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The purpose of the Final Project is to provide a comprehensive review of your personal diet. The
review will identify foods consumed, nutrients consumed, nutrients lacking and nutrients in

The Final Project consists of eight (8) questions that will be completed two (2) at a time. The
first submission is considered a “Draft” and will have corrections noted when returned. The
“Draft” is worth 50 points.

After the eight (8) questions have been completed in the “Draft” format, the student is to make
the identified corrections to each question. Once corrected, all eight (8) questions will be put
together as the “Final Project” and submitted by the designated due date. The “Final Project” is
worth 100 points. Students are highly encouraged to make the identified corrections.

Before you can begin this project, you must keep a three-day food/beverage record of everything
consumed. When keeping a food diary, there are several factors to remember
 Must be a COMPLETE day, if you are only consuming one meal – Pick a different day –
Points will be deducted for Incomplete Days
 Include all sauces and condiments – Gravy, Salad Dressing, Dipping Sauce
 Include all beverages – Water, Milk with Cereal, Alcohol
 Record both the food AND the amount consumed – 1 cup of applesauce, 12 ounces of
skim milk, 3 ounces hamburger patty, 2 cups of ice cream
 Include ALL snacks

You will find a diet analysis function within the Cengage MindTrap on the far-right side at the
bottom of the page, icon is a green apple. You will use this program to complete the data for
your final project. The first step within the program is to create your profile which includes your
age, height, and weight. This will provide specific information regarding your needs.

The second step within the program is to enter your three-day food record. Make sure to include
all beverages (including alcohol), sauces, gravies, salad dressings, ketchup, butter etc… When
reviewing your diet, I will make not of items missing and you will be deducted points.

Steps to complete the Diet Analysis Plus program for the Final Project
After you have completed your three (3) day food record, you are ready to begin entering your

Step 1 – Create a “Profile” with YOUR NAME, height, weight, age, and activity level
 This will identify what your calorie and nutrient needs are
Step 2 – Go to “Track Diet” tab and at the top left of the page
 Change the calendar to reflect the first day of your food record
 Note the date for further use
Step 3 – At the top left of the page, under the calendar, type in the first food consumed
 You will need to know the amount consumed
 If the correct food does not appear, you may need to adjust your wording
such as “Raw Apple” instead of “Apple”
Step 4 – Select the food consumed
 Select the amount, form, and time consumed
 Example – “2” “Slices” of Bread and “Lunch”
 Example – “1/4” “Cup” of Peanut Butter and “Lunch”
Step 5 – Continue until entire day (Including snacks and beverages) are entered.
Step 6 – Change calendar day and repeat Steps 1-5 with second day then third day
 After each day is complete, select “Print” on the far-right side, above listed foods
 Print out all three days of food records
Step 7 – At the top of the page, select “Reports”
Step 8 – From Reports - Select “DRI Report”
 On the right side select “Print” to get your daily recommendations
Step 9 – From Reports - Select “Energy Balance”
 Place the first calendar on the first day of your diet record and the second calendar
on the last day of your food record
 On the far-right side – select “Print” – Print the average calories for the three
Step 10 – From Reports – Select “Intake vs Goals”
 Place the first calendar on the first day and the second calendar also on the first
day – “Print” the reports for that individual day
 Repeat with day two and day three
Step 11 – From Reports – Select “My Plate Analysis”
 Place the first calendar on the first day and the second calendar also on the first
day – “Print” the reports for that individual day
 Repeat with day two and day three
Step 12 – From Reports – Select “3 Day Average”
 Place the first calendar on the first day and the second calendar on the last/third
 “Print” your three-day average report
Reports to Print for the Final Project
Profile – One page
 3 Pages – Track Diet
DRI – Reports
 Intake vs Goals – 3 Pages – Reports – Individual Days
 MyPlate Analysis – 3 Pages – Reports – Individual Days
 3 Day Average – Report from Intake vs. Goal
 3 Day Average – Report from MyPlate Analysis
With each report, you will find a print button on the top right side of the report. Reports can be
printed in PDF or a word document.
To print an individual day, make sure that both calendar days are on the same day.
To print an average report, make sure that the first calendar is on the first day and the second
calendar is on the last day of your three-day food record.
Eight Questions of the Final Project

1. Three Day Food Record – Turn in printed reports of diet from “Track Diet”

2. Calories consumed compared to recommended calories – Information from “Energy Balance”

report – Complete the following statement and type out on a separate page

My recommended calorie intake is _________. My three-day average calorie intake is

__________. If I continue to consume this number of calories (Not considering activity), I will
begin to _______________________ weight (gain or lose)

3. Create a chart as follows – Listing information from the following nutrients in order
Chart is to include – Your DRI, Your Intake for all Three Days, Your Average Intake in mg or
appropriate unit.

Nutrient Your DRI Day 1 Intake Day 2 Intake Day 3 Intake Avg Intake
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12

4. Evaluation of Nutrients – You will have 7 small sections (1 for each nutrient)
Each section must follow the listed format and provide the nutrient information
 Nutrient
 Your DRI
 Your Avg Intake
 Disease Associated with Toxicity
 Disease Associated with Deficiency
 Unique Facts about the Nutrient

5. MyPlate Chart – Create a chart as follows – List your recommended intake for each of the
food groups, your intake for day 1, 2, and 3 from each food group and your average intake for
each food group

Food Group Recommendation Day 1 Intake Day 2 Intake Day 3 Intake Avg Intake

6. Discussion of MyPlate Food Groups

Create a section for each food group and list/ discuss the following information
 Food Group
 Foods Found in Food Group
 My Recommendation for the Food Group
 My Average Intake for the Food Group
 Five Major Nutrients obtained from the Food Group and their function
 Dietary Guideline Related to the Food Group – Listed below – copy and paste word for

2020 Dietary Guidelines - Key Recommendations

 Consume a variety of vegetables from all of the subgroups—dark green, red and
orange, legumes (beans and peas), starchy, and other
 Consume fruits, especially whole fruits
 Consume grains, at least half of which are whole grains
 Consume fat-free or low-fat dairy, including milk, yogurt, cheese, and/or fortified soy
 Consume a variety of protein foods, including seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs,
legumes (beans and peas), and nuts, seeds, and soy products
 Consume less than 2300 mg of sodium per day while increasing potassium through
increased consumption of fruits and vegetables
7. Track your activity for one day, entering all activity into the Diet Analysis Plus program –
Print Activity Report
 Discuss your calories burned compared to your average calorie intake
 Discuss what changes you need to make to prevent weight gain or loss
 Discuss what activities burned the most calories
 Form to help track activity is posted under the Final Project Module
8. Evaluation of Personal Diet
 Select three (3) nutrients from the chart in question 3
Nutrients that you need to work on
 Nutrient Intake - Too Low or Too High

For each of the Three Selected Nutrients - Discuss the Following Information:
 Name of Nutrient
 Your DRI for the Nutrient
 Your Average Intake of the Nutrient – Intake vs. Goals
 Foods That the Nutrient is Found in – Identify Food Groups where Food is Found and
Specific Foods in the Food Group High in the Nutrient
 Your Recommendation for each Food Group for that Nutrient - MyPlate
2 Food Groups for each Nutrient
 Your Average Intake of Both Food Groups - MyPlate
 Dietary Guideline Associated with Both Food Group
 Specific Changes to Improve Nutrient Intake – Be SPECIFIC

Point Distribution – Draft and Final Project

Question Number Draft Points Final Project Points

Question 1 – Food Record 2.5 5
Question 2 – Calorie Intake 2.5 5
Question 3 – Nutrient Chart 2.5 5
Question 4 – Nutrient Analysis 12.5 25
Question 5 – MyPlate Chart 2.5 5
Question 6- MyPlate Analysis 10 20
Question 7- Activity Report 5 10
Question 8- Final Analysis 12.5 25
Total Points 50 Points 100 Points

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