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Name: James Wayne C.

Donio Date: 03/01/22

Grade & Section: 11 STEM E – St. Rita of Cascia


Know Want to know

What do you know about Organizing What do you want to know about Organizing
Information Information
1. It is the second part of perception of I want to know the technique of organizing
process. information.
2. It assists in the information of useful I want to know how to manage information.
3. It serves to clarify terminology to assist I want to know the purpose of organizing
both authors and readers. information.
4. It is important for establishing
frameworks for thought used in research
and teaching.


Life with COVID-19 Life without COVID-19

Pandemic Pandemic

Life with a pandemic is hard especially Everything is so easy and happy, but the
for those homeless people, its pollution keeps increasing. We can still
disappointing because a lot of people travel everywhere with our families and
are getting infected by the virus. The also bond with our family members. 
pollution decrease because people are
staying in their houses.


- Whatever problems we have, let us not ourselves lose our hope, especially in our current situation. I know
we all experience hardships but I also know that all the hardships we face today will also be rewarded with success.



General Topic List of Possible Topics to be Emphasized

1. We should have a generally equal government that

Ways on How the Government can Reduce even though we're not fairly rich in a really major way.
Health Inequalities they will kind of provide the health services to the poor
too, showing how they will kind of provide the health
services to the fairly poor too.

2. We should look at the places that have a very low

healthcare service in a sort of major way. that we may
help to mostly strengthen the health care
Provision of More Access to Quality Healthcare environment, demonstrating how that we may
Services among the Poor and Disadvantage specifically help to strengthen the health care


Most Urgent Health-Related


2.1- Dengue fever is caused by any one of four

types of dengue viruses spread by mosquitoes
that essentially thrive in and near sort of
human lodgings in a sort of big way. When a
mosquito bites a person infected with a
dengue virus, the virus enters the mosquito,
which for the most part is fairly significant

Severe dengue can result in shock, internal

bleeding, and even death. If you have had
DENGUE FEVER dengue in the past, you are more likely to
develop severe dengue. Infants and pregnant
women are at higher risk for developing severe

There's no vaccine to prevent dengue fever.

The best protection is to prevent bites by an
infected mosquito. Be sure to: Use screens on
doors and windows, and promptly repair
broken or damaged screens.
Diabetes occurs when your kind of immune
system, the body's system for fighting
infection, attacks and destroys the insulin-
producing beta cells of the pancreas, which for
the most part is fairly significant. Scientists
think diabetes specifically is caused by genes
and environmental factors, really such as
viruses, that might trigger the disease, so
diabetes occurs when pretty your immune
system, the body\'s system for fighting
infection, attacks and destroys the insulin-
producing beta cells of the pancreas, really
contrary to popular belief.

The effect of diabetes increases the risk of

various cardiovascular problems, including
coronary artery disease with chest pain
DIABETES (angina), heart attack, stroke, and narrowing of
arteries (atherosclerosis). If you have diabetes,
you're more likely to have heart disease or
stroke. Nerve damage (neuropathy).

To prevent diabetes you must-have eat a

balanced, healthy diet. Reduce the amount of
fat in your diet, especially saturated and trans
fats. Eat more fruit, vegetables, and high-fiber
foods. Cut back on salt. And manage your
weight. Excess body fat, particularly if stored
around the abdomen, can increase the body’s
resistance to the hormone insulin. This can
lead to type 2 diabetes.

Causes of strokes include ischemia (loss of blood

supply) or hemorrhage (bleeding) in the brain.
People at risk for stroke include those who have
high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and
those who smoke. People with heart rhythm
disturbances, especially atrial fibrillation are also at

The effect of stroke is left-sided weakness or

paralysis and sensory impairment. Denial of
paralysis or impairment and reduced insight into the
ACTIVITIES ON OUTLINING AND GRAPHIC ORGANIZER - problems created by the stroke (this is called "left
1. neglect") Visual problems, including an inability to
see the left visual field of each eye.
Main Thesis: Mental Health During the Pandemic Many strokes could be prevented through healthy
lifestyle changes and working with your health care
team to control health conditions that raise your risk
for stroke. You can help prevent stroke by making
healthy lifestyle choices.

I – Main idea 1- Nature and importance of mental health

A. Emotional

B. Social well-being

C. Psychological

II – Main idea 2 - Symptoms of failing mental health

A. Extreme moods changes high and low.

B. Feeling sad or down.

C. Significant tiredness,low energy or problems sleeping.

III – Main idea 3 - Strategies in protecting one’s mental health during the pandemic

A. Fucos on yourself.

B. Find new ways to connect with friends.

C. Be kind to yourself and other’s


-Lack of Education -It affects the society

-Broken Family negatively
-Increase likelihood of
-Lack of Moral depression
Guidance Standard -It can cause a Trauma
-Poor educational
on a victim
-Substance Abuse


1.E 3.D 5.A

2.B 4.D







A. Narration – narrate how you prepared for the opening of classes

this year

During the long months of break from school, I prepared myself for upcoming school this year to always

go to bed early. I am not only a student, but I also work, I help my mama and papa, as a working

student, I prepare myself by reading our previous lessons every Sunday so that I can recover from the

lessons in the coming class this year. I use my cellphone to watch the previous video of the lesson to

understand and so that when there are tasks to give to the teacher, I will no longer have difficulty

answering the tasks.

E. Sequence – explain how to properly wash your hands following the

guidelines of the authorities like WHO and DOH

Washing your hands is easy, and it’s one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs.
Clean hands can stop germs from spreading from one person to another. First of all, Wet your hands
with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap. Second, Lather your hands by
rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under
your nails. Next is Scrubbing your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy
Birthday” song from beginning to end twice. Then Rinse your hands well under clean, running water. At
last, Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

F. Cause and Effect – note the possible reason behind the continuous

increase of COVID-19 cases in the country

It is because the people that lack discipline and do not follow the protocol usually are the ones who
catch the virus, and unfortunately, the fronliners that tend to the patients also catch it. We can see that
the government are doing their best to stop the continuous increase of COVID 19 patient but there is
some a citizen that is not listening and following the rules and laws that the government gives.
Therefore the COVID-19 cases are consistently rising in our country.
G. Problem and Solution – What are some problems in the modular learning

the approach in education? Propose possible solutions for each. The main challenges that the students
have encountered are a self-studying, poor internet connection, lack of sleep and time to answer all the
modules due to the great number of activities, distractions, and lack of focus. These are the possible
solutions to solve this problem: Help students develop new routines and strategies. Keep the easy part
easy. Find new ways to meet students' needs. Keep up positive relationships with students and families.
These are the possible solutions to solve this problem

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