Analyzing The Salient Parts of The Learning Plan

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Activity no.

Name: Hernalyn A. Gajo
Course/Year: BSED 3
Analyzing the Salient Parts of the Learning Plan
Identify and describe the parts of the learning plan you have read. Write your observations
below. Kindly submit your answer in the LMS.

Content Standard- this specification of what all learners are expected to know and be able to do
within a particular lesson or topic.
- Like in the learning plan 2, Simplified to be Simple! The Content Standard there
specified the expected learning and skills of the students in 12 days. This Content
Standard came from the curriculum guide of the K-12 program.
Performance Standard- it specify the level of performance in a skill of a learner.
- This Performance standard from the curriculum guide sets as the concrete statements of
how well students must learn of what is set out in the content standards.
Learning Competencies- it describes as a general statement that use of desired knowledge, skills,
behaviors and abilities for the learners.
Unit Summary- it is the summary of the topics or lesson to be discuss like in the learning plan 2
it sum up what to be discuss for the 12 days.
Students Objectives/ Learning Outcomes- if the learning competencies describes as a general
statements in the objectives /learning outcome are statements that describe the knowledge or
skills students should acquire by the end of a particular lesson.
Daily Procedures- In the learning plan daily procedures is the body of your lesson plan, here’s it
teaches the ways of a teacher will share information with the learners and the methods will use to
help them assume a measure of mastery of that material.
Pre-requisite Skills- In learning plan pre-requisite skills is anything learners need to know or
understand first before learning or understanding something new.
Material and Sources required for the unit- learning plan also need a materials and sources for us
to deliver what the students need to understand but also it is important that the materials and
sources must relevant to the lesson. For example given in the 12 days the materials and sources
used there is relevant to the topic Mathematics.
Accommodation for Different Instruction- In teaching not only normal students could benefit the
knowledge came from the teacher but also the need of a special students must be accommodated.
Giving them what they need space for them to learn.
Students Assessment- It is part in the learning plan that students must assess or test their
understanding of what they have learned. By testing understanding during the lesson and after as
teacher you will know how far the students know and to connect in the lesson.

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