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Name: Kyla Nicole D. Edles Date: Feb.

18, 2022
Section: CBET-19-601A Prof. Renilda Magsino

Retailing, merchandise, category management, category captains, promoting

a retail brand, and tangibility/standardization and ownership are commonly used in
the marketing world. In order to fully understand those terms, I will explain them
briefly. Retailing is the act or process of obtaining products and/or services from a
manufacturer, supplier, or distributor and selling them to the end consumer, which
is known as retailing. Retailing, in certain ways, serves as a direct link between the
buyer and the rest of the supply chain. Merchandise refers to a wide range of items,
including both personal and commercial goods, as well as commodities that are
sold to the general public or to other businesses and organizations.

Retailers place a high value on categorizing their products. Effective

category grouping enables retailers to perform collective retail marketing
initiatives, such as merchandising and promotions, while without category
grouping, merchants would be forced to isolate retail marketing efforts to specific
product lines. It is the technique of managing retail businesses that market category
outcomes rather than the contribution of brands or models that is known as
Category Management. Category management is the process through which
retailers' activities such as promotional, price, and display are classified into
categories with the goal of analyzing their financial and marketing effectiveness
individually. It is possible for shops to generate more profit on comparable items
by putting out different efforts, and it is also possible to enhance the consumer
experience by using this strategy. Generally speaking, the category captain is
defined as the top performing vendor, supplier, or manufacturer inside a certain
category. This category captain collaborates with the retailer in order to give
relevant customer data, enhance performance in their category, and raise total
profit and revenue.

In the business of selling things in limited amounts to clients in fixed places

for their final consumption, retailing is referred to as the process. Especially in
today's market, when the end-user has several choices, it is critical for retailers to
effectively advertise their brands amongst the general public and consumers.
Promoting a retail brand can be through signage, advertising such as billboards,
coupons, and private labels. Signage or signboards are very effective in raising
brand recognition and marketing a specific product or service. Advertising is a
powerful medium that can influence a customer's purchasing choice and motivate
him to shop. The shopkeeper must make certain that the unique selling points
(USPs) of his brand are effectively communicated to his target consumers using a
variety of advertising mediums. To encourage end-users to click on the
advertisements, they must be appealing to the eye. Physical items that can be felt,
seen, heard, or smelled are referred to be tangible in marketing terminology.
Tangible marketing practices using sales promotion items to increase brand
recognition and customer loyalty in order to increase sales. Often, this can be done
in advance of buying. You can test-drive a car, smell the perfume, work the
numerical controls of a milling machine, inspect the seller’s steam-generating
installation, and pretest an extruding machine.

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