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The Self from various perspectives

Mara Escasinas RPm,MP

Prepared by
• From Athens, Greece
“Knowing oneself”
“Knowledge is a virtue, ignorance is
• Key Components:
1. Our own abilities
2. Wisdom
3. Humility
*Socratic Method Socrates
470 BC – 399 BC
• From Athens, Greece
• Student of Socrates
• Father of Academy
“A person who is a follower of truth and wisdom will not
be tempted by vices and will always be just.”
1. Virtue
2. Intelligence

3 Parts of the Soul

1. Appetitive Soul – part of the person that is driven by
desire and need to satisfy oneself.
2. Spirited Soul – attributed to the courageous part of the
person who wants to do change or right the wrongs.
3. Rational Soul – thinks and plan for the future. the
“conscious mind”.
428 BC
• Saint and Philosopher of the Church
• Born in North Africa of a pagan father
and a Christian mother
“ Our notion of ourselves and our idea of
existence comes from a higher form of
sense in which bodily senses may not
perceive or understand, and the more
doubts and questions his life means
that, the person is actually living.”
1. Being virtuous
2. Be able to stand by on what we St. Agustine
think is true.
• French Philosopher
• Renaissance man
• Father of modern philosophy
• Methodical Doubt – continuous process of
questioning what we perceive and accepting
the fact that doubting and asking are a part of
one’s existence.

“I think therefore I am.”

For him, the mind is “the real self”.

• Mind-body interactionism Rene Descartes

1. Body – perceives different senses
2. Mind – process it
• English Philosopher, and
• Empiricist – facts are gathered
through observation rather
from other method.
• Father of Classical Liberalism
• Tabula Rasa
John Locke
Scottish Philosopher
Empiricist – believes in concrete
evidences and observable
experiences that mold a person.

“There is no permanent self.”

David Hume
• German Philosopher
• Empiricist and Rationalist
• Transcendental Aperception – an
essences of our consciousness that
provides basis for understanding
and establishing the notion of

• Austrian Psychologist and Physician
• Father of Psychoanalysis
• Constructs of Personality
1. ID – child aspect of a person.
2. Ego – mediator between the ID and Superego.
3. Superego- conscience of one’s personality.
• Level of Consciousness
1. Conscious
2. Preconscious
3. Unconscious

“He believes that we are by product of our past. Our

actions are driven by the idea of resisting/avoiding pain, Sigmund
and are molded from our need for pleasure or being Freud
• British Philosopher
• “self is the behavior presented by the person.”
• Ghost in the machine view – man is a
complex machine with different functioning
parts, and the intelligence, and other
characteristics of behavior is represented by
the ghost.”

Gilbert Ryle
• Canadian Philosopher
• “Self is defined by the movements of
our brain”
• Eliminative Materialism- believes
that most menta states that people
subscribe to, in turn do not actually
• Neurophilosophy Paul Churchland
• French Philosopher
• Existencialist and phenomenologist
• His idea of self regarded that the body and mind are
not separate entities but rather one and same.
• Phenomenology of Perception
1. Body – receives the experiences as well as
integrates it in different perception.
2. Perceived World – accumulation of perception
as integrated by the experiences of the body.
3. People – the world that enables one to integrate
and experience culture and relations. Maurice Merleu-

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