Wordbank Household Pic2

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NAME: ___________________________ DATE: ______________

Word Bank
• Write the names of each kind of chore below the correct pictures.

clean up

cook dinner

cut the grass

do the laundry

feed the cat

iron clothes

make the bed

rake the leaves

sweep the floors

take out the trash


wash the dishes

wash the dog

wash the windows

water the plants

Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. © www.allthingstopics.com

WORD BANK Household Chores
Aim Vocabulary building
Level Beginner to Elementary


Consider following up this vocabulary activity with a short discussion activity (10 minutes).
Ask your learners to circle the chores they do from the list and then number them (with a
pen or pencil), ranking them from most important to least important (1 = most important).
Finally, have your students compare and discuss their answers in small groups – make sure
they give additional information (such as how often they do them).

‘rake the leaves’ pictures credit:


Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. © www.allthingstopics.com

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