21 Century: Safe House (p7)

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1. Based on the poem, it was Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda who used the
nickname Pepe to change or hide his identity: the authors of the book Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo. He is a prominent protagonist and contributor to Philippine literature and
2. Purgatory is a place where the soul has no direct place to go (whether hell or heaven). He did
not ask heaven because he did evil in this world, but he did not ask hell because he knew he had
done good. Pepe knows or feels that their life will end sooner or later, so he asks him about
3. This refers to doctor Jose Rizal. He is the star who taught us the real situation and what
happened. He is the one who opened our eyes. He was born to fulfill his obligations in this world
and bring hope and light to people. Even he is dead his light is still shining millions of miles away.
4. Dr José Rizal was executed for his novel, which talks about the injustice and brutality suffered
by the Spaniards by the hands of the Filipinos. He was rarely criticized when he exposed his
troubled life under the Spanish government. He has also become the leader of Spain's Filipino
reform movement. It resembles a star in that his work is central and shines in the distance. It
has had a lot of influence, even in faraway areas.
5. He was clearly nervous and scared due to the line, “salt stings my eyes”
6. Rizal’s greatest contribution to Philippine society for me was his poem, A La Juventud Filipina. It
talks about how youths are the hope of the future and I can definitely relate to that. It gave
hope for people to look out for younger generations as we are the ones that can shape the
future of our country.

Safe house (p7)

1. A house used for hiding

2. The idiomatic meaning or what we call an expression where it doesn’t refer to a thing or place
but might touch on a person you might consider as your safe place and a comfortable feeling. A
person whom you trust and have an emotional attachment with. It is used as the title because it
is a place where we find safety and protection.
3. Because she’s in a chaotic place she doesn’t understand.
4. Because in the past, removing nails is a way of torture. The man was obviously tortured. For me,
the visitors imply about the Military in martial law who thinks they’ve got the power to harm the
civilians. Some of the Militaries took advantage while they were close and the president needed
5. From the line “What they do bring is locked inside their heads, the safest of all places” we can
see that the little girl is not fully aware of what martial law is, compared to his father who
experiences the cruelty of Marcos’ authorities’ ruthlessness. She has a different point of view
because she is just a 5-year-old girl who has no clue of what is really going on at that time.
6. As I see it, you can't rule out the possibility that she perceives danger sneaking around every
corner. It could be an instinct alerting her to stay on guard and never put too much belief in
anyone. Signifying safety, locking the door also delineates the borders of your area or property.
She may have an unfavorable reaction to the guest. Yes, of course, I agree with the narrator
because she should protect herself, especially these days. After all, it is hard to trust anyone
anymore, and safety is a must.
7. It affects my perspective on Marcos's authorities on martial law and the people who are against
it. I feel sorry for those people who cannot speak up their opinion and have no freedom because
of Martial law. Well, for me, the way it affects my point of view in martial law is that not all the
time these kinds of laws would be a big help to innocent people. We should listen to those who
are against it, let them speak up. However, after reading the narrative, I am sad for the girl
because her house is no longer a safe haven.

Scaffold 1: (p8)

Adult’s perspective

 Crimes are limited

 Communists and NPAs are jailed
 Some innocents are jailed as well

Similar perspectives

 Peaceful
 Ordained by the president alone
 Former Pres. Marcos is a great president to establish Martial Law

Child’s perspective

 people are well disciplined

 people follows the rules and law
 people respect all people with authority

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