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Assignment of

Introduction to
Social Work

Individual Case Study of

Cheej Kumari Nepali

Submitted to
Anita Dahal
Lecturer, SDSE
Pokhara University
Name: Cheej Kumari Nepali
Date of Birth: 2041 BS, Baisakh 9
Birth Place: Baglung
Introduction Currently living place: Sakneri,
Education: left her studies when
she was studying in class 7
Occupation: Laborer for
construction work (Jyami)
Family Members: She and her 2

Cheej Kumari Nepali, who lives in

is the household head of her
family. It has been a long time
since her husband left her after he
got married to another women.
Hence, she is the one who is
currently raising her 2 sons alone.
She neither possesses a good
education background nor any
sort of skills to give her a
handsomely paying or
guaranteed job. She has been
doing job as laborer for many
years in this construction site with
She has 2 sons (name not
mentioned) and they both are
currently studying in a near
Government School

After Covid-19 induced lockdown was
imposed, she suffered many problems
regarding how to manage the
faced household expenses. However, she
doesn’t suffer the problems suddenly

during after the lockdown was imposed. In

the beginning days of lockdown, she
had sufficient money to run her daily
Covid-19 life. Things began to get worse when
the timespan of lockdown increased.
The month of Chaitra and mid-
Baisakh was comparatively good for
her. Things began to get worse after
the Baisakh. The lockdown has caused
her job to be eliminated temporarily
since no construction work was going

“Being a single mother on. Furthermore, she couldn’t

withdraw money from bank. She
couldn’t bring the groceries on credit
who is raising her 2 for long time since she was buying
child alone is itself a before. She has to feed herself and her
2 sons. Thanks to the neighbors, they
difficult job, this job has provided some groceries and they
become more difficult, even helped her to get Covid-19 relief
materials (particularly groceries)
thanks to this COVID-19 from the local government. However,
she couldn’t rely more on the
induced lockdown. ” groceries provided by her neighbours
for long time. When the months of
Jestha begin, lockdown was relaxed a
little bit, she began to work for little
time with little money. Thekedar was
also not getting any new project and
money from the customers as a result,
she couldn’t get money as she used to
get less wages as compared to before
lockdown period.

Mitigating Approaches used by Cheej Kumari Nepali in the

Lockdown period:
As mentioned earlier, she got Covid-19 relief materials because her neighbors mentioned her
problems to the Ward Chairman and other concerned authorities. During the month of Jestha
and Ashar, she used to go Khetalo to earn some money. Her employer, Thekedar, also gave
little money (usually Rs 2000 to Rs 3000) to her time to time although it was not so much
helpful to support her 3 family. Her landlord relaxed the monthly rent of her room which also
breakthrough for her. Since her 2 sons are studying in the government school it was not
difficult for her to manage fees for her sons because government school has taken the decision
of not taking fees. She has appreciated the help she got from her neighbors, landlords and
even Thekedar.
Although the period of lockdown was bad experience for her, she got the help to survive.

View from My Side:

Cheej had bad experience of the lockdown and faced difficulties to survive in this
lockdown. However, there are many vulnerable and disadvantaged people who had
seen more difficult times and problems in this lockdown. Since, Cheej have neighbors
to support and is living in a good place where her problems have been heard, there
might be more Cheej’s whose problems haven’t been heard and didn’t have good
neighbors. This is an individual case study and it only covers the problems of one
individual. I believe that there are more things to study and more stories to


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