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Sep/Oct/Nov 2021


Themes in 19th Century history: Power and the Western World

100 Marks

Duration 48 Hours/ 2 days

The examination session opens on 15 November 2021 at 11h00

The examination session closes on 17 November 2021 at 11h00

FIRST: Ms SP Gumede SECOND: Prof FA Mouton

This paper consists of three (3) pages.

General instructions

• The duration of this examination is 48 hours/2 days. You must complete and upload your
answers within this stipulated time.

• You are provided an additional one hour to submit your answer scripts after the official
examination time. Submissions made after the official examination time will be rejected by
the examination regulations and will not be marked.

• You must upload your answer scripts in a single PDF file (answer scripts must not be
password protected or uploaded as “read only” files)

• NO emailed scripts will be accepted.

• You are advised to preview submissions (answer scripts) to ensure legibility and that the
correct answer script file has been uploaded.

• You are permitted to resubmit your answer scripts should your initial submission be

• Incorrect file format and uncollated answer scripts will not be considered.

• Incorrect answer scripts and/or submissions made on unofficial examination platforms

(including the invigilator cellphone application) will not be marked and no opportunity will be
granted for resubmission.


• Mark awarded for incomplete submission will be your final mark. No opportunity for
resubmission will be granted.

• Mark awarded for illegible scanned submission will be your final mark. No opportunity for
resubmission will be granted.

• Submissions will only be accepted from registered student accounts.

• Students suspected of dishonest conduct during the examination will be subjected to

disciplinary processes. UNISA has a zero tolerance for plagiarism and/or any other forms of
academic dishonesty.

• Students experiencing network or load shedding challenges are advised to apply together
with supporting evidence for an aegrotat examination within three days of the examination

• Students experiencing technical challenges, contact the SCSC 080 000 1870 or email or refer to Get-Help for the list of additional contact numbers.
Communication received from your myLife account will be considered.

Instructions for answering the paper:

• The examination paper consists of One (1) essay question.

• Your essay should be about 5 to 6 pages in length and should be properly referenced with
footnotes and a complete bibliography at the end. (Each paragraph should have at least one
footnote reference).

• Your essay should also contain a full, well written introduction and conclusion.

• This is an open-book exam. You may only consult your study guide in preparing your

• Make sure that you acknowledge the study guide in accordance with the Department
style and requirements.

• Internet sources may not be used.

• You are expected to work alone in preparing the exam answer and write in your own words,
except quotations from a source, which should be properly acknowledged.

• Do not copy large blocks of information directly from the study guide, even with a footnote
reference as an acknowledgement.

• The last page of your answer file must include the following declaration statement – please
make sure that you comply with it. By participating in this online examination, you agree to
conduct yourself in a manner consistent with academic honesty standards, and refrain from
any activity that would dishonestly or fraudulently improve your results.



I, ……[NAME AND STUDENT NUMBER]…… declare that this examination is my own original work.
Where secondary material has been used (either from a printed source or from the internet), this has
been carefully acknowledged and referenced in accordance with Departmental requirements. I
understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the Department’s policy in this regard. I have not
allowed anyone else to copy my work.

Signature: ………………………….

Date: ………………..


1. Explain the reasons why Prince Louis Napoleon made the following statement on the
instability of the French political system: “It is very difficult in France to make reforms;
we make revolutions in France, not reforms.” (100)

PAPER TOTAL = 100 marks

UNISA 2021

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