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Progressive Condylar Resorption: Pathologic

Processes and Imaging Considerations

David C. Hatcher

Progressive condylar resorption (PCR) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

occurs mostly in adolescent female individuals, who are likely to request
orthodontic treatment. They can be among the most challenging of orth-
odontic patients to successfully treat, especially if orthognathic surgery is
involved in the treatment process. This article will review the basic anat-
omy, pathophysiology, detection, natural history, and progression of PCR of
the TMJ, and the local and regional growth effects of PCR also will be
discussed. PCR proceeds through 3 distinct anatomic stages that have
clinical relevance when considering orthodontic diagnosis, treatment op-
tions, and treatment timing: soft-tissue phase, destructive (active) phase,
and reparative phase. Anatomic assessment of the TMJ hard and soft tis-
sues and facial skeleton can be performed using cone-beam computed
tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The application of these
imaging modalities to this severe clinical condition is discussed in some
detail. It is generally recommended that definitive orthodontic/orthognathic
treatment be postponed until PCR has stabilized. Imaging plays an impor-
tant role in assessing stability of the resorptive process, but other clinical
criteria also must be considered. (Semin Orthod 2013;19:97-105.) © 2013
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

he mandibular condyle is an adaptive simultaneously (Figs 1 and 2). TMJ motion ac-
T growth site that contributes to the sagittal,
vertical and lateral development of the mandi-
companies almost all jaw functions, including
chewing, swallowing, speaking, and at times,
ble. There are 3 articular components of the breathing. The jaw is required to perform com-
temporomandibular joint (TMJ): the fossa/em- plex, fine-tuned, intricate, and powerful mo-
inence of the temporal bone, the mandibular tions. TMJ function results in diverse and vary-
condyle, and the interposing articular disk. The ing patterns of joint loads, including static loads
mandible is the only human bone that has joints during clenching and parafunction, and dy-
at both ends, which are symmetrical; both TMJs namic loads produced by rotational, transla-
function as ginglymo-diarthrodial joints, which tional, and transverse motion during mastica-
can perform both rotary and sliding movements tion and speech. The dynamic and static loads
impart compressive, tensile, and shear forces on
Adjunct Professor, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, the joint tissues.1 The disk interposed between
University of Pacific, San Francisco; Clinical Professor, School of Den- the condyle and temporal bone helps maintain
tistry, Roseman University of Health Science, College of Dentistry, NV; congruency of the joint surfaces and distribute
Clinical Professor, Orofacial Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of loads during the array of functional joint posi-
California, San Francisco; and Private Practice, Department of Ortho-
dontics, Diagnostic Digital Imaging, Sacramento, CA. tions. The disk is surrounded by an intercon-
Address correspondence to Dr David C. Hatcher, DDS, MSc, nected system of ligaments that secure it to the
MRCD(c), Department of Orthodontics, Diagnostic Digital condyle, capsule, and temporal bone, and it sep-
Imaging, 99. Scripps Drive, # 101, Sacramento, CA 95,825. arates the joint into superior and inferior joint
© 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
compartments. There is a layer of fibrocartilage
1073-8746/13/1902-0$30.00/0 lining the articular surfaces of the condyle and temporal bone; this unique tissue further aids in

Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 19, No 2 (June), 2013: pp 97-105 97

98 Hatcher

Figure 1. Anatomic illustration shows the osseous and soft-tissue temporomandibular joint (TMJ) anatomy.
Soft-tissue structures are as follows: CA, capsular attachment; S, synovium; BZ, bilaminar zone; SL, superior
lamina; FC, fibrocartilage; PB, posterior band of disk; IZ, intermediate zone of disk; AB, anterior band of disk;
SLP, superior lateral pterygoid muscle; ILP, inferior lateral pterygoid muscle. Hard-tissues structures are as
follows: LPC, lateral pole of condyle; MPC, medial pole condyle. The disk attaches to the condyles slightly
inferior to LPC and MPC. Posteriorly, the capsule attaches to the condyle at a point slightly inferior to CA. An
imaginary circumferential line connecting LPC, CA, and MPC passes through the greatest height of contour at
the periphery of the condyle, and is similar in concept to an equatorial line dividing the northern and southern
hemispheres of the earth. This condylar equator is a very good landmark to aid in differentiating normal from
abnormal condyles. Most destructive processes in the TMJ are localized to the condylar fraction superior to the
equator, thus moving the superior surface of the condyle closer to the equator. (Color version of figure is
available online.)

load distribution and contributes to the mandib- Progressive Condylar Resorption (PCR)
ular growth site.
Disk displacements are common in the ado-
lescent population and have been reported to PCR of the TMJ is also known by the terms
disturb ipsilateral mandibular growth, which idiopathic condylar resorption and condylysis.
may have a regional growth effect on the devel- Terms like osteoarthritis/osteoarthrosis, de-
opment of the ipsilateral facial skeleton.2-4 The generative joint disease (DJD), and arthrosis
severity of the growth disturbance is associated deformans are used to describe the more com-
with severity of the joint insult and the somatic mon and less aggressive forms of TMJ degen-
maturity of the individual (Fig 3). A unilateral eration.
disturbance of mandibular growth may result in
mandibular asymmetry, whereas a bilateral man-
dibular growth disturbance may result in retrog- Definition
nathia and clockwise or dolichofacial growth
pattern (Figs 4 and 5). Disk displacement with- PCR is a localized noninflammatory degener-
out reduction has also been associated with the ative disorder of the TMJs that is characterized
development of progressive condylar resorption by lysis and repair of the articular fibrocarti-
(PCR)5 (Fig 6), but it is not always clear whether lage and underlying subchondral bone, occur-
that displacement occurs before or after the re- ring most commonly during puberty in female
sorptive process begins. individuals.5-7
Pathologic Processes and Imaging Considerations 99

Figure 2. T2-weighted TMJ magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the closed- and open-mouth position,
showing normal disk position. The white arrow shows the intermediate zone of the disk correctly interposed
between the functional region of the condyle and the eminence. The posterior band of the disk was near the
12-o’clock position of the adjacent condyle in the closed position.

Background and Etiology joint surfaces of the TMJ include the fibrocarti-
laginous covering of the condyle and eminence
The TMJ is a loaded joint that is subjected to a
and the subchondral bone, and between these is
combination of compression, tension, and shear
the disk and synovial fluid for lubrication and
forces, and the joint loads or stress concentra-
tions (force/area) may be similar to other load- nutrition. The TMJ disk is a fibrocartilagenous
bearing joints.1 Current theories for explaining tissue, which does not have a homogeneous
the onset of PCR in the TMJ include a combina- composition; it is composed mostly of collagen
tion of chemical transduction and mechano- (type I), proteoglycans (sulfated glycosaminogly-
transduction processes. The basic concept is that cans), and water. The disk is divided into 3 areas
lysis of the hard and soft tissues occur when or zones: the anterior band, the intermediate
adaptive capacity has been exceeded by the func- zone, and the posterior band. The distribution
tional demands. Chemical and mechanotrans- and arrangement of the disk components are not
duction can play a role in either reducing or uniform throughout the zones of the disk (Fig 1).
exceeding the adaptive capacity threshold.8-13 These zones, like anatomic regions, have material
Elevated or reduced serum levels of ␤-estradiol property differences related to their anatomic
and elevated serum levels of relaxin are thought composition. Therefore, the single-cell biome-
to be significant.6,7 Elevated serum ␤-estradiol chanics of each of the zones reflect a structural
and relaxin separately or in combination have relationship to the functional demands.
been shown to have a negative effect on the
articular soft tissues, including the TMJ disk.
Serum ␤-estradiol has an osteoprotective effect
in enhancing osteoprogerin expression and de- Clinical Issues
creasing osteoclast activity. Therefore, reduced Demographics
estrogen may predispose to a bone degenerative
process.7 The onset of TMJ PCR frequently occurs around
Clinically, many cases of TMJ PCR are pre- the time of puberty and decreases after the age
ceded by a disk displacement, so theories that of 20 years.5-7 Female individuals are signifi-
consider soft-tissue changes as well as osseous cantly affected more than their male counter-
changes are attractive. It is important to under- parts (9:1). Female individuals often have bilat-
stand the dynamic aspects of interacting joint eral involvement, but the timing and expression
surfaces in relative motion (tribology).1 The of the disease may not be symmetrical.
100 Hatcher

limited condylar motion and pain. It is during the

active phase that the TMJs may be particularly
vulnerable to biomechanical forces. It is suspected
that condylar resorption progresses until the com-
pressive forces within the TMJ are normalized.

Reparative Phase
The active phase is followed by condylar flattening
and recortication. The flattening may form a con-
gruent articulation with the opposing surface. Flat-
tening and congruent articulations are thought to
be adaptions to distribute functional loads over a
larger stress-bearing area. There is a restoration of
condylar motion and reduction in pain as the re-
Figure 3. Mandibular growth. The figure indicates pa-
tient age on the horizontal axis and mandibular growth pair process completes. It can be difficult to clini-
on the vertical axis. The top line shows the phases of cally identify individuals with end-stage PCR.
normal growth. The blue line indicates that a minor
insult, such as disk displacement (DD), during the pu-
bertal growth phase will temporarily retard growth and Associated Growth Changes
result in a minor growth deficit. The 2 yellow lines
indicate that a major TMJ pathosis, such as progressive PCR occurring before the completion of somatic
condylar resorption (PCR-1, PCR-2), results in a greater growth results in a reduction in growth of the
growth deficit than did the minor insult. PCR-1 occur- involved condyle and ipsilateral half of the mandi-
ring at an earlier age than PCR-2 results in a greater ble. In unilateral cases, there may be regional ad-
growth deficit because the TMJs and both jaws had a
aptations involving the ipsilateral cranial base and
shorter growth period before the process was inter-
rupted. (Color version of figure is available online.) maxilla. The regional adaptations include a de-
crease in the vertical dimension of the condylar
process, ascending ramus, and body of the mandi-
Natural History and Prognosis
ble. The occlusal plane is elevated on the involved
Soft-tissue Phase side. The lateral development of the mandible is
decreased on the involved side, and the osseous
The soft-tissue changes precede the osseous
midline of the mandible is shifted to the short side.
changes. It is suspected that joint laxity or hy-
The maxilla may mirror some of the mandibular
permobility may be contributing factor. A
changes, and the cranial base (fossa) may be de-
nonreducing displaced disk often occurs before
pressed on the involved side.
PCR. The acute clinical phase immediately after
Individuals with bilateral PCR may develop a
the occurrence of a nonreducing displaced disk
dolichofacial growth pattern. The dolicofacial
includes limited oral opening (approximately 25
growth pattern may be associated with short condylar
mm) and pain. Generally, little or no significant
processes, short rami, short mandibular body, and an
osseous changes are present immediately after a
increased vertical dimension of the anterior region
displaced disk. The displacement of the disk may
of the mandible along with labiolingual reduction in
be a risk factor, that is, one of many initiating
the dimensions of the alveolar process. The mandib-
factors for the development of ordinary DJD, or
ular plane may be steep, and the gonial angles ob-
more rarely of the destructive phase of PCR.
tuse. There is a tendency for a reduction in airway
dimensions secondary to small mandibular growth,
Destructive/Active Phase
and posteroinferior repositioning of the mandibular
It is hypothesized that the sequence of events oc- symphysis.14
curs in the following order: loss of cortex occurs
along the anterosuperior surface of the condyles,
Clinical Significance of PCR
and a cavitation defect extends into the subchon-
dral bone, resulting in loss of condylar volume (Fig Displaced TMJ disks in children and adolescents
7). The active phase of PCR may be associated with have been shown to limit condylar and mandib-
Pathologic Processes and Imaging Considerations 101

Figure 4. Cone-beam CT (CBCT) images of a 17-year-old female individual with end-stage PCR in the left TMJ. (A)
A volume-rendered face. There is a soft-tissue asymmetry with the midline of the mandible shifted to the left, and the
left lip commissure is elevated on the left side. (B) A skeletal asymmetry with the osseous midline of the mandible
shifted to the left. The lateral development of the left half of the mandible is less than the right. The occlusal plane
is elevated on the left side. The left angle of the mandible is superior to the right side. (C) Reconstructed panoramic
projection demonstrating a skeletal asymmetry with the height of the left condylar process, ascending ramus, and
body of the mandible being less than the right. The occlusal plane is elevated on the left side, indicating a maxillary
compensation. The vertical dimension of the anterior region of the mandible is large. (D) A recessive mandible,
convex facial profile, and steep mandibular plane. (Color version of figure is available online.)

ular growth, although the effects are generally terior open bite. The combination of a small
small and easily managed by orthodontic treat- mandible and dolicofacial growth pattern may al-
ment. However, the occurrence of PCR has the low posteroinferior repositioning of the tongue
potential to significantly limit mandibular growth and suprahyoid tissues, leading to a reduction
more than a disk displacement alone. Bilateral in airway dimensions. A small airway dimension
PCR may be associated with a clockwise facial is a risk factor for obstructive sleep-disordered
growth pattern and the development of an an- breathing.
102 Hatcher

and tooth loss. Facial soft tissues are supported by

the skeleton and teeth. Individuals with PCR often
have a convex facial profile. Postorthodontic and
postorthognathic treatment stability is reduced in
individuals with PCR.

Radiographic Features of PCR of

the TMJ
The best radiographic feature to characterize
TMJ PCR is unilateral or bilateral resorption of
the superior portions of the condyles (Fig 7A-
F).5 The initial site of occurrence is the antero-
superior surface of the condyle, opposite the
contact area with the posterior slope of the em-
inence. Initially, there is a focal defect with loss
of articular soft tissues and subjacent bone. The
lesion enlarges resulting in a significant loss of
condylar volume, which results in a loss of con-
dylar height. The destructive phase is followed
by a reparative phase that reconstitutes a condy-
lar cortex. The optimal treatment of patients
with PCR of TMJ and their associated skeletal/
dental anomalies requires a determination of
TMJ PCR stability. It is prudent to postpone
definitive orthodontic and orthognathic treat-
ment of patients during the active stage of PCR.
Figure 5. CBCT series of a 16-year-old female individ- TMJs with active disease may be unfavorably in-
ual with bilateral end-stage PCR. (A) Reconstructed fluenced by various orthodontic or surgical ma-
panoramic projection showing short condylar pro- nipulations, particularly by those treatments that
cesses. (B) Volume-rendered CBCT scan showing a increase loads or functional demands on the
convex facial profile, steep mandibular plane, obtuse TMJs. Progression of PCR from an early minor
gonial angles, and an anterior open bite. (Color ver-
sion of figure is available online.) expression of PCR to an advanced expression of
the disease may also be associated with a change
in mandibular posture, occlusion, and change in
During the active phase of PCR, the TMJs are facial growth pattern, and therefore may result
vulnerable to biomechanical interactions, and in a corresponding change in the orthodontic
therefore, excessive joint loads can further dam- diagnosis, treatment objectives, and treatment
age joints. The active phase of PCR will diminish plan. Imaging can complement the clinical eval-
and repair at some point, but studies suggest uation in determining the stability of PCR.
that the involved joints will always have a re- Two main imaging strategies have been used
duced adaptive capacity; therefore, excessive in clinical cases of PCR to determine stability.
changes in the functional demands on the TMJs The first option uses nuclear medicine and pro-
may reactivate the destructive phase even in vides immediate results. The second option re-
adulthood. evaluates and compares anatomy after specific
The elongated symphysis in individuals with a periods. The scientific community has not vali-
dolicofacial growth may be associated with a labio- dated either method for determining PCR sta-
lingually deficient alveolar trough of bone to sup- bility; therefore, a pragmatic strategy will be pre-
port the incisor teeth. Orthodontic manipulations sented in this article. The nuclear medicine
of the teeth in a narrowed alveolar trough may approach uses a bone scan imaging technique,
exceed the anatomic boundary of the mandible such as technetium-99m methylene-diphospho-
and result in root resorption, periodontal disease, nate (99mTc-MDP) standard bone scans, Tc-MDP
Pathologic Processes and Imaging Considerations 103

Figure 6. (A) T1-weighted MRI of the left TMJ in the closed- and open-mouth positions in a 15-year-old female
individual. The images demonstrate a nonreducing anteriorly displaced disk. The black arrow indicates that the
posterior band of the disk is anterior to the condyle in closed- and open-mouth positions. The white arrows show
a missing low-signal rim along the anterosuperior surfaces of the condyle. The missing low-signal rim
indicates an active erosive defect with a minor loss of condylar volume. (B) T1-weighted MRI of the right
TMJ of same patient. There is a nonreducing anteriorly displaced disk (black arrows). The anteroposterior
dimensions of the disk have shortened, and the disk has a biconvex shape. The right condyle demonstrates
a stable stage of PCR, and this is characterized by a loss of vertical dimension, flattening, and reestablishing
a low-signal rim.

single-photon emission computed tomography current imaging of choice for hard tissues includes
(CT), or Tc-MDP single-photon emission CT CBCT or conventional CT. CBCT has an advan-
with lumbar vertebra and clivus uptake ra- tage of low cost, relatively low dose, and high res-
tios.15,16 Bone scans are efficient for assessing olution when compared with conventional CT.
some medical conditions, but the specificity is Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the pre-
not sufficient to be useful for determination of ferred technique for the investigation of the soft
TMJ PCR stability. Time is the most useful tool tissues within and adjacent to the TMJs. Reduction
in the determination of PCR stability. Once the in the dimension of the superior joint space, as
radiographic features (cone-beam CT [CBCT] detected on cone-beam scans, suggests that the
or comparable imaging) of end-stage PCR are soft tissues, including the disk, may be displaced or
present, it would be prudent to wait 6-12 months thinned. All TMJ imaging should use an axially
to radiographically reevaluate the TMJs. Radio- corrected technique to acquire sectional images
graphic stability exists when the size, shape, and perpendicular and parallel to the mediolateral
quality of the osseous components remain con- long axis of the condyles.
stant over time.
Imaging strategies include hard- and soft-tissue
Differential Diagnosis
imaging. The goals of imaging include determin-
ing the size, shape, quality, and spatial relation- The differential diagnosis for PCR includes the
ships of the osseous components of the TMJs. The following.
104 Hatcher

Figure 7. Imaging stages of PCR. A series of CBCT TMJ images (top) and associated anatomic illustrations
(bottom) displayed in the paracoronal and parasagittal planes. The images (A-F) show the progression of PCR.
(A) This figure represents a normal TMJ and is characterized by smooth and rounded outline of the osseous TMJ
components without evidence of subchondral defects. Note the height of contour (equator shown in Fig 1) is
normally positioned. The height of contour is indicated on the sagittal view anatomic illustrations with a black
arrow. Developing condyles do not have a superior cortex, but the density of the trabecular bone at the superior
surface gives the appearance of a well-defined surface. (B) The beginning of the destructive/active phase, which
is characterized by a break in the anterosuperior surface integrity and a slight loss of condylar volume. (C) A
“cup”-shaped defect in the superior surface of the condyle. The stages represented by (B) and (C) are very
vulnerable to biomechanical forces. In these vulnerable stages, the trabecular bone is exposed to functional
forces, and the irregular contour of the superior surface creates opportunity for stress concentrations. (D) The
beginning of the repair stage. The superior surface of the condyle and opposing eminence are beginning to
flatten in a way that will ultimately increase the congruency of the opposing articular surfaces. The articular
surface is relatively well defined but not particularly well corticated. The condyle has lost significant volume (equator
near superior surface). (E) A relatively advanced repair phase of PCR. The condyle has lost volume, and the opposing
articular surfaces are congruent. The superior surface of the condyle has a cortex, but the cortex may not be
completely eburnated, suggesting that the repair process has not been completed. (F) A radiographically stable stage
of PCR. The condyle is small (equator near superior surface), and opposing articular surfaces are nearly congruent.
The superior surface of the condyle is corticated and smooth, and has an eburnated appearance. This figure also
shows the result of modeling along the posterior surface of the condylar process, resulting in a more convex form and
creating the impression that the condyle is reaching posteriorly toward the fossa.

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis terized by short condyles with a broad flat artic-
ular surface and a wide glenoid fossa.17,18
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is an autoimmune
musculoskeletal inflammatory disease of child-
Degenerative Joint Disease
hood. JIA is more likely to involve other large
joints, such as spine, knees, wrists, and ankles. In DJD is a localized noninflammatory degenerative
the TMJ, there is generally a bilateral and sym- disorder of synovial joints characterized by the de-
metrical expression of the disease that is charac- struction and repair of the articular fibrocartilage
Pathologic Processes and Imaging Considerations 105

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