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Chapter Reflection

Answer the following questions here as your journal and share your answers within our
Facebook Messenger group chat as part of our monitoring.

1. How much did you know about the topics before we started? What have you learned after
this lesson?
Before the lesson has started, I only have a little knowledge about the topics.
What I have known was a few things like cohesion and coherence.

After the lesson, I have learned the discourse structures of genres which refer to
a generic and rhetorical structure. I have learned also how to make a conversation
analysis. Another is that I have learned transcribing and coding conversation analysis

2. How can you apply what you have learned to your current life as a student and to your
future dream career?
As a student, the lesson I have learned can be used in my further study about
analyzing an article with its generic and rhetorical structure. The conversation analysis
will guide my communication skills. And as a future educator, I can apply the knowledge
that I have gained from this lesson by applying the lesson on my teaching strategy
especially the lesson that the output of conversational analysis have given. The results of
the conversation analysis such as practicing turn-taking in the classroom, gives
opportunities to the students to foster their skills and their learning experiences, and
giving positive feedbacks encourages the students to learn more.

3. What other things related to the lesson might you want more help with? Why?
The things that I really wanted to have more help with are about analyzing generic
and rhetorical structure, and conversational analysis because I really wanted to have in
depth knowledge about the lesson and I want to be clarified and set things clear as it was
significant to me as a future educator. These lessons are difficult from the previous
analysis that we have done with. With this, the eagerness to completely learn the lesson is
in me.

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