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Theology 110

Prof. Arniel M. Iway, Ph.D.

• Etymology
• Essential
• Funtional
• Normative – contextual
• historical
• from the Greek Θεός meaning
• and λόγος meaning "study of“
• is the systematic and rational
study of religion and its
influences and of the nature of
religious truths
1.God revealing
himself to
2. Man’s
response to
God (faith)
3. Man’s interpersonal
relatioship with his
fellowmen as proof of
their connection with God
1. God revealing himself to
humanity (revelation)
2. Man’s response to God (faith)
3. Man’s interpersonal relatioship
with his fellowmen as proof of
their connection with God
•God's disclosure of Himself
and His will to His creatures
•God is pleased to make a
supernatural revelation of
himself (Hebrew 1:1)
• "to trust, to have confidence,
faithfulness, to be reliable, to
• The Bible (Hebrews 11) says that
faith is "the substance of things
hoped for, the evidence of things
not seen."
Interpersonal relationship
• social associations, connections,
or affiliations between two or
more people.
• There are different levels of
intimacy and sharing concerning
centered around something(s)
shared in common.
• is the process by which
a theory, lesson, or skill is
enacted, practiced, embodied,
or realised
• "Taste and see that God is
good," psalm 34:8 says
• Ortho -
from Greek word ὀρθός meaning
"straight" or "correct"
• Dox comes from the Greek, "doxa,"
and means "thought" or "teaching"
• Praxis - From Ancient
Greek πρᾶξις (praksis,
“action, activity, practice”)

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