
area. The nearest ship to respond was 3 , but, unfortunately, it didn’t
arrive until after the Titanic sank. While the 4 , Bride continued to send
messages. However, the equipment eventually stopped working and Bride went
to help release one of the last lifeboats. But the water forced the lifeboat and
the men into the freezing ocean.
Bride held onto the 5 and, after hours in the water, some sailors
rescued him and took him onto the Carpathia. He was badly hurt so he rested
for a while, but later he went to the radio room and began to send personal
messages from the survivors.

8A Student B
1 Answer Student A’s questions using the 2 Ask Student A questions with will. Check ( ) his/her answers in the chart.
phrases in the box. Give more information.
Do you think … likely possible unlikely impossible
Yes, I think I will. Yes, I probably will. you will go on vacation next summer?
Yes, I may. Yes, I might. you will travel abroad this year?
I don’t think I will. I probably won’t.
you will make any new friends this month?
I definitely won’t.
you will earn a lot of money in your next
A Do you think you will move in the job?
next five years? you will live to be 100 years old?
B Yes, I might. My downtown apartment is you will eat in a restaurant next week?
very small, and I want to look for a bigger one.

8C Student B Monday morning visit Aunt Emma in the hospital

1 You applied for a job at Student A’s company. He/She calls afternoon
you to set up an interview. Look at your day planner and find a Tuesday morning see the dentist at 10:00
time to have the interview. afternoon
A I’m free on Monday morning. Can we have the Wednesday morning
interview then? afternoon go to Jenny's birthday lunch
B I’m sorry, I’m visiting my aunt in the hospital.
Thursday morning take piano class
What about Monday afternoon?
Friday morning
afternoon play the piano at the jazz concert


Infinitive Past simple Past participle Infinitive Past simple Past participle

be was, were been meet met met

become became become pay paid paid

begin began begun put put put

bite bit bitten read (/riːd/) read (/red/) read (/red/)

break broke broken ride rode ridden

bring brought brought ring rang rung

build built built rise rose risen

buy bought bought run ran run

choose chose chosen say said said

come came come see saw seen

cost cost cost sell sold sold

do did done send sent sent

forbid forbade forbidden sleep slept slept

forget forgot forgotten speak spoke spoken

forgive forgave forgiven spend spent spent

get got gotten stand stood stood

give gave given steal stole stolen

go went gone stick stuck stuck

grow grew grown swim swam swum

have had had take took taken

hear heard heard teach taught taught

hide hid hidden tell told told

hold held held think thought thought

keep kept kept throw threw thrown

know knew known understand understood understood

leave left left wake woke woken

let let let wear wore worn

lose lost lost win won won

make made made write wrote written


back up sb/sth support sb; save sth

Phrasal verb Meaning
break down stop working
look after take care of
break out start suddenly (war, fire, disease) think one is better or more
look down on sb
break up end a relationship important
become exhausted through look forward to sth anticipate; be happy about
burn out
overwork look out for sb watch (protect)
call off sth cancel
look up to sb admire (respect)
carry out conduct an experiment (plan) become friendly after an
make up
catch on become popular argument
get information; do sth there mess up sth spoil (do sth badly)
catch up (on sth)
wasn’t time for miss out lose an opportunity
cheer up (sb) make happier
note down sth write sth to not forget it
come across find
pay sb back repay a loan
come back (to sth) return (to sth)
pay off be worthwhile
come together join
put up with sth accept without complaining
come up arise (an issue)
reach out (to sb) contact; show interest in
come up with invent
run out of sth not have enough
deal with sth take action; accept sth sell the last one and have no
sell out
do without sth manage without more of
separate without actively trying set up sth establish; prepare for use
drift apart
to settle down make a home with sb
figure out sth understand with careful thought
show up appear
be socially compatible (in
fit in stand out be better; be easy to see
harmony with)
get on (along) with have a good relationship talk sb into convince (persuade)

get out of (doing sth) avoid doing sth take after sb be similar to a family member

give away sth give something no longer needed take off not go to work; succeed

give in surrender tell sb off reprimand (scold)

return; know each other a long think over sth consider

go back (a long way)
time think up sth invent; think of a new idea
go through sth experience sth difficult throw out discard (get rid of)
grow up spend one’s childhood try out sth use sth to see if you like it
hang out spend time together turn up appear
hang up end a phone call turn up sth raise (the volume)
hang sth up put sth on a hook (hanger) turn down sth lower (the volume); refuse
have sb over invite sb to your house turn out happen (have a certain result)
hit (it) off get along very well use up sth finish (use completely)
prevent sb from moving ahead
hold sb back work out exercise; end successfully
let sb down disappoint
live up to fulfill


Level 2
Series Editor
Jim Scrivener
Genevieve White

1 Education, education! p 122

2 People p 128

3 On the move p 134

4 Enjoy yourself p 140

5 All about me p 146

6 Stories and pictures p 152

7 Keep on traveling p 158

8 The working world p 164



1 Education, education!

GRAMMAR: Simple past: questions VOCABULARY: School subjects and education

1 Choose the correct options to complete the 3 Complete the text with the words in the box.
1 What subjects was / did / were he study in elementary nursery homework
college? college exams high school
2 What / Who / Why was your favorite subject?
3 What / When / Why did you do after school?
4 When / What / Who was your best friend?
5 Did / Was / Were she have a lot of friends in
6 Who / How / Where did you eat lunch every
7 Were / Was / Did there a library in your In Scotland, children usually start 1 school
elementary school?
when they are three years old. They spend two years there,
8 How / What / Where did you play sports?
and then they go to 2 school when they are four
9 Who / Where / How was his first teacher in
or five. There they learn to read and write. They don’t take
high school?
3 – they play a lot and learn by doing things.
10 Was / Did / Were your teachers good?
They start 4 when they are twelve. They work
2 Complete the conversation with past of be or very hard, and have to do more 5 after school. If
simple past questions. they do well, when they finish high school, students can go to
6 when they are about eighteen.
Sara 1 were you yesterday? I
called you three times.
Martin I was with Peter. 4 Complete the sentences.
Sara Really? 2 did you do all 1 I love learning about other countries so my favorite subject is
day? g .
Martin First we went to the park, and later we 2 Ben hates m because he isn’t good with numbers.
played tennis. 3 Suki didn’t study very hard so she f her exam.
Sara And 3 did you go after 4 Which books are you reading in your l class?
that? 5 My little brother is only five, so he goes to k .
Martin In the evening, we went to the movies. 6 Victor decided to study l . He wants to speak French
Sara Ah, you went to the movies? and Russian.
Martin Yes, I 4 . 7 We love sports, so we always enjoy p
Sara 5 did you go with? Your e class.
friend Lisa? 8 When I finish school, I want to go to c .
Martin No, I 6 . I told you, I
went with Peter! What 7 PRONUNCIATION: Intonation in questions
you do all day?
Sara Well, I tried to call you. Then I 5 1.1 Read the questions. Do they have rising or falling
called Peter. intonation at the end? Listen, check, and repeat.
Martin Ah! 8 he there? 1 Did you go to kindergarten?
Sara Yes, he 9 . He was 2 Why didn’t you study art?
home. So, was he with you? 3 Who was your best friend in school?
Martin Ah, no. He 10 . 4 Was the lesson interesting?
5 Did you have homework on the weekend?

READING: Understanding words that you don’t know

Meet three students who found

out that it is never too late to learn!

Francisco Pardo
My dad was a self-employed builder. He had his own business and
wanted me to go and work with him, 1 I left high school
at sixteen. I didn’t like working as a builder, though – I was bored,
2 I started looking for something else. I bought a book
about computer programming and read it from start to finish. Ten years
later (and after a lot more reading and working with
computers), I work for a computer company.
I absolutely love it!

Bistra Nikolovo
I really liked school, but I thought that when I left
college that was the end of learning. Then I
discovered online studying. Last year I took courses
on Shakespeare, in Italian, and on astronomy – I’ve
always been interested in the stars! This year I’m
doing Spanish and film making. I don’t want to stop
3 I really enjoy learning this way!

Samantha Jones
I finished school without any real skills 4 I had my
daughter when I was eighteen. When she started high school, I
found that it was really tough helping her with her math homework.
I had to do something about it, 5 I took a night class.
My teacher was amazing, and I was really surprised that I could do
the work. In the end, I went to college and studied teaching. I’m still
doing that now – I work in an elementary school.

3 Find the words in the text. Are they nouns (N),

adjectives (A), or verbs (V)?
1 bored
1 Read the text and answer each question with a word, 2 discovered
a name or a number. 3 astronomy
1 What did Francisco study after he left school? 4 skills
5 tough
2 What job did Francisco’s father want him to do? 6 amazing

3 Who is taking online courses? 4 Match 1–6 in exercise 3 with meanings a–f.
4 Which language did Bistra study last year? a something you learn from practice and study
b the study of the moon, stars, etc.
5 How old was Samantha when she started a family?
c not easy, difficult

6 What is Samantha’s job? d really good, surprising

e found out about
2 Complete 1–5 in the text with because or so. f not interested


GRAMMAR: Verb patterns: verb + to VOCABULARY: Resolutions

3 Choose the correct options to complete the text.
1 Complete the text with to + the verbs in the
box. There are two extra verbs. It’s a new year and a new you! My name’s Penelope Powers,
do travel move make and I’m a life coach. Do you want to get in shape and 1
become start get study more exercise? I can help you with your goals – and if you
want to 2 a marathon, I can make it happen! Perhaps
We’re in our last year at school, and we’re you’d like more money? Do you want to 3 a car or your
dream house? Or maybe you need to 4 a new job? I can
all planning what we want
1 give you lots of good ideas for when you 5 an interview.
next year. Emile’s family
want 2 to Australia, so he’s Of course, relationships are important, too. When you work
going to look for a job there. My friend hard, it’s difficult to 6 someone new. I can help you 7
Roberto hopes 3 a doctor a relationship or 8 new friends. So, if you want to make a
after college. He needs 4 new start this year, let me know!
saving some money to pay for his studies.
And me? I’m planning 5 1 a be b go c get
English so I can teach it one day. I’d like 2 a get b run c have
6 around the world with this 3 a buy b make c save
job. 4 a be b get c earn
5 a have b make c save
6 a make b meet c join
2 Complete the sentences with a to infinitive 7 a improve b run c meet
or the -ing form of the verbs in parentheses.
8 a be b make c lose
Some sentences have two answers.
1 Do you like in the sea? (swim) 4 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
2 We’d love your new 1 Tony really needs to in shape. He drives
boyfriend! (meet) everywhere and watches too much TV.
3 Jack doesn’t like his parents’ 2 My boss isn’t happy with me. She says I need to
car. (drive) more organized.
4 William is learning Japanese 3 I love my job, but I’d like to more money.
this year. (speak)
4 You don’t need to your diet. You already drink lots
5 My uncle offered us to the of water and eat healthy food.
station. (take)
5 We need to some money if we want to go on
6 Would you like in our new vacation to Greece.
armchair? (sit)
6 She wants to weight. Her clothes are too small.
7 They decided married next
7 Oskar’s planning to a gym next month.
year. (get)
8 My sister’s a salesclerk, but she wants to a new
8 Will he agree you on Friday
job as a receptionist.
evening? (meet)
9 His dog loves with a soccer
ball in the park. (play) PRONUNCIATION: ’d like and like
10 Did Olivia choose sneakers or
sandals? (wear)
5 1.2 Say the sentences. How do we say ’d like and like?
Listen, check, and repeat.
1 I’d like to go downtown this afternoon.
2 They’d like to have a barbecue.
3 We like eating healthy food.
4 I like my new boss.
5 We’d like to speak Spanish.
6 They like staying in shape.

SPEAKING: Sounding sympathetic

3 1.4   Talia talks to Rakeem about a problem that

she’s having. Complete the conversation. Then listen
and check.

Rakeem Is everything okay with you, Talia?

Talia Yes, but my roommate is very noisy.
It’s difficult to study there.
Rakeem Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that.
1 you look for another
Talia I’m not sure I 2 . It’s
expensive to change apartments.
Rakeem 3 you talk to your
roommate? Tell her that you need to
study. I’m sure she’ll try her best to
be quieter.
Talia That’s a 4 idea.
Rakeem How 5 studying when
she’s not at home?
Talia Yes, maybe. She’s not there this
weekend! 6 have dinner
at my apartment tomorrow night.
Rakeem That’s a 7 idea!
1 1.3 Listen to the conversation between two
friends. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
1 Rakeem has a lot of English homework.
4 Complete the phrases for sounding sympathetic.
2 He did badly on an exam. 1 You thing!
3 He wants to find a part-time job. 2 Oh no! I’m to hear that!
4 Rakeem needs some extra money. 3 That’s a !
5 He doesn’t think it’s a good idea to talk to 4 How !
his family.
6 He can’t sleep because of his problems. 5 1.5   Listen to four situations. Respond using an
expression from exercise 4. Sound sympathetic.
7 Talia thinks that the English teacher is a good
person to ask for help.
8 Talia says that Rakeem needs to stay at
6 1.6   Now listen to the situations again and write
home tonight. the response that you hear. Then listen again and
2 1.3 Order the words to make sentences from the 1 A I've fallen out with my sister. We're not speaking!
conversation. Then listen again and check. B .
1 you / work / take / off / some / time / can / from 2 A I’m having a lot of problems with my boyfriend.
? B .
2 should / not / I’m / sure / I 3 A That math exam was awful. I’m sure I failed it.
B .
3 don’t / talk / with / why / you / your / family
4 A I lost my wallet! And it had all my money in it.
B .
4 good / that’s / a / idea
5 visiting / tomorrow / about / your / how / teacher /
6 do / let’s / fun / tonight / something



Tom and Sam talk about

Belinda's school days.

1 1.7 Listen to the podcast about Belinda’s 1 Read the blog on page 127 about someone who
school days. Check ( ) the subjects you hear. made a big change in his life. Number sentences
a–e in the order the things happened (1–5).
a PE
b music a Aapo met lots of new people.
c math b Aapo's friends gave him advice about how
to be happier.
d history
c Aapo found out about an ice climbing club.
e IT
d Aapo decided not to go to college.
f languages
e Aapo felt very unhappy with his life.
g literature
h art 2 Use the information in the blog to answer the
i geography questions with one or two words.

2 1.7Listen again. Choose the correct options to

1 How old was Aapo when he decided to make a
change in his life?
answer the questions.
1 What kind of school did Belinda go to? 2 Where did his friends tell him to go to get
a a school with no adults. exercise?
b a school with no teachers.
2 Did Belinda like the school? 3 What did Aapo see that sounded interesting?
a Yes, she was happy there.
4 What did Aapo decide to learn more about?
b No, she didn’t like it.

3 1.7 Listen again. Complete the sentences with 5 Which other activity is like ice climbing?
one or two words.
6 Where does Aapo live?
1 Sam’s favorite subjects were music .
2 Belinda finished school . 7 What do you have to do so that you don’t fall
3 Now, she’s studying art and in when you’re climbing?
4 The adults at the school helped the students with 8 What is different about Aapo’s life now?
any .
5 At the start of the week, the students worked in
6 Belinda often went on trips to the
and .



Guest blogger Taylor hears

from a young man about
how he changed his life.
Do you feel you need to make some resolutions? Perhaps you want to change your life, but
you’re not sure how to go about it? Here’s Aapo Virtanen’s story. He wanted to get in shape
and lose weight, and thanks to a new hobby, everything changed.

It was a few months before my nineteenth Ice climbing is an extreme sport. It’s similar
birthday. I lived at home, didn’t have a to rock climbing, but the rocks you climb
girlfriend, and I was overweight. School are icy! I live in the north of Finland, so in
wasn’t good either – I failed all my exams, the winter there is a lot of ice to climb. It’s
and I didn’t have the grades I needed to get pretty dangerous, of course, but I love it.
into college. Nothing was going right! When you are ice climbing, you can’t think
about anything else. If you don’t think
My friends told me I needed to change.
carefully about what you are doing, you
They said, "You should get more exercise
could fall. It makes your brain feel really
and get in shape. And you really need to
alive, too. And I’ve made some great new
lose weight! Why not go to the gym?" But
friends doing it.
I don’t like going to the gym – I just find
it really boring. I wanted to do something A year later, everything has changed – and
different, but I wasn’t sure what. Then I saw everything’s better! I’m in better shape,
a poster about an ice climbing club. I didn’t and I’m also very slim. I now realize that
know what ice climbing was, but it sounded college isn’t for me. I want to get a job so
interesting, so I decided to find out more. I that I can earn money. I need to save a few
called the contact person and went to the hundred euros so that I can train to be an
first meeting. That was the beginning of a ice climbing teacher. Then I can ice climb all
new life for me. day, every day!


2 People

GRAMMAR: Comparative adjectives VOCABULARY: Adjectives to describe places

1 Complete the sentences with the 3 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
comparative form of the adjectives in
1 We need to go shopping. The fridge and cabinets are !
a safe b crowded c empty
1 My grandparents’ house is
2 I can’t see anything at all outside. It’s really .
than ours. (big)
a ugly b dark c light
2 Sam was than his older
brother. (friendly) 3 It can be with so many fast cars on the road.
3 This exercise is than the last a unfriendly b great c dangerous
one. (easy) 4 Sasha didn’t like her new school. Everyone was very .
4 Which is – New York or a beautiful b unfriendly c crowded
Paris? (far) 5 I made some vegetable soup yesterday, but it tasted !
5 These boots are than your a horrible b ugly c dark
old ones. (nice) 6 It was a day, so they decided to go to the beach.
6 Is the weather in the spring a friendly b beautiful c safe
or the fall? (bad)
7 Walking in town is than bike 4 Complete the sentences with adjectives with the opposite
riding. (safe) meaning.
8 The food in this café is than
1 Everyone loves Anna. She’s a really unfriendly girl.
my cooking! (good)
2 Is it dangerous to go out at night in your city?
9 It was yesterday than it is
today. (hot) 3 Look at that building! Don’t you think it’s beautiful ?
10 The bus was than the train. 4 The streets in this town aren’t very dark at night.
(fast) 5 I don’t like taking the bus because it’s always empty .
6 This pizza is really terrible . Would you like some?
2 Use the prompts to write sentences.
1 most stores / bit / expensive / the market PRONUNCIATION: -er endings
2 New York / much / crowded / my city 5 2.1   Say the sentences. How do we say the comparative
adjectives? Listen, check, and repeat.
3 the library / quiet / our classroom 1 Her shoes were cheaper than mine.
. 2 The country is quieter than the city.
4 skiing / lot / dangerous / walking 3 You’re always busier than me!
! 4 Is your car safer than Alex’s?
5 the park / noisy / a club 5 Anna was friendlier than her cousin.
. 6 Is Madrid bigger than Barcelona?
6 your niece / smart / your nephew 7 His hair was darker than yours.
? 8 It’s noisier here than in class.

LISTENING: Listening for detailed information (1)

1 2.2   You will hear an interview about a model 4 What does Leon say is important for a model?
agency. Check ( ) the words you think you’ll hear. a lots of clothes
Then listen and check. b a good appearance
c his or her character
a elderly e bald
5 How successful is Leon's business?
b slim f young a It’s not very successful at all.
c tall g overweight b It’s doing better now.
d thin h middle-aged c It’s changing all the time.

2 2.2   Listen again. Write the words you hear 4 Order the letters to make appearance words.
instead of the underlined words. 1 DLNOB
1 He owns a model agency. 2 UCYLR
2 Their appearance is very different. 3 GRREINA
3 Many of us are bored with seeing beautiful 4 STHCMUEA
models. 5 AFIR
4 I really liked clothes and fashion. 6 MMDUIE-HELNTG
5 Models don’t always need to be pretty. 7 YGRA
6 At first, it wasn’t easy. 8 ABEDRDE
3 2.2   Read the questions carefully. Then listen
again and choose the correct answers. 10 S S S G L A E

1 When did Leon start his model agency business? 5 2.3   Read the sentences and underline the words
a last year that you think have weak forms. Listen and check.
b five months ago
c three years ago 1 I mean, their appearance is pretty different!
2 What does Leon say about his models? 2 My models are very different from usual models.
a They don’t look like most models. 3 What an interesting idea!
b They are all very beautiful. 4 At first, it was difficult.
c They are all young.
5 People like looking at my models.
3 Why didn’t Leon become a model?
a He didn’t want to change his appearance.
b He didn’t like his hair.
c He wanted a more traditional job.


GRAMMAR: Superlative adjectives VOCABULARY: Personality adjectives

1 Complete the sentences with the superlative forms 3 Order the letters to make personality adjectives.
of the adjectives in the box.
1 He is very neitcdonf in France because he speaks
good bad big safe French well.
crowded old far friendly
2 She's really onersgue. She always gets me a birthday
1 This magazine says that person in the present.
country is 112!
2 Which is star from Earth? 3 It is important to be tolepi by opening doors for
3 Alberto won a competition for painting people.
in the art class.
4 That’s cake in the store! We only need 4 I like relfhuec people who smile a lot.
a small one.
5 What’s city in Europe? I want to go 5 She is not very kavtlieta. I think she is shy.
traveling on my own.
6 I got score on the test – I didn’t get 6 My sister is really sratm. She passed all her exams.
any answers right!
7 Mumbai is city in India. About twenty
million people live there.
4 Complete the personality adjectives.
8 Who is teacher in your school? 1 Max can’t swim, so he was very b to
jump into the water.
2 Complete the text with the correct words. 2 We all laugh a lot when Wahid’s here. He’s a really
f student.
3 "Can I carry your bag for you?" "Thanks, that’s
extremely k ".
4 Our cat’s very l . It sleeps most of the
5 My sister’s not s at all – she makes
friends with everyone.
6 Everyone likes my chemistry teacher, but my music
teacher’s not very p .

PRONUNCIATION: Superlative adjectives

5 2.4   Say the sentences. How do we say the
superlative adjectives? Listen, check, and repeat.
1 What’s the most exciting place in the world?
I go to a photography club every Thursday, 2 She’s the kindest girl I know.
and last week we gave out end-of-year prizes. 3 He is the laziest boy in the school.
Everybody likes Sara, so we decided she was 4 Ella is the most popular girl in the club.
the 1 popular girl in the club. Ben 5 It’s the funniest movie of the year.
is friends with everyone – so he got a prize for 6 Who’s the most relaxed person in your family?
2 nicest person. Lucy always takes 7 Is she the most beautiful woman in the country?
fantastic pictures – she got a prize for the 8 My nicest present was this necklace.
3 photo. But Mara took the
4 exciting photo – it was of a
car race. Her dad had the 5 car,
so he won. It was a great evening, and I was
really happy. In fact, I think it was one of the
6 days of my life!

WRITING: Writing a description of a person

A Woman I Admire
A Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in Florence, Italy, but her
family was British. After a year, they moved back to England. Later,
Florence became a nurse and helped a lot of people. She was an
attractive, slim woman with long brown hair and a lovely smile.

B Florence’s parents wanted her to get married, but she decided to

travel and to learn about the science of nursing. She was a nurse in
hospitals in Turkey during the Crimean war against Russia. These
hospitals were dangerous and very dirty, and it was extremely
difficult working there. Florence tried very hard to make the
hospitals cleaner and safer places.

C I admire Florence Nightingale because she was strong and one of

the bravest women at that time. Women usually stayed at home
then, but Florence did what she thought was right. Her story
inspired me, and I want to be a nurse, too.

1 Read the text about Florence Nightingale. Which 3 Join the sentences using a clause with when. Write
paragraphs give the information below? Write A, B, or C. two versions for each sentence.
1 why the writer admires her Example
2 facts about her life When she was young, she lived in Italy. / She lived in
3 where she was from Italy when she was young.
4 what she believed 1 Florence was a baby. That’s when her family moved
5 what her job was to England.
6 what she looked like
2 Complete the sentences about Florence Nightingale. 2 There was a war against Russia. At that time, Florence
Use a verb from the box in the simple past. worked as a nurse.
travel  make  do  work  not be 
be (x2)  not want  help  want  become .
3 Florence was young. At that time, women usually
1 Florence Nightingale Italian, but she
stayed at home.
born in Italy.

2 She to get married. She a
nurse, instead. .
3 She to learn about nursing, so she
to Turkey. 4 Write a description of someone you admire. Include
4 She in hospitals in Turkey and tried to the information below:
make them safer. Paragraph 1: Where is he/she from? What does he/she
5 She a lot of soldiers and do? What does he/she look like?
what she thought was right. Paragraph 2: What are the important events and
6 She a brave and attractive woman, and achievements in his/her life?
a real difference to people’s lives. Paragraph 3: Why do you admire this person?



Tom and Sam talk about sisters Mara

and Laura.

1 2.5   Listen to the podcast about two sisters. 1 Read the blog on page 133 about some of the
Choose the correct answers. best places in the world to visit. What does
the blog say? Choose the correct options to
1 What do Mara and Laura do?
complete the sentences.
a Mara’s a theater director and Laura’s an actress.
1 The best view is from the Grand Canyon / Mount
b They’re both actresses.
2 Do they have similar personalities and appearance?
2 Reykjavik is one of the coldest / friendliest cities.
a Yes, they do.
3 The people in Auckland are very kind / shy.
b No, they don’t.
4 Switzerland is the most dangerous / safest
2 2.5   Listen again. Are the sentences about
Mara (M) or Laura (L)? 5 Scottish people are the nicest / most talkative.

1 She was a quiet and polite child. 2 Complete the sentences with one or two words
2 She’s two years older than her sister. from the blog.
3 She’s tall and slim. 1 Mount Ararat is a very tall in
4 She has long, black hair. Turkey.
5 She’s a little overweight. 2 Readers decided that the city in
6 She has brown, curly hair. the world is Auckland.
3 One reader said that he/she talked to lots of
3 2.5   Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or when he/she was in New Zealand.
false (F)? 4 The places that are safe to visit aren’t always
1 Mara works at a theater in Madrid. , as well.
2 Laura is less famous than her sister. 5 A female traveler said she was happy walking in
of Switzerland at night.
3 Mara often has a lot of problems with Laura.
6 Readers said that the Czech Republic, Denmark,
4 Mara often plays talkative or funny
and Canada were also very places.
7 The food was the deep-fried bar
5 Mara prefers the parts that her sister plays.
of chocolate.



Tom and Sam look at the best

and worst places to visit.

You have your say

We all love traveling, but what are the best – and the worst – places to go to?
Here are some of our readers’ ideas. Do you agree with them?

Many people think that the best view is the
Grand Canyon in Arizona, but 60% of our readers say
that Mount Ararat in Turkey is even more beautiful! This
5,000-meter-high volcano is an awesome sight – if you
go there, take a picnic and make sure you have your
camera with you!

We often think of cities as crowded places where
people never stop to speak to each other. It doesn’t
have to be this way! Many of you voted for Reykjavik in
Iceland. The weather may be cold, but the people are not
unfriendly – lots of our readers wrote in to say how kind
and welcoming people in this city are. However, in our
readers’ opinion, the people of Auckland, New Zealand
are even happier to talk. One traveler said, "I can’t count
the number of times strangers came up and started
speaking to me. And on a three-week visit I got invited to
dinner five times. Wow!"


Sadly, some of the most exciting countries in the world
can also be quite dangerous. But safe doesn’t have to
mean boring. Our readers voted the lovely mountainous
Switzerland as the safest country to visit. One female
traveler said, "I feel totally safe walking around at night,
even when it’s dark, and the streets are empty." Sounds
good to us! Denmark, Canada, and the Czech Republic
were also on the top of the safe places list.

We’re sorry, Scotland, but the prize goes to you! Many
people voted for a deep-fried chocolate bar. One reader
said, "This was horrible. I need to lose weight! I didn't
want to eat a deep-fried dessert." We hope our Scottish
readers don’t feel too bad though – our readers also
think Scotland has the nicest people!


3 On the move

GRAMMAR: Have to/don’t have to VOCABULARY: Travel and transportation

1 Choose the correct options to complete the 3 Order the letters to make words for travel and transportation.
1 The New York yuwsba is often very crowded.
1 She save money because she’s going 2 When my grandmother was 80, she had a ride in a poctrelieh
to college next year. .
a have to b don’t have to c has to 3 You have to wear a helmet to travel by toromylcec
2 Do you take the train or can you ride .
your bike? 4 Lots of people travel by restoco in Italy.
a have to b have c has to 5 Our rryef takes five hours to cross the sea.
3 He go to work this morning. 6 I prefer to travel by sbu . It’s cheap and relaxing.
a have to b doesn’t have to
c don’t have to 4 Look at the pictures. Write the words.
4 You wash the dishes – I can do it.
1 2
a don’t have to b have to c has to
5 We visit our grandfather tomorrow.
a has to b doesn’t have to c have to
6 I have to go to bed early because it’s
a has b don’t c doesn’t
7 She do her homework before she can 3 4
play online games.
a has to b have to c don’t have to
8 Are you coming to New Zealand? You
visit me!
a doesn’t have to b has to c have to
5 6
2 Complete the e-mail with the correct form
of have to/don’t have to.

Dear Maria,
How are you? Dad and I are both well. Ella is
working in a store on Saturdays because she 1 3 5
1 to save money to buy clothes! 2 4 6
What is your house like? Is it near your college?
Do you 2 to take the bus, or can
you walk? I hope you 3 have to
PRONUNCIATION: have to/has to
get up too early in the morning! Are you eating
well? Remember, it 4 have to be
5 3.1   Say the sentences. How do we say have to and has to?
Listen, check, and repeat.
expensive to cook a delicious meal. I hope you
can come home next weekend for your brother’s 1 Does she have to speak English at work?
birthday. So you don’t 5 to do your 2 Do you have to go to bed early?
wash this week, I can do it when you’re here. What
3 He doesn’t have to cook this evening.
are you doing tomorrow? I 6 have
to get up early because it’s Sunday. And your 4 He has to finish his homework.
father? Yes, he 7 because he 8 5 You have to visit me in Turkey.
walk the dog! 6 I don’t have to work tomorrow.
Love from Mom X

READING: Reading for detail
Two friends, two different opinions …
Best friends Cara and Vanessa went on vacation together for the
first time this summer. Are they still friends? Read and find out!

I was so happy when Cara and I decided to go on
vacation together this summer. Cara is my best
friend, and I was really looking forward to it. In the
end, though, it wasn’t so great.
Cara is very energetic, but I like to relax on vacation.
She wanted to take the train and go sightseeing in
different towns and cities – but I wanted to stay on
the beach! She said, "You’re on vacation! You have
to see things! You can’t just sleep all the time". Cara
We spent a lot of money on sightseeing and other Vanessa is a really great friend, and we had a wonderful
activities. I don’t think you have to spend money to vacation together. She was a bit tired sometimes – maybe
have fun. Maybe Cara disagrees with that, though! that was just because the weather was too hot.
We will definitely stay friends, but we probably won’t We did so many fun things – we took a ferry to a little
go on vacation together again. island, we walked for miles through beautiful countryside,
and I think we saw all the sights, too. One day we even did
a parachute jump! That was certainly my favorite part of
the trip.
1 Look at the title and the pictures. What do you think Next summer, we’re probably going on vacation together
the text is about? again. Possibly a sports vacation next time? I can’t wait!
a two friends who had a great vacation together
b two friends who don’t feel the same about their
vacation 5 What type of vacation does want them to go on
c two friends who had a terrible vacation together next year?
a a beach vacation
2 Read the questions and options. Fill in the blanks with b a sports vacation
the words in the box. There are two extra words. c a shopping vacation

do Cara best time Vanessa feel money

3 Now choose the correct options to answer the
questions in exercise 2.
1 How did Vanessa before she went on vacation
with Cara?
4 Order the words to make sentences.
a happy and excited
1 go on vacation / I / with Vanessa / want to / next year
b tired and sad
c bored
2 What did Vanessa want to on vacation?
2 prefers / vacations / maybe / relaxing / Vanessa
a go sightseeing
b relax on the beach
3 spent / we / too / money / much / probably
c travel by train
3 Why did they spend a lot of ?
4 going on / sports vacation / a / next summer /
a Their hotel was expensive. possibly / we’re
b They ate in expensive restaurants. .
c They did a lot of sightseeing. 5 enjoyed / her / my vacation / I / with / certainly
4 What did Cara like about the trip? .
a the parachute jump 6 our friend / is going / to come / next year / Mandy /
b the weather perhaps
c the ferry trip .


GRAMMAR: Be going to and future VOCABULARY: Vacation activities

time expressions
3 Choose the correct options to complete the e-mail.
1 Choose the correct options to complete the
1 Are / Is / Am your girlfriend going to come Hi Carla,
with us?
I’m having a great time here in Crete! It’s a really beautiful
2 I ’m not / ’re not / ’s not going to finish all
these French fries.
place. We’re 1 at a hotel near the sea. You know I love
relaxing on the 2 or 3 the pool, so this is perfect for
3 "Are you going to eat that slice of bread?"
me! We’re here for ten days before we come home.
"Yes, I is / are / am".
4 They ’s not going / not going / ’re not going There’s only one problem. Mom and Dad want us to 4
to stay at a hotel. sightseeing and visit 5 . I don’t want to! It’s really hot,
5 "Is he going to be late for class again?" "No, and I don’t enjoy looking at old buildings!
he 's not / 're not / is". My brother Sam is having a lot of fun, too. He 6 surfing
6 Are / Is / Am you going to buy some new all day, every day!
See you soon,
7 We isn’t going / are going / not going to visit
Paris this month. Daphne
8 "Are the children going to get dressed
soon?" "Yes, they aren’t / is / are".
1 a staying b going c visiting
2 Complete the text with the correct form of 2 a mountains b beach c surfing
going to.
3 a by b on c to
4 a be b get c go
5 a campsites b museums c mountains
6 a has b does c goes

4 Complete the sentences.

1 We went on v to Florida. It rained every day!
2 I really want to go swimming. Can we go to the b
3 In the summer, I love sitting by the p reading a book.
I’m really excited about my plans for the 4 We enjoy walking, so we’re going h in Peru.
5 Where did you stay? Were you at a c ?
summer. First, I 1 work for
6 Mario loves old paintings – he wants to v an art
two weeks in a café. I 2 go
gallery tomorrow.
out because I have to save money. After
that, my cousin Kinga 3 PRONUNCIATION: Sentence stress
come to visit me from Hungary. We
4 go traveling around Europe. 5 3.2   Say the sentences. Listen and repeat.

I can’t wait! Her parents 5 1 I’m going to stay with friends.

come to my house, too, but they 6 2 We’re going to be more organized.

3 You’re not going to run a marathon.
go traveling with us. Kinga
4 He’s not going to have an interview.
and I 7 take the bus – the
5 Is she going to swim with us?
train is much faster. Where 8
6 Are you going to see Ernesto tonight?
stay? I don’t know yet! But I know it 9
be anywhere expensive,
because Kinga 10 have much

SPEAKING: Checking information
3 Complete the phrases to check information.
1 You’ve reserved for six nights and are checking out on
Friday. Is that ?
2 Thank you. My room’s on the seventh floor,
3 you say breakfast starts at eight thirty?

4 Are the phrases in exercise 3 formal (F), neutral (N), or

informal (I)?
1 3.3   Listen to the conversation at a hotel. Choose
the correct answers.
1 Mr Gutiérrez is staying at the Amberton Hotel for 5 3.4   Listen to five sentences. Who says them?
nights. Write receptionist (R) or guest (G).
a three b four c five
2 He is staying on the floor.
a seventh b eighth c ninth 2

3 They start breakfast at in the morning. 3

a seven b eight c nine 4
2 3.3   Complete the conversation with the words in
the box. Listen again and check. 6 3.4   Listen again. Respond and check the
information with the receptionist or guest.
spell checking password sign reservation
floor reserved key breakfast ID
7 You are a guest in a hotel. Respond to the
receptionist's comments. Use a formal (F), neutral (N),
Receptionist Good afternoon. Welcome to the or informal (I) phrase.
Amberton Hotel. 1 in?
Mr Gutiérrez Yes. I have a 2 under the 1 Receptionist "Dinner is from 7:30 p.m.
name of Gutiérrez. to 9:45 p.m."
Receptionist Could you 3 your last You .
name, please? 2 Receptionist "The price for a double room
Mr Gutiérrez Yes, it’s G-U-T-I-E-R-R-E-Z. is $125".
Receptionist You’ve 4 for three nights (F)
You .
and are checking out on Friday. Is that
correct? 3 Receptionist "There’s WiFi in every room".
Mr Gutiérrez Yes, that’s right. You .
Receptionist Ah, yes. Can I have your 4 Receptionist "Your room is on the eleventh
5 , please? floor".
Mr Gutiérrez Yes, of course. (N)
You .
Receptionist Can you 6 this
form, please? OK. Here’s your 5 Receptionist "There’s a gym in the hotel".
7 . You’re on the ninth You .
floor. 6 Receptionist "Breakfast's not included in
Mr Gutiérrez What’s the WiFi 8 ? the price".
Receptionist It’s Amberton, the name of the hotel. (N)
You .
Mr Gutiérrez Great, thanks! And what time is
9 ?
Receptionist It’s from seven to nine.
Mr Gutiérrez Thank you. Which 10
did you say? The eighth?
Receptionist The ninth. Enjoy your stay.
Mr Gutiérrez Thank you!



Tom and Sam talk about

an unusual journey.

1 3.5   Listen to the podcast about an unusual trip. 1 Read the blog on page 139 about vacation jobs.
Are the sentences about Ben true (T) or false (F)? Complete the sentences with Kyra, Oliver, or Stefano.
1 He finished his trip in the spring. 1 had a job working with older people.
2 He is traveling to places that begin 2 is going to teach children art.
with the same letter. 3 stayed at a campsite last year.
3 He is planning to visit the beach. 4 went to the Mediterranean.
4 He will go sightseeing in Bolivia. 5 worked in two different countries.
5 He is going to Tokyo next year. 6 likes working with children.

2 3.5   Listen again. Choose the correct answers. 2 Are the sentences true (T), false (F), or doesn’t say
1 Where did Ben start his trip after his flight? (DS)?
a Belgium 1 You need a lot of money to travel around
b Britain the world.
c Budapest
2 You have to be in shape to pick fruit.
2 How is Ben going to travel to Bolivia?
3 Picking fruit is an easy job and it pays well.
a by plane
b by bike 4 Kyra ate a lot of fruit when she was in France.
c by bus 5 You can do different kinds of jobs on a cruise
3 Ben's not working for months. ship.
a three 6 Oliver didn't like working on a cruise ship
b four 7 The people working on a cruise ship have to be
c six young.
4 What does Ben say is interesting about Bosnia? 8 You have to like children to work at some
a its beaches campsites.
b the history
9 Stefano is going to teach the children English.
c everything
10 At the vacation camp, the children can
5 Where will Ben go surfing?
go hiking.
a Bosnia
b Belize
c Bolivia
6 Which of the places doesn’t Ben mention?
a Toledo
b Tokyo
c Turkey



Guest blogger Penny writes about

working in different countries. Work your way
around the world
Do you want to go traveling, but you have no money? Don’t worry! You don’t have to be rich
to see the world. There are lots of ways you can visit different countries and earn money at
the same time. Here are some of my top ideas.


This is a popular way for young people to travel the world. You can pick grapes
in France, oranges in Spain, and olives in Greece. You have to be in shape and
enjoy outdoor life, but it’s a lot of fun, and you can make friends from lots of
different countries. Kyra Scott traveled around Europe picking fruit last year:
"I started in the UK, where I picked strawberries. Then I went to France and
picked peaches. It can be hard work, and I didn’t earn much money. But I
made enough to pay for the campsite and to buy food. I also had as much
fruit as I could eat – I don’t think I ever want to see another strawberry!"

Cruise ships take thousands of vacationers every
year to some of the world’s most beautiful towns
and cities, so they’re always looking for staff to wash
dishes, serve food, or clean the cabins. You have
to work long hours, but the pay can be pretty good.
Oliver Baum worked on a cruise ship this summer,
traveling around the Mediterranean: "It was a fantastic
experience. The guests were all elderly, and they
were mostly really polite and friendly. I really enjoyed
looking after them!"


If you like working with other people, why not look
for a job at a campsite? Vacation camps are always
looking for young people to help with entertainment
and activities. If you like children, this can be an
excellent job. Stefano Rossi says: "I’m going to work
at a campsite in Spain next year. I’m going to look
after children in the morning. They do painting and
drama and lots of other activities, like surfing. You
don’t have to speak Spanish, as lots of the vacationers
are American or British – but it helps if you do!"

You see? No money – no problem! Start making your travel plans now!


4 Enjoy yourself

GRAMMAR: Present perfect with VOCABULARY: Entertainment

ever and never
3 Complete the text with the words in the box. There is one extra
1 Order the words to make sentences and word.
questions in the present perfect.
concerts artist singer match exhibit bands opera
1 ever / you / the Northern Lights / seen /
? Although my town is small, there’s a lot to do. This weekend,
2 have / a blog / written / they / never I went to a really interesting art 1 at the gallery near my
. house. I saw some beautiful paintings. I met the 2 and
3 has / this book / read / he / ever it was really interesting hearing him talk about his work. My
? city is also famous for music. There’s a festival every year, and
4 gone / never / together / we’ve / bowling many 3 from different countries come to play. There’s
. a small jazz club near my house, too. It stays open late and
5 ever / we / your sister-in-law / have / met has great 4 ! If you prefer classical music, you can see an
? 5 . I love the music – when I was younger I wanted to be
6 has / never / karate / done / he
an opera 6 . It didn’t happen, but I still love watching
and dreaming!
2 Complete the conversation with the
present perfect form of the verbs in
parentheses. 4 Complete the words.
1 We love movies with Daniel Radcliffe. He’s a brilliant
Marta I’m having a party on Saturday! a r.
Do you want to help? I need to be
2 The basketball p s were really happy when their
really organized! team won.
Piotr 1 (I/never/
3 I saw Swan Lake at the theater last night. It’s my favorite
organize) a party before. But I’d
b t.
love to help!
4 How many m s are in the band?
Marta Great, thanks.
2 (you/ever/ 5 I don’t mind watching baseball on TV, but I’ve never been to
make) pizza? ag e.
Piotr No, 3 (I/not)! 6 There were two d s and a traditional Spanish
guitarist in the show.
Marta That’s OK. 4
(I/never/make) one either!
Piotr 5 (Sam/ever/
PRONUNCIATION: Sentence stress
cook) for a party? We could ask him.
Marta Great idea! 6
5 4.1   Say the sentences. Listen and repeat.

(he/have) lots of parties. 1 Have you ever been to this gallery?

7 (I/be) to 2 I’ve never played the violin.
some of them. 3 I’ve served food in a café.
Piotr But 8 (I/not/ 4 Have you ever been to a rock concert?
see) him this week. Is he at home? 5 I haven’t tried Vietnamese food.
Marta Oh no! I remember now. 6 I haven’t been to Canada.
9 (he/leave) to
7 I’ve been to Poland.
visit his aunt and uncle in
Germany! He comes back next 8 I’ve never written a song.

LISTENING: Listening for detailed information (2)

1 4.2   Listen to the conversation about birthdays. 3 Listen again. Answer the questions. Write complete
Which adjectives describe the things below? sentences.
1 Layla’s last birthday amazing / boring / terrible 1 How many of Layla’s friends and family were on the
2 Peter’s last birthday stupid / awesome / strange train to Vancouver?
3 the ending of the movie sad / interesting / exciting .
4 the Thanksgiving costumes awful / scary / fun 2 How long did Layla and her friends and family go to
Vancouver for?
2 4.2   Listen again. Choose the correct answers. .
1 Who is Ben? 3 How did Peter's girlfriend feel after the movie?
a Layla’s father .
b Layla’s friend 4 Has Layla had a costume party before?
c Layla’s cousin
2 How did Layla get to Vancouver?
a by bus 4 4.3   Read the sentences. Mark the links between
b by train words. Listen, check, and repeat.
c by car
1 Last year I had an amazing birthday.
3 Who took Peter to see a play?
a his girlfriend 2 My cousin organized a surprise party for me.
b Layla 3 I thought I was going to see an action movie.
c his best friend 4 Everyone can get dressed up in really fun costumes.
4 When is Layla’s birthday? 5 I had one when I was eight years old.
a November 22nd
b November 23rd
c November 24th
5 What kind of party does Peter suggest?
a a surprise party
b a costume party
c a strange party


GRAMMAR: Present perfect and simple past 2 Complete the conversations. Use the simple past or
present perfect form of the verbs in the box.
1 Choose the correct options to complete the
sentences. not buy  drive  not eat  fly  go (x2) 
1 We Cara last night. She looked great. have  meet  not read  not see  speak

a have seen 1 you ever in a helicopter?

b saw
2 I you yesterday. I missed you!
2 a letter to a famous person as a child?
3 I any Russian novels. They’re all
a Have you ever written
so long!
b Did you ever write
4 Matt never sushi. He
3 Last week they the new pizza restaurant. hates fish!
a tried
5 she ever a dog?
b have tried
6 Jan and Mo shopping last weekend,
4 I any of the Harry Potter movies.
but they anything.
a have never seen
7 you to the meeting, or
b never saw
you by train?
5 When to the gym this morning?
8 I never to Sue. What’s
a have you been she like?
b did you go
6 She her boyfriend in school. 3 Complete the conversation with the present perfect
a met or simple past form of the verbs in parentheses.
b has met
Julia 1 camping, Matteo?
7 Where that new watch?
a have you bought
Matteo Yes, I 2 last summer. (go)
b did you buy
Julia And 3 you it?
8 "Has she ever been to Mexico?" "No, she ".
a didn’t
Matteo It was awesome! 4 a fantastic
b hasn’t
time. (we/have)
9 How on their exams last month?
Julia Who 5 with? (you/go)
a did they do
Matteo I went with Sara and her family.
b have they done 6 Sara? (you/meet)
10 "Have your grandparents ever used a smartphone?" Julia No, I 7 (have). How long
"No, they ". 8 for? (you/go)
a haven’t
Matteo Five days. How about you? What
b didn’t 9 last summer? (you/do)
11 Who at the party yesterday? Julia I 10 around the U.S. with my
a have you spoken to cousin. (travel) It was amazing!
b did you speak to
12 They to Brazil before.
a have never been
b haven’t never gone
4 4.4   Match the past participles that have the
same vowel sound. Listen, check, and repeat.
1 worn a won
2 written b spoken
3 drunk c eaten
4 seen d driven
5 flown e met
6 read f bought

WRITING: Writing and replying to an invitation

Toni Watts
To: ○ Bob White

Jan and Bob Hi Jan and Bob,

are 1 Thanks for the inv

We’d love to 4
! It’s
A a bit late for the
but they can stay
with their
PARTY! grandparents. W
e can’t wait
to see you!
e you to
We’d love to welcom
our new home.
Lots of love,

Where: 12 Pine Stre
Toni and Karl
Sally Evans
ust 20th
When: Saturday, Aug
To: Bob White
at 8 p.m.
Children are welcom Hi Jan and Bob,

make it!
Hope you 2 Thanks so much
for the
invitation. I’m reall 5
.com y ,
3 : bob25@starmail but I can’t 6
it because
I’m going to a we
dding. Hope
you have a great
Keep in touch,

Sally XXX

1 Complete the invitations and replies with the words in

the box.

come RSVP sorry make having can

2 Jan and Toni are talking on the phone. Complete their

conversation with a, an, the, or – (no article).
3 Reply to Jan and Bob’s invitation. Use key phrases
from exercise 1 and follow this structure:
Jan Hi Toni! Do you have 1 recipe for pizza?
• say hello
Toni Sure! Is it for 2 housewarming party on • say thanks
• decline the invitation
Jan Yes – I love 3 pizza, but I don’t have a
• say why
recipe for it.
• say goodbye
Toni I can make some and bring it to your house
before 4 party.
4 Write an invitation to a party. Remember to include:
Jan Really? That’s so kind of you!
• the type of party
Toni No problem. It’s 12 Pine Street, right?
Jan That’s right! There’s 5 bus stop right in
• the date and time

front. Thanks, Toni! • your address

• other important information



Tom and Sam talk about

working in the movies.

1 4.5   Listen to the podcast about a job working 1 Read the blog on page 145 about a singing group.
in the movies. Check ( ) the adjectives you hear. 1 What kind of music does Ivor's group sing?
a fantastic a music for young people
b cool b opera music
c exciting c popular music
d fun 2 Who is the group for?
e great a happy people
f amazing b people the same age as Ivor
g boring c people who have been to the opera a lot
h interesting
2 Read the sentences. Are they true (T), false (F), or
2 4.5   Listen again and choose the correct doesn’t say (DS)?
options to complete the sentences. 1 Most teenagers like opera.
1 What are "extras" in a movie? 2 Ivor has sung in 50 different operas.
a They’re the people in the background behind 3 Reports show that singing makes people feel tired.
the actors. They don’t speak.
4 Lots of people want to join Ivor’s opera group.
b They’re the people behind the cameras. They
5 It is difficult to become a member of the group.
help the director.
6 The group will only sing songs from popular
2 Does Mikael like being an extra?
a Yes, he does. He loves it.
7 The group doesn’t make any money from singing.
b He doesn’t mind it, but he says it’s sometimes
8 Being in the group has helped some people’s

3 4.5   Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or

3 Circle the opinion adjectives in the blog.
false (F)?
1 Extras do the same thing every day.
2 They usually start work early in the morning.
3 They have to wait a lot.
4 Mikael doesn’t like waiting.
5 He’s met some famous people.
6 He was a teacher in a Harry Potter movie.
7 He’s also been an extra on TV.
8 He loves working in film studios.
9 He’d like to work in an office.



Tom and Sam look at

making singing fun.

What do you think when you hear the word "opera"? You might think "boring"! It’s true that
opera's not always popular with young people. Eighteen-year-old Ivor Golanski is trying to
change that. In this special guest blog post, Ivor writes about his opera group "Singing for fun".

Many people my age have never been to the opera. a good time when we meet. Everyone works really
I think that’s sad and a little strange. I’ve been to hard, but we have a lot of fun together, as well.
about 50 operas in my life, and every time has been
We’ve already had a few concerts, where we sang
an awesome experience. So I decided that I wanted
songs from some well-known operas that lots of
to start my own opera group for young people.
people know and like. We’ve sung in schools, at
I’ve read reports that show how singing together the city hall, and in our local theater. We haven’t
can help people who are feeling tired or unhappy.
traveled to any other towns yet, but we’d like to.
When you sing, the body produces special
We’re saving the money we make, and next year
chemicals that make you feel happy and relaxed.
we’d like to go on a big tour.
Singing together is fun, because when there
are a lot of voices, it doesn’t matter if you sing Many people in the group tell me how singing has
a wrong note – no one will hear it, so you won’t helped them in lots of ways. One member said,
feel stupid! "Before I joined the opera group, I’d never been on
You don’t have to be a great singer to join my group stage. It was too scary! I’d only ever sung in the
– but, of course, you can’t have a terrible voice shower and thought I probably had a horrible voice.
either! There are twenty members in the group Now I feel much more confident about myself – my
now, and it’s growing all the time. We always have dream is to sing to a soccer stadium full of people!"


5 All about me

GRAMMAR: Simple present and VOCABULARY: Personality adjectives

adverbs of frequency
3 Match descriptions 1–8 with adjectives a–h.
1 Order the words to complete the 1 Anna often says things that upset a serious
sentences. other people. b hard-working
1 gets together with / her friend Pat / 2 Ed’s always buying presents for c shy
sometimes his friends.
d dishonest
Gloria for coffee. 3 Pablo hardly ever laughs. e polite
2 hardly ever / the bus / takes 4 Terri doesn’t like meeting new people. f mean
Daniel to work. 5 The children always remember to g patient
3 ride your bike / you / often say "please" and "thank you".
h generous
Do to the office? 6 George tells lies and tricks people.
4 never / any / does 7 Dad goes to the office on weekends!
Miguel housework. 8 My math teacher explains things
5 listen / to / often carefully and never gets angry.

We the radio.
6 visit / always / my friend
4 Complete the adjectives. The first letters are given.
I on the weekend. 1 My brother is a really im person; he hates standing
in line to pay.
7 see / she / does / often
2 Lola is so se that she only thinks about herself.
How Mario?
3 You can believe everything that Julia tells you; she’s a very
8 study / usually / don’t
ho person.
They in the morning. 4 Ricardo never says hello to my parents when he comes to our
9 to / sometimes / goes house. They think he’s r .
Silvia the theater. 5 Marc is very so ; he has lots of friends and often
10 usually / eat / doesn’t has parties at his house.
Alicia breakfast. 6 Hannah is so f ; I never stop laughing when I’m
with her.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct 7 Dan often helps me with jobs I need to do. He’s very n .
form of the verbs in parentheses.
8 Maria’s so l ; she stays in bed most of the day on
1 Greta two brothers. (have) the weekends!
2 Peter his hair every day.
(wash) PRONUNCIATION: Final -s/-es sound
3 My friend Enrique in a
factory. (work) 5 5.1   Listen to the verb endings in these sentences. Check ( )
4 Marta and Luis in Buenos the correct column.
Aires; they live in Brasília. (not live) /s/ /z/ /əz/
5 you 1 He wants to be a doctor.
Portuguese? (speak)
2 Silvia goes to college.
6 Ben to Europe every
summer to visit his family. (fly) 3 Betty likes chocolate.
7 We swimming. (not like) 4 Susie watches TV in the evenings.
8 they to the 5 Paul changes clothes twice a day.
same school as you? (go)
6 Adam knows my brother.
7 Lily thinks soccer is boring.
8 Mr. Jones teaches us French.

LISTENING: Listening for the main idea

1 5.2   Listen to Daniel and Laura’s conversation. 3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
Are the sentences about Daniel true (T) or false (F)? There are two extra verbs.
1 He wants to stop using his cell phone stay collect play go on shop bake 
for a few weeks. get go out  spend  get together with
2 He wants to use his free time differently.
3 He wants to spend less time with 1 He wants to more time with his family.
other people. 2 She goes running three times a week to
4 He goes to the movies a lot. in shape.
5 He wants to go out more. 3 Do you often your friends after work?
6 He doesn’t want to spend any time 4 Some of the kids chess at lunchtime.
in the kitchen. 5 In our free time we like to cakes.
6 Do your parents much exercise?
2 5.2   Complete the sentences with the correct
7 I don’t social media much.
contractions. Then listen again and check.
8 They don’t go to the shopping center. They prefer to
1 So, Daniel, I hear you going to use your online.
phone this month.
2 At least, when not at work.
3 I realized that I actually do anything
these days.
4 We never go out together these days. I mean,
5 I live my life like this!
6 I watch movies at home on my laptop instead. It
7 Oh, and my staying with me for a
8 really good at baking.


GRAMMAR: Present continuous VOCABULARY: Useful verbs

and simple present
3 Choose the correct verbs to complete the sentences.
1 Choose the correct options to 1 I often my keys. It’s very annoying! miss lose
complete the sentences.
2 Pablo usually our swimming races. wins earns
1 Kathy can’t go out today. her 3 Susie really happy, doesn’t she? looks like looks
4 I’m cold! Let’s home. go back come back
a She’s finishing b She finishes
5 Emma’s a blue coat today. wearing carrying
2 This soup is very salty. it.
a I’m not liking b I don’t like 6 Can you me to call Alan later? remember remind

3 a lot in your country? 7 I’m for Francesca to arrive. hoping waiting

a Is it snowing b Does it snow 8 Are you your vacation? looking expecting
forward to
4 for exams right now.
a We’re studying b We study 9 Emma often me about her friends. says tells
5 Is that Emir? his brother. 10 I need to some documents to Mr. take bring
a I’m knowing b I know Smith’s office.
6 Sophia is busy. dinner.
a She’s cooking b She cooks 4 Complete the conversation with verbs from exercise 3 in the
correct tense.
7 Luis works as a journalist. articles
about sports.
Anna Are you going to
a He’s writing b He writes
Jorge and Sara’s
8 I can go with you. anything right wedding? I’m really
now. 1 it.
a I’m not doing b I don’t do
Laura Yes, I am! But I can
9 his daughter to school every only buy them a small
morning. present, because I’m
Sam is taking
a b Sam takes not 2
10 to the gym with you very often? very much money at
a Is Raul going b Does Raul go the moment.
Anna Never mind! Do you have anything to wear to the wedding?
2 Complete the sentences with the simple Laura No, but my sister 3 from her vacation
present or present continuous form of tomorrow, and she has so many amazing dresses.
the verbs in the box. Anna I 4 she’ll have something perfect!
Laura Yes, definitely. Every week she 5 home
think not play walk do  be something new from the shopping center!
work wear have Anna By the way, do you 6 Carlos, Jorge’s best
1 Mr. Silva past our house
Laura Yes, I do. He’s the tall guy who 7 Zac Efron,
every morning.
isn’t he? He’s great—I really 8 he’ll be at the
2 Mom and Dad their wedding.
lunch right now. Anna Of course he will. Jorge 9 he’s like a brother to
3 Laura in a café for three him. He works in France in the winter, and Jorge really
months this summer. 10 him when he’s gone.
4 Luca soccer very often.
5 Olga and Sergei from
Russia. PRONUNCIATION: -ng sound
6 Helen usually
her homework in the
5 5.3   Practice saying the sentences. Listen, check, and repeat.

evenings? 1 I’m bringing Julio to the meeting.

7 Maria our new teacher is 2 He’s studying French in college.
great. 3 She’s carrying a young child.
8 Jorge a jacket today. 4 Are they running in the park?
5 They’re singing my favorite song.
6 I’m taking a strong box for the heavy books.
7 She’s wearing a long dress.

WRITING: Making notes
1 Read Cristina’s blog about three important people in 3 Think of three important people in your life. Write
her life. Number the information for each person in the notes about them.
order it appears.
Person 1
a personality name
b relationship to Cristina
c age relationship to me
Clara Fuentes: his/her life: job,
a how she helped Cristina where he/she
b her job lives, etc.
c relationship to Cristina
a personality
b relationship to Cristina’s father why he/she is
c lifestyle important to me

Person 2
Lots of people say that their
brothers and sisters are name
annoying, but I love being
with my sister, Bianca. That’s relationship to me
probably 1 I don’t his/her life: job,
live with her all the time! I’m
where he/she
away at college, but she’s only
lives, etc.
six, 2 our relationship is kind of
different from most sisters, Bianca’s really funny, his/her
and she makes me laugh a lot. When we go out, personality
people sometimes think I’m her mom. I hope I
have a daughter like her one day—but not yet! why he/she is
important to me
The second person who is
very important to me is my Person 3
neighbor, Clara Fuentes.
She has an unusual job for a name
woman 3 she’s
relationship to me
an airline pilot. Clara told me
once that women can do any his/her life: job,
job in the world! 4 I’m studying where he/she
engineering. There are only three women in my lives, etc.
class, but I love it and I’m good at it.
Person number three is my personality
grandpa, who is my dad’s
father. My dad has five why he/she is
brothers. 5 important to me
family is so big! Grandpa lives
alone, but we all visit him, 4 Write a blog about three important people in
he’s never your life.
lonely! He is interested in all of us, and always
• Use some or all of your notes from exercise 3.
wants to know about our lives. He’s very kind
and generous and everyone loves him. • Write as many ideas as you can about the main
• Choose the best ideas and organize them into
2 Complete 1–6 in the blog with because, so, or That’s • Include at least three sentences with because, so,
why, and decide if each one is a reason or result. or That’s why.



Tom and Sam talk about two friends,

Paul and Adam.

1 5.4   Listen to the podcast. Check ( ) the things 1 Read the blog about friendship. Check ( ) the
Paul talks about. correct sentence.
a Adam’s hobbies a Teresa and Livia are about the same age.
b how he met Adam b Teresa and Livia have different jobs.
c Adam’s personality c Teresa and Livia both have children.
d what he has in common with Adam d Teresa isn’t married.
e Adam’s children e Livia is Teresa’s only friend.
f where Paul lives
2 Are the sentences true (T), false (F), or isn’t there
2 5.4   Listen again. Choose the correct options to enough information to decide (N)?
complete the sentences. 1 According to the writer, nobody can be
1 Paul sees Adam friends with someone who is 25 years older.
a most evenings. 2 Teresa and Livia work in the same place.
b when they go running. 3 They often spend time together.
c at work.
4 Teresa thinks that Livia gets tired more
2 Paul says that Adam often than Teresa.
a enjoys going out.
5 Teresa has a lot of problems with her
b has a lot of friends.
c isn’t very sociable.
6 Teresa discusses all her problems with her
3 Adam spends some of his free time
mother, too.
a playing games with his sons.
b playing sports with his sons. 7 Teresa and Livia always like the same books.
c teaching his sons Spanish. 8 Teresa learns more from Livia than Livia
4 Paul and Adam learns from Teresa.
a always go to concerts with each other. 9 Livia always likes the clothes that Teresa
b belong to the same gym. suggests for her.
c like different types of music. 10 Livia enjoys going out with Teresa.
5 Paul says that Adam
a never talks about his friends.
b has the same job as Paul.
c helps Paul with his problems.
6 Adam
a is always very serious.
b makes Paul laugh.
c can sometimes be selfish.



Sam writes about friendship.

What re 25 years between friends?

W hat do you think of when you hear or use the phrase “best friend”? Probably two people of
about the same age. When we think of relationships between older and younger people,
we may have negative feelings about them. How often do we hear older people complaining that
the young are lazy, selfish, and rude? Or young people saying that older people don’t understand
them? But does it have to be like that? Teresa Fuentes, 28, and Livia Robles, 53, say it doesn’t!

Livia and I work together in a large school. She works in the
school office, and I’m a history teacher. We usually have lunch
together, and sometimes we go out in the evenings, too.
Livia may be 25 years older than me, but she’s so much fun,
and sometimes I think she has more energy than me! That’s
probably because I’m taking care of three small children, and
her children are grown up.
I love having an older friend because Livia is always patient
and she has a lot of life experience. She’s interested in my life
and gives me lots of good advice, especially about the kids.
She’s not afraid to be honest if she thinks I’m doing something
wrong. I often talk to her about things I can’t discuss with my
mom because I don’t want to worry her. But to me, Livia isn’t
like another mother—she’s just Livia, my friend!

I think it’s a really good thing to have friends of all
ages. Talking to people with different lives and different
experiences makes you think about things in a new way.
Teresa and I often discuss the books we’re reading, and it’s
interesting how different our opinions can be!
Teresa says she learns from me, but I learn a lot from her,
too—about things like cooking and gardening. She and her
husband grow all their own vegetables! She loves fashion
too, and often suggests things for me that I wouldn’t choose
myself: This pink jacket I’m wearing now, for example.
And having a friend in her twenties means that I can go out
and have fun. She even sometimes takes me to nightclubs!
Being with Teresa and her friends reminds me of being young
and, anyway, there’s a lot more to life than housework and
watching TV!


6 Stories and pictures


GRAMMAR: Simple past and time VOCABULARY: -ed/-ing adjectives

3 Complete 1–6 with an adjective from each pair in the box.
1 Order the letters to make the simple past form of
the verbs. amazed / amazing  annoyed / annoying  excited / exciting 
confused / confusing  interested / interesting  tired / tiring
1 Anna usually rides her bike to work, but today she
kedlaw . 1 I’m by these instructions. They’re not very
2 Daniel okot a bus to college clear.
yesterday. 2 My neighbors are . They’re so noisy.
3 Last night Marta newt to a concert. 3 Eric’s brother is very in cars.
4 Did you grinb any money with you? 4 She’s very about her vacation. She’s really
5 We ederbmerem to send Tim a looking forward to it.
birthday card. 5 Ted felt after running ten kilometers.
6 I rited to open the door, but it was 6 We went to a fantastic restaurant last night. The food
locked. was !
7 Beatriz retow him a letter to explain
the problem. 4 Complete the sentences with -ed or -ing adjectives.
8 I dretsta my new job in January.
1 I often fall asleep in my math classes. They’re really
9 We beldimc to the top of the b !
2 Betty was di when she failed her driving test.
10 Sara tens me an e-mail with the
3 I’m su to see Manuel. He doesn’t usually
come here.

2 Complete Rafael’s postcard with the simple past 4 Cristina’s really te

not scared of them.
of snakes, but her sister’s
of the verbs in parentheses.
5 It’s so em when you can’t remember
someone’s name!
6 We love spending the day at the beach. It’s very
re .

PRONUNCIATION: -ed endings

5 6.1   Listen and circle the sound that you hear at the
end of the underlined verb. Listen, check, and repeat.

1 We climbed to the top of the

/t/ /əd/ /d/
2 I decided to go to Michael’s house. /t/ /əd/ /d/
Hi Mom and Dad!
3 Eduardo looked at the photograph. /t/ /əd/ /d/
We 1 (get) here safely yesterday. The trip
2 4 The cook experimented with new
(be) fine. Daniel’s dad 3 /t/ /əd/ /d/
(meet) dishes.
us at the airport and 4 (drive) us to their house. 5 I traveled to Rome by train. /t/ /əd/ /d/
In the evening we 5 (go) to the movies. On the
way, we 6 6 In the evening, we watched TV. /t/ /əd/ /d/
(stop) at a café and 7
(have) some pizza. We 8 7 We opened our presents together. /t/ /əd/ /d/
(get) home after
midnight–I’m very tired today! 8 She worked all day yesterday. /t/ /əd/ /d/
Love from Rafael

READING: Approaching a text
1 Read the title and the first three lines of the 2 Look at the photograph. Who do you think the people are?
text. What do you think it is about?
a A man who doesn’t say much. 3 Match topics 1–4 with paragraph headings A–D.
b A man who isn’t as quiet as people think. 1 A shy person doing something brave.
c A man who shouts a lot. 2 A couple getting married.
3 Something that is written down.
4 People wondering what someone will do.

Robin Jones thought her grandfather was a quiet,

shy man. Then she read her grandmother’s diary and
learned about the one time he wasn’t …

A All in black and white

Grandma's diary was about the year 1950. Every day she
wrote about her life. Before June, it was mostly about
her job at a jewelry store and the lives of the other young
women who worked there. But after June, she started to
mention a regular customer—a nice young man who came
in to buy a necklace for his mother. Then he came back the
next day, and the next, and the next …

B Will he, won’t he?

Each time, he asked Grandma to help him, but he never
bought anything else. Eventually, one of the other
salespeople said to Grandma, “I know why he comes. It’s to The quiet man?
see you!” They all expected Grandpa to ask her out, but he
never did.

C The mouse becomes a lion D Wedding bells

Then one day everything changed. Grandpa was in the store After that, the police came and arrested the robber, and
when a man ran in with a gun. He pointed it at Grandma everyone said that Grandpa was a hero. But there was
and told her to give him a diamond ring. In an instant, that something Grandma still wasn’t sure about. “Did you just
shy young man changed. “Drop the gun!” he shouted, and ask me to marry you?” she asked Grandpa. Grandpa just
pushed the man to the floor. “Don’t you dare frighten that smiled, but two months later they got married!
young woman! She’s going to be my wife one day!”

4 Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 5 Complete the sentences about the text with then,
after, or later.
1 Grandma wrote about Grandpa before June.
2 Grandpa bought lots of jewelry from 1 Robin Jones read her grandmother’s
the store. diary, she had a different idea about her grandfather.
3 The other salespeople thought Grandpa 2 One day, Grandpa came to the store to buy a
liked Grandma. necklace. A day , he came into the store
4 The robber tried to steal a necklace from again.
the store. 3 that, Grandma started to write about
5 Grandpa was very angry with the robber. him in her diary.
6 The police took the robber away. 4 a while, the other salespeople realized
that Grandpa was coming to see Grandma.
7 The people in the store thought Grandpa
was brave. 5 A man pointed a gun at Grandma. he
tried to steal a ring.
8 Grandma always knew that Grandpa wanted
to marry her. 6 A few minutes , the police arrived.


GRAMMAR: Question forms 4 Complete the text about Kazuo’s life. Write one word
in each space.
1 Order the words to make questions.
1 did / do / what / on vacation / they
2 need / we / to buy / do / a ticket
3 did / the movies / who / with / go to / Bruno
4 is / apartment / where / new / Sally’s
5 do / how / to / the station / get / you
6 do / dinner / you / want / what / for
7 the milk / in / is / the refrigerator
8 play / does / sister / the violin / your
Kazuo 1 born in Kyoto, in Japan,
2 Complete the questions to match the answers. Write in 1930. His family moved when he was still
one or two words in each space. a baby and he grew 2 in Tokyo,
1 are you ? where he 3 to elementary and
I’m from Peru. middle school. After Kazuo 4
2 is your English teacher? high school, he 5 to college to
Mrs. Smith is my English teacher. study medicine. At the university, he met
3 you Max today? a girl named Eriko. They 6
No, I didn’t see Max today. engaged, but they waited until graduating
4 you move to New York?
from college before they 7
I moved to New York in 2015.
married. They 8 two children.
5 his name?
Kazuo worked as a doctor for 30 years. In
His name is Louis.
1990, after a successful career, he
6 Maria a teacher?
9 and spent the next twenty years
Yes, she is.
7 Larry very angry?
doing what he loved: painting. Sadly, Kazuo
No, Larry wasn’t very angry.
10 in 2015, at the age of 85.
8 you travel to Lima?
We traveled to Lima by plane.
PRONUNCIATION: Question intonation
VOCABULARY: Life stages 5 6.2   Listen to the questions. Does the intonation
go up (U) or down (D) at the end?
3 Read about Kazuo’s life. Order the phrases. Write 1–6. 1 How do you spell your name?
a engaged to Eriko 2 Do you like cheese?
b children (two boys) 3 Is their house very big?
c retired 1990 4 When is her birthday?
d born Kyoto, 1930 5 Where do you live?
e married Eriko 6 Did you see Peter?
f elementary and middle school, Tokyo 7 Was Anna very angry?
8 Who did you go on vacation with?

SPEAKING: Telling a personal story

1 6.3   Listen to Emma tell Dominic a personal 3 6.4   Listen to six people talking. Choose the best
story. Check ( ) the phrases you hear. way of showing interest and say it aloud.
a What happened? 1 You poor thing! / What did he do then? / That’s
b Did I ever tell you about the time …? amazing!
c That’s amazing! 2 What happened? / Oh no! / Lucky you!
d Really? 3 Great! / That’s awful! / You’re joking!
e What did you do then? 4 What did he do then? / You poor thing! / Great!
f Oh no! 5 What happened? / Lucky you! / Oh no!
g You’re joking! 6 That’s amazing! / That’s awful! / What happened?
h That’s awful!
4 6.5   Listen and check your answers to exercise 3.
i That reminds me of …
j Lucky you!
5 6.6   Match the sentence parts. Say them aloud.
k You poor thing! Then listen and check.
l You’ll never guess …
1 Something similar a nervous about meeting
m I felt really …
2 That reminds her.

2 6.3   Listen again. Which of the phrases in 3 You’ll never guess b tell you about my flight
to Tokyo.
exercise 1 do Emma and Dominic use to do these 4 Let me
things? c you about the time I met
5 Can you Zac Efron?
1 Emma tells Dominic something 6 I felt d so amazing to discover
7 Did I ever tell we have the same name!
2 Dominic shows sympathy.
8 It was e imagine how scared I
3 Emma describes her emotions after was?
the accident happened.
f happened to me when I
4 Dominic shows that he is interested. was a student.
5 Dominic says that something similar g what happened to
happened to him. Regina yesterday.
h me of the time I lost my



Tom and Sam talk about an

embarrassing moment.

1 6.7   Listen to the podcast. Choose the best 1 Read the blog about games that use pictures.
summary. Complete 1–6 with the adjectives in the box.
a Maria made friends with an old lady. annoyed disappointing confusing
b Maria dropped someone’s bag on the train. surprised interesting boring
c Maria upset a complete stranger.

2 6.7   Listen again. Choose the correct options 2 Are the sentences true (T), false (F), or isn’t
to complete the sentences. there enough information to decide (N)?
1 Maria was surprised by 1 The writer’s family plays games together
a how old the lady was. every Christmas.
b how nice the lady looked. 2 The writer’s sister got more correct answers
c how interesting the lady was. than their father.
2 Maria and the lady had 3 The writer’s mother couldn’t name any of
a nothing to talk about. the famous people.
b little to talk about. 4 The Spot the Ball competition started in
c a lot to talk about. the 1970s.
3 When she stood up, the lady appeared 5 The writer’s mother played Spot the Ball
a shorter. more than once.
b younger.
6 The writer’s father was angry when his wife
c older.
won a prize.
4 Maria tried to help the lady by
7 The writer’s parents didn’t earn much money.
a supporting her with her arm.
b supporting her with her arm and holding her bag. 8 Spot the Ball is less popular today than in
c holding her bag. the past.
5 Maria dropped the lady’s 9 Spot the Ball is a more difficult competition
a candy. today than in the 1970s.
b bag. 10 The writer prefers games that use pictures
c stick. of animals.
6 The bag fell on
a the track.
b the platform.
c a man.
7 The old lady was
a very angry.
b pretty calm.
c too upset to talk.
8 The man helped them by
a mending the bag.
b picking up the medicine bottle.
c getting the bag back.



Tom writes about his favorite games.

Games that use pictures

I’m an amateur photographer, so it’s probably not surprising that I love games that are
based on images. Last Christmas I organized a quiz for my family. I selected images
of different people in the news that year and everyone earned a point for each person
they could name correctly. My sister thought it was 1 , so she didn’t really
try. I was really 2 when my dad won. He even managed to recognize Taylor

Then my parents told me about a game named “Spot the Ball” that was very popular
in the 1970s. It was a simple game found in lots of newspapers. You looked at an action
shot of a soccer game, but the ball was removed from the photo, and you had to say
where you thought it should be. Apparently, my dad found it really 3 and
played it every week. But Mom got very 4 with him because he wanted to
discuss exactly where all the players were looking. Mom used to guess, and one week
she won! She only won $100, but that was a lot of money in those days.

Later, I read an article about the game, and I was amazed that the last time anyone won
the jackpot prize, was in 2004! About three million people used to play it every week in
the 1970s, but now there are only about 14,000 players. I think that’s a little
5 because it’s a lot of fun.

There’s another game that I really enjoy that uses images. You see a very small part of
something in detail, and you have to figure out what it is. There are entire blogs with
these kinds of pictures; one of my favorites is Some
of the images are really 6 , but to me, that’s what makes them even more
interesting. I love asking myself questions about them: What does it look like? Is it an
animal? Is that part of a machine? How big is it really? Do you want to take a guess?
Look at these three images and try to figure out what they are.


7 Keep on traveling

GRAMMAR: Comparatives, superlatives, VOCABULARY: Useful adjectives

(not) as ... as
3 Order the letters to make adjectives.
1 Choose the correct options to complete the 1 I didn’t sleep well because the hotel bed
sentences. was so FRONTBAUMCELO.
1 The weather here is hotter it is in Germany. 2 I need to pack my suitcase again because
a most b than c as it’s too SYSEM.
2 My sister isn’t tall as me. 3 I didn’t think the beach would be so
a as b than c more TIQUE on the weekend.
3 This sofa is comfortable than the other one. 4 Athens is NICETAN. People have lived
a most b as c more there for over 7,000 years.
4 Matias is the boy in our class! 5 The Eiffel Tower is the most SOMAFU
a funniest b more funny c funnier building in Paris.
5 For me, science is class of all! 6 His store sells LUNUSUA souvenirs that
a the most bad b worst c the worst you won’t find anywhere else.
6 Is your house Rafael’s?
a as big than b as big as c more big than 4 Complete the text about Tokyo. The first letters are given.
7 Stella makes best cakes in the world!
a most b the c as With nearly 40 million people living there, Tokyo is
8 This is the expensive restaurant in the city. one of the most 1 c cities
a most b as c more in the world. And it has more cars than anywhere
else in Japan, almost 70 million of them, so it’s
2 Complete the conversation with comparative and extremely 2 p , as well.
superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.
But Tokyo is also one of the most popular places for
far cheap early important lazy  foreign tourists to visit. It’s very safe and, although it’s
close crowded interesting extremely 3 b , many people love the fact
that it’s really 4 l and that there’s
plenty to see and do. Some visitors may think that
A Hi, Daniel. I heard you moved to a new 5m buildings like the Sugamo-
Shinkin bank, built in 2011, are 6 u , but
B Yes, I moved downtown because I wanted
others think they are beautiful and love the fact that
to be 1 to work. Taking public
they use some of the best 21st century technology.
transportation was so expensive. I can walk
everywhere now, which is a lot 2 .
A I know! I live even 3 away than
you did. It costs so much, and I think it’s the PRONUNCIATION: Sentence stress
4 train in the country; it’s always
completely full in the mornings. 5 7.1   Circle the underlined word that is most stressed.
B Maybe you should move, as well! I find living Listen, check, and repeat.
downtown a lot 5 than living in 1 Albert is the best student in his class.
the suburbs. There's so much to do here. 2 My soup doesn’t taste as good as Jasmine’s.
A I could never live downtown. My pets are the 3 Tokyo is closer to Mumbai than to São Paulo.
6 things in my life. I couldn’t live
4 Is Lady Gaga more famous than Taylor Swift?
without them!
5 My car is the most expensive thing I own.
B Maybe you should try taking an 7
6 Sophia’s essay was a lot better than Helena’s.
7 It’s quieter in the country than in the city.
A Probably, but I hate getting up in the morning.
I’m the 8 member of my family! 8 I’m feeling a little happier than I was before.

LISTENING: Identifying key points

1 7.2   Listen to Joe and Sara talking about 3 7.3   Underline the key words that are most likely
vacations. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? to be stressed by the speaker in these sentences.
Listen and check.
1 Sara visits a lot of cities.
2 Joe and Sara don’t enjoy the same types 1 The museums are crowded in the summer.
of vacations. 2 Did you book a flight?
3 Sara doesn’t like traveling alone. 3 We could rent a car at the airport.
4 I’d love to travel abroad.
2 7.2   Listen again and choose the correct words to
5 The barbecue at the hotel was fantastic.
complete the sentences.
6 They stay in a beautiful house by the ocean.
1 Sara really likes cities / beaches / hotels.
2 Joe doesn’t enjoy going to the beach / going hiking / 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
going abroad. verbs in the box.
3 Sara doesn’t like museums / sunbathing / churches.
reserve buy eat out go 
4 A week before Sara leaves, she makes hotel
have rent visit stay
reservations / packs her suitcase / books a flight.
5 The night before Sara leaves, she plans her 1 We both love to at the local
sightseeing / eats out / packs a suitcase. restaurants.
6 Sara spends most of her vacation by herself / with 2 Could you a double room for my
other people / on guided tours. parents, please?
7 Sara likes traveling alone because she can choose
3 Let’s a car to drive around the island.
what to do / read more / go sightseeing.
4 My little sister likes to a few souvenirs
8 Sara takes a book when she goes sightseeing / eats
to take home.
out by herself / goes on guided tours.
5 My aunt and uncle usually camping in
the summer.
6 Lucy and James are at a beach resort.
7 Today we the local attractions.
8 Peter always a great time when he’s
on vacation.


GRAMMAR: Past continuous and 2 Complete each sentence with the verbs in parentheses.
simple past Write one past continuous and one simple past form.

1 Order the words to make sentences. Add commas

where necessary.

1 When we Carlos, he his

car. (see, clean)
2 Marta for the bus when she
. (run, fall)
1 Alba was / café when / waiting / I arrived / in the
3 Anna Julia while she to
class. (meet, walk)
2 working when / Nancy / was / I / her / left
4 Hugo his leg when he
. tennis. (hurt, play)
3 taking / called / Sara / when Lara / a shower / was 5 My phone while I .
. (ring, drive)
4 he was / Ed lived / at home while / studying / law 6 When Rick his hair, he
. shampoo in his eyes. (wash, get)
5 I looked / was smiling / that he / at Dad / and saw 7 Emma late for class because she
. to Luisa. (be, talk)

6 still waiting / were / to get in / when the show / 8 The plane above the ocean when the
started / we storm . (fly, start)
. 9 My sister my phone when I
. (take, not look)
7 her homework / book while / Marian was / I read a /
finishing 10 When Jackie her shopping, someone
her bag. (do, steal)
8 into the / we were / house while / the thieves / got /
sleeping PRONUNCIATION: was/were
9 watching TV / cooking while / were / Mom was /
3 7.4   Practice saying the sentences. Pay attention
the kids to the pronunciation of was /wəz/ and were /wər/.
Listen, check, and repeat.
10 shopping her friend / while Paola was / went to / 1 What were you doing at five o’clock yesterday?
the museum 2 I was expecting Monica to call.
. 3 Rafael was talking to his friend.
4 We were playing outside, but it started to rain.
5 Adam was watching TV while I worked.
6 While you were sleeping, I baked a cake.
7 I was doing my homework all morning.
8 Clara was running when the accident happened.

WRITING: Writing a narrative 3 Look at these sentences from the text. Rewrite
them using adverbs instead of adjectives.
1 They felt happy and were talking.
They talked .
2 They had a good trip.
The trip went .
3 “But he’s the one who made the mistake!” said
Gabrielle. She was really angry.
“But he’s the one who made the mistake!” said
Gabrielle .
4 It was a fast trip, but she still missed the flight.
She drove , but she still missed the

1 Read two paragraphs from different parts of a story 4 Match 1–4 with paragraphs A–D.
about a vacation incident. Choose the correct verbs. 1 The background (who, when, where)
2 A problem (what happened)
A They went up to the check—in desk, where a 3 A resolution (how she solved the problem)
woman 1checked / was checking everyone’s tickets
4 The ending (what happened in the end,
and passports. Simon 2gave / was giving her their
how she felt)
passports. The woman took them, then looked at
Simon strangely. "Why did you give me this?" she
asked. Then Simon and Gabrielle 3got / were getting
5 Write a different last paragraph for the story.
a terrible shock. They didn’t have Gabrielle’s passport. • Use the ideas below or your own ideas.
They had Simon’s passport and Simon’s old passport! • Write at least five sentences.
• Use the past continuous and the simple past
B Simon and Gabrielle sat in the car. They felt happy and
were talking to Simon’s brother, Toby, who 4drove / • Use adjectives and adverbs to make your
was driving them to the airport for their skiing trip. paragraph more interesting.
They had to be there by 5:30 a.m., and there weren’t
any buses that early. They were tired, but excited. They
had a good trip and Toby 5left / was leaving them no plane until next day
outside the airport. They thanked him and 6went /
were going to get their flight.

2 Read two more paragraphs from different parts of the went to wrong ski resort
story. Choose the correct adjectives or adverbs.

C However, when she got back, the airline staff was very
Simon was waiting for her at
1helpful / helpfully. They 2kind / kindly found her a

seat on a later flight and she didn’t have to pay extra.

the airport in Denver
When she arrived in Denver, the shuttle to the ski resort
had already left, but it was easy to get a bus there. She
arrived in time for a 3delicious / deliciously dinner, and
she quickly forgave Simon. After all, anyone can make a decided to stay home and not go skii
mistake and everything worked out in the end!

D The woman told them 4rude / rudely that Gabrielle

couldn’t travel. She said that Simon should get on the
had a big argument with Simon
plane. "But he’s the one who made the mistake!" said
Gabrielle. She was really angry. However, there was
nothing they could do. Gabrielle had to rent a car and
drive back home for her passport. It was a fast trip, but
had to pay for a new ticket
she still missed the flight. She felt very worried and
5miserable / miserably.




Tom and Sam talk about

working abroad.

LISTENING 2 Match the descriptions to hotels A–D.

1 It is a very unusual shape.
1 7.5   Listen to the podcast. Circle True or False.
2 It is difficult to get into.
1 Mara worked with elephants True False
3 It has no walls or roof.
in Thailand.
4 It is made of a substance not normally
2 She found the work fairly easy. True False used for buildings.
3 The local people weren’t very True False
friendly. 3 Choose the correct options to complete the
4 Mara went to Thailand by herself. True False
1 The Palacio de Sal is in an area
5 One of the animals got sick. True False
a where salt is produced.
b where many tourists want to go.
c without normal building materials.
2 7.5   Listen again. Complete the sentences with
2 According to the blog, the restaurant at the Palacio
a maximum of three words.
de Sal
1 Mara says it was to be so close to a makes the best food in Bolivia.
the animals. b makes food that is too salty.
2 Mara enjoyed being part of a . c makes a popular dish with salt.
3 The made the work difficult for 3 Jules’ Undersea Lodge is
Mara. a in deep water.
b only reached by taxi.
4 Mara really enjoyed eating the . c in shallow water.
5 Some of the people Mara worked with went to 4 People with heart problems can’t stay at Jules’
Thailand in . Undersea Lodge because
6 Mara made with people from a doctors can’t reach the hotel.
around the world. b it’s not comfortable enough.
7 Mara says it’s important to a lot c it is not safe for them.
there because of the heat. 5 In Dog Bark Park Inn, the beds are
8 Mara felt better after someone gave her a large a in rooms in the dog.
. b shaped like dogs.
c all in one big room.
6 At Dog Bark Park Inn, real dogs
READING a have to be kept inside always.
b are allowed to stay.
1 Read the blog about four hotels. What do c are not welcome.
you think the word "quirkiest" in the heading
7 According to the blog, it is good to stay in a
treehouse because
a most expensive a you can stay outside all night.
b most comfortable b you can see unusual animals.
c it is cheaper than a hotel.
c most unusual
8 According to the blog, sleeping outside means
d most famous
you can experience
a being with other people.
b other aspects of nature.
c waking up very early.


Guest blogger Simon writes about hotels.

The world's best places to stay

Four of the world’s quirkiest hotels

What do you want from a hotel? Something clean and comfortable for sure, but
do you sometimes find your hotel room a little boring? Do you want your nights
to be as much a part of your vacation adventure as your days? Here are four
recommendations for a stay you’ll never forget!

A Palacio de Sal
Most of us know about the ice hotels in countries like Sweden, where
everything, even your bed, is made out of ice. But this hotel in Bolivia is even
more unusual; it is made out of salt! About 350 km. south of the city of La Paz, this
hotel is on the edge of the Salar de Uyuni, the world’s largest salt plain. It was built
using around a million blocks of salt. Visitors report that the food in the restaurant is
excellent, especially their famous “salt chicken″. There’s even a swimming pool, filled
with salt water, of course!

B Jules’ Undersea Lodge

Usually you can get a taxi to your hotel, but not here! To stay in this hotel
in Key Largo, you need to scuba dive to reach the entrance. Once you’re there,
you can watch fish through the windows of your room. Amazingly, there are hot
showers, and you can even get pizza delivered! Because you have to dive to get to
the lodge, you need to be in good shape. If you have heart problems, or are pregnant,
this isn’t the place for you!

C Dog Bark Park Inn

This has to be one of the strangest-looking hotels in the world. Owned by a
husband and wife team in Idaho, U.S. the entire hotel looks like a large wooden
dog! Four people can sleep inside the dog. There's even a room in its head. Rooms
are filled with doggy decorations, and pets are, of course, welcome to stay with

D Chalkley’s Treehouse
A safari is all about being outdoors, isn’t it? It's all about the animals and the
wide open spaces. So why go into a building or a tent at night when you could
stay under the stars in this treehouse on the Lion Sands Game Reserve in South
Africa? You can lie in bed and look up at the stars, watch the sun come up in the
morning, and listen to the sound of animals and birds all around you. What could
be more romantic?


8 The working world


GRAMMAR: will, may, and might for VOCABULARY: Jobs

3 Order the letters to complete the names of the jobs.
1 Read the statements. How likely is it that these things 1 salesSNREPO
will happen? Write 1–8 in the correct columns.
2 soccer OCCAH
1 Phelps will win the swimming competition.
3 fashion SEDGINRE
2 She might lose the tennis match.
4 movie RIDECROT
3 I don’t think I will ever travel into space.
5 police FOFCIER
4 We might not finish the project on time.
6 tour UGIED
5 They won’t finish the work by Friday.
7 security UDARG
6 We may be able to go camping.
8 travel TEGAN
7 Of course, I may not get the job.
8 He’ll get there before lunchtime. 4 Complete the jobs. Some of the letters are given.
Probably Possibly Possibly Probably 1 I asked an ac for some advice about my
(More than (50–75%) not not (Less money.
75%) (25–50%) than 25%) 2 Luckily, the f s put out the fire very
3 We needed a l to help us understand
the contract.
4 Are all the fruit and vegetables at the market grown
2 Complete the sentences with will, won’t, might, think, by local f ?
or don’t think. 5 She got her h to cut her hair a lot
1 I know for sure that Fatima come to shorter.
the party; she promised she would. 6 He’s a well-known j and writes for the
2 Gabriel be home by six o’clock. It national newspapers.
depends how much work he has to do. 7 My cousin’s a fashion m ; she works for
3 I Bernie will come to the movies. He’s all the big designers.
too busy. 8 We were given our room keys by the r
4 He definitely come with us on Tuesday. at the hotel.
He only goes out on the weekends. 9 Tomorrow I’ll meet the s who’s going to
5 I Victor will pass his exam. He’s so operate on my knee.
smart and he’s been studying hard. 10 Could you ask the w r to bring us some
6 We go to the park for a picnic, water with our meal?
although it depends on the weather.
7 I may visit Fernanda this evening, so I probably PRONUNCIATION: want/won’t
go to the concert after all.
8 Don’t worry, we definitely get to the 5 8.1   Look at the underlined letters and listen to
restaurant on time! the sentences. Write 1 if the sound is /o/ and 2 if the
9 The sky looks fairly blue. I that it’ll rain
sound is /a/. Listen, check, and repeat.
today. 1 They use robots in the factory.
10 Our project is going very well, so we 2 I really want to see that movie.
it’ll be a success. 3 I don’t like cheese at all.
4 Do you know where he lives?
5 My boss will be at the party tonight.
6 Isaac is looking for a job.
7 Manuel’s mother used to be a model.
8 How old is your sister?
READING: Skimming a text
1 Read topic sentences A–E in the article. Match each one 2 Read the whole article, then choose the best
with the most likely summary 1–5. ending for each sentence.
1 Evidence from a piece of research. 1 Maria Sylva wants us to consider whether
2 The value of time away from work. a technology is a good thing in our lives.
b we should be doing so many things at once.
3 How to reduce our use of handheld devices.
c we should use smartphones.
4 How technology affects our behavior.
2 The study that she refers to shows that we lose
5 Tips to help you concentrate. time when we
a change the task we are working on.
b only use e-mail to communicate at work.
c don’t concentrate hard enough at work.
3 She claims we make fewer mistakes when we
a work quickly.
b work for ten minutes at a time.
c concentrate fully on a task.
4 She tells us not to take a smartphone with us if

to manage a the messages we get on it are not

How interesting.
b it prevents us from giving attention to what

multitasking we are doing.

c we leave the house.
5 She recommends
a putting off tasks that need us to concentrate.
A We’re all multitaskers now, performing two or more tasks b taking regular short breaks from work.
at the same time. Whether it’s e-mailing a colleague c looking away from our screens occasionally.
while checking our smartphone, or writing an essay while
catching up on the latest online celebrity gossip, we’re all 3 Complete the text with the correct pronouns
doing it. But should we? Well, recent research suggests it’s and possessive adjectives.
time to stop demanding so much of our brain and go back
to focusing on one thing at a time.
B Consider the results of a study of workers at a software Maria Sylva is a life coach. 1
company. When they stopped working on a major task to advises people on how to manage
answer an e-mail or message, it took ten minutes to be 2 time. Most of
able to fully concentrate again on the original task. Clearly 3 work is done inside
this is not an efficient way of working. Training ourselves companies where she coaches people
to concentrate isn’t easy, but psychologist Maria Sylva has at all levels, helping 4
some tips:
perform to the best of their ability while
C Let your mind focus on one thing at a time. Whatever task 5 are working. Maria
you’re doing, make sure you give it your full attention. thoroughly enjoys her job and finds
Giving 100% to the task in hand will help you work more 6 very satisfying. Her aim is to
quickly and more accurately. At the beginning, this might help 7 accomplish the most
be tough, so start with short periods, say ten minutes, and
that we possibly can during 8
gradually increase the amount of time.
working day.
D If your smartphone is the main source of distraction,
leave it at home. If you really believe the next message
you receive will be more interesting or important than
your current activity, ask yourself why you are doing that
E Give your brain a rest. You’ll achieve more if, several times
a day, you walk away from tasks that require concentration.
And I mean “walk away”. Don’t just look away from your
screen or stare out of the window. Get up and leave your
desk. If possible, get some fresh air. Taking a complete
break will help your brain to come up with new ideas.


GRAMMAR: be going to and VOCABULARY: Phrases about work

present continuous
3 Match the two parts of the sentences.
1 Choose the correct options to complete 1 I want to accept the job, but first a her job.
the sentences. we have to agree on b an interview.
1 Pablo going to study / is going to study / 2 She’s so unhappy at work. I think c form.
studying medicine next year. she’s going to quit
d a salary.
2 What do you do / you doing / are you 3 The interview went well, so I really
e a résumé.
doing this weekend? hope I get
f a job offer.
3 I going to / ’m going to / go to finish my 4 Think about the questions they
book tonight. might ask before you go for g work.
4 We’re visiting / visit / to visit my parents 5 The first step in applying for a h raise.
next weekend. job is to send in the application
5 I’m meeting / meet / to meet Daniel and 6 Henry is hoping that he’s going to
Julia this evening if you’d like to join us. get a pay
6 We going to / ’re going to / ’re going buy 7 Larry is going to show me
our tickets tomorrow. how to write
7 I go to / ’m going to / going to go running 8 You must be looking forward
in half an hour. to starting
8 My brother is going to / is going to be /
is being at the festival. 4 Complete the text about Lucas’s job. The first letters are given.
9 Where do you stay / are you staying /
you stay in Italy this summer?
10 I go to / ’m going to / going to ask Nancy if
she wants to come to the theater.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in

the box. Use the form in parentheses.

paint bake speak start see rent

1 I can give Mary that book for you. I

her next week. (present
continuous) Lucas started a 1 c in nursing five years ago.
In January, he saw an a 2 for a job at the local
2 I think I to Lily about the
problem. (be going to) hospital and decided to 3 a for it. They invited
him for an 4 i , which went very well. Two
3 I’ve decided I a picture of
my grandma’s garden for her birthday. (be weeks later, they 5 o him the job. Before he
started work, he had to t 6 a training course
going to)
4 I’ll be in Portugal for six months. I to improve his skills. Lucas is obviously great at his job. He
an apartment in Lisbon. has already received a 7 p , and he now has
(present continuous) more responsibility and earns a big
5 I a cake for Maria’s birthday. . In fact, he earns much more than I do!
(be going to)
6 Ismael a new job in July. PRONUNCIATION: going to and want to
(present continuous)
5 8.2   Listen to the sentences. Pay attention to the
pronunciation of going to and want to. Listen again and repeat.
1 I’m going to apply for that position.
2 I want to quit this job.
3 I don’t want to work in an office.
4 She’s going to ask for a pay raise.
5 They’re going to offer it to her.
6 He’s going to write a résumé.

SPEAKING: Telephone language
3 8.4   Complete the conversation with phrases for
dealing with difficulties. Then listen and check.

A Good morning, Hobson’s department store. This is

Helen. How can I help you?
B Hello, could I speak to someone in the electrical
department, please?
A Sorry, could you 1 a little
louder? This line’s really bad. And
2 speak more slowly, please?
B Yes, I’d like to speak to someone in the electrical
department, please.
A Of course. I’ll put you through to Simon Jones. He’s
in charge of electrical goods.
… Oh, I’m sorry. I’m afraid he’s not available right
1 8.3   Listen to a telephone conversation between now. He’ll be back at eleven o’clock.
Anne, who runs a company that offers disco lights
and music for parties, and Ryan, a hotel receptionist. B Sorry, did 3 eleven?
Number the phrases in the order you hear them. A That’s right. Should I ask him to call you?
a Could you ask him to call me back, please? B Yes, please. My number is 0755 511817.
b Hello, …
A Could you 4 , please?
c I’m afraid he’s not available right now.
B Yes, it’s 0755 511817. Oh, and could you tell him
d How can I help you?
that it needs to be as small as possible because I
e Thanks for calling. don’t have much shelf space in my bedroom?
f Could I speak to …?
A I’m afraid I 5 that.
g Can I take a message?
h Can you tell him that …? B Don’t worry, I’ll tell him when he calls.
A OK. And can I take your name, please?
2 Complete the chart with options a–h from exercise 1. B Robert Faux.
Caller Person being called A Can 6 that, please?
B F-A-U-X.
A 7 A-U or E-U?
B A-U.
A Great, thank you. Simon will call you later.



Tom and Sam talk about

career changes.

1 8.5   Listen to the podcast. Choose the correct 1 Read the blog about seven different careers. Match
statement. descriptions A–G with these jobs.
a Larissa had problems at work and was extremely 1 accountant
unhappy. 2 fashion designer
b Larissa didn’t want to do the same thing forever. 3 hairdresser
c Larissa hated being an accountant and prefers being 4 journalist
a teacher.
5 lawyer

2 8.5   Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or 6 receptionist

false (F)? 7 salesperson

1 Larissa earned a lot of money as an

2 Match each person with the job A–G that would be
most suitable.
2 The people she worked with were much
younger than her. 1 Evie is a patient and hardworking person. She
enjoys talking to people and she always
3 She found an interesting job advertisement in
dresses well; her appearance is really
a newspaper.
important to her!
4 She was very surprised when she got the job.
2 Jamie has a great imagination. He has always
5 She loved her time on the island. been good at art and is very good at math.
6 She does not have definite plans for the future. He’s not at all shy and is confident about
7 She might work as an accountant again. learning new skills.
8 She’s definitely going to use her teaching 3 Hannah loves everything to do with fashion.
skills in her next job. She knows what makes people look great
and what doesn’t, and isn’t afraid to tell
them! She enjoys learning, too.
4 Marcus is very sociable; he’s good at talking
and gets along well with all kinds of people.
He’s also very honest and can usually tell
if someone is lying.
5 Ray has excellent speaking and writing skills.
He always did well in school and wants to
study hard in college. He hates making



Guest blogger Marc writes about seven interesting careers.

Find the right career for you

A To be successful, you must be passionate about the truth. You’ll need the confidence to ask people difficult
questions. You may need to make yourself unpopular with important people. And, of course, you’ll need to
have excellent writing skills, as well as to be able to communicate clearly.

B This is a very creative job, so you need good drawing skills. However, you should be able to see your
clothes in your head before you put your pencil to paper. But loving clothes and being good at art isn’t
enough. It's a competitive business and you need to understand your markets and be able to calculate the
cost of materials, etc.

C This will only suit you if you’re someone who pays attention to detail. Your work must be absolutely
accurate. You also need good time-management skills: financial information is extremely important for a
business and must be available at the right time. Many top people in this job are senior managers, so if you
do well, you might be promoted quickly.

D You’re often the first person a customer meets when they visit a company or a hotel, so you must look
smart and communicate in a friendly, professional way. You might have to deal with difficult or rude
people, so you need to be calm and polite. You don’t need a lot of qualifications, but you will need to use
your firm’s computer and phone systems.

E If you think you’ll be good at this, don’t do it! You need to be great, not good! The best people are
extremely confident and excellent communicators, but that doesn’t mean talking all the time. You
need to listen, too. Above all, you need to know when it’s worth pushing, and when to walk away.

F For such a competitive career, you’ll need excellent grades to be able to get a degree. You’ll need to
analyze information quickly and accurately. And using language effectively is essential for understanding
technical documents and communicating with clients. You must be able to express yourself clearly and

G This is a creative job—up to a point! Relationships are important, too, and you can earn respect by giving
clients good advice. There's no point giving a perfect cut if it doesn’t suit someone’s face and features.
You don’t have to do particularly well in school, but you need great technical skills. The best professionals
continue to take courses throughout their career.


WRITING: Writing a description of a person

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Young. She’s my music

teacher. 1 She has dark hair and happy eyes. She’s
always laughing! She’s also a very good teacher, and she
loves helping people. Mrs. Young lived with her aunt
when she was a child. Her aunt was a musician and
taught her to sing. Then, she learned to play the piano
when she was three. 2 She was a student in college.
At that time, she met her music band, The Dots. She
played with them for many years. She stopped playing
with her band. After that, she became a music teacher.
She loved teaching young people, and she decided she
wanted to teach music forever! She got a trumpet. After
that, she started to play in a brass band. I admire Mrs.
Young because she is a very good musician, and she works
very hard. Her music classes are always fun. 3
By Mia

1 Read the description of Mrs. Young. Match the questions about her with notes a–e.
1 What does she teach? a always fun
2 What does she look like? b good musician, works hard
3 What did she learn to do when she was three years old? c to play the piano
4 Why does Mia admire her? d dark hair, happy eyes, always laughing
5 Why does Mia like her classes? e music

2 Complete 1–3 in the description with the sentences. There is one extra sentence.
a I love singing and playing the guitar because she always teaches us that the most important thing is to enjoy music.
b She’s a really friendly person and everyone likes her.
c Music is a very popular school subject in the U.S.
d Later, she started to learn the guitar in elementary school.

3 Join the sentences about Mrs. Young using a clause with when. Write two versions for each sentence.
Mrs Young lived with her aunt when she was a child./When she was a child, Mrs Young lived with her aunt.
1 She was a student in college. At that time, she met her music band, The Dots.
2 She stopped playing with her band. After that, she became a music teacher.
3 She got a trumpet. That’s when she started to play in a brass band.

4 Write about a teacher you admire. Think about the questions below. Include two sentences with when.
1 What does this teacher teach?
2 What does he/she look like?
3 What do you know about his/her life and achievements?
4 Why do you admire this teacher?


WRITING: Writing and replying to an invitation

Dear Janine,

Thanks so much
I’m having a … for the
invitation. What an
30th Birthday Trip! exciting
trip! I can definite
ly make
I’d love you to join me! it! I’ve never been
to the
We are going to go on a cruise in the Bahamas for three Bahamas, but I wo
uld love to
nights. We're going to stop in the capital, Nassau, and go go there!
sightseeing. The next day, we're going to go scuba diving
Can’t wait to see
on a small private island! you!
Where: Meet at the Miami cruise port on Dodge Island Lots of love,
When: June 18 – June 21
Matt X Dear Janine,
Please let me know if you can come!
Janine X Thank you for th
e invitation.
RSVP: I’d love to come,
but I don't
have the money
for the
cruise. Also, I do
n't like
traveling by boat
because I
1 Read Janine’s invitation and the two replies. get sick!
Answer the questions. I hope you have
a great
1 Where is Janine going? time, and a very
2 Who is going to go with her? birthday.
3 Who can’t go? Keep in touch.

2 Complete each phrase with one word. Best wishes from

1 I’m a birthday trip!
2 Hope you come!
3 Hope you can it!
4 reply.
5 I’m really , but we can’t come.

3 Read Matt and Janine’s online conversation. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

Matt Hi Janine! I can’t wait to go on the cruise.

Janine I’m so happy you can come!
Matt I’m going to bring some food for us to eat on the trip. Do you like 1a / – / the chocolate?
Janine I love it! Great idea. Thanks, Matt.
Matt Is there 2a / – / the bus in Miami to the cruise port?
Janine No, there isn’t. Let’s take 3a / – / the taxi. Where do you want to meet?
Matt Let’s meet at 4a / – / the mall, then, at 2.30! Bye!

4 Reply to Janine’s invitation. Use key phrases from exercises 1 and 2.

5 Imagine you are having a birthday trip party. Answer the questions below. Then write an invitation to Janine.
Remember to use key phrases from exercises 1 and 2.
• Where are you going to go?
• When are you going to go?
• How are you going to get there?
• Where are you going to stay?


WRITING: Making notes

1 Read Anup’s blog about the best year of his life. Then complete it with reasons and results a–f.
a it had been snowing heavily d it reminds me of that wonderful year
b I started talking to a young woman on the platform e I really wanted to go there
c I was able to travel and see the world f it was so interesting

This photograph shows me in front of the Taj Mahal in

India. The year was 2012, and it was the best year of my
I finished college that summer, but my new job didn’t start
until the end of the year. That’s why 1 .
I spent a lot of that time in India, and it was absolutely
amazing! I went to England as a young child, but I was
born in India, so 2 . I even brought
back some photos of the house where I’d lived with my
4 . I was bored and fed up, so
In November of that year, I finally started my career
5 . Did I fall in love that day? Well,
as a journalist. It was hard work, but that’s why
3 . I was lucky to have a fantastic boss maybe not that day, but I did like her enough to invite her
who taught me a lot, and it was great to have a job that I to dinner, and we got married two years later.
knew I was going to love. Life is still great, but if I need to cheer myself up for
And finally, the best thing of all that happened in 2012, any reason, I get this photo out and look at it because
was that one day my train was two hours late because 6 .

2 Think about the best year of your life. Write notes about it on the mind map. You can invent ideas—they
don’t have to be true! You can leave some clouds empty or add new clouds.

friends/ other education/

the best year
of my life
achievements travel

3 Read the sentences. Do they talk about reasons or results?

1 2014 was the best year of my life because I got my driver’s license that year. reason result
2 I wanted to be a doctor, so I had to work hard in school. reason result
3 I went swimming every day. That’s why I was in such good shape. reason result
4 My boss was out of town, so I had the chance to do her job. reason result
5 I was really pleased because I passed all my exams. reason result

4 Write three sentences like the ones in exercise 3. Use because, so, and That's why and ideas from your mind map.
5 Write a blog about the best year of your life.
• Write about at least three good things that happened, using your notes from exercise 2.
• Write as many ideas as you can about these three main topics.
• Choose the best ideas then organize them into three paragraphs.
• Include at least three sentences with because, so, or that’s why.


WRITING: Writing a narrative

1 Read the story about how Ed got a job. Which paragraph (1–4) is missing?
1 the background 2 a problem 3 a resolution 4 the ending

t was 2014, and I wasn’t happy. There I was, company. Before the guests started eating, the
22 years old, with a good degree in computer boss wanted to give a presentation. He was using
studies, but I was working as a waiter for notes that were on his computer, but in the
a company that didn’t treat its employees middle of his presentation, it suddenly stopped
well. I kept applying for computer jobs, but working.
companies always wanted people
with experience working with He tried hard to fix the problem, but it still
computers. Without a job, I couldn’t wouldn’t work. He started to look nervous.
get experience, and without Everyone was waiting for him to finish
experience, I couldn’t get a speaking so they could eat. When I offered
job. The situation seemed to help, he looked surprised, but agreed to
impossible. let me try. Fortunately, I immediately
saw what was wrong and quickly got
Then one day, I was working
at a party given by a large car his computer working again.

2 Complete the sentences with the simple past or past continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.
1 Ed was working as a waiter, but he for a better job at the same time. (look)
2 Ed to be a waiter. (not want)
3 Ed enough experience to get a computer job. (not have)
4 The boss’s computer stopped working while he . (speak)
5 Ed successfully the computer. (fix)

3 Find words in the story to complete these sentences. Are they adjectives or adverbs?
1 Ed didn’t feel in 2014. adjective adverb
2 The waiters weren’t treated . adjective adverb
3 The computer stopped working. adjective adverb
4 The boss tried to get the the computer to work again. adjective adverb
5 He began to look . adjective adverb
6 Ed repaired the computer . adjective adverb

4 Use these pictures to write the missing paragraph of the story.

• Try to write five sentences. Describe what happened, how Ed felt, and what the situation is now.
• Use verbs in the simple past and past continuous.
• Use adjectives and adverbs to make your paragraph interesting.

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Publishing Director: Deborah Tricker We would like to thank the following reviewers for their
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