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CAMS® Enterprise

Admissions Module
Unit4 Education Solutions, Inc.
Published: 27 July 2016

The Admissions module in CAMS Enterprise is designed to track information for prospective students, applicants,
and attending students. Data that is entered during the recruitment process is easily copied to the applicant/student
record so that at no time is a user required to reenter data. Much of the information collected in this module is shared
across other modules. Such examples are addresses, contacts, colleges, and more.
In addition to collecting data, there are many tools available in the Admissions module that will facilitate recruitment
efforts. The Communications Management functionality will help users to quickly and effectively reach prospective
students through email and mail merge processes. Many reports are readily available as well that will help evaluate
the results of your recruiting efforts.
Document management features available for applicants and students allow institutions to provide a paperless work
environment when it comes to referencing documents submitted by and required of students. In addition to being able
to easily view the statuses of needed documents from the administrative site, students can track their status through
their secure access to the Student Portal.
The terminology used in the documentation is explained here to provide an understanding of how CAMS Enterprise
views the varying types of individuals in Admissions:
Prospect – Any prospective student for your institution. These may be obtained through standard means such as
email, phone call, various recruiting events, through the import process and from the online application.
Applicant – CAMS Enterprise considers a person an applicant once they are required to turn in additional items such
as an application, documents for evaluation (transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.). Their prospect record is
easily copied to the student module.
Admitted – The use of type and status fields determine whether a person is an applicant or admitted. Once the
applicant has been processed and they have been accepted for attendance at your institution, their status is changed
from Applicant to Admitted. Please note that these descriptions are merely provided as general guidelines and that
your institution may implement specific criteria to designate at what point an individual reaches each level. Applicants
and Admitted students are treated the same in many features and functions within CAMS Enterprise. For instance,
you can assign housing, apply financial aid, and unofficially register both types. Therefore, it is not necessary to move
an individual to the status of Admitted until you are ready.
CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

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Table of Contents
Prospect Records .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Creating Prospect Records ....................................................................................................................... 5
Prospect Maintenance Window Details ................................................................................................. 13
Prospect and Student International ....................................................................................................... 24
Prospect Citizenship ............................................................................................................................... 25
Prospect/Student Import ............................................................................................................................ 26
Creating Import Jobs .............................................................................................................................. 27
Prospect/Student Import Matching ....................................................................................................... 36
Prospect/Student Import Validation Rules............................................................................................. 40
Prospect/Student Import Layout ............................................................................................................ 43
Test Scores Import ...................................................................................................................................... 46
Emailing Prospects.................................................................................................................................. 50
Prospect Notes ............................................................................................................................................ 52
Creating Prospect Notes ......................................................................................................................... 52
Prospect Questions................................................................................................................................. 53
Prospect Merge ........................................................................................................................................... 56
Deleting Prospects ...................................................................................................................................... 58
Prospect BYOR ............................................................................................................................................ 59
Generating Prospect Reports ................................................................................................................. 59
Admissions: Student Records...................................................................................................................... 61
Creating Student Records ....................................................................................................................... 61
Maintaining Student Records ..................................................................................................................... 65
Selecting a Student ................................................................................................................................. 65
Admin 1. (Admissions 1) Tab .................................................................................................................. 66
Admin 2. (Admissions 2) Tab .................................................................................................................. 68
Demogr. (Demographic) Tab .................................................................................................................. 73
H.S./Scores Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 74
Activity Tab ............................................................................................................................................. 78
More Tab ................................................................................................................................................ 80
Application Fees .......................................................................................................................................... 84
Student Addresses ...................................................................................................................................... 93
Adding Student Addresses...................................................................................................................... 93
Copy Student Addresses ......................................................................................................................... 95
Student Test Scores .................................................................................................................................... 96
Entering Test Scores ............................................................................................................................... 96
Student Status ........................................................................................................................................... 106
Maintaining Student Status .................................................................................................................. 106
Student Evaluations .................................................................................................................................. 110
Evaluation Setup ................................................................................................................................... 110
Applicant Evaluation ............................................................................................................................. 111
Student SEVIS ....................................................................................................................................... 114
Maintain Student Evaluations .............................................................................................................. 117
Student Access .......................................................................................................................................... 119
Student Citizenship ............................................................................................................................... 121
Student Risk .............................................................................................................................................. 122
Student BYOR ............................................................................................................................................ 126
Generating Student Reports ................................................................................................................. 126

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Delete Student .......................................................................................................................................... 128

Communications Management ................................................................................................................ 129
Letter Sequences .................................................................................................................................. 131
Applying Activity Sequences ................................................................................................................. 133
Mass Add Prospect Activity .................................................................................................................. 134
Mass Add Student Activity.................................................................................................................... 136
Activity Reports .................................................................................................................................... 140
Generating Prospect Working To-Do Lists ........................................................................................... 141
Generating Student Working To-Do List .............................................................................................. 142
Generating Correspondence Reports ................................................................................................... 145
Document Tracking............................................................................................................................... 147
Organization Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 148
Organization BYOR ............................................................................................................................... 149
Contact Maintenance................................................................................................................................ 151
Contact BYOR........................................................................................................................................ 152
High School Lookup................................................................................................................................... 153
High School Codes ................................................................................................................................ 154
College Names .......................................................................................................................................... 156
College Codes ....................................................................................................................................... 157
Address Correction ................................................................................................................................... 159
Automatic Address Correction ............................................................................................................. 159
Batch Address Correction ..................................................................................................................... 159
Prospect Address Correction ................................................................................................................ 161
Student Pictures ........................................................................................................................................ 171
General Meters One Card™ System .......................................................................................................... 172
Index.......................................................................................................................................................... 174

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Prospect Records
Creating Prospect Records
At the moment you begin recruiting an individual, you can add them to the
prospect records and begin tracking their progress, including level of interest, as
well as many details about the prospect that you can later use as selection
criteria in reports or targeted mailings. Keep in mind that information recorded
in the prospect record can later be transferred to the student record should that
individual apply to and eventually enroll at your institution—you are never
required to duplicate data entry efforts.
Prospects can be added to CAMS through three methods:
 Manually entered as the inquiry is received;
 Import prospect list;
 Created from the Application or Graduate Application portals.
The following instructions will lead you through the creation and maintenance
of records directly in CAMS.
The more information you collect on a prospect the easier it is to group and find
groups of prospects for reporting purposes.

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Step-By-Step: Create a Prospect Record Manually

CAMS Enterprise considers a person a prospect while the institution and person
are in the beginning stages of contact. For example, conversations providing
information about the institution, what the prospect is looking for, are they still
considering the institution, etc. As soon as a person begins to send in
documents or provide other information not available to record on their
prospect record CAMS Enterprise recommends that the institution moves them
to the student module. (See page 61.) These people have expressed a definite
interest in the institution and are actively pursuing options vs. just talking with a
counselor. They may or may not apply but the likelihood is higher that they will.
Fields on the student record can be used to identify that person at a certain
level within the process the institution determines, such as Hot Prospect, Pre-
Applicant, etc.
1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Prospects
>Change Prospect. The Find Prospect window will open.

Figure 1: Select Prospect Screen

Note: CAMS Enterprise automatically takes the user to the selection screen first to allow
the user to search for the new prospect in the existing records in case someone else has
already entered this information or the prospect has previously applied from the online
application portal. By following this process, the occurrence of duplicate entries can be

You can use any combination of the fields as filters to check for an existing
prospect. You can also use partial words, such as part of a last name to retrieve
a broader range of names. Click the Find button to search for the prospect using
the specified criteria. Use the Reset button to clear the select screen and enter
new criteria with which to search.

Note: Enter the entire student ID or student UID in the corresponding selection criteria
fields. Partial entries will not locate a matching record.

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2. If no matches are found, click the Add button on the Select Prospect
window. A blank Prospect Maintenance window will open to the Name tab.
By default all Maintenance windows in the different modules represent the
student’s record for that module. In addition to containing basic name and
address information, the Prospect Name and Address form is used to track
such data as enrollment intentions, prospect status, and more.

Figure 2: Prospect Maintenance

3. Enter the Expected Entrance Term (Reference Table: Term Calendar). This is
the anticipated term of enrollment in your institution. The value here will be
the same term value used to create the Student Status record when the
Prospect is loaded into a Student record. If you mistype the term the field
will change to a dropdown to facilitate selection. Some examples that you
can use are FA-07 or FALL 2007, SP-08, SP2-08.

Note: Expected Entrance Term is a very important field as it is used throughout the
system while working and reporting on the prospect and into their student record. It is not
a required field though as some institutions have a non-traditional style of registration and
do not necessarily use terms although this field can benefit them also.

4. Cancelled – Indicate whether this is an active record. The default is set to

No, which indicates this is an active record. If the record becomes inactive
(for example, prospect informs institution of decision to attend another
school), then select Yes for Cancelled. This allows you to accurately report
on active prospect records without having to eliminate the record.

Note: Whenever possible the institution does not want to delete prospect records as this
deletes historical data that can be used for data mining. For instance, how many
prospects did the institution have last year and of those how many applied to the
institution, how many went to different institutions and why, etc.

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5. Entry Date – Defaults to the current date. This is usually the date the
prospect record was entered into CAMS Enterprise.
6. Supply name information, including the salutation, titles, etc. as
appropriate. The First and Last name are required fields.
7. Student SSN – Social Security Number. The SSN can be entered using only
numbers if an SSN Field Picture has been selected from the CAMS Manager
module. There are three types, USA, Canada, and Other (which allows any
characters). Only one type can be used at a time. The SSN field is not used
anywhere else in CAMS Enterprise other than to prevent duplicate
prospects/students to be entered into the system with the same SSN. By
default it is not used for or considered the student ID when the prospect is
moved to a student record. It does display on some reports but can easily be
removed from those reports or added to reports that require it.

Note: Your CAMS User login will have Full, Masked, or None as the SSN Visibility setting.
Full access will be able to see the entire SSN. Masked will only be able to view the last
four digits with the remaining displayed as X’s, and None cannot see any of the SSN
digits; the entire SSN will display as X’s. With other than Full SSN Visibility the Student
SSN field is read-only and cannot be edited.

8. Status – This field is used to track the prospect and where they are in the
recruiting process. For example, Lead, Prospect, Hot Lead, Denied, etc.
When creating a new Prospect record the default value, as set in CAMS
Configuration, will display. This value can be changed from within CAMS but
not from the Application or Graduate Application Portals.

Note: This is a very important field as it will be used to identify and locate prospects at
different stages of admission and will be heavily used in reporting.

9. National ID – This field displays if enabled in CAMS Configuration. Record

the National ID of the Prospect.

Note: Duplicate SSN and National ID can be allowed in multiple Prospect records if that
option has been set in CAMS Configuration. This is useful for institutions that wish to
allow multiple Prospect records to be entered for the same person. Note that this
configuration option will not allow duplicates to be entered for Student records.

10. Alternate ID Type – (State Reports Lookup Glossary). This field displays if
enabled in CAMS Configuration. Select the type of Alternate ID recorded for
the Prospect such as Birth Certificate or Driver's License.
11. Alternate ID – This field displays if enabled in CAMS Configuration. It can be
used to record an Alternate ID for the Prospect.

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12. Send Mail – This feature will allow you to send an email to the prospect
using the email addresses entered in the address records. When using this
feature an email form will appear and in the To: field will be all the email
addresses that have been associated with the prospect from the prospect’s
addresses. The individual email addresses can be removed if the user only
wants to send to a specific email address. You can also add attachments to
the email, such as application forms, prospect information packets, etc.

Figure 3: Send Prospect Email

13. Enter the prospect Address information by right-clicking in the address data
grid to open the Prospect Address form. You must select an Address Type
and enter something in the Address 1 field. Click Add. You may add
additional addresses if available.

Figure 4: Prospect Address Window

Note: A minimum of one address is required to complete the creation of a prospect

record. The Addresses field is a required field. If the address is unknown, enter minimal
information in the address field such as “Unknown”. This will meet the need for the
required address record.

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14. Entrance Program (Reference: Programs) – This field is intended to be used

to identify the program (not to be confused with Degree Major) in which the
prospect is interested. Examples of this are Graduate, Undergrad, Nursing,
etc. The Entrance Program can also be populated from the Graduate
Application Portal's "Program of Interest" field.

Prospect records with Graduate Programs may be loaded to student again

even if the record has already been loaded to student. This allows a
Prospect record to update the existing Student record for an Undergraduate
Student who has applied to a Graduate Program via the Graduate
Application Portal.

Programs are set as Graduate or Undergraduate by the GPA Group that is

assigned to the Program in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table
Maintenance >Reference Tables tab >Programs. See online help in CAMS
Enterprise for step-by-step instructions to set up GPA Groups and Programs.

Note: This field is critical to GPA Group Specific application fees when the Load From
Prospect feature is used to Add a Student record. The Program must be linked to a GPA
Group with the appropriate Application Fees TransDocs. See Application Fees on page

Note: The GPA Group assigned to the Program will be the active GPA Group available in
the Prospect's Document Tracking.

15. Event (Glossary Table: Events) – The activity that brought the prospect to
the institution’s attention. This can be an actual event such as a college fair,
high school visit, or other ‘events’ such as a web inquiry or media
advertisement. Reports using this field can help evaluate results of
recruiting efforts. Events can also be populated from the Graduate
Application Portal's "How did you hear about us?" field.
16. Enrolled – If the prospect is currently enrolled in your institution (in another
program, for instance), change the Enrolled field from the default of No to
Yes. It could also be used to specify that the prospect is enrolled in another
school, college or high school.
17. User Defined Code (Glossary Table: Userdef Code) – Utilize this field as
designated by your institution for the purpose of storing additional
information that is not collected in the existing fields. Basically, an extra
field that can be used to help identify types of prospects. This field cannot
be renamed but is available from the reports Build Your Own Reports
18. Campus – (Reference Table: Campuses) field associates prospects and
students with a primary campus. Students can still take classes at other
campuses but the campus listed here will be considered their primary
campus. This field carries over to the student’s status record. Depending on
the billing option selected in the Configuration screen it can affect how the
student is charged tuition.

Note: Every institution must keep the default Main campus in the list of campuses. CAMS
Enterprise requires that campus to exist. An institution does not have to use the Main

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campus but it is recommended that it be used for the main campus if the institution has
more than one campus. If the institution has more than one campus it can create
additional campuses by name or location and even create an additional one for the main
campus. This will allow faculty and students to register for classes on specific campuses.

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19. Recruiter (Reference Table: Recruiters) – The name of the recruiter working
with this prospect. This will allow you to generate working to-do lists and
activities by recruiter. It can also contain recruiting areas vs. recruiter
names, which allows the institution more flexibility when recruiters leave or
change position. Using recruiting areas will allow the institution to not have
to change prospects to the new recruiter as they are still associated with the
area. This dropdown list is also shared with the Counselors dropdown that is
on the student’s admissions record.
20. Initial Degree (Glossary Table: Earned Degree) – The degree for which the
prospect initially expresses interest.
21. Attendance Type (Glossary Table: Attendance Type) – Type of attendance
such as Full Time, Evening, etc. It is not uncommon that new inquiries come
to an institution through email or phone message and an address for the
individual is not available. Because the Address record is required to
complete the creation of a Prospect record, use such entries as “Unknown”
in the Address 1 line. The address record not only contains address
information but also phone numbers and email addresses. It is very
important, when possible, to include email addresses as CAMS Enterprise
uses these entries when sending emails to prospects.
22. Greetings – allows for the entry of personalized greetings for a prospect.
You can use these additional greeting fields in mail merges, envelopes and
You may continue adding prospect information by clicking on any of the other
tabs in the Prospect Maintenance window, or you may save this information to
the database by clicking Save or clicking the “X” to close the window.

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Prospect Maintenance Window Details

Following is an explanation of each of the other tabs found in the Prospect
Maintenance window.

Other Tab
Click the Other tab. Here you can enter prospect demographic information, add
an organization, and collect SEVIS information. Many institutions use the
demographic information to help them build strategies for their recruiting

Figure 5: Prospect Other Tab

Gender – Prospect’s gender.

Birth Date – Prospect’s date of birth.
Birth City – City that the prospect was born in.
Birth Country – (Glossary: Country Codes) Country where the prospect was
Birth County – County where the prospect was born in.
Birth State – State the prospect was born in.
Resident State – State the prospect is considered a resident of. May not be the
state the institution is located.
Resident County – County the prospect is considered a resident of. May not be
the county the institution is located.
Maiden Name – Prospect’s maiden name.
U.S. Citizen – Is the prospect a U.S. citizen?

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Although some SEVIS information for non U.S. citizens can be entered here
additional SEVIS information can be entered when the prospect becomes an
applicant or student.
Permanent U.S. Resident – Does the prospect have permanent resident status?
Alien ID Number – What is the prospect’s alien ID number?
Visa Type – Prospect’s visa type.
Visa Expiration Date – Date the visa expires.
Home Language – What is the prospect’s native language?
Veteran – Select Yes or No to indicate the Prospect's military status.
In-House Ethnicity – (Glossary: Origins) Only the value entered in In-House
Ethnicity is used when reporting Student ethnicity for IPEDS. Multiple ethnicities
may be recorded for a prospect (for example, a biracial student) through the
Ethnicity screen available on the More tab of Prospect Maintenance window.
Options available for both In-House Ethnicity and ethnicity for IPEDS are pulled
from the CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Glossary
Table >Origins table.
Select the Is Hispanic/Latino check box to display a drop-down where further
definition by Hispanic Origin can be selected. The drop-down values are
maintained in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >State Reports Lookup.
Religion – What is the prospect’s religion?
Church – Can be used several ways; what church does the prospect attend,
what church referred them, etc.
Previously Applied – Has the prospect previously applied to the institution?
Applied for Term – If the prospect previously applied what term did they apply
Extra Activity – What type of extracurricular activity is the prospect interested
in. Additional extracurricular activity can be kept on the Interests tab of the
prospect record.
Exp. Cohort Group – What cohort group is the prospect expected to belong to?
Military – (Glossary: Military). Select the Prospect's branch of military served.
Resident Country – (Glossary: Country Codes) Country where the Prospect
Is Employed – Check this to indicate the Prospect is employed. When the
Prospect record is loaded to Student, the setting here will carry over to the
Student Demographics tab. When merging Prospect records, if either record has
this box checked, the resulting merged record will have the box checked.
Has Been Convicted of a Felony – Check this to indicate the Prospect has been
convicted of a felony. When the Prospect record is loaded to Student, the
setting here will carry over to the Student Demographics tab. When merging
Prospect records, if either record has this box checked, the resulting merged
record will have the box checked.

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Organization – An organization can be the prospect’s church, business, etc.

Tracking a prospect’s organization may help to target recruiting efforts, as well
as help advisors better serve the prospect. It may also show the institution
which organizations are referring prospects.
How did you hear about us? – Allows additional information to be entered if
the Event field needs explanation. A carriage return is converted to a semi-colon
and space upon saving, which is necessary for export reports. This field can also
be populated from the Graduate Application Portal's "Explain" field.
Online App Fee Paid – This system-populated field, when checked, indicates the
Prospect has paid an online application fee from within the Application Portal.
That information is stored in the ProspectAppFeePaid SQL table. When the
Prospect is loaded into a Student record in CAMS, selecting the option Import
Online Fee Paid will add the application fee paid amount as a credit entry for
the Student in the Application Fees Billing Batch where it may then be
distributed to the Student’s Billing Ledger.

H.S./Scores Tab
The Prospect High School / Test Scores form records data concerning high
school(s) and various testing information such as ACT, SAT, Praxis, etc. This
information can be transferred automatically to the student admission form
through Load From Prospect. Access the Prospect H.S./Scores form by clicking
Admissions >Prospects >Change Prospect >H.S./Scores tab.
You can enter the high school related information on this tab. High Schools are
loaded in the entry form found at Admissions >Lookups >High School.
Additionally, you can enter in test scores for ACT, SAT, TOEFL, etc. and for
custom institution specific entrance tests.

Figure 6: Prospect Scores Tab

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High School – Multiple high schools may be entered. Where multiple high
schools exist for a prospect, the high school records are prioritized for
CAMS reports using the following logic:
 HighSchoolID values greater than zero are given priority. This prevents
selection of the blank high school record if another non-blank record
 The most recent graduation date is given priority. If graduation data is
populated in the text graduation date field instead of the date field, only
the year is considered since the text data is free form and
 Lastly, the most recent record (based on the highest
StudentHighSchoolID) is given priority if more than one record has the
same priority based on the first two prioritization criteria.
To enter the prospect’s high school right-click in the High Schools grid to open a
new detail window. To delete a high school, highlight the row in the top grid then
click the Delete button.

Note: High School entries remain linked between Prospect and Student records if the
Prospect record has been loaded to Student.

High School Detail Fields

 HS Grad Date - The date the prospect graduated from high school.
 HS Graduated - The date the prospect graduated from high school but
only uses month and year in MM/YYYY format.
 High School Name - You must use the Look Up icon to the right of the
High School Name field to search for the school. If the high school is not
found then it must be entered in the High School Lookup (see page 153)
screen and then applied to the prospect.
 HS Counselor - Name of the Prospect's High School Counselor.
 Counselor Title - Title of the Prospect's High School Counselor.
 Counselor Phone - Phone number of the Prospect's High School
 HS GPA - The GPA the prospect achieved when graduating high school
of the HS GPA Scale the high school used.
 Rank - The rank the prospect achieved when graduating high school of
the number of students (HS Rank out of) ranked against.
 HS Completion Status - Select Diploma or GED.
 Report GED Date - Date the prospect received their GED.
 PGPA Verbal - Projected verbal GPA.
 PGPA Math - Projected math GPA.
 PGPA - Projected GPA.

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Test Scores - Scores for standardized tests, such as ACT and SAT, and custom
tests can be entered here. Test Score Templates are defined in the CAMS
Manager module, CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Test Score Table
See page 75 for Step-By-Step instructions to manually enter Prospect or Student
test scores.
Since prospects may take a test more than once or even take different versions
of the same test, the test score records are prioritized for CAMS reports using
the following logic:
 Test score records are first prioritized based on their source. This
prevents unofficial records entered by a student from being selected
over data that is obtained from importing an official test score file. The
priority of the sources is as follows:
o Official Document or Official Import
o Unofficial Document or Unofficial - Import
o High School Transcript
o Provisional
o Self-Reported
o All Other Sources
 The highest composite score is given priority.
 The most recent test date is given priority.
 Finally, the most recent record (based on the highest CAMS_TestID) is
given priority if more than one record has the same priority based on
the first three prioritization criteria.

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Activities Tab
The Activities tab is the location in which you will store your communications
management information. Assign pre-established sets of activities to prospects
and add individual activities as well such as phone calls, letters, meeting notes,
etc. From these lists, generate to-do lists by recruiter or prospect, utilize on-
screen working to-do list or print out various activity reports. More on
communications management is discussed in the Communications
Management section on page 129.

Figure 7: Prospect Activities Tab

Interests Tab
Prospect Interests are recorded in a two-tiered format: category, then item. Use
this feature to list all the prospect’s interests. Keeping track of a prospect’s
interests provides additional ways to encourage prospects to attend the
institution. For example, if a prospect is interested in football and the institution
has a big football game on Friday night a recruiter could send an email from
CAMS Enterprise to all prospects who are interested in football and invite them
to the game with a free ticket.

Figure 8: Interests Data window

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More Tab
The More tab holds additional data for the prospect. Click the appropriate
button to view or modify information in the grid for that item. Double-click a
row in the grid to modify or right-click to add new.

Figure 9: Prospect More Tab

Prospect Colleges – If the prospect is a college prospect who wants to transfer

to your institution, you can track college information using the Prospect
Colleges field. You can also use this option to track colleges that the prospect is
also thinking about attending and then use the collected information to
determine how many prospects came to your institution and how many went to
other institutions and why. The college must be entered into CAMS Enterprise
before you can apply it to the prospect. (See College Names on page 156.)
Prospect Contacts – Prospect Contacts allows you to record contacts for
prospects. Contacts could be a prospect’s parents, teachers, religious affiliates,
siblings, business associates, or any person with whom the prospect has
contact. An Emergency Contact can also be listed here. When adding, a contact
a contact search screen appears first to allow you to search for an existing
contact. For example, if my sibling has attended the institution then the
prospect’s parents have probably been entered into the system. By searching
for them first duplicate contacts can be prevented.

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Previous Name - Any time certain prospect name fields are changed in the
Prospect Maintenance window (Salutation, First, Middle, and Last Name,
Preferred, Social Security, or Maiden Name), CAMS will automatically populate
the Previous Name form with the older information. Data can be entered into
this form manually as well. If the Prospect record was loaded to Student, the
Previous Name grid will remain synchronized between the two records.
Portal Access - Before a prospect can access the Application Portal or the
Graduate Application Portal they must have a portal handle (login name) and
portal password. They will normally create this themselves when first accessing
the application portal. You can use this option to reset their password and
portal handle if they have forgotten them. If the prospect no longer needs to
access the application portal you can uncheck Enable Portal Access.

Figure 10: Prospect Portal Access

For prospect records created from within CAMS, these fields are automatically
filled in upon creation of the prospect record. The default is to use the first 50
characters of their last name and ProspectID for their Portal Handle and the first
20 characters of their last name and the ProspectID for the password. It is
recommended that you change the password using a more secure password
Click Reset Password to send the prospect an email which contains their Portal
Handle and a link which will allow the prospect to change their password. The
link expires after it has been used or 15 days, whichever comes first. The URL
contained in the link is defined in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options
>Portal URL Ref.

Note: Clicking Reset Password removes the existing password. The password must then
be reset via the link in the email or in the CAMS Enterprise Prospect Portal Access

To send the Portal Handle and Portal Password to the prospect in a plain-text
email, check the box next to Set Password. The password field will then be
cleared and marked as a red, required field and an email icon will display to the
right of the Portal Password field. Enter the new Portal Handle (if desired) and
the Portal Password. Click the email icon to send an email to the prospect. The
email MUST be sent before clicking Update. Once the record is updated, the
password is encrypted and cannot be sent in a plain text email.

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The text of the SendStuPortalInformation.asp page can be modified to create a

more institution specific email notification.

Warning: It is recommended to use the Reset Password button rather than

sending the password in plain text email.

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User Defined Fields, in addition to the many data fields available, CAMS
Enterprise also provides several User Defined fields which can be utilized to
capture other data about prospects and students. The labels to these fields are
renamed according to the institution’s needs within the CAMS Manager module.
There are three fields for each of the following field types; Dropdown, Text,
Date, Numeric, Currency, Checkbox, and Memo. The institution decides which of
the available fields will display on the More tab and which ones are required
fields. Any information captured in the prospect area may be copied forward to
the student record. See the online help for more details.

Figure 11: Prospect User Defined Fields

Prospect Awards (Reference: Prospect Awards) – The awards located in the

Admissions module are used as recruiting tools. List potential awards the
prospects may be eligible to receive should they decided to attend the
institution. The data entered here can be used in reporting as well as award
letter generation.

Note: Awards entered in the More tab do not affect financial aid for the prospect.

Ethnicity - Prospect ethnicity is recorded on the Other tab utilizing the In-House
Ethnicity drop-down. Selections made in this drop-down will add an entry here.
Manual entry may also be made for single or multiple ethnicities in this grid by
right-clicking then selecting the item(s) from the scroll box. To remove an entry,
highlight then click Delete. Adding or removing entries here does not change
the drop-down selection on the Other tab.
High School Transcript - Displays High School Transcript information imported
via Apply Alberta. This grid is read-only; records cannot be added or updated
from the CAMS user interface.

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Employment - The Prospect Employment entry form links prospects to their

employers which exist in the Development module of CAMS with an Account
type of Corporation. Employers without a record in CAMS may also be manually
entered in the Employment form without the need to create a Corporation
Account Type in CAMS. The information entered here will transfer to the
Student module when the Prospect is loaded to Student and to the
Development module if the Student is transferred to a Constituent. Multiple
employers may be added. The same employer may be added multiple times if
the dates are different between entries.

Note: Employment entries remain linked throughout CAMS for records that move through
the system from Prospect to Student to Constituent (or Student to Constituent).

Figure 12: Prospect Employer Information

SOP - The Prospect SOP form is used to capture a Statement of Purpose from
applicants that can be used to decide on admission. The statement can be
added by Graduate applicants via the Graduate Application Portal or may be
added or modified here by a CAMS user.

Figure 13: Prospect Statement of Purpose

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Prospect and Student International

This section of the Admissions Module allows users to enter and store
international data for both prospects and students. That data may be stored in
either English or non-English characters. The fields available for international
entry are:
International Admission Information – These fields were specifically designed
to accommodate the characters used by non-English languages, and to enter
information not commonly used in the United States. These include:
 Title
 First, Middle, and Last Name
 Guardian
 Nationality
 Place of Birth
 Admission Status – the international characters may be entered in the
Prospect/Applicant Status Reference Table.
High School – These fields are used to store international high school
information. This information is derived from the High School Reference Table.

Note: This information is viewable only in the Prospect International and Student
International pages. It does not affect SEVIS reporting.

Figure 14: Example International screen with multiple different non-English characters

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Prospect Citizenship
Prospective students may often possess more than one nationality or
citizenship. Prospect Citizenship can be used to record and track multiple
citizenships, effective dates, and various IDs related to citizenship

Step-By-Step: Add Prospect Citizenship

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Prospects
>Prospect Citizenship. The Prospect Citizenship window opens.

Figure 15: Prospect Citizenship

2. Right-click in the data grid to add a new Prospect Citizenship or double-click

to modify an existing entry.
3. Select the Citizen Country (Glossary: Country Codes), which is required to
save the record.
4. Populate other fields as necessary:
 Citizenship Eff Date – effective date of the citizenship
 Tax/SSN ID – Tax ID or Social Security Number
 Alternate ID Type – State Reports Lookup >Alternate ID
 Alternate ID – alternate ID number
 National ID – record the National ID number
5. Click Add (or Update) to save or Cancel to exit without saving.
6. To delete an entry, highlight the row in the grid, then click Delete.

Note: Citizenship records are shared or synchronized across all modules for records in
CAMS. Changes in any module will cause the same change in the other modules for
Prospect records that have been loaded to Student and then potentially transferred to a
Constituent. Deleting a Prospect, Student, or Constituent will not remove the citizenship
entries in other modules. All citizenship windows in CAMS utilize semaphores to prevent
modifications in multiple modules at the same time.

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Prospect/Student Import
Institutions who purchase lists of prospects and/or students can import that
data into CAMS by placing data into the required CAMSImportGeneric SQL table
using the Prospect/Student Import Layout. There are several Validation Rules
(for example, the BirthDate field must be in mm/dd/yyyy format if data is
present, or have a Null value, or be empty) which will be applied during the
import process. The data MUST be accurately validated and formatted in the
exact layout to successfully import into CAMS Enterprise.
The Prospect/Student import process consists of three separate tasks within
CAMS Enterprise.
Prospect/Student Import job must be created. This allows the data file to be
associated with a specific import job.
The Data File to be imported into CAMS Enterprise must first be placed in the
CAMSImportGeneric SQL table before completing the next step. There are no
specific steps to insert the data into the CAMSImportGeneric SQL table. Use of
the import wizard in SQL would be fine and allows mapping of the fields.
Prospect/Student Import Parameters must be defined. These parameters
determine how the data will be imported. Once the data has been imported
into CAMS Enterprise, you will access prospect records through the Admissions
>Prospects >Change Prospect window, and student records through the
Admissions >Students >Change Student window.

Note: Because the import process can be lengthy and locks the Admissions Module while
processing, it is strongly recommended that this data be imported during off-peak hours
when users are not in CAMS Enterprise.

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Creating Import Jobs

Prior to adding the data file to the CAMSImportGeneric SQL table and Defining
Import Parameters, it is necessary to create an import job. Data files to be
imported will be associated with an import job. CAMS does not import more
than one file per import job.

Step-By-Step: Create an Import Job

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Import >Admissions
>Prspct/Stdnt Import Jobs. The Prospect/Student Import Jobs window

Figure 16: Prospect/Student Import Jobs window

2. Right-click in the data grid to open the Prospect/Student Import Jobs detail
entry form.
3. Enter the Job Name, maximum 50 alphanumeric characters. This will display
in the Import Job field selection list in the Prospect/Student Import window.
4. Enter the Job Description, maximum 255 alphanumeric characters. This
displays in the Import Jobs data grid and can be used to provide greater
detail about the job.
5. Click Add to save the Import Job, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Note: To delete a job from the Import Job data grid, highlight the appropriate Import Job
and then click Delete. The job is removed from the data grid and will no longer be
available for import.

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Data File
The data file used for the import must first be inserted into the
CAMSImportGeneric SQL table before defining Import Parameters. Any method
used by the institution to insert the data into this table must ensure that fields
are mapped correctly and use the correct layout. (See Import Layout on page
43.) Use of the import wizard in SQL is recommended.

Figure 17: Prospect/Student Import Jobs window

This table will hold all the data that is to be imported into CAMS Enterprise.
Previous data file entries (for previous jobs) will remain in this table unless
manually deleted. This will allow for historical research. The JobID field must
match the current Import Job (See Import Job on page 27.) used for this file.

Defining Import Parameters

Files from any supplier of Prospect/Student data can be used, however the data
MUST be in the correct Import Layout to be imported into CAMS. Validation
Rules will also be applied during the import process. (See Validation Rules on
page 40.) When the data is ready to be imported, you must first create an
Import Job before defining the Prospect/Student Import Parameters.

Note: Because the import process can be lengthy and locks the Admissions Module while
processing, it is strongly recommended that this data be imported during off-peak hours
when users are not in CAMS Enterprise.

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Step-By-Step: Define Prospect/Student Import Parameters

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Import >Admissions
>Prspct/Stdnt Import. The Prospect/Student Import window opens.

Figure 18: Define Import Parameters window

2. Select the appropriate Import Job, required. The Import Job is created in
the Prospect/Student Import Job window.

Note: Once a job has been completed it will no longer display in the Import Job field. If
using an import job generated by ISIR records, be sure the import process in ISIR Direct is
completed before proceeding.

3. Select the High School Code Type and College Code Type that is assigned to
High Schools and Colleges in your system.

Note: High School Code Types and College Code Types must be assigned to Admissions
>Lookups >High School (and College Names) in order for CAMS to import the test, high
school, and college information from the import file.

4. Determine the Matched Record Behavior (If a match is found):

 CAMS Dominant – Data in the existing record will NOT be changed with
the data in the imported record.
 Import Dominant – Data in the import record will replace the data in
the existing record.

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5. Determine the Un-match Record Behavior: (If a match is NOT found):

 Create New Records – Check this to create new records during the
import process.
 Insert To – Select either Prospects or Students to define whether new
records will be prospect or student records.
 Activity – If appropriate, Select A Group of activities to be applied to all
new records. Groups of activities are defined in Admissions >Lookups
>Define Letter Sequences. The Starting Date for the sequence defaults
to the current date but may be changed if necessary. If Students is
select in Insert To, the starting Term may also be defined.
 Expected Entrance Term – Select the Expected Entrance Term for this
group of Prospects or Students. The Term entered here will be the Term
used in the student's first Status record which is automatically generated upon
creating the student record when either importing as Students or when the
Prospect record is loaded into Student.

 Prospect/Applicant Status – If appropriate, a Prospect/Applicant Status

(Prospect/Applicant Status reference table) may be defined for all new
 Address Type – CAMS requires at least one active address for all
records, select the Address Type to apply. This type should reflect the
type of address in the data set being imported.
 Student Type – If Students is selected in Insert To, select the
appropriate Student Type. This is not available if Prospects is selected in
Insert To.
 Campus – If a Campus is selected, it will populate in the Campus field in
the Prospect(s) or Student(s) created by the import.
 Applied For Term – If an Applied For Term is selected, it will populate in
the Applied For Term in the Prospect(s) or Student(s) that are created
by the import.

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6. Click Next to initiate the import process.

If there are errors in the mapping, for instance, if there is no address for the
prospect or student in the table, then an error will be generated. The error
must be corrected before you can continue.

Figure 19: Error message displayed

Note: If the data is not in the correct format, or if the data cannot be properly validated, or
if there are duplicate records in the data set, CAMS displays a message stating why the
import cannot continue.

7. The New Records window opens if there are no errors. These are individuals
who do not have an existing record in CAMS. If there are no records in the
data imported, you can either click Select/Deselect All, or click the Import
check box to individually select/deselect records to import.

Figure 20: New Records window

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8. Click Next on the New Records window to continue to the Exact Matched
Records window. These are individuals who have records that exactly match
the import data set. If there are no records in the data grid, then no records
in the data set have an exact match. Records default to be imported, but
you can either click Select/Deselect All, or click the Import check box to
individually select/deselect records to import. Imported records will only be
updated based on the Matched Record Behavior defined in the
Prospect/Student Import Parameters.

Figure 21: Exact Match Records window

9. Click Next on the Exact Matched Records window to continue to the Partial
Exact Matched Records window. These are individuals who have records
that have a partial exact match to the import data set. If there are no
records in the data grid, then no records in the data set have a partial exact
match. Records default to be imported, but you can either click
Select/Deselect All, or click the Import check box to individually
select/deselect records to import. Imported records will only be updated
based on the Matched Record Behavior defined in the Prospect/Student
Import Parameters.

Figure 22: Partial Exact Match window

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10. Click Next on the Partial Exact Matched Records window to continue to the
Fuzzy Matched Records window. These are individuals who have records
that are a fuzzy match in the import data set. If there are no records in the
data grid, then no records in the data set have a fuzzy match. Records
default to be imported, but you can either click Select/Deselect All, or click
the Import check box to individually select/deselect records to import.
Imported records will only be updated based on the Matched Record
Behavior defined in the Prospect/Student Import Parameters.

Figure 23: Fuzzy Matched Records window

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11. Click Next on the Fuzzy Matched Records window to continue to the Stored
Procedures window. If your institution has created stored procedures to be
applied, select those here. If not, click Next to continue to the Review and
Process window.

Figure 24: Stored Procedures

Note: There are 2 parameters that are required if you want to run a stored proc during the
import process(either before or after), @UserName and @JobID --- in that order.
@UserName is varchar(15) and @JobID is int. Knowing @JobID you will be able to do
anything that you need to do.

If you are attempting to do something with an "after" stored proc, here is more info that will
be helpful. The 2 tables you are interested in are CAMSImportGeneric and
CAMSImportGenericMatch. CAMSImportGeneric.JobID is the JobID that will be passed
as the parameter. CAMSImportGeneric and CAMSImportGenericMatch are linked by the
column CAMSImportGenericUID.

If CAMSImportGenericMatch.Import = 1, then that row was selected for import. If it is = 0

then this record was skipped during the import.
CAMSImportGenericMatch.SelectedRecordType will either be 'Prospect' or 'Student' - this
will obviously tell you if the the record created/updated a student or prospect record.

CAMSImportGenericMatch.SelectedUID will either be ProspectID or StudentUID

depending on CAMSImportGenericMatch.SelectedRecordType.

CAMSImportGenericMatch.SelectedUpdateType will either be 'Existing' or 'New'. If the

value is 'Existing' it updated a prospect or student, if it is 'New' it created a prospect or
student record.

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12. Review all records to be imported, and if satisfied with the data, click Finish
to complete the Prospect/Student Import process.

Figure 25: Review and Process window

13. The Messages window displays with an Import Is Complete confirmation.

An example message may be that the SSN already existed in CAMS so this
Prospect or Student was imported without an SSN if the user elected to
import the Prospect or Student as is.

Figure 26: Import is Complete window

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14. Click Email to send new Prospects or Students (not Fuzzy or Exact matches)
can be emailed with the message of your choice. Portal Login User and
Password can be included in the email by highlighting them from the special
fields section then right-click and choose paste to insert the field into the

Figure 27: Prospect/Student Import Email

Prospect/Student Import Matching

CAMS Enterprise will import Prospect and or Student files from any vendor or
The data MUST be in the correct Import Layout to be imported, and Validation
Rules will also be applied during the import process. CAMS uses these rules to
identify matches for prospects and students which may already exist in the
system. CAMS handles these matches and imports data based on how the
Prospect/Student Import Parameters are defined.
There are three types of matches that CAMS Enterprise uses in determining the
overall type of a match an imported record is:
Full Exact Matches
Exact Match Prospect, No Match Student
Exact Match Student, No Match Prospect
Exact Match Student, Exact Match Prospect - Same UID
Partial Exact Matches
Exact Match Prospect, Fuzzy Match Student
Exact Match Student, Fuzzy Prospect
Fuzzy Matches
Fuzzy Match Prospect, Fuzzy Match Student
Fuzzy Match Prospect, No Match Student

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Fuzzy Match Student, No Match Prospect

Exact Match Student, Exact Match Prospect - Different UID
Exact Match Multiple Students Or Exact Match Multiple Prospects
Each of the above overall matches is formed from an Exact or Fuzzy match of a
prospect and student record, or lack of one of these records. This means that
CAMS Enterprise checks both for existing prospect and student records and
determines if they are an Exact or Fuzzy match or do not exist. It is the
combination of these items that determines the overall type of match for an
imported record.
An Exact match is defined as criteria that meets all items that can identify a
unique record. A Fuzzy match is defined as criteria that meets all items but
cannot be used to definitively identify a unique record. The following is a
breakdown of what criteria constitutes an Exact match or Fuzzy match.

Exact Match for a Prospect

Match SSN, Last Name
Match Last Name, First Name, Zip Code, Birth Date
Match Last Name, First Name, Zip Code, Phone
Match Last Name, First Name, Zip Code, Address1
Match Last Name, First Name, City, State, Birth Date
Match Last Name, First Name, City, State, Phone
Match Last Name, First Name, City, State, Address1

Fuzzy Match for a Prospect

Match SSN
Match Last Name, First Name
Match Last Name, Birth Date

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Match Last Name, First Three Letters of First Name, City, State
Match Last Name, First Three Letters of First Name, City, Zip Code

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Exact Match for a Student

Match SSN, Last Name
Match Last Name, First Name, Zip Code, Birth Date
Match Last Name, First Name, Zip Code, Phone
Match Last Name, First Name, Zip Code, Address1
Match Last Name, First Name, City, State, Birth Date
Match Last Name, First Name, City, State, Phone
Match Last Name, First Name, City, State, Address1

Fuzzy Match for a Student

Match SSN
Match Last Name, First Name
Match Last Name, Birth Date
Match Last Name, First Three Letters of First Name, City, State
Match Last Name, First Three Letters of First Name, City, Zip Code

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Prospect/Student Import Validation Rules

Files from any supplier of Prospect/Student data can be used, however the data
MUST be in the correct Prospect/Student Import Layout to be imported into
CAMS. The Validation Rules will also be applied during the import process.

Note: Because the import process can be lengthy and locks the Admissions Module while
processing, it is strongly recommended that this data be imported during off-peak hours
when users are not in CAMS Enterprise.

Once data has been correctly formatted, you can begin the import process by
defining the Prospect/Student Import Parameters.
Prospect/Student Import Validation Rules:
FirstName, LastName, and Address1 are REQUIRED fields.
Gender needs to be M, F, Male, or Female or empty string.
BirthDate needs to be in MM/DD/YYYY format or Null or empty string.
SSN Picture needs to match the SSN Field Picture on CAMS
Configuration/General 2.
State needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the Glossary table
(Category = 1003) or Null or empty string.
Country needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the Glossary table
(Category = 1002) or Null or empty string.
HSGPA1 needs to be numeric or Null or empty string.
HSGPA2 needs to be numeric or Null or empty string.
HSCEEB needs to match HighSchoolCode from the HighSchools table or Null or
empty string.
EthnicGroup needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the Glossary
table (Category = 81) or Null or empty string.
Degree needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the
DegreeNameRef table or Null or empty string.
Major1 needs to match either MajorMinorID or MajorMinorName from
MajorMinor table or Null or empty string.
Major2 needs to match either MajorMinorID or MajorMinorName from
MajorMinor table or Null or empty string.
Major3 needs to match either MajorMinorID or MajorMinorName from
MajorMinor table or Null or empty string.
CollegeCEEB1 needs to match CollegeCode in the Colleges table or Null or
empty string.
CollegeCEEB2 needs to match CollegeCode in the Colleges table or Null or
empty string.
CollegeCEEB3 needs to match CollegeCode in the Colleges table or Null or
empty string.

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InterestCategory1 needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the

Glossary table (Category = 60) or Null or empty string.
Interest1 needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the Glossary
table (Category = 62) or Null or empty string.
InterestCategory2 needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the
Glossary table (Category = 60) or Null or empty string.
Interest2 needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the Glossary
table (Category = 62) or Null or empty string.
InterestCategory3 needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the
Glossary table (Category = 60) or Null or empty string.
Interest3 needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the Glossary
table (Category = 62) or Null or empty string.
InterestCategory4 needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the
Glossary table (Category = 60) or Null or empty string.
Interest4 needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the Glossary
table (Category = 62) or Null or empty string.
InterestCategory5 needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the
Glossary table (Category = 60) or Null or empty string.
Interest5 needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the Glossary
table (Category = 62) or Null or empty string.
InterestCategory6 needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the
Glossary table (Category = 60) or Null or empty string.
Interest6 needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the Glossary
table (Category = 62) or Null or empty string.

Note: If InterestCategory1 is not Null or empty string, then Interest1 must not be Null or
empty string. The same applies for InterestCategory2/Interest2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Recruiter needs to match RecruiterID or Name in the Recruiter table or Null or

empty string.
Event needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the Glossary table
(Category = 82) or Null or empty string.
AttendanceType needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the
Glossary table (Category = 12) or Null or empty string.
UserDefinedCode needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the
Glossary table (Category = 70 for Prospects, Category 11 for Students) or Null or
empty string.
EntranceProgram needs to match either ProgramsID or Programs from the
Programs table or Null or empty string.
ExpectedEntranceTerm needs to match either TermCalendarID or TextTerm
from the TermCalendar table or Null or empty string.

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Religion needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the Glossary table
(Category = 86) or Null or empty string.
NativeLanguage needs to match either UniqueID or DisplayText from the
Glossary table (Category = 56) or Null or empty string.
ProspectApplicantStatus needs to match either the UniqueID or DisplayText
from the ProspectApplicantStatusRef table or Null or empty string.
ACTDate and SATDate need to be in MM/DD/YYYY format or Null or empty

Note: All SAT and ACT score fields need to be numeric or Null or empty string.

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Prospect/Student Import Layout

Files from any supplier of Prospect/Student data can be used, however the data
MUST be in the following layout to be imported into CAMS. Validation Rules will
also be applied during the import process.

Note: Because the import process can be lengthy and locks the Admissions Module while
processing, it is strongly recommended that this data be imported during off-peak hours
when users are not in CAMS Enterprise.

Once data has been correctly formatted, you can begin the import process by
defining the Prospect/Student Import Parameters.

Field Name Field Type Comments

Field Name Field Type Comments
CAMSImportGenericUID int Identity column (SQL
JobID int ID created in the
Identity column
Salutation varchar(15)
FirstName varchar(60)
MiddleInitial varchar(60)
LastName varchar(60)
Suffix varchar(12)
PreferredName varchar(60)
Gender varchar(6)
BirthDate varchar(10)
SSN varchar(11)
Address1 varchar(60)
Address2 varchar(60)
Address3 varchar(60)
City varchar(60)
State varchar(50)
ZipCode varchar(10)
County varchar(40)
Country varchar(50)
Phone1 varchar(20)
Phone2 varchar(20)
WorkPhone varchar(20)
Fax varchar(20)
Email1 varchar(50)
Email2 varchar(50)

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Email3 varchar(50)
HSGraduation varchar(10)
HSGPA1 varchar(10) Student “HS GPA” or
Prospect “GPA”
HSGPA2 varchar(10) Student “HS GPA
Scale” or
Prospect (GPA) “of”
HSCEEB varchar(15)
EthnicGroup varchar(50)
Degree varchar(50) Prospect: This will be
entered into a
Prospect Note and as
the Initial Degree in
Prospect Maintenance
Major1 varchar(50) Prospect: This will be
entered into a
Prospect Note
Major2 varchar(50) Prospect: This will be
entered into a
Prospect Note
Major3 varchar(50) Prospect: This will be
entered into a
Prospect Note
CollegeCEEB1 varchar(20)
CollegeCEEB2 varchar(20)
CollegeCEEB3 varchar(20)
InterestCategory1 varchar(50)
Interest1 varchar(50)
InterestCategory2 varchar(50)
Interest2 varchar(50)
InterestCategory3 varchar(50)
Interest3 varchar(50)
InterestCategory4 varchar(50)
Interest4 varchar(50)
InterestCategory5 varchar(50)
Interest5 varchar(50)
InterestCategory6 varchar(50)
Interest6 varchar(50)
Recruiter varchar(60)
Event varchar(50)

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AttendanceType varchar(50)
UserDefinedCode varchar(50)
EntranceProgram varchar(50)
ExpectedEntranceTerm varchar(12)
SourceOfLead varchar(80) Student: This will be
entered into a Student
Religion varchar(50)
NativeLanguage varchar(50)
NoteSubject varchar(120)
Note varchar(2000)
ProspectApplicantStatus varchar(50)
ACTDate varchar(10)
ACTEnglish varchar(12)
ACTMath varchar(12)
ACTReading varchar(12)
ACTScience varchar(12)
ACTWriting varchar(12)
ACTComposite varchar(12)
SATDate varchar(10)
SATVerbal varchar(12)
SATMath varchar(12)
SATWriting varchar(12)
SATCombined varchar(12)
MobilePhone varchar(20)

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Test Scores Import

CAMS Enterprise will import certain national level test scores, ACT, SAT, GMAT,
PRAXIS, TOEFL, and GRE. When importing test score records, certain criteria is
used to match score records with correct individual prospect and/or student
There are three types of matches that CAMS Enterprise uses.
 Full Exact Matches
 Partial Exact Matches
 Fuzzy Matches

Step-By-Step: Import Test Scores

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Import >Admissions
>Test Scores Import. The Test Scores Import page opens.
2. Click Browse to select the file to be imported. You must use a UNC path to
designate the import file. The file must also be accessible by the SQL server.
In this example an ACT test scores file will be imported.

Figure 28: Browsing to a Test Scores Import File

3. Select the File Type. There are a standard set of importable test files. The
years after each file type defines what file layout is being used. If newer
layouts are available from the testing institutions, but the layouts do not
affect the import process, the newer layouts will not be listed from this drop
down. Using the most recent layout available will ensure that the data
imports correctly.
4. Select the High School Code Type that is assigned to High Schools in your

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Note: High School Code Types and College Code Types must be assigned to Admissions
>Lookups >High School (and College Names) in order for CAMS to import the test, high
school, and college information from the import file.

5. Determine the Matched Record Behavior (If a match is found):

 CAMS Dominant – Data in the existing record will NOT be changed with
the data in the imported record.
 Import Dominant – Data in the import record will replace the data in the
existing record.
6. Place a checkmark in Create New Records if new student or prospect
records should be created for records that do not match an existing student
or prospect record. If this is checked, then select Insert To Prospects or

Note: If no data is returned for a particular page, that page will not be displayed.

7. If desired, Address Type, Expected Entrance Term, Prospect/Applicant

Status (for Prospects), Student Type (for Students), and an Activity may be
added at this stage as well.
8. Click Next. The New Records will display if Create New Records is checked.
The first screen displays all individuals who did not match any criteria.
9. Select the records to import by checking the corresponding Import
checkbox. Those records not checked will not be imported. If there are two
records for the same individual only one prospect/student record will be
created but both test scores will be imported.
10. Click Next. The Exact Matched Records window displays. The Exact
Matched Records window displays those records that met the criteria for an
Exact Match. This window will normally not be changed. If changes are
necessary it is important to make the change in the correct data grid. The
upper data grid displays those records that are in the file being imported. If
you uncheck the Import checkbox in the upper grid then that record will not
be imported. The lower grid displays information that is being imported
related to the record highlighted in the upper grid. If you uncheck the
Selected checkbox in the lower grid and the Create New Students/Prospects
for Unmatched Records checkbox on the first window was checked then this
record will be imported into CAMS Enterprise as a new prospect or student
11. Click Next. The Partial Exact Matched Records window opens. In this
window a record will have a match in both the prospect and student
modules. One will be an Exact match and one will be a Fuzzy match. A
decision will need to be made on which record to associate the imported
score(s) with.
12. Select the correct record in the lower grid.

Warning: If changes are made it is important to make the change in the

correct data grid.

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The upper data grid displays those records that are in the file being
imported. If you uncheck the Import checkbox in the upper grid then that
record will not be imported.
The lower grid displays information related to the record highlighted in the
upper grid that will help in determining which record to associate the score(s)
with. If you uncheck both Selected checkboxes in the lower grid and the
Create New Students/Prospects for Unmatched Records checkbox on the
first window was checked then this record will be imported into CAMS
Enterprise as a new prospect or student record.

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13. Click Next. The Fuzzy Matched Records window displays.

This window displays those records that can possibly match records in
CAMS Enterprise.
The upper grid displays those records that can be imported. In the lower grid
it displays the record that had a fuzzy match with.

Warning: If changes are made it is important to make the change in the

correct data grid.

The upper data grid displays those records that are in the file being imported.
If you uncheck the Import checkbox in the upper grid then that record will not
be imported.
The lower grid displays information related to the record highlighted in the
upper grid that will help in determining which record to associate the score(s)
with. If you uncheck both Selected checkboxes in the lower grid and the
Create New Students/Prospects for Unmatched Records checkbox on the
first window was checked then this record will be imported into CAMS
Enterprise as a new prospect or student record.
14. Select the correct record to associate the imported score(s) with.
15. Click Next. The Stored Procedures window opens.
The Stored Procedures window allows the selection and running of custom
stored procedures that the institution may have created. They can be run
before and/or after the scores import.
16. In the left window all stored procedures that don’t begin with “CAMS” will
be displayed. Highlight a stored procedure and use the double right arrows
to select it to run the stored procedure before the import or after the
import. It will display in the upper and lower windows on the right side. You
may add more than one stored procedure in each window. Use the double
up or down arrows to prioritize the stored procedures’ running order.
If there are numerous stored procedures in the list they can be filtered by
using the Stored Procedure Name Prefix field. End in the beginning letters
of your stored procedure and click the ReQuery button to filter the list.
17. Click Next. The Review and Process window displays.
This window allows you to verify what imports will take place. The first
column is Import To. You will see it display New for those records that will
be created in CAMS Enterprise. If it lists a prospect or student’s name then
the third column, RecordType, will display what type of record the score(s)
import will associate with. The SelectedUID field will ensure that it is going to
the correct record.
18. After the records are reviewed click Finish.
A dialog box will appear when all the records have been imported.

Imported Scores
When scores are imported into a prospect or student’s record they will be marked
as Official – Import in the ScoresSource column of the Scores window. Note
that all SAT file types imported (such as SAT College Board 2011-2012) will
display as SAT 2005 in the Prospect and Student records.

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Emailing Prospects
After the address record has been created and saved to the database, emails
can be sent directly to the prospect while you are working with their record. Up
to three email addresses can be entered for each address type that is recorded
for the prospect. When sending an email, you will have the option to select
which of these addresses you wish to use or you can send to all email addresses
for the prospect.

Step-By-Step: Send Email to Prospect

1. From the Prospect Maintenance window, click Send Mail. This link is found
just above the Address data grid on the prospect record.

Figure 29: Prospect Address Grid

Figure 30: Prospect Email Form

2. Confirm the From address. This value defaults to the email address that is
set in your User Profile in CAMS Manager User Administration. This value
can be changed to reflect an address to where you want replies sent.
3. Select the prospect’s email address(s).
4. Add an attachment to your message by clicking on the Browse button.
5. Designate the Importance level. Normal is the default value.
6. Type or paste a message into the Message box.

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7. Click Send Message or Cancel to exit without sending the message. Upon
sending the message, a confirmation page will be displayed. Click Return to
go back to the main screen.

Figure 31: Prospect Email Form

Note: The email example provided here is for the purpose of emailing an individual
prospect while working with their record. Email to multiple prospects simultaneously can
be accomplished through Prospect BYOR and Prospect Correspondence reports.

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Prospect Notes
Creating Prospect Notes
Notes can be used to track additional information regarding your prospects.
These notes are public notes meaning that all notes for the prospect are visible
in this screen, but only those users who have been granted access to this menu
item will be able view them.

Step-By-Step: Create a Prospect Note

1. Open the Prospect Note window through Admissions >Prospects >Prospect

Figure 32: Prospect Notes Form

2. Right-click in the data grid to add a new record.

Figure 33: Prospect Notes Detail

3. Enter the appropriate date for the record. This value will default to the
current date.
4. Enter prospect specific information into the Notes area.
5. Click Add to save the record or Cancel to exit without saving.

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Prospect Questions
When prospects are filling out an online application they may have questions.
Prospect Questions allows a prospect to ask a question and view a reply directly
from the application portal. This will allow them to get answers without having
to leave the online application. It also allows admissions personnel to ask
questions of the prospect, which the prospect will be able to see and respond to
from the application portal.

Step-By-Step: Admissions Submits a Prospect Question

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Prospects
>Prospect Questions. The Prospect Questions window displays.

Figure 34: Prospect Questions Window

2. Click the New Question button to open the Question detail window.

Figure 35: Create Question

3. Click the search icon next to Prospect ID to select the Prospect.

4. Enter your question, and then click Update. The next time the prospect
accesses their online application they can view and respond to the question.

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Step-By-Step: Answer a Prospect Question

While prospects are working on their application they may have a question. They
can submit their question directly from the online application screen.

Figure 36: Application Question Screen

1. To find and answer prospect questions from the CAMS Enterprise Home
page, click Admissions >Prospects >Prospect Questions. The Prospect
Questions window displays.

Figure 37: Search for Questions

2. Select the desired criteria, and then click Find. You can search for
unanswered questions or all questions.

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3. On the Questions tab, highlight the question in the top grid then right-click
in the bottom data grid to open the Answer detail window. In the bottom
grid of the detail window, type the answer to the question that is shown in
the top grid.

Figure 38: Question and Answer Screen

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Prospect Merge
Use the Prospect Merge function to delete possible duplicate prospect records
prior to loading them into Student Admissions. Duplications may occur if more
than one record has been entered for the same person. Each record will have its
own unique ID, but the Prospect information might be slightly different due to a
name misspelling, incorrect address, etc. This function allows you to select a
master record, and then choose key elements of the duplicate record you want to
merge into the master record. CAMS keeps a history of all merges, which is
found in the Prospect Maintenance window by clicking on Show User Audit.

Step-by-Step: Perform a Prospect Merge

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Prospects
>Merge to open the Merge Duplicate Prospects window.
2. Enter search criteria with which you wish to locate prospects. For example,
if the records are duplicated in every way minus the spelling of a name,
enter the first couple of letters of the name and click Find. A list of any
prospects matching the search criteria displays in the Search Results data
3. Double-click the records you wish to merge to move them to the Merge List
data grid. Any two prospect records may be merged.

Figure 39: Prospect Merge Data Grid

Note: Prospects that have been loaded to student cannot be merged unless Allow
Prospects That Have Been Copied to a Student as the Merge List Master Record has
been checked; the record that has been loaded to student must be the Master record in
the merge.

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4. Designate the Master Record, (the record into which the other record will
be merged), and then click Next. The Modify tab displays with the records
to be merged in the top data grid, and the master prospect record displayed
in the lower data grid.

Figure 40: Merge List detail

5. In the top data grid, click the appropriate fields to merge. Selectable merge
fields include last name, first name, middle initial, status, and prospect SSN.
The values for the field clicked in the top data grid will display in the master
record in the lower data grid. Click Next to continue to the Review tab.
6. Review the prospect record displayed in the data grid. Click Merge Records
Now to merge the records. A confirmation message displays asking whether
you want to continue the merge. Click Yes to continue. CAMS merges the
records and displays a confirmation record when complete. Data that is not
selectable will be retained in the master record. Non-selectable fields that
were populated in the master record will retain the values from the master
record. Fields that were populated in the non-master record will be
populated in the resulting merged prospect record if the fields were blank in
the master record.

Note: Addresses, Interests, Activities, Awards, Colleges, Contacts, Employers, and test
scores from the merge record will be added to the master record. For example, if the
merge record has five activities, and the master record has five activities, the master
record will contain ten activities after the merge is complete. Test scores from the master
record will be retained and any additional tests, Score Names and Scores from the
merged record will be added to the master record.

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Deleting Prospects
On occasion the need arises to remove prospect records that may have been
inadvertently added or those that were added from the online application with
false names, for instance, “Mickey Mouse”. This process is easily performed
from the Admissions module and does not require special IT intervention.
Access to this menu item is generally not given to all Admissions users, but
instead should be given to select individuals whose role includes this authority
to delete prospect records.

Step-By-Step: Delete Prospect Records

1. Open the Delete Prospect window by clicking Admissions >Prospects
>Delete Prospect.

Figure 41: Prospect Delete Window

2. Use the selection criteria in this form to locate the prospect or prospects
you wish to delete. The Entry Date From and Entry Date To fields can be
used to find all prospects that were entered during a specific time frame
including from the online application.
3. Check the Select for Delete box next to the appropriate name.
4. Click Delete to remove the prospects.

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Prospect BYOR
Generating Prospect Reports
If you have reviewed the General documentation which covers BYOR, you
already have a good understanding of how this feature in CAMS operates. To
begin, BYOR is a location in CAMS where you Build Your Own Reports. In the
Prospect BYOR, specific criteria is selected that will narrow the group of
prospects for which you are reporting. Take advantage of this feature to target
your recruiting efforts to a specified group and to evaluate those efforts as time
goes (i.e. how many prospects turned into applicants and admits as a result of a
particular recruiting event).

Step-By-Step: Generate BYOR Reports

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Prospects
>Reports >BYOR. The Prospect BYOR screen will open.

Figure 42: Prospect BYOR

2. Select desired criteria. There are four pages of criteria from which to narrow
your group of prospects. The more items selected, generally the narrower
the grouping.
3. Click the Reports tab and select the desired report format.
4. Click the User Defined Criteria button to open selection detail for any User
Defined items that have been set up for your institutions use in the Prospect
Maintenance window. Click Return to return to the Reports tab.

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5. Click Print. The displayed result varies depending upon the report format
 Standard Crystal Reports – These standard CAMS reports are displayed
in Crystal Reports viewer and can be sent to the printer as desired.
 Email – Users define a single email message that will be sent to all
individuals selected using the BYOR criteria.
 Export – This report option produces a tab delimited ASCII file in the
user’s defined Merge/Export directory (as set in CAMS Manager User
List) for all individuals selected through the BYOR criteria forms.
Use the Reset button to clear all values and select new criteria.Click
Print to view the report. Two samples have been provided below.

Figure 43: Three Across Labels report

Many other reports are readily available so that a true picture of your recruiting
efforts can be easily evaluated.

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Admissions: Student Records

Creating Student Records
Students can be added to the CAMS database in one of two methods. Student
data can simply be entered directly into the Student Admissions Information
forms, referred to as the manual process. Student records can be created by
copying existing prospect records to the student forms, which is a process
known in CAMS as Load from Prospect.

Step-by-Step: Load Student from Prospect

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students >Add
Student. The CAMS Enterprise Add Student dialog box opens.
2. Select the Load From Prospect option and click OK. The Load Prospect
window opens.

Note: If you select the Add Student Manually option, a blank Student Admissions form
appears where you can enter all information manually.

3. Enter the appropriate search criteria then click Find to display a list of
prospects. Undergraduate Prospects that have not been previously loaded
to Student and all Graduate Prospects will display. (See page 10 to see how
to set a Prospect record as Undergraduate or Graduate).
4. Select those prospects to be loaded by clicking the Select for Load option by each
appropriate name. Multiple prospects can be loaded simultaneously.

5. Click Load to continue to the Prospect Copy Options dialog box.

When loading a student

from prospect, all or select
prospect information can
be copied to the student
record. This function
eliminates the need for
entering data more than

Figure 44: Prospect Copy Options

6. Select the Transfer as Type (Glossary Table Category: Student Type). This
will apply to the Student Type field and will designate the type of student

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this person is, such as Applicant, Admitted, etc. and can be used as search

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7. Select the Transfer as Status (Glossary Table Category: Status). This will
apply to the Applicant Status field on the Student Admissions page 2. This
selection will also affect the Status field on the Name tab of the Prospect
record. This field can be used as search criteria but it also determines if the
student can register for classes or not.
8. Indicate data to be copied by clicking the appropriate Prospect Copy Options
check box(es).

Prospect Copy Options

 Charge Application Fees – If selected, all fees (as defined in the
Application Fees Reference Table in CAMS Manager) will be
automatically generated and placed in the Billing Batch titled
Application Fees. Refer to the Application Fees section of this
 Import Online Fee Paid – Select this option to transfer any Application
Fee paid from within the Application Portal. This fee is stored for the
Prospect record in the ProspectAppFeePaid SQL table until the Prospect
record is loaded into a Student record. Select Import Online Fee Paid to
add the application fee paid amount as a credit entry for the Student in
the Application Fees Billing Batch where it may then be distributed to
the Student’s Billing Ledger.
 Copy Interests – Copy entries from the Prospect Interests form in
Prospect Maintenance.
 Copy Incomplete Activities – Copies all prospect activities not yet
 Copy Completed Activities – This will copy all prospect activities marked
as completed from the prospect record.
 Delete Incomplete Activities – Deletes all incomplete activities from the
prospect record.
 Delete Completed Activities – This option will delete all completed
activities in the prospect record.
 Copy User Defined – This field, as labeled, is defined by your
organization. It exists in Prospect Maintenance as well as Student
Admissions Information. If you opt not to copy the value from prospect
to the student data, this field can then represent another use in the
Student data.
 Keep Current Student's GPA Group Active - Select this option to keep
the Student record's present GPA Group active. The Prospect's GPA
Group will be added to the Student record but will NOT be set as the
active GPA Group. This will allow an undergraduate's Student record to
be maintained until they start their graduate Program. At that time the
graduate GPA Group that loaded from Prospect can be set as active.
(Note: When selecting this option, you may want to consider setting the
Student Type to a unique selection, such as Graduate Applicant, in

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order to easily locate or report the students at the time their GPA Group
needs to be changed).
 Delete Prospect – Check this option if you wish to delete the prospect
record after copying. If you do choose to delete the prospect, you will
no longer have this data to use for statistical reporting.
 Copy Notepad – Copies all Prospect Notes as Public Student Notes.
 Notify Student of Portal Access – This option will send an email (as long
as there is a valid email address in at least one email field and at least
one active Address Type in the prospect’s address form) to the student
informing them of their portal access, with login ID and password.

Note: CAMS Enterprise sends the portal login information to all valid email addresses in
all active Address Types found. This email template can be modified on the
SendStuPortalInformation.asp page located in the CAMS Enterprise root folder. The
email From: address is pulled from CAMS Manager >CAMS Portals >Misc
Configuration >Services Email field.

9. Click OK to accept selections and continue copying. A status message will

appear in the Load Result column next to each prospect name to indicate
whether the process was successful, or if it failed.
10. Double-click any row to open a pop-up message indicating the Load Result
of that record.

Note: Once a prospect moves to the student module you should never modify data in the
prospect record as that data will not be available from the student record.

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Maintaining Student Records

After a student record has been created, whether it was added manually or
loaded from prospect, the record is maintained in the Student Admissions
Information forms. Following are brief descriptions of the functions found in
each of the tabbed forms in the Student Admissions Information window.

Selecting a Student
When accessing any student task, such as Change Student, the Select Student
screen displays allowing you to search for and select the student.

Figure 45: Select Student

Use any combination of the fields as filters to check for an existing student. You
can also use partial words, such as part of a last name to retrieve a broader
range of names. Click the Find button to search for the student using the
specified criteria. Use the Reset button to clear the select screen and enter new
criteria to search with.

Note: When using the Student ID as search criteria, enter the entire Student ID in the
corresponding selection criteria field. Partial entries will not locate a matching record.
When using the SSN as search criteria, partial Social Security Number starting with the
beginning numbers may be used. The partial or whole Social Security Number must be
entered exactly as it is on the Student record, including dashes.

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Admin 1. (Admissions 1) Tab

Many of the fields in this form are populated when a student is loaded from
prospect, provided that the corresponding prospect fields have been
completed. This form consists of basic student information such as the expected
entrance term, name, address, student type, and admissions counselor.

Note: Your CAMS User login will have Full, Masked, or None as the SSN Visibility setting.
Full access will be able to see the entire Social Security #. Masked will only be able to
view the last four digits with the remaining displayed as X’s, and None cannot see any of
the SSN digits; the entire SSN will display as X’s. With other than Full SSN Visibility the
Social Security # field is read-only and cannot be edited.

Figure 46: Student Admissions 1 window

System ID - Auto-incremented system ID used as primary key by application.

Student ID - Institutional value for all ID purposes; your value, if so desired, or
auto-incremented by CAMS.
Expected Entrance Term (Reference: Term Cal) - Expected entrance term for the
student. The Term selected here will be the Term used in the student's first
Status record which is automatically generated upon saving the student record.
Student Type (Glossary: Student Type) - Supply whatever student type values
your institution supports. In order to retain historical information, once a value
other than blank has been selected, the Student Type cannot be changed back
to blank.
Exp Cohort (Reference: Cohort) - If non-traditional cohort student rather than
traditional term, supply cohort group. This is used for Admissions only and does
NOT populate the Cohort Group in Non-traditional Registration.
Cancelled - Logical field that permits the removal of a student from processing
and reporting areas while still keeping the record for future usage.
Salutation/Names/Suffix/Preferred - All names, titles, and suffixes by which the
student is known.

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Social Security # - Social Security Number.

Maiden Name - Student's surname prior to marriage.

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Show on Directory - Determine whether or not the student is to be shown on

the registrar directory. If a value of No is chosen, an alert will display when this
student is selected warning that this individual has requested to be excluded
from directories. Selecting No will also prevent the Student's information from
displaying on the Student Portal and Faculty Portal Directories but still allow the
contact information to display in the My Students section of the Faculty Portal.
Display Block Indicator - Place a check mark in the box next to Display Block
Indicator to set the Directory Block Indicator (DBI) field in Tools >Export
>Financial Aid >NSLC Export to "Y". Leave this unchecked to set the NSLC DBI
field to "N". This field also controls the Tools >Export >Registration >Degree
Verify FERPA Block field where checking the box places a "Y" in the export to
indicate the student requested a block on their directory information or a "N" to
indicate no block was requested.
Admissions Counselor (Reference: Recruiters) - Select admissions counselor.
User Defined - (Glossary: USER DEFINED FIELD) Discretionary field for your
Mail Box # - Mail Box number for on-campus purpose; can be related to housing
National ID - This field displays if enabled in CAMS Configuration. Record the
National ID of the Prospect.
Alternate ID Type - (State Reports Lookup Glossary). This field displays if
enabled in CAMS Configuration. Select the type of Alternate ID recorded for the
Prospect such as Birth Certificate or Driver's License.
Alternate ID - This field displays if enabled in CAMS Configuration. It can be
used to record an Alternate ID for the Prospect.

Admin 2. (Admissions 2) Tab

This form has student academic information such as initial major, initial status,
attendance type, etc. Like the first tabbed form, information here can be
populated by copying existing prospect data during the Load from Prospect

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Figure 47: Student Admissions 2 window

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Initial Program (Reference: Programs) - This field specifies what program the
student is initially interested in and will transfer from Entrance Program field in
the Prospect form.
During the creation of a new student record, CAMS will attempt to pre-populate
the Student Status >Student Programs for Term with the Block Registration
program and Sequence that has been set up (if any) for the Program selected. If
using Block Registration, new students’ Status records should be verified to
ensure the correct Block Program and Block Sequence has been entered. If
there are multiple Block Registration setups for a Program, the intended
sequence may not be the one auto-populated.

Note: The Programs lookup table contains an Active field. Only programs checked as
Active will display in the drop-down menu. Programs with the Active field blank will not
display in the drop-down menus.

Undergraduate, Graduate, and Programs without a GPA Group designation will display in
CAMS Enterprise. Only Undergraduate Programs will display on the Application Portal.
Only Graduate Programs will display on the Graduate Application Portal.

Programs are set as Graduate or Undergraduate by the GPA Group that is assigned to
the Program in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Reference
Tables tab >Programs. See online help in CAMS Enterprise for step-by-step instructions
to set up GPA Groups and Programs.

Initial Status – This field is used to specify the student’s initial status when first
attending your institution.
Attendance Reason – May be the reason the student choose to attend your
Grade Address – Determines which address to use in reporting if an address
type is not selected in the report criteria screens.
Expected Enroll Type – Determine what type of student load the student is
expected to take. Can also be used by Financial Aid.
Deceased – If set to Yes then an alert window will display with the words
Student Deceased.
Previously Applied – Can mark the student as having previously applied to the
institution, which could cause other actions to be taken for this student.
Access Campus – The main campus for the student, if the institution has more
than one and could include online campuses, that the student is expected to
attend. Set the Campus Currency (default is USD for all campuses) in the
Campuses Reference Lookup table if you want to have different currencies for
each Campus display in Billing Statements and Billing Batch Edit List.
Applicant Event – The event the institution may have had or attended, such as
College Day, Career Fair, etc., that the student learned about the institution
Applicant Status – The status of the applicant (student). This field has the ability
to restrict the student from registering for classes, either by the registrar or
from online. Changing this field will also change the Status field on the Name
tab in the Prospect record for those Prospects that were loaded to student using

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the Load from Prospect function. For more information about the Applicant
Status field and registration refer to the Registration Process PDF or online help.
Attendance Type – Set the student to be a Day student, Night Student,
Continuing Ed Student, Full-Time Student, etc.

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Grade Catalog – This field allows different grade scales to be applied to specific
students and for specific terms. For example, if up 2005 the institution used a
3.5 grade scale and then from 2005 and beyond it switched to a 4.0 grade scale.
This allows the GPAs to remain correct for the 3.5 GPA scale. It should only be
used if you need to ensure that a student uses a specific Grade Catalog. The
blank grade scale is always used by default so you should ensure that the blank
grade scale is always the latest grade scale used to save time and prevent
Organization ID / Organization Name – Can associate an organization with the
student. Could be the organization that referred the student to the institution.
Applied for Term – The term the student applied for, which could be different
than the expected entrance term. Used with the Previously Applied for Term
field on the Application portal.
First Time Student – Used in NSLC reporting. Marks the student as a first time
undergraduate student. Must be used in conjunction with other fields as
discussed in the NSLC manual.
Date Accepted – Date the student was accepted to the institution. Does not
necessarily mean the student has completed all their paperwork or is going to
attend the institution. They have just been accepted.
Date Admitted – Date the student was admitted to the institution.
Matriculation Date – Date the student started attending the institution.
Withdrawn Date – Date the student has withdrawn from all classes.
Deposit Date / Deposit Amount – Date and amount of any deposit received.
Does not create a billing transaction.
Latest Grad Date / Conferred Date – These fields are read only and the data is
located in the latest degree that the student has received based on the
student’s degree page’s Degree Earned, Grad Dt, and Conferred Dt fields.
Add New GPA Group – Adds a new GPA Group and makes it active. Certain
fields are reset to default when adding a new GPA Group. See GPA Group on
page 82.

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Demogr. (Demographic) Tab

General demographic information is stored in this form. Additional fields are
available to record such information as a student’s driver's license number,
citizenship, ethnic background, marital status, etc. Much of the information
entered here is used in the generation of IPED (Integrated Postsecondary
Education Data) reports. SEVIS information for international students can be
collected here, or on the Admissions >Student >Student SEVIS window. SEVIS
information collected on the Demographic tab will also be visible in the Student
SEVIS window.

Figure 48: Student Demographic Tab

Select the Is Hispanic/Latino check box to display a drop-down where further

definition by Hispanic Origin can be selected. This drop-down values are
maintained in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >State Reports Lookup.

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H.S./Scores Tab
Tracking the high schools from which students come may be a very useful tool
to an institution’s recruiting efforts.
Record student high school information by accessing the Student Admissions
Information window and clicking the H.S./Scores tab. This form also contains
those test scores associated with college entry such as SAT and ACT. High school
information can be recorded in the Prospect form as well and is loaded into the
student record when adding a new student using the Load from Prospect
High Schools are loaded in the entry form found at Admissions >Lookups >High

Figure 49: High School Tab

High School – Multiple high schools may be entered. Where multiple high
schools exist for a student, the high school records are prioritized for
CAMS reports using the following logic:
 HighSchoolID values greater than zero are given priority. This prevents
selection of the blank high school record if another non-blank record
 The most recent graduation date is given priority. If graduation data is
populated in the text graduation date field instead of the date field, only
the year is considered since the text data is free form and
 Lastly, the most recent record (based on the highest
StudentHighSchoolID) is given priority if more than one record has the
same priority based on the first two prioritization criteria.

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To enter the student's high school right-click in the High Schools grid to open a
new detail window. To delete a high school, highlight the row in the top grid
then click the Delete button.

Note: High School entries remain linked between Prospect and Student records if the
Prospect record has been loaded to Student.

High School Detail Fields

 HS Grad Date - The date the student graduated from high school.
 HS Graduated - The date the student graduated from high school but
only uses month and year in MM/YYYY format.
 High School Name - You must use the Look Up icon to the right of the
High School Name field to search for the school. If the high school is not
found then it must be entered in the High School Lookup (see page 153)
screen and then applied to the student .
 HS Counselor - Name of the student's High School Counselor.
 Counselor Title - Title of the student's High School Counselor.
 Counselor Phone - Phone number of the student's High School
 HS GPA - The GPA the student achieved when graduating high school
of the HS GPA Scale the high school used.
 Rank - The rank the student achieved when graduating high school of
the number of students (HS Rank out of) ranked against.
 HS Completion Status - Select Diploma or GED.
 Report GED Date - Date the student received their GED.
 PGPA Verbal - Projected verbal GPA.
 PGPA Math - Projected math GPA.
 PGPA - Projected GPA.

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Test Scores
Scores for standardized tests, such as ACT and SAT, and custom tests can be
entered here. Test Score Templates are defined in the CAMS Manager module,
CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Test Score Table Setup.
Since students may take a test more than once or even take different versions
of the same test, the test score records are prioritized for CAMS reports using
the following logic:
 Test score records are first prioritized based on their source. This
prevents unofficial records entered by a student from being selected
over data that is obtained from importing an official test score file. The
priority of the sources is as follows:
o Official Document or Official Import
o Unofficial Document or Unofficial - Import
o High School Transcript
o Provisional
o Self-Reported
o All Other Sources
 The highest composite score is given priority.
 The most recent test date is given priority.
 Finally, the most recent record (based on the highest CAMS_TestID) is
given priority if more than one record has the same priority based on
the first three prioritization criteria.

Step-By-Step: Add a Test Score

1. Right-click in the Tests data grid. A new Test Information detail window
2. Select a Test Name and fill in any necessary fields.

Figure 50: Select a Test Name

3. Place a check in the box next to Lock to prevent modifications from the
Application or Graduate Application portal and prevent deletion from within
CAMS. Note that a CAMS user with read/write access to Prospect
Maintenance or Student Admissions Information can unlock and delete the

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4. Click Add to save the test to the students Test Scores grid on the
H.S./Scores tab and to allow scores to be entered.

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5. Double-click the newly added test in the grid to open the test detail and add

Figure 51: Test Scores grid

6. Right-click in the Scores grid to open the Score Information detail window.

Figure 52: Scores Detail

7. Select the Score Label from the drop-down and fill in any necessary fields.
8. To add the score, click Add; or click Update to save a modification to an
existing score.
9. Click Update on the Test Information detail window to update the record.
10. To delete a test score highlight the row in the grid then click the Delete

Note: A print icon displays above the Test Scores data grid which allows you to print out
test scores directly from here.

Activity Tab
The Activities tab is the location in which you will store your communications
management information. Assign pre-established sets of activities to prospects
and add individual activities as well such as phone calls, letters, meeting notes,
etc. From these lists, generate to-do lists by recruiter or prospect, utilize on-
screen working to-do list or print out various activity reports. More on
communications management is discussed in the Communications
Management section on page 129.

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More Tab
The tab labeled ‘More’ contains several additional data forms:

Figure 53: More Tab Options

Store information on previous colleges attended for transfer students, or track
where students go when they leave your institution. You can record credits
earned, credits transferred, as well as GPA information. (See College Names on
page 156.)

Record unlimited areas of interest for your students. Interests can be
categorized as extracurricular, vocational, or any other category that would
apply to students for your institution. Once entered, this data can be used to
generate student lists for special events, or help a counselor to advise students
in academic selections based on vocational interests.

All test scores are entered in the High School tab. This Scores form was used to
record scores for tests that were converted from previous versions of CAMS. It
has been disabled and no additional tests may be entered here. All tests
previously entered are now displayed as historical data.

Account for all degrees possessed by your students, whether it be degrees
earned elsewhere or from your institution. Only those degrees marked as
transfer can be edited through this window.

Track multiple, unlimited contacts for each student. Contacts are grouped
by type, values to be defined by your institution.

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Note: In Financial Aid some direct loans such as the PLUS loan and the ALT loan use
Contact information to populate the Borrower record required for integration with COD. All
address data is required, as well as Birth Date and Social Security Number. SSN is
entered via the Tax ID field, and does not require dashes.

Previous Name
Any time certain student name fields are changed in the Student Admissions
Information window (Salutation, First, Middle, and Last Name, Preferred, Social
Security, or Maiden Name), CAMS will automatically populate the Previous
Name form with the older information. Data can be entered into this form
manually as well. If the Student record was loaded from Prospect, the Previous
Name grid will remain synchronized between the two records.

Student demographic information, including ethnicity, is commonly collected in
an IPED (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data) Report.

Your institution can record a variety of greeting information for use with mail
merges, including spouse information.

Use this form to track student relations and reversing relations. For example,
you can record a relation such as brother to sister (and sister to brother for a
reversing relation) if both siblings are students at your institution.

This allows you to determine whether various FERPA items (FERPA Items
Glossary table) such as work phone, cell phone, street address, etc. are
displayed. In addition to determining whether items will or will not be displayed,
you may also designate recipients of FERPA information. See the online help for
more details.

User Defined
In addition to the many data fields already available, CAMS also provides several
User Defined fields which can be used to capture other data about prospects
and students. The labels to these fields are configured according to your
institution within the CAMS Manager module. Any information captured in the
prospect area may be copied forward to the student area if desired. See the
online help for more details.

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GPA Group
This GPA Group allows the user to define a specific GPA Group to select
Admissions fields. One GPA group will be set active, with any additional set
inactive. The following fields can be set specifically for each GPA Group and will
automatically be set to default entries when a new GPA Group is created:
Admin 1 tab
 Exp Entrance Term
 Student Type
 Exp Cohort
 User Defined
 Adm Counselor
Admin 2 tab
 Initial Program
 Initial Status
 Attendance Reason
 Expected Enroll Type
 Applicant Event
 Applicant Status
 Attendance Type
 Grade Catalog
 Organization ID and Organization Name
 Applied for Term
 Access Campus
 Date Accepted
 Matriculation Date
 Deposit Date
 Date Admitted
 Withdrawn Date
 Deposit Amount

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State Reporting
These fields are specific to the reports required by a few select states. The data
captured may be extracted from SQL or through specific state reports, via Tools.
Highest Level of Parents' Education (State Reports Glossary: Highest Level of Parents
Education) - Used in New York State Reports to report the educational level for the parent
with the highest level of education.
Primary Educational Objective (State Reports Glossary: Students Primary Educational
Objective) - Used in New York State Reports to indicate the reason the student is
attending college.

Aboriginal Indicator (State Reports Glossary: Aboriginal Indicator) - Used in the

ASI (Alberta Student Initiative) Report.
Last Institution Type (State Reports Glossary: Last Institution Type) - Used in the
ASI (Alberta Student Initiative) Report.
ASN Verified Flag (State Reports Glossary: ASN Verified Flag) - Used in the ASI
(Alberta Student Initiative) Report.

The Student Employment entry form links students to their employers which
exist in the Development module of CAMS with an Account type of Corporation.
Employers without a record in CAMS may also be manually entered in the
Employment form without the need to create a Corporation Account Type in
CAMS. The information entered here will transfer to the Development module if
the Student is transferred to a Constituent. Multiple employers may be added.
The same employer may be added multiple times if the dates are different
between entries.

Note: Employment entries remain linked throughout CAMS for records that move through
the system from Prospect to Student to Constituent (or Student to Constituent).

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Application Fees
Application Fees are charged during the Add Student process in Admissions
>Student >Add Student. If you opt to charge Application Fees, there are three
1. General Application fees can be charged to all students regardless of GPA
Grouping or Program.
2. Application Fees can be charged by GPA Grouping, such as Undergraduate
or Graduate.
3. Application fees can be further defined by a Program within a GPA Group.
For example, a Nursing program requiring fees in addition to those charged
for all Undergraduate students can be created. The GPA Group has one set
of fees, and the Nursing program has additional fees assigned.
Application Fees are set up in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table
Maintenance >Reference Tables. Once set up in the Reference Tables, the
application fees will be charged to the Application Fees Billing Batch when the
student record is added provided the option to charge application fees is
selected. Application fees can be associated to the student record in any of the
following ways.
The General Application fees (fees not associated with a GPA Grouping or
Program) will be created in the Application Fees Billing Batch when the student
record has been added.
When new students are added using the Load From Prospect feature, the
application fees linked to a Prospect's Entrance Program will be created in the
Application Fees Billing Batch when the student record has been added.

Note: This is the only way GPA Group specific fees can be assigned when using the
Load From Prospect feature.

For student records that are manually added, the application fees can be
assigned by selecting an Initial Program with the GPA Group linked or by adding
the GPA Group directly to the student record before the record is saved for the
first time.

General Application Fees

Application fee setup is a two-step process. First, create a TransDoc for each
application fee charged, then apply the TransDoc to a fee in the Application Fees
Reference Table. If the Application Fees TransDocs have already been created,
skip to step 4 below.

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Step-by-Step: Create Application Fees

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager >Lookup Table
Options >Transaction Documents.
2. Right-click in the data grid to add a new TransDoc.

Figure 54: Reference Tables

3. Complete the TransDoc with the appropriate information and click Add to

Figure 55: Add TransDoc

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4. Click CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance

>Reference Tables tab. Highlight the Application Fees reference table and
right-click in the Records of Table data grid to add a new application fee.

Figure 56: Application Fees

5. Select the appropriate TransDoc, then enter the amount of the fee.

Figure 57: Add Application Fee

Note: As long as the GPA Group field is blank, the fees will be assigned to every student
at the time the student record is added.

6. Click Add to save the fee.

7. Add the Student Record (refer to Creating Student Records section on page
8. Click Yes when prompted to Charge Application Fees to new Student.

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Application Fees by GPA Group

If using the Load From Prospect function to add a new student record, the
Entrance Program must be selected on the Prospect Name tab in Prospect
Maintenance prior to loading the record to Student in order to charge the fees
when the student record is added. If a student is added manually, the fees can
be assigned by either selecting a GPA Group, or by selecting an Initial program
that has fees linked to GPA Groups.

Step-by-Step: Create Application Fees by GPA Grouping

1. Repeat steps one through five in the section above (Create Application Fees)
to create the Application Fees to be linked to the GPA Group.
2. Select the GPA Group from the drop-down list.

Figure 58: Select GPA Group

3. Click Add to save.

4. If more than one application fee will be charged, repeat this process until all
the Application Fees have the TransDoc and GPA Group assigned.

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Step-by-Step: Assign Specific Application Fees to a Program

1. Highlight the Programs reference table, and double-click to select a specific
program from the Records of Table data grid.

Figure 59: Programs Reference Table

2. Select the GPA Group from the drop-down list.

3. Click Update to save the GPA Group to the Program.

Figure 60: Program and GPA Group

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Step-by-Step: Assign Application Fees by GPA Group to a Manually

Added Student
1. From Admissions >Students >Add Student select Add Student Manually
from Select Add Student Option window.

Figure 61: Add Student Manually

2. Select Yes to Charge Application Fees to a new student?

Figure 62: Charge Application Fees?

3. Complete the required information on the Admin. 1 tab (First Name, Last
Name, Address). Do not save at this time.

Figure 63: Add Student Required Fields

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Warning: If any data other than the required data was entered before Add
New GPA Group is clicked, it will be replaced with the data specific to the GPA
Grouping selected.
4. Click the Admin. 2 tab.
5. Click the Add New GPA Group button.

Figure 64: Add New GPA Group

6. Select the GPA Group from the drop-down list.

7. Click Add. You may save the record at this time to create the application
fees linked to the GPA Group.

Figure 65: Select GPA Group

8. Complete the remaining data fields on all tabs and click Save.

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Step-by-Step: Assign Application Fees by Program to a Manually

Entered Student.
1. From Admissions >Students >Add Student select Add Student Manually
from the Select Add Student Option window.

Figure 66: Add Student Manually

2. Select Yes to Charge Application Fees to a new student.

Figure 67: Charge Application Fees?

3. Complete the required information on the Admin. 1 tab. Do not save at this

Figure 68: Add Student Required Fields

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4. Click the Admin. 2 tab.

5. Select the Initial Program from the drop-down list. You may save the record
at this time to create the application fees linked to the Initial Program.

Figure 69: Initial Program with Application Fees

Note: The Initial Program must be linked to GPA Group(s) that has admission fees

6. Complete the remaining data fields on all tabs as appropriate and click Save.

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Student Addresses
Adding Student Addresses
Student addresses can be maintained through Admissions either in the Student
Admissions Information window, Page 1 or strictly by accessing the Change
Address window (Admissions >Students >Change Address). The latter option
allows institutions to grant more restrictive access rights to particular personnel.
Thus, if maintaining addresses is the user’s only function in CAMS (i.e. student
workers), you do not have to give access to the entire student record and can
therefore maintain student confidentiality.

Note: Students must have three types of active addresses; home, local, and billing.
Without these address types the students will not display on certain reports and in some
areas of the student portal.

The following example demonstrates the process of adding a new address using
the Student Admissions Information window.

Step-by-Step: Add Student Address

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students
>Change Student. The Student Admissions Information window will open. In
There is no limit to the number the first tab (Page 1), right-click in the Student Addresses data grid.
of addresses you can store.
Simply indicate whether or not
the address is active by entering
‘Yes’ in the field labeled Active.
This feature allows you to
maintain a complete address
history for your Students.

Figure 70: Address Data Grid

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The Address Entry form opens

Figure 71: Address Entry form

Select Address Type, three of which are already supplied by CAMS in the
Address Glossary Table: Local, Home, and Billing. While these three address
types are preset in CAMS, your institution can create as many types
Warning: It is important to know that upon saving the record, if only one of
these pre-established address types is used to create a new address record (i.e.
Home), CAMS will automatically generate records with the remaining two
(Local and Billing) by copying identical data from the initial record. These are
the addresses to be used in such reports as the student’s grade card, billing
statements, etc.
If an address type other than Home, Local, or Billing is created as the only
address, upon saving the record CAMS will automatically create the required
Home, Local, and Billing addresses with “Blank Address” entered in the
Address 1 field.
2. Identify whether or not this address is current by indicating the Active status
3. Continue by populating the appropriate address fields, including email and
phone. CAMS uses the primary email address when sending email to a
4. Click Add to save entry or Cancel to exit without saving.
5. Repeat these steps for as many addresses as you wish to store for a student.

Note: If no entries are made to the Local, Home, and Billing addresses, the address
information will be missing from many of the CAMS generated reports. Some reports
require an active address in order to be generated.

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Copy Student Addresses

This process will copy the selected address to another address type of your
choice. If an active address of that type exists, then the copy function will set it
to inactive and create a new active address from the address copied. If an
address of this type does not exist, one will be created with the active field
defaulting to No.

Note: This function is not available through the Student Admissions Information window
Address form. It must be accessed through Admissions >Students >Change Address.

Step-by-Step: Copy Student Addresses

1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students >Change
Address. Highlight the address you wish to copy (source address), and then
click Copy. The Copy To Which Address Type form opens with the selected
address displayed in the Source Address field. This field may not be edited.
If you wish to use a different address, click Cancel and then select another
address from the list.
2. Select the Destination Address Type from the drop-down list, and then click
Copy. A confirmation message displays asking whether you want to copy
the selected address to the destination address. To continue, click Yes.
Another confirmation message displays once the copy function is complete.

Note: If the address is considered to be an active address, then you must double-click the
address to modify the active address field as it defaults to No.

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Student Test Scores

Entering Test Scores
All tests and their scores are entered on the H.S./Scores tab of Prospect
Maintenance or Student Admissions Information windows. CAMS provides
several standardized test templates from which to choose. Additional test score
templates can be created through CAMS Manager, Test Score Table Setup.
Each test can have its own set of information fields, score fields, percentile fields,
placement checkboxes and user defined fields. The CAMS Manager will input the
test names in the Test Name field.
See page 75 for Step-By-Step instructions to manually enter Prospect or Student
test scores.

Student Test Score BYOR

In the Admissions >Student >Report >BYOR on the Interest/Activity (Int/Act)
tab there are test related fields used to search against entered tests. When
searching for tests you must select a Test Name and then one or more Test
Subject Names. You may only search for one test per report and only those Test
Name Subjects used in that report.

Note: ACT and SAT test date fields are also on the Scores tab and can be used to search
for these specific test dates. These two fields will allow you to search for both the ACT and
SAT dates concurrently. Do not use these fields at the same time you use the fields on the
Int/Act tab.

GED tests can also be recorded in the Student Test Scores section. You may have as
many GED tests (attempts) as necessary. These tests will work with the Student Test
Score BYOR. There is an additional field on the H.S. page called Report GED Date. This
field can be used as the actual date that a student passed the GED. It is placed on this
page in addition to the test scores to facilitate quick viewing as to whether a student has
graduated high school or took the GED. The Report GED Date field is used on the
Admission Verification report. If you use this report you will need to populate this field in
addition to any entries you make in the Student Test Scores section.

Importing Test Scores

CAMS Enterprise will import certain national level test scores, ACT, SAT, GMAT,
PRAXIS, TOEFL, and GRE. When importing test score records certain criteria is
used to match score records with correct individual prospect and/or student
records. There are three types of matches that CAMS Enterprise uses.
Full Exact Matches
Partial Exact Matches
Fuzzy Matches

Matches can also be broken down to Exact or Fuzzy. An Exact match is defined
as criteria the meets all items that can identify a unique record. A Fuzzy match is
defined as criteria that meets all items but cannot be used to definitively
identify a unique record. The following is a breakdown of what criteria
constitutes an Exact match or Fuzzy match.

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Exact Match For A Prospect

Match SSN, Last Name
Match Last Name, First Name, Zip Code, Birth Date
Match Last Name, First Name, Zip Code, Phone
Match Last Name, First Name, Zip Code, Address1
Match Last Name, First Name, City, State, Birth Date
Match Last Name, First Name, City, State, Phone
Match Last Name, First Name, City, State, Address1

Fuzzy Match For A Prospect

Match SSN
Match Last Name, First Name
Match Last Name, Birth Date
Match Last Name, First Three Letters of First Name, City, State
Match Last Name, First Three Letters of First Name, City, Zip Code

Exact Match For A Student

Match SSN, Last Name
Match Last Name, First Name, Zip Code, Birth Date
Match Last Name, First Name, Zip Code, Phone

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Match Last Name, First Name, Zip Code, Address1

Match Last Name, First Name, City, State, Birth Date
Match Last Name, First Name, City, State, Phone
Match Last Name, First Name, City, State, Address1

Fuzzy Match For A Student

Match SSN
Match Last Name, First Name
Match Last Name, Birth Date
Match Last Name, First Three Letters of First Name, City, State
Match Last Name, First Three Letters of First Name, City, Zip Code
The following items display the criteria used in determining the type of match a
record is.

Full Exact Matches

Exact Match Prospect, No Match Student
Exact Match Student, No Match Prospect
Exact Match Student, Exact Match Prospect - Same UID
Partial Exact Matches
Exact Match Prospect, Fuzzy Match Student
Exact Match Student, Fuzzy Prospect
Fuzzy Matches
Fuzzy Match Prospect, Fuzzy Match Student
Fuzzy Match Prospect, No Match Student
Fuzzy Match Student, No Match Prospect
Exact Match Student, Exact Match Prospect - Different UID
Exact Match Multiple Students Or Exact Match Multiple Prospects

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Step-By-Step: Import Test Scores

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Import >Admissions
>Test Scores Import. The Test Scores Import page opens.

Figure 72: Test Scores Import window

2. Click Browse to select the file to be imported. You must use a UNC path to
designate the import file. The file must also be accessible by the SQL server.
In this example an ACT test scores file will be imported.
3. Select the File Type. There are a standard set of importable test files. The
years after each file type defines what file layout is being used.

Figure 73: Test Scores Import File Types

4. Click Create New Students/Prospects for Unmatched Records if new

student or prospect records should be created for records that do not
match an existing student or prospect record. If this is checked then select
Insert To Prospects or Students. Select an Address Type if necessary.

Note: Address type does not have to be selected. If a type is selected and unmatched
records are going to Prospects then CAMS Enterprise will create the address type
selected and a Home address type. If unmatched records are going to Students then
CAMS Enterprise will create the address type selected and a Home, Billing and Local
address type. If a type is not selected CAMS Enterprise will create a Home address in
Prospects and a Home, Billing and Local address in Students.

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5. Click Next. The New Records or Create New Students/Prospects for

Unmatched Records window displays depending on what was selected on
the first window.

Figure 74: Score Import New Records window

6. If Create New Students/Prospects for Unmatched Records was selected

then the first screen displays all individuals who did not match any criteria.
7. Select the records to import by checking the corresponding Import
checkbox. Those records not checked will not be imported. If there are two
records for the same individual only one prospect/student record will be
created but both test scores will be imported.
8. Click Next. The Exact Matched Records window displays.

Figure 75: Scores Import Exact Match window

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The Exact Matched Records window displays those records that met the criteria
for an Exact Match. This window will normally not be changed.

Warning: If changes are necessary it is important to make the change in the

correct data grid.

The upper data grid displays those records that are in the file being imported. If
you uncheck the Import checkbox in the upper grid then that record will not be
The lower grid displays information that is being imported related to the record
highlighted in the upper grid. If you uncheck the Selected checkbox in the lower
grid and the Create New Students/Prospects for Unmatched Records checkbox
on the first window was checked then this record will be imported into CAMS
Enterprise as a new prospect or student record.
9. Click Next. The Partial Exact Matched Records window opens.

Figure 76: Partial Exact Matched Records window

In this window a record will have a match in both the prospect and student
modules. One will be an Exact match and one will be a Fuzzy match. A
decision will need to be made on which record to associate the imported
score(s) with.
In Figure 76 the first student in the upper grid is highlighted. In the lower
grid the two matches display. One is an exact match and one is a fuzzy
match. Compare the fields to determine which record the import should be
associated with. Currently in the figure the exact record is selected. You will
see that the UID is different for both records. If you keep this setting then
the import will associate with the 47,784 UID. If you select the second
match it will associate with the 47,785 UID.
10. Select the correct record in the lower grid.

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Warning: If changes are made it is important to make the change in the

correct data grid.
The upper data grid displays those records that are in the file being
imported. If you uncheck the Import checkbox in the upper grid then that
record will not be imported.
The lower grid displays information related to the record highlighted in the
upper grid that will help in determining which record to associate the
score(s) with. If you uncheck both Selected checkboxes in the lower grid and
the Create New Students/Prospects for Unmatched Records checkbox on
the first window was checked then this record will be imported into CAMS
Enterprise as a new prospect or student record.
11. Click Next. The Fuzzy Matched Records window displays.

Figure 77: Scores Import Fuzzy Matched Records window

This window displays those records that can possibly match records in
CAMS Enterprise.
The upper grid displays those records that can be imported. In the lower
grid it displays the record that there was a fuzzy match with.
In Figure 77 the highlighted record displays that it was a fuzzy match with a
prospect record.

Figure 78: Scores Import Fuzzy Matched Records window

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In Figure 78 the highlighted record displays that it was a fuzzy match with a
student record.

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In Figure 79 the highlighted record displays that it was an exact match with
both a prospect and student record but the UID was different.

Figure 79: Scores Import Fuzzy Matched Records window

Warning: If changes are made it is important to make the change in the

correct data grid.
The upper data grid displays those records that are in the file being
imported. If you uncheck the Import checkbox in the upper grid then that
record will not be imported.
The lower grid displays information related to the record highlighted in the
upper grid that will help in determining which record to associate the
score(s) with. If you uncheck both Selected checkboxes in the lower grid and
the Create New Students/Prospects for Unmatched Records checkbox on
the first window was checked then this record will be imported into CAMS
Enterprise as a new prospect or student record.
12. Select the correct record to associate the imported score(s) with.
13. Click Next. The Stored Procedures window opens.

Figure 80: Scores Import Stored Procedure window

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The Stored Procedures window allows the selection and running of custom
stored procedures that the institution may have created. They can be run
before and/or after the scores import.
In the left window all stored procedures will be displayed. Highlight a stored
procedure and use the double right arrows to select it to run the stored
procedure before the import or after the import. It will display in the upper
and lower windows on the right side. You may add more than one stored
procedure in each window. Use the double up or down arrows to prioritize
the stored procedures’ running order.
If there are numerous stored procedures in the list they can be filtered by
using the Stored Procedure Name Prefix field. End in the beginning letters
of your stored procedure and click the ReQuery button to filter the list.
14. Click Next. The Review and Process window displays.

Figure 81: Scores Import Review and Process window

This window allows you to verify what imports will take place. The first
column is Import To. You will see it display New for those records that will
be created in CAMS Enterprise. If it lists a prospect or student’s name then
the third column, RecordType, will display what type of record the score(s)
import will associate with. The SelectedUID field will ensure that it is going
to the correct record.
15. After the records are reviewed click Finish.
A dialog box will appear when all the records have been imported.

Imported Scores
When scores are imported into a prospect or student’s record they will be
marked as Official – Import in the ScoresSource column of the Scores window.

Figure 82: Test Scores window

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Student Status
Maintaining Student Status
From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students >Student
Status. The Student Status window opens and you will be able to:
Manage Student Statuses: Enrollment, Academic, Registration and Set Academic
Track Student Degree Programs by term.
Record Extracurricular Activities by term.
Assign an Advisor
The first tab in this window, Status and Programs, displays two data grids:
Student Status Records and Student Programs for Term. In addition to the data
fields, CAMS provides a User Defined button that includes several fields which
can capture other data about students. Labels to these fields are configured
according to your institution within the CAMS Manager module. See the online
help for more details.
The remaining tab, Extra Curricular Activities, is reserved for recording student
involvement in particular events or extracurricular activities for a specified term.

Student Status Records

The Student Status Records are displayed in a list format, one record per term.
The records can be created manually by right-clicking in the data grid, but most
often are the result of creation through Student Registration.

Figure 83: Student Status Records grid

The first status record is created by default when the person is entered or
transferred into the Student module, either as an applicant or student.
Upon registering a student for courses, CAMS will automatically create a
student status record based upon defaults set in CAMS Manager. This record
can be modified directly in the status entry form in the Registration window at
the time of registration, or by going to the Status and Programs window.

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The Student Status Entry form is opened by either right-clicking in the data grid
(to add new record), or double-clicking a specific record in the list to modify an
existing status.

Figure 84: Student Status Entry form

Detailed field descriptions and instructions can be found in CAMS Enterprise

Online Help, but here are some important facts you should know about
particular field values in Student Status:
Campus, Cost Type, and Refund Type — Are critical in calculating tuition and
refunds at time of registration. Without the proper entries in these fields, a
student could be charged incorrectly. If these fields are left blank at time of
registration, default values of Main Campus, Default Cost Type, and Default
Refund Type will automatically be populated in these fields.
College Level — Can be automatically calculated and updated based on earned
hours. See Registration Setup for specifics on the system default and
configurable options for College level. Configured in CAMS Manager >Lookup
Table Options >Table Maintenance, College Level table and Reg Classification
Alert — Set Academic Alerts by setting the Academic Status field to an option
that has been configured to alert (Status Code reference table) when selected.
This Alert field will display Yes the next time you access the form. The Alert
screen displays the same information found in the Student Status form, thus
allowing the flexibility to apply Alerts due to any of the statuses, Enrollment,
Registration, or Academic.

Note: Changing the Alert field manually will turn off the alert screen for future terms but
not affect the Academic Status of the student.

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Charge Insurance — If this field is marked ‘Yes’, a charge will be generated and
added to either the Unofficial Registration batch or the Official Registration
batch upon saving registration.
Student Registered — When a student registers, for the specified term, either
officially or unofficially, this value changes to Yes. If withdrawn from all classes it
will change to No.
Grade Catalog — Grade Catalogs can be set for each term. This allows a student
to be under a certain grading scale for a term but a different grading scale for
another term. This will keep grading integrity for each term If there are no
special grading scales then the ‘blank’ grade catalog should be used.
By default all Grade Catalog fields are empty or ‘blank’ and use the blank grade
catalog. So no special steps are necessary to ensure each student is graded
If a Grade Catalog needs to be set for a student it will be set here in the Student
Status window for the particular term.

Note: There is a Grade Catalog field on the Admin 2 tab of the Student’s Admission
record. This field is only referenced if there is no Student Status record for a particular
term that the student has classes for in their maintenance screen.

This Grade Catalog will carry over to successive terms when copied manually or
a student registers for the following term.
Degree Seeking – Used to mark students as degree seeking. Can be used with
IPEDS reporting.
Non-State Reporting – Can be used to mark a student for specialized state
Student Program for Term
Use the Student Program entry screen to record a student’s major and minor
degree of study for the specified term. This feature allows you to keep historical
records of program changes students may make from term to term. Students
can have multiple programs per term, with a different status and advisor for
each if necessary.

Note: The term is populated based on the correlating Status Record that is highlighted.

The student’s advisor is set here. The Advisors reference table has an
active checkbox. When checked, only those advisors will display in the
advisors’ dropdown field.

Extracurricular Activities
The Extracurricular Activities entry form is also populated based on the Student
Status record that is selected prior to moving to this tab. Record term-specific
activities you wish to track for your students in this location. You can later use
this data in reporting, for instance to pull up a list of all who participated in a
particular sport, or event. This can be used to keep track of students on sports
teams for transcripts and grade cards.

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Warning: There must be a Student Program for Term for Student

Status record in the upper grid if registration reports are to display
correct results.

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Student Evaluations
The Evaluations section of CAMS Enterprise provides you with the ability to
manage entrance requirements and applicant’s compliance for your institution.
To implement this feature, you will first need to set up the requirements your
institution has established, after which you can apply the appropriate grouping
to your applicants. This section will take you through that process with an
explanation of each evaluation type as well as step-by-step instructions.

Note: The Student Evaluations is not related to Degree Audit.

Evaluation Setup
Before recording entrance requirements for a student, you must first set up the
requirements for a particular term. First you will set up the Subjects (English,
Math, Biology, etc.) and their Groupings (Basic, Advanced, General, etc), the
subject Sequences (different sequences of required subjects for different
programs at your institution for example), and the College Semester types
(used to distinguish and calculate between Quarterly and Semester).

Step-by-Step: Set up Subject and Grouping Tables

1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students
>Evaluations >Setup. The Evaluations Setup window opens.
2. First set up the Subjects, then any necessary associated Groupings. All
existing entries will be displayed in the data grid.
3. To add a new Subject, right-click in the Subject reference table data grid to
access the entry form.
4. Type the name of the subject or topic in the Subject field (i.e. Science,
Humanities, English, etc.)
5. Click Add to save entry or Cancel to exit without saving.
6. To associate Groupings with Subjects, right-click in the Subject grouping
table data grid to open the detail form.
7. Select the Subject from the drop-down. Type the Grouping name and
8. Click Add to save entry or Cancel to exit without saving.

Step-by-Step: Set up Sequences

Sequences will allow you to quickly load a group of prerequisite requirements to
a student’s evaluation. For example, your institution may have one set of
required prerequisites to enter your Bachelor programs and a different set of
requirements to enter your Master programs. Use Terms, Categories, or both to
create different groups of sequences.
1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students
>Evaluations >Setup. The Evaluations Setup window opens.

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2. Click the Sequence/College tab.

3. Right-click in the Sequence data grid to open the Summary sequence detail.
4. Enter the Term if desired; select the Subject, Grouping, and Category. The
Grouping drop-down will only be populated for a Subject if it was previously
set up in the Subject/Grouping tab.
5. Enter the Units Required for this subject.
6. Click Add to save entry or Cancel to exit without saving.

Step-by-Step: Set up College Semester Types

College Semester Types will be applied to the Student Colleges entered in
Student Admissions Information. Credit factor conversion can be set up as your
institution requires. For example a college using Semesters may accept
prerequisite courses from institutions using a Quarterly system at a ratio of 2/3
credit applied for each credit completed at that college and credits completed at
other Semester colleges would be accepted at a ratio of one to one.
1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students
>Evaluations >Setup. The Evaluations Setup window opens.
2. Click the Sequence/College tab.
3. Right-click in the College Semester types data grid to open the detail form.
4. Enter the Semester Type such as Quarter or Semester.
5. Enter the Credit factor conversion for this College Semester type as credits
should be calculated when considered for your institution. Example: if your
institution is on a Semester system and you accept prerequisite courses
from a college on a Quarterly system at a ratio of 2/3 to one, you would
enter 0.66666 (decimal can be carried out to five places).

Note: If the Credit factor conversion field has been changed a message displays upon
updating asking if you would like to mass update all students based on the new credit
factor. Clicking Yes will update all current Evaluation records with the new conversion
factor. Clicking No will not update existing records. All new records created will use the
new conversion factor.

Applicant Evaluation
Now that the evaluations, or entrance requirements, have been defined, you
can apply them to your applicants. Begin first by accessing the Evaluate Student

Step-by-Step: Apply Evaluation to Applicant

1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students
>Evaluations >Applicant.
To create Summary requirements, click the Summary tab and continue with the
following steps:

Load a sequence, or group of requirements:

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a. Load a summary group by clicking Load Prerequisite Seq (Sequence).

b. Select appropriate Term and Category to display the specific list of
requirements you wish to add. If you do not select a specific Term,
Category, or both ALL Subjects will be loaded in the record.
c. Click the Load Seq button to apply to this student. Load additional
sequences in the same manner.
Enter a single requirement:
a. To add a single entry, right-click in the data grid.
b. In the Summary Evaluation entry form, select the appropriate Subject,
Subject sub grouping and enter the Units Required for this subject.
c. Click Add to save or Cancel to exit without saving.
To add course evaluation details, click the Course Detail tab and continue with
the following steps:

Student Colleges:
The Student Colleges data grid will be populated from the Student Admissions
Information record. Colleges may also be added here by right-clicking the data
grid to open the Student Colleges detail form to record college information for
the student. Double-click existing entries to edit.
When adding a new college, enter the college using the search icon.
Select the College Type from the drop-down (College Type glossary table).
Enter information as desired. Credits Transferred and Credits Earned should be
zero for applicants which you are evaluating.

Note: Credit factor conversion must be entered in Evaluations Setup in order for CAMS to
correctly calculate the differences between different semester types such as Quarters and

Load Evaluation Courses:

2. Add a single course to the student’s record by right-clicking in the
Evaluation Course Detail data grid. The Course Detail entry form will open.
3. Select the Subject and Subject sub grouping, Department, Course ID, Course
Type, and Description from the student’s transcript.
4. Select the Grade from the drop-down.
5. Enter the Units Attempted and tab to the Units Earned field which will
populate automatically according to the Credit conversion factor entered in
setup. GPA Hours, Quality Points, and GPA are calculated using the default
(blank) grade catalog and the grade entered for the course.
6. Enter the Completion Date, if desired.
7. If this is not a required prerequisite course, ensure the Is a prerequisite
checkbox is not checked.

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8. If you are adding a course that has not been added as an Evaluation
Summary course you will be prompted with a choice to create a summary
record. If Yes is selected to create a summary record, a pop up will display
allowing you to enter the Units Required for this subject.
9. Click Add to save entry or Cancel to exit without saving.

Note: If a grade. such as “P” or “S” (which may have no Grade Points value entered in the
grade catalog), is to count as Units Earned for the applicant but NOT affect the Progress
Report’s overall GPA, ensure that Affect Cumulative GPA Hours field is NOT checked
in the blank grade catalog in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Custom Grade
Entry for that grade.

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The Student Evaluation Report will display the Colleges attended, prerequisite
and elective degree credits, test scores as entered in the Student Admissions
Information window, a summary of subjects and subject sub groupings, and
individual course information.

Step-by-Step: Print Student Evaluation Report

1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students >Evaluations
2. Click the Report tab.
3. Select the test(s) from the Include Tests scroll box if desired.
4. Click Print.

Student SEVIS
Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) is a program used in
maintaining information on international students and exchange visitors in the
United States. The Student SEVIS and Dependent Information window provides
you with a location to consolidate information collected on non-immigrant
students (F and M visa), exchange visitors (J visa). Minimal SEVIS information
can be recorded in Admissions >Student >Change Student >Demogr tab. SEVIS
information entered through the Demogr tab displays on those same fields
accessible through the Student SEVIS/Dependents window, and vice versa. The
Student SEVIS/Dependent window has more fields available to capture more
detailed SEVIS information. In the list below, fields shared between the Demogr
tab and the Student SEVIS/Dependents window are denoted with an asterisks

Step-By-Step: Enter Student SEVIS Data

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students
>Student SEVIS. The Student SEVIS/Dependent window displays.

Figure 85: Student SEVIS Detail

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2. The following fields are available for data entry:

 Country of Citizenship (Country Codes glossary table)*
 US Citizen*
 Birth Country – (Country Codes glossary table)*
 Date of Birth
 Visa Type – (Visa Type glossary table)*
 Visa Issue DT
 Visa Exp. DT*
 I-20 Exp. DT – Certificate of Eligibility expiration date
 English Proficiency Req*
 Reason Not Required*
 Alien ID*
 Alien ID Issue Dt.
 Alien ID Exp. Dt
 I-94/Adm # – Arrival\departure form number
 Passport #
 Passport Issue Dt
 Passport Exp. DT
 Date of U.S. Entry
 Passport Issuer (SEVISPassportIssuer glossary table)
 Source of Funds (SEVISFundSource glossary table)
3. Click the Save icon to save this information or Cancel to exit without saving.

Step-By-Step: Add SEVIS Dependent Information

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students
>Student SEVIS >Dependents tab. The Student SEVIS/Dependent tab

Figure 86: SEVIS Dependent Information

2. Supply dependent information including the following:

3. First Name and Last
4. Date of Birth

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5. Birth Country (Country Codes glossary table)

6. Visa (VISA Type glossary table)
7. Indicate the dependent's relationship to the student.
8. Click Add to save this information or click Cancel to exit without saving.

Maintain Student Evaluations

Once evaluations have been setup and added to student records, the next step
is to monitor an applicant’s compliance with the requirements. This is done
easily by accessing the same forms as we did when applying evaluations to

Step-by-Step: Update Applicant Evaluation

1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students
>Evaluations >Applicant. Select the student and the Summary Evaluation
form will open.

Figure 87: Summary Evaluation data grid

2. Update the Units completed by clicking in the Units Earned column for the
particular subject being updated and entering appropriate value. Note that
the Units Remaining is automatically calculated by deducting your entry to
the Units Earned from Units Required.
3. To update Course evaluations, Open the Course Evaluation form by clicking
Admissions >Students >Evaluations >Applicant, Student Courses tab.
4. Right-click in the data grid to access the Course Evaluation entry form.

Figure 88: Course Evaluation Entry form

5. Enter values into fields for those items your institution tracks; Units
Attempted, Units Earned, Completion Date, Letter Grade, and College
6. Click Add to save entry or Cancel to exist without saving changes.

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Note: Use the Student Reports tab in the Evaluate Student window to view and print the
status of an applicant or student’s progression in completing their requirements.

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Student Access
The Student Access Entry form defines the Access Campus for the active
student. This definition can be used to group classes of students together for
customized access privileges.
If your institution so chooses, you can define a group of students under some
specified Campus name (Campuses reference table). You can then define a User
Account with access to only that “Campus,” in which case the User will only see
the student records associated with that Access Campus.

Note: Users categorized as a Super User in the User List are granted access to all
student records regardless of the value defined in Access Campus.

Step-by-Step: Set Student Access

1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students >Student
Access. The Student Access window opens.

Figure 89: Student Access window

2. Select the student’s Access Campus from the list.

3. Enter the student’s Network Username and Network Password. These
fields are informational only. They do not affect the student’s actual log in
username or password.
4. Enter the student’s Portal Handle and Portal Password. These fields are
automatically filled in upon creation of the student record. The default is to
use the first 50 characters of their last name and StudentUID for their Portal
Handle and the first 20 characters of their last name and the StudentUID for
the password. It is recommended that you change the password using a
more secure password convention.

Note: For student records loaded from Prospect, the Portal Handle and Portal Password
currently used in the Prospect record will be used for the Student record.

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5. Click Reset Password to send the student an email which contains their
Portal Handle and a link which will allow the student to change their
password. The link expires after it has been used or 15 days, whichever
comes first. The URL contained in the link is defined in CAMS Manager
>Lookup Table Options >Portal URL Ref.

Note: Clicking Reset Password removes the existing password. The password must then
be reset via the link in the email or in the CAMS Enterprise Student Access window.

6. To send the Portal Handle and Portal Password to the student in a plain-text
email, check the box next to Set Password. The password field will then be
cleared and marked as a red, required field and an email icon will display to
the right of the Portal Password field. Enter the new Portal Handle (if
desired) and the Portal Password. Click the email icon to send an email to
the student. The email MUST be sent before saving the record. Once the
record is saved, the password is encrypted and cannot be sent in a plain text

Warning: It is recommended to use the Reset Password button rather than

sending the password in plain text email.

7. Enter the Email From: address or click the button next to the field to
automatically populate with the email address entered in your CAMS User

Note: Email will be sent to email addresses entered in Email1, Email2, and Email3 fields
of any active Address Type for the student. This email template can be modified on the
SendStuPortalInformation.asp page located in the CAMS Enterprise root folder.

8. Check the Enable Portal Access checkbox. If this is left unchecked the
student will not be able to log in even if they know their user name and
password. This is a nice feature to disable a portal account.
9. Enter the student’s Phone Office Code.
10. In the Forum Portal Member Information area, click Create to create a
Forum Portal Member for the student. New fields will display with the
Forum Portal User Name populated using the same login as the default
style forums and the Active field selected. Enter the password to be used
for the Forum Portal. The login and password for the Forum Portal are not
linked to the Student Portal and can use separate login information. When
accessing the Forum Portal via the Discussion Forum the student will
automatically be logged into the Forum Portal using the login information
entered here.

Note: The Forum Portal Member is the login for the separate Forum Portal that must be
enabled in CAMS Manager >CAMS Portal >Misc Configuration.

11. Click Save to save entry or Cancel to exit without saving.

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Student Citizenship
Students may often possess more than one nationality or citizenship. Student
Citizenship can be used to record and track multiple citizenships, effective
dates, and various IDs related to citizenship documentation.

Step-By-Step: Add Student Citizenship

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students
>Student Citizenship. The Student Citizenship window opens.

Figure 90: Student Citizenship

2. Right-click in the data grid to add a new Student Citizenship or double-click

to modify an existing entry.
3. Select the Citizen Country (Glossary: Country Codes), which is required to
save the record.
4. Populate other fields as necessary:
 Citizenship Eff Date – effective date of the citizenship
 Tax/SSN ID – Tax ID or Social Security Number
 Alternate ID Type – State Reports Lookup >Alternate ID
 Alternate ID – alternate ID number
 National ID – record the National ID number
5. Click Add (or Update) to save or Cancel to exit without saving.
6. To delete an entry, highlight the row in the grid, then click Delete.

Note: Citizenship records are shared or synchronized across all modules for records in
CAMS. Changes in any module will cause the same change in the other modules for
Prospect records that have been loaded to Student and then potentially transferred to a
Constituent. Deleting a Prospect, Student, or Constituent will not remove the citizenship
entries in other modules. All citizenship windows in CAMS utilize semaphores to prevent
modifications in multiple modules at the same time.

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Student Risk
The Student Risk module is utilized to get an overview of certain key criteria of a
student’s record by using the Student 360 tab to assess if there is a potential
risk in retaining their enrollment.
In addition, Student Risk Indicators can be entered and viewed in both CAMS
Enterprise and the Faculty Portal where Faculty may view and add Student Risk
entries for students in their courses and for their advisees.
For Step-By-Step instructions to set up Student Risk Indicators, see the CAMS
Manager Module PDF document or the help files in CAMS Enterprise. The
Student Risk Indicator fields, Risk Category, Risk Type, and Risk Status, are
available as criteria on the Int./Act. tab in the Student BYOR.

Step-By-Step: View Student 360 Information

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students
>Student Risk. Search for and select a student in the Find Student window.
The Student Risk window opens to the Student 360 tab.

Figure 91: Student 360 tab

2. Select a Term you wish to view the criteria for then click Initiate.
3. The fields and grids populate with the selected students information. As this
information is populated in other areas of CAMS Enterprise, this window is
4. The following information is available on the Student 360 tab:
 Ledger Balance – displays the current Student Ledger balance.
 Cumulative GPA – the calculated GPA as of the selected Term
and listed by GPA Grouping.

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 Academic Status – derived from the Student Status record for

the selected Term.
 Enrollment Status – derived from the Student Status record for
the selected Term.
 Student Load – derived from the Student Status record for the
selected Term.
 Campus – derived from the Student Status record for the
selected Term.
 Mid Term Grades – current midterm grades, if entered, for the
Term selected.
 Work Study Time Sheets – any Work Study Time Sheet
(Financial Aid >Workstudy >Maintenance) information entered
for the student in the selected Term will display in this grid.
 Student Holds – all active and voided Holds entered for the
student display.
 Extracurricular Activities – derived from the Student Status
record for the selected Term.
 Admissions User Defined – derived from Admissions >Students
>Change Student >More tab >User Defined.

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Step-By-Step: Add a Student Risk Indicator

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students
>Student Risk. Search for and select a student in the Find Student window.
The Student Risk window opens to the Student 360 tab. Click the Student
Risk Indicator tab.

Figure 92: Student Risk Indicator

2. Double-click a row in the Student Risk Indicator grid to modify or right-click

in the grid to open a new detail entry form.

Figure 93: Student Risk Indicator detail

3. The Date defaults to the current date.

4. Select the required Risk Category.
5. Once the Risk Category has been selected, the Risk Type drop-down will
populate with the types associated with that category. Select a Risk Type if
6. Select the required Risk Status.
7. Click Add or Update to save or click Cancel to exit the detail screen without
8. Click Save on the Student Risk window or close the window with the “X” to
immediately save all Student Risk Indicator additions and modifications.

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Note: Notes and the associated Student Risk Indicator save immediately upon adding a
note. Student Risk Indicators with associated Notes cannot be deleted.

9. To delete a Student Risk Indicator entry, highlight the row in the grid then
click Delete.
10. To view existing notes associated with a Student Risk Indicator, highlight the
row in the upper grid. The notes will display in the lower Notes grid. Double-
click a note in the lower grid to open the detail.

Note: Existing notes cannot be deleted or modified. Notes are saved immediately upon
adding. The new note and the associated Student Risk Indicator cannot be deleted once a
note is added.

11. One or more notes can be added to any Student Risk Indicator. To add a
note to a Student Risk Indicator entry, highlight the row in the upper grid
then right-click in the Notes grid to open the Risk Indicator Note Entry
detail window. Enter any desired notes. Click Add to save or Cancel to exit
the detail screen without saving.

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Student BYOR
Generating Student Reports
If you have reviewed the General documentation which covers BYOR, you
already have a good understanding of how this feature in CAMS operates. To
begin, BYOR is a location in CAMS where you Build Your Own Reports. In the
Student BYOR, specific criteria is selected that will narrow the group of students
for which you are reporting.

Step-By-Step: Generate BYOR Reports

1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Students >Report
>BYOR. The Student BYOR Criteria Selection window opens.
2. Select desired criteria. There are six pages of criteria from which to narrow
your group of prospects. The more items selected, generally the narrower
the grouping.

Figure 94: BYOR Criteria Selection

3. Click the Reports tab and select the desired report format.
4. Click the User Defined Criteria button to open selection detail for any User
Defined items that have been set up for your institutions use in the Student
Admissions Information window. Click Return to return to the Reports tab.
5. Click Print. The displayed result varies depending upon the report format
a. Standard Crystal Reports. These standard CAMS reports are displayed
in Crystal Reports viewer and can be sent to the printer as desired.

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b. Email. Users define a single email message that will be sent to all
individuals selected using the BYOR criteria.
c. Export. This report option produces a tab delimited ASCII file in the
user’s defined Merge/Export directory (as set in CAMS Manager User
List) for all individuals selected through the BYOR criteria forms.
6. Use the Reset button to clear all values and select new criteria.
7. Click Print to view the report. Below is an example of a report.

Figure 95: Three Across Labels report

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Delete Student
From the Admissions module student records can only be deleted if they have
not been associated with any other option in CAMS Enterprise. This means that
if they are entered into housing or have a billing transaction or financial aid, etc.
they cannot be deleted from the Admissions module. For example, if application
fees were charged, a billing record exists.

Figure 96: Delete Student

Step-By-Step: Delete Student

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, select Admissions >Students
>Delete Student. The Delete Student selection page displays.
2. Check the Select for Delete checkbox next to each student that is to be
deleted then click Delete. If the deletion is successful the word Success will
display next to the student(s) name. If not then Failure will display
indicating that there are associated records.
If you must actually delete a student and all of their corresponding records then
contact your CAMS Manager. The CAMS Manager has a more powerful deletion

Note: Enter the entire student ID or student UID in the corresponding selection criteria
fields. Partial entries will not locate a matching record.

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Communications Management
Communications Management allows you to apply an event or sequence of
events to prospects or students. Here, you can record phone calls, letters,
meetings, interviews, etc. Record activities as they occur as well as activities
that are planned for a future date. Use this data to generate activity reports and
on-screen to-do lists. To simplify the instructions on the following pages,
prospects and students will be referred to as individuals, and instructions will
apply to both prospects and students unless otherwise stated. Prospect Activity
records are accessed through Admissions >Prospect >Add or Change Prospect
>Activity tab. Prospect Correspondence and Working-To-Do reports are
accessed through Admissions >Prospect >Reports >Correspondence or Working-
To-Do. Student Activity records are accessed through Admissions >Students
>Add or Change Student >Activity tab. Student Correspondence and Working-
To-Do reports are accessed through Admissions>Students >Report
>Correspondence or Working-To-Do.
Activities can be added to an individual’s record singly or as a group (sequence).
Activities can be found on a “To-Do” list, used in email, or exported for use in
your choice of media such as a word processing or spreadsheet package (MS
Word, Excel, and more). Letters, phone calls, and interviews are examples of
possible activities.
Groups are sets of activities to be applied to individuals for a specific purpose.
For example, an Admissions office may have a group called Incoming Freshmen
that contains activities such as letters pertaining to a student’s entrance to the
Staff members within Admissions offices can create new sequence groups, apply
activities, insert them in specific records, and generate the activity. The list of
activities is defined in the Activity Lookup reference table. The CAMS Manager
will add the list of activities to this table which will be used to define all
communications management groups.

Step-by-Step: Add a Single Activity

1. In the Activity tab, right-click within the list box to display the activity entry
form. Select an activity from the drop-down list (Activity Lookup reference

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Figure 97: Add an Activity window

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2. Enter description of the activity, or in the case of recording details of a

meeting of phone conversation, enter those notes. If the activity is being
added as it is occurring (i.e. phone call), enter the completion date.
Otherwise leave the field blank at this time.
3. Select the Activity Type: To-Do, Export, Email, or History.
If Export is selected for activity type, then select the Document Name from
the drop-down list (field only appears after clicking Export).
If Email is selected, then select the email template from the drop-down list
(field only appears after clicking Email). See Correspondence Email Setup for
more detail on this topic.
If History is selected, the activity is already complete and is being recorded
for historical purposes only. History is available for student activities only.
This option is not available for prospects at this time.
4. Click Add to save the entry or Cancel to exit the form without saving.

Letter Sequences
As part of the Communications Management functions within CAMS, groups of
activities can be created so that multiple activities can be added to a student
record simultaneously. The process of setting up letter sequences, or groups of
activities, begins by creating groups (as many as needed) and then assigning all
activities applicable to that group. Once groups of activities have been
established, they can be added to Prospect or Student records.

Step-by-Step: Create a New Group and Letter Sequence

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Lookups >Letter
Sequences. The Admission Letter Sequences window opens. Click the
Groups tab.
2. Right-click in the Letter Sequence Groups data grid to add a new group, or
double-click a group name to edit an existing group.

Figure 98: Activity Group window

3. Enter the Group Name. This is the value that will appear in the group
selection drop down list when adding a group of activities to a record.
4. Enter Group Description that further identifies this group.

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5. Select the Doc Organization Unit (DocOrgUnit Glossary table). If you are
creating a group of activities for students, select the Student Doc
Organizational Unit. If you are creating a group of activities for prospects,
select the Prospect Doc Organizational Unit. Note that the DocOrgUnit
Glossary table values are supplied by Unit4 Education Solutions and should
not be changed or removed.
6. Click Add to save the new entry (Update to save changes), or Cancel to exit
without saving.

Step-by-Step: Create Letter Sequences

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Lookups >Letter
Sequences. The Admission Letter Sequences window opens. (If desired,
select Prospect or Student from the Filter drop-down list to display the
particular type of groups in the data grid.)
Highlight a group to which you want to add a sequence of activities, and
then click the Sequence detail tab.

Note: Do not modify the blank (zero) record. This is required by the system and must
remain blank.

2. If making changes such as adding an activity to an existing sequence, you

may select Yes to apply changes to prospect or student records which have
already been assigned this sequence, or leave the default set to No and
CAMS will apply the changes only to new records assigned this sequence.
3. Right-click in the sequence data grid to access a blank detail entry form.

Figure 99: Add Activity window

4. Select appropriate activity from the Activity drop-down list (Activity

Lookups reference table).
5. Days Between: Enter number of days from the start date that activity is
6. Select Activity Type: To-do, Export, or Email.
7. If Export is your selected option, you will need to enter the Document Name
(Document Ref reference table) for which the exported data is to be used.
8. If Email is selected, a drop-down list will appear asking for the appropriate
Email Template.
9. Click Add to save entry or Cancel to exit without saving.
10. Repeat these steps for each activity that is to be added to the sequence.

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Step-by-Step: Verify Letter Sequence Group Activities

1. Highlight the group to verify and then click Verify. CAMS confirms that the
selected export document names and email templates associated with
activities in the group are under the correct Doc Organization Unit (students
or prospects). CAMS then displays a message noting whether the group is
set up correctly or not.
2. If not, a prompt displays indicating missing requirements. You will want to
review the export document names and email templates for the selected
activities in the group to locate ones that have been incorrectly assigned,
and remove or replace them.

Applying Activity Sequences

Track events and activities that have taken place or need to be scheduled for
future action (phone calls, letters, interviews, etc.). These activities can be
added individually or as a predetermined group as described in the section on
Creating Activity Sequences. Once these groups of activities have been created,
the next step in this process is to link those activities to prospects or students.

Step-By-Step: Load an Activity Sequence

1. For prospects, click Admissions > Prospects > Change Prospect > Activities
tab. (For students, click Admissions > Students > Change Student > Activity
2. To add a group of activities (as opposed to a single activity), click the Load
Seq button (labeled Sequences for students).
3. Select a group of predefined activities from the drop-down list in the Select
a Group field. The individual activities in the selected group display in the
activity list in the lower portion of the form.

Note: For students, an additional drop-down list also requires them to Load Term.

Figure 100: Prospect Activity Sequence window

4. Select the Starting Date. Keep in mind that the activity due dates will be
calculated by adding the number of days in the “Days Between” field to the
Starting Date. Thus in this example, the first Email will be due “0” days from
the start date, which in this example is 12/3/2004. First To-Do activity is due
3 days from the Start Date, which is 12/6/2004.

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5. Click Load to add this sequence to the individual’s record or Cancel to exit
without saving. Once a sequence is saved, all activities display in the
Activities form.

Note: You are not limited to only one group, or sequence, of activities. Multiple activity
sequences can be added to a prospect’s or student’s records as they are required.
Likewise, you are not committed to keeping unwanted activities on the record. In some
instances there may be a specific activity within a group that does not apply to a particular
prospect or student, this activity can simply be removed from the individual’s record or you
can assign a completion date and provide a status value of “not required”, or any other
appropriate explanation in the Notes area. Keep in mind that a main purpose of using
activity sequences is to ease your data entry efforts by adding multiple activities

Mass Add Prospect Activity

Use the Mass Add Prospect Activity function to add a single activity or a
sequence of activities to a group of prospects determined by selection criteria.
Prior to adding activities, they must first be set up in CAMS Manager >Lookup
Table Options >Table Maintenance >Activity LookUp Reference table.
Activity sequences can then be set up through Admissions >Lookups >Letter

Step-By-Step: Mass Add Activities

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Processes >Admissions
Module >Add Prospect Activity. The Add Prospect Activity window opens
with the Criteria 1 page displayed.
2. Select criteria to designate a group of prospects to whom the activity will be
added, and then click the Criteria 2 tab.
Additional criteria may be selected to define the group of prospects. When
you have selected all the desired criteria from Criteria 1 page and Criteria 2
page, click Initiate. This process gathers a list of all prospects who meet the
selected criteria. The list displays on the Prospects tab.

Single Activity
3. Click the Activity tab, and then click Add Single Activity.
4. Enter or select from the calendar the Activity Due Date.
5. Select the activity from the Activity drop-down list (Activity reference
6. Use the Notes text box to place additional information about the activity
7. The Completion Date will typically be left blank, unless you are adding the
activity as a historical record.
8. Select the Activity Type: To-Do, Export, or Email.
9. If Export is selected for activity type, then enter the Document Name (field
only appears after clicking Export).

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10. If Email is selected, then select the email template from the drop-down list
(field only appears after clicking Email).
11. Click Process to add the activity to the selected prospects' records. You may
view and update the activity in Admissions >Prospect >Change Prospect.

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Sequence of Activities
12. Complete steps 1 - 3 under Mass Add Activities, and then click the Activity
13. Click Add Activity Sequence.
14. Select the appropriate Sequence from the drop-down list.
15. Enter the appropriate Term.
16. Enter or Select the Activity Start Date.
17. Use the Notes text box to place additional information about the activity
(optional). Information recorded here will be attached to each activity in the
18. The Completion Date will typically be left blank when adding a new activity
sequence, but if you do enter a completion date, it will apply to each activity
in the sequence.
19. Click Process to add the sequence of activities to the selected prospects'
records. You may view and update activities in Admissions >Prospect
>Change Prospect.

Mass Add Student Activity

The Mass Add Student Activity function allows you to add a single activity or a
sequence of activities to a group of students determined by selection criteria.
This feature is only available for students at this time.

Step-by-Step: Mass Add Activities

1. From the CAMS Enterprise home page, click Tools >Processes >Admissions
Module >Add Student Activity. The Add Student Activity window opens
with the Criteria Page 1 displayed.
2. Select criteria to designate a group of students to whom the activity will be
added, and then click the Criteria Page 2 tab.
3. Additional criteria may be selected to define the group of students. When
you have selected all the desired criteria from Criteria Page 1 and Criteria
Page 2, click Initiate. This process creates a list of all students who meet the
selected criteria. The list displays on the Students tab.

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Mass Add Single Activity

4. Complete steps 1 - 3 from Step-by-Step: Mass Add Student Activity, and
then click the Activity tab. Next, click Add Single Activity.

Figure 101: Add Single Activity window

5. Enter or select from the calendar the Activity Due Date.

6. Enter the appropriate Term.
7. Select the activity from the Activity drop-down list (Activity reference
8. Use the Notes text box to place additional information about the activity
The Completion Date will typically be left blank, unless you are adding the
activity as a historical record.
9. Select the Activity Type: To-Do, Export, Email, or History. History is available
for student activities only. This option is not available for prospects at this
If Export is selected for activity type, then select the Document Name from
the drop-down list (field only appears after clicking Export).
If Email is selected, then select the email template from the drop-down list
(field only appears after clicking Email). See Correspondence Email Setup
for more detail on this topic.
If History is selected, the activity is already complete and is being recorded
for historical purposes only. History is available for student activities only.
This option is not available for prospects at this time.
10. Click Process to add the activity to the selected students' records. The
following confirmation message displays, “Activity successfully added to

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selected students.” You may view and update the activity in the Student
Admissions Information window, Activity tab.

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Sequence of Activities
11. Complete steps 1 - 3 from Step-by-Step: Mass Add Student Activity, and
then click the Activity tab. Next, click Add Activity Sequence.

Figure 102: Add Sequences window

12. Select the appropriate Sequence from the drop-down list.

13. Enter the appropriate Term.
14. Enter or select from the calendar the Activity Start Date.
15. Use the Notes text box to place additional information about the activity
(optional). Information recorded here will be attached to each activity in the
The Completion Date will typically be left blank when adding a new activity
sequence, but if you do enter a completion date, it will apply to each activity
in the sequence.
16. Click Process to add the sequence of activities to the selected students'
records. The following confirmation message displays, “Activity successfully
added to selected students.” You may view and update the activity in the
Student Admissions Information window, Activity tab.

Updating Activities
As phone calls are made or activities performed, you will wish to enter a
completion date and comments as applicable. The entry of these dates plays a
key role in producing accurate to-do lists and various reports. This applies to both
prospects and students.

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Step-By-Step: Update an Activity

1. Access the Activity tab of the individual’s record.
2. Double-click the activity you wish to change. The Activity detail form

Figure 103: Update Activity window

3. Edit appropriate information—Notes as desired and Completion Date.

4. Click Update to save changes or Cancel to exit without saving.

Activity Reports
While CAMS provides standard reporting options with ready to print reports
already built in, it also contains an interactive feature in its on-screen Working
To-Do list. This particular function provides you with the opportunity to view your
to-do list for a particular individual and ‘check’ it off your list as you complete the
given task. This section will cover both correspondence reporting as well as the
Working To-Do list.

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Generating Prospect Working To-Do Lists

The CAMS Working To-do list provides you with the ability to view a list of
activities that are due within a particular range. View the items on your To-Do list
and as there are completed, they can be marked as complete and removed from
the list. Items that appear in the list are those marked as “To-Do” and in essence
are those that are not export or email (example: phone calls, interviews, etc.).

Step-By-Step: Generate On-Screen Working To-Do List

1. Access the Working To-Do window (Admissions >Prospects >Reports
>Working To-Do).
2. Enter all appropriate criteria to be used in the selection of individuals and
activities to be included in the report.
3. Click Load. The Working Set tab opens with all individuals, along with their
corresponding activities due within the designated date range will appear in
the Working To-Do Information data grid. This list is also referred to as your
Working Set.

Figure 104: Working To-Do window

4. Right-click a record to view the individual’s information.

Figure 105: Prospect Info window

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5. Double left-click a record to view activity detail.

Figure 106: Working To-Do Detail window

If you wish to retain an item
on the To-do list for future 6. Make appropriate changes/updates to the record. Use the Notes field to
processing (i.e. the phone
record specific information you wish to retain in regards to a phone call,
call was made, but the
individual was not home), meeting, or any form of contact with an individual.
you can simply change the
due date so it will appear at
7. Enter the Completion Date and click Update to save the changes. This
a later date as an item in particular item will then change to blue in your working set. If you refresh
your working set. In this your working set the item is removed from the working set in the same
case, you want to make sure
manner as you would ‘check-off’ an item on a To-do list.
that no completion date was
entered for the activity. 8. Continue working with the remaining records on the list as desired.
Consult the Correspondence/Mail Merge document or online help for
information about additional reports and generating letters.

Generating Student Working To-Do List

The CAMS Working To-do list provides you with the opportunity to view a list of
activities that are due within a particular range. Once an item has been
designated as complete by entering a completion date, it is removed from the list

Step-By-Step: Generate On-Screen Working To-Do List

1. Access the Working To-Do window.
2. Enter all appropriate criteria to be used in the selection of individuals and
activities to be included in the report.

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3. Click Load. All individuals, along with their corresponding activities due
within the designated date range will appear in the Working To-Do data
grid. This list is also referred to as your Working Set.

Figure 107: Working To-Do window

4. Click Add to add a new activity.

5. Double left-click a record to view activity detail.

If you wish to retain an item

on the To-do list for future
processing (i.e. the phone
call was made, but the
individual was not home),
you can simply change the
due date so it will appear at
a later date as an item in
your working set. In this
case, you want to make sure
that no completion date was
entered for the activity.

Figure 108: Working To-Do Detail window

6. Make appropriate changes/updates to the record. Use the Notes field to

record specific information you wish to retain in regards to a phone call,
meeting, or any form of contact with an individual.
7. Enter the Completion Date and click Update to save the changes. This
particular item will then change to blue in your working set. If you refresh
your working set the item is removed from the working set in the same
manner as you would ‘check-off’ an item on a To-do list.
8. Continue working with the remaining records on the list as desired.

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9. Right-click a record to view Student information.

Figure 109: Student Info window

10. Click the Notes button to view and edit Student Notes.

Figure 110: Student Notes

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Generating Correspondence Reports

The Student Correspondence reports are used in conjunction with Student
Activities and typically complete the contact management process for an activity.
When assigning activities to students, they are defined as one of three types:
To-Do – Simply, any physical activity that will be reviewed online or in a to-do
Export – This option will produce a tab delimited ASCII file in the user's defined
merge/export directory. Works with Export activity type.
Email – Correspondence Emails are made possible by the creation of Email
Templates. Once in place, they are linked to the activity through the creation of
Letter Sequences or when adding an activity directly to the prospect record.
Works with Email activity type.

Step-By-Step: Print a To-Do List

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click either: Admissions >Prospects
>Reports >Correspondence or Admissions >Students >Report
2. Select appropriate criteria to be used in the selection of individuals to be
included in the report. The selection date should account for weekends and
holidays as to not exclude any activities.
3. Click the Reports tab.
4. Select the desired To-Do List report format. Note that To-Do Lists will be
displayed on the screen using Crystal Reports viewer, from which you will be
able to send the report to a printer. These reports will not display Export
and Email activities unless you select “Show All Activities”.
5. Click Print.

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Step-By-Step: Export Correspondence

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click either: Admissions >Prospects
>Reports >Correspondence or Admissions >Students >Report
2. Select appropriate criteria to be used in the selection of individuals to be
included in the report. The selection date should account for weekends and
holidays as to not exclude any activities.
3. Click the Reports tab.
4. Select Mail Merge Export.
5. Click Print.
6. The merge export will display in a list form. It will give notice in the status
bar to verify that the data has been outputted and then click Update to
mark these items as completed.
7. Click Update. You will be prompted with the following options:
8. Click Yes to mark these activities as Completed.
9. Click No to remain on the list form with no action being taken
(Recommended if you have not yet verified data output. This option allows
you to keep the form open while you check the data files.
10. Click Cancel to return to the criteria page without marking the activities as

Step-By-Step: Email Correspondence

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click either: Admissions >Prospects
>Reports >Correspondence or Admissions >Students >Report
2. Select appropriate criteria to be used in the selection of individuals to be
included in the report. The selection date should account for weekends and
holidays as to not exclude any activities.
3. Click the Reports tab.
4. Select Email Correspondence. A grid and a Preview button will display.

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5. Click Preview to populate the grid with a list of the emails to be sent. This
grid is read-only and will allow you to verify the emails before clicking Print
to send. Scroll to the right in the grid to view additional information. Emails
are sent to all email addresses that are populated in the E-Mail 1, E-Mail 2,
and E-Mail 3 fields for the Address Type(s) selected on the Criteria tab.

Figure 111: Email Correspondence Preview

6. You may keep this preview window open, make any changes or corrections
to Email Activities for the Prospects or Students, save the changes, then
click Preview again to update the grid.
7. Click Print. After clicking Print, a confirmation list will display all email
messages that have been sent. All of these items will be marked as
completed in the Activities form.
8. Either close the window in the usual method to leave the Correspondence
Report window, or return to the Criteria page or Reports page by clicking
the appropriate tab.

Note: The Counselor (Recruiters reference table) field allows you to run to-do lists by
counselor (counselor field must be complete in the individual’s Maintenance window), thus
counselors can run only their lists if given access.

Document Tracking
Another component of communications management is Document Tracking,
which consists of affixing a single, or more typically, a set of documents to
prospect and student records. Each module can generate any number of
document groups that include a set of items required in order to meet your
institution’s standards. The groups of documents are defined in the CAMS
Manager module in the Document List reference table. Once created, these
groups of documents can then be assigned to the appropriate applicant/student
records. See the Document Tracking manual for detailed information about this

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Organization Maintenance
The Organization maintenance window is the central location where information
about organizations is stored and maintained. An organization is defined as any
non-person entity associated with your institution. This area holds name,
address, contact, and chosen activities.

Step-by-Step: Add an Organization

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Organizations
>Add. The Organization window opens with the Organization tab displayed.

Figure 112: Organization window

2. Supply the organization name, address, and communications information.

3. Select a Category and Type for the organization from the drop down lists.
4. Complete the Last Contact Person and Last Contact Date fields.
Organization information will be saved when you exit the page.

Step-by-Step: Add a Contact to an Organization

1. After adding an organization, click the Contacts tab to add contact
information for the organization (or click Admissions >Organizations
>Change to open the Find Organization window, then enter the appropriate
criteria to locate the organization for which you wish to add contact
2. Right-click on the data grid to access the Contact entry form.

Figure 113: Contacts window

3. Supply contact’s name, title and communications information.

4. Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving. This
process may be repeated for an unlimited number of contacts.

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Step-by-Step: Add a Comment to an Organization

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Organization
>Add. The Organization window opens with the Organization tab displayed.
Click the Comment tab.
2. Type comments in the text box. This field does not restrict the amount of
text entered. Comments will be saved when you exit the page.

Step-by-Step: Add an Activity to an Organization

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Organization
>Add. The Organization window opens with the Organization tab displayed.
Click the Activity tab.
2. Right-click on the data grid to access the Activity entry form.

Figure 114: Organization Activity window

3. Supply activity Due Date, Activity (Reference: Organization Activity List),

Document (if applicable), and any notes. When the activity is completed,
supply the Completion Date and communications information.
4. Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving. This
process may be repeated for an unlimited number of activities.

Organization BYOR
Generating Organization Reports
If you have reviewed the General documentation which covers BYOR, you
already have a good understanding of how this feature in CAMS operates. To
begin, BYOR is a location in CAMS where you Build Your Own Reports. In the
Organization BYOR, specific criteria is selected that will narrow the group of
organizations for which you are reporting.

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Step-By-Step: Generate BYOR Reports

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Organizations
>Reports >BYOR.
2. Select desired criteria. There are two pages of criteria from which to narrow
your group of organizations. The first page focuses on basic organization
information, while the second pages focuses on selecting students
associated with organizations during a specific time frame. The more items
selected, generally the narrower the grouping.

Figure 115: Admissions BYOR window

3. Click the Reports tab, select the desired report format, and then click Print.
The displayed result varies depending upon the report format chosen.

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Contact Maintenance
Track all contacts for your institution as well as student specific contacts. To
maintain an overall institutional list, use the Contact Maintenance window
accessed through Admissions (Admissions >Contacts >Add/Change). If you
want to add a contact to a student record, you need to access the Student
Contacts entry form through Student Admissions (Admissions >Student
>Change/Add Student >More tab >Contacts).

Step-by-Step: Add a Contact Through Contact Maintenance

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Contacts
2. If maintaining an existing contact, using the select filters to locate that
contact. If this is a new contact, click Add to open a new detail entry form.

In an effort to eliminate the

duplication of entries, it is
recommended that prior to
adding a new record check
the list of existing contacts
to make sure it has not
already been entered.

Figure 116: Add Contact window

3. Select the appropriate Contact Type from the drop down list (Glossary:
Contact Primary Type).
4. Enter contact data.
5. Set the Campus (default Main) if you want to have different currencies for
each Campus display in Billing Statements and Billing Batch Edit List. The
Campus currency is set in the Campuses Reference Lookup table.

Note: In Financial Aid some direct loans such as the PLUS loan and the ALT loan use
Contact information to populate the Borrower record required for integration with COD. All
address data is required, as well as Birth Date, Country of Citizenship, and Social Security
Number. SSN is entered via the Tax ID field, and does not require dashes.

6. Click “X” to save your record or Cancel to exit without saving.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

Contact BYOR
Generating Contact Reports
If you have reviewed the General documentation which covers BYOR, you
already have a good understanding of how this feature in CAMS operates. To
begin, BYOR is a location in CAMS where you Build Your Own Reports. In the
Contact BYOR, specific criteria is selected that will narrow the group of
organizations for which you are reporting.

Step-By-Step: Generate BYOR Reports

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, clicking Admissions >Contacts
>Reports >BYOR. The Organization BYOR Criteria Selection window opens.
2. Select desired criteria. The more items selected, generally the narrower the

Figure 117: Contacts BYOR window

3. Click the Reports tab, select the desired report format, and then click Print.
The displayed result varies depending upon the report format chosen.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

High School Lookup

The High School Lookup Table stores information about pre-college education
for prospects, applicants, and students, and is accessible through the
Admissions module.

Step-by-Step: Add New Entry Or Maintain An Existing Entry

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Lookups >High

Figure 118: High School Lookup

2. Use the search criteria to locate an existing entry for maintenance or to

simply confirm that the listing does not already exist.
3. Right-click in the High School data grid to open a new high school entry

Figure 119: Add High School window

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4. Enter school information, including the required HS Name.

5. The HS Code field is not used. High School codes should be entered in the
Codes grid (see below).
6. Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving.
7. To delete a high school, highlight the row in the High School grid then click

Note: A high school cannot be deleted if it has been used anywhere in CAMS.

High School Codes

Multiple high school codes can be associated with each high school in the grid.
The following types of codes can be added once for each high school.
 ACT (4 characters) - The unique identifier for postsecondary educational
institutions assigned by American College Testing available at
 ATP (6 characters) - The unique identifier for the Admissions Testing
Program assigned by the College Board for each data exchange partner.
 CCD (12 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by National Center for
Education Statistics as the Common Core of Data for each data exchange
 CEEBACT (6 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by the College
Entrance Examining Board and ACT for each K-12 data exchange partner.
 CSIS (6 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by the Statistics Canada
Canadian College Student Information System for each postsecondary data
exchange partner.
 DUNS (9 characters) - Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS), unique
nine character company identification number issued by Dun and Bradstreet
 ESIS (8 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by the Statistics Canada
Enhanced Student Information System for each data postsecondary
exchange partner.
 FICE (6 characters) - The unique identifier once maintained for the Federal
Interagency Committee on Education by the National Center for Education
Statistics for each postsecondary data exchange partner.
 IPEDS (6 characters) - The unique identifier for Integrated Postsecondary
Education Data System assigned by the National Center for Education
Statistics for each postsecondary data exchange partner.
 NCHELPID (3 - 8 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by National
Council on Higher Education Loan Programs for each data exchange partner.
 OPEID (3 - 8 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by the Office of
Postsecondary Education for each data exchange partner.

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 PSIS (8 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by the Statistics Canada

Enhanced Student Information System for each data postsecondary
exchange partner.
 PSS (8 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by the US Department of
Education’s National Center for Education Statistics for each private K-12
school data exchange partner.
 USIS (6 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by the Statistics Canada
University Student Information System for each data postsecondary
exchange partner.

Step-by-Step: Add High School Codes

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Lookups >High
2. Use the search criteria to locate an existing entry.
3. Select the row in the High School grid for the entry to which you wish to add
a code. Any existing codes associated with the selected high school will
display in the bottom grid.
4. Right-click in the Codes grid to create a new entry.
5. Select the Code Type from the drop-down.

Note: Multiple codes may be added for a high school however each Code Type may be
used only once for any high school entry..

6. Enter the Code.

7. Click Add to save or Cancel to exit without saving.
8. To delete a code associated with a high school, highlight the row in the
Codes grid then click Delete.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

College Names
The College Lookup window is one of the few reference tables accessible for
maintenance through the Admissions module. This table stores college

Step-by-Step: Add New College Entry Or Maintain An Existing

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Lookups >College

Figure 120: College Lookup

2. Use the search criteria to locate an existing entry for maintenance or to

simply confirm that the listing does not already exist.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

3. Right-click in the Colleges data grid to open a new college entry form.

Figure 121: College Lookup detail

4. Enter school information, including the required College Name.

Note: If the Active field is set to No then the college will not be displayed in the college

5. Select Yes or No to indicate whether the record is active.

6. Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving.
7. To delete a college, highlight the row in the Colleges grid then click Delete.

Note: A college cannot be deleted if it has been used anywhere in CAMS.

College Codes
Multiple college codes can be associated with each college in the grid. The
following types of college codes can be added once for each college.
 ACT (4 characters) - The unique identifier for postsecondary educational
institutions assigned by American College Testing available at
 ATP (6 characters) - The unique identifier for the Admissions Testing
Program assigned by the College Board for each data exchange partner.
 CCD (12 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by National Center
for Education Statistics as the Common Core of Data for each data
exchange partner.
 CEEBACT (6 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by the College
Entrance Examining Board and ACT for each K-12 data exchange
 CSIS (6 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by the Statistics
Canada Canadian College Student Information System for each
postsecondary data exchange partner.

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 DUNS (9 characters) - Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS), unique

nine character company identification number issued by Dun and
Bradstreet Corporation.
 ESIS (8 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by the Statistics
Canada Enhanced Student Information System for each data
postsecondary exchange partner.
 FICE (6 characters) - The unique identifier once maintained for the
Federal Interagency Committee on Education by the National Center for
Education Statistics for each postsecondary data exchange partner.
 IPEDS (6 characters) - The unique identifier for Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System assigned by the National Center
for Education Statistics for each postsecondary data exchange partner.
 NCHELPID (3 - 8 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by National
Council on Higher Education Loan Programs for each data exchange
 OPEID (3 - 8 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by the Office of
Postsecondary Education for each data exchange partner.
 USIS (6 characters) - The unique identifier assigned by the Statistics
Canada University Student Information System for each data
postsecondary exchange partner.

Step-by-Step: Add College Codes

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Lookups >College
2. Use the search criteria to locate an existing entry.
3. Select the row in the top grid for the entry to which you wish to add a
college code. Any existing codes associated with the selected college will
display in the bottom grid.
4. Right-click in the Codes grid to create a new entry.
5. Select the Code Type from the drop-down.

Note: Multiple codes may be added for a college, however each Code Type may be used
only once for any college entry..

6. Enter the Code.

7. Click Add to save or Cancel to exit without saving.
8. To delete a code associated with a college, highlight the row in the Codes
grid then click Delete.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

Address Correction
CAMS Enterprise offers two ways to correct addresses, one automatically that
will correct prospect, student, faculty and alumni addresses and the other which
will only correct prospect addresses.

Automatic Address Correction

Using a value added reseller, Satori Software, CAMS Enterprise can auto-correct
an address after saving. This auto-correction will allow a user to add only a street
address and zip code and the software will ensure the remaining fields are
populated with the correct postal information, including city, state, zip+4 and
county, which will reduce the amount of returned mail and reduce postage costs.
The web site is Must use the Enterprise
version and install Mailroom Server on the IIS Server.
The CAMS Manager must also set the Address Validation Software Installed
field, which is located on Configuration >Misc tab.
International addresses are not corrected at this time.

Note: States must be set up with the standard two character abbreviation.

Batch Address Correction

Addresses can be corrected in a batch process if you are utilizing the Satori
address correction software as outlined above. Addresses can be corrected by
running the batch process for the associated address table. Prospect, Student,
Faculty, and Constituent addresses are stored in the Addresses table. Contact
addresses are stored in the Contacts table and Organization addresses are
stored in the Organization table.
This is typically a process that will only be performed after first purchasing Satori
to correct all addresses in the system. After the process is ran once, the
automatic address correction will check addresses upon save of a record in

Step-By-Step: Batch Address Correction

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Processes >Admissions
>Batch Addr Correction. The Batch Address Correction Working Criteria tab

Figure 122: Batch Address Correction Working Criteria

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2. By default, only active addresses are checked. If you wish to check inactive
addresses, uncheck the box next to Active Only Addresses. The Total
Number of Address Records is a system populated field displaying the
number of active records for the table selected.

Note: As the Batch Address Correction can take some time to complete, you may wish to
reduce the number of records to correct in each batch. For example, a table with 100,000
records could be processed in smaller batches of 10,000 by entering the number 1 for
Correct Address Records From: and the number 10000 for Correct Address Records To:;
then on the next run process address records from numbers 10001 to 20000, and so on.

3. Enter the desired number of address records to correct in the required

fields, Correct Address Records From: and Correct Address Records To:
4. Click Initiate to begin the correction process.
5. The Process Results window opens displaying the progress of the address
corrections. Do not close this window; you may continue working in other
areas of CAMS while the process runs.

Figure 123: Batch Address Correction Process Results

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6. After the address corrections complete the Process Results window closes
and you are returned to the Batch Address Correction window Records tab
with the results displayed in the grid. Addresses that could not be corrected
are displayed in an alternate color. Addresses that could not be corrected
automatically will need to be manually checked for bad or incorrect data.

Figure 124: Batch Address Correction Records

7. Highlight a row in the top grid to view the original address record in the
bottom grid.
8. The Records tab displays 200 rows in the grid per page; click Next or
Previous to view another page.
9. At this point no CAMS records have been changed. To apply the address
corrections click the Update tab then click Process.
10. A message displays to confirm you wish to update the addresses in CAMS.
11. Click Yes to update the address records in CAMS. Upon completion, a
confirmation displays indicating the update was successful.

Prospect Address Correction

CAMS Enterprise offers the ability to correct only prospect addresses to ensure
that they are properly formatted for mailings. Intelligent Search Technology,
Ltd.® is currently the vendor that CAMS Enterprise utilizes. Their web site is An account must be established with them to use
their service, which consists of a database that is similar to the USPS address
After an address is corrected, CAMS Enterprise creates a new entry for the
address type, marks the original entry as Inactive, and then marks the new
entry as Active. If the prospect also has a student record and/or a development
record, then the corrected address is also displayed in those records provided

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that a link has been established through the Load from Prospect or Constituent
Transfer processes.

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The process of correcting prospect addresses consists of three primary steps:

Creating an export file within CAMS
Running the Correction Batch Process within Intelligent Search Technology
Loading/Processing corrections file in CAMS

Creating Export File

The first step in the process of correcting addresses in your prospect records is
to create the file that will be used by the third party to run the batch for address

Step-By-Step: Create Prospect Address Export File

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page click Admissions >Prospect >Address
Correction. The Prospect Address Validation page displays.

Figure 125: Address Validation window

2. Enter information to select the list of prospects.

3. Select records that “Have never been validated” or “Have changed
(updated) since last validation”.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

4. Click Initiate. The Export Batch File page displays a list of names meeting the

Figure 126: Export Batch File window

Read the Note information to understand how to export this file and have the
addresses verified.

Note: AddressID is the record identifier; it is the field you enter as the “Retained” field at
the name search web site. Batch file produced is Tab delimited with First row as column
names. Text fields are not delimited by anything (NONE). States in CAMS must be the
standard 2 character state abbreviations.

5. Click Create Batch File. A file is created in the user’s export directory as
defined in the User Administration profile is CAMS Manager.

Processing Address Correction Batch

Once the export file has been created from CAMS, it needs to be uploaded to
Intelligent Search Technology, Ltd ®. This is the service that will compare the
addresses from your database with their database and make corrections.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

Step-By-Step: Run Prospect Address Correction Batch

1. Log into the Intelligent Search Technology, Ltd ® website,

Figure 127: Intelligent Search Technology, Ltd Login window

2. Select Correct Address Batch Processor.

3. Browse to the address file that CAMS Enterprise exported and upload it.

Note: The first time you log on to the site you will have to Define Settings. See Step-By-
Step: Define Settings on page 169.

4. Select the Input File.

5. Ensure Text File (*.txt, *.csv) is selected then click Use Previous Settings.
6. Verify that all settings are still correct then click Next.
7. Click Run Batch. An information window pops up while the batch job is
running. Read the information and click OK to close the window.

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8. Click View Progress until the Time Finished line displays the ending time.
Depending on how large the file is this could take a while.

Figure 128: Finished Batch window

9. Highlight the file to download. (This file will be imported into CAMS
Enterprise.) Click Download Selected File. Follow the onscreen instructions
and remember where the file has been saved to.

Loading Prospect Address Correction in CAMS

Once the address file has been loaded and a correction file retrieved, this file is
then loaded into CAMS.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

Step-By-Step: Load Prospect Address Correction File

1. Return to the CAMS Enterprise Prospect Validation screen and click the
Load tab.

Figure 129: Load Returned Batch File window

2. Navigate to the location of the returned file. The path must be in UNC format.
There cannot be a C:\ type path.
3. Click Load Batch File. The list of names and the corrected address
information display.
4. Click the Insert tab to map the new address record fields into Prospect
records in CAMS. New address record fields will only need to be mapped
once to include all Prospects in the import file.

Figure 130: New Address Records Field Mapping

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

5. Select the import file field name in the Select Options drop-down then select
the CAMS field in the Field drop-down. Click Append to add that import field
to the CAMS field.
6. Multiple import fields can be linked or merged into one CAMS field by simply
selecting another import field then click Append to merge the additional
field(s) into the same CAMS field. In the example above, the Street Number
and Street Name have been linked into the CAMS Address 1 field and the
import file Apt Name and Apt Number have been linked into the CAMS
Address 2 field.
7. If an incorrect import field is appended, you can highlight and delete any of
the appended fields scroll box to clear the data.
8. Click Build SQL. CAMS will build the SQL statement to merge the fields and
display the Process tab.
9. The Process Results page displays with the SQL script that will run to enter
the verified addresses into CAMS Enterprise.
10. Click Execute SQL. The corrected addresses are inserted into the prospects’

New Address Record

Figure 131: Verified Address

Defining Address Correction Batch Settings

The first time you access your Intelligent Search Technology, Ltd ® account for
address correction you will have to define some settings so their database can
read the CAMS Enterprise file, and create a file that CAMS Enterprise can
import. These steps are important to set up correctly and only have to be done
the first time.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

Step-By-Step: Define Settings

1. Click the Define Settings button.
2. Select File Format as Delimited.
3. Set Text Qualifier to None.
4. Check First row has column names.

Figure 132: Define Settings window

5. Click Next.
6. Select Tab as the column delimiter. Verify the columns look correct.
7. Click Next.

Add arrow

Figure 133: Address Fields window

8. Highlight AddressID in the Input Fields select box and then click the Add
arrow for Retained Input Fields.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

9. Add the Address1 and Address2 fields to the Address Line 1 Fields and
Address Line 2 Fields boxes respectively.
10. Highlight City, State, and ZipCode and add them to the City, State and Zip
Fields box.
11. Select Text File (.txt) as the Output Type.
12. Select an Output File name.
13. Uncheck the Include Column Headers checkbox. If headers are in the file
CAMS Enterprise will not be able to update the addresses.
14. Select the Output Mixed Case checkbox.
15. Click Select All to select all Output Fields.
16. Click Next.
17. Click Run Batch. An information window pops up while the batch job is
running. Read the information and click OK to close the window.
18. Click View Progress until the Time Finished line displays the ending time.
Depending on how large the file is this could take awhile.

Figure 134: Finished Batch window

19. Highlight the file to download. (This file will be imported into CAMS
Enterprise.) Click Download Selected Files. Follow the onscreen instructions
and remember where the file has been saved to.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

Student Pictures
Student pictures can help staff and faculty verify the identity of students when
accessing student records or taking attendance. Student pictures must be in
.JPG format and since the photos that are displayed are about 1 ½ x 2 inches the
actual photo does not have to be large. CAMS Enterprise has an built-in
integration with General Meters One Card system, which once the picture is
taken by the One Card system the picture is immediately entered into CAMS

Step-By-Step: Import Student Picture

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Picture Access
>Student Picture Load. The Select Student screen appears.
2. Select the student. The Student Picture Load screen appears.

Figure 135: Load Student Picture

3. Browse to the picture location and select it. The picture must be in .JPG
4. Click Load Picture. The student photo should appear.

Note: If the student picture does not appear or an error appears have the CAMS Manager
ensure that the IWAM and IUSR accounts have read/write access to the StuPics and Pics
folders under CAMSEnterprise.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

General Meters One Card™ System

This Admissions export functionality is designed to be used with such products
as the General Meters One-Card™ system. This functionality allows institutions
to integrate with the One-Card™ system which uses a single card for student
IDs, access, vending, and more. In this process, student Admissions related data
is exported into tab-delimited and xml files. Data is then imported into the
General Meters One-Card™ system to create student accounts and ID cards
without having to retype all the information. When ID cards are created the photo
taken by the One-Card™ system can be automatically imported into CAMS
Enterprise. Further development in General Meters One-Card™ will allow
monetary transactions from One-Card™ to be imported into CAMS Enterprise.
The One-Card™ system produces an ID card that can be used as a debit style
card (meal card).

Step-By-Step: Export Admissions Data

1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page click Tools >Export >Admissions
>General Meters. The Export Criteria page opens.

Figure 136: General Meters Export

2. Select the Status Term, Address Type, and Student Options (Single or
Multiple). The student must have a status record for the status term
By default the same directory used to export general ledger data is used to
export the admissions’ data. The export path must be accessible by the
COM+ User and this user must have create/write permissions on this folder.
You can further limit returned data using the additional fields listed.
3. Expected Entrance Term From and To
4. Admit Date From and To
5. Student Type
6. College Level

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7. Click Process. A list of students that will be exported displays. f necessary,

you can select, one at a time, those students you do not want to export and
press your delete key.
8. Click Export to export the file to the location that was specified above.

Note: To import this file into the General Meters One-Card™ system, refer to the One
Card documentation.

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

Active (Address Type) .......................................................83 Comments ...................................................................... 130
Activities .........................................................................113 Communications Management ...................................... 113
Activities Tab............................................................... 17, 68 Contact BYOR ................................................................. 133
Activity Reports...............................................................121 Contact Maintenance ..................................................... 132
Activity Sequences, Applying ..........................................116 Contacts ........................................................................... 69
Activity, Add ....................................................................130 Copy Student Addresses................................................... 84
Activity, Mass Add to Students .......................................118 Copy User Defined............................................................ 57
Activity, Sequence ..........................................................120 Correct Address Batch Processor ................................... 145
Add Student Address ........................................................82 Correspondence Reports ................................................ 126
Add Student Manually ......................................................56 Cost Type .......................................................................... 95
Address ...............................................................................9 Country............................................................................. 83
Address 1 ..........................................................................83 Country of Citizenship ...................................................... 64
Address 2 ..........................................................................83 County .............................................................................. 83
Address Adding Student ...................................................82 Course Evaluation form .................................................. 102
Address Correction .........................................................140 Creating Prospect Records ................................................. 5
Automated .................................................................140 Credit Factor Conversion ............................................ 98, 99
Prospect Only .............................................................142 Deceased .......................................................................... 62
Address Selection .............................................................83 Default Cost Type ............................................................. 95
Address Type ....................................................................83 Default Refund Type......................................................... 95
Address Types Degree Seeking................................................................. 96
Billing, Home, Local ......................................................83 Degrees ............................................................................ 69
Admissions Tab .................................................................60 Delete Prospect ................................................................ 57
Advisor ..............................................................................96 Delete Prospects .............................................................. 53
Alert ..................................................................................95 Delete Student ............................................................... 112
Alien ID # ...........................................................................64 Demographic Tab ....................................................... 12, 64
Alien ID Number ...............................................................12 Disability ........................................................................... 64
Applicant Evaluation .........................................................98 Document Tracking ........................................................ 128
Applicant Status ................................................................62 Domestic .......................................................................... 83
Application Fees, Charge ..................................................57 Drivers License Number ................................................... 64
Applied for Term ...............................................................13 Duplicate Student records ................................................ 58
Assign an Advisor ..............................................................94 Email................................................................. 55, 110, 114
Athlete Transcripts............................................................96 E-Mail 1 ............................................................................ 83
Attendance Type ...............................................................11 E-Mail 2 ............................................................................ 83
Awards ..............................................................................20 E-Mail 3 ............................................................................ 83
Batch Address Correction ...............................................140 Emailing Prospects ........................................................... 45
Birth City ..................................................................... 12, 64 Emergency Contact .......................................................... 18
Birth Country .............................................................. 12, 64 Employment Status .......................................................... 64
Birth County ................................................................ 12, 64 Employment, Prospect ..................................................... 21
Birth Date .................................................................... 12, 64 Employment, Student ...................................................... 72
Birth Province ...................................................................64 Enable Portal Access....................................................... 104
Birth State ................................................................... 12, 64 English Proficiency Required ............................................ 64
BYOR ...............................................................................110 Enrolled ............................................................................ 10
Contact .......................................................................133 Entrance Program ............................................................ 10
Organization ...............................................................130 Entry Date .......................................................................... 8
BYOR, Test Scores .............................................................85 Ethnicity ..................................................................... 20, 70
Campus ....................................................................... 10, 95 Ethnicity, In House ........................................................... 13
Cancelled ............................................................................7 Event ................................................................................ 10
Charge Application Fees ...................................................57 Execute SQL .................................................................... 148
Charge Insurance ..............................................................95 Expected Cohort Group .................................................... 13
Church......................................................................... 13, 64 Expected Entrance Term .................................................... 7
City ....................................................................................83 Export ........................................................55, 111, 114, 126
College Codes..................................................................138 Export Batch File ............................................................ 144
College Competing ............................................................18 Export General Meters ................................................... 152
College Level .....................................................................95 Extra Activity .................................................................... 13
College Names ................................................................137 Extracurricular Activities .................................................. 96
College Semester Type......................................................98 Fake Prospects Deleting ................................................... 53
Colleges .............................................................................69 Fax .................................................................................... 83

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

FERPA ................................................................................70 Merge Records Now ......................................................... 52

Full Exact Matches ............................................................85 Military ............................................................................. 64
Fuzzy Matches ..................................................................85 Mobile Phone ................................................................... 83
GED Date..................................................................... 15, 66 More Tab .......................................................................... 69
Gender ........................................................................ 12, 64 Name Tab ........................................................................... 7
General Meters Export ...................................................152 Native Language ......................................................... 13, 64
Greeting ............................................................................70 Non-State Reporting field................................................. 96
Group of Requirements ....................................................98 Notes for Student Risk Indicator .................................... 109
Groups ............................................................................113 Notes Prospect ................................................................. 47
H.S./Scores Tab .................................................................14 Number of Dependents .................................................... 64
H.S/Scores Tab ..................................................................65 Occupation ....................................................................... 64
Has Been Convicted of a Felony, Prospect ........................13 Online App Fee Paid ......................................................... 13
High School Organization ..................................................................... 13
Prospect .......................................................................15 Organization Maintenance ............................................. 129
Prospect .......................................................................22 Organization Reports ..................................................... 130
Student .........................................................................66 Other Tab ......................................................................... 12
High School Codes ..........................................................135 Parental Marital Status..................................................... 64
High School GPA ......................................................... 15, 66 Partial Exact Matches ....................................................... 85
High School Graduation Date................................ 15, 22, 66 Perform a Prospect Merge ............................................... 51
High School Lookup ........................................................134 Permanent U.S. Resident ........................................... 12, 64
Hispanic ............................................................................64 Phone 1 ............................................................................ 83
Hispanic Origin ..................................................................64 Phone 2 ............................................................................ 83
History ............................................................................114 Portal Access .................................................................. 103
ID Card General Meters ..................................................152 Portal Notification Email .................................... 19, 58, 104
Import Data File ................................................................25 Portals Access ................................................................... 58
Import Prospect Layout ....................................................39 Prerequisite Sequence, Load ............................................ 98
Import Prospect/Student Job............................................25 Previous Name, Prospect ................................................. 19
Import Prospect/Student Match Behavior .......................27 Previous Name, Student ................................................... 70
Import Prospect/Student Parameters ..............................26 Previously Applied ............................................................ 13
Import Student Layout ......................................................39 Prospect Activities ...................................................... 17, 68
Imported Scores................................................................93 Prospect Activities Sequences .................................... 17, 68
Importing Prospects/Students ..........................................24 Prospect Address................................................................ 9
Importing Test Scores .......................................................85 Prospect Awards .............................................................. 20
In House Ethnicity .............................................................13 Prospect Citizenship ......................................................... 23
In-House Ethnicity .............................................................64 Prospect Colleges ............................................................. 18
Initial Degree ....................................................................11 Prospect Contacts ............................................................ 18
Interests ............................................................................69 Prospect Copy Options ..................................................... 57
Interests Tab .....................................................................17 Prospect Employment ...................................................... 21
International .....................................................................83 Prospect Form Tab Options .............................................. 12
International Characters ...................................................22 Prospect High School.................................................. 15, 22
Is Employed, Prospect.......................................................13 Prospect Import ............................................................... 24
Job Name ..........................................................................25 Prospect Import Layout .................................................... 39
Latino ................................................................................64 Prospect Import Matching Rules ...................................... 34
Letter Sequences ............................................................114 Prospect Import Validation Rules ..................................... 37
Create .........................................................................115 Prospect Maintenance ....................................................... 7
Create a New Group ...................................................114 Prospect Merge Function ................................................. 51
Verify Letter Sequence Group Activities .....................116 Prospect Notes ................................................................. 47
Lives With .........................................................................64 Prospect Portal Access ..................................................... 19
Load a Sequence ...............................................................98 Prospect Portal Password Reset ....................................... 19
Load Evaluation Courses ...................................................99 Prospect Questions .......................................................... 48
Load Student from Prospect .............................................56 Prospect Statement of Purpose ....................................... 21
Load Student Picture ......................................................151 Prospect Status .................................................................. 8
Maiden Name ...................................................................12 Prospect/Student Import Email........................................ 34
Maintain Student Evaluations .........................................102 Questions from Online Application .................................. 48
Maintaining Student Records ...........................................59 Reason Not Required ....................................................... 64
Maintaining Student Status ..............................................94 Recruiter ........................................................................... 11
Marital Status ...................................................................64 Refund Type ..................................................................... 95
Mass Add Prospect Activity ............................................117 Relations........................................................................... 70
Mass Add Sequence of Activities ....................................120 Religion....................................................................... 13, 64
Mass Add Single Activity .................................................119 Reports

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

Activity........................................................................121 Define Settings ........................................................... 149

Contact .......................................................................133 Delete Prospect Records .............................................. 53
Email ..................................................................... 55, 110 Email Correspondence ............................................... 127
Export ................................................................... 55, 111 Enter Student SEVIS Data ........................................... 100
Generating Prospect .....................................................54 Export Admissions Data ............................................. 152
Organization ...............................................................130 Export Correspondence ............................................. 127
Standard Crystal Reports ...................................... 55, 110 Generate BYOR Reports ........................54, 110, 131, 133
Reports tab .....................................................................110 Generate On-Screen Working To-Do List ........... 122, 123
Reports, Correspondence ...............................................126 Import Student Picture .............................................. 151
Reset Prospect Portal Password .......................................19 Import Test Scores ....................................................... 88
Resident Country ..............................................................64 Load Student from Prospect ........................................ 56
Resident County .......................................................... 12, 64 Loan an Activity Sequence ......................................... 116
Resident State ............................................................. 12, 64 Mass Add Activities ............................................ 117, 118
Risk Indicators .................................................................106 Perform a Prospect Merge ........................................... 51
Run Batch ........................................................................145 Print a To-Do List........................................................ 126
Satori Address Correction ...............................................140 Print Evaluation Report .............................................. 100
Scores ...............................................................................69 Send Email to a Prospect ............................................. 45
Select Prospect ...................................................................6 Set Student Access ..................................................... 103
Semester Type ..................................................................98 Set up College Semester Types .................................... 98
Send Mail ............................................................................9 Set up Sequences ......................................................... 97
Set Student Access ..........................................................103 Set up Student Evaluation............................................ 97
SEVIS ......................................................................... 64, 100 Update an Activity ..................................................... 121
Show Greetings ...................................................................8 Update Applicant Evaluation ..................................... 102
Show User Audit .................................................................8 Verify Letter Sequence Group Activities .................... 116
Single Activity..................................................................119 View Student 360 Information................................... 106
Sport Team Transcripts .....................................................96 Student Access ............................................................... 103
SSN ......................................................................................8 Set .............................................................................. 103
Standard Crystal Reports .......................................... 55, 110 Student Addresses
State ..................................................................................83 Adding .......................................................................... 82
State Reporting .................................................................72 Copy ............................................................................. 84
Statement of Purpose, Prospect .......................................21 Student BYOR ................................................................. 110
Status ..................................................................................8 Generating Student Reports ...................................... 110
Step-By-Step Student Citizenship ........................................................ 105
Add a Comment to an Organization ...........................130 Student Colleges............................................................... 99
Add a Contact Through Contact Maintenance ...........132 Student Delete ............................................................... 112
Add a Contact to an Organization ..............................129 Student Employment ....................................................... 72
Add a New College Entry or Maintain an Existing Entry Student Evaluation Report ............................................. 100
...............................................................................137 Student Evaluations ......................................................... 97
Add a Single Activitiy ..................................................113 Setup ............................................................................ 97
Add a Student Risk Indicator ......................................108 Student High School ......................................................... 66
Add a Test Score ...........................................................67 Student Import ................................................................. 24
Add an Activity to an Organization .............................130 Student Import Layout ..................................................... 39
Add an Organization ...................................................129 Student Import Matching Rules ....................................... 34
Add College Codes ......................................................139 Student Import Validation Rules ...................................... 37
Add High School Codes ...............................................136 Student Picture............................................................... 151
Add New High School Entry or Maintain an Existing Student Picture does not load ........................................ 151
Entry.......................................................................134 Student Program for Term ............................................... 96
Add Prospect Citizenship ..............................................23 Student Records, Creating ................................................ 56
Add Student Citizenship .............................................105 Student Risk ................................................................... 106
Addmissions Submits a Prospect Question ..................48 Student Risk Indicator Notes .......................................... 109
Answer a Prospect Question ........................................49 Student SEVIS ........................................................... 64, 100
Apply Evaluation to Applicant ......................................98 Student Status .................................................................. 94
Batch Address Correction ...........................................140 Maintaining .................................................................. 94
Copy Student Addresses ...............................................84 Records ........................................................................ 94
Correct Prospects’ Addresses ..................... 143, 145, 147 Student Test Scores .......................................................... 85
Create a New Group, Letter Sequences .....................114 Summary tab .................................................................... 98
Create a Prospect Note ................................................47 Team Transcripts .............................................................. 96
Create a Prospect Record Manually ...............................6 Test Scores ....................................................................... 85
Create Letter Sequences ............................................115 BYOR ............................................................................ 85
Define Prospect/Student Import Parameters...............27 Test Scores Importing....................................................... 85

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CAMS Enterprise – Admissions Module

Time Finished ..................................................................146 Veteran............................................................................. 64

To-Do Lists .............................................................. 122, 123 Visa Exp Date .................................................................... 13
U.S. Citizen .................................................................. 12, 64 Visa Expiration Date ......................................................... 64
Update Applicant Evaluation ..........................................102 Visa Information ............................................................... 13
Updating Activities ..........................................................120 Visa Type .......................................................................... 64
User Defined ......................................................... 20, 70, 71 Work Phone...................................................................... 83
User Defined Code ............................................................10 Zip Code ........................................................................... 83

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