Tra Tests

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Transformer biased differential protection.

The group of CTs should be proved forratio

and polarity, and the differential relay proved to operate for phase-phase, andphase-
earth fault injection.
Transformer Restricted Earth FaultProtections. The groups of CTs shall be
proved for ratio and polarityand stability by measuring spill currents.
13- 11kV Secondary Injection Tests
The secondary injection tests will be made to prove the relays, transducers and
meters are operating andmeasuring correctly.
Secondary injection tests will consist of'a.c.' injection into the relay coils to prove that
the relay calibration is correct
A record of the relay type, serial number, and its setting range shall be recorded.-The
secondary current injection shall take place from the point at which the primaryinjection
checks were made on the CTs.
For inverse time relays, the minimum starting current for which the relay will close its
contacts with a maximum time dial setting shall be recorded. The resetting time of
the disc shall b_ recorded, and the time of operation for acurrent injection of twice,
five times and ten times setting current. These results should be carried out on the
relays service setting (or nominal setting if service not known). The results should be
compared with the relay curve supplied by the manufacturer. Also the time setting
multiplier characteristics will be checked at 2 points (setting point +1 other point).
For all relays fitted with a mechanical flag, the flag should operate just before the
contacts make and the flag mechanism should not interfere with the operation of the
The calibration of all instruments and transducers will be checked at scale and full
scale by current and/or voltage injection as appropriate.
14. 11kV Switchgear Contact Resistance Checks
The contact resistance of all primary contacts will be checked by current
injection and voltage drop measurement.
15. 11kV Switchgear Operational
Tests The tests carried out will be:
Local and Remote Operations of all Circuit Breakers
Local and Remote Indications of above
Electrical Interlocks of above
Gas Monitoring Sequence Tests
Alarm Sequence Tests
Tripping Tests including Arc Fault Tripping scheme
Sequence tests will be carried out to prove all electrical circuits are operating correctly
as shown in the schematic diagrams.
The control circuits will be tested by the manual operation of all close-trip Switches
from all positions, for all Circuit Breakers and other devices in accordance with the
schematic diagrams.
The operation of all protection circuits will be proved to be in accordance with the
protective gear schematic diagrams.
The tests will be conducted by manually making every main relay contact and
observing Circuit Breaker tripping, auxiliary relay operation, lock-out relay
operation and any others. Tripping initiated by each relay in a protection scheme will
be tested with the appropriate trip link in and out to prove that the link is connected
and labeled correctly.
The annunciator circuits will be proved to be in accordance with the schematic
diagrams including alarm buzzer and/or bell, lights and any other means of alerting
Operation tests of the alarm circuit will be by operating, at source, each alarm
initiating relay contact, where possible,-or otherwise by simulation.
Operation of each Circuit Breaker disconnect Switch and earthing Switch will be
proved to be free or locked according to the interlock condition shown on the
schematic diagrams.
16.HV Pressure Tests (11kV Equipment)
These tests will be carried out in accordance with the Marugame Works Test Sheets.
The magnitude and duration of the test voltages are given in Table 1
17. Battery and Charger Tests
The batteries and chargers will have already been assembled, checked and put into
service during the pre-commissioning stage by members of the commissioning
team.However certain further tests are now done and others repeated during the
acceptancetesting stage to be witnessed by the client. These tests will be carried out in
accordance with the manufacturers recommended testing procedures and will include
the battery discharge tests.
Multi-Core Cable Tests
All the multi-core cables will have already been checked to be in accordance with
the appropriate termination diagrams during the pre-commissioning stage.
The insulation resistance tests will be repeated during the acceptance testing stage
when they will be witnessed by the client.
Earthing Tests
The erection staff will have originally conducted earthing tests but these will be
repeated during the acceptance testing stage when they will be witnessed by the client.
20. Fire Fighting Equipment Tests
The Subcontractor will have already carried out limited post erection checks, i.e.
mechanical checks including a pressure test on the main tank and air leakage tests on
the air receiver.
The commissioning tests for water spray system will be:-
a) Compressor Sequence Tests
b) Alarm Sequence Tests
c) Indication Sequence Tests
d)Deluge Valve Sequence Tests
e)Discharge and Water Spray Tests
Inter-tripping Tests
The commissioning for the other systems will be:
a)Detector Operation Tests
b)Detector Line Supervision Tests
c) Pushbutton Function Tests
d) Tripping Tests
e)Halon Discharge Test
Dry Powder Discharge Test
Power Systems
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