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Name: _______________________________ Date: ________

Polar Graph investigation using Desmos

Part I:

Graph the following equations using the Desmos link below.

Copy and paste the graphs below using good formating

1. 2.

3. 4.
5. 6.

7. 8.

The curves in #s 1 - 8 are called Rose Curves. The general equation for a rose curve is
a) What effect does a have on the graph?
“a'' changes the radii of the graph. Graphs with larger a have longer rings.

b) What effects do different n values have on the graph? Be specific.

The “n” value affects the number of petals that are displayed on the graph. If the “n”
value is odd the number of petals will equal the “n” value. If the “n” value is even, the number of
petals is 2n.

c) Investigate how changing n affects the degree measurement between the petals and
describe what you discover.
The degree measurement between the petals is dependent on the number of petals that are
present on the graph which is controlled n value. The degree measurement is 360 divided either n
or 2n depending on if n is even or odd.

d) How do the sine polar graphs differ from the cosine polar graphs?
Sine graphs hug the y axis while cosine polar graphs hug the x-axis.

e) Explain how you can find the maximum r- values and zeros of each equation. Show this
using an example.
I can find the maximum r-value by looking at the a value. For example, in the graph r=2cos2θ,
the maximum r-value is 2.

Part II:

Graph the following equations using the Desmos link below.

Copy and paste the graphs below using good formating
9. 10.

11. 12.

These curves are called Cardioids. They have a general equation of



a) Describe the difference between a cosine cardioid and a sine cardioid.

A cosine cardioid will point horizontally and lie on the x-axis while a sine cardioid will
point vertically and lie on the y axis.

b) Describe the difference between a graph with an equation and

The difference is that r=a-bcos is reflected across the y axis compared to r=a+bcos.

c) Describe the difference between a graph with an equation and

r=a-bsin is reflected across the x-axis compared to r=absin.

d) Look at the “x-intercepts” and “y-intercepts” of each cardioid, meaning where the
graphs intersect with the quadrantal angles. How can you determine the x and y-intercepts
from the equation of sine? of cosine?

The y-intercepts of the sine cardioid is determined by adding the absolute value of a+b.
The x-intercepts are the a value in the equation r=a+bsin. The inverse is true for the cosine
function. In this case, the sum of a+b is equal to the x-intercept and the a value is the y-intercept.
Part III:

Graph the following equations using the Desmos link below.

Copy and paste the graphs below using good formating

13. 14.

15. 16.
These curves are called Limacons with an inner loop. They have a general equation of



a) What is the difference between the sine and cosine graphs?

The difference between sine and cosine is that the sine graphs are symmetric across the y axis
while the cosine graphs are symmetric across the x-axis.

b) For cosine graphs how can you determine x-intercepts? You can determine the x-
intercept on a cosine graph by adding the “a” and “b” values.

y-intercepts? The y-intercept on a cosine graph is

the “a” value.
c) For sine graphs how can you determine the x-intercepts? For a sine graph, the x-
intercept is the “a” value

the y-intercepts? The y-intercept on a cosine

graph is a+b.

d) How can you calculate the size of the loop? The size of the loop is b-a.

The following graphs are also limacons but are slightly different than #13-16 where
Graph the following equations.

17. 18.

a) What is missing in the graph when ?

When a>b the inner loop is missing.

b) Describe the differences between limacons #17 and #18 and the ones graphed in #13-16.
The difference between the two graphs is that for the ones in #17 and #18 where a>b, the inner
loop is missing and it looks more like a lopsided circle. The x-intercept for cosine graphs when
a>b is still b-a. The graphs in #13-#16 when a<b has the inner loop

Part IV:

Graph the following equations using the Desmos link below.

Copy and paste the graphs below using good formating

** You can only input r= equations into Desmos… Use algebra to create an r= equation.

19. 20.

These graphs are called Lemniscates.

a) Write a general equation using “equation editor” and use a as your variable.
r =a √ cos(2 θ)
r =a √ sin(2 θ)

b) What determines the size of the graph?

The “a” variable determines the size of the graph. The larger the “a” value is longer the graph is.
Part V:

Graph the following equations using the Desmos link below.

Copy and paste the graphs below using good formating

21. 22.

These graphs are called the Spiral of Archimedes.
a) Write a general equation for the Spiral of Archimedes.

b) What effect does changing the number in front of on the graph?

By changing the number in front of the θ it changes the distance between the spirals. The bigger
the number is, the larger the each spiral is.

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